computer science -2210/22 -...

1 2210/22/PRE/O/N/18 ©NIKHIL VM , ISKANDHAR School, Male’– Mob: +960 9110191 Date: 01 st Sept 2018 COMPUTER SCIENCE -2210/22 Paper 2 Problem-solving and Programming October/November 2018 PRE-RELEASE MATERIAL Solution for TASK 1 (Student Version) TASK 1 Registering to take part. Write a program to set up arrays to store the data for 20 children. On registration, each child must be allocated a unique identification number of four digits; the last digit is a check digit. The unique identification number, age in years and name for each child is recorded and stored on registration. The PB time and the number of runs are initialized to zero and these values stored on registration. Their PB time is stored as minutes correct to two decimal places. #TASK1 Registration of 20 children (Iteration loop) Input Name to an array Input Age to an array ( validation ; 4 -14 ) Generate Registration number and store to an array ( 4 digit registration number , last digit check digit ) Personal best set as zero Number of runs set as zero For Registration, have to create 5 arrays 1 2 3 .. …. …. 20 reg_no 1230 1241 1252 c_name nik Gan Mik c-age 14 4 10 pb 0 0 0 n_run 0 0 0 On Registration

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Page 1: COMPUTER SCIENCE -2210/22 - · 2210/22/PRE/O/N/18 ©NIKHIL VM , ISKANDHAR School, Male’–Mob:

1 2210/22/PRE/O/N/18 ©NIKHIL VM , ISKANDHAR School, Male’– Mob: +960 9110191 Date: 01st Sept 2018


Paper 2 Problem-solving and Programming October/November 2018


(Student Version)

TASK 1 – Registering to take part.

Write a program to set up arrays to store the data for 20 children. On registration, each child must be

allocated a unique identification number of four digits; the last digit is a check digit. The unique

identification number, age in years and name for each child is recorded and stored on registration. The

PB time and the number of runs are initialized to zero and these values stored on registration. Their PB

time is stored as minutes correct to two decimal places.


Registration of 20 children (Iteration loop)

Input Name to an array

Input Age to an array ( validation ; 4 -14 )

Generate Registration number and store to an array ( 4 digit registration number , last digit

check digit )

Personal best set as zero

Number of runs set as zero

For Registration, have to create 5 arrays

1 2 3 .. … …. …. … 20

reg_no 1230 1241 1252

c_name nik Gan Mik

c-age 14 4 10

pb 0 0 0

n_run 0 0 0

On Registration

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DIM c_name(1 TO 20) AS STRING

DIM c_age(1 TO 20) AS INTEGER

DIM reg_no(1 TO 20) AS INTEGER

DIM n_run(1 TO 20) AS INTEGER

DIM pb(1 TO 20) AS REAL

reg_c = 123

FOR ct = 1 TO 20

INPUT "Enter Child Name...:"; c_name(ct)


INPUT "Please enter Child's Age:"; c_age(ct)

IF c_age(ct) < 4 OR c_age(ct) > 14 THEN

PRINT "Age must be 4 - 14...! Please Re-enter correct age"


UNTIL c_age(ct) >= 4 AND c_age(ct) <= 14

dig1 = INT (reg_c / 100)

temp1 = dig1 * 100

reg_temp = reg_c - temp1

dig2 = INT(reg_temp / 10)

dig3 = reg_temp MOD 10

ch_dig = ((dig1 * 3) + (dig2 * 2) + (dig3 * 1)) MOD 10

reg_no(ct) = reg_c * 10 + ch_dig

reg_c = reg_c + 1

n_run(ct) = 0

pb(ct) = 0

PRINT c_name(ct); " Registered Successfully...!!Please note the

Registration number!!"

PRINT reg_no(ct); ":"; c_name(ct);


Practice Questions

1. Declare arrays you used for Task 1 and state the purpose of each one. 2. Write an algorithm to complete Task1 ( with validation and without validation ) 3. Explain how your program allocates unique registration number ( Task1) 4. Extend Task 1 for 50 children. (redo question 1 to 3 ) 5. Give 3 different ages that you could use to check the validation used in Task1. Explain why you

use each one. 6. Comment on the efficiency of your design for Task 1. 7. Comment any weakness/ limitation of your design for Task1

Commented [NIK1]: Array Declarations c_name to Store Children’s Name c_age to store Age of the children reg_no to store the register number of each child n_run to store number of events attended by each child pb to store personal best of each child

Commented [NIK2]: Initialize 3-digit number for Register number generation

Commented [NIK3]: Loop for input and store 20 children details

Commented [NIK4]: Input Child Age with validation

Commented [NIK5]: Extracting 3 digits separately from the initialized three-digit registration constant, reg_c

Commented [NIK6]: Creating the Register Number (4 digit)

Commented [NIK7]: Registration constant value increment by 1 for next student input

Commented [NIK8]: The PB time and the number of runs are initializing to zero

Commented [NIK9]: Output Child’s Registration number with Name

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3 2210/22/PRE/O/N/18 ©NIKHIL VM , ISKANDHAR School, Male’– Mob: +960 9110191 Date: 01st Sept 2018


Paper 2 Problem-solving and Programming October/November 2018


(Student Version)

TASK 2 – Recording the times.

Extend your program to record the unique identification number and to input the start time and finish

time for every child completing the junior park run event. Calculate and store the time each child took

to complete the run. A registered child does not have to compete in each event. Only one time per child

is recorded during an event.


Input Register Number and Search in the array , reg_no[20]

If Register Number found,

Input Start Time ( HH, MM,SS format )

Input Finish Time ( HH, MM, SS format)

Calculate the time difference in second , adjust to 2dp and store to a new array (event record)

Update Personal best (under conditions)

Update Number of Runs

1 2 3 .. … …. …. … 20

reg_no 1230 1241 1252 ...... 1434

c_name nik Gan Mik ..... Ami

c-age 14 4 10 ..... 7

pb 0 0 0 ..... 0

n_run 0 0 0 ..... 0

ev_record .....






1, a

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n d



New array created to store each child’s current event (run) duration in minutes [2dp]

Optional for Task 2

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DIM ev_record(1 TO 20) AS REAL




rpos = 0

INPUT "Please Enter Child Register Number"; reg

FOR ctr = 1 TO 20

IF reg_no(ctr) = reg THEN rpos = ctr


IF rpos <> 0 THEN

PRINT "Enter Event details of "; reg_no(rpos); ":"; c_name(rpos)

INPUT "Enter Start time (HH, MM, SS)"; sh, sm, ss

st_min = (sh * 60) + sm + (ss / 60)

INPUT "Enter Finish time (HH, MM, SS)"; fh, fm, fs

ft_min = (fh * 60) + fm + (fs / 60)

dur_min = ft_min - st_min

dur_min = INT(dur_min * 100)

dur_tdp = dur_min / 100

ev_record(rpos) = dur_tdp

n_run(rpos) = n_run(rpos) + 1

IF pb(rpos) = 0 OR dur_tdp < pb(rpos) THEN

pb(rpos) = dur_tdp

PRINT "Personal Best updated!!"



PRINT “Entered Register Number Not found!!!”


INPUT "Do you need to record more children's event details...? (Y/N)"; ch

UNTIL (ch = "N" OR ch = "n")

Optional for Task2.

Task 3 extending

from here

Commented [NIK10]: Array Declaration for storing each student’s event duration time in minutes

Commented [NIK11]: Variable for control/continue / terminate the input

Commented [NIK12]: Loop for input the details of Participant’s details.

Commented [NIK13]: Once the input Register number found, that array position will store to this variable,

Commented [NIK14]: Searching for the details of entered register number. Once it found, array position of the register number will store to ‘rpos’ variable. eg:- if 1252 is the input register Number , rpos will be 3.

Commented [NIK15]: Entered Register Number found ( rpos will be non zero integer between 1 and 20)

Commented [NIK16]: Displays the child Name and register number (optional Step)

Commented [NIK17]: Input the Start time of the child and changing the time to minutes

Commented [NIK18]: Input the Finish time of the child and changing the time to minutes

Commented [NIK19]: Time taken for the run (in minutes)

Commented [NIK20]: Adjusting the calculated Duration time for 2dp

Commented [NIK21]: Record the Child’s event duration into array. Adding 1 to the child’s number of events participated

Commented [NIK22]: Updating the Personal Best. Considering two conditions here-

1.Child’s First event ( pb =0)

2. Update the Personal best only if new duration is less than existing one.

Commented [NIK23]: Error message for Invalid Register number

Commented [NIK24]: For recording next child event details / stop the inputs

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5 2210/22/PRE/O/N/18 ©NIKHIL VM , ISKANDHAR School, Male’– Mob: +960 9110191 Date: 01st Sept 2018

Practice Questions

8. State name , data type and use of arrays used in Task2 9. State name , data type and use of variables used in Task2 10. Write an algorithm to complete Task2 ( Assume that Task 1 completed ) 11. Explain how your program for Task 2 calculating the duration in minutes and rounding to two

decimal place. 12. Comment on the efficiency of your design for Task 2. 13. Comment any weakness/ limitation of your design for Task2

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6 2210/22/PRE/O/N/18 ©NIKHIL VM , ISKANDHAR School, Male’– Mob: +960 9110191 Date: 01st Sept 2018


Paper 2 Problem-solving and Programming October/November 2018


(Student Version)

TASK 3 – Updating the children’s data and identifying the fastest child for each age range.

Extend your program to update the number of runs and the PB time if necessary for every child

completing the junior park run event. Check if any half- or full-marathon wristbands need to be

awarded. Output the names and the type of wristbands. Output the names and the times of the fastest

child at this event for each of the age ranges 4 to 6, 7 to 10 and 11 to 14.

#TASK3 Extend Task 2 …. Update personal Best (pb) Update number of runs Check for Half Marathon wristband ( number of run =11) Check for Full Marathon Wristband ( number of run =22) Fastest child , age group 4-6 Fastest child , age group 7-10 Fastest child , age group 11-14

Ch As String

fmar = 22

hmar = 11


ev_record(rpos)= dur

IF pb(rpos) = 0 OR dur_tdp < pb(rpos) THEN

pb(rpos) = dur_tdp

PRINT "Personal Best updated!!"


n_run(rpos) = n_run(rpos)+1

IF n_run(rpos)= hmar THEN PRINT “ HALF MARATHONE WRISTBAND for” c_name(rpos)

IF n_run(rpos)= fmar THEN PRINT “ FULL MARATHONE WRISTBAND for” c_name(rpos)

INPUT "Do you need to record more children's event details...? (Y/N)"; ch

UNTIL (ch = "N" OR ch = "n")

// Array position (rpos) of the input

register number identified and the duration

of the child (dur) calculated in Task 2

Commented [NIK25]: Number of runs for Full marathon and half marathon

Commented [NIK26]: Updating the Personal Best. Considering two conditions here-

3.Child’s First event ( pb =0)

4. Update the Personal best only if new duration is less than existing one.

Commented [NIK27]: Checking for Half / Full marathon wristband award

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best_fg = 1440

best_sg = 1440

best_tg = 1440

pos_fg = 0

pos_sg = 0

pos_tg = 0

FOR ctl = 1 TO 20

IF pb(ctl) > 0 THEN

IF c_age(ctl) >= 4 AND c_age(ctl) <= 6 THEN

IF pb(ctl) < best_fg THEN

best_fg = pb(ctl)

pos_fg = ctl



IF c_age(ctl) >= 7 AND c_age(ctl) <= 10 THEN

IF pb(ctl) < best_sg THEN

best_sg = pb(ctl)

pos_sg = ctl



IF c_age(ctl) >= 11 AND c_age(ctl) <= 14 THEN

IF pb(ctl) < best_tg THEN

best_tg = pb(ctl)

pos_tg = ctl




NEXT ctl

PRINT "Fastest Child in the age group 4-6"; pb(pos_fg); ":"; c_name(pos_fg)

PRINT "Fastest Child in the age group 7-10"; pb(pos_sg); ":"; c_name(pos_sg)

PRINT "Fastest Child in the age group 11-14"; pb(pos_tg); ":"; c_name(pos_tg)

Commented [NIK28]: Initial value for finding Best/Lowest PB value from three age groups. Fist Group (4-6), Second Group(7-10), Third Group(11-14)

Commented [NIK29]: Position value for three age groups.

Commented [NIK30]: Loop for searching the arrays

Commented [NIK31]: The children those not attended any event, PB value will be Zero. No need to consider those values for checking fastest.

Commented [NIK32]: To find the Fastest child in the age group 4-6

Commented [NIK33]: To find the Fastest child in the age group 7-10

Commented [NIK34]: To find the Fastest child in the age group 11-14

Commented [NIK35]: Print all the three age Group’s fastest child details (Register number & name)

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8 2210/22/PRE/O/N/18 ©NIKHIL VM , ISKANDHAR School, Male’– Mob: +960 9110191 Date: 01st Sept 2018

Practice Questions

1. State name , data type and use of variables used in Task3. 2. State the name of constant variables and its value that used in Task3. 3. Write an algorithm to complete Task3 ( Assume that Task 1 & Task2 completed ) 4. Write an algorithm to update personal Best and number of run in Task 3. 5. Explain how your program for Task 3 updating the personal best and number of runs. 6. Explain how your program for Task 3 checking half or full marathon wristband needs to be

award. 7. Explain how your program for Task 3 calculating the fastest child at this event for each of the

age ranges 4 to 6, 7 to 10 and 11 to 14. 8. Comment on the efficiency of your design for Task 2. 9. Comment any weakness/ limitation of your design for Task2