concept war – a day at the louvre

“In the beginning there was darkness…And then the misty blue stars above illuminated the onyx night skies when this land was only a vast desert without any form of life…And the one blinked into existence. He was the Omega and Alpha of Humanity; Male: Infinity was neither Divine nor mortal. Tales have it that Male: Infinity was the father of Joe and Jane the original Humans whom were the parents of Adam and Eve. Male: Infinity cheated the Heavens only to reward Humanity. He forged Eden with the help of your marker. He rewarded Humanity with survival. He also cursed Humanity with nightmares. Your maker cursed Male: Infinity for interfering with his intervention. Your maker has always been a selfish but a savage Being.” Atiya interrupts Brother Joe by saying, “Whatever happened to him?” Brother Joe says, “I do not have the slightest idea.” Raymond says, “That’s bullshit! Ya always hittin’ us with some random ass stories.”

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Post on 26-Dec-2015




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Divine War


Page 1: Concept War – A Day at the Louvre

“In the beginning there was darkness…And then the misty blue stars above illuminated the onyx

night skies when this land was only a vast desert without any form of life…And the one blinked

into existence. He was the Omega and Alpha of Humanity; Male: Infinity was neither Divine nor

mortal. Tales have it that Male: Infinity was the father of Joe and Jane the original Humans

whom were the parents of Adam and Eve. Male: Infinity cheated the Heavens only to reward

Humanity. He forged Eden with the help of your marker. He rewarded Humanity with survival.

He also cursed Humanity with nightmares. Your maker cursed Male: Infinity for interfering with

his intervention. Your maker has always been a selfish but a savage Being.”

Atiya interrupts Brother Joe by saying, “Whatever happened to him?”

Brother Joe says, “I do not have the slightest idea.”

Raymond says, “That’s bullshit! Ya always hittin’ us with some random ass stories.”

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Brother Joe says, “These stories are neither random nor fabricated, they are true. There are so

many stories throughout history that has been erased by man or forgotten with the help of the

Concept Men.”

Marilyn adds, “It is true. He is telling the truth, guys.”

Brother Joe smirks while saying, “Have you ever heard of the story of Boulus and Goliath?”

Atiya says, “No.”

Marilyn throws her left hand in the air with excitement while yelling, “I have! I have!”

Raymond says, “Who is he?”

Brother Joe says, “Who was he! He was David’s older brother whom was killed by Goliath.”

Raymond says, “So that’s why David killed the Goliath?”

Brother Joe says, “See, there is more to this forgotten tale than the obvious. Maybe I will tell you

guys some other time. We are at Lourve Rivoli, time to go.”

Brother Joe, Marilyn, Atiya, and Raymond exit the rail cart. Few minutes later they’re walking

into the Louvre Museum. Atiya is wearing a huge smile on her face as she’s saying,

“I can’t wait to see the Mona Lisa! My heart is pounding.”

Brother Joe says, “I met her once.”

Raymond says, “Mona Lisa was a real person?”

Brother Joe, Atiya, and Marilyn stare at Raymond wearing blank expressions as Atiya says,

“Awwww you’re so cute. Listen, babe, I’ll do all of the thinking and you'll just break things.

Let’s keep it like that.”

Raymond says, “What?! I didn’t know she was real.”

The quartet continues to walk into the crowded museum as the group heckles Raymond.

Four Hours Later

Atiya says, “OMG! She was so beautiful! Almost five hundred years old and her colors are still

vivid! I would never dream that I would make it here to see her.”

Brother Joe says, “She was not a good looking Human Being back in her day.”

Atiya says, “Stop it! She was beautiful.”

Brother Joe says, “If you think being unattractive is beautiful then great.”

Marilyn says, “Was that a hint of sarcasm?”

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Atiya says, “Da Vinci painted her so well. How could she have been ugly?”

Brother Joe says, “Da Vinci was a mad man, he was a tyrant of ants.”

Raymond says, “What the hell does that even mean?”

Brother Joe says, “Let me tell you all about beauty! Now Phillis Wheatley, Coretta Scott, Ruby

Dee and my sweetheart, Zora Neale Hurston…Hm, I miss Zora dearly. The Human Race has a

lot of unattractive Beings but the one I have in mind are astounding.”

Atiya says, “You’re just saying those women because you’re Black!”

Brother Joe says, “Erroneous! Those were some lovely women! And only Realm: Earth notices

my skin complexion.”

Raymond interrupts by saying, “Wait, wait, wait! We’re just gonna over look the fact that Zora

Neale might’ve been a booty call to Joey?!”

Brother Joe intensely gazes into Raymond’s brown eyes for a moment then utters,

“I plead the fifth.”

Raymond says, “See! See! I know booty calls when I see ‘em!”

Brother Joe says, “Excuse me, please. I am going to the restroom.”

Brother Joe calmly walks away from the table that the group is having lunch at. Brother Joe

enters the bathroom with four men who are already occupying the space. Two are standing at the

urinal, one is in a stall, and another is washing his hands. Brother Joe goes to a stall before he

could relieve himself there is a faint scratch at the wall of his stall. Brother Joe slowly places his

ear to the stall next to him and a massive hand crashes through the stall’s wall only to palms

Brother Joe’s face, ripping him out of his stall and throwing him through six stalls. Brother Joe’s

speed is broken as he crashes into a tiled white wall. The three other men begin to stomp Brother

Joe upon his brutal landing to the bathroom floor. Brother Joe grabs one guy’s foot and throws

him into the mirrors. He then leg sweeps another attacker causing him to fall to the floor; he

slams the heel of his boot into the man’s skull, and he quickly leaps to his feet and bashes the

other man’s face into the hand dryer. The massive, muscular, tall man crashes out of the stalls

rampaging towards Brother Joe. Brother Joe rips a sink off the wall and bashes it across the

monolith’s face, only dazing him. Brother Joe swiftly leg swipes the man only for him to land

onto the exposed pipe that’s gushing water out of it. The pipe impales the man’s head only for

his head to explode from the water pressure; blood splatters all over the white walls. Brother Joe

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begins to exit the bathroom only for him to notice that the four men are healing from their

assault. Brother Joe mumbles, “No, no, no! We have to leave.”

Brother Joe turns to exit the bathroom only to be tased by a smiling Joe. Brother Joe drops to the

floor twitching as Joe says,

“Hello, my dear brother.”

Back At the Lunch Table

Raymond says, “So you’re tellin’ me that Nat Turner was a Concept Man?”

Marilyn says, “Not exactly, he was more of a Divine Being like you two.”

Raymond says, “Then what were his gifts.”

Marilyn says, “Strength and hope.”

Raymond says, “Like Obama?!”

Marilyn says, “Not quite but he was special and a beautiful man.”

Raymond says, “Nat Turner, my mother fuckin’ ni—”

Raymond is suddenly tasered causing him to pass out from the high voltage, his face to fall into

his food. The women look on in awe as their jaws are dropped. Joe is walking toward the table

wearing a smile on his face. He says,

“We meet again, Atiya.”

Atiya begins to cry and tremble at the sight of Joe as Marilyn then turns to her screaming,


Atiya says, “No! I’m not leaving you two! ”

Marilyn smiles while saying, “Go. I got this.”

Atiya runs into the panicking crowd that’s exiting the cafeteria, leaving only Marilyn, Joe, and

his acolytes. Joe says,

“What are you going to do to us, human?”

Marilyn says, “I do not know. Hold you all off, that is kind of my plan.”

Joe says, “Please kill her.”

Joe’s acolytes race toward Marilyn as she’s charging toward them, screaming. She fly kicks one

man in the face; breaking his nose on connection, she breaks a man’s jaw from an open palm

punch, she gracefully snaps another man’s neck, she impales another man’s eyes with a knife

and fork, she shatters a man’s kneecaps, she does a sliding leg sweep then leaps from the ground

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stomping on a man chest; twisting on impact, she then breaks both arms of a man, and she finally

slams another's face through a table. Only men left standing are Joe and the monolith. The

monolith approaches Marilyn in such an intimidating manner. Marilyn sizes the giant up with

one glance while he towers over her. She utters,

“Are you sure you want to go down this road?”

The Monolith replies, “Hm.”

He then swings on Marilyn but she smoothly dodges his powerful punch and then patiently

chops the monolith in the throat, then snaps his arm at the elbow, and finally stabs the man in his

forehead with his own exposed bone. The giant drops to Marilyn’s feet, she then kindly steps

over his body, and then says,

“I forgot to mention that I use to be a Concept Woman of Yip Man. I learned a thing or two

during his lifetime.”

Joe closes his eyes in aggravation and utters, “Fuck this.”

Joe tases Marilyn, one thousand two hundred volts surges through her body, dropping her


Atiya races toward the armed guards crying in the main lobby of the museum, “Help, help.

They’re killing my friends!”

Guard says, “Who? What’s going on?”

A voice screams out, “Hey, hun, duck!”

Rapid gun fire cuts down the guards of the museum and the people who are trying to escape the

mayhem in the cafeteria. Atiya finds cover behind the information desk in the center of the main

hall. The fire stops within seconds but Atiya continues to heavily pant as she sits on the floor

crying. Footsteps slowly approach her, only to reveal to be Fritz. Fritz smiles while looking

down, saying,


Atiya begins to frantically crawl away from Fritz only for him to quickly grab her right ankle. He

then bashes the back of her head with the butt of his assault rifle. He kicks her over on her back

then straddles her only to wrap his hands around her throat. He tightly squeezes as he’s pushing

his thumbs into her throat. Atiya’s eyes fill with tears as she’s gasping for air, scratching at

Fritz’s scared, grim face. She’s trying to fight him off be nothing works. Hatred is in his eyes as

he presses down on her throat with all of his body weight. Fritz says,

Page 6: Concept War – A Day at the Louvre

“You fuckin’ Heeb cunt. You fuckin’ left me to burn and now I’m gonna fuck ya pussy ‘til ya


Atiya is gasping for air as her body begins to become weaken with each gasp. A voice screams

out from beyond,


Joe charges towards the two screaming, “FRITZ!!!! Get off of her! Get off of her now!”

Fritz whispers to Atiya, “I’m not gonna kill ya, I just want cha to cherish this moment. Shhhh.

It’s almost over, hun.”

Joe screams, “FRITZ! Get the fuck off of her!!!”

Joe jams the taser gun into Fritz’s mouth and then squeezes the trigger at the highest voltage. As

the guns sparks in Fritz mouth, Joe then slams his elbow on the top of Fritz’s skull causing him

to bite down on the gun. The high voltage blows his eye balls out of his skull with blood pouring

out of his ears, nose, and mouth. Fritz finally drops as Atiya looks up at Joe then she passes out.

Joe calmly stands tall over the dead bodies on the museum floor. He calmly is staring at his

smoking left hand, the same hand he used to hold the taser gun. Joe holds his phone to his ear

with his right hand while saying,

“Send in the recovery team. We got everything we came for. Restrain Fritz, he has gone insane.

We have five minutes to clear out.”

If someone is caught kidnapping a fellow Israelite and treating or selling them as a slave,

the kidnapper must die. You must purge the evil from among you. –Deuteronomy

Divine War – A Day At The Louvre