comprehending the science of measurement metrology

Comprehending The Science of Measurement-Metrology Metrology, the science of measurement, involves determining a number of physical or material quantities including force, temperature, and dimensions. Metrology is a Greek term for measure and it is usually understood that anything which is measurable can be expressed in terms of numbers. Making use of a number of units of measurements, Metrology defines an object. All units utilize numerical processes to define a specific object. For measurement, universal standards are utilized. When it comes to metrology in engineering services, length can be depicted as the most significant parameter. Other parameters such as mass, force, and time don’t hold much importance in the area of engineering. Metrology can thus be referred to as language of science that makes use of units of measurement to create forms with similar standards as well as uniformity. Image Credit :- In order to ensure that different parts are manufactured accurately as per the engineering standards, the latest and sophisticated techniques for instruments, measurements, and calibrations are made use of. With the help of concepts like CNC machining and CAD software, metrology for engineering services has been made simple. Metrology no longer leaves any scope for human error. A number of terms are used in metrology for engineers. This article lists the important ones. What is Measurement? Measurement is the determination of an unknown dimension with the use of universal measuring standards. To make comparisons among objects, it is important to have or establish known standards.

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Post on 23-Jul-2016




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Metrology is a Greek term for measure and it is usually understood that anything which is measurable can be expressed in terms of numbers.


Page 1: Comprehending the science of measurement metrology

Comprehending The Science of


Metrology, the science of measurement, involves determining a number of physical

or material quantities including force, temperature, and dimensions. Metrology is a

Greek term for measure and it is usually understood that anything which is

measurable can be expressed in terms of numbers. Making use of a number of units

of measurements, Metrology defines an object. All units utilize numerical processes

to define a specific object. For measurement, universal standards are utilized.

When it comes to metrology in engineering services, length can be depicted as the

most significant parameter. Other parameters such as mass, force, and time don’t

hold much importance in the area of engineering. Metrology can thus be referred to

as language of science that makes use of units of measurement to create forms with

similar standards as well as uniformity.

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In order to ensure that different parts are manufactured accurately as per the

engineering standards, the latest and sophisticated techniques for instruments,

measurements, and calibrations are made use of. With the help of concepts like CNC

machining and CAD software, metrology for engineering services has been made

simple. Metrology no longer leaves any scope for human error. A number of terms

are used in metrology for engineers. This article lists the important ones.

What is Measurement?

Measurement is the determination of an unknown dimension with the use of

universal measuring standards. To make comparisons among objects, it is important

to have or establish known standards.

Page 2: Comprehending the science of measurement metrology

Basic Dimensions:

Basic dimensions refer to the aimed dimension for a specific part that is to be

manufactured and this will be attached with the tolerance. Tolerance is an allowable

variation which can be let in a basic dimension prior to that part becoming obsolete

or unacceptable. In precision engineering, tolerance of parts is too small. This

ensures that the parts are perfected as per the engineering point of view.

Dimensional Metrology:

It refers to the use of instruments to establish the form and size of the objects. It is

important to measure or specify the dimensions of an object.

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They determine the range of the object dimensionally. Accuracy and precision are

implied to confirm that the desired results become the outcome. Based on the

accuracy and precision, the dependability of CNC machine will change. The higher

the precision, the higher is the form or accuracy. It is the one which is required to

ensure perfection in production of parts with CNC machinery.

In this scientifically advanced and engineering services oriented world, the accuracy

and precision of CNC machines has been strengthened by the usage of CAD software.

In the past, a machine worker will have to avail of the above discussed metrology

techniques in order to draw scale drawings manually (with hand).

Page 3: Comprehending the science of measurement metrology

CAD software can now produce impeccable modules with the use of vector lines. A

CNC machinist, providing engineering services, must have knowledge about CAD

software for CNC machines. He or she must also be cognizant about different

metrology definitions. A CNC machinist is highly trained professional who can

perform programming to let a CNC mil or turner to produce the top most standard of

precision parts. Engineering services would be empty without CNC machinists.