comunidad de madrid luis.docx

By Luis By Luis

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Page 1: Comunidad de madrid luis.docx

By LuisBy Luis

Page 2: Comunidad de madrid luis.docx

aa. . Relief: The relief is an area on a map is the difference between the highest point Relief: The relief is an area on a map is the difference between the highest point and the lowest point .and the lowest point .

b. Rivers :They are continous currents of water .b. Rivers :They are continous currents of water . c. Tributaries : A tributary or affluent is a steam or river which flows into a main c. Tributaries : A tributary or affluent is a steam or river which flows into a main

stem or parent river or a lake. stem or parent river or a lake. d. Climate: This is the atmospheric weather of an area over a period of timed. Climate: This is the atmospheric weather of an area over a period of time e.Soil :It’s the layer where plants and animals livee.Soil :It’s the layer where plants and animals live

f. f. VegetationVegetation : It’s the group of plants that grow in an area . : It’s the group of plants that grow in an area . g.Fauna:It’s the groupg.Fauna:It’s the group of animals that live in an area . of animals that live in an area .

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Mountain:A mountain is a natural rise of the Earth's surface Mountain:A mountain is a natural rise of the Earth's surface that usually has a "summit " (or "top"). It is usually steeper that usually has a "summit " (or "top"). It is usually steeper and taller than a hill.and taller than a hill.

Mountain range: mountain range is a single, large mass Mountain range: mountain range is a single, large mass consisting of a succession of mountains or narrowly spaced consisting of a succession of mountains or narrowly spaced mountain ridges, with or without peaks, closely related in mountain ridges, with or without peaks, closely related in position, direction, formation, and age; a component part of a position, direction, formation, and age; a component part of a mountain system or of a mountain chain.mountain system or of a mountain chain.

Mountain chain: A mountain is a very high area of land with Mountain chain: A mountain is a very high area of land with steep sides. steep sides.

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They are Guadarrama , Gredos and They are Guadarrama , Gredos and Somosierra. Somosierra.

Guadarrama :is situated in the north of Guadarrama :is situated in the north of Madrid.Madrid.

Gredos :is situated in the southwest of Gredos :is situated in the southwest of Madrid.Madrid.

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Plains are Vegas ,Campiñas and Páramos.Plains are Vegas ,Campiñas and Páramos. Vegas : Son los terrenos situados junto a Vegas : Son los terrenos situados junto a

los ríos.los ríos. Campiñas: Son zonas llanas con suelos Campiñas: Son zonas llanas con suelos

arcillosos.arcillosos. Páramos: Son zonas llanas con suelos Páramos: Son zonas llanas con suelos

pobres y calizospobres y calizos

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They are the plain of river Manzanares and Tajo .

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They are Valle del Lozoya and Valle of They are Valle del Lozoya and Valle of Fuenfría .Fuenfría .

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Valleys :They are low areas that are between Valleys :They are low areas that are between mountains .Rivers usually flow through mountains .Rivers usually flow through valleys.valleys.

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A. Course : This is the river’s path from its source to its A. Course : This is the river’s path from its source to its mouth.It has 3 main sectors:mouth.It has 3 main sectors:

Upriver is the part from it source to the plains.Upriver is the part from it source to the plains. Midriver is the part that goes through the plains.The rivers Midriver is the part that goes through the plains.The rivers

can make curves called meanders.can make curves called meanders. Downriver is the lowestDownriver is the lowest B.Channel :The channel is the terrain the river flows through . B.Channel :The channel is the terrain the river flows through . C. Water flow : This is the amount of water that a river carries. C. Water flow : This is the amount of water that a river carries.

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Rivers :Tajo .Rivers :Tajo . Tributaries: Jarama and Guadarrama .Tributaries: Jarama and Guadarrama .

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A A lakelake is a large body of freshwater or  is a large body of freshwater or salt water or salt water .salt water or salt water .

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A A reservoirreservoiror is an or is an artificial lakeartificial lake is used to  is used to store water .store water .

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Tajo : Atazar, San Juan, Valmayor and Tajo : Atazar, San Juan, Valmayor and Santillana are the most important reservoirs in Santillana are the most important reservoirs in MadridMadrid

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