compliance & brand violations services

Compliance’s & Brand Violation Testing

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Post on 22-Jan-2018




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Compliance’s & Brand Violation Testing

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Stay Clean or Stay Away!

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Quick Overview

Compliance is the need of time. Any Software/Application/website , in the current Multi Operating system landscape not only needs to be Platform complaint but also needs to match the industry Standards as well as the antivirus Industry set benchmark.

Virus Positive Technologies offers a Broad range of Compliance testing for Desktop or Mobile application & websites. We have designed a customised checklist of Compliance Test points for quick evaluation of your application.

Be it a Desktop/MAC Application or the Mobile Application or a website,

Windows Application

Android Application

iOS Application

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Checklist that Suit’s your need

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Customized Analysis for

▹ Software/Application Aggregator Portals

▹ Content Aggregator Portal

▹ Desktop Application

▹ Mobile Application

▹ Ad Networks

▹ Publishers

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Our Evaluation results into

Antivirus Blacklisted Analysis


Search Engine Analysis

Shopping Engine Analysis

Ad Testing. Affiliate Pre Integration Analysis

Virtual Currency Analysis

OfferWall Analysis.

Functional Test

Traffic Log Analysis

Trademark & Copyright Analysis.

Static & Dynamic Analysis

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Malware and Virus Analysis

▹Test to Evaluate if any Antivirus vendor is detecting your URL

▹Test to Evaluate if any Antivirus vendor is Detecting your product/application

▹Test to Evaluate if your URL is listed as Phishing Site on Online engines

▹End to End Monitoring of the installation cycle ---(Download-Install-Uninstall)Monitor

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Paid and Organic Search Monitoring

▹ Test to evaluate if your competitors are bidding on your brand name

▹ Test to evaluate if your app is distributed from non-standard source

▹ Test to evaluate web reputation for your product

▹ Test to evaluate if your affiliates are Overwriting Paid/Organic search Listing

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Ad Testing

▹ Test to evaluate CTA button & Ad interference▹ Test to evaluate the Nature and type of ads being

served▹ Traffic analysis to evaluate Hidden Ads▹ Test to evaluate if ads comply industry standards ▹ Test to evaluate if ads redirects to correct landing

page▹ Test to evaluate if explicit content are being served ▹ Test to evaluate if ads are served when the

application is in background

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Affiliate pre-integration Test

▹ Test to evaluate if affiliate comply with ADAF(Affiliate Disclosure Affiliation Form)

▹ Test to evaluate the user engagement policy of the Affiliates

▹ Installation tracking to evaluate the platform specific entries created by the application.

▹ Test to evaluate software bundles being served by the product comply industry standards.

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Browser manipulation analysis

▹ Test to Evaluate if the toolbar/Product Overwrites the Search Asset

• Home Page Default• Default Browser• Search Default

▹ Test to evaluate if the search asset changes are reversible and comply industry standards

▹ Test to evaluate if the product injects a suspicious DLL or creates a suspicious registry entry

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ValidateEvaluateContinious Verification

Our Methodology

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Evaluation Parameter’s

What we Evaluate

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Our sandbox Environement

▹ Compatibility Analysis; Platform compatibility is verified. A complete in-house Lab with real and virtual Environment.

▹ Supported OS; Windows, MAC, Android & iOS versions.

▹ Supported Proxies; Both dedicated and Shared proxy support (Currently supporting more than 80 locations)

▹ Distribution Analysis; Test to verify distribution channel used for distribution. (Official & Third Party)

▹ Blacklist Status; A sandbox environment where the analysis is done on a real AVs.

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Validation Parameter’s

What we Validate

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Validation Parameters

▹ Installation Analysis : Installation on Real devices to capture all compliance issues.

▹ Policy Violation: Test to check if all Policy rules are enforced.

▹ Traffic Log Analysis : Traffic logs are captured and evaluated.

▹ Static & Behavioural Analysis : Static & Behavioural analysis test .

▹ Browser manipulation Analysis : Test to ensure Ads serving is compliant. (Adinjections, popunders, Text Hyperlink)

▹ Functional Bugs; Logging of the functional issues during product analysis.

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Continious Verification & Tools

Conitinious Verifications | Tools & Techniques

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▹ Paid & Organic Search Monitoring

▹ Malware & Virus Detection

▹ Customized Test; Specifically designed & crafted checkpoints as per the business needs and domain.

Tools and Techniques

▹ Fiddler , Wire shark, CFF explorer, Resource monitor, Proxy tools, VMware, Process explorer, Process monitor

▹ Manual and Automation techniques

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Deliverables &KEY takeaways

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OUR deliverables

Post testing, customers get

informative analysis report.

Dedicated Account Managers Support in varoius phases.

Access analysis reports via API

Recommendations on improving the


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8,526,124$ Saved a lot of money

100% Total success!

1,288 Served a lot of customers

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You can find us at:@[email protected]