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Download Concentrating Solar Power and Chemical Energy  · PDF fileConcentrating Solar Power and Chemical Energy Systems September 16–19, 2014 Beijing, China

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  • Concentrating Solar Power and Chemical Energy Systems

    September 16 19, 2014Beijing, China

  • Floor Plan

    China National Convention Center (CNCC) Level 1

    Registration and Media Upload Desk

    Exhibition Plansee page 47

    C 3

    C 4

    Function Hall C

    Function Hall B

    Function Hall A

    Ballroom A

    Exhibition and

    Catering Area

    Poster Area

    Room DesignationBallroom A Plenary Sessions, Oral Sessions, and Awards Ceremony

    Function Hall A Oral Sessions

    Function Hall B Oral Sessions

    Function Hall C Oral Sessions

    Welcome Reception, lunches and Conference Dinner will be on Level 4, Plenary Hall B


  • 3

    Greetings 4

    Committees 9

    Conference Topics 10

    Sponsors 11

    Supporters 11

    Scientific Program 12

    Tuesday 12

    Wednesday 18

    Program Overview 24

    Thursday 30

    Friday 40

    Technical Tour 45

    General Information 46

    To get the latest version of the scientific program on your cell phone please scan the QR-code or enter the URL.


    Floor Plan 2

    Exhibition Plan 47

  • 4

    GreetingsDear Friends,

    Its my great honor to welcome you to Beijing for the SolarPACES 2014 Conference. Its the first time that the SolarPACES conference has ever been held in an Asian country, and I assure you that the conference is anticipated with great enthusiasm here.

    China is a major producer and consumer of energy. Its installed capacity in either wind or hydro power ranks first in the world, and the production capacity in wind tur-bines and solar PV is the worlds largest. However, coal consumption still accounted for 66.2% of Chinas total energy consumption (3.75 Btce) in 2013, and non-fossil energy consumption constituted 9.8%. We need clean energy policies, programs and technologies to reduce coal consumption and emissions. Solar power is an im-portant area that we are working on. By 2015, Chinas installed solar power capacity will reach 35 GW. By 2020, the installed capacity will be 100 GW. While solar PV is a fully developed industry in China nowadays, concentrated solar power (CSP) has much potential for further progress. We have implemented national research and development projects focusing on the RD&D of CSP technologies, which promote the establishment of the industrial chain of CSP.

    SolarPACES 2014 will present insights into new developments in technology, poli-tics, the market and financing by top experts in this field. Its a great opportunity for researchers and manufacturers to learn about the latest trends and exchange views. I believe this high-profile conference would add momentum to CSP development in China and the world, which would in turn contribute to the big picture of renewable energy. I wish the conference every success and you a most pleasant stay in Beijing.

    Yours sincerely,

    Cao Jianlin

    Vice Minister Ministry of Science and Technology, P.R.China

  • 5

    Dear SolarPACES Participants,

    As Executive Director of the International Energy Agency (IEA), I was very pleased to be invited to participate in the SolarPACES 2014 Conference in Beijing and reg-ret that I cannot attend in person. Although a colleague will represent the IEA on my behalf, I want to underscore the timeliness of this event and express support for its aims.

    Solar thermal electricity (STE) generated by concentrating solar power (CSP) plants is an important renewable energy technology with considerable potential. It has witnessed robust growth in the last four years, although less than expected in the 2010 IEA technology roadmap. More importantly, the technology is diversify-ing, creating pathways that promise to increase deployment by reducing costs and opening new markets. Meanwhile, the rapid deployment and the decrease in costs of solar photovoltaics (PV), as well as other important changes in the energy land-scape, notably greater uncertainty in regard to nuclear power and carbon capture and storage (CCS), have led the IEA to reassess the role of both solar technolo-gies in mitigating climate change.

    The interesting outcome of this reassessment is that the vision set for STE four years ago, to reach about 11% of global electricity generation by 2050, has re-mained unchanged despite the increased prospects for PV deployment. Their built-in storage capabilities allow CSP plants to supply electricity on demand. This decisive asset is already being used to generate electricity when demand peaks after sunset in emerging economies with growing capacity needs. This advantage will only gain in importance as variable renewable energy sources such as PV and wind power increase their shares of global electricity.

    Hence the IEA is proud to host this implementing agreement SolarPACES de-dicated to concentrating solar power technologies. Of all IEA technology program-mes, it is perhaps the most global, as it has the largest participation by non-IEA member countries. The IEA watches SolarPACES work closely. Its findings inspire the 2014 update of our technology roadmap for solar thermal electricity that the IEA will share with the participants at SolarPACES 2014 in Beijing.

    I wish you all a very productive and successful conference.

    Maria van der Hoeven

    Executive Director of the International Energy Agency (IEA)

  • 6

    Dear Colleagues,

    It is an honor to welcome you to the SolarPACES 2014 International Conference from September 1619, 2014 in Beijing, China.

    SolarPACES (Solar Power and Chemical Energy Systems) has evolved over more than 30 years, under the umbrella of the IEA, into a prestigious international network committed to advancing the state-of-the-art and to increasing the market penetrati-on of concentrating solar power (CSP) and chemical energy systems. SolarPACES 2014, the 20th annual symposium, teamed up with ESTELA, the European Solar Thermal Electricity Association, will be again the central event at which the thriving international CSP community gathers to share experiences and reflect on the cur-rent status of CSP and chemical energy technologies.

    SolarPACES 2014 therefore is a unique opportunity to offer:

    A forum for industry, research, politics and financing stakeholders to discuss the future of concentrating solar energy.

    A scientific and technical conference program with world leading experts and with a special emphasis on recent R&D results.

    Insights into new developments in technology, politics, the market and financing presented by top experts in the fields.

    CSP is going to experience an exciting time in China. The National Energy Adminis-tration (NEA) has set the installation target of CSP as 3GW by 2020. Its expected that CSP will be deployed on a large-scale in China in short term. So far there are several demonstration projects that have been launched in the northern areas of China, and the industry, together with the research institutes and universities are working together to accelerate its commercialization progress.

    On behalf of SolarPACES and the national hosts; the Department of High and New Technology Development and Industrialization & Department of International Co-operation, the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Peoples Republic of Chi-na, and the Bureau of International Cooperation of Chinese Academy of Sciences, I kindly invite you to be a part of this exciting technical event at SolarPACES 2014. The conference also offers you an excellent opportunity to visit the beautiful city of Beijing. On behalf of SolarPACES, Id like to express my gratitude to the conference organizers and the scientific committee for enabling the foremost international STP conference of 2014.

    I look forward to meeting you at the conference in Beijing.


    Dr. Zhifeng Wang

    Chair, SolarPACES 2014 International ConferenceChair, National Solar Thermal Energy Alliance, ChinaProfessor, Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences

  • 7

    Dear Participant,

    As the Implementing Agreement of the International Energy Agency for Solar Power and Chemical Energy Systems, SolarPACES brings together scientists, engineers and administrators from countries and corporations that are pushing the boundaries of solar thermal conversion technologies.

    A very substantial part of the SolarPACES mission is to share information about the technical advances in the Concentrating Solar Power and Solar Chemistry fields and to alert communities, governments and the general public of those advances, their potential for further improvements, and their relevance to provide clean, sustainable, and affordable power for mankind.

    The SolarPACES International Conference is one of the most important instruments that SolarPACES has to further its mission. Because of the quality of its technical sessions and keynote speakers, the scope and relevance of the scientific advances being presented and discussed, and the large and diverse number of participants, this conference is without doubt the most important event of the year in the concen-trating solar thermal and solar chemistry domains.

    But, the most important factor in guaranteeing the conferences success is you. It is your interest and engagement in the different topics being discussed at the confe-rence, and your pro-active participation in conference events, which year after year, makes this conference a very unique and rewarding experience. Because of this, I want to thank you for your participation in the conference and for being part of the SolarPACES community.

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