computer crime and safety measure

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Page 1: Computer Crime and Safety Measure



Computer Crime and Safety Measure

Purushottam DahalBIM,HSM

Page 2: Computer Crime and Safety Measure



1. Computer Crime

2. Software Piracy

3. Anti Piracy

4. Computer Virus, Worm, Spyware

5. Ethical Issues in Computer

6. Cyber Law

7. Network Security

8. Data and message security

Page 3: Computer Crime and Safety Measure


3Computer Crime

Computer crime describes a very broad category of offenses. Some of them are the same as non-computer offenses, such as larceny or fraud, except that

a computer or the Internet is used in the commission of the crime. Others, like many forms of hacking, are uniquely related to computers.

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Computer crime laws in many states prohibit a person from performing certain acts without authorization, including: Improperly accessing a computer, system, or network; Modifying, damaging, using, disclosing, copying, or taking programs or data; Introducing a virus or other contaminant into a computer system; Using a computer in a scheme to defraud; Interfering with someone else's computer access or use; Using encryption in aid of a crime; Falsifying e-mail source information; and Stealing an information service from a provider.

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5Software Piracy

The unauthorized copying of software. Most retail programs are licensed for use at just one computer site or for use by only one user at any time.

By buying the software, you become a licensed user rather than an owner. You are allowed to make copies of the program for backup purposes, but it is against the law to give copies to friends and colleagues.

Software piracy is all but impossible to stop, although software companies are launching more and more lawsuits against major infractors.

Originally, software companies tried to stop software piracy by copy-protecting their software. This strategy failed, however, because it was inconvenient for users and was not 100 percent foolproof. Most software now requires some sort of registration, which may discourage would-be pirates, but doesn't really stop software piracy.

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6Anti Piracy

Designed to prevent the unauthorized use or reproduction of copyright material.

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7Computer virus

A computer virus is a malware that, when executed, replicates by reproducing it self or infecting other programs by modifying them.

Infecting computer programs can include as well, data files, or the boot sector of the hard drive.

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A computer worm is a standalone malware computer program that replicates itself in order to spread to other computers.

Often, it uses a computer network to spread itself, relying on security failures on the target computer to access it.

Unlike a computer virus, it does not need to attach itself to an existing program.

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Spyware is software that aims to gather information about a person or organization without their knowledge and that may send such information to another entity without the consumer's consent, or that asserts control over a computer without the consumer's knowledge.

"Spyware" is mostly classified into four types: system monitors, Trojans, adware, and tracking cookies.

Spyware is mostly used for the purposes of tracking and storing Internet users' movements on the Web and serving up pop-up ads to Internet users.

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10Cyber law

Cyber law or Internet law is a term that encapsulates the legal issues related to use of the Internet.

It is less a distinct field of law than intellectual property or contract law, as it is a domain covering many areas of law and regulation.

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11Network security

Network security consists of the policies adopted to prevent and monitor unauthorized access, misuse, modification, or denial of a computer network and network-accessible resources.

Network security involves the authorization of access to data in a network, which is controlled by the network administrator.

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