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1 Concept of the NATO Security Force Assistance Centre of Excellence Version as of 2 nd May, 2017

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Conceptof the

NATOSecurity Force Assistance

Centre of Excellence

Versionas of 2nd May, 2017



A. Lisbon Summit Declaration, 2010;B. PO (2010) 0169, Strategic Concept for the Defence and Security of the Members of

the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, dated 19 November 2010;C. Defence and related Security Capacity Building Initiative (DCB); PO(2013)0590-

REV1, Tasking on Defense and Related Security Capacity Building, dated 02December 2013;

D. Wales Summit, 2014;E. Warsaw Summit, 2016;F. PO (2011) 0045. Updated List of tasks for the Implementation of the Comprehensive

Approach Action Plan and the Lisbon Summit Decisions on the ComprehensiveApproach, 04 March 2011;

G. AJP-3.16 Allied Joint Doctrine for Security Force Assistance, Edition A Version 1;H. AJP-3.22 Allied Joint Doctrine for Stability Policing, Edition A Version 1;I. IMSM-0416-04, NATO Centres of Excellence Accreditation Criteria, dated 11 June

2004;J. AACP-1 (Part 1), Guidance for the Drafting of MOUs and Programme MOUs –

Basic Considerations Checklist, dated 01 January 1989;K. C-M (69) 22, Procedures For The Activation and Reorganisation in Peacetime of

NATO Military Bodies And Rules for Granting Them International Status andInternational Financing, dated 19 May 1969;

L. Protocol on the Status of International Military Headquarters, set up Pursuant to theNorth Atlantic Treaty, Paris, dated 28 Aug 1952;

M. MC 324/3 (Final), The NATO Military Command Structure, dated 30 January 2013;N. MCM-0034-2014, NATO Security Force Assistance Concept, dated 28 March 2014;O. MC 0053/3, Terms of reference for The Supreme Allied Commander Europe

(SACEUR), dated 01 October 2014;P. MC 0058/3, Terms of reference for The Supreme Allied Commander

Transformation (SACT), dated 01 October 2014;Q. MC 0400-3, MC Guidelines on Military Implementation of NATO’s Strategic

Concept, dated 12 August 2013;R. MCM 0236-2003, MC Concept for Centres of Excellence, dated 04 December 2003;S. MC 0458-3, NATO Education, Training, Exercises and Evaluation (ETEE) Policy,

dated 03 September 2014;T. AAP-15, NATO Glossary of Abbreviations used in NATO documents and

publications, edition 2016;

U. IMSM-0470-2012, Tasking to SCs for Development of a NATO Security ForceAssistance Concept, dated 20 December 2012;

V. AJP- Allied Joint Doctrine for Military Police, Edition 2009.



1. As the international security environment constantly changes, NATO faces newchallenges. Since the fall of the Berlin wall, NATO forces operating around theworld have encountered asymmetric threats such as terrorism, insurgency, piracyand other criminal activities. The ability "to train and develop local forces1 in crisiszones"2(ref. N) is one of the contributions to improve effectiveness across the crisismanagement spectrum (Ref. A and B), so “that local authorities are able as quicklyas possible to maintain security without international assistance” (Ref. N).

2. The Security Force Assistance (SFA3) Concept (Ref. N) is included in broaderstrategies such as Defence and related Security Capacity Building (DCB) Initiative(Ref. C), which was launched during the Wales Summit in 2014 (Ref. D). Itenhances the Alliance’s role in projecting stability by supporting related activities aspart of a 360 degree approach, in accordance with the Warsaw SummitCommunique (Ref. E). SFA contributes to a comprehensive approach, as laid out inthe Comprehensive Approach Action Plan (Ref. F).

3. The SFA Concept has been clearly recognized and acknowledged by NATO. Thedefinition of SFA in the related Doctrine has been established as “all NATOactivities that develop and improve or directly support the development of localforces and their associated institution” (Ref. G). Therefore SFA encompasses allactivities aimed at training and developing local forces.

4. SFA, although having a military focus, needs to be conducted in a comprehensivecontext observing all the imperatives that are essential to fulfil the mandate (e.g.political primacy, legitimacy, understanding) (Ref. G). SFA includes all NATOactivities that develop and improve, or directly support, the development of non-NATO local forces, excluding indigenous police and their associated institutions incrisis zones. The inclusion of SFA assets in the overall security plan not only allowsJoint Forces to concentrate on deterring spoiling behaviour, but also builds theconfidence of the local population. The responsibility for national security will betransferred to the Governmental organisations and leadership as soon as possible,even if SFA assets continue to support the development of the Security SectorReform process.

5. The NATO SFA Centre of Excellence (COE) will support cooperation andinteroperability by providing a hub of expertise for the benefit of the Alliance,

1 For the purpose of this document, “local forces” will: refer to “indigenous, non-NATO military security forces” as defined by IMSM-0470-2012 (Ref. U),

“except non-legitimized armed groups within crisis zones” as defined by MCM-0034-2014 “NATOSecurity Force Assistance Concept” , dated 28 March 2014 (Ref. N);

not refer to SP activities as defined by AJP-3.22, Allied Joint Doctrine for Stability Policing, EditionA Version 1, July 2016 (Ref. H);

not refer to MP activities, as defined by AJP-, Allied Joint Doctrine for Military Police,Edition 2009 (Ref. V).

2 refer to “geographical area where a NAC/approved NATO operation/mission is executed” as defined byMCM-0034-2014 “NATO Security Force Assistance Concept”, (Ref. N).

3 It should be noted that SFA in the context of Strategic Foresight Analysis is a completely other matterand should not be confused with Security Force Assistance.


NATO Nations and NATO partners, thus ensuring a coherent joint approach basedon contributions from all participants.


6. The aim of this document is to define the NATO SFA COE Concept, including basicguidelines of the NATO SFA COE establishment and its general operationalarrangements.


7. The scope of this document is to detail the fundamental aspects of the NATO SFACOE establishment and functioning, as follows:

a) Guiding Principles

b) Operational Context

c) Operational Requirements

d) Vision

e) Mission

f) Goals

g) Functions and Activities

h) Location

i) Organisation

j) Command Relationships

k) Functional Relationships

l) Responsibilities


n) Annexes:

A: Definitions

B: NATO SFA COE proposed Organisational Chart

C: NATO SFA COE proposed Manning Table

D: Record of Changes.


8. In accordance with References F, G and R the following principles will be appliedfor the establishment and functioning of the NATO SFA COE:a) Participation in NATO SFA COE’s activities is open to all NATO Nations.


b) Access by partners, other nations and international organizations (such as theEU) to the NATO SFA COE’s products and services is the responsibility ofSponsoring Nations (SNs) through the Steering Committee (SC), taking intoaccount NATO standards and security requirements, as well as relevantMemoranda of Understanding (MOUs) and Technical Arrangements (TAs);

c) Establishing, NATO funding and manning of the NATO SFA COE will be jointmultinational and will encourage broad cooperation with major institutions andorganisations in both military and non-military fields, at National andMultinational level. In principle the NATO SFA COE will not receive NATOcommon funding, in accordance with NATO policies;

d) Added value and no duplication: the NATO SFA COE will not duplicate assetsand resources, nor compete with activities and capabilities that already exist inNATO Command Arrangements (NCA) or the NATO COE Network (Ref. R).Its goal is to provide support and tangible improvements to the Alliance, NATONations and NATO Partner capabilities, thereby adding value, by combiningefforts, increasing interoperability, standardization and effectiveness in supportof capability development in the SFA area. The NATO SFA COE activities willbe consistent with NATO programmes and efforts;

e) NATO SFA COE support to operations: NATO SFA COE will provide bestpractices and usage of available resources and infrastructure, in closecooperation with national and international, military and civilian entities andexperts, by serving as a focal point to a SFA Community of Interest (CoI);

f) Resources: the NATO SFA COE infrastructure, administrative and supportcosts will be provided by the Framework Nation (FN). Operating andmaintenance costs will be covered by all SNs according to the OperationalMOU;

g) Assessment criteria: the NATO SFA COE will be assessed by HeadquartersSupreme Allied Command Transformation (HQ SACT) based on the MilitaryCommittee (MC) approved Criteria (Ref. I) for accreditation as a NATO COE;

h) Status: The NATO SFA COE and its personnel may be granted the status underArticle 14 of the Paris Protocol (Ref. L), together with SupplementaryAgreement thereto, upon accreditation by the MC and once activated by theNAC as a NATO military Body in accordance with CM(69)22 (Ref. K);

i) NATO Standards: NATO SFA COE will conform to NATO policy, procedures,doctrine and standards. It will suggest improvements and propose amendmentsto policy, doctrine, procedures and standards for the subsequent endorsement bySACT and/or relevant NATO military authorities;

j) Clear relationship: NATO SFA COE Operational and Functional MOUs willestablish clear relationships between the FN, other SNs and HQ SACT. TAswill establish NATO SFA COE relations with Contributing Partners (CPs),other COEs, academia and other national and international organizations. TheNATO SFA COE will also establish contacts and cooperation with business andindustry as appropriate;

k) Personnel: personnel assignments to NATO SFA COE will not be at theexpense of national NATO Command Structure Peacetime Establishmentresponsibilities.



9. The Operational Context of the NATO SFA COE will be a set of unified actions bythe joint, interagency, intergovernmental and multinational community to generate,employ, sustain and assist Host Nation or local forces in support of a legitimateauthority. SFA is a broad framework focused on assisting local forces in support ofAlliance interests regardless of the operational environment.

10. SFA can be conducted across the spectrum of crisis response scenarios and threatlevels. This assistance could focus on improving the security forces of a host nationthat is currently under no immediate threat, on paramilitary forces to counter aninsurgency, or on advising local forces in major combat operations against anexternal threat.

11. SFA can occur as part of any operational themes: peacetime limited engagement,limited intervention, peace operations, irregular warfare and major combatoperations. SFA often occurs during peacetime military engagement, peaceoperations, and irregular warfare. SFA involving paramilitary forces will often belimited to the irregular warfare operational theme, although paramilitary forcesshould eventually be absorbed, disbanded or maintained in a long-term relationshipwith special operations forces.

12. SFA target audience is the local forces of a partner/hosting nation. In this contextSFA is designed to render the aforementioned forces capable of securing their ownnational territories and boundaries autonomously. The SFA capable units will notreplace the local forces. Doctrinally SFA capability is generated and tailored tointegrate others included in Defense and related Capacity Building (DCB) set.

13. While Army units are important contributors, SFA is part of an overall and jointeffort, contributing to the comprehensive approach. This effort includes closecollaboration between military and civilian, joint and multinational forces. The HostNation or regional security Organization is the key actor within this joint effort. It isvital that SFA is based on an objective, continuous assessment4 that examinescultural understanding aspects, organization, training, equipment, rebuilding, andadvising of the forces involved.


14. To help improve effectiveness of NATO Nations and partners, a SFA-related NATOCOE is needed:

a) to support building enhanced capabilities in support of a comprehensiveapproach, information sharing, interoperability, better comprehension5 and leadsubject matter expertise in the field of SFA;

b) to research, evaluate, develop and test through experimentation NATO’s andNations’ SFA concepts, doctrines and other relevant strategic documents;

4 “The purpose of assessment is to provide an evaluation of activities and progress towards creatingeffects, achieving objectives and attaining the end state” as defined by the AJP-3.16 Allied JointDoctrine for Security Force Assistance, Edition A Version 1, dated 17 May 2016 (Ref. G) .

5 “Understanding is the perception and interpretation of a particular situation to provide thecontext, insight and foresight required for effective decision making” (Ref. G).


c) to support the development of appropriate SFA standards and capabilities, usingthe analysis and lessons learned from NATO-led, international or nationaloperations, NATO policy and standards;

d) to train military and civilian personnel, on all aspects of SFA issues andactivities in operations.

15. In order to support the global response of NATO and Nations to SFA, NATO SFACOE:

a) will apply and support the enhancement and implementation of NATO policy,doctrine and operational understanding of SFA;

b) will provide a hub for development and management of common and sharedknowledge and expertise for SFA;

c) will serve as a focal point for analysis, lessons learned, as well as information,knowledge and expertise;

d) will provide expertise and training on SFA.


16. NATO SFA COE is to be an internationally recognized focal point to expandcapabilities of NATO, Nations and other partners by providing comprehensiveexpertise and support in the area of SFA.


17. The mission of the NATO SFA COE is:

a) to improve effectiveness of the Alliance in promoting stability and reconstructionefforts for conflict and post-conflict scenarios;

b) to provide an unique capability to Alliance, NATO Nations and NATO Partnersin the field of SFA.


18. The goals of the NATO SFA COE are:

a) to be NATO’s hub of expertise in SFA and the focal point for the CoI;

b) to enable close cooperation between Alliance, NATO Nations and NATOPartner and other partners within the agreed frameworks, in the development ofan international collaborative partnership approach to the building of SFAcapabilities. This requires the effective application of both military and non-military means;

c) to apply an overall and joint approach to SFA capacity building in support ofAlliance, NATO Nations and NATO Partners, by:


improving knowledge management, developing and sharing analysis,assessment and lessons learned;

promoting the effective sharing and application of civil and military bestpractices in SFA ;

supporting the improvement and application of SFA measures; providing education and training in line with NATO SFA Standards, Policy,

Doctrine, Tactics, Technics and Procedures;

d) to foster continuous self-development of the NATO SFA COE by conductingresults-oriented research, studies, experiments, analysis, education and training,as well as by applying lessons learned and best practices;

e) to harmonize military and civilian capabilities for conducting exercises andexperiments by defining and developing scenarios, programmes and tools.


19. The establishment of NATO SFA COE will:

a) serve Alliance, NATO Nations and NATO Partners long-term interests bycombining efforts, increasing interoperability, standardisation and effectivenessin support of capability development in the field of SFA;

b) contribute to the comprehensive approach and make the best use of combinedexperiences and capabilities;

c) provide subject matter expertise and advice, pertaining to SFA, on request;

d) contribute to policy, standards and other related documents in the field of SFAfor Alliance, NATO Nations and NATO Partners;

e) provide support to the planning, conduct and global programming (Ref. S) ofAlliance, NATO Nations and NATO Partners SFA exercises andexperimentation;

f) provide a SFA repository for International, National and NATO sharedinformation, analysis and lessons learned, in close cooperation with NATO JointAnalysis and Lessons Learned Centre (JALLC) through SFA CoI;

g) provide SFA focused education and training to individuals from military andcivilian staff level up to the leadership, as well as units and teams (Ref. S);

h) provide mobile training teams and SMEs to facilitate education and training ofnational and multinational military and civilian organizations;

20. In order to perform those functions, NATO SFA COE will plan, organize andconduct activities including:

a) workshops and conferences for Alliance, NATO Nations and NATO Partnerson policy, standards and other related topics;

b) education and training;

c) exercises and experimentation;

d) participate in SFA related committees, boards and working groups;


e) lessons learned evaluations and analysis;

f) academic research and projects;

g) produce SFA related publications;

h) other activities as requested and approved by the SC.


21. NATO SFA COE will be located in CESANO di ROMA (ROME), ITALY.


22. The NATO SFA COE will be a multinational, joint, military and civilian supported,MOU-based organisation with SN and the FN, Italy, represented by the Ministry ofDefence. Pursuant to CM (69) 22 (Ref. K and L) 6;

23. A Director from the FN will head the NATO SFA COE.24. The major elements of the NATO SFA COE organisation will be:

a) The Steering Committee (SC);

b) Director;

c) Deputy Director 7;

d) Chief of Staff;

e) Standardization and Interoperability Branch;

f) Concept Development and Doctrine Branch;

g) Training and Education Branch;

h) Lessons Learned Branch;

i) ADMIN/Personnel, Public Information and Security Section;

j) Logistics and C4I Section;

k) Legal Advisor.

l) Budget and Finance Section

m) Plans and Ops Section

25. The proposed organisational chart of the NATO SFA COE is presented at Annex B.


26. Under the NATO SFA COE Operational MOU, a SC will be established by SNsunder the permanent chairmanship of the FN. The Director is responsible to and will

6 and in co-ordination with HQ SACT, the FN will apply for the NAC to activate it as a NATO MilitaryBody and grant it international status under Article 14 of the Paris Protocol (Ref. L).

7 Deputy Director and Chief of Staff positions will be activated as required on the basis of negotiationsamong FN and SNs.


report only to the SC. The SC will provide tasking to the Director as well asdirection, guidance and advice to the COE for the effective execution of its missionincluding the NATO SFA COE’s management.

27. The Director, assigned by the FN, leads the NATO SFA COE, which consists ofmultinational personnel. The Director is responsible for the:a) planning and execution of the Programme of Work (POW) for the NATO SFA

COE’s functions and activities (as of para 19);b) managing shared funding and manning requirements;c) prioritizing the use of resources, while coordinating and supervising the use of

FN funded infrastructure, facilities and resources.28. There is no direct command and control relationship between NATO SFA COE and

NATO Command Structure (NCS). Nor is there any command and controlrelationship between the FN and the NATO SFA COE. Respective relationshipswith NATO SFA COE will be set out by Operational and Functional MOUs andappropriate arrangements. Taking into consideration that the overall responsibilityfor COEs coordination, employment, and concept and capability development withinNATO lies with SACT, SNs will establish a clear functional relationship with HQSACT.

29. HQ SACT will forward requests from NATO for NATO SFA COE services andproducts. NATO SFA COE will include those requests into the NATO SFA COE’syearly POW after formal approval by the SC taking into account the capabilities ofthe NATO SFA COE and the available resources.


30. The NATO SFA COE will be a part of the NATO COE Network, coordinated byHQ SACT. Concerning relationships within the Alliance and beyond the NATOSFA COE will act as follows:

a) establish and maintain relationships with NCS as appropriate;

b) establish and maintain relationships with NATO Agencies as appropriate;

c) establish and maintain relationships with NATO Education and Trainingfacilities as appropriate;

d) establish and maintain relationships with NATO SFA related entities;

e) establish and maintain relationships with other COEs in order to ensure fullcooperation within the COE Network;

f) establish and maintain relationships with International Organisations (IOs) and(Non) Governmental Organisations (NGOs), within agreed framework;

g) establish and maintain relationships with non-NATO entities on a case-by-casebasis in accordance with NATO policy;

h) establish and maintain relationships with other external entities and seeksupportive relationships with subject matter external entities, regional securityinitiatives, academia, industry, think-tanks and other organisations;

i) establish and maintain relationships through HQ SACT or SHAPE with the Bi-SC Military Partnership Directorate as the military hub on DCB matters withinNATO.



31. The FN responsibilities include the provision of the following support to the NATOSFA COE (in addition to Annex E of the Operational MOU):

a) the infrastructure;

b) the initial office equipment;

c) the support personnel and equipment;

d) the Director;

e) the Chairman of the SC;

f) appropriate information assurance and physical security arrangements;

g) the initial Communication and Information Systems (CIS) capabilities;

h) emergency medical support to international staff based on the NATO SFA COEOperational MOU and any follow-on arrangements;

32. The SNs responsibilities include:

a) providing at least one SME to the NATO SFA COE;

b) providing funds in accordance with the cost-sharing formula, detailed in theNATO SFA COE Operational MOU;

c) paying their own staff members wages, allowances and hotel/per diem costs.

33. FN and other SNs form a SC as a strategic governing body, responsible for theoversight and approval of the NATO SFA COE’s POW and shared budget. Whenconsidering the POW, the SC will give the first priority of the NATO SFA COEactivities to the requests by NATO, taking into account the capabilities of the NATOSFA COE and the available resources. The SC will then task the Director to manageexecution of the POW and budget.

34. The Director is responsible to SC for the execution of the NATO SFA COE missionand tasks, management and administration, as it is laid down in the Director’s Termsof Reference (TOR) in the NATO SFA COE Operational MOU.

35. Contributing Partners (CPs) may contribute to NATO SFA COE in accordance withthe specific TA.


36. MOUs will be established between the FN, other SNs and HQ SACT in order toensure that the activities of NATO SFA COE are coordinated and mutuallyreinforcing. The MOUs will define:a) The roles and responsibilities of FN and SNs;b) The functional relationship between the NATO SFA COE and NATO / HQ

SACTc) Administrative arrangements regarding manning, funding and supporting of the



37. Technical Arrangements (TAs) will be established as necessary to define thecontributions and relationships of Partners


38. This Concept, which will also be referred to as the “NATO SFA COE Concept”,consists of the main body and 4 Annexes. The Annexes are integral parts of thisConcept.

39. After the establishment of the NATO SFA COE, this Concept may be amended bythe NATO SFA COE SC in accordance with the MoUs and TAs.

40. Each change made to this Concept will be recorded in chronological order on therecord of change attached as Annex D. This record of change will be updated by theNATO SFA COE SC, as the custodian of this Concept, then provided to eachParticipant, HQ SACT, as well as the Director, each time a change occurs. Therecord of change is an integral part of this Concept, and each new version of therecord of change will automatically supersede the previous one.


Annex A to Concept for the NATO SFA COE


1) Allied Command Operations (ACO) - As outlined in MC 324/3 (Final), theCommand composed of SHAPE and the other organisations subordinate toSACEUR (Ref. M).

2) Allied Command Transformation (ACT) - As outlined in MC 324/3 (Final), theCommand composed of HQ SACT and other entities subordinate to SACT (Ref. M).

3) Communication and Information Systems (CIS) - The Communication andInformation Systems used in the NATO SFA COE.

4) Centre of Excellence (COE) - As defined in MCM-236-03, a NAC-accreditednationally or multi-nationally sponsored centre supporting NATO (Ref. R).

5) COE Network - The Network of all COEs supporting the NCA coordinated by HQSACT.

6) Community of Interest (CoI) - a group including different organizations workingon interrelated areas. Involved in common activities, these organizations have acommon interest to share information, lessons and experiences for the benefit of thewhole community and to promote themselves.

7) Chief of Staff (CoS) – The position provides a managerial role to the staff and theactivities of the organization, while at the same time providing an advisory role tothe Director.

8) Director - The person directing the organization.9) Framework Nation (FN) –The Italian Republic represented by the Ministry of

Defence.10) Headquarters, Allied Command for Transformation (HQ SACT) - as defined in

MC 324/3 (Final), the Headquarters of SACT, which interacts with the SFA COEfor NATO, and serves as the coordinator for the COEs network and for theinteraction with all NATO entities (Ref. M).

11) Information - Any information, regardless of form or type, including that of ascientific or technical nature, and also including photographs, interim and finalreports, manuals, threat data, experimental data, test, designs, specifications,processes, techniques, inventions, drawings, software including source code,technical writings, sound recordings, pictorial representations, and other graphicalpresentations, whether in magnetic tape, computer memory or any other form andwhether or not subject to copyrights, patents, or other legal protection.

12) MOD - Ministry of Defence.13) MOU - Memorandum of Understanding as defined in AACP-1 (Part 1), Guidance

for the Drafting of MOUs and Programme MOUs – Basic Considerations Checklist,1 January 1989 (Ref. J).


14) North Atlantic Council (NAC) - The Council established pursuant to Article 9 ofthe North Atlantic Treaty.

15) NATO Command Arrangements (NCA) - The arrangements and entitiessupporting the NCS, as defined in MC 324/3 (final) (Ref. M).

16) NATO Command Structure (NCS) - NATO's military organisation, as defined inMC 324/3 (Final) (Ref. M).

17) Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) – organizations that are neither a part ofa government nor conventional for-profit businesses.

18) NATO Military Committee (MC) - As outlined in the MC 57/1, corrigendum 5,the senior military authority in NATO.

19) NATO Military Body (NMB) - As outlined in CM (69) 22, an internationalmilitary Headquarters or organisation covered by the terms of Articles 1(b), 1(c) and14 of the Paris Protocol (Ref. K).

20) NATO SOFA - Agreement between the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treatyregarding the status of their forces done at London on 19 June 1951.

21) NATO SFA COE - The COE offered by the Framework Nation and the SponsoringNations as a NATO COE providing subject matter expertise in the field of SecurityForce Assistance (SFA).

22) Paris Protocol - The Protocol on the status of international Headquarters set uppursuant to the North Atlantic Treaty, signed in Paris on 28 August 1952 (Ref. L).

23) Participants - Framework Nation and Sponsoring Nations.24) Partner - A Nation, organization, or entity which interacts with the NATO SFA

COE, and may be:a. Contributing Partner (CP) – Any Nation, organization or entity, in accordance

with NAC approved decisions and procedures, which is not a SN and provides acontribution to the NATO SFA COE;

b. Other Partner (OP) – Any Nation, organization or entity using the services and/orproducts provided by the NATO SFA COE, other than SNs or CPs.

25) Programme of Work (POW) - The document setting out the NATO SFA COEactivities for the course of a calendar year and including the long-term perspective ofthe NATO SFA COE activities.

26) Supreme Allied Commander in Europe (SACEUR). As per MC 053/3, Head ofAllied Command Operations (ACO), responsible to NATO’s highest militaryauthority, the Military Committee (MC), for the conduct of all NATO militaryoperations (Ref. O).

27) Supreme Allied Commander for Transformation (SACT). As per MC 058, Headof Allied Command Transformation and, as such, responsible to NATO’s highestmilitary authority, the Military Committee (MC), for promoting and overseeing thecontinuing transformation of Alliance forces and capabilities (Ref. P).

28) Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers in Europe (SHAPE). ACO Headquartersas outlined in MC 324/3 (Ref. M).


29) Steering Committee (SC) - The committee set up by the Participants as the mainbody for guidance, oversight and decisions on all matters concerning theadministration, policies and operation of any NATO body.

30) SC National Representative (SCNR) - An Official appointed by a SN, who is thatNation’s member of the NATO SFA COE SC.

31) Subject Matter Expert (SME) - a person who is an expert in a particular area ortopic, in this case an expert in SFA.

32) Sponsoring Nations (SNs) - The NATO member States that are collectivelyproposing the NATO SFA COE to NATO and that provide manning, equipment,funding and other support or resources to the operation of the NATO SFA COE.

33) Senior National Representative (SNR) - An Official of appropriate rank andauthority, appointed by a SN, to serve as a point of contact (PoC) to the Director forall issues regarding the national responsibilities and discipline of their Personnelassigned to the NATO SFA COE.

34) Security Force Assistance (SFA) - “All NATO activity that develop and improveor directly support the development of local forces and their associated institution”(Ref. N).

35) Technical Arrangements (TAs) - follow-on arrangements concluded amongSponsoring Nations or between Sponsoring Nations and one or several Partners forthe implementation of this MOU.

36) Terms of Reference (TOR) – documents defining purpose and structure of aproject along with responsibilities of the subjects involved.


Annex B to Concept for the NATO SFA COE


* As requiredIf related positions are bidden for


Annex C to Concept for the NATO SFA COE



No. Organization Post Number Post Title Rank Service Nation Remarks

1 Directorate SFA-DIR-01 Director OF 5 All Services FN ARMY experience preferred

2 Directorate SFA-DIR-02 Deputy Director OF 4 All Services SN HQs experience required

3 Directorate SFA-DIR-03 Legal Advisor OF 3/4 All Services FNLegal issues expertise, ARMYexperience preferred

4 Directorate SFA-DIR-04 Chief of Staff OF 4 All Services FN, SN HQs experience required

Legenda:As requiredIf positions are bidden for



No. Organization Post Number Post Title Rank Service Nation Remarks

5ADMIN, PERS, PI andSEC Section

SFA-APPS-01 Section Chief / Security Officer OF 3 All Services FNADMIN/LOG and Security experience.Not subject to cost share.

6ADMIN, PERS, PI andSEC Section

SFA-APPS-02 Public Information Officer OF 2 All Services FNPI experience.Not subject to cost share.

7ADMIN, PERS, PI andSEC Section

SFA-APPS-03 ADMIN Assistant OR 8/9 All Services FNNATO admin procedures experience.Not subject to cost share.

8ADMIN, PERS, PI andSEC Section

SFA-APPS-04 ADMIN Assistant OR 3/4 All Services FNNATO admin procedures experience.Not subject to cost share.

9ADMIN, PERS, PI andSEC Section

SFA-APPS-05 ADMIN Assistant OR 3/4 All Services FNNATO admin procedures experience.Not subject to cost share.

10ADMIN, PERS, PI andSEC Section

SFA-APPS-06 CIS & Security Specialist OR 8/9 All Services FNCIS & Security experience.Not subject to cost share.

11ADMIN, PERS, PI andSEC Section

SFA-APPS-07 CIS & Security Specialist OR 3/4 All Services FNCIS & Security experience.Not subject to cost share.


No. Organization Post Number Post Title Rank Service Nation Remarks

12ADMIN, PERS, PI andSEC Section

SFA-BUDFIN-01 BUDFIN Officer OF 2/3 All Services FNNATO financial procedures experience.Not subject to cost share.

13ADMIN, PERS, PI andSEC Section

SFA-BUDFIN-02 BUDFIN Assistant OR 8/9 All Services FNNATO financial procedures experience.Not subject to cost share.



No. Organization Post Number Post Title Rank Service Nation Remarks

14 LOG/C4I Section SFA-LC4I-01 Section Chief /LC4I OF 3 All Services FNLOGISTICS experience.Not subject to cost share.

15 LOG/C4I Section SFA-LC4I-02 Staff Assistant OR 8/9 All Services FNLOGISTICS experience.Not subject to cost share.

16 LOG/C4I Section SFA-LC4I-03 Staff Assistant OR 8/9 All Services FNC4I experience.Not subject to cost share.

17 LOG/C4I Section SFA-LC4I-04 Staff Assistant OR 3/4 All Services FNLOGISTICS experience.Not subject to cost share.

18 LOG/C4I Section SFA-LC4I-05 Staff Assistant OR 3/4 All Services FNC4I experience.Not subject to cost share.



No. Organization Post Number Post Title Rank Service Nation Remarks

19 PLANS & OPS Section SFA-Pl&Op-01 Section Chief /PLANS & OPS OF 3 All Services FN PLANS & OPS experience.

20 PLANS & OPS Section SFA-Pl&Op-02 Staff Officer OF 2/3 All Services FN/SN PLANS & OPS experience.

21 PLANS & OPS Section SFA-Pl&Op-03 Staff Assistant OR 8/9 All Services FN/SN PLANS & OPS experience.

22 PLANS & OPS Section SFA-Pl&Op-04 Staff Assistant OR 8/9 All Services FN/SN PLANS & OPS experience.



No. Organization Post Number Post Title Rank Service Nation Remarks

23Standardization andInteroperability Branch

SFA-SI-01 Branch Head OF 4 All Services SNSFA officer, Standardization &Interoperability experience

24 Standardization Section SFA-SI-02 Standardization Section Chief OF 3/4 All Services FN, SN Standardization experience

25 Standardization Section SFA-SI-03 Standardization Staff Officer OF 2/3 All Services FN, SN Standardization experience

26 Interoperability Section SFA-SI-04 Interoperability Section Chief OF 3/4 All Services FN, SN Interoperability experience

27 Interoperability Section SFA-SI-05 Interoperability Staff Officer OF 2/3 All Services FN, SN Interoperability experience

28 Interoperability Section SFA-SI-06 Interoperability Staff Assistant OR 8/9 All Services FN, SN Interoperability experience



No. Organization Post Number Post Title Rank Service Nation Remarks

29Concept Developmentand Doctrine Branch

SFA-CDD-01 Branch Head OF 4 All Services SNConcept Development and Doctrineexperience

30 Doctrine Section SFA-CDD-02 Doctrine Section Chief OF 3/4 All Services FN, SN Doctrine experience

31 Doctrine Section SFA-CDD-03 Doctrine Staff Officer OF 2/3 All Services FN, SN Doctrine experience

32 Doctrine Section SFA-CDD-04 Doctrine Staff Officer OF 2/3 All Services FN, SN Doctrine experience

33Concept DevelopmentSection

SFA-CDD-05 Concept Development Section Chief OF 3/4 All Services FN, SN Concept Development experience

34Concept DevelopmentSection

SFA-CDD-06 Concept Development Staff Officer OF 2/3 All Services FN, SN Concept Development experience



No. Organization Post Number Post Title Rank Service Nation Remarks

35Training and EducationBranch

SFA-TE-01 Branch Head OF 4 ARMY FNEducation, cooperation, trainingdevelopment and delivery experience

36Education andCooperation Section

SFA-TE-02Education and Cooperation SectionChief

OF 3/4 All Services FN, SN Education and cooperation experience

37Education andCooperation Section

SFA-TE-03Education and Cooperation StaffOfficer

OF 2/3 All Services FN, SN Education and cooperation experience

38Education andCooperation Section

SFA-TE-04Education and Cooperation StaffAssistant

OR 8/9 All Services FN, SN Education and cooperation experience

39Training Developmentand Delivery Section

SFA-TE-05Training Development and DeliverySection Chief

OF 3/4 All Services FN, SNTraining development and deliveryexperience

40Training Developmentand Delivery Section

SFA-TE-06Training Development and DeliveryStaff Officer

OF 2/3 All Services FN, SNTraining development and deliveryexperience

41Training Developmentand Delivery Section

SFA-TE-07Training Development and DeliveryStaff Officer

OF 2/3 All Services FN, SNTraining development and deliveryexperience

42Training Developmentand Delivery Section

SFA-TE-08Training Development and DeliveryStaff Officer

OR 2/3 All Services FN, SNTraining development and deliveryexperience

43Training Developmentand Delivery Section

SFA-TE-09Training Development and DeliveryStaff Assistant

OR 8/9 All Services FN, SNTraining development and deliveryexperience

44Training Developmentand Delivery Section

SFA-TE-10Training Development and DeliveryStaff Assistant

OR 8/9 All Services FN, SNTraining development and deliveryexperience



No. Organization Post Number Post Title Rank Service Nation Remarks

45 Lessons Learned Branch SFA-LLB-01 Branch Head OF 4 All Services SNLessons Learned and CulturalAwareness experience.

46 Lessons Learned Section SFA-LLB-02 Lessons Learned Section Chief OF 3/4 All Services FN, SN Lessons Learned experience

47 Lessons Learned Section SFA-LLB-03 Lessons Learned Staff Officer OF 2/3 All Services FN, SN Lessons Learned experience

48Cultural Awareness andGap Analysis Section

SFA-LLB-06Cultural Awareness and GapAnalysis Section Chief

OF 3/4 All Services FN, SN Cultural Awareness experience

49Cultural Awareness andGap Analysis Section

SFA-LLB-08Cultural Awareness and GapAnalysis Section Staff Assistant

OR 8/9 All Services FN, SN Cultural Awareness experience

Note 1: All posts may be filled with equivalent civilian personnel.Note 2: Numbers proposed may be increased or reduced, according to biddings.Note 3: Staff Officer and Staff Assistant vacant positions may be filled by Contributing Partners or other Partners, subject to SC approval.


Annex D to Concept for the NATO SFA COE


Date of thechange

Description of thechange

Related Document orDecision

Comments, date of promulgation, name,appointment and signature of the

promulgating authority