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Page 1: Computing Infrastructure Status. LHCb Computing Status LHCb LHCC mini-review, February 20082 The LHCb Computing Model: a reminder m Simulation is using

Computing Infrastructure


Page 2: Computing Infrastructure Status. LHCb Computing Status LHCb LHCC mini-review, February 20082 The LHCb Computing Model: a reminder m Simulation is using


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LHCb LHCC mini-review, February 2008 2

The LHCb Computing Model: a reminder

Simulation is using non-Tier1 CPU resources MC data are stored at Tier0-1s, no permanent storage at these

sites Real data are processed at Tier0-1 (up to analysis)

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LHCb LHCC mini-review, February 2008 3

The life of a real LHCb event

Written out to a RAW file by the Online System Files are 2 GBytes / 60,000 events / 30 seconds on average

RAW file is transferred to Tier0 (CERN-Castor) Migrated to tape, checksum verified (can be deleted in Online)

RAW file is transferred to one of the Tier1s Migrated to tape

RAW file is reconstructed at Tier0-1 About 20 hours to create an rDST

rDST stored locally with migration to tape When enough (4?) rDSTs are ready, they are stripped

at the local site Data streams are created

possibly files are merged into 2 GB files Merged streamed DSTs & ETCs created, stored locally and at

CERN with tape migration DST & ETC distributed to the 5 other Tier1s

Analysis takes place on these stripped DSTs at all Tier0-1

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LHCb LHCC mini-review, February 2008 4

A few numbers

RAW file - 2 GB, 60000 events, 30 s 1500 files per day, 3 TBytes, 70 MB/s 90 Mevts / day

Reconstruction: 20 h 1500 CPUs permanently (200 to 300 per site)

rDST file - 2 GB, 60000 events Stripped DSTs

In the computing TDR, very aggressive numbers for selection Factor 10 overall reduction (after HLT)

Number of streams to be defined… Assume 20 balanced streams

One 2 GB DST, 20000 events originating from 4 RAW Mevts Need to merge 16 DSTs (of 240 kevts each)

25 streamed DSTs per day and per stream (50 GB) For 120 days of run, only 6 TB for each stream (3000 files)

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LHCb LHCC mini-review, February 2008 5

The LHCb Computing Grid (1)

Integrated system called DIRAC DIRAC is a community (LHCb) Grid solution

based on Grid infrastructure services (storage and computing resources and services)

DIRAC provides a unified framework for all services and tools DIRAC2 used since 2004 for production, 2006 for analysis DIRAC3 being commissioned (full re-engineering)

DIRAC provides high level generic services Data Management

Fully reliable file transfers retries until successful based on gLite FTS (File Transfer Service) using specific channels and

network links (LHC Optical Private Network, OPN) FTS used for all transfers but file upload from Worker Nodes

simple file upload commands Implements failover and recovery mechanism for all operations

registers actions to be performed later (e.g. when site is available again) Registration of all copies of files (called “replicas”)

For users, files only have a Logical File Name (LFN)

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LHCb LHCC mini-review, February 2008 6

The LHCb Computing Grid (2)

Workload Management Prepares data (pre-stage) if not available online Submits jobs to sites where data are available

using EGEE infrastructure (gLite WMS) Monitors the progress of the job Uploads output data and logfiles Allows re-submission if job fails

DIRAC LHCb-specific services Data Management

Registration of the provenance of files (Bookkeeping) used for retrieving list of files according to user’s criteria returns LFNs

Production tools Definition of processing (complex) workflows

e.g. run 4 Gauss, 3 Boole and 1 Brunel “step” Creation of jobs

manually (Production Manager) automatically (using pre-defined criteria, e.g. when 4 rDSTs are ready,

strip them using this workflow)

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LHCb LHCC mini-review, February 2008 7

DIRAC3 for first data taking

DIRAC3 being commissioned Most components are ready, integrated and tested Basic functionality (equivalent to DIRAC2)

This week: full rehearsal week all developers are at CERN Goal: follow progress of the challenge, fix problems ASAP

DIRAC3 planning (as of 15 Nov) 30 Nov 2007: Basic functionality 15 Dec 2007: Production Management, start tests 15 Jan 2008: Full CCRC functionality, tests start 5 Feb 2008: Start tests for CCRC phase 1 18 Feb 2008: Run CCRC 31 Mar 2008: Full functionality, ready for CCRC phase 2 tests

Current status: on time with above schedule

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LHCb LHCC mini-review, February 2008 8

CCRC’08 for LHCb

Raw data upload: Online Tier0 storage (CERN Castor) Use DIRAC transfer framework

exercise two transfer tools (Castor rfcp, Grid FTP)

Raw data distribution to Tier1s Reminder: CNAF, GridKa, IN2P3, NIKHEF, PIC, RAL Use gLite File Transfer System (FTS)

based on the upcoming Storage Resource Manager (SRM) version 2.2 (just coming out)

Share according to resource pledges from sites Data reconstruction at Tier0+1

Production of RDST, stored locally Data access using also SRM v2 (various storage back-ends:

Castor and dCache) For May: stripping of reconstructed data

Initially foreseen in Feb, but de-scoped Distribution of streamed DSTs to Tier1s If possible include file merging

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LHCb LHCC mini-review, February 2008 9

Tier1 resources for CCRC’08

Data sharing according to Tier1 pledges as of February 15th (!!!)

LHCb SRM v2.2 space token descriptions are: LHCb_RAW (T1D0) LHCb_RDST (T1D0) LHCb_M-DST (T1D1) LHCb_DST (T0D1) LHCb_FAILOVER (T0D1)

used for temporary upload in case of destination unavailability All data can be scrapped after the challenge

Test SRM bulk removal Based on 2 weeks run

28,000 files (42 TB) CCRC’08 in May

4 weeks continuous running Established services and procedures

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sCCRC’08 first results

Tier0-Tier1 transfers 5,000 files (7.5 TB)

transferred to Tier1s using FTS + SRM v2

4 hours!

All Tier1’s RAW spaces work

Continuous transfer over WE

Plans Adding automatic

reconstruction now

Pit to Tier0 transfers Sustained nominal rate for 6

days (60 MB/s) Red line

125 MB/s for one day Tape migration followed

Green line High peaks are Tier1 transfers

Plans ½ rate today (50% duty

cycle) Nominal rate after (>10 days)

LHCb LHCC mini-review, February 2008 10

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Questions? More news tomorrow

LCG-LHCC meeting

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