computer in efl classrooms

Computer in EFL Classrooms WP E-MAIL CHAT

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Post on 30-Sep-2015




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Computer in EFL Classrooms

Computer in EFL ClassroomsWP E-mail ChatOverview:

- CALL appeared in the early 1980s and its early programs typically required learners to respond to stimuli on the computer screen and to carry out takes such as filling in gapped texts, matching sentences, and doing multiple-choice activities.- For all of these activities the computer then offers the learner feedback pointing out whether the answer is correct or incorrect. This way was and is found on many CDs published for language teaching.Overview:

- As access to information and communications technology has become more widespread, so CALL has moved beyond the use of the internet and web-based tool.- The term TEFL (Technology Enhanced Language Learning) appeared in the 1990s, in respond to the growing possibility offered by the internet and communications technology.- Now, the use of computer in the language classroom is becoming increasing important.Reasons for the use of computer in the language classroom is becoming increasing important:

1- Internet access is becoming increasingly available to learners.2- Young learners are growing up with technology and it is a natural and integrated part of their lives.3- Technology, especially the internet, presents us with new opportunities for authentic tasks and materials, as well as access to a wealth of ready-made ELT materials.4- Technology offers new way for practicing language and assessing performance.Here is a list of computer applications for language teaching:

Websites & WebQuestOnline references tool:

1- Dictionary and treasures2- Concordance sand corpuses for language analysis3- Encyclopedias for research and project work.Technology-based courseware

1- CD-ROMs and DVDs.2- Computer-based testing.3- Electronic portfolios.WP

Teacher use WP for:Creating Materials Using word processors for language practice(A) Creating Materials:

1- Inserting Images and Links2- Creating Forums(B) Using word processors for language practice includes, among others, the followings:

1- Text manipulation and editing in a WP program.2- Dictation.3- Collaborative Writing Activity.E-Mail

- The benefits of e-mail *- Basic e-mailing skills *- Using e-mailing with learners out of class- Using e-mailing with learners during classKeypal projectsKeypal projects is the term for pen pals that use e-mail to communicate. Keypal projects should star first in class and then a mixture of in-class and out-of-class work is assigned.CHATType of Chat1- Text Chat (Communication between users takes place via typed text).2- Audio or voice Chat (Communication between users takes place via audio).3- Public Chat (open chat rooms for everyone and are grouped into categories like school, business, and so on. For example, Yahoo Chat)4- Private Chat (Individuals can be linked privately over the internet or over the instant messaging programs. Such as Yahoo Messenger.

For Example, SKYPEWhy is the use of chat in language teaching?

1- Learners may already use text/voice chat at home.2- Brings current technology into the classroom.3- It can be motivating.4- Enables learners to make contact with learners in other countries.5- Real practice of language.How to structure a text or voice chat lesson?

Like any lesson, a chat lesson needs a clear structure and aims.

Any chat lesson, should include the following broad stages:(A) An introductory/warmer phase:Introduction or exchanging personal information.(B) The main content of the chat:It should consist of one main task or a series of short tasks which learners need to complete.(C) Closing stage:Learners could be asked to summarize what they have covered or achieved.Thank YallHope You Find It Useful