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  • 7/22/2019 CompTIA Convergence Certification Study Guide.pdf


  • 7/22/2019 CompTIA Convergence Certification Study Guide.pdf


  • 7/22/2019 CompTIA Convergence Certification Study Guide.pdf


  • 7/22/2019 CompTIA Convergence Certification Study Guide.pdf


    Bltwercs Flfflblf

    Bltwercs Flgoblf

    D bltwerc os d kreup eg aebblatlf er obtlraebblatlf plepjl er tnobks. [nlb

    tnesl eg us wercobk ds tlanbejeky preglssoebdjs nldr tnl tlrm bltwerc, wl tlbfte ommlfodtljy tnobc eg d aemputlr bltwerc, `ut tnl rldjoty os tndt tnos flgoblsebjy ebl typl eg bltwerc. Vnl aurrlbtjy pepujdr wl` sotl cbewb ds JobclfOb(www.jobclfob.aem) os d bltwercobk sotl tndt djjews plepjl te germ aebblatoebswotn ebl dbetnlr `dslf eb sndrlf jocls, fosjocls, lxplrolbals, er sompjy tnl flsorlte aebblat. Bltwerc mdrcltobk os d pnrdsl tndt nds `llb uslf ger yldrs te rlglrlbd germ eg mdrcltobk tndt tdcls dfvdbtdkl eg db obfovofudjs bltwerc eg aebblatoebwotn etnlr plepjl tndt os vlry somojdr te tnl bltwercs tndt ndvl `llb `uojt eb tnlJobclfOb wl` sotl. Vnl peobt os tndt bltwercs drl kreups eg aebblatlf lbtotols dbdrl bet jomotlf te meflrb aemputlr bltwercs.

    Ob gdat, tnl tljlpnebl systlm os d plrglat lxdmpjl eg d bltwerc fogglrlbt grem ttypoadj aemputlr bltwercs wl ompjlmlbt ds jeadj drld bltwercs ob eur erkdbozdtoeQemltomls adjjlf tnlpu`joa swotanlf tljlpnebl bltwerc (XQVB), ot os d bltwerc tndaebsosts eg tnl tljlpnebl lbfpeobts dbf tnl ad`jls dbf flvoals uslf `ltwllb tnlslbfpeobts. Vnos bltwerc djjews ml te usl d trdfotoebdj jdbf jobl tljlpnebl te pjdd adjj te my grolbf daress tewb er my lxtlbflf gdmojy slvlrdj stdtls dwdy.

    [nlb twe bltwercs aem`obl er aebblat ob seml wdy, tnlsl bltwercs drl sdofte `l aebvlrklf. Mdby yldrs dke O mefujdtlf VAX/OX aemmuboadtoebs (fdtdaemmuboadtoebs) evlr db dbdjek pnebl jobl usobk tnl XQVB tndt wds flsokblf teadrry tnl numdb veoal dbf bet fdtd. Vnl purpesl eg tnos mefujdtoeb wds te ompjlm

    d aebblatoeb tndt djjewlf aemmuboadtoebs eb tnl Obtlrblt usobk d stdbfdrf pnebljobl. Vefdy, wl fokotozl tnl numdb veoal evlr db Obtlrblt Xreteaej (OX) bltwerctndt wds flsokblf te adrry aemputlr fdtd dbf bet tnl numdb veoal. \jtomdtljy,wnlb ompjlmlbtobk Weoal evlr OX (WeOX), tnl OX bltwerc lvlbtudjjy aebblats tetnl XQVB (ob mdby adsls) te reutl adjjs eutsofl eg tnl OX bltwerc dbf aebblatte etnlrs tljlpnebls tndt drl sompjy aebblatlf te d stdbfdrf jdbf jobl. Vnosaebblatoeb peobt ltwllb tnl OX bltwerc dbf tnl trdfotoebdj tljlpnebl bltwercos ebl wdy ob wnoan wl sdy tnl bltwercs drl aebvlrklf.

    Dffotoebdjjy, tnl gdat tndt veoal fdtd os bew trdvljobk eb d bltwerc tndt wds flsokbger aemputlr fdtd djse sukklsts aebvlrklbal. [l aeujf sdy tndt tnl twe fdtd typls ndv

    `llb aebvlrklf. Vnl aemputlr fdtd mdy aebsost eg d werf prealsser feaumlbt er dbl-mdoj3 veoal fdtd os d fokotozlf vlrsoeb eg tnl numdb-klblrdtlf seubf wdvls. Ob tnlbf, `etn fdtd typls `laeml OX pdaclts, wnoan `laeml Ltnlrblt grdmls (eb Ltnlrbbltwercs), wnoan `laeml 4s dbf 8s eb tnl aemmuboadtoebs mlfoum tndt os utojoz

    Ob tnl lbf, tnlrl drl dt jldst twe peobts eg aebvlrklbal ob tnl drlds eg veoaldbf fdtd. Vnl gorst peobt os wnlrl eur OX bltwercs aebblat te trdfotoebdj tljlpnebbltwercs. Vnl slaebf peobt os tnl ubogoadtoeb eg upplr-jlvlj fdtd suan ds veoal db

  • 7/22/2019 CompTIA Convergence Certification Study Guide.pdf


    6 Andptlr 49 Bltwercobk Obgrdstruaturl dbf Flsokb

    aemputlr fdtd obte sndrlf jewlr-jlvlj aemmuboadtoebs suan ds OX pdaclts. Vnlslaebvlrklbal peobts wojj djj `laeml vlry ajldr ds yeu rldf tnreukn tnos `eec. Gerbew, jlts lxpjerl tnl nosteroadj flvljepmlbt eg obgermdtoeb bltwercs. D rolg

    evlrvolw eg tnl mdier flvljepmlbts djebk tnl wdy wojj nljp yeu ubflrstdbf wnytnobks werc tnl wdy tnly fe tefdy dbf new te `lst tdcl dfvdbtdkl eg tnl dvdojd`jltlanbejekols.

    Vnl Lvejutoeb eg Obgermdtoeb Bltwercs

    Vnl ljlatroa tljlkrdpn wds tnl prlaurser te meflrb ljlatreboa er fokotdj obgermdtoebbltwercs. [nojl etnlr bltwercs, jocl tnl peby lxprlss er Ajdufl Andppls beb-ljlatroa tljlkrdpn, lxostlf lgerl tnl ljlatroa tljlkrdpn, tnly rlquorlf aempjltlobvejvlmlbt eg numdbs eb db ebkeobk `dsos lotnlr grem lbf te lbf er dt ldan lbf.

    Vnl ljlatroa tljlkrdpn wds d rlvejutoebdry jldp gerwdrf ob tndt ot lvlbtudjjy djjewlfmlssdkls te `l slbt te d rlmetl jeadtoeb dbf rlaerflf ebte pdplr tdpl ds rdoslf fetsdbf fdsnls mdtanobk up wotn Mersl Aefl.

    Ot os obtlrlstobk te betl tndt tlsts wlrl plrgermlf evlr mdby yldrs ob erflr tevdjofdtl tnl petlbtodj eg ljlatroaoty ob aemmuboadtoebs. Ob 4;67 Ildb-DbteoblBejjlt dsclf d`eut twe nubfrlf mebcs te germ d jebk sbdcobk jobl. Nl ndf ldanebl nejf tnl lbf eg d twlbty-govl-geet oreb worl aebblatobk nom te tnl blxt mebcob tnl jobl. Vnlb, wotneut wdrbobk, nl obilatlf db ljlatroadj aurrlbt obte tnl jobl.Vnl gdat tndt mebcs ob d jobl bldrjy ebl mojl jebk djj lxajdomlf tnlor jotlrdj sneacdt tnl sdml toml snewlf tndt ljlatroaoty trdvljs jebk fostdbals vlry rdpofjy. Eg

    aeursl, wl ndvl muan merl numdbl mltnefs eg tlstobk tefdy, `ut tnlsl ldrjy tlstsfof obfllf rlvldj tnl cbewjlfkl tndt lvlbtudjjy jlf te tnl ompjlmlbtdtoeb eg nokn-spllf ljlatroa tljlkrdpns.

    @y 4>74, tnl \botlf Qtdtls wds ompjlmlbtobk tnl trdbsaebtoblbtdj tljlkrdpn,wnoan djjewlf bldrjy obstdbt aemmuboadtoebs daress tnl aeubtry. Muan ds wl drlompjlmlbtobk OXv7 djebksofl eur OXv6 bltwercs, tnl trdbsaebtoblbtdj tljlkrdpn worlwds pjdalf djebksofl tnl lxostobk Xeby Lxprlss reutl. Ebal tnl tljlkrdpn bltwercwds ob pjdal, tnl Xeby Lxprlss `ladml e`sejltl dbf wds fossejvlf. Qeml eg us jeecgerwdrf te tnl fdy wnlb OXv7 fels tnl sdml te OXv6.

    Ob d quoac iump te tnl pldc eg tnl lrd eg tnl tljlkrdpn, wotnob 18 yldrs eg ots

    `lkobbobk, evlr 7

  • 7/22/2019 CompTIA Convergence Certification Study Guide.pdf


    Oflbtogy tnl Jdylrs eg tnl EQO Meflj dbf Cbew Ots Pljlvdbal te Aebvlrklf Bltwercs

    @ljolvl ot er bet, tnl usl eg ljlatroaoty ob slbfobk tljlkrdpn mlssdkls lvlbtudjjyte tnl usl eg ljlatreboa veoal aemmuboadtoebs. Vnl tljlpnebl, obvlbtlf ob tnl jdt4>88s, aebvlrtlf seubf wdvls obte ljlatreboa sokbdjs eb tnl slbfobk lbf dbf tnlb

    aebvlrtlf ljlatreboa sokbdjs obte seubf wdvls eb tnl rlalovobk lbf. Qeubf trdvljs db dvlrdkl spllf eg d`eut 4418 gllt (166 mltlrs) plr slaebf, wnojl ljlatremdkbltowdvls trdvlj dt d`eut 4>7,688 mojls (188,888 cojemltlrs) plr slaebf. Vnos spllfmldbs tndt d mlssdkl slbt ljlatreboadjjy aeujf trdvlj dreubf tnl Ldrtn merl tndbslvlb tomls ob d slaebf. @y aebvlrtobk seubf wdvls te ljlatremdkbltoa wdvls dbf`dac, wl adb trdbsmot tnl numdb veoal vlry rdpofjy, wnoan os wny yeu adb ndvl daebvlrsdtoeb wotn semlebl eb tnl etnlr sofl eg tnl kje`l wotn vlry jottjl fljdy.

    Vnl tljlpnebl systlm aebtobulf te lvejvl obte tnl XQVB tndt wl utojozl tefdyOb tnl sdml wdy, blw germs eg obgermdtoeb fljovlry wlrl djse `lobk flvljeplf,dbf bldrobk tnl lbf eg tnl twlbtoltn albtury twe fostobat bltwercs ndf lvejvlf9

    veoal bltwercs dbf fdtd bltwercs. Weoal bltwercs djjewlf tnl trdbsglr eg numdbaebvlrsdtoebs, dbf fdtd bltwercs djjewlf tnl trdbsglr eg djj etnlr cobfs egobgermdtoeb. Dt tomls, eur fdtd bltwercs aebblatlf te ebl dbetnlr usobk tnl veobltwercs ds tnl obgrdstruaturl, dbf dt tomls, eur veoal bltwercs aresslf evlr eur fbltwercs ob tnl germ eg pdaclt fljovlry3 newlvlr, wotn tnl blw mojjlbboum djseadml muan krldtlr obtlrlst ob tnl aebvlrklbal eg veoal dbf fdtd bltwercs.

    Og yeu weujf jocl te jldrb merl d`eut tnl nostery eg tnl tljlkrdpn dbf

    tljlpnebl, O sukklst tnl `eecVnl Woaterodb Obtlrblt `y Vem Qtdbfdkl

    ([djclr & Aempdby, 088;) ds d stdrtobk peobt. Qtufyobk tnlsl nosteroadj

    flvljepmlbts adb nljp yeu `lttlr ubflrstdbf tnl tlanbejekols wl usltefdy dbf wny aebvlrklbal os ompertdbt dbf `lblgoaodj te tnl guturl eg

    fdtd bltwercs.


    Oflbtogy tnl Jdylrs eg tnl EQO Meflj

    dbf Cbew Ots Pljlvdbal te Aebvlrklf BltwercsOb erflr te nljp yeu ubflrstdbf new tnl vdroeus bltwercobk aempeblbts werctekltnlr te germ d aebvlrklf bltwerc, O wojj gorst lxpjdob tnl Eplb QystlmObtlraebblatoeb (EQO) meflj. [nojl tnos meflj os bet forlatjy ompjlmlbtlf ob tn

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    7 Andptlr 49 Bltwercobk Obgrdstruaturl dbf Flsokb

    VAX/OX bltwercs tndt drl mest aemmeb tefdy, ot os d vdjud`jl aebalptudj mefljtndt nljps yeu te rljdtl fogglrlbt tlanbejekols te ebl dbetnlr dbf ompjlmlbt tnlroknt tlanbejeky ob tnl roknt wdy.

    Daaerfobk te feaumlbt OQE/OLA ;6?>-4, wnoan os tnl EQO @dsoa PlglrlbalMeflj stdbfdrf feaumlbt, tnl EQO meflj prevofls d aemmeb `dsos ger tnlaeerfobdtoeb eg stdbfdrfs flvljepmlbt ger tnl purpesl eg systlms obtlraebblatoeb,wnojl djjewobk lxostobk stdbfdrfs te `l pjdalf obte plrsplatovl wotnob tnl evlrdjjrlglrlbal meflj. Ob etnlr werfs, tnl meflj os uslguj ger blw stdbfdrfs ds tnlydrl flvljeplf dbf ger tnobcobk d`eut lxostobk stdbfdrfs. Ob Andptlr 0, O wojj snewyeu tnos rldjoty wnlb O rljdtl tnl VAX/OX preteaej suotl te tnl EQO meflj. Lvlbtneukn VAX/OX wds flvljeplf `lgerl tnl EQO meflj, ot adb `lpjdalf ob plrsplatovl obrljdtoeb te tnl meflj.

    Vnl EQO meflj djjews us te tnobc d`eut eur bltwerc ob anubcs er jdylrs. _eu adb

    geaus eb slaurobk ldan jdylr, eptomozobk ldan jdylr, dbf treu`jlsneetobk ldan jdylr.Vnos djjews yeu te tdcl d vlry aempjlx aemmuboadtoebs prealss dpdrt dbf lvdjudtlots aempeblbts. Ob erflr te ubflrstdbf tnos, yeujj bllf te cbew tndt tnl EQO mefljos `reclb obte slvlb jdylrs. Vnl slvlb jdylrs drl (grem tep te `ettem)9






    Fdtd Jobc


    Ldan jdylr os flgoblf ds prevofobk slrvoals dbf rlalovobk slrvoals. Ger lxdmpjl,tnl Fdtd Jobc jdylr prevofls d slrvoal te tnl Xnysoadj jdylr dbf rlalovls d slrvoalgrem tnl Xnysoadj jdylr. New os tnos5 Ob d sompjogolf lxpjdbdtoeb, tnl Fdtd Jobc jdylraebvlrts pdaclts obte grdmls ger tnl Xnysoadj jdylr, dbf tnl Xnysoadj jdylr trdbsmotstnlsl grdmls ds `ots eb tnl aneslb mlfoum. Vnl Xnysoadj jdylr rldfs `ots egg eg tnlaneslb mlfoum dbf aebvlrts tnlsl obte grdmls ger tnl Fdtd Jobc jdylr.

    Vnl jdylrlf meflj djjews ger d`strdatoeb. Ob etnlr werfs, tnl noknlr jdylrs fe betblalssdrojy ndvl te cbew new tnl jewlr jdylrs drl feobk tnlor ie`s. Ob dffotoeb, tnljewlr jdylrs fe bet blalssdrojy ndvl te cbew wndt tnl upplr jdylrs drl datudjjy feobkwotn tnl rlsujts eg tnl jewlr jdylrs jd`ers. Vnos d`strdatoeb mldbs tndt yeu ndvltnl d`ojoty te usl tnl sdml wl` `rewslr dbf NVVX preteaej te aemmuboadtl eb

  • 7/22/2019 CompTIA Convergence Certification Study Guide.pdf


    Oflbtogy tnl Jdylrs eg tnl EQO Meflj dbf Cbew Ots Pljlvdbal te Aebvlrklf Bltwercs

    tnl Obtlrblt wnltnlr tnl jewlr-jdylr aebblatoeb os d fodj-up meflm, d nokn-spllfObtlrblt aebblatoeb, er semlwnlrl ob ltwllb. Vnl rlsujtobk spllf er plrgermdbwojj alrtdobjy vdry, ut tnl gubatoebdjoty wojj rlmdob tnl sdml.

    Gokurl 4-4 ojjustrdtls tnl aebalpt eg tnl EQO meflj. Ds yeu adb sll, fdtd mevlfewb tnreukn tnl jdylrs, daress tnl mlfoum, dbf tnlb `dac up tnreukn tnl jdylrseb tnl rlalovobk mdanobl. Plmlm`lr, mest bltwercobk stdbfdrfs djjew ger tnlsu`stotutoeb eg bldrjy dby Fdtd Jobc dbf Xnysoadj jdylr. [nojl tnos lxdmpjl snewd worlf Ltnlrblt aebblatoeb `ltwllb tnl twe mdanobls, ot aeujf ndvl iust ds ldso`llb d worljlss aebblatoeb usobk tnl OLLL >80.44 dbf OLLL >80.0 stdbfdrfs ger tnflsaroptoebs eg tnl Fdtd Jobc dbf Xnysoadj jdylrs. Vnos lxdmpjl usls tnl OLLL >80Ltnlrblt stdbfdrf dbf tnl OLLL >80.0 JJA stdbfdrf (d jdylr wotnob tnl Fdtd Jobjdylr) ger tnl jewlr jdylrs. Vnl peobt os tndt tnl mest pepujdr upplr-jdylr preteaesuotl, VAX/OX, adb werc daress mest jewlr-jdylr stdbfdrfs suan ds OLLL >80.0

    (Jekoadj Jobc Aebtrej), >80.1 (Ltnlrblt), >80.< (Veclb Pobk), >80.44 ([orljlssJDBs), dbf >80.47 ([oMD^).






    Fdtd Jobc







    Fdtd Jobc


    Ltnlrblt Qwotan Ltnlrblt Qwotan

    GOK\PL 4-4

    EQO meflj


  • 7/22/2019 CompTIA Convergence Certification Study Guide.pdf


    > Andptlr 49 Bltwercobk Obgrdstruaturl dbf Flsokb

    Ob erflr te gujjy ubflrstdbf tnl EQO mefljdbf `l d`jl te rljdtl te ot tnreukneut tnl rlsteg tnos `eec, ot os ompertdbt tndt wl lvdjudtl

    ldan jdylr. _eu wojj bllf te ubflrstdbf tnl`dsoa flsaroptoeb eg ldan jdylr dbf tnl slrvoalsot prevofls te tnl bltwercobk prealss. O wojjflgobl ldan jdylr dbf tnlb kovl lxdmpjls eg otsusl, stdrtobk wotn tnl tepmest jdylr, wnoan ostnl Dppjoadtoeb jdylr, sobal tnos os tnl erflr obwnoan tnly drl feaumlbtlf ob tnl stdbfdrf.

    Dppjoadtoeb Jdylr

    Vnl slvlb jdylrs eg tnl EQO meflj drl flgoblf ob Ajdusl ; eg tnl feaumlbt OQE/OLA ;6?>-4. Vnl Dppjoadtoeb jdylr os flgoblf ob Qu`ajdusl ;.4 ds tnl noknlst jdylrob tnl rlglrlbal meflj dbf ds tnl sejl mldbs eg daalss te tnl EQOL (Eplb QystlmObtlraebblatoeb Lbvorebmlbt). Ob etnlr werfs, tnl Dppjoadtoeb jdylr os tnl jdylrtndt prevofls daalss te tnl etnlr EQO jdylrs ger dppjoadtoebs dbf te dppjoadtoebsger tnl etnlr EQO jdylrs. Fe bet aebgusl tnl Dppjoadtoeb jdylr wotn tnl klblrdjwerf dppjoadtoebs, wnoan os uslf te rlglrlbal prekrdms jocl Moaresegt Lxalj,Aerlj [erfXlrglat, dbf se eb. Vnl Dppjoadtoeb jdylr os tnl EQO jdylr tndt tnlsldppjoadtoebs aemmuboadtl wotn wnlb tnly bllf te slbf er rlalovl fdtd daress tnlbltwerc. _eu aeujf sdy tndt tnl Dppjoadtoeb jdylr os tnl noknlr-jlvlj preteaejs tndt

    db dppjoadtoeb bllfs te tdjc te. Ger lxdmpjl, Moaresegt Eutjeec mdy bllf te tdjc tetnl QMVX preteaej ob erflr te trdbsglr l-mdoj mlssdkls.

    Lxdmpjls eg Dppjoadtoeb jdylr preteaejs dbf gubatoebs obajufl NVVX, GVX,dbf QMVX. Vnl Nyplrtlxt Vrdbsglr Xreteaej (NVVX) os uslf te trdbsglr NVMJ,DQX, XNX, dbf etnlr typls eg feaumlbts grem ebl mdanobl te dbetnlr. NVVX ostnl mest nldvojy uslf Dppjoadtoeb jdylr preteaej eb tnl Obtlrblt dbf, pesso`jy, obtnl werjf. Vnl Gojl Vrdbsglr Xreteaej (GVX) os uslf te trdbsglr `obdry dbf DQAOOgojls `ltwllb d slrvlr dbf d ajolbt. @etn tnl NVVX dbf GVX preteaejs adb trdbsglrdby gojl typl. Vnl Qompjl Mdoj Vrdbspert Xreteaej (QMVX) os uslf te mevl l-mdojmlssdkls grem ebl slrvlr te dbetnlr dbf usudjjy wercs ob aebiubatoeb wotn etnlr

    preteaejs ger mdoj sterdkl.Dppjoadtoeb jdylr prealssls gdjj obte twe klblrdj adtlkerols9 uslr dppjoadtoebs dbfsystlm dppjoadtoebs. L-mdoj (QMVX), gojl trdbsglr (GVX), dbf wl` rewsobk (NVVX)gubatoebs gdjj obte tnl uslr dppjoadtoeb adtlkery, ds tnly prevofl forlat rlsujts tedppjoadtoebs uslf `y uslrs suan ds Eutjeec Lxprlss (l-mdoj), [QUGVX (gojl trdbsglr),dbf Gorlgex (wl` `rewsobk). Betoal tndt tnl dppjoadtoebs er prekrdms uslf `y tnl

    Ot os ompertdbt tndt yeuubflrstdbf tnl `dsoa eplrdtoebs tndt tdcl

    pjdal dt ldan jdylr eg tnl EQO meflj.

    Ots djse uslguj te cbew tnl promdry

    aempeblbts, suan ds swotanls, reutlrs,

    dbf nu`s, tndt gubatoeb dt ldan jlvlj.

  • 7/22/2019 CompTIA Convergence Certification Study Guide.pdf


    Oflbtogy tnl Jdylrs eg tnl EQO Meflj dbf Cbew Ots Pljlvdbal te Aebvlrklf Bltwercs

    uslr datudjjy tdcl dfvdbtdkl eg tnl dppjoadtoeb slrvoals ob tnl Dppjoadtoeb jdylr, eJdylr ;. Ob etnlr werfs, Eutjeec Lxprlss tdcls dfvdbtdkl eg QMVX. Eutjeec Lxprfels bet rlsofl ob Jdylr ;, `ut QMVX fels. Ger lxdmpjls eg systlm dppjoadtoebs,

    aebsoflr FNAX dbf FBQ. Vnl Fybdmoa Nest Aebgokurdtoeb Xreteaej (FNAX)prevofls ger fybdmoa VAX/OX aebgokurdtoeb, dbf tnl Femdob Bdml Qlrvoal (FBpreteaej prevofls ger bdml te OX dffrlss rlsejutoeb. @etn eg tnlsl drl aebsoflrlfsystlm-jlvlj dppjoadtoebs ladusl tnly drl bet usudjjy forlatjy daalsslf y tnl usl(tnos os eplb ger fl`dtl, sobal dfmobostrdters drl uslrs tee dbf tnly usl aemmdbfjobl teejs er prekrdms te forlatjy daalss tnlsl slrvoals quotl grlqulbtjy).

    Vnl prealssls eplrdtobk ob tnl Dppjoadtoeb jdylr drl cbewb ds dppjoadtoeb-lbtotDb dppjoadtoeb-lbtoty os flgoblf ob tnl stdbfdrf ds db datovl ljlmlbt lm`efyobkslt eg adpd`ojotols wnoan os plrtoblbt te EQO dbf wnoan os flgoblf ger tnl DppjoadtJdylr. Ob etnlr werfs, dppjoadtoeb-lbtotols drl tnl slrvoals tndt rub ob Jdylr ; db

    aemmuboadtl wotn jewlr jdylrs wnojl lxpesobk lbtry peobts te tnl EQO meflj gerdppjoadtoebs rubbobk eb tnl jeadj aemputobk flvoal. QMVX os db dppjoadtoeb-lbtds drl NVVX dbf etnlr Jdylr ; preteaejs.

    Omdkobl tndt yeu drl slbfobk db l-mdoj usobk tnl Qompjl Mdoj Vrdbspert Xretea(QMVX), wnoan os tnl mest pepujdr mltnef eg slbfobk db l-mdoj mlssdkl. _eur l-mdppjoadtoeb wojj aebblat te db QMVX slrvlr ob erflr te slbf tnl l-mdoj mlssdkl.Obtlrlstobkjy, grem tnl l-mdoj dppjoadtoebs plrsplatovl, ot os aebblatobk forlatjy te QMVX slrvlr dbf os aempjltljy ubdwdrl eg djj tnl etnlr jdylrs eg eplrdtoeb tndt djjtnos aebblatoeb te eaaur. Gokurl 4-0 snews tnl l-mdoj ds ot lxosts dt Jdylr ;.

    Xrlslbtdtoeb Jdylr

    Vnl Xrlslbtdtoeb jdylr os flgoblf ob Qu`ajdusl ;.0 eg tnl stdbfdrf ds tnl soxtnjdylr eg tnl EQO meflj, dbf ot prevofls slrvoals te tnl Dppjoadtoeb jdylr d`evl otdbf tnl Qlssoeb jdylr `ljew ot. Vnl Xrlslbtdtoeb jdylr, er Jdylr 7, prevofls ger tnlrlprlslbtdtoeb eg tnl obgermdtoeb aemmuboadtlf y er rlglrlbalf y dppjoadtoeb-lbtotols. Vnl Xrlslbtdtoeb jdylr os bet uslf ob djj bltwerc aemmuboadtoebs, dbf otwljj ds tnl Dppjoadtoeb dbf Qlssoeb jdylrs, os somojdr te tnl sobkjl Dppjoadtoeb jdyeg tnl VAX/OX meflj. Vnl Xrlslbtdtoeb jdylr prevofls ger sybtdx mdbdklmlbt dbaebvlrsoeb ds wljj ds lbaryptoeb slrvoals. Qybtdx mdbdklmlbt rlglrs te tnl preal

    eg lbsurobk tndt tnl slbfobk dbf rlalovobk nests aemmuboadtl wotn d sndrlf sybtder jdbkudkl. [nlb yeu ubflrstdbf tnos aebalpt, yeu wojj rldjozl wny lbaryptoeb oegtlb ndbfjlf dt tnos jdylr. Dgtlr djj, lbaryptoeb os rldjjy d mefogoadtoeb eg tnl fdtob suan d wdy tndt must `l rlvlrslf eb tnl rlalovobk lbf. Vnlrlgerl, `etn tnl slbdbf rlalovlr must ubflrstdbf tnl lbaryptoeb djkerotnm ob erflr te prevofl tnlpreplr fdtd te tnl prekrdm tndt os slbfobk er rlalovobk eb tnl bltwerc.

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    48 Andptlr 49 Bltwercobk Obgrdstruaturl dbf Flsokb

    Febt `l djdrmlf te fosaevlr tndt tnl VAX/OX meflj nds ots ewb Dppjoadtoeb

    jdylr tndt fogglrs grem tnl EQO mefljs Dppjoadtoeb jdylr. Vnl VAX/OX

    preteaej lxostlf `lgerl tnl EQO meflj wds rljldslf. Ger tnos rldseb, wl

    rljdtl tnl VAX/OX preteaej suotl te tnl EQO meflj, `ut wl adbbet sdy tndt ot

    aempjols wotn tnl meflj forlatjy. Ots djse uslguj te cllp ob mobf tnl rldjoty

    tndt tnl VAX/OX preteaej os db ompjlmlbtlf meflj dbf tnl EQO meflj os d

    rlglrlbal meflj. Vnos flgobotoeb sompjy mldbs tndt wl usl ot ds d rlglrlbal

    te ubflrstdbf eur bltwercs dbf bltwerc aemmuboadtoebs.

    Lxdmpjls eg Xrlslbtdtoeb jdylr preteaejs dbf gubatoebs obajufl dby bum`lr egfdtd rlprlslbtdtoeb dbf lbaryptoeb preteaejs. Ger lxdmpjl, og yeu aneesl te uslNVVXQ obstldf eg NVVX, yeu drl obfoadtobk tndt yeu wdbt te usl Qlaurl QeacltsJdylr (QQJ) lbaryptoeb. QQJ lbaryptoeb os rljdtlf te tnl Xrlslbtdtoeb jdylr, er Jdylr7 eg tnl EQO meflj.






    Fdtd Jobc







    Fdtd Jobc


    Ltnlrblt Qwotan Ltnlrblt Qwotan

    QMVX Lmdoj Msk

    GOK\PL 4-0

    QMVX l-mdoj

    `lobk slbttnreukn Jdylr ;

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    40 Andptlr 49 Bltwercobk Obgrdstruaturl dbf Flsokb

    Lxdmpjls eg Qlssoeb jdylr preteaejs dbf gubatoebs obajufl tnl oQAQO preteaej,PXA, dbf BGQ. Vnl oQAQO preteaej prevofls daalss te QAQO flvoals eb rlmetlaemputlrs er slrvlrs. Vnl preteaej djjews d QAQO aemmdbf te `l slbt te tnlrlmetl flvoal. Vnl Plmetl Xrealfurl Adjj (PXA) preteaej djjews su`reutoblste `l lxlautlf eb rlmetl aemputlrs. D prekrdmmlr adb flvljep db dppjoadtoebtndt adjjs tnl su`reutobl ob tnl sdml wdy ds d jeadj su`reutobl. PXA d`strdats tnlBltwerc jdylr dbf djjews tnl dppjoadtoeb rubbobk d`evl Jdylr ; te lxlautl tnlsu`reutobl wotneut cbewjlfkl eg tnl gdat tndt ot os rubbobk eb d rlmetl aemputlr.Vnl Bltwerc Gojl Qystlm (BGQ) preteaej os uslf te prevofl daalss te gojls eb rlmetlaemputlrs ds og tnly wlrl eb tnl jeadj aemputlr. BGQ datudjjy gubatoebs usobk dbompjlmlbtdtoeb eg PXA cbewb ds Eplb Bltwerc Aemputobk PXA (EBA PXA)tndt wds flvljeplf `y Qub Moaresystlms ger usl wotn BGQ3 newlvlr, EBA PXA ndsdjse `llb uslf `y etnlr systlms sobal tndt toml. Plmlm`lr tndt tnlsl preteaejs drlprevoflf ebjy ds lxdmpjls eg tnl preteaejs dvdojd`jl dt Jdylr < (ds wlrl tnl etnlrpreteaejs mlbtoeblf ger Jdylrs 7 dbf ;). @y jldrbobk tnl gubatoebdjoty eg preteaejstndt eplrdtl dt ldan jdylr, yeu adb lttlr ubflrstdbf tnl obtlbtoeb eg ldan jdylr.






    Fdtd Jobc







    Fdtd Jobc


    Ltnlrblt Qwotan Ltnlrblt Qwotan

    QMVX Lmdoj Msk

    MOML QMVX Lmdoj Msk

    GOK\PL 4-1

    QMVX l-mdoj dgtlr

    rldanobk Jdylr 7

  • 7/22/2019 CompTIA Convergence Certification Study Guide.pdf


    Oflbtogy tnl Jdylrs eg tnl EQO Meflj dbf Cbew Ots Pljlvdbal te Aebvlrklf Bltwercs

    Vnl slrvoals dbf prealssls rubbobk ob Jdylr < drl cbewb ds slssoeb-lbtotols.Vnlrlgerl, PXA dbf BGQ weujf l slssoeb-lbtotols. Vnlsl slssoeb-lbtotols wojj lslrvlf `y tnl Vrdbspert jdylr.

    Dt tnl Qlssoeb jdylr, yeur l-mdoj mlssdkl adb `lkob te `l trdbsmottlf te tnlrlalovobk mdoj slrvlr. Vnl rldjoty os tndt QMVX l-mdoj usls tnl VAX preteaej gremtnl VAX/OX suotl te slbf l-mdojs dbf tnl dbdjeky os bet plrglat dt tnos peobt. Vnosomplrglatoeb ob tnl aempdroseb eg mefljs os `ladusl tnl VAX/OX preteaej fels bemdp forlatjy te tnl EQO meflj, ds yeu wojj jldrb ob tnl blxt andptlr. Ger bew, cbtndt Jdylr < os uslf te lstd`josn slssoebs `ltwllb tnlsl prlslbtdtoeb-lbtotols. Ob[obfews, tnl [obseac DXO prevofls daalss te tnl VAX/OX preteaej suotl. [l aeutnlrlgerl, sdy tndt yeur l-mdoj os pdsslf tnreukn te tnl VAX/OX suotl usobk [obsenlrl dt Jdylr

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    46 Andptlr 49 Bltwercobk Obgrdstruaturl dbf Flsokb

    Vrdbspert Jdylr

    Jdylr 6, tnl Vrdbspert jdylr, os flgoblf ds prevofobk trdbspdrlbt trdbsglr eg fdtd

    `ltwllb slssoeb lbtotols dbf rljolvobk tnlm grem dby aebalrb wotn tnl fltdojlf wdyob wnoan rljod`jl dbf aest lgglatovl trdbsglr eg fdtd os danolvlf. Vnos flgobotoebsompjy mldbs tndt tnl Vrdbspert jdylr, ds ots bdml ompjols, os tnl jdylr wnlrl tnlfdtd os slkmlbtlf ger lgglatovl trdbspert ob aempjodbal wotn Tudjoty eg Qlrvoal(TeQ) rlquorlmlbts dbf sndrlf mlfoum daalss.

    Lxdmpjls eg Vrdbspert jdylr preteaejs dbf gubatoebs obajufl VAX dbf \FX.Vnl Vrdbsmossoeb Aebtrej Xreteaej (VAX) os tnl promdry preteaej uslf ger tnltrdbsmossoeb eg aebblatoeb-erolbtlf fdtd ob tnl VAX/OX suotl. NVVX, QMVX, GVX,dbf etnlr ompertdbt Jdylr ; preteaejs flplbf eb VAX ger rljod`jl fljovlry dbfrlalopt eg fdtd. Vnl \slr Fdtdkrdm Xreteaej (\FX) os uslf ger aebblatoebjlss fdtd

    aemmuboadtoebs. Ger lxdmpjl, wnlb spllf eg aemmuboadtoebs os merl ompertdbttndb rljod`ojoty, \FX os grlqulbtjy uslf. @ladusl veoal fdtd lotnlr nds te drrovl erbet drrovl (ds eppeslf te drrovobk jdtl), \FX os grlqulbtjy uslf ger tnl trdbsglr egveoal dbf vofle fdtd.

    VAX dbf \FX drl lxdmpjls eg trdbspert-lbtotols dt Jdylr 6. Vnlsl trdbspert-lbtotols wojj `l slrvlf `y tnl Bltwerc jdylr. Dt tnl Vrdbspert jdylr, tnl fdtd os`reclb obte slkmlbts og blalssdry. Og tnl fdtd wojj got ob ebl slkmlbt, tnlb tnl fdtd`laemls d sobkjl slkmlbt. Etnlrwosl, tnl fdtd os slkmlbtlf obte mujtopjl slkmlbtsger trdbsmossoeb.

    Vnl Vrdbspert jdylr tdcls tnl obgermdtoeb d`eut yeur l-mdoj mlssdkl grem tnlQlssoeb jdylr dbf lkobs fovofobk ot (slkmlbtobk) obte mdbdkld`jl anubcs (pdaclts)ger trdbsmossoeb `y tnl jewlr jdylrs. Gokurl 4-< snews tnl l-mdoj dgtlr tnl prealssobkdt tnl Vrdbspert jdylr.

    Bltwerc Jdylr

    Vnl Bltwerc jdylr os flgoblf ds prevofobk tnl gubatoebdj dbf prealfurdj mldbsger aebblatoebjlss-mefl (\FX) er aebblatoeb-mefl (VAX) trdbsmossoeb dmebktrdbspert-lbtotols dbf, tnlrlgerl, prevofls te tnl trdbspert-lbtotols obflplbflbaleg reutobk dbf rljdy aebsoflrdtoebs. Ob etnlr werfs, tnl Bltwerc jdylr sdys te tnlVrdbspert jdylr, _eu iust kovl ml tnl slkmlbts yeu wdbt te `l trdbsglrrlf dbf

    tljj ml wnlrl yeu wdbt tnlm te ke. Ojj tdcl adrl eg tnl rlst. Vnos slkrlkdtoebeg aemmuboadtoeb os wny reutlrs fe bet ndvl te lxpdbf fdtd `lyebf Jdylr 1 tereutl tnl fdtd preplrjy. Ger lxdmpjl, db OX reutlr fels bet adrl og ots reutobk dbl-mdoj mlssdkl er veoal aebvlrsdtoeb. Ot ebjy bllfs te cbew tnl OX dffrlss ger

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    Oflbtogy tnl Jdylrs eg tnl EQO Meflj dbf Cbew Ots Pljlvdbal te Aebvlrklf Bltwercs

    wnoan tnl pdaclt os flstoblf dbf dby rljlvdbt TeQ pdrdmltlrs ob erflr te mevtnl pdaclt djebk.

    Lxdmpjls eg Bltwerc jdylr preteaejs dbf gubatoebs obajufl OX, OAMX, dbf OXslaVnl Obtlrblt Xreteaej (OX) os uslf ger dffrlssobk dbf reutobk eg fdtd pdaclts oberflr te djjew tnlm te rldan tnlor flstobdtoeb. Vndt flstobdtoeb adb `l eb tnl jeadbltwerc er d rlmetl bltwerc. Vnl jeadj mdanobl os blvlr aebalrblf wotn tnos, wottnl lxalptoeb eg tnl rlquorlf cbewjlfkl eg db lxot peobt, er flgdujt kdtlwdy, grem jeadj mdanobls bltwerc. Vnl Obtlrblt Aebtrej Mlssdkl Xreteaej (OAMX) os uslf gtlstobk tnl VAX/OX aemmuboadtoebs dbf ger lrrer mlssdkl ndbfjobk wotnob Jdylr 1Gobdjjy, OX Qlauroty (OXsla) os d sejutoeb ger slaurobk OX aemmuboadtoebs usobkdutnlbtoadtoeb dbf/er lbaryptoeb ger ldan OX pdaclt. [nojl slauroty preteaejs suanQQJ, VJQ, dbf QQN eplrdtl dt Jdylrs 6 tnreukn ; eg tnl EQO meflj, OXsla sots sejofdt Jdylr 1. Vnl `lblgot os tndt, sobal OXsla sots `ljew Jdylr 6, dby preteaejs rubbober d`evl Jdylr 6 adb tdcl dfvdbtdkl eg tnos slaurl geubfdtoeb. Ger tnos rldseb, OXslnds `laeml merl dbf merl pepujdr sobal ot wds gorst flgoblf ob 4??

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    47 Andptlr 49 Bltwercobk Obgrdstruaturl dbf Flsokb

    Vnl slrvoals dbf prealssobk eplrdtobk ob tnl Bltwerc jdylr drl cbewb dsbltwerc-lbtotols. Vnlsl bltwerc-lbtotols flplbf eb tnl slrvoals prevoflf y tnlFdtd Jobc jdylr. Dt tnl Bltwerc jdylr, Vrdbspert jdylr slkmlbts `laeml pdaclts.Vnlsl pdaclts wojj l prealsslf y tnl Fdtd Jobc jdylr.

    Dt tnl Bltwerc jdylr, yeur l-mdoj mlssdkl tndt wds `reclb obte slkmlbtsdt Jdylr 6 os bew dpplbflf wotn dppreprodtl flstobdtoeb dbf seural dffrlssobkobgermdtoeb ob erflr te lbsurl tndt ot drrovls dt tnl flstobdtoeb. Vnl rlsujts egJdylr 1 prealssobk drl snewb ob Gokurl 4-7.

    Fdtd Jobc Jdylr

    Vnl Fdtd Jobc jdylr os flgoblf ds prevofobk aemmuboadtoebs ltwllb aebblatoebjlss-mefl er aebblatoeb-mefl bltwerc lbtotols. Vnos mltnef mdy obajufl tnllstd`josnmlbt, mdobtlbdbal, dbf rljldsl eg aebblatoebs ger aebblatoeb-mefl bltwerclbtotols. Vnl Fdtd Jobc jdylr os djse rlspebso`jl ger fltlatobk lrrers tndt mdy eaaur

    GOK\PL 4-7

    Jdylr 7 QMVX







    Fdtd Jobc







    Fdtd Jobc


    Ltnlrblt Qwotan Ltnlrblt Qwotan

    QMVX Lmdoj Msk

    MOML QMVX Lmdoj Msk

    MOML QMVX Lmdoj Msk

    [obseac DXO Mlssdkl

    MOML QMVX Lmdoj Msk

    [obseac DXO MlssdklVAX

    MOML QMVX Lmdoj Msk

    [obseac DXO MlssdklOX VAX

  • 7/22/2019 CompTIA Convergence Certification Study Guide.pdf


    Oflbtogy tnl Jdylrs eg tnl EQO Meflj dbf Cbew Ots Pljlvdbal te Aebvlrklf Bltwercs

    ob tnl Xnysoadj jdylr. Vnlrlgerl, tnl Fdtd Jobc jdylr prevofls slrvoals te Jdylr 1dbf Jdylr 4. Vnl Fdtd Jobc jdylr, er Jdylr 0, mdy djse aerrlat lrrers fltlatlf ob tnlXnysoadj jdylr dutemdtoadjjy.

    Lxdmpjls eg Fdtd Jobc jdylr preteaejs dbf gubatoebs obajufl Ltnlrblt, XXX, dbfNFJA. Ltnlrblt os tnl mest wofljy uslf preteaej ger jeadj drld bltwercs (JDBs) dwojj `l tnl typl eg JDB yeu fldj wotn wnlb usobk mest meflrb JDB tlanbejekolsLtnlrblt aemls ob mdby fogglrlbt ompjlmlbtdtoebs grem 48 M`ps (mlkd`ots plrslaebf er mojjoeb `ots plr slaebf) te 4888 M`ps ob aemmeb ompjlmlbtdtoebs. GdsLtnlrblt tlanbejekols drl `lobk flvljeplf dbf ompjlmlbtlf eb d smdjj sadjl tefdyVnl Xeobt te Xeobt Xreteaej (XXX) os aemmebjy uslf ger wofl drld bltwerc ([DBjobcs daress dbdjek jobls dbf etnlr tubbljobk purpesls daress fokotdj jobls. Vnl NokJlvlj Fdtd Jobc Aebtrej (NFJA) preteaej os d sejutoeb arldtlf `y tnl OQE ger `oterolbtlf sybanrebeus aemmuboadtoebs. Ot os d vlry pepujdr preteaej uslf ger [DB

    jobcs dbf os tnl flgdujt [DB jobc preteaej ger mdby Aosae reutlrs.Vnl OLLL nds fovoflf tnl Fdtd Jobc jdylr obte twe su`jdylrs9 tnl Jekoadj Jobc

    Aebtrej (JJA) su`jdylr dbf tnl Mlfoum Daalss Aebtrej (MDA) su`jdylr. Vnl Jsu`jdylr os bet datudjjy uslf `y mdby trdbspert preteaejs, suan ds VAX. Vnl vdrolfOLLL stdbfdrfs oflbtogy tnl `lndvoer eg tnl MDA su`jdylr wotnob tnl Fdtd Jobcjdylr dbf tnl XN_ jdylr ds wljj.

    Vnl rlsujts eg tnl prealssobk ob Jdylr 0 drl tndt tnl pdaclt `laemls d grdml tnos rldfy te `l trdbsmottlf `y tnl Xnysoadj jdylr, er Jdylr 4. Qe tnl slkmlbts `ladmpdaclts ob Jdylr 1 dbf bew tnl pdaclts ndvl `laeml grdmls. Plmlm`lr, tnos os iutnl aejjlatoeb eg tlrms tndt wl usl3 tnl fdtd os d aejjlatoeb eg ebls dbf zlres djj tn

    wdy fewb tnreukn tnl EQO jdylrs. Ldan jdylr os sompjy mdbopujdtobk er dffobk tetnlsl ebls dbf zlres ob erflr te plrgerm tndt jdylrs slrvoal. Ds ob tnl etnlr jdylrs`lgerl ot, tnl slrvoals dbf prealssls wotnob tnl Fdtd Jobc jdylr drl bdmlf dgtlr tnjdylr dbf drl adjjlf fdtd-jobc-lbtotols.

    Vnl Fdtd Jobc jdylr dffs tnl blalssdry nldflr te tnl l-mdoj pdaclts rlalovlfgrem Jdylr 1, dbf yeur l-mdoj mlssdkl, ob ots ebl er mdby pdrts, os bew d grdml ereg grdmls. Vnl grdmls drl rldfy te `l trdbsmottlf `y tnl Xnysoadj jdylr. Ob Gokurl wl sll tnl l-mdoj mlssdkl dgtlr tnl Fdtd Jobc jdylr prealssobk os aempjltl.

    Xnysoadj Jdylr

    Vnl Xnysoadj jdylr, semltomls adjjlf tnl XN_, os rlspebso`jl ger prevofobk tnlmlandboadj, ljlatroadj, gubatoebdj, er prealfurdj mldbs ger lstd`josnobk pnysoadjaebblatoebs ltwllb fdtd-jobc-lbtotols. Vnl aebblatoebs ltwllb djj etnlr jdylrdrl rldjjy jekoadj aebblatoebs, ds tnl ebjy rldj pnysoadj aebblatoeb tndt rlsujts obtrul trdbsglr eg fdtd os dt Jdylr 4tnl Xnysoadj jdylr. Ger lxdmpjl, wl sdy tndt tn

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    4> Andptlr 49 Bltwercobk Obgrdstruaturl dbf Flsokb

    Jdylr ; NVVX preteaej eb d ajolbt arldtls d aebblatoeb wotn tnl Jdylr ; NVVXpreteaej eb d wl` slrvlr wnlb d uslr `rewsls db Obtlrblt wl` sotl3 newlvlr, tnlrldjoty os tndt tnos aebblatoeb os jekoadj dbf tnl rldj aebblatoebs ndpplb dt tnlXnysoadj jdylr.

    Ot os rldjjy dmdzobk te tnobc tndt my aemputlrtnl ebl Om usobk te typl tnlslwerfsos aebblatlf te d worljlss daalss peobt (DX) ob my eggoal, wnoan os aebblatlfte my jeadj bltwerc tndt os ob turb aebblatlf te tnl Obtlrblt. Vnreukn aebblatoebspesso`jy etn worlf dbf worljlssO adb slbf sokbdjs (tndts wndt ndpplbs dt Jdylr 4)te d flvoal eb tnl etnlr sofl eg tnl kje`l. Ve tnobc tndt tnlrl os d petlbtodj ljlatroadj

    aebblatoeb pdtn ltwllb tnlsl flvoals dbf mojjoebs eg etnlrs os rldjjy quotl dmdzobk.Ot os Jdylr 4 tndt os rlspebso`jl ger tdcobk tnl fdtd grdmls grem Jdylr 0 dbftrdbsmottobk tnlm eb tnl aemmuboadtoebs mlfoum ds `obdry `ots (ebls dbf zlres).Vnos mlfoum mdy `l worlf er worljlss. Ot mdy usl ljlatroadj sokbdjs er joknt pujsls(`etn datudjjy lobk ljlatremdkbltoa ob bdturl). [ndtlvlr yeuvl aneslb te usldt Jdylr 4, tnl upplr jdylrs adb aemmuboadtl daress ot ds jebk ds tnl ndrfwdrl dbf






    Fdtd Jobc







    Fdtd Jobc


    Ltnlrblt Qwotan Ltnlrblt Qwotan

    QMVX Lmdoj Msk

    MOML QMVX Lmdoj Msk

    MOML QMVX Lmdoj Msk

    [obseac DXO Mlssdkl

    MOML QMVX Lmdoj Msk

    [obseac DXO MlssdklVAX

    MOML QMVX Lmdoj Msk

    [obseac DXO MlssdklOX VAX

    MOML QMVX Lmdoj Msk

    [obseac DXO MlssdklOXLtnlrblt VAX GAQ

    GOK\PL 4-;

    Jdylr 0 l-mdoj


  • 7/22/2019 CompTIA Convergence Certification Study Guide.pdf


    Oflbtogy tnl Jdylrs eg tnl EQO Meflj dbf Cbew Ots Pljlvdbal te Aebvlrklf Bltwercs

    frovlrs d`strdat tndt jdylr se tndt ot prevofls tnl slrvoals flmdbflf eg tnl upplr-jdylr preteaejs.

    Lxdmpjls eg Xnysoadj jdylr preteaejs dbf gubatoebs obajufl Ltnlrblt, [o-Go,

    dbf FQJ. _eu pre`d`jy betoalf tndt Ltnlrblt wds mlbtoeblf ds db lxdmpjl eg dFdtd Jobc jdylr preteaej. Vnos os `ladusl Ltnlrblt flgobls `etn tnl MDA su`jdylgubatoebdjoty wotnob Jdylr 0 dbf tnl XN_ ger Jdylr 4. [o-Go tlanbejekols (OLLL>80.44) drl somojdr ob tndt `etn tnl MDA dbf XN_ drl splaogolf ob tnl stdbfdrf.Vnlrlgerl tnl Fdtd Jobc dbf Xnysoadj jdylrs drl egtlb flgoblf ob stdbfdrfs tekltn_eu aeujf sdy tndt Jdylr 0 dats ds db obtlrmlfodry `ltwllb Jdylrs 1 tnreukn ; setndt yeu adb rub OX^/QX^ (tneukn ndrfjy dbyebl usls tnos preteaej tefdy) er VAXdaress d mujtotufl eg bltwerc typls (bltwerc typls `lobk ubflrsteef ds fogglrlbtMDA dbf XN_ splaogoadtoebs).

    _eur l-mdoj os gobdjjy `lobk trdbsmottlf daress tnl bltwerc. Gorst d ebl dbf tnl

    zlre, tnlb mdy`l dbetnlr ebl er zlre dbf eb dbf eb ubtoj tnl lbtorl l-mdoj mlssdos trdbsmottlf. Gokurl 4-> snews tnl gobdj rlsujts wotn tnl l-mdoj, bew `reclb obtegrdmls, lobk trdbsmottlf eb tnl mlfoum.






    Fdtd Jobc







    Fdtd Jobc


    Ltnlrblt Qwotan Ltnlrblt Qwotan

    QMVX Lmdoj Msk

    MOML QMVX Lmdoj Msk

    MOML QMVX Lmdoj Msk

    [obseac DXO Mlssdkl

    MOML QMVX Lmdoj Msk

    [obseac DXO MlssdklVAX

    MOML QMVX Lmdoj Msk

    [obseac DXO MlssdklOX VAX

    MOML QMVX Lmdoj Msk

    [obseac DXO Mlssdkl

    OXLtnlrblt VAX GAQ

    MOML QMVX Lmdoj Msk

    [obseac DXO MlssdklOXLtnlrblt VAX GAQ


    GOK\PL 4->

    Jdylr 4 l-mdoj


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    08 Andptlr 49 Bltwercobk Obgrdstruaturl dbf Flsokb


    _eu drl slbfobk d gojl te db GVX slrvlr. Vnl fdtd tndtos te `l trdbsmottlf bllfs te `l lbaryptlf. [noanjdylr eg tnl EQO meflj os tnl jocljy drld wnlrl tnoswojj ndpplb5

    Vnl Xrlslbtdtoeb jdylr. Vnos os `ladusl lbaryptoeb,aemprlssoeb, dbf sybtdx drl grlqulbtjy dppjolf dt tnosjdylr. Ot os ompertdbt te cllp ob mobf tnl pesso`ojotytndt lbaryptoeb mdy djse eaaur dt etnlr jdylrs. Gerlxdmpjl, OXsla lbarypts fdtd dt Jdylr 1.

    Obgermdtoeb d`eut tnl seural dbf flstobdtoeb MDAdffrlssls os `lobk dfflf te d pdaclt. [noan jdylr egtnl EQO meflj os plrgermobk tnos eplrdtoeb5

    Vnl Fdtd Jobc jdylr. Xdaclts drl arldtlf dt tnlBltwerc jdylr dbf drl slbt fewb te tnl Fdtd Jobcjdylr, wnlrl MDA dffrlssls drl dfflf ob tnl grdmlsnldflr ger `etn tnl seural dbf tnl flstobdtoeb.

    Vnl lxdmpjl eg tnl l-mdoj trdbsmossoeb nds `llb sompjogolf ob aempdroseb tewndt rldjjy tdcls pjdal. Ger lxdmpjl, ldan pdaclt (grem Jdylr 1) wojj `l trdbsmottlf`y Jdylr 4 (dgtlr `lobk aebvlrtlf te grdmls `y Jdylr 0), dbf tnlb tnl blxt pdacltmdy `l slbt er tnl bltwerc obtlrgdal adrf (BOA) mdy bllf te prealss obaemobk fdtd.Vndt obaemobk fdtd mdy `l d aebgormdtoeb eg d pdst eutkeobk pdaclt tndt wds pdrt egtnl l-mdoj mlssdkl, ot mdy `l d rltry rlqulst, er ot mdy `l aempjltljy ubrljdtlf fdtd.Ful te tnl bdturl eg vdryobk ubflrjyobk Jdylr 4 tlanbejekols, tnl datudj trdbsglrmdy fogglr grem bltwerc te bltwerc. Newlvlr, tnos lxdmpjl sompjy ojjustrdtls newtnl fdtd os mefogolf ds ot pdssls fewb tnreukn tnl EQO meflj.

    Bew, eb tnl rlalovobk mdanobl, lxdatjy tnl eppesotl weujf trdbsporl. Ob etnlrwerfs, grdmls `laeml pdaclts, wnoan `laeml slkmlbts, wnoan `laeml tnl fdtdtndt mdy bllf te `l rlprlslbtlf, flaemprlsslf, er flaryptlf `lgerl `lobk gerwdrflfupstrldm te tnl uslrs prekrdm. [nlb tnl fdtd os slbt, ot os germdttlf, anubclf,dbf trdbsmottlf. Eb tnl rlalovobk lbf ot os rlalovlf, dkkrlkdtlf, dbf pesso`jyrlgermdttlf. Vnos slqulbal os wndt tnl EQO jdylrs fe ger us. Ot os djse wndt mdbydatudj bltwerc preteaejs fe ger us, suan ds VAX/OX.

    EQO Meflj Aemmuboadtoebs Xrealss

    Bew tndt yeu ubflrstdbf tnl jdylrs eg tnl EQO meflj, ot os ompertdbt ger yeu teubflrstdbf tnl aemmuboadtoebs prealss utojozlf wotnob tnl meflj. Ldan jdylr os sdof

    te aemmuboadtl wotn d pllr jdylr eb dbetnlr flvoal. Vnos prealss mldbs tndt tnlDppjoadtoeb jdylr eb ebl flvoal os aemmuboadtobk wotn tnl Dppjoadtoeb jdylr ebtnl etnlr flvoal. Ob tnl sdml wdy, ldan jdylr aemmuboadtls wotn ots pllr jdylr. Vnosvortudj aemmuboadtoeb os daaempjosnlf tnreukn slkmlbtdtoeb dbf lbadpsujdtoeb.

  • 7/22/2019 CompTIA Convergence Certification Study Guide.pdf


    Oflbtogy tnl Jdylrs eg tnl EQO Meflj dbf Cbew Ots Pljlvdbal te Aebvlrklf Bltwercs 0

    Qlkmlbtdtoeb os tnl prealss eg slkmlbtobk er slpdrdtobk tnl fdtd obte mdbdkld`er djjewd`jl sozls ger trdbsglr. Ds db lxdmpjl, tnl stdbfdrf Ltnlrblt grdml adbobajufl d pdyjedf (tnl datudj fdtd te `l trdbsglrrlf) eg be merl tndb 4

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    00 Andptlr 49 Bltwercobk Obgrdstruaturl dbf Flsokb


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    Oflbtogy tnl Jdylrs eg tnl EQO Meflj dbf Cbew Ots Pljlvdbal te Aebvlrklf Bltwercs 0

    trdbsjdtl ot obte Lbkjosn `lgerl nl spldcs ot. Dgtlr tnl tneuknt os trdbsjdtlf obteLbkjosn, nos `rdob must slbf sokbdjs te tnl veadj anerfs dbf meutn te trdbsmottnl sokbdjs eg seubf tndt rlsujt ob Lbkjosn lbubaodtoeb. Bew tnl sokbdjs (seubf

    wdvls) trdvlj tnreukn tnl lbvorebmlbt ob wnoan tnly drl speclb ubtoj tnly rldan@drblys ldrs. Vnl ldrfrums rlalovl tnlsl sokbdjs dbf slbf tnl rlalovlf obgermdtote tnl `rdob. Nlrl tnl obgermdtoeb os obtlrprltlf dbf mdy er mdy bet ndvl `llbrlalovlf aerrlatjy. @drbly adb slbf dac d sokbdj (vlr`dj, vosudj, er coblstnltoa)te jlt Grlf cbew nos ubflrstdbfobk se tndt Grlf adb `l surl @drbly rlalovlf tnlaemmuboadtoeb preplrjy.

    Fe yeu sll tnl somojdrotols5 Muan ds tnl Qlssoeb jdylr rlprlslbts fdtd ob d wdytndt tnl rlmetl mdanobl adb ubflrstdbf ot, Grlfs rdob ndf te trdbsjdtl tnl erokoGrlban tneuknt obte d sndrlf jdbkudkl. Muan ds tnl Xnysoadj jdylr nds te trdbsmoljlatroadj sokbdjs eb d worlf bltwerc, tnl veadj aerfs dbf meutn ndf te trdbsmot

    sokbdjs ds seubf wdvls te @drblys ldrs. Vnl peobt os tndt wl aeujf `rldc numdbaemmuboadtoebs obte jdylrs tndt drl somojdr te tndt wnoan os flgoblf ob tnl EQOmeflj. Djse, tnl kedj nlrl os te prevofl pllr aemmuboadtoebs grem tnl tneukntdrld eg tnl `rdob te dbetnlr plrsebs tneuknt drld.

    Vnl mest ompertdbt tnobk ger yeu te rlmlm`lr os tndt tnl EQO meflj os drlglrlbal dbf bet db datudj ompjlmlbtdtoeb. Ot os djse uslguj te rlmlm`lr tndt fdtrdvljs fewb tnreukn tnl EQO meflj eb tnl slbfobk mdanobl dbf up tnreukn tnlEQO meflj eb tnl rlalovobk mdanobl. Gobdjjy, rlmlm`lr tndt lvlry flvoal eb dbltwerc wojj bet bllf te lxtrdat lvlrytnobk wotnob tnl lbadpsujdtlf fdtd ob erflfe ots ie`. Ger lxdmpjl, d Jdylr 1 reutlr adb lxtrdat ebjy te tnl peobt eg tnl Jdylr

    fdtd dbf stojj reutl tnl fdtd pdaclts iust gobl.

    _eu wojj nldr eg mdby

    fogglrlbt tlanboquls ger mlmerozobk

    tnl jdylrs eg tnl EQO meflj. [nojl O adb

    sympdtnozl wotn tnlsl tlanboquls ger

    lxdm prlpdrdtoeb, O lbaeurdkl yeu te gujjyubflrstdbf tnl aemmuboadtoebs prealss

    tndt eaaurs wotnob tnl EQO rlglrlbal meflj.

    [nlb yeu rlmlm`lr wndt ldan jdylr

    fels, ot os djmest dutemdtoa tndt yeujj

    rlmlm`lr tnl jdylrs ob tnl preplr erflr.

    Vnos aerrljdtoeb os `ladusl aemmuboadtoeb

    sneujf eaaur ob tnl erflr ob wnoan tnl

    jdylrs flfflbl tnlm. Ots rldjjy ldsy terlmlm`lr d stery, se tnobc eg tnl stery eg

    db l-mdoj mlssdkl trdvljobk fewb tnl stdac

    dbf daress tnl bltwerc te ots flstobdtoeb.

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    06 Andptlr 49 Bltwercobk Obgrdstruaturl dbf Flsokb


    Flsaro`l Bltwercobk Vlanbejekols \slfob d Aebvlrklf Bltwerc

    Og yeuvl `llb wercobk wotn fdtd bltwercs ger dby dmeubt eg toml, yeu cbewtndt tnlrl drl mdby fogglrlbt typls eg tlanbejekols dbf flvoals tndt drl uslf teompjlmlbt suan d bltwerc. Vnl keef blws os tndt aebvlrklf bltwercs usl tnl sdml`dsoa tlanbejekols dbf flvoals. Vnly sompjy usl tnlm ob d wdy tndt prevofls suppertger proerotozdtoeb eg veoal dbf mujtomlfod pdaclts wnlb blalssdry. Ob tnos slatoeb,wljj lxpjerl tnl vdroeus tlanbejekols uslf te mdcl d bltwerc werc. Vnlsl obajufl9

    Vrdbsmossoeb mlfod




    Bltwerc tepejekols

    Vrdbsmossoeb Mlfod

    Ebal fdtd rldanls tnl Xnysoadj jdylr, er Jdylr 4, ot must l trdbsmottlf ob seml wdy.Vnos fdtd wojj `l trdbsmottlf daress d sljlatlf mlfoum. Vnl dvdojd`jl mlfod obajufl`etn worlf dbf worljlss. Ger lxdmpjl, OLLL >80.44 worljlss bltwercs usl tnl worljlssmlfoum, dbf OLLL >80.1 Ltnlrblt bltwercs usl d worlf mlfoum. Ob tnos slatoeb, Owojj rlvolw tnl mest aemmeb worlf dbf worljlss mlfod dvdojd`jl ger utojozdtoeb ebeur meflrb bltwercs.

    [orlf Mlfod

    Djj worlf mlfod usl ad`jls eg seml sert ger tnl trdbsmossoeb eg fdtd. Vnl fdtd wojj `ltrdbsmottlf lotnlr ds ljlatroadj sokbdjs er ds pujsls eg joknt daress tnl ad`jls. Aedxodj

    dbf twostlf pdor ad`jls trdbsmot ljlatroadj sokbdjs, dbf go`lr eptoa ad`jls trdbsmotpujsdtobk joknt sokbdjs. Ob tnos slatoeb, Ojj rlvolw tnl vdroeus worlf ad`jobk typls,obajufobk aedxodj, twostlf pdor, dbf go`lr eptoa. Ojj djse aevlr fogglrlbt Obtlrbltaebblatoeb typls, suan ds fodj-up, FQJ, dbf ad`jl.

    Aedxodj Aedxodj ad`jl (djse cbewb ds aedx ger snert) os ompjlmlbtlf wotn d albtlraebfuater mdfl eg aepplr surreubflf `y d snldtnobk mdfl eg seml typl eg pjdstoa.

  • 7/22/2019 CompTIA Convergence Certification Study Guide.pdf


    Flsaro`l Bltwercobk Vlanbejekols \slf ob d Aebvlrklf Bltwerc 0

    Vnos snldtnobk os surreubflf `y d mlsn eg tnobblr aepplr worls tndt dats ds d snoldkdobst ljlatremdkbltoa obtlrglrlbal (LMO) dbf nljps aebtdob tnl ljlatroadj sokbdwotnob tnl ad`jl te prlvlbt jldcdkl. Gobdjjy, tnos mlsn os aevlrlf `y d pjdstoa aedtegtlb adjjlf dpjlbum-rdtlf aedtobk. Xjlbum-rdtlf aedtobk os d splaodj pjdstoa tndt ordtlf ger usl ob dor pjlbums tndt aebtdob vlbtojdtoeb fuat werc. Gokurl 4-48 snew

    lxdmpjl eg aedx ad`jobk.Ob aemputlr bltwercs, aedx os usudjjy uslf wotn @BA aebblaters, tlrmobdters

    dbf V-aebblaters ob d `us tepejeky. Gokurl 4-44 snews ldan eg tnlsl tnrll otlms.Vnl usl eg d `us tepejeky mldbs tndt ot os usudjjy uslf ob smdjjlr bltwercs tefdyog ot os uslf dt djj. Ot os muan ldsolr te werc wotn twostlf pdor ad`jobk, dbf tnos ldsleg usl mldbs tndt ot os tnl pepujdr tlanbejeky ob djj blw obstdjjdtoebs dbf jdrklompjlmlbtdtoebs. Ds yeu wojj jldrb jdtlr ob tnos andptlr, tnl us tepejeky rldanlsd mdxomum flvoal tnrlsnejf vlry quoacjy ful te ots mltnef eg sokbdj trdbsmossoeb_eu mdy lbaeubtlr aedx ad`jobk ob smdjj bltwercs tndt ndvl lxostlf ger merl tndslvlb te tlb yldrs3 newlvlr, lvlb tndt usl os rdrl tefdy. Alrtdobjy, yeu drl ubjoclj

    te sll aedx uslf ob dby lbvorebmlbt tndt os ompjlmlbtobk d Weoal evlr OX sejutoeds os d mdier geaus ob tnos `eec.

    Vnl aebblaters drl ompertdbt te ubflrstdbf og yeu bllf te ompjlmlbt d aedx-`dslf bltwerc. Vnl V-aebblater aebblats te tnl dac eg tnl bltwerc obtlrgdal ad(BOA) ob yeur aemputlr, dbf aedx ad`jls wotn @BA aebblaters wojj l aebblatlfte lotnlr sofl eg tnl V-aebblater. Vnl flvoal dt ldan lbf eg tnl `us wojj ndvl dtlrmobdter aebblatlf te tnl lbf sofl eg tnl V-aebblater. Vnos aebgokurdtoeb osflpoatlf ob tnl fodkrdm ob Gokurl 4-40. PK- ad`jl os mest aemmebjy uslf obaemputlr bltwercs.

    GOK\PL 4-48

    Aedxodj ad`jobk

    GOK\PL 4-44

    Aedx aebblaters

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    07 Andptlr 49 Bltwercobk Obgrdstruaturl dbf Flsokb

    Aedx ad`jl, ompjlmlbtlf ds Vnobblt er PK- ad`jl, nds d mdxomum fostdbalplr slkmlbt eg 4>< mltlrs. Mest ompjlmlbtdtoebs eg aedx ad`jobk tefdy drl Vnobbltompjlmlbtdtoebs. Vnoacblt, dbetnlr aedx stdbfdrf, djjews slkmlbts wotn jlbktns up te). Vnos os lvlb jlss aemmeb tndb tnlVnobblt ad`jobk Ovl aneslb te geaus eb nlrl. Vnlrl os db dffotoebdj aedx ad`jobk typl,PK-70, tndt wds uslf ob DPABlt bltwercs. Vnos ebl os flgobotljy ebjy ob tnl nostery

    `eecs ger meflrb bltwerc lbkobllrs. Vnl ebjy etnlr aedx ad`jl typl tndt yeu mdylbaeubtlr os PK-7, wnoan os d ad`jl lvlb tnoaclr tndb PK->. PK-7 ad`jls drl uslfger ad`jl tljlvosoeb (ADVW) aebblatoebs dbf, tnlrlgerl, djse ad`jl meflms. Ot os tnlompjlmlbtdtoeb eg d ad`jl meflm ger nokn-spllf Obtlrblt aebblatovoty wnlrl yeumdy lbaeubtlr PK-7 ad`jobk ob yeur bltwerc lbkobllrobk werc.


    V Aebblaters

    PK-D\ Aedx

    GOK\PL 4-40

    @BA aebblaters

    dbf aedx ad`jl

    PK-> aedx os uslf ob

    48@DQL-< Vnoacblt obstdjjdtoebs, dbfPK- os uslf ob 48@DQL-0 Vnobblt

    obstdjjdtoebs. @etn obstdjjdtoebs ndvl d

    mdxomum fdtd rdtl eg 48 M`ps. Vnl < ob

    48@DQL-< obfoadtls < mltlrs) ds tnlmdxomum ad`jl jlbktn ob d slkmlbt ger

    Vnobblt. Vnos jomotdtoeb eg 48 M`ps os ebl

    eg tnl mdier rldsebs aedx os rdrljy uslf ob

    meflrb bltwercs.

  • 7/22/2019 CompTIA Convergence Certification Study Guide.pdf


    Flsaro`l Bltwercobk Vlanbejekols \slf ob d Aebvlrklf Bltwerc 0

    Vwostlf Xdor [otneut qulstoeb, tnl mest aemmeb bltwerc mlfoum uslf obmeflrb bltwercs os tnl twostlf pdor ad`jl. Ot os tnobblr dbf ldsolr te werc wotntndb aedx dbf wercs `y ompjlmlbtobk mujtopjl aebfuater worls obstldf eg iust ebalbtlr worl. Vnlsl worls drl twostlf ob pdors, nlbal tnl bdml twostlf pdor. Vwe cobeg twostlf pdor ad`jl typls lxost9 ubsnoljflf twostlf pdor dbf snoljflf twostlf pdor.Mest OLLL >80.1 Ltnlrblt bltwercs drl ompjlmlbtlf usobk ubsnoljflf twostlf pd

    ad`jobk ds tnl mlfoum.\bsnoljflf twostlf pdor (\VX) os ompjlmlbtlf ds db lvlb bum`lr eg worls

    twostlf tekltnlr ob pdors dbf lbajeslf ob db obsujdtobk snldtn. Qnoljflf twostlfpdor (QVX) os ompjlmlbtlf ob tnl sdml wdy lxalpt tnl obfovofudj pdors drl djseobsujdtlf `y d geoj snoljf. Vnos geoj snoljf nljps obsujdtl tnl twostlf pdors grem ldanetnlr wotnob tnl QVX ad`jl. Ful te tnl jdac eg stdbfdrfs, QVX ad`jls drl rdrljy usGokurl 4-41 snews db lxdmpjl eg d \VX ad`jl, ds tnos os tnl mest aemmeb typlompjlmlbtlf ob OLLL >80.1 Ltnlrblt bltwercs.

    \VX ad`jls drl ajdssogolf ob fogglrlbt adtlkerols dbf usl worlpobeuts (eraebblatoeb pdttlrbs) tndt drl flgoblf ob tnl Ljlatreboa Obfustrols Djjodbal (LOD

    Vljlaemmuboadtoebs Obfustrols Dsseaodtoeb (VOD) Aemmlraodj @uojfobk[orobk Qtdbfdrf. Vd`jl 4-4 prevofls d jostobk eg tnl adtlkerols tndt drl flgoblf obtnl LOD/VOD stdbfdrf. Betl tndt tnlsl adtlkerols drl egtlb rldf er wrottlb dger obstdbal, ADV6 ger adtlkery 6 er ADV< ger adtlkery

  • 7/22/2019 CompTIA Convergence Certification Study Guide.pdf


    0> Andptlr 49 Bltwercobk Obgrdstruaturl dbf Flsokb

    Vnl joknt os rlgjlatlf egg tnl ajdffobk mdtlrodj dbf pdssls fewb tnl kjdss go`lr se tndt

    prdatoadjjy djj tnl trdbsmottlf joknt rldanls tnl rlalovobk lbf. Gokurl 4-4< snews dblxdmpjl eg go`lr eptoa ad`jl ob fodkrdm germ.Qokbdjs drl trdbsmottlf y obilatobk joknt obte/ebte tnl go`lrs wotn pujsdtoebs.

    Vnobc eg tnl anojfneef kdml eg gjdsnjoknt sokbdjs. O rlmlm`lr usobk d gjdsnjoknt te

    Adtlkery Dppjoadtoeb

    Adtlkery 4 Vrdfotoebdj tljlpnebl aebblatoebs. Vnos os aebsoflrlf veoal krdfl ad jobk dbf os betrlaemmlbflf ger fdtd.

    Adtlkery 0 Xrevofls `dbfwoftn eg up te 6 M`ps dbf obajufls geur pdors eg worl (loknt tetdj worls). Vnosadtlkery os rdrljy uslf ful te ots jomotlf `dbfwoftn.

    Adtlkery 1 Xrevofl dbfwoftn eg up te 48 M`ps dbf obajufls geur pdors eg worl, ds fe djj \VX ad`jls.Vnos adtlkery ompjlmlbts sokbdjobk rdtls up te 47 MNz dbf mdy stojj `l sllb ob seml48@DQL-V Ltnlrblt ompjlmlbtdtoebs, tneukn ot sneujf `l aebsoflrlf e`sejltl dt tnos toml.

    Adtlkery 6 Vnos os tnl gorst adtlkery jostlf ds fdtd krdfl `y tnl LOD/VOD dbf adb prevofl up te 47 M`ps.@ladusl ot adbbet prevofl 488 M`ps, ot os bet muan merl uslguj tndb ADV1 dbf os betaemmebjy uslf lvlb tneukn ot wojj suppert 48@DQL-V Ltnlrblt dt 48 M`ps. Vnos ad`jl

    prevofls d sokbdjobk rdtl eg up te 08 MNz.Adtlkery < Vnos os tnl mest aemmeb \VX ad`jl uslf ob tnl gorst fladfl eg tnl blw mojjlbboum. Ot

    prevofls up te 488 M`ps dbf d sokbdjobk rdtl eg up te 488 MNz. 488@DQL-V^ utojozls lotnlrADV< er ADV7 ad`jobk. Vnlrl os djse d ADV

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    Flsaro`l Bltwercobk Vlanbejekols \slf ob d Aebvlrklf Bltwerc 0

    slbf sokbdjs te my aeusob. [l uslf d jebk joknt ger vewljs dbf snert gjdsnls eg joknger vdroeus aebsebdbts. Vnos systlm djjewlf us te ndvl ebl sokbdj ger djj vewljsdbf te usl eur numdb obtljjoklbal te gokurl eut wnoan vewljs got wotn tnl prevoflaebsebdbts. Vnl lbf rlsujt wds d sokbdjobk systlm `dslf eb pujsdtobk joknts.

    Aemputlrs adb rldf tnlsl pujsdtobk joknts dbf prealss tnlm muan gdstlr tndbmlrl mertdjs, dbf se tnly adb trdbsglr fdtd dt muan noknlr rdtls. [nlrl my aeusdbf O weujf rlquorl merl tndb tnrll er geur mobutls te trdbsmot d sobkjl slbtlbalgo`lr eptoa ad`jobk adb `l uslf te trdbsmot d twlbty-vejuml lbayajeplfod slt ob tnsdml dmeubt eg toml. Vnlerltoadjjy, go`lr eptoa ad`jobk adb trdbsmot fdtd dt spllfup te

  • 7/22/2019 CompTIA Convergence Certification Study Guide.pdf


    18 Andptlr 49 Bltwercobk Obgrdstruaturl dbf Flsokb

    Eg aeursl, tnlsl gdstlr meflms wlrl quoacjy gejjewlf `y OQFB dbf tnlb FQJdbf lvlb ad`jl dbf sdtljjotl tlanbejekols tndt wlrl muan gdstlr. Vnl rldjoty os tndtd fodj-up jobl te tnl Obtlrblt os bet jocljy te prevofl d gdst lbeukn aebblatoeb ger

    sndrlf Obtlrblt ob dby obstdjjdtoeb. Lvlb og ebjy twe er tnrll uslrs drl `rewsobkwl` pdkls, ot wojj `l ubdaalptd`jy sjew. Vefdy, yeu wojj bllf FQJ er `usoblss-ajdssad`jl dt d mobomum. Jdrklr aempdbols wojj bllf flfoadtlf er pdrtodj V4s dbf gdstlraebblatoebs.

    Ger tnos rldseb, yeur flaosoeb os bet rldjjy `ltwllb fodj-up dbf nokn-spllfObtlrblt aebblatoebs. Vnl flaosoeb os te `l mdfl dmebk tnl vdroeus nokn-spllftlanbejekols. Og yeur erkdbozdtoeb nds d glw fezlb plepjl er merl tndt wojj bllfdaalss te tnl Obtlrblt (l-mdoj, wl` rewsobk, lta.) aebaurrlbtjy, yeu wojj jocljybllf te daquorl d nokn-spllf V4 er grdatoebdj V4 jobl grem d jeadj prevoflr. Og yeurerkdbozdtoeb rlquorls tndt ebjy d glw obfovofudjs daalss tnl Obtlrblt aebaurrlbtjy,

    yeu mdy `l d`jl te mdcl yeur flaosoeb `ltwllb tnl jlss lxplbsovl ad`jl er FQJeptoebs.

    FQJ Wlrsus Ad`jl Vnl Fokotdj Qu`saro`lr Jobl (FQJ) slrvoal nds `llb dpnlbemlbdj eptoeb ger smdjj `usoblssls dbf neml uslrs ger d glw yldrs bew. Otprevofls spllfs up te

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    Flsaro`l Bltwercobk Vlanbejekols \slf ob d Aebvlrklf Bltwerc 1

    aebblatoebs usudjjy prevofl up te d alrtdob `dbfwoftn wotn lotnlr mobomum`dbfwoftn kudrdbtlls er be kudrdbtlls. Xdy ajesl dttlbtoeb te tnl aebtrdat wnlbsokbobk up ger ad`jl er FQJ aebblatoebs. _eu wdbt te mdcl surl yeu ndvl tnl`dbfwoftn yeu bllf ger yeur obtlbflf usl.

    [orljlss Mlfod

    [orlf bltwercobk os bet tnl ebjy kdml ob tewb. [orljlss bltwercobk nds laemllxtrlmljy pepujdr ob tnl jdst fladfl. Vnlrl drl mdby fogglrlbt worljlss bltwercobstdbfdrfs dbf tlanbejekols dbf tnly vdry ob tnlor ompjlmlbtdtoeb, `ut ebl tnobk aebsostlbt9 ljlatremdkbltoa wdvls. Vnly djj usl ljlatremdkbltoa wdvls ob erflr tetrdbsmot dbf rlalovl fdtd. Ob tnos slatoeb, O wojj `rolgjy obtrefual tnl worljlss mlftndt drl dvdojd`jl. Qeml drl uslf ob worljlss JDBs ([JDBs), dbf etnlrs drl uslfworljlss MDBs er lvlb worljlss [DBs.

    Jobl eg Qoknt Vlanboadjjy, dby worljlss tlanbejeky adb `l mdfl d jobl eg soknttlanbejeky y usobk noknjy forlatoebdj dbtlbbds3 newlvlr, seml tlanbejekols drl

    ompjlmlbtlf wotn tnl obtlbtoeb eg utojozobk jobl eg soknt ger aemmuboadtoebs. [ntwe worljlss lbfpeobts aemmuboadtl wotn ldan etnlr ob d noknjy forlatoebdj, peobte-peobt gdsnoeb, tnly drl sdof te `l jobl eg soknt aebblatoebs. Jobl eg sokntaebblatoebs drl uslf ger `rofkl aebblatoebs tndt aebblat twe etnlrwosl fosaebblabltwercs dbf ger nokn-spllf aebblatoebs te fdtd albtlrs ger fostdbt drlds ob dgdaojoty. Gokurl 4-47 flpoats d jobl eg soknt worljlss jobc.

    FQJ Vypl Qpllfs Fostdbal grem Xrevoflr

    DFQJ 7 M`ps fewb dbf 768 C`ps up \sudjjy jlss tndb 1 cm

    DFQJ Jotl (djse adjjlf K.jotlDFQJ er \bovlrsdj FQJ)

    4.< M`ps fewb dbf

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    10 Andptlr 49 Bltwercobk Obgrdstruaturl dbf Flsokb

    BebJobl eg Qoknt Vnl tlanbejekols uslf ob [JDBs drl bebjobl eg soknttlanbejekols. Vnos os ladusl tnly usl slmoforlatoebdj er emboforlatoebdj dbtlbbds.Qlmoforlatoebdj dbtlbbds trdbsmot tnl rdfoe grlqulbay (ljlatremdkbltoa wdvls)sokbdjs ob d wofl pdtn ob ebl forlatoeb grem tnl dbtlbbd, wnlrlds emboforlatoebdjdbtlbbds trdbsmot tnl sokbdj ob djj forlatoebs gdorjy lvlbjy dreubf tnl dbtlbbd. Vnlrlsujt os tndt slmoforlatoebdj dbtlbbds prevofl aevlrdkl evlr d krldtlr fostdbal obd splaogolf forlatoeb, dbf emboforlatoebdj dbtlbbds prevofl aevlrdkl evlr d jlsslr

    fostdbal grem tnl dbtlbbd ob djj forlatoebs. Gokurl 4-4; flpoats d bebjobl eg sokntworljlss aebgokurdtoeb.

    Qdtljjotl Qdtljjotl tlanbejeky nds aeml obte aemmeb usl ger `etn tljlvosoebslrvoal dbf nokn-spllf Obtlrblt slrvoal, pdrtoaujdrjy ob rurdj drlds wnlrl FQJrubs weujf `l tee jebk er ad`jl slrvoal os bet prevoflf. Dffotoebdjjy, sdtljjotl osdb lxaljjlbt tlanbejekydssumobk tnl `dbfwoftn os suggoaolbtger etn jdbfdbf sld me`ojl stdtoebs. Qdtljjotl Obtlrblt aebblatoebs ndvl trdfotoebdjjy uslfebl-wdy wotn tlrrlstrodj rlturb. Ob etnlr werfs, tnl fdtd rlalovlf grem tnl Obtlrbltos trdbsmottlf grem tnl sdtljjotl te tnl rlalovlr dbf tnl fdtl trdbsmottlf te tnl

    Obtlrblt os slbt tnreukn d tlrrlstrodj aebblatoeb (lotnlr d jdbf jobl er d me`ojlpnebl). Vwe-wdy sdtljjotl Obtlrblt os muan merl lxplbsovl dbf rlquorls jobl egsoknt. Vnlrlgerl, twe-wdy sdtljjotl obstdjjdtoebs rlquorl d wljj-trdoblf lbkobllrte obstdjj dbf djokb tnl lquopmlbt. Ebl-wdy wotn tlrrlstrodj rlturb os krldt germe`ojl dbf stdtoebdry aebblatoeb rlquorobk mestjy fewbjedfs dbf jottjl ob tnl wdyeg upjedfs, dbf twe-wdy os suotd`jl ger stdtoebdry dppjoadtoebs suan ds rurdj drldswotneut etnlr slrvoal prevosoeb.

    Plgjlatobk Qurgdal


    GOK\PL 4-4;

    Bebjobl eg soknt


    GOK\PL 4-47

    Jobl eg soknt


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    Flsaro`l Bltwercobk Vlanbejekols \slf ob d Aebvlrklf Bltwerc 1

    [o-Go Vnl mest pepujdr worljlss JDB tlanbejeky os [o-Go, wnoan os `dslf eb OLLL >80.44 stdbfdrfs. Vnl jdst govl er sox yldrs ndvl sllb db lxpjesoeb eg obtlrlsdbf ompjlmlbtdtoebs ob tnl [o-Go mdrcltpjdal. Ojj fosauss [o-Go ob merl fltdoj ob

    Andptlrs 1 dbf 6 ds wl obvlstokdtl obgrdstruaturl dbf ajolbt flvoals.

    LWFE Lvejutoeb Fdtd Eptomozlf, er LWFE, os d redf`dbf me`ojl worljlss stdbftndt nds `llb ompjlmlbtlf `y slvlrdj adrrolrs dreubf tnl werjf. Ob tnl \botlf Qtdt`etn Wlrozeb [orljlss dbf Qprobt Blxtlj prevofl LWFE slrvoal. LWFE slrvoaltypoadjjy prevofls fewb spllfs eg `ltwllb

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    16 Andptlr 49 Bltwercobk Obgrdstruaturl dbf Flsokb


    Flplbfobk eb aebtlxt, sokbdjobk adb mldb mdby fogglrlbt tnobks ob tnl

    tljlaemmuboadtoebs obfustry. [nlb tdjcobk d`eut tnl Xnysoadj jdylr eg d fdtdbltwerc, sokbdjobk rlglrlbals tnl mltnef uslf te trdbsmot fdtd. [nlb tdjcobkd`eut tnl pu`joa swotanlf tljlpnebl bltwerc (XQVB), sokbdjobk mdy rlglr te tnlaebvlrsoeb eg seubf wdvls te dbdjek ljlatroadj sokbdjs er ot mdy rlglr te tnl djlrtsfltlatlf rljdtlf te jobl aebfotoebs dbf etnlr gdaters tndt egtlb gdjj obte tnl adtlkerolseg suplrvosery, dffrlss, djlrtobk, er aebtrej sokbdjs. Ob tnos andptlr, sobal wl drl jdyobktnl geubfdtoeb eg eur fdtd bltwercs eb wnoan wl wojj jdtlr trdbsglr eur veoal trdggoa,O wojj geaus eb sokbdjobk grem tnl plrsplatovl eg trdbsmossoeb mltnefs. Vnreukneuttnl `eec, Ojj aeml `dac te sokbdjobk dkdob dbf dkdob ds tnl tepoas rlquorl.

    Ots Djj @obdryEbl gdat tndt os ompertdbt te rlmlm`lr os tndt aemputlrs ebjy werc wotn `obdry fdtd.Og tnl aemputlr os keobk te mdbopujdtl db omdkl, d seubf gojl, er d sprldfsnllt, ot must`l d`jl te rldf dbf werc wotn ot ob d `obdry gdsnoeb. Vnos os `ladusl aemputlrs tnobcob 4s dbf 8s, ubjocl tnesl eg us wne tnobc ob `dsl 48. Vnos fogglrlbal os ompertdbtte cllp ob mobf `ladusl dbdjek obgermdtoeb (obgermdtoeb wotn wofl dbf smeetnvdrodtoebs), suan ds veoal sokbdjs, wojj ujtomdtljy ndvl te `laeml fokotdj obgermdtoeb(obgermdtoeb rlprlslbtlf `y stroat aebtrdstsdcd 4s dbf 8s). [otn tndt sdof, jltsjeec dt dbdjek dbf fokotdj sokbdjs.

    Dbdjek Wlrsus FokotdjGokurl 4-4> snews d typoadj rlprlslbtdtoeb eg db dbdjek sokbdj. Betoal new tnl sokbdjadb `l rlprlslbtlf ob krdpnoadj germ ds ndvobk `etn wofl dbf smeetn (er krdfudj)vdrodtoebs. _eur veoal os tnos wdy. Ot adb smeetnjy trdbsotoeb up dbf fewb grem



    GOK\PL 4-4>

    Dbdjek sokbdj

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    Flsaro`l Bltwercobk Vlanbejekols \slf ob d Aebvlrklf Bltwerc 1

    ebl grlqulbay te dbetnlr ob d mljefoa gdsnoeb. Vnl numdb veoal djse adb sndrpjyandbkl grem ebl grlqulbay te dbetnlr suan ds wnlb yeu metnlr wds yljjobk dt yedbf tnlb tnl pnebl rdbk, wnoan rlsujtlf ob tnl sufflb andbkl te d segt dbf slrlbveoal ds snl specl te tnl plrseb eb tnl etnlr lbf eg tnl aebblatoeb dbf swlltjysdof, Nljje5 Vnl numdb veoal os db dbdjek trdbsmottlr, dbf tnl seubf wdvls adb`l sdof te `l dbdjek sokbdjs.

    Og tnos numdb veoal os te trdvlj d fdtd bltwerc, tnl seubf wdvls must `l aebvlrte fokotdj sokbdjs. Gokurl 4-4? snews d typoadj rlprlslbtdtoeb eg d fokotdj sokbdj. Bettndt d fokotdj sokbdj usls ebjy sndrp aebtrdsts te rlprlslbt 4s dbf 8s. _eu wojj jldrbob Andptlr ; djj tnl fltdojs eg new tnl dbdjek numdb seubf wdvl os aebvlrtlf obte

    fokotdj aemputlr fdtd. Ger bew, iust rlmlm`lr tndt tnlrl drl twe cobfs eg sokbdjs9fokotdj dbf dbdjek. Fokotdj sokbdjs drl `obdry ob bdturl, dbf dbdjek sokbdjs drl vdrodob bdturl. [ljj aeml `dac te tnos eb slvlrdj eaadsoebs tnreukn tnl `eec.


    Vljlaemmuboadtoebs bltwercs adb ompjlmlbt twe promdry cobfs eg swotanobk9aorauot swotanobk dbf pdaclt swotanobk. Aorauot swotanobkos uslf te rlslrvl d reutler pdtn `ltwllb tnl twe lbfpeobts tndt bllf te aemmuboadtl. @ladusl d aorauot orlslrvlf, tnl lbtorl aemmuboadtoeb os slbt ob slqulbal dbf tnlrl os be rl`uojfobk

    tnl fdtd dt tnl rlalovlr, ds ot os alrtdob te drrovl ob erflr. Eg aeursl, tnos rlslrvdtoemldbs tnl `dbfwoftn adbbet `l utojozlf `y dby etnlr flvoals tndt mdy bllf ot dbadb mdcl aorauot swotanobk rdtnlr aestjy ob tefdys pdaclt-swotanlf werjf. Vnl`lblgot eg aorauot swotanobk os tndt tnl aebblatoeb os djwdys tnlrl dbf tnl `dbfwoos kudrdbtllf ds jebk ds tnl aebblatoeb lxosts.

    GOK\PL 4-4?

    Fokotdj sokbdj



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    17 Andptlr 49 Bltwercobk Obgrdstruaturl dbf Flsokb

    Xdaclt swotanobk(djse adjjlf fdtdkrdm swotanobk) os uslf te slkmlbt d mlssdkl obtesmdjj pdrts dbf tnlb slbf tnesl pdrts daress d sndrlf bltwerc. Vnl gorst pdrt mdydatudjjy trdvlj d fogglrlbt reutl tndb tnl slaebf pdrt dbf aeujf ob gdat drrovl dt

    tnl flstobdtoeb dgtlr tnl slaebf pdrt. Weoal evlr OX ompjlmlbtdtoebs, wnoan drl djdrkl geaus eg tnl jdtlr andptlrs ob tnos `eec, rljy eb pdaclt swotanobk ds eppeslf teaorauot swotanobk. Vnos flsokb fels obtrefual aebalrbs `ladusl tnl veoal fdtd mustdrrovl quoacjy dt tnl flstobdtoeb er adjjs adb `l frepplf dbf seubf qudjoty adb sugglr._eu wojj jldrb new te fldj wotn tnesl ossuls ob Andptlr ?, wnoan geausls eb Tudjotyeg Qlrvoal tlanbejekols.

    Vnl tlrm swotanobkadb djse rlprlslbt tnl datoebs adrrolf eut `y d bltwercswotan. Ob gdat d bltwerc swotan os d flvoal tndt plrgerms pdaclt gerwdrfobk gerpdaclt-swotanlf bltwercs. D swotan adb gerwdrf pdaclts grem db obaemobk pertte tnl blalssdry eutkeobk pert er perts ob erflr te lbd`jl tnl pdaclt te rldan ots

    flstobdtoeb. Ot os obsofl eg tnlsl swotanlsds wljj ds tnl reutlrs Ojj tdjc d`eutblxttndt muan eg tnl Tudjoty eg Qlrvoal prealssobk os plrgermlf. Vnl swotan adblxtrdat d grdml dbf fltlrmobl og ot nds Tudjoty eg Qlrvoal pdrdmltlrs dbf, og ot fels,trldt ot daaerfobkjy. _eujj jldrb muan merl d`eut swotanls ob Andptlr 1.


    Peutobkos tnl prealss eg mevobk fdtd pdaclts grem ebl bltwerc te dbetnlr. D fdtdpdaclt tndt os trdbsmottlf grem d aemputobk flvoal mdy `l d`jl te mevl forlatjyte dbetnlr flvoal eb tnl sdml bltwerc, er ot mdy bllf te `l gerwdrflf te dbetnlr

    bltwerc `y d reutlr. Vnos os tnl promdry ie` eg d reutlr9 te aebblat etnlrwoslfosaebblatlf bltwercs.

    Nlrls d keef wdy te rlmlm`lr tnl fogglrlbal `ltwllb d swotan dbf d reutlr9og yeu aebblat mujtopjl swotanls tekltnlr, yeurl iust arldtobk d okklr pnysoadjbltwerc slkmlbt. Vnl sdml os bet trul wotn reutlrs. Ob gdat, yeu sneujf rldjjy tnobceg reutlrs ds `lobk aebblatlf tekltnlr. Obstldf reutlrs ndvl twe er merl obtlrgdals.Ds sllb ob Gokurl 4-08, ebl obtlrgdal wojj `l aebblatlf te ebl bltwerc dbf tnletnlr obtlrgdal wojj l aebblatlf te dbetnlr. Vnos flmdradtoeb djjews tnl reutlrte `l uslf ds d pdaclt reutobk flvoal wnlb d flvoal ob Bltwerc D wdbts te slbf dpdaclt te d flvoal ob Bltwerc @. _eujj jldrb merl d`eut reutlrs ob Andptlr 1 ds

    wljj ds swotanls dbf etnlr obgrdstruaturl flvoals.







    GOK\PL 4-08

    Peutlrs reutobk


  • 7/22/2019 CompTIA Convergence Certification Study Guide.pdf


    Flsaro`l Bltwercobk Vlanbejekols \slf ob d Aebvlrklf Bltwerc 1

    Bltwerc Vepejekols

    Dt tnos peobt, yeu ndvl d geubfdtoebdj ubflrstdbfobk eg tnl gdat tndt aemputlrs

    adb `l aebblatlf tekltnlr te germ bltwercs usobk vdroeus aebblatoeb mlfoddbf flvoals suan ds swotanls dbf reutlrs. Ob dffotoeb te tnos cbewjlfkl, ot osompertdbt tndt yeu ubflrstdbf tnl fogglrlbt typls eg bltwercs tndt yeu adb `uojfdbf tnl tepejekols tndt yeu adb ompjlmlbt wotnob tnesl bltwercs. Eg tnl bltwetypls, yeu wojj bllf te `l gdmojodr wotn JDBs, MDBs, [DBs, dbf KDBs ger tnlAebvlrklbal+ lxdmobdtoeb.


    D JDB, er jeadj drld bltwerc, os usudjjy flgoblf ds d kreup eg aemputobk flvoalsaebblatlf `y d nokn-spllf aemmuboadtoebs andbblj tndt os jeadjozlf te d admpus

    er sobkjl preplrty. D JDB weujf bet `l obajusovl eg tnl Obtlrblt, tneukn ot mdy`l aebblatlf te tnl Obtlrblt. JDBs mdy `l aebblatlf tekltnlr evlr fostdbalsmldsurlf ob mojls er cojemltlrs, `ut tnlsl aebblatlf JDBs weujf stojj `l slpdrdtJDBs, tneukn tekltnlr tnly mdy germ d [DB er d MDB.

    JDBs adb l ompjlmlbtlf usobk mdby fogglrlbt tepejekols, obajufobk us, stdrmlsn, dbf ny`rofs. Vnl gejjewobk slatoebs flsaro`l ldan eg tnlsl.

    @us Vnl `us tepejeky, ds flpoatlf ob Gokurl 4-04, rlquorls tndt djj aemmuboadtobflvoals sndrl d sobkjl `us er aemmuboadtoeb mlfoum. Vnos `us os usudjjy d aedxaepplr worl tndt os aebblatlf wotn @BA aebblaters dbf @BA Vs dbf tlrmobdters


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    1> Andptlr 49 Bltwercobk Obgrdstruaturl dbf Flsokb

    @ladusl djj flvoals sndrl tnl sdml `us, yeu adb quoacjy evlrwnljm d `ustepejeky. Vnos jomotdtoeb os `ladusl aemmuboadtoebs eaaur wnlb d flvoal trdbsmotsd sokbdj (grdml) eb tnl `us. Ebjy ebl flvoal adb trdbsmot dt d toml, dbf tnos adb

    rlsujt ob krldtjy fomobosnlf evlrdjj `dbfwoftn. Ger lxdmpjl, tnlrl os iust 48 M`psdvdojd`jl ob aemmeb `us tepejeky ompjlmlbtdtoebs tndt usl aedx ad`jobk. Og tlbaemputlrs wlrl eb tnl `uslvlb okberobk bltwerc mdbdklmlbt evlrnldfldanaemputlr weujf ebjy ndvl db dvlrdkl eg 4 M`ps dvdojd`jl te ot wnlb djj flvoalsbllf te aemmuboadtl. Og 488 flvoals wlrl eb tnl `us, wljj, yeu klt tnl poaturl. Vnl`us `laemls sdturdtlf vlry quoacjy.

    Dffotoebdjjy, ful te tnl wdy tnl grdmls drl pdsslf up dbf fewb tnl `us dbftnl jdrkl bum`lr eg aebblaters djebk tnl wdy (ldan aemputlr obtrefuals d blwV-aebblater), tnlrl drl mdby petlbtodj peobts eg gdojurl. Og ebl V-aebblater kels`df, tnl wnejl `us snuts fewb. Og ebl aemputlr os fosaebblatlf dbf tnl tlanboaodb

    gdojs te aeupjl tnl `us ad`jl dgtlr fosaebblatobk tnl aemputlr, tnl aorauot os `reclbdbf tnl `us snuts fewb. Ds yeu adb sll, tnl `us tepejeky os bet tnl ofldj tepejekyger meflrb bltwercsdt jldst bet `y otsljg.

    Qtdr Gokurl 4-00 snews d stdr tepejeky. Vnl stdr tepejeky os d nu`-dbf-specl typleg bltwerc. Djj tnl flvoals aemmuboadtl `dac te tnl albtrdj nu`, dbf tnl nu`pdssls tnl obgermdtoeb eut te tnl preplr specl. [l rdrljy usl rldj nu`s dbymerl`ladusl tnly drl bet ds lggoaolbt ds swotanls ob tnlor utojozdtoeb eg tnl mlfoum. Nu`srlalovl obgermdtoeb grem ebl pert dbf gjeef ot eut te djj etnlr perts wnltnlr tnlydjj bllf ot er bet. Qwotanls, eb tnl etnlr ndbf, jldrb d`eut tnl flvoals aebblatlf

    te ldan pert dbf tnlb ebjy gerwdrf obgermdtoeb te bllflf perts ds muan ds pesso`jl.Qwotanls er nu`s adb `l uslf te germ d stdr tepejeky.

    GOK\PL 4-00

    Qtdr tepejeky

    @\Q Vepejeky

  • 7/22/2019 CompTIA Convergence Certification Study Guide.pdf


    Flsaro`l Bltwercobk Vlanbejekols \slf ob d Aebvlrklf Bltwerc 1

    Eg aeursl, yeu stojj ndvl d sobkjl peobt eg gdojurl. Og tnl swotan otsljg sneujf ardstnl stdr kels fewb. Newlvlr, ots muan ldsolr te treu`jlsneet d gdojlf swotan tndt os te jeadtl tnl peobt eb tnl `us wnlrl d gdojurl nds eaaurrlf. Ger tnos rldsebdb

    tnl merl lggoaolbt usl eg `dbfwoftnstdr tepejekols drl muan merl aemmeb obmeflrb JDBs.

    Mlsn D mlsn tepejeky os d bltwerc struaturl tndt obajufls rlfubfdbaols ger gdujtejlrdbal dbf/er obarldslf `dbfwoftn. Gokurl 4-01 snews db lxdmpjl eg d mlsntepejeky. [otn tnos struaturl, tnlrl drl mujtopjl reutls grem dbf te dby lbfpeobt.Ger lxdmpjl, og reutlr A sneujf gdoj, tnl befls grem slkmlbt 4 aeujf rldan slkmlbtnreukn reutlr @. Vnl sdml os trul ob rlvlrsl9 sneujf reutlr @ gdoj tnl befls aeujfrldan ldan etnlr tnreukn reutlr A.

    Ny`rofs D ny`rof tepejeky os dby tepejeky tndt `jlbfs `us, stdr, er mlsn. Gerlxdmpjl, tnl stdr-`us (djse adjjlf us-stdr) tepejeky egtlb usls d us tepejekyte aebblat tnl obgrdstruaturl dbf d stdr tepejeky ger aebblatobk befls te tndtobgrdstruaturl. Gokurl 4-06 snews db lxdmpjl eg d stdr-`us tepejeky.

    GOK\PL 4-01

    Mlsn tepejeky

    Mlsn Vepejeky

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    68 Andptlr 49 Bltwercobk Obgrdstruaturl dbf Flsokb


    [nlb yeu bllf te aebblat te JDBs tekltnlr tndt drl slpdrdtlf `y mojlsklekrdpnoadjjy, yeu wojj bllf te arldtl d wofl drld bltwerc ([DB). [DBs drlarldtlf usobk jewlr `dbfwoftn aebblatoebs tndb tnesl uslf wotnob tnl JDB.Ger lxdmpjl, ot os bet ubaemmeb te ndvl kokd`ot aerl spllfs dbf 488 mlkd`otspllfs fewb te tnl befls eb JDBs tefdy. Wlry glw [DBs weujf suppert lvlb488 mlkd`ot spllfs. Mest [DB jobc wojj `l jlss tndb

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    Flsaro`l Bltwercobk Vlanbejekols \slf ob d Aebvlrklf Bltwerc 6

    Vnl eptomozdtoeb mevlmlbts eg tndt lrd jlf te tnl aejjeadtoeb eg lmpjeylls wnebllflf te werc wotn ldan etnlr grlqulbtjy. Vnos nds bet andbklf muan tefdy. Lvwotn djj eg tnl tdjc eg tljlaemmutobk, mest plepjl werc wotnob d tnrll te govl

    mobutl wdjc eg mestjy lvlryebl tnly bllf te aemmuboadtl wotn.Vnlrl drl, eg aeursl, lxalptoebs, jocl sdjlsplepjl dbf etnlrs wne splbf merl tom

    aemmuboadtobk wotn tnesl eutsofl tnl aempdby, `ut tnlsl drl tnl lxalptoebs dbf tnl rujl. Vnos rldj-werjf lxdmpjl os wny O sdy tndt tee muan lmpndsos adb `l pjdaleb sjew [DB jobcs ds eppeslf te JDB spllfs. [l febt bllf ds muan `dbfwofeb mest [DB jobcs.

    [otn tndt sdof, Weoal evlr OX dbf mujtomlfod evlr OX adb petlbtodjjy ompdat tnmeflj3 newlvlr, my lxplrolbal wercobk ob aempdbols wotn 0

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    60 Andptlr 49 Bltwercobk Obgrdstruaturl dbf Flsokb

    Og d MDB os ompjlmlbtlf `y tnl jeadj tljae, ot mdy `l worlf3 newlvlr, mest MDBstndt Ovl werclf wotn ndvl `llb worljlss wnlb ompjlmlbtlf `y muboaopdjotols erprovdtl erkdbozdtoebs etnlr tndb tnl jeadj tljae.


    Aurrlbtjy, tnl Obtlrblt os tnl promdry lxdmpjl eg d kje`dj drld bltwerc (KDB).Newlvlr, mdby rlglr te tnl aebblatoeb `ltwllb twe te JDBs ds d [DB jobc erd [DB aebblatoeb dbf tnly rlglr te tnl lbtorl aerperdtl bltwerc ds tnl KDBrlkdrfjlss eg wnltnlr ot spdbs tnl kje`l er iust tnl ldstlrb \botlf Qtdtls. Vnlrlgerltnl sompjlst flgobotoeb eg d KDB os d kreup eg obtlraebblatlf JDBs er [DBs tndtaevlr db ubrlstroatlf klekrdpnoa drld.


    Oflbtogy tnl Gubatoebs eg Ndrfwdrl Aempeblbts\slf eb d Aebvlrklf Bltwerc

    Vnl Aebvlrklbal+ lxdm lxplats tndt yeu drl gdmojodr wotn vdroeus ndrfwdrlaempeblbts uslf ob d aebvlrklf bltwerc. Vnlsl aempeblbts obajufl slrvlrs,ob-jobl pewlr aempeblbts, worljlss flvoals, dbf meflms. Vnlsl flvoals drl

    obtrefualf ob tnos slatoeb.


    Qemltnobk tndt egtlb sneacs mdby blw lbtrdbts obte tnl aemputlr bltwercobkcbewjlfkl femdob os tnl fosaevlry tndt djj bltwerc flvoals drl petlbtodjjy slrvlrsdbf mdy djse `l ajolbts. Lvlb d bltwerc reutlr os d slrvlr. Ob gdat, d bltwerc reutlr osbetnobk merl tndb d aemputlr ob d splaodj lbajesurl wotneut meboter, cly`edrf, dbfmeusl aebblatoebs. D reutlr nds d prealsser, mlmery, dbf, ob seml rdrl adsls, d ndrffrovl. Ob mest adsls, d reutlr usls beb-vejdtojl rdbfem daalss mlmery (BW-PDM),

    `ut tnl aebalpt os tnl sdml9 wl adb sterl fdtd tndt wojj `l sdvlf furobk d pewlr ayajler rl`eet. Vnl peobt os tndt d slrvlr os sompjy d aemputlr tndt prevofls slrvoals te tnlbltwerc. Ger tnos rldseb, wl usudjjy ajdssogy d flsctep aemputlr ds d ajolbt obstldf egd slrvlr, `ut d flsctep aemputlr nds djj tnl ndrfwdrl adpd`ojotols eg `lobk d slrvlr. Otos sompjy tnl obtlbflf usl eg tnl otlm tndt fltlrmobls og ot os d slrvlr er d ajolbt.

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    Oflbtogy tnl Gubatoebs eg Ndrfwdrl Aempeblbts \slf eb d Aebvlrklf Bltwerc 6

    Dutnlbtoadtoeb Qlrvlrs

    Ob slaurl bltwercs, flvoals must `l dutnlbtoadtlf lgerl tnly adb aemmuboadtleb tnl bltwerc. Vnos usudjjy rlquorls db dutnlbtoadtoeb slrvlr. Vnl dutnlbtoadtoe

    slrvlr mdy `l d slrvoal rubbobk eb d slrvlr tndt djse egglrs dffotoebdj slrvoals,er ot mdy `l d flfoadtlf slrvlr er bltwerc dppjodbal. Db lxdmpjl sejutoeb tndtrlquorls db dutnlbtoadtoeb slrvlr os OLLL >80.4^ pert-`dslf dutnlbtoadtoeb. Vnosdutnlbtoadtoeb mltnef os uslf mestjy ob [JDBs, `ut ot adb djse `l uslf dbf ob gwds flsokblf ger worlf JDBs.

    Dutnlbtoadtoeb slrvlrs adb `l ds sompjl ds Jobux aemputlrs rubbobk d slrvoaltndt usls d gjdt tlxt gojl eg uslrbdmls dbf pdsswerfs te semltnobk ds aempjlx dsO@M Vovejo Oflbtoty Mdbdklr. Vnl germlr prevofls `dsoa dutnlbtoadtoeb dbf usudebjy djjews daalss te jeadj rlseurals eb tnl Jobux aemputlr er bltwerc eg Jobuxaemputlrs. Vnl jdttlr adb obtlkrdtl wotn etnlr systlms, suan ds [obfews Datovl

    Forlatery, dbf prevofl albtrdjozlf, pejoay-`dslf mdbdklmlbt eg uslr oflbtotols.Plkdrfjlss eg tnl strlbktn dbf gldturls, dutnlbtoadtoeb slrvlrs drl db ompertdbt peg meflrb bltwercs.

    Gojl Qlrvlrs

    Alrtdobjy ebl eg tnl ldrjolst slrvlr typls sllb eb aemputlr bltwercs wds tnl gojlslrvlr. Ob gdat, ebl eg tnl mest aemmebjy uttlrlf pnrdsls ob tnl ldrjy ?8s wds gojdbf probt, dbf ot rlglrlbalf tnl mest aemmeb slrvoal prevoflf eb d bltwerc.Vefdy, eg aeursl, l-mdoj dbf fdtd`dsl daalss gdr eutpdals gojl dbf probt slrvoals obmdby aempdbols. Newlvlr, gojl slrvlrs (ds wljj ds probt slrvlrs) drl stojj d stdpjl obmest bltwercs.

    Dt stdkl ebl, gojl slrvlrs ompjy prevoflf d pjdal te sterl gojls se tndt tnly aeujf daalsslf `y mujtopjl uslrs. Ot quoacjy `ladml e`voeus tndt slauroty pre`jlms lxostlob tnos meflj, dbf mltnefs wlrl ompjlmlbtlf te djjew ebjy dutnerozlf uslrs obte gojls dbf gejflrs (mestjy adjjlf forlaterols er jostobks `dac tnlb). Dbetnlr adpd`ojottndt wds obtrefualf wds vlrsoebobk ob erflr te djjew uslrs te rlaevlr prlvoeusvlrsoebs eg gojls wotneut bllfobk dssostdbal grem dfmobostrdtovl stdgg. Gobdjjy, gojlslrvlrs tefdy ndvl tnl d`ojoty te adanl dbf sybanrebozl gojls wotn obfovofudj ajolbtaemputlrs dbf tnl d`ojoty te lbarypt fdtd tndt os sterlf eb tnl slrvlr.

    Mlfod Qlrvlrs

    Vnl slrvoals wnoan ndvl trdfotoebdjjy llb plrgermlf y d provdtl `rdban lxandb(X@^) os bew grlqulbtjy plrgermlf `y mlfod slrvlrs. Mlfod slrvlrs drl djse adjjlfaemmuboadtoeb slrvlrs, adjj slrvlrs, adjj mdbdklr slrvlrs, dbf mlfod kdtlwdyaebtrejjlrs. Mlfod slrvlrs wojj `l fosausslf ob merl fltdoj ob Andptlrs 7 dbf ;.

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    66 Andptlr 49 Bltwercobk Obgrdstruaturl dbf Flsokb

    Aemmuboadtoeb dbf Aejjd`erdtoeb Qlrvlrs

    [nojl l-mdoj slrvlrs gdjj obte tnl adtlkery eg d aemmuboadtoeb slrvlr, tnl aebalpteg bltwerclf aejjd`erdtoeb os merl rlalbt. Ldrjy sejutoebs obajuflf Jetus Betls dbf

    Bevljj Kreupwosl, dbf blwlr sejutoebs obajufl Jetus Betls (stojj dreubf dgtlr djj tnlslyldrs), Moaresegt Lxandbkl, dbf Moaresegt Qndrlpeobt slrvoals. Vnl aemmuboadtoebdbf aejjd`erdtoeb slrvlrs djjew uslrs te aemmuboadtl wotn ldan etnlr vod l-mdoj, andt,dbf pesso`jy Weoal evlr OX3 newlvlr, tnly djse djjew uslrs te sndrl gojls, aejjd`erdtl ebtnl arldtoeb eg aebtlbt, dbf erkdbozl preilats dbf proerotols. Vnos slrvlr adtlkery tndtsllms te ndvl kettlb muan eg tnl dttlbtoeb ob tnl pdst tnrll te govl yldrs.

    Fdtd`dsl Qlrvlrs

    Vnl gobdj slrvlr typl tndt O wojj aevlr nlrl os tnl fdtd`dsl slrvlr. Erdajl, QTJ

    Qlrvlr, MyQTJ, dbf etnlr fdtd`dsl slrvlr tlanbejekols drl uslf ob erkdbozdtoebs djjevlr tnl werjf. Vnl fdtd`dsl slrvlr dats ds d rlpesotery ger fdtd dbf prevofls daalsste tndt fdtd. Dffotoebdjjy, meflrb fdtd`dsl slrvlrs djjew ger usoblss jekoa te llbgeralf wotnob tnl fdtd`dsl obstldf eg rljyobk eb tnl dppjoadtoebs te lbgeral tnosjekoa. Fdtd`dsl slrvlrs drl daalsslf `y ajolbts forlatjy dbf drl nldvojy uslf ds tnl`dac lbf ger Obtlrblt wl` sotls.

    Objobl Xewlr Aempeblbts

    Xewlr evlr Ltnlrblt (XeL) nds prejoglrdtlf ob tnl [JDB mdrclt dbf os uslf `ymdby worljlss DXs. Ot os djse suppertlf `y seml swotanls, `rofkls, dbf etnlr flvoals.XeL os d mltnef uslf te fljovlr d FA vejtdkl te d flvoal evlr ADV< er ADV7 ad`jl.Vnos FA vejtdkl os uslf te pewlr tnl flvoal obstldf eg d stdbfdrf DA pewlr eutjlt.(Mest flvoals aeml wotn trdbsgermlrs tndt aebvlrt DA pewlr te FA pewlr. XeLslbfs tnl pewlr forlatjy ds FA pewlr.)

    ADV< ad`jls ndvl geur pdors eg worls ob tnlm. Vwe pdors drl uslf te adrry48@DQL-V dbf 488@DQL-V^ fdtd. Vnos jldvls tnl etnlr twe pdors ger etnlrpurpesls. Ob tnl adsl eg XeL, tnl purpesl os te adrry pewlr te tnl flvoal `lobkpewlrlf. Qeml ompjlmlbtdtoebs usl tnl sdml pdors eg worl tndt adrry tnl fdtd teadrry tnl FA vejtdkl, dbf seml ompjlmlbtdtoebs usl tnl lxtrd pdors ob tnl ADV snews db lxdmpjl eg dsobkjl-pert XeL obilater grem Yy^LJ Vlanbejekols (Yy^LJ XeL-40). [nlb usobk dsobkjl-pert XeL pewlr obilater jocl tnos ebl, tnl pewlr obilater otsljg must `l pjukklfobte d stdbfdrf pewlr eutjlt. Vnos pewlr rlquorlmlbt mldbs yeu wojj jocljy pjdal tnlpewlr obilater ob tnl ajeslt (er jeadtoeb) wotn tnl swotan er nu` dbf bet ajeslr te tnlflvoal `lobk pewlrlf. Ful te tnl bum`lr eg pewlr eutjlts rlquorlf, sobkjl-pert pewlrobilaters drl ebjy rlaemmlbflf wnlb ebl er twe flvoals bllf te `l pewlrlf.

    D mujto-pert XeL pewlr obilater os rldjjy iust d kreup eg Ltnlrblt obput perts tndtpdss tnreukn d pewlr obilatoeb mefujl dbf tnlb pdss eb te d mdtanobk kreup egLtnlrblt eutput perts. Vnlsl flvoals drl usudjjy djse obstdjjlf ajeslr te tnl swotan

    er nu` dbf gdrtnlr grem tnl pewlrlf flvoal. Vnos pjdalmlbt os ful te tnl jocljoneefeg ndvobk d pewlr eutjlt wnlrl tnl swotan er nu` os jeadtlf, sobal tnl swotan er

    GOK\PL 4-0>


    XeL obilater

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    Oflbtogy tnl Gubatoebs eg Ndrfwdrl Aempeblbts \slf eb d Aebvlrklf Bltwerc 6

    nu` wojj bllf pewlr ds wljj. Ful te tnl gdat tndt mujtopert pewlr obilaters adbpewlr mujtopjl flvoals wnojl ebjy rlquorl ebl pewlr eutjlt aebblatoeb, tnly drlrlaemmlbflf ob mlfoum te jdrkl obstdjjdtoebs tndt rlquorl grem tnrll te twlbty

    (tneukn tnos kuofljobl os bet db d`sejutl autegg peobt) pewlrlf flvoals. [nlb meflvoals rlquorl pewlr, yeu wojj jocljy ept ger d XeL-lbd`jlf swotan.

    Jdrkl lbtlrprosls dbf bltwercs wotn merl tndb twlbty XeL-pewlrlf flvoals wjocljy aneesl te mevl up te XeL-lbd`jlf swotanls. Vnlsl swotanls obajufl pewlrseuraobk ob tnl sdml ubot tndt os tnl Ltnlrblt swotan. Ot mldbs pewlrobk glwlrflvoals tnreukn stdbfdrf pewlr eutjlts dbf rlfuaobk tnl bum`lr eg aempeblbtstndt adb gdoj dt dby kovlb memlbt. [nlb yeu usl d sobkjl-pert pewlr obilater wotworljlss daalss peobt, ger lxdmpjl, yeu obtrefual mujtopjl peobts eg gdojurl. Omdkobtnlrl drl twlbty DXs tndt yeu bllf te pewlr ob tnos wdy. _eu weujf bllf 68 ADVad`jls (08 grem tnl swotan te tnl pewlr obilaters dbf 08 grem tnl pewlr obilaters

    tnl DXs), 08 pewlr obilaters, 08 pewlr aerfs, 08 DXs, dbf dt jldst ebl swotan. Vnbum`lrs mldb d tetdj eg 484 obfovofudj aempeblbts aeujf gdoj dbf stdtostoadjjyobarldsls tnl jocljoneef tndt yeu wojj ndvl d gdojurl dt dby kovlb toml. Og yeu usl dswotan jocl tnl Aosae 1; pertyeu rlfual tnl aempeblbts obvejvlf te ebjy 64 aempeblbts. _euvl lrdfoadtlf tbllf ger 08 ADV< ad`jls, 08 pewlr aerfs, dbf 08 pewlr obilaters. Vnl jocljoneefd gdojurl dt dby kovlb memlbt nds bew `llb krldtjy rlfualf.

    Ob dffotoeb te tnl gdojurl pre`d`ojoty rlfuatoeb, yeu drl kdobobk tnl `lblgot Ofosausslf prlvoeusjy eg lobk d`jl te pewlr-ayajl tnl DXs grem d albtrdj jeadtoeb.[otn tnl sobkjl-pert pewlr obilaters, yeu weujf stojj ndvl te ke te tnl pnysoadj

    jeadtoeb wnlrl tnl pewlr obilater os jeadtlf dbf ubpjuk ot dbf tnlb pjuk ot `dacob (er gjop db eb/egg swotan og ot os dvdojd`jl). Gokurl 4-0? snews tnl Aosae 1;

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    6> Andptlr 49 Bltwercobk Obgrdstruaturl dbf Flsokb

    Db dffotoebdj `lblgot eg XeL-lbd`jlf swotanls os tndt yeu fe bet usudjjy ndvl telbd`jl XeL eb djj perts. Ger lxdmpjl, yeu adb usl seml eg tnl perts ger worlf flvoalser beb-XeL DXs dbf `rofkls wnojl yeu usl tnl etnlr perts ger XeL-lbd`jlf flvoals.

    Vnos prevofls yeu wotn gjlxo`ojoty dbf os d vdjof drkumlbt ger purandsobk d swotantndt supperts XeL grem tnl gdatery er dt jldst purandsobk ebl tndt adb ndvl XeLsuppert dfflf dt d jdtlr toml.

    Xewlr evlr Ltnlrblt (XeL) (OLLL >80.1-08880.1-088< mlrklf tnl ejflr OLLL >80.1dg XeL dmlbfmlbt obte tnl aerlstdbfdrf feaumlbt. Vnl ejf dmlbfmlbt os bew cbewb ds Ajdusl 11 ob tnlOLLL >80.1-088< feaumlbt. Mdby, lvlb mest, vlbfersdt tnos tomldrl stojjrlglrlbaobk tnl stdbfdrf ds OLLL >80.1dg, `ut yeu sneujf cbew tndt ot nds `llbrejjlf obte tnl promdry stdbfdrf bew. Og yeu fewbjedf er daalss tnl OLLL >80.1-08880.1-08880.1-088

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    8s dbf tnlb `y uslrs aebblatobk te `ujjltob `edrf systlms dbf tnlObtlrblt ob tnl 4??8s, tnly drl djse uslf te arldtl slrodj [DB aebblatoebs evlr krldtfostdbals. Eg aeursl, meflms drl stojj uslf tefdy ob rurdj drlds dbf lvlb `y seml eb

    mltrepejotdb drlds ger Obtlrblt aebblatovoty. Qobal meflms adb pjdy db ompertdbtrejl ob d bltwerc obgrdstruaturl, tnly wojj `l fosausslf ob krldtlr fltdoj ob Andptlr 1.


    \bflrstdbfobk tnl EQO meflj os db ompertdbt pdrt eg prlpdrobk ger tnlAebvlrklbal+ lxdm, dbf ots djse db ompertdbt pdrt eg prlpdrobk ger d adrllr dsd bltwerc lbkobllr. Vnl rldjoty os tndt ot os d rdrl polal eg vlbfer jotlrdturl tndtfels bet rlglrlbal tnl EQO meflj ob seml forlat er obforlat wdy. Bermdjjy, tnosfeaumlbtdtoeb wojj sompjy stdtl tndt d alrtdob slrvoal os prevoflf dt Jdylr 0 er

    Jdylr 1 dbf wojj bet lvlb mlbtoeb tndt ot os rlglrlbaobk tnl EQO meflj. Vndtsnew u`oquoteus tnl meflj os ob bltwerc dfmobostrdtoeb dbf lbkobllrobk. Vnosandptlr obtrefualf yeu te tnl EQO meflj, dbf yeu mdy wdbt te rldf tnl datudjstdbfdrftneukn yeu wojj bet bllf te cbew dby merl d`eut tnl EQO meflj ger tnlAebvlrklbal+ lxdmob erflr te gdmojodrozl yeursljg wotn ot lvlb merl.

    _eu djse jldrblf tnl `dsoas eg tnl aemmeb ad`jobk typls tndt drl uslf ob worlfbltwercs tefdy. Aedx mdy `l uslf ob rdrl sotudtoebs, `ut \VX os tnl mest aemmebjyuslf mlfoum. Eg aeursl, go`lr nds `laeml vlry pepujdr ger tnl bltwerc aerl dbflvlb admpus drld bltwerc uojfobk-te-`uojfobk jobcs.

    _eu jldrblf tnl `dsoa fogglrlbals `ltwllb JDBs, [DBs, MDBs, dbf KDBs.

    Vnl JDB os jeadjozlf te d preplrty er smdjj drld, dbf tnl etnlrs aevlr krldtlr drldsgrem mltrepejotdb aotols te ubjomotlf kje`dj aevlrdkl.

    Gobdjjy, yeu ndf d rolg obtrefuatoeb te seml eg tnl ndrfwdrl uslf ob bltwercs,obajufobk swotanls, reutlrs, daalss peobts, slrvlrs, dbf bltwerc dppjodbals. _eujj jldrbmerl d`eut djj eg tnlsl flvoals ob Andptlrs 1 dbf 6. Ob tnl blxt andptlr, yeujj tdcl tnlobgermdtoeb prlslbtlf nlrl d`eut tnl EQO meflj dbf dppjy ot splaogoadjjy te vdroeusbltwerc preteaejs tndt datudjjy mdcl aemmuboadtoebs ndpplb eb yeur bltwerc.

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    Vwe-Mobutl Frojj 80.1 stdbfdrf wds

    gorst rljldslf ob 4?>< dbf suppertlf d 48 M`ps fdtd rdtl. Qobal tnlb, dmlbfmlbts

    ndvl `llb rljldslf tndt ndvl obarldslf tnl fdtd rdtls te 488 M`ps (Gdst Ltnlrblt)

    dbf 4888 M`ps (Kokd`ot Ltnlrblt). Vnl OLLL >80.1-088< rejjup feaumlbt aevlrs

    tnl dmlbfmlbts up te tndt toml dbf bew obajufls tnl 48, 488, dbf 4888 M`ps XN_

    (Xnysoadj jdylr) splaogoadtoeb wotnob tnl sobkjl aejjlatoeb eg feaumlbts.

    Daaerfobk te tnl OLLL >80.1 stdbfdrf, ot flgobls otsljg ds d aemprlnlbsovl

    obtlrbdtoebdj stdbfdrf ger Jeadj dbf Mltrepejotdb Drld Bltwercs (JDBs dbf

    MDBs), lmpjeyobk AQMD/AF ds tnl sndrlf mlfod daalss mltnef dbf tnl OLLL

    >80.1 (Ltnlrblt) preteaej dbf grdml germdt ger fdtd aemmuboadtoeb. \jtomdtljy

    tnos flgobotoeb mldbs tndt flvoals aempjodbt wotn tnl OLLL >80.1 stdbfdrf wojj usl

    tnl AQMD/AF MDA (Mlfoum Daalss Aebtrej) su`jdylr wotnob tnl Fdtd Jobc

    jdylr eg tnl EQO meflj dbf Ltnlrblt grdml typls dt tnl Xnysoadj jdylr.

    Vnl usl eg AQMD/AF vlrsus

    AQMD/AD ob Ltnlrblt dbf [o-Go bltwercs

    rlsplatovljy os d vlry ompertdbt fostobatoeb.

    [orlf Ltnlrblt bltwercs fltlat aejjosoebs

    `ladusl tnly drl aebblatlf te tnl worl.

    [orljlss bltwercs dveof aejjosoebs ds muan

    ds pesso`jl `ladusl tnly adbbet datudjjy

    fltlat tnlm eaaurrobk.

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    Flsaro`l Xreteaejs 7

    Gokurl 0-4 snews wnlrl Ltnlrblt gots obte tnl EQO meflj fosausslf ob tnl

    prlalfobk andptlr. _eujj betoal tndt tnl Fdtd Jobc jdylr os fovoflf obte twe

    su`jdylrs9 tnl Jekoadj Jobc Aebtrej (JJA) dbf Mlfoum Daalss Aebtrej (MDA)

    su`jdylrs. @ladusl tnl MDA dbf Xnysoadj jdylr (XN_) drl tnl twe drlds tndt drlmest nldvojy ompdatlf `y tnl OLLL >80 slrols eg stdbfdrfs (obajufobk tnl pepujdr

    >80.1 Ltnlrblt dbf >80.44 [o-Go stdbfdrfs), yeu wojj egtlb sll rlglrlbals te tnl

    Ltnlrblt MDA dbf XN_ er tnl >80.44 MDA dbf XN_. Vnlsl stdtlmlbts drl usl

    ds d sompjl wdy te rlglrlbal tnl MDA splaogoadtoebs dbf tnl XN_ splaogoadtoebs e

    tnl obfoadtlf stdbfdrfs.

    Ob erflr te dssost yeu ob ompjlmlbtobk tljlpneby slrvoals evlr Ltnlrblt, wljj

    jeec dt tnrll ompertdbt fltdojs d`eut Ltnlrblt bltwercs9


    Quppertlf spllfs Grdml germdts






    Fdtd JobcJekoadj Jobc Aebtrej (JJA)

    Mlfoum Daalss Aebtrej (MDA)


    Ltnlrblt Qwotan

    Xnysoadj Ompjlmlbtdtoeb (XN_)Ltnlrblt OLLL >80.1

    GOK\PL 0-4

    Ltnlrblt dbf tnl

    EQO meflj

  • 7/22/2019 CompTIA Convergence Certification Study Guide.pdf


    76 Andptlr 09 Bltwercobk Xreteaejs

    AQMD/AF Gorst eg djj, O wdbt te `l vlry ajldr. AQMD/AF os bet uslf ob mdby,

    og bet mest, Ltnlrblt aebblatoebs tefdy. Vnos os `ladusl mest Ltnlrblt aebblatoebs

    drl `ltwllb db lbfpeobt (d aemputlr ger lxdmpjl) dbf d swotan. Vnl aebblatoeb

    `ltwllb tnl lbfpeobt dbf tnl swotan os djmest djwdys gujj fupjlx, dbf wnlb ot os gujjfupjlx, AQMD/AF os bet utojozlf. Bew tndt Ovl kettlb tndt rdbt eut eg tnl wdy,

    jlts aebtobul.

    Adrrolr Qlbsl Mujtopjl Daalss wotn Aejjosoeb Fltlatoeb (AQMD/AF) os tnl mlfoum

    daalss mltnef uslf ob OLLL >80.1 Ltnlrblt JDBs tndt eplrdtl ob ndjg-fupjlx mefl.

    Ot slbsls wnltnlr tnl mlfoum (rlmlm`lr, tnos os tnl pnysoadj ad`jobk) os datovl dbf,

    og ots bet, ot djjews trdbsmossoeb eg grdmls. Vnl mlfoum os aebsoflrlf datovl wnlb

    d sokbdj os `lobk trdbsmottlf. Og d grdml os trdbsmottlf dbf d aejjosoeb os fltlatlf, d

    idm sokbdj os slbt eb tnl mlfoum te obgerm djj flvoals tndt d aejjosoeb wds fltlatlf.

    Dt tnos peobt, djj flvoals `dac egg ger d rdbfem dmeubt eg toml, dbf wnlb tnlor

    `dacegg tomls lxporl, tnly mdy dkdob aemmuboadtl. Ds jebk ds db daalptd`jl bum`lreg flvoals sndrl tnl mlfoum, aebaurrlbt memlbts eg lxpordtoeb (mujtopjl flvoals

    tryobk te trdbsmot dgtlr tnlor dacegg tomls lxporl) drl ubjocljy3 newlvlr, og dbetnlr

    aejjosoeb eaaurs, tnl sdml prealss os rlpldtlf. Gokurl 0-0 rlprlslbts tnl AQMD/AF

    prealss ger mlfoum daalss.

    [nojl tnos mdy sllm te `l d vlry jlbktny prealss, yeu must rlmlm`lr tndt wl drl

    wercobk ob toml mldsurlmlbts eg bdbeslaebfs (bs). Ger lxdmpjl, tnl `ot toml eb d

    48 M`ps bltwerc adrf os 488 bs. Vnos slttobk mldbs lvlry 488 bs d `ot adb `l pusnlf

    Adrrolr Qlbsl

    Mujtopjl Daalss

    Aejjosoeb Fltlatoeb

    GOK\PL 0-0



  • 7/22/2019 CompTIA Convergence Certification Study Guide.pdf


    Flsaro`l Xreteaejs 7

    eut tnreukn tnl bltwerc adrf. D 488 M`ps flvoal adb lilat d `ot lvlry 48 bs, dbf

    d 4888 M`ps bltwerc adrf aeujf lilat d `ot lvlry 4 bs. Ve gujjy ubflrstdbf tnlsl

    toml mldsurlmlbts, aebsoflr tndt d moareslaebf os ebl mojjoebtn eg d slaebf, dbf

    bdbeslaebf os 4888 tomls gdstlr tndb tndt. Vnos flgobotoeb `robks us te tnl tepoa esuppertlf spllfs.

    Quppertlf Qpllfs Vnl Ltnlrblt stdbfdrf supperts mujtopjl Xnysoadj jdylr

    spllfs. Vnlsl spllfs ndvl fogglrlbt rlquorlmlbts ger ad`jobk. Ger lxdmpjl, yeu ad

    aemmuboadtl dt 48 M`ps wotn ADV1 \VX ad`jobk3 newlvlr, yeu must usl ADV80.1 Ltnlrblt stdbfdrfs dbf tnl ad`jobk d

    spllf gdaters.

    Vnlrl drl d glw ompertdbt tnobks te betl d`eut tnl obgermdtoeb ob Vd`jl 0-4.

    Gorst, yeujj betoal tndt 488@DQL-V os d tlrm uslf te rlglr te sndrlf MDAlxtlbsoebs tndt dppjy te mujtopjl Xnysoadj jdylr lbtotols suan ds 488@DQL-V^ ger

    lotnlr \VX er QVX dbf 488@DQL-G^ ger go`lr. Qlaebf, yeujj sll tndt O dm bet

    rlglrrobk te dmlbfmlbts wnlb O rlglr te ldan eg tnl MDA dbf XN_ jdylrs splaogo

    ob tnl OLLL >80.1 stdbfdrf. Vnos emossoeb os `ladusl tnly ndvl djj `llb rejjlf up

    Ltnlrblt Qtdbfdrf Ad`jobk Plquorlmlbt Qpllf Egglrl

    48@DQL-0 (OLL