computational geometry (cs 236719)barequet/teaching/cg/fa16/cg... · 2012. 10. 22. · prof. gill...

1 Computational Geometry (CS 236719) Chapter 1 Introduction

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Computational Geometry

(CS 236719)

Chapter 1


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Center for Graphics and Geometric Computing, Technion2

Copyright 2002-2012

Prof. Gill Barequet

Center for Graphics and Geometric Computing

Dept. of Computer Science

The Technion


Thanks to Michal Urbach-Aharon who prepared the

initial version of the presentations of this course.

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Staff (Fall 2012-13)

Lecturer: Prof. Gill Barequet

Tel. (office): (04) 829-3219

TA: Mr. Maor Grinberg

E-mail: barequet,[email protected]

Office hours: Any time (by appointment)

Lecture: Tuesday 10:30-12:30 (Taub 4)

Recitation: Tuesday ??:30-??:30 (Taub ???)

Exams: Moed A: Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Moed B: To be fixed

(hopefully no need to)

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Center for Graphics and Geometric Computing, Technion4


Computational Geometry: Algorithms and


M. de Berg, M. van Kreveld, M. Overmars, and

O. Schwarzkopf,

3rd edition, Springer-Verlag, 2008.

Computational Geometry in C,

J. O’Rourke,

2nd edition, Cambridge Univ. Press, 2000.

Course slides

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Center for Graphics and Geometric Computing, Technion5


3-4 homework assignments (~12.5%)

One wet (running) exercise (~12.5%)

No midterm exam

Final exam (75%)

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Center for Graphics and Geometric Computing, Technion6



Basic techniques

Basic data structures

Polygon triangulation

Linear programming

Range searching

Point location

Voronoi diagrams

Duality and Arrangements

Delaunay triangulations

Applications and miscellaneous

Prerequisite course:

Data Structures and Algorithms

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Center for Graphics and Geometric Computing, Technion7


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Lecture Topics

Sample problems

Basic concepts

Convex-hull algorithms

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Center for Graphics and Geometric Computing, Technion9

Sample Problems

Convex Hull demo

Voronoi Diagram demo

Visibility demo

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Nearest Neighbor

Problem definition:

Input: A set of points (sites) P in the plane

and a query point q.

Output: The point p∈P closest to q among

all points in P.

Rules of the game:

One point set, multiple queries

Application: Cellphones

Store Locator



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Center for Graphics and Geometric Computing, Technion11

The Voronoi Diagram

Problem definition:

Input: A set of points (sites) S in the plane.

Output: A planar subdivision S into cells, one

per site. The cell corresponding to p∈P

contains all the points to which p is the closest.



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Center for Graphics and Geometric Computing, Technion12

Point Location

Problem definition:

Input: A partition S of the plane

into cells and a query point p.

Output: The cell C ∈ S containing p.

Rules of the game:

One partition, multiple queries

Applications: Nearest neighbor

State locator




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Center for Graphics and Geometric Computing, Technion13

Point in Polygon


Problem definition:

Input: A polygon P in the plane and a query

point p.

Output: true if p∈P, else false.

Rules of the game:

One polygon, multiple queries


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Center for Graphics and Geometric Computing, Technion14

Shortest Path

Problem definition:

Input: Obstacles locations

and query endpoints s and t.

Output: The shortest path

between s and t that avoids

all obstacles.

Rules of the game:

One obstacle set, multiple

queries (s,t).

Application: Robotics.



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Center for Graphics and Geometric Computing, Technion15


Range Searching and Counting

Problem definition:

Input: A set of points P in the

plane and a query rectangle R.


(report) The subset Q ⊆ P contained in R; or

(count) The cardinality of Q. R


Rules of the game:

One point set, multiple queries.

Application: Urban planning


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Center for Graphics and Geometric Computing, Technion16



Problem definition:

Input: A polygon P in the plane and a query

point p.

Output: The polygon Q ⊆ P containing all

points in P visible to p.

Rules of the game:

One polygon, multiple queries

Applications: Security



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Center for Graphics and Geometric Computing, Technion17


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Basic Concepts

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Center for Graphics and Geometric Computing, Technion19

Representing Geometric Elements

Representation of a line segment by four

real numbers:

Two endpoints (p1 and p2)

One endpoint (p1), vector direction (v) and

parameter interval length (d)

(Question: where did the extra parameter

come from?)

One endpoint (p1), a slope (α), and length (d)

Other options…

Unique representation?

Different representations may affect the running

times of algorithms!






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Center for Graphics and Geometric Computing, Technion20


The sign of the area indicates the orientation of the points.

Positive area ≡ counterclockwise orientation ≡ left turn.

Negative area ≡ clockwise orientation ≡ right turn.

Question: How can this be used to determine whether a

given point is “above” or “below” a given line?

(Hint: or a line segment?)

(Degenerate instances?)





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Center for Graphics and Geometric Computing, Technion21

Complexity (reminder)


“≤≤≤≤”∃N,C ∀n>N f(n)/g(n) ≤ Cf(n) = O(g(n))

“<”lim f(n)/g(n) = 0f(n) = o(g(n))

“=”f(n) = O(g(n)) and

g(n) = O(f(n))

f(n) = Θ(g(n))

“≥≥≥≥”g(n) = O(f(n))f(n) = Ω(g(n))

“>”g(n) = o(f(n))f(n) = ω(g(n))


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Convex Hull Algorithms

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Center for Graphics and Geometric Computing, Technion23


Convexity and Convex Hull

Definition: A set S is convex if for any pair of

points p,q ∈ S, the entire line segment pq ⊆ S.

The convex hull of a set S (קמר) is the minimal

convex set that contains S.

Another (equivalent) definition: The intersection

of all convex sets that contain S.

Question: Why should the boundary of the

convex hull of a point set be a polygon whose

vertices are a subset of the points?








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Center for Graphics and Geometric Computing, Technion24

Convex Hull: Naive Algorithm


For each pair of points construct its connecting segment and supporting line.

Find all the segments whose supporting lines divide the plane into two halves, such that one half plane contains all the other points.

Construct the convex hull out of these segments.

Time complexity (for n points):

Number of point pairs:

Check all points for each pair: Θ(n)

Total: Θ(n3)

Space complexity: Θ(n)



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Possible Pitfalls

Degenerate cases, e.g., 3 collinear points,

may harm the correctness of the algorithm.

All, or none, of the segments AB, BC and AC

will be included in the convex hull.

Question: How can we solve the problem?

Numerical problems: We might conclude that none of

the three segments (or a wrong pair of them) belongs to

the convex hull.




Question: How is collinearity detected?

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Convex Hull: Graham’s Scan Algorithm:

Sort the points according to their x coordinates.

Construct the upper boundary by scanning the points in the sorted order and performing only “right turns” (trim off “left turns”).

Construct the lower boundary in the same manner.

Concatenate the two boundaries.

Time Complexity: O(n log n) (only!)

May be implemented using a stack

Question: How do we check for a “right turn”?

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The Algorithm

Input: Point set pi.

Sort the points in increasing order of x coordinates:

p1, ..., pn.

Push(S,p1); Push(S,p2);

For i = 3 to n do

While Size(S) ≥ 2 and Orient(pi,top(S),second(S)) ≤ 0 do



Output S.

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Graham’s Scan: Time Complexity

Sorting: O(n log n)

If Di is the number of points popped on processing pi,

Naively, the last term can be quadratic in n; But…

Each point is pushed on the stack only once.

Once a point is popped, it cannot be popped again.

Hence, .

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Graham’s Scan: Rotational Variant

Algorithm:Find a point, p0, which must be on the convex hull (e.g., the leftmost point).

Sort the other points by the angle of the rays shot to them from p0.

Question: Is it necessary to compute the actual angles? If not, how can we sort?

Construct the convex hull using one traversal of the points.

Time Complexity: O(n log n)

Question: What are the pros and cons of this algorithm relative to the previous one?

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Convex Hull: Divide and Conquer

Algorithm:Find a point with a median x coordinate (time: O(n))

Compute the convex hull of each half (recursive execution)

Combine the two convex hulls by finding common tangents.

Question: How can this be done in O(n) time?

Time Complexity:

O(n log n)

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Convex Hull: Gift Wrapping


Find a point p1 on the convex hull (e.g.,

the lowest point).

Rotate counterclockwise a line through

p1 until it touches one of the other points

(start from a horizontal orientation).

Question: How is this done?

Repeat the last step for the new point.

Stop when p1 is reached again.

Time Complexity: O(nh), where n is the input size and h is

the output (hull) size.

Since 3≤h≤n, time is Ω(n) and O(n2).

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General Position

When designing a geometric algorithm, we first make

some simplifying assumptions (that depend on the

problem and on the algorithm!), e.g.:

No 3 collinear points;

No two points with the same x coordinate.

Later, we consider the general case:

How should the algorithm react to degenerate cases?

Will the correctness be preserved?

Will the running time remain the same?

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Lower Bound for Convex Hull

A reduction from Sorting to

convex hull:

Given n real values xi, generate n

points on the graph of a convex

function, e.g., a parabola, (xi,xi2).

Compute the (ordered) convex hull

of the points.

The order of the points on the

convex hull the same order of the xi.

So Complexity(CH)=Ω(n log n)

Due to the existence of

O(n log n)-time algorithms,

Complexity(CH)= Θ(n log n)