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  • 8/6/2019 computerbasics-rightclicking


    128 Computer Basics Training

    Figure 5-13

    Right-clicking with themouse.

    Figure 5-14

    The shortcut menu for theRecycle Bin.

    Figure 5-15

    The shortcut menu for the

    clock.Figure 5-16

    The Local Disk (C:)Properties dialog box.

    Recycle Bin

    Right-click an objectto open a shortcutmenu of commands forthe object.

    Lesson 5-7: Using the Mouse:Right-clicking

    Click!Right-clickPress and releasethe right mousebutton.

    Figure 5-14

    Figure 5-13

    Figure 5-15

    Figure 5-16

    You already know that the left mouse button is the primary mouse button, used for clicking

    and double-clicking, and its the mouse button you will use over 95 percent of the time when

    you work with Windows. So whats the right mouse button used for? Whenever you right-

    clicksomething, it brings up a shortcut menu that lists everything you can do to the object.

    Whenever youre unsure or curious about what you can do with an object, point to it and click

    it with the right mouse button. A shortcut menu will appear with a list of commands related to

    the object or area you right-clicked.

    Right mouse button shortcut menus are a great way to give commands to Windows because

    you dont have to wade through several levels of menus to do something.

    11. Move the pointer over the Recycle Bin icon and click the right mousebutton.

    A shortcut menu appears with a list of commands related to the Recycle Bin, as shown

    in Figure 5-14.

    2008 CustomGuide, Inc.

  • 8/6/2019 computerbasics-rightclicking


    Chapter Five: Introduction to Windows XP 12922. Point to and click the Empty Recycle Bin option on the shortcut menu

    with the left mouse button.

    You still use the left mouse button to select menu items, even if they are found in a

    right-mouse button shortcut menu. A dialog box appears, asking you if you are sure

    you want to delete the contents of the Recycle Bin. Better play it safe and

    33.. Click No with the left mouse button.Next, you realize the clock displayed on the far right side of the taskbar is ten minutes

    fast. You can display the clocks properties by right-clicking the clock.

    44.. Move the pointer over the clock, located on the far right end of thetaskbar, and click the right mouse button.

    Another shortcut menu appears, with commands related to the Windows clock, as

    shown in Figure 5-15.

    Notice one of the commands listed on the shortcut menu is Adjust Date/Time. You

    would select this menu item if you needed to adjust the date and/or time. But you dont

    want to adjust the date or time, so you can move on to the next step and close the

    shortcut menu without selecting anything.

    55.. Click anywhere outside the shortcut menu with the left mouse button.

    The final object well right-click in this lesson is the computers Local Disk drive. Toget to the Local Disk Drive you have to open My Computer.

    66.. Click the Start button. Click My Computer from the menu.The My Computer window opens, displaying the contents of your computer. You want

    to see how much space is left on your computers local disk.

    77.. Right-click the Local Disk (C:) icon.A shortcut menu appears, with a list of commands related to the local disk.

    88. Click the Properties option on the shortcut menu with the left mousebutton.

    A dialog box appears, showing a graph that illustrates how much space is left on your

    hard drive, as shown in Figure 5-16.

    99. Click Cancel.The dialog box closes.

    Youre done! Youve learned all the actions you can perform with the mouse: pointing,

    clicking, double-clicking, clicking and dragging, and right-clicking. What an


    Windows clock

    My Computer

    Local Disk (C:)icon

    Quick Reference

    To Display an ObjectsShortcut Menu:

    Point to the object andclick the right mousebutton. Select items fromthe shortcut menu withthe left mouse button.

    To Close a Shortcut MenuWithout SelectingAnything:

    Click anywhere outsidethe shortcut menu withthe left mouse button, opress the key.

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