concept testing and prelaunch study of online mba degree program

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  • 8/3/2019 Concept Testing and Prelaunch Study of Online Mba Degree Program



    T E R M P A P E R



    PROGRAMBased upon a survey conducted among 50 respondents comprising of students and

    professionals in Lahore

    Submitted to: Mr. Mohsin Muslim

    10th December, 2011

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    E X E C U T I V E S U M M A R Y

    The technology has embraced the innovative learning methodologies. New interactive media is

    in use now for delivering educational information. E-Learning has taken the place of traditionalface-to-face educational environment. E-Learning is the learning style empowered by digital

    technology. Though, this new learning paradigm is very attractive approach for both learners and

    instructor; the growth of web-based learning media is very low. The main beneficiary of any

    educational environment is the learner. The satisfaction of the learner is inevitable for successful

    implementation of web-based educational environment.

    This term paper is showing the factors which are playing influential role towards students and

    professionals web-base learning satisfaction. The methodology adopted to obtain information by

    administrating a face-to-face survey that was conducted among 50 respondents comprising of

    university students and professionals. A 50% quota was used for both students and professionals.The professionals were interviewed using a snowballing non-probability sampling technique.

    The research team used both snowballing and systematic random sampling technique to

    interview students.

    After analyzing results of the data collected we conclude that Fast school of business should not

    execute this concept at present because it has a low TOM and SOM recall of its currently offered

    MBA. The perceived value against money was low as 62% did not think that they could gain

    much value out of this program. 46% Respondents replies indicated that they are less willing to

    enroll in this program.

    Fast school of Business should not discard this idea because it has the potential to be executed

    since the believability of this concept is 74% and majority respondents (68%) also agreed to

    universities should offer online degree programs.

    Our respondents attitude towards technology, their computer efficacy, and instructor response,

    friendly interface of the online learning environment and proper facilitation of technical matters

    are the factors that influence their satisfaction towards online education. The client is suggested

    to consider these factors for successful virtual education implementation.

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    Project description

    This research project was assigned by our course instructor Mr. Mohsin Muslim in Marketing

    Research. The objective of it is to familiarize students about basic procedure which must be

    followed while conducting any type of research study. Producing authentic research results is a

    paramount responsibility lying with the researcher and any standard procedure which can ensurethat, should be well studied and followed by all people undertaking research. All the research

    work conducted by the group has been done after a sound understanding of the research process

    studied in the class.

    Fast school of business, a reputed university serves as client of the research project. The

    assumption is that the top management of this university wants to expand its academic teaching

    base by introducing online MBA degree program. The university wants to take an innovator role

    by simultaneously offering traditional and contemporary teaching facilities to graduate students.

    It is a worthy project because it will also significantly facilitate great number of students who

    often are confronted with the dilemma of opting for job or completing masters after graduation

    due to time, and finance limitations.

    Project goal statement

    We defined our project goal statement as to efficiently and effectively complete our project

    within the timeline provided and unite our individual proficiencies to produce a quality research


    Project scope

    It was felt that by undertaking a detailed study on promoting online MBA degree program by

    Fast school of business, hidden issues could be brought to light and addressed to ensure these

    issues do not impede the adoption of e-learning by the university. By identifying both the

    obstacles and the positive attitudes held by its target market, the results of this study could form

    the basis for a department-wide e-learning implementation plan. The results could also be used to

    build future efforts aimed at implementing e-learning not only in the Management sciences

    department, but in other departments throughout the Fast University.

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    Importance of the research

    E-Learning is a new tool which has the potential to enhance and support the traditional learning

    system and already it is becoming an integral part of the learning tools used by every educational

    organization. The research will provide the client with an opportunity to better understand the

    needs of its target market and their receptiveness to the concept of e-learning. The research

    project will also help the client to realize an important fact that e-learning in the traditional

    university environment does not mean that it will replace completely the traditional learning

    mode. It can be incorporated in the existing system only to enhance it not to replace the f2f

    classroom training.

    Research Objectives

    This study was guided by the following research objectives:


    To gauge the willingness and need of university students for online MBA program2. To gauge the receptiveness of professionals towards online MBA program

    3. To identify and list the potential problems that may impediment the successful imple

    mentation of such a program

    4. To provide appropriate recommendations for making this E-learning MBA degree pr

    ogram a success in FAST.

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    Educational processes have undergone many changes during the last century. From print learning

    materials mailed to students homes, to educational radio broadcasts, to educational television

    programming, to recent forays in interactive Web-based e-learning, ongoing technological

    changes have been reflected in the evolving role of teachers and students in the learning

    equation. Technological changes particularly Web-based e-learning technologies have

    resulted in new curriculum design and teaching strategies, new and emerging organizational

    structures, and it has even transformed learning itself. To be effective, technology and teachers

    must work together to provide challenging learning opportunities. At the nine case study sites,

    technology serves the goals of education reform by contributing to:

    Student learning through involvement with authentic, challenging tasks

    New roles for students and teachers

    Professionalization of teachers

    Creation of a culture that supports learning both in the classroom and beyond the school


    Innovations in teaching and learning have emerged, and educators are in the midst of becoming

    more adept at using new educational technologies. This fact is reflected in our changing

    language. Terms such as open education, distance education, distance learning, virtual

    learning, remote learning, online learning, and e-learning are now part of educators

    everyday lexicon. Use of such terminology helps to define and shape the creative innovations

    taking place. However, many overlaps can be seen within these terms. Urdan and Weggen

    (2000), for instance, found that that online learning constitutes just one part of e-learning; and

    further define it as learning processes that take place via the Internet and in blended classroom

    contexts. They specified that e-learning covers a wide spectrum of applications and processes,

    including virtual classrooms and digital collaboration.

    Several research studies have covered effective pedagogical strategies for online teaching.

    Partlow and Gibbs, for instance, found from a Delphi study of experts in instructional technology

    and constructivism that online courses designed from constructivist principles should be relevant,

    interactive, project-based, and collaborative, while providing learners with some choice or

    control over their learning.11

    Additionally, Keeton investigated effective online instructional

    practices based on a framework of effective teaching practices in face-to-face instruction in

    higher education. In this study, Keeton interviewed faculty in postsecondary institutions, who

    rated the effectiveness of online instructional strategies. These instructors gave higher ratings toonline instructional strategies that "create an environment that supports and encourages inquiry,"

    "broaden the learner's experience of the subject matter," and "elicit active and critical reflection

    by learners on their growing experience base."

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    E-learning is commonly referred to the intentional use of networked information and

    communications technology in teaching and learning.

    The delivery and administration of learning opportunities and support via computer, networked

    and web-based technology to help individual performance and development.- (Pollard and

    Hillage, 2001, 20)

    This is a deliberately wide definition which predominantly includes the use of the Internet,

    intranets and CD-ROMs, but also includes video conferencing, satellite-delivered lecturing, and

    virtual educational networks.

    E-learning in Pakistan

    Innovations in teaching and learning have emerged throughout the century, and educators are in

    the midst of becoming more adept at using new educational technologies. The advance change in

    technology has transformed the way of learning from books to internet surfing and from

    traditional classes to e-learning. The concept of distance learning is not a new phenomenon in

    Pakistan, where institutions such as Allama Iqbal Open University have been providing for

    distance education since 1974. What is new, however, is the way in which digital media and

    information computer technologies are shaping the methodology of delivering distance education

    and adding efficiency, convenience, interactivity and outreach to learning programs in the form

    of e-learning. The e-learning environments provide students with dynamic, interactive nonlinear

    access to a wide range of information represented as text, graphics, animation, audio, and video.

    Although there are many advantages related to e-learning which Pakistan can exploit but

    Unfortunately Pakistan has not been able to take advantage of the possibilities offered by e-

    learning. Of many causes behind this status are institutional and technical infrastructure, culture,

    computer literacy and access are some of the major challenges. On the other hand governments

    commitment to promote e-learning in the country is encouraging and initiatives such as the

    establishment of the Virtual University (VU) are commendable. The Virtual University (VU),

    which is a project of the government in collaboration with the private sector, was designed on a

    modern platform of a Hybrid model of knowledge delivery to provide quality distance education

    through broadcast media and the Internet, in order to build a critical mass of information

    computer technology professionals within the country. The Virtual University aims at bringing

    together scattered teaching resources on to a single platform and make it available across the

    country at an affordable cost. Although some steps have been taken towards the development ofe-learning but Pakistan has yet to go a long way in reaping the unique socio-economic benefits of


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    Study Design: The research design made use of the both quantitative and qualitative

    methodologies in the following ways:

    1. QUALITATIVE: Exploratory research was conducted by making use of:

    a. In-depth interview with the industry experts and faculty members

    b. Focus group

    I n - d e p t h i n t e r v i e w : The chief source of gathering information in our

    qualitative research phase was in-depth interviews with industry experts and faculty members of

    Fast school of business. 3 in-depth interviews were conducted over a period of one week (13th


    October 2011) with 2 people from the business world and 1 faculty member who

    provided extremely valuable information which consequently aided us in forming hypothesis for

    our research project. The interviewer was guided by a discussion guide through the interview.

    The discussion guide is attached in the appendix I. Details of these interviews are as follows:


    Category Designation ofthe interviewee

    Method Duration Date Time ofmeeting


    1. Industry Expert ProjectManager


    35 min 13th




    2 . Faculty member AssistantProfessor


    30 min 19th


    3.20pm-3.50 pm

    Interviewees office

    3 . Industry expert Marketing


    23 min 20th




    Conferenceroom of

    Interviewees workplace

    F o c u s g r o u p : The second important source through which the team gathered

    information for exploratory study was by way of conducting focus group. The focus group was

    conducted among 5 graduate students who participated with great zeal and put in their

    constructive input. The moderator prepared a focus group discussion guide and followed it for

    the proceedings of the group discussion. The guide is attached in the appendix II. Details of the

    focus group are as follows:

    Moderator No ofparticipants

    Duration Date Time ofmeeting


    Sarosh Asad 5 42 min 20th

    October 2.30pm-3.12pm


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    Findings: After conducting three in-depth interviews, the research team was able to clearly

    identify some significant points that kept arising in all the interviews. These key highlights were

    important in forming the hypothesis for the research which is why we have mentioned them


    MBA is highly important in the business world

    People are accustomed to working in their old ways. Adaptation is a difficult task

    E-learning is an important but nevertheless an intricate approach to implement in

    Pakistan due to lack of awareness, no physical communication between instructor and

    students, poor infrastructure and resistance of faculty to be a part of such program.

    With proper technology, quality assurance, faculty support and stringent examination

    policy e-learning can become a potential investment for any institution.

    Professionals will be the best target market.

    Traditional cant be replaced with virtual educational system completely because

    there is still important roles in traditional university (such as discipline, practicalexperience, and social activities) however e-learning will be considered an important

    learning tool for all due to increasing time constraints in the future.

    Present might not be the right time to promote e-learning in Pakistan but universities

    should not discard the idea and keep working upon it to be exploited at the right time

    with complete resources.

    The focus group discussion with graduate student brought up slightly different ideas. The key

    highlights of the focus group were:

    E-learning will facilitate students considerably but might be disadvantageous for

    students studying at campus

    Current faculty of Fast school of business should not be assigned for teaching for the

    online MBA program.

    The university should target professionals and people from overseas as its target

    market for its online program

    The university should initiate awareness about E-learning at a smaller scale for e.g. a

    blended e-learning approach which mixes traditional f2f and online learning or offer

    diplomas in specialized courses via online.

    Online program should be offered only if the university can ensure quality provision.


    Based on the findings from the exploratory research the group formulated its hypothesis as:

    Professionals will prefer online MBA degree program offered by Fast school of Business more

    than the universitystudents

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    2. QUANTITATIVE: Conclusive research was conducted to quantitatively assess the

    receptiveness of the respondents towards introducing E-learning.

    Data sources:Sources of data will include chiefly of:

    1. Respondentsa. Professionals

    b. University students

    Method:The method and sampling plan of collecting data from the respondents at a glance is

    as follows:

    Population University students


    Sample size 50Sampling plan Quota sampling


    Systematic random sampling

    Extent Lahore

    Time The survey was conducted in 5 days starting from 28th







    Data collection Face-to-Face administered survey using

    tablet (IPad)

    Data Analysis Descriptive statistics were calculated by using the

    Statistical Analysis tool SPSS

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    Population: Our population for the research project includes all university students and

    professionals since they are best suited to be the target market and prefer online MBA degree


    Sample size:The sample size is 50 because it was predetermined by the course instructor to

    be deemed adequate for conducting research at this stage of our research career.

    Sampling plan:The sampling plan for our research project makes use of both probability and

    non- probability sampling. The following sampling techniques have been used:

    Quota sampling: The first sampling technique that has been used is fixing a quota

    among our two types of respondents i.e. students and professionals. The group

    decided on a 50% quota for both.

    Snowballing: The snowballing sampling technique was employed next. Due to time

    and financial constraints, the group was obliged to make use of referencing in

    reaching out professionals as well as students from universities other than FAST.

    Systematic random sampling: To reach out students from Fast school of

    Business the group randomly picked 5 classes out of 70 in Management sciences

    department and picked 2 respondents from each class. The first respondents and then

    next 5th person was selected.

    Investigative technique: The questionnaire consisted of 19 questions grouped into four

    sections related to the Receptiveness and willingness of respondents towards an online MBA

    degree program if offered by FAST school of business. The first section included 3questions

    regarding respondents awareness of the current MBA offered by Fast school of Business . Thesecond section included 4 questions about the respondents receptiveness towards e-learning.

    The third section included items regarding predictions about brand positioning of MBA currently

    offered by Fast University in comparison with other reputed universities. The final section

    included telling respondents about the concept and inquiring about its believability, perceived

    value against money, and most liked and disliked features. The questionnaire ends with a small

    section about demographic information about the respondents.

    Scaling techniques

    We chose Non- Comparative scaling techniques in order to design our final questionnaire forsurvey. Our questionnaire included both open and close ended questions in order to welcome all

    kind of ideas and insights.

    We used:

    I. Closed ended questions

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    Q: Are you aware of any institute offering online degree?

    Yes No

    II. Itemized Rating scale

    Likert Scale

    Q: Up to what extent do you agree that online degree programs be promoted by universities?

    Strongly disagree cant say anything strongly agree

    III. Open-ended Questions

    Q: what is your most liked feature of this concept?

    Data collection:Data was collected from the respondents face-to-face. The interviewee had

    with him/her the questionnaire and used it to present different question to the respondent. The

    interviewee used instructions on the questionnaire which guided him through different sections

    of the questionnaire. The responses from the respondents were directly coded on the tablet held

    by the interviewees partner.

    Data Analysis: For the purpose of analyzing data Descriptive statistics such as simple

    frequency and averages were calculated using statistical analysis tool SPSS.

    Information sought for hypothesis testing

    The research team gauged an understanding of information needed to test the validity of the

    formulated hypothesis. The team needed to answer following questions,

    How important is it to stay abreast with current modes of learning

    How familiar are our respondents about the concept of e-learning

    Can traditional university system be replaced with online university

    What major benefits could be reaped from such an online program

    Will the respondents be interested in doing online MBA , if offered by FAST Schoolof Business

    What features should the online program have in order for the respondents to be more

    willing to participate

    What potential obstacles will be faced by university in implementing such an

    initiative according to the faculty staff

    1 1


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    This section of the report is subdivided into the following sections:

    SECTION I: Concept Testing

    SECTION II: Receptiveness towards E-learning

    SECTION III: Brand Positioning

    SECTION IV: Awareness of FASTs MBA program

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    SECTION I: Concept Testing

    The respondents were explained the purpose of our research explicitly at the end of the

    questionnaire. The interviewee explained the concept in the following way:

    Concept: Fast school of Business plans on promoting e-learning. The top management of this

    university wants to expand its academic teaching base by introducing online MBA

    degree program. The university wants to take an innovator role by simultaneously

    offering traditional and contemporary teaching facilities to graduate students

    This concept was presented to the respondents who had to score it on the following dimensions:


    Perceived value against money

    Price intention

    Readiness to enroll

    Most liked feature

    Most disliked feature

    Intention to recommend others

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    The Believability of the following concept was tested*:

    Concept: Fast school of Business plans on promoting e-learning. The top management of this

    university wants to expand its academic teaching base by introducing online MBA

    degree program. The university wants to take an innovator role by simultaneously

    offering traditional and contemporary teaching facilities to graduate students

    Table 1.1: Believability of the concept Base: 50Responses Frequency Percentages (%) Cumulative %

    I dont like it at all 0 0 0 I dont like it 11 22.0 22.0

    Cant say anything 2 4.0 26.0

    I like it 20 40.0 66.0

    I like it very much 17 34.0 100.0

    Total 50 100.0

    Source: Concept testing and prelaunch research study conducted by students of Fast school of business in Lahore 2011

    Discussion on findings

    The respondents were inquired about the believability of the concept and according to theirresponses 74% of the respondents held a believable view towards the concept where as 22 % did

    not deem the concept believable. Out of the 74 %, 34 enthusiastically supported the concept and

    40 only supported. There were also a small percentage of the respondents (4%) which held a

    neutral stance and opted to take neither side. But there was no respondent who held an extreme

    negative view about the concept. Thus the results indicate the majority of the respondents rated

    the believability of the concept positively.

    *A following question was asked to respondents on a Likert scale

    Q: To what degree would you rank the believability of the concept of initiating online MBA degree program by

    Fast school of Business?

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    Price Intention

    The Price intention of the following concept was tested*:

    Concept: Fast school of Business plans on promoting e-learning. The top management of this

    university wants to expand its academic teaching base by introducing online MBA

    degree program. The university wants to take an innovator role by simultaneously

    offering traditional and contemporary teaching facilities to graduate studentsTable 1.2: Price intention of the concept Base: 50

    Responses Frequency Percentages (%) Cumulative %

    At Rs. 150000

    o No 11 22 22.0

    o Cant say anything 2 4 26.0

    o Yes 37 74 100.0

    Total 50 100.0

    At Rs. 200000

    o No 12 24 24.0

    o Cant say anything 16 34 56.0

    o Yes 22 42 100.0

    Total 50 100.0

    At Rs. 250000

    oNo 30 60 60.0

    o Cant say anything 17 34 94.0

    o Yes 3 6 100.0

    Total 50 100.0

    Source: Concept testing and prelaunch research study conducted by students of Fast school of business in Lahore 2011

    Discussion on findings

    The findings indicate that most respondents deem the price level Rs. 150,000 as most suitable

    price for this program as 74% said that they will definitely enroll at this price level and only 22

    % held a no response. Respondents were not that sure at price level of Rs. 200,000 where 34%

    simply took a neutral stance and positive response to enroll fell from 74 to 42 %. Results clearly

    indicate that Rs.250000 is certainly not preferable since majority (60%) replied no and only 6 %

    were willing to enroll at this price level.

    *A following question was asked to respondents on a Likert scale

    Q: At what price level would you prefer to enroll in this program?

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    Perceived Value Against Money

    The Perceived value against money of the following concept was tested*:

    Concept: Fast school of Business plans on promoting e-learning. The top management of this

    university wants to expand its academic teaching base by introducing online MBA

    degree program. The university wants to take an innovator role by simultaneously

    offering traditional and contemporary teaching facilities to graduate studentsTable 1.3: Perceived Value against Money of the concept Base: 50

    Responses Frequency Percentage Cumulative %

    None 0 0 0

    Only a little 31 62.0 62.0

    Cant say anything 2 4.0 66.0

    Sufficient 17 34.0 100.0

    Very much 0 0

    Total 50 100.0

    Source: Concept testing and prelaunch research study conducted by students of Fast school of business in Lahore 2011

    Discussion on findings

    A large percentage of respondents (62%) did not think that there exists any substantial value to

    be gained from this concept. The number of respondents who believed that there exists a

    sufficient amount of perceived value against money that can b e gained from this concept wasonly 17 forming a total percentage of 34%. There was a small minority of 4% that maintained a

    neutral stance.

    *A following question was asked to respondents on a Likert scale

    Q: What according to you is the perceived value against money of this concept?

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    Readiness to enroll

    The Readiness to enroll in the following concept was measured*:

    Concept: Fast school of Business plans on promoting e-learning. The top management of this

    university wants to expand its academic teaching base by introducing online MBA

    degree program. The university wants to take an innovator role by simultaneously

    offering traditional and contemporary teaching facilities to graduate studentsTable 1.4: Readiness to enroll Base: 50

    Responses Frequency Percentages Cumulative %

    Not at all 9 18.0 18.0

    No 14 28.0 46.0

    Cant say anything 5 10.0 56.0

    Yes 18 36.0 92.0

    Yes, very much 4 8.0 100.0

    Total 50 100.0

    Source: Concept testing and prelaunch research study conducted by students of Fast school of business in Lahore 2011

    Discussion on findings

    The responses from the respondents indicated greater shift towards a negative response about

    enrollment in this program since 46 % held that they will not enroll in the program where as 10%

    remained undecided. However a substantial percentage of respondents were also willing toparticipate in this program by getting them enrolled. Percentage of such respondents amounted to

    44 out of which 8% were very much willing.

    *A following question was asked to respondents on a Likert scale

    Q: Up to what extent would you be willing to participate in this program?

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    Readiness to enroll in collaboration with University of Georgia, USA

    The Readiness to enroll in the following concept given that the last semester of the program is to

    be spent at university of Georgia was measured*:

    Concept: Fast school of Business plans on promoting e-learning. The top management of this

    university wants to expand its academic teaching base by introducing online MBA

    degree program. The university wants to take an innovator role by simultaneously

    offering traditional and contemporary teaching facilities to graduate studentsTable 1.5: Readiness to enroll with collaboration of UOG, USA Base: 50

    Responses Frequency Percentages Cumulative %

    Not at all 0 0 0

    No 11 22.0 22.0

    Cant say anything 2 4.0 26.0

    Yes 31 62.0 88.0

    Most definitely 6 12.0 100.0

    Total 50 100.0

    Source: Concept testing and prelaunch research study conducted by students of Fast school of business in Lahore 2011

    Discussion on findings

    The respondents were now more willing to enroll in the program since they were given the

    opportunity to spend one last semester in the University of Georgia in USA. The negativeresponses reduced from 46 to only 22 % in this case. And intention to enroll increased from 44%

    to 74 percent with a substantial increase of 30%. The results indicated that being able to spend

    one semester in abroad would attract greater number of respondents. There were also a very

    small percentage of respondents (4%) who still remained undecided.

    *A following question was asked to respondents on a Likert scale

    Q: If you had to spend one semester of online program offered by Fast in university of Georgia, USA would you


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    Readiness to enroll in different programs

    The Readiness to enroll in different programs of the following concept was measured*:

    Concept: Fast school of Business plans on promoting e-learning. The top management of this

    university wants to expand its academic teaching base by introducing online MBA

    degree program. The university wants to take an innovator role by simultaneously

    offering traditional and contemporary teaching facilities to graduate studentsGraph 1.1: Readiness to enroll in different academic programs Base: 22

    Discussion on findings

    People who had answered in affirmative to Up to what extent would you be willing to

    participate in this program? (Which were 22 in total) were further inquired about the kind of

    programs they will be interested to participate. The responses from the respondents indicated

    greater shift towards enrollment in this program in Human resource Management, Marketing

    Research and Finance with percentage rates of 32, 27 and 18 respectively. A substantial

    percentage of respondents were also willing to participate in accounting and Management online

    programs. Percentages of such respondents were 9 and 14 % respectively.










    Marketing Research

    *A following question was asked to respondents on a Likert scale

    Q: what kind of online MBA would you be most interested to participate?

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    Most liked feature

    The most liked feature of the following concept was measured*:

    Concept: Fast school of Business plans on promoting e-learning. The top management of this

    university wants to expand its academic teaching base by introducing online MBA

    degree program. The university wants to take an innovator role by simultaneously

    offering traditional and contemporary teaching facilities to graduate studentsTable 1.6: Most liked feature of the concept Base: 50

    Most mentioned responses Frequency Percentages Cumulative %

    Time saving 18 36.0 36.0

    Financial benefit 23 46.0 82.0

    Flexibility 2 4.0 86.0

    Nothing 7 14.0 100.0

    Total 50 100.0

    Source: Concept testing and prelaunch research study conducted by students of Fast school of business in Lahore 2011

    Discussion on findings

    Respondents presented different answers to this open-ended question. The responses were

    grouped into the four main categories out of which financial benefit was regarded the most liked

    feature since 46% of responses fell in this category. Time saving also was opted by a substantial

    number of respondents of 36%. 4% of the respondents also regarded the flexibility of the conceptas to be most liked feature. However, there were 14% of the respondents who did not like

    anything about the concept.

    *A following open-ended question was asked to respondents

    What is your most liked feature of this concept?

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    Most Disliked feature

    The most disliked feature of the following concept was measured*:

    Concept: Fast school of Business plans on promoting e-learning. The top management of this

    university wants to expand its academic teaching base by introducing online MBA

    degree program. The university wants to take an innovator role by simultaneously

    offering traditional and contemporary teaching facilities to graduate studentsTable 1.7: Most disliked feature of the concept Base: 50

    Most mentioned responses Frequency Percentages Cumulative %

    No campus life 19 38.0 38.0

    No faculty interaction 12 24.0 62.0

    Less value 14 28.0 90.0

    Nothing 5 10.0 100.0

    Total 50 100.0

    Source: Concept testing and prelaunch research study conducted by students of Fast school of business in Lahore 2011

    Discussion on findings

    Respondents presented different answers to this open-ended question. The responses were

    grouped into the four main categories out of which respondents rated no campus life as being the

    most disliked feature of this concept. 38% of the total respondents said since they will not have

    any social life or campus experience in this program they will regard it as being the most dislikedfeature. According to 24% respondents, being not able to interact with faculty face-to-face was

    the most disliked feature. Factors like less value and acceptability also arose and formed the

    responses of 28% of the people. There were however 10% of the respondents who did not dislike

    anything about the concept.

    *A following open-ended question was asked to respondents

    Q: What is your most disliked feature of this concept?

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    Intention to recommend others

    The intention to recommend others about the following concept was measured*:

    Concept: Fast school of Business plans on promoting e-learning. The top management of this

    university wants to expand its academic teaching base by introducing online MBA

    degree program. The university wants to take an innovator role by simultaneously

    offering traditional and contemporary teaching facilities to graduate studentsTable 1.8: Intention to recommend others Base: 50

    Responses Frequency Percentages Cumulative %

    Not at all 0 0

    No 11 22.0 22.0

    Cant say anything 3 6.0 28.0

    Yes 29 58.0 86.0

    Definitely 7 14.0 100.0

    Total 50 100.0

    Source: Concept testing and prelaunch research study conducted by students of Fast school of business in Lahore 2011

    Discussion on findings

    Respondents when inquired about their willingness to recommend this concept to others,

    majority were ready to recommend. 58% respondents were ready to recommend and 14% were

    even enthusiastic about telling it to others. However there were also 22% of the respondents whodid not deem it worthwhile to recommend this concept to others. There was a small percentage

    of 6% of the respondents who remained uncertain whether they will recommend other or not

    about this online program.

    * A following question was asked to respondents on a Likert scale

    Up to what extent would you be willing to recommend about this program to others?

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    S E C T I O N I F I N D I N G S

    Section IV included questions that were aimed at finding the Believability, Price intention,

    Perceived value against money, Readiness to enroll, Most liked feature, Most disliked feature,

    and Intention to recommend others of the offered online MBA program by Fast school ofBusiness

    At a glance the findings from section I are:

    The believability of this concept is high as 74% liked it.

    Respondents are most willing to enroll at price level of Rs. 150,000

    Perceived value against money were low as 62% did not think that they could gain much

    value out of this program.

    Respondents are less willing to enroll in this program. However their enrollment

    intention increases by 30% when they are provided with opportunity to spend onesemester in university of Georgia in USA.

    The most liked feature of this program is financial and time saving benefits

    The most disliked feature of this program according to the respondents is their inability to

    have a campus life

    Regardless of their personal intention to participate, 72% of the respondents said that they

    will recommend this to others.

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    SECTION II: Receptiveness towards E-learning

    The respondents were inquired to know their receptiveness towards e-learning. Their

    receptiveness was measured on following dimensions:

    Awareness of any online degree

    Importance of modern learning methods

    Promotion of E-learning

    Financial Benefit of E-learning

    Awareness of any online degree

    The awareness of respondents about any online degree offered by any institute was measured*:

    Table 2.1: Awareness of any online degree Base: 50Responses Frequency Percentages Cumulative %

    Yes 34 68.0 68

    No 16 32.0 100

    Total 50 100.0

    Source: Concept testing and prelaunch research study conducted by students of Fast school of business in Lahore 2011

    Graph 2.1: Awareness of Institutes offering online degree Base: 34

    Source: Concept testing and prelaunch research study conducted by students of Fast school of business in Lahore 2011



    Awareness of institutes offering online degree

    Virtual university



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    Discussion on findings

    Majority of the respondents were aware of at least one online degree as 68% of the total

    respondents answered in affirmative. Only 32% said that they did not know about any online

    degree being offered.

    Out of the 68% who were aware of the online degree, they were further inquired to specify the

    name of institutes that they were aware of that offers online degree. The results were clearly

    inclined towards virtual university as 85 % of the respondents pointed that they were aware of

    virtual university as offering online degree.

    A small percentage of respondents more specifically 15%, also mentioned Allama iqbal open

    university as the institute that offers online degree.

    *Following questions were asked to respondents

    Are you aware of any institute offering online degree? If yes, please specify the name of the institute

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    Importance of modern learning methods

    The importance of staying up-to-date with the modern learning methods such as e-learning was


    Table 2.2: Importance of modern learning methods Base: 50Responses Frequency Percentage (%) Cumulative %

    Not at all important 0 0 0

    No 8 16.0 16.0

    Cant say anything 2 4.0 20.0

    Yes 24 48.0 68.0

    very important 16 32.0 100.0

    Total 50 100.0

    Source: Concept testing and prelaunch research study conducted by students of Fast school of business in Lahore 2011

    Discussion on findings

    Majority of the respondents were of the view that modern learning methods such as online

    should be promoted by universities. 32% considered it as being highly important and 48%

    considered it important. Not many respondents believed that modern learning tools should not be

    promoted as only 16% held this negative view and only 4% remained undecided. However, we

    did not come across any respondent that held an extreme negative view and believed that modern

    learning tools should not be promoted at all.

    * A following question was asked to respondents on a Likert scale

    Up to what extent do you think it is important to stay abreast with modern learning methods?

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    Promotion of E-learning

    The Respondents agreement towards promotion of e-learning by universities was measured*:

    Table 2.3: Promotion of E-learning Base: 50Responses Frequency Percentages (%) Cumulative %

    Strongly Disagree 0 0 0

    Disagree 7 14.0 14.0

    Cant say anything 11 22.0 36.0

    Agree 21 42.0 78.0

    Strongly Agree 11 22.0 100.0

    Total 50 100.0

    Source: Concept testing and prelaunch research study conducted by students of Fast school of business in Lahore 2011

    Discussion on findings

    Respondents also expressed their preference towards promotion of E-learning. 14 % altogether

    disagreed that universities should promote online degree programs. However, no respondent took

    an extreme negative view and strongly disagreed. 22 % were not able to decide whether

    universities should or should not opt for promotion online education and thus opted for a neutral

    stance. Majority of the respondents however did prefer of universities to promote online

    programs as 42 % agreed and 22% strongly supported the promotion.

    * A following question was asked to respondents on a Likert scale

    Up to what extent do you agree that online degree programs should be promoted by universities?

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    Financial Benefits of E-learning

    The Respondents agreement towards promotion of e-learning by universities was measured*:

    Table 2.4: Financial Benefits of E-learning Base: 50Responses Frequency Percentages Cumulative %

    Strongly Disagree 0 0 0

    Disagree 0 0 0

    Cant say anything 4 8.0 8.0

    Agree 26 52.0 60.0

    Strongly Agree 20 40.0 100.0

    Total 50 100.0

    Source: Concept testing and prelaunch research study conducted by students of Fast school of business in Lahore 2011

    Discussion on findings

    When inquired about whether the respondents believed that an online degree can considerably

    help those met with financial problems, there was not a single respondent who believed

    otherwise. An excellent majority of 92% agreed that online degree programs will definitely be

    beneficial for people facing financial constraints, out of these 92%, 40 strongly agreed while 52

    agreed. Remaining 8% maintained a neutral stance and opted not to take either side.

    * A following question was asked to respondents on a Likert scale

    Up to what extent do you agree that online degree programs can be helpful for people facing financial


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    S E C T I O N I I F I N D I N G S

    Section II included questions that were aimed at finding the Awareness of any online degree,

    Importance of modern learning methods, Promotion of E-learning, and Financial Benefit of E-learning perceived by respondents.

    At a glance the findings from section II are:

    68% of the respondents were aware of online degree being offered.

    80% of the respondents agree that it is important to stay abreast with modern learning


    Majority respondents (68%) also agreed to universities should offer online degree


    92% agreed that such a program will help people facing financial constraints.

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    SECTION III: Brand Positioning

    The respondents were inquired in order to measure the brand positioning of the current MBA

    offered by FAST University in comparison with other reputable universities.

    The respondents were presented with the following grid and had to mark each attribute for the

    given universities according to appropriate level of credibility. Their responses could be:

    The following table shows the average scores computed for each attribute

    Table 3.1: Brand Positioning Base: 50

    Source: Concept testing and prelaunch research study conducted by students of Fast school of business in Lahore 2011

    S E C T I O N I I I F I N D I N G S

    Based on the results average scores were calculated for each of the variable against all the

    mentioned universities. Respondents ranked LUMS as being the least credible price offerer. Fast

    school of business had a credible average score of 3.8 in price. Image of Fast were also above the

    average however well below LUMS and LSE. The campus of Fast school of business is not well

    regarded by the respondents therefore it scored only 2.3. The quality of education for fast school

    of business was again above average but still below LUMS and LSE.


    Strongly Disagree


    Cant say anything


    Strongly Agree




    Price 3.8 1.8 2.8 4.2 4

    Image 3.2 4.5 3.8 1.4 3

    Faculty 3.4 4.6 3.9 2.2 2.9

    Venue-campus 2.3 4.4 4.2 N/A 3.2

    Quality of education 3.5 4.4 3.8 2.2 3.1

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    SECTION IV: Awareness of Fast Universitys MBA

    The respondents were inquired to know their level of awareness of MBA currently offered by

    FAST school of Business.

    The respondents were inquired to know:

    The institute offering the best MBA program

    Institutes that offer a credible MBA program

    Top of the mind recall

    The Respondents top of the mind recall of institute offering best MBA program was measured*:

    Table 4.1: Institute offering Best MBA program Base: 50Responses Frequency Percentage (%) Cumulative %

    LUMS 28 56 56.0

    IBA 3 16 62.0

    LSE 6 12 74.0

    Fast School of



    Punjab University 8 4 94.0

    SZABIST 1 4 96.0

    Imperial College 2 2 100.0

    Total 50 100.0

    Source: Concept testing and prelaunch research study conducted by students of Fast school of business in Lahore 2011

    Discussion on findings

    To find out our respondents top of the mind recall regarding the institute which they believe

    offers the best MBA program, we asked an open ended question and the responses included

    some renowned universities. The institute that won the more than half of the votes is LUMS

    University that formed the TOM recall of 56% of the respondents. IBA and LSE also were

    popular winning a 16% and 12% of the votes. Fast school of Business did form part of TOMrecall of only 6% percent of the respondents. Some other universities that formed TOM recall of

    respondents with minority votes are PU, SZABIST and Imperial College with 4%, 4% and 2%


    * A following open-ended question was asked to respondents

    Q: Which university currently offers the best MBA program?

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    Share of the mind recall

    The Respondents share of the mind recall of institute offering credible MBA program was


    Table 4.2: Institutes offering credible MBA program Base: 50

    Responses Frequency Percentage (%) Cumulative %

    LUMS 15 30.0 30.0

    FAST-NU 5 10.0 40.0

    LSE 16 32.0 72.0

    IBA 14 28.0 100.0

    Total 50 100.0

    Source: Concept testing and prelaunch research study conducted by students of Fast school of business in Lahore 2011

    Discussion on findings

    The respondents were also inquired to know the share of the mind recall regarding university that

    offers a credible MBA and ranks after their top-of-the mind recall. LUMS University which did

    not form the top-of-mind recall of the respondents now formed the share of the mind recall of 30

    % of the respondents. However, it was LSE that formed the SOM recall of most respondents

    with a 32 percentage rate. IBA SOM percentage ratings stood close to LUMS with 28%. In the

    SOM recall, fast school of business had a higher recall with a 10% as compared to just 6% in the

    TOM recall.

    * A following open-ended question was asked to respondents

    Q: Which other university can you think of that offers a credible MBA program?

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    S E C T I O N I V F I N D I N G S

    Section IV included questions that were aimed at finding out the TOM and SOM recall of the

    respondents regarding the university offering the best or credible MBA program. To find out our

    respondents top of the mind recall regarding the institute which they believe offers the best

    MBA program, we asked an open ended question and the responses included some renowned

    universities. The respondents were also inquired to know the share of the mind recall regarding

    university that offers a credible MBA and ranks after their top-of-the mind recall.

    At a glance the findings from section IV are:

    LUMS university forms the top-of-mind recall of the 56% of the respondents

    IBA and LSE also formed the top-ofthe mind recall of a substantial amount of

    respondents with 16% and 12% respectively.

    LSE topped the share-of-mind recall of respondents with a clear majority of 32%

    LUMS and IBA were answered by 30% and 28 % of the respondents as their SOM recall

    FAST school of business had a low TOM recall as only 6% of the respondents believed

    that it offers the best MBA. This ratio increased slightly to 10% in the SOM recall of the


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    H Y P O T H E S I S R E J E C T E D

    The SPSS analysis tool allowed us to separately analyze the results obtained from students and

    professionals. Following table represents a comparative analysis of responses of our data sources

    according to the most important dimensions of Believability, perceived value against money,

    readiness to enroll, intention to recommend others, awareness of any online degree, promotion of

    e-learning and fast school of business forming a TOM and SOM recall of the respondents.



    STUDENTS (%)


    Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage

    Concept is believable 16 64 21 84

    There is perceivedvalue against money

    11 44 6 24

    I will enroll 8 32 14 56

    I will recommend this

    concept to others

    15 60 21 84

    I am Aware of online


    15 60 19 76

    E-learning should be


    16 64 16 64

    Fast school of business

    forms TOM recall

    1 4 2 8

    Fast school of business

    forms SOM recall

    3 12 2 8

    Based on the above findings our following hypothesis is rejected

    Professionals will prefer online MBA degree program offered by Fast school of Business more

    than the university students

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    C O N C L U S I O N

    After analyzing results of the data collected we conclude that Fast school of business should not

    execute this concept at present. We reached to this conclusion because MBA currently offered

    by Fast school of Business had a low TOM recall as only 6% of the respondents believed that it

    offers the best MBA. This ratio increased slightly to 10% in the SOM recall of the respondents

    which is still considerably low. The brand position of Fast school of Business remained average

    with its getting a highest credible score of 3.8 in price and least credible score of 2.3 in venue-


    The perceived value against money was also low as 62% did not think that they could gain much

    value out of this program. Respondents replies indicated that they are less willing to enroll in

    this program. However their enrollment intention increases by 30% when they are provided with

    opportunity to spend one semester in university of Georgia in USA.

    The price level of Rs.150, 000 is deemed most preferable by respondents. The most liked featureof this program is financial and time saving benefits whereas the most disliked feature of this

    program according to the respondents is their inability to have a campus life. Regardless of

    their personal intention to participate, 72% of the respondents said that they will recommend this

    to others.

    Fast school of Business should not discard this idea because it has the potential to be executed

    since the believability of this concept is 74% and moreover 68% of the respondents were aware

    of online degree being offered, 80% of the respondents agreed that it is important to stay abreast

    with modern learning methods and majority respondents (68%) also agreed to universities should

    offer online degree programs

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    R E C O M M E N D A T I O N S

    Use a blended e-learning approach:Present might not be the best time to offer a

    full time online MBA degree program since TOM and SOM recall of fasts current MBA

    were only 6 and 10% respectively, and also 56% respondents were either not interested to

    enroll in this program or remained undecided. However since 64% respondents agreed

    that some form of online education should be promoted by universities therefore Fast

    school of Business can initiate by introducing a blended e-learning approach.

    Improve positioning: Fast scored an average score on the brand positioning section.

    Concerning areas are its image, faculty and the campus which had an average score of

    3.2, 3.4 and 2.3 respectively. These areas must be scrutinized in order to tap the apparent

    and hidden problems and improved. This will consequently gain the trust of its target

    market regarding this new learning approach.

    Expand the scope of the research:As a researcher we suggest the client to conduct

    further research. Since the sample size was only 50 and might not fully represent the

    population under study it is recommendable to do a more extensive research next time.

    Cultural and economical implications aside, there are several cogent reasons for our

    client to adopt and implement e-learning into its educational system:

    1. The growth of information technology: e-Learning has become an ideal delivery

    vehicle for education and learning

    2. It is information rich: e-Learning offers both teachers and learners access to

    anywhere, anytime information rich resources

    3. Alternative learning strategy: e-Learning can reach those previously denied access

    (e.g., students with physical disabilities)

    4. Blended learning: e-Learning can augment traditional classroom offerings,

    thereby freeing up valuable resources and expanding the offering to greater

    numbers of campus-based students

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    L I M I T A T I O N S O F T H E P R O J E C T

    Being a student researcher, many constraints limited our research project. The scope of this

    project is limited to the city of Lahore. Besides geographic delimitation, the study may be limited

    in its analysis because of inadequate information gathered from the respondents due to theirinability to provide profound views on the new e-learning approach of teaching and learning

    processes. Lastly, the sample size chosen was not enough to give a true representation of the total


    For our research on the receptiveness of e-learning the constraints include:

    Sample Constraint

    Our sample size was predetermined by the instructor to be fifty. As this is a very small number

    so the results may not indicate the true representation of the total population.

    Geographic Constraint

    The scope of this project is limited to the city of Lahore.

    Analysis Constraint

    The study may be limited in its analysis because of inadequate information gathered from the

    respondents (students) due to their inability to provide profound views on the new e- learning

    approach of teaching and learning processes

    Time Constraint

    It was a difficult task to complete the whole research accurately within the allocated time period.

    Also, since the current season is winter, the team was left with less time that could be utilized to

    work together. However, the team finished the project by the assigned deadline.

    Cooperation Constraint

    The constraint was from the sides of the students and especially the professionals. Both the

    professionals and students who were interviewed were unwilling to fill the extensive

    questionnaire with excuses of their meetings and classes that had to be attended. Students also

    showed non serious attitude towards the questionnaires.

    The report has been constructed with the above mentioned limitations.

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    R E F E R E N C E S

    Malhotra, N. K., & Dash, S. (1994). Marketing Research: An applied orientation

    Kinnear, T. C., & Taylor, J.R.(1994). Marketing Research: An applied Approach

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