complexity of information systems development projects ... · complexity of information systems...

Complexity of Information Systems Development Projects: Conceptualization and Measurement Development Weidong Xia Department of Information and Decision Sciences Carlson School of Management University of Minnesota 321 19th Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55455 Phone: (612) 626-9766 Emails: [email protected] Gwanhoo Lee Department of Information Technology Kogod School of Business American University 4400 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20016-8044 Phone: (202) 885-1991 Email: [email protected] Acknowledgments: This study was supported by research grants provided by the University of Minnesota and by the Juran Center for Leadership in Quality. The Information Systems Special Interest Group of the Project Management Institute sponsored the collection of the survey data. We thank Carl Adams, Shawn Curley, Gordon Davis, Paul Johnson, Rob Kauffman and research workshop participants at the University of Minnesota for helpful comments on earlier versions of the paper.

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Complexity of Information Systems Development Projects:

Conceptualization and Measurement Development

Weidong Xia Department of Information and Decision Sciences

Carlson School of Management University of Minnesota 321 19th Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55455 Phone: (612) 626-9766 Emails: [email protected]

Gwanhoo Lee Department of Information Technology

Kogod School of Business American University

4400 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20016-8044

Phone: (202) 885-1991 Email: [email protected]

Acknowledgments: This study was supported by research grants provided by the University of Minnesota and by the Juran Center for Leadership in Quality. The Information Systems Special Interest Group of the Project Management Institute sponsored the collection of the survey data. We thank Carl Adams, Shawn Curley, Gordon Davis, Paul Johnson, Rob Kauffman and research workshop participants at the University of Minnesota for helpful comments on earlier versions of the paper.


Complexity of Information Systems Development Projects:

Conceptualization and Measurement Development


This paper conceptualizes and develops valid measurements of the key dimensions of

information systems development project (ISDP) complexity. A conceptual framework is

proposed to define four components of ISDP complexity: structural organizational complexity,

structural IT complexity, dynamic organizational complexity, and dynamic IT complexity.

Measures of ISDP complexity are generated based on literature review, field interviews, focus

group discussions and two pilot tests with 76 IS managers. The measures are then tested using

both exploratory and confirmatory data analyses with survey responses from managers of 541

ISDPs. Results from both the exploratory and confirmatory analyses support the four-

component conceptualization of ISDP complexity. The final 20-item measurements of ISDP

complexity are shown to adequately satisfy the criteria for unidimensionality, convergent

validity, discriminant validity, reliability, factorial invariance across different types of ISDPs,

and nomological validity. Implications of the study results to theory development and practice

as well as future research directions are discussed.

Keywords and phrases: Complexity; Information Systems Development Projects; Conceptual

Framework; Scale Development; Exploratory Factor Analysis; Confirmatory Factor Analysis


Complexity of Information Systems Development Projects:

Conceptualization and Measurement Development


Information systems (IS) development is inherently complex because it must deal with

not only technological issues but also organizational factors that by and large are outside of the

project team’s control [13, 70, 71]. As organizations increasingly depend on IS for one-stop

customer service capabilities and cross-selling opportunities, any new development efforts must

be seamlessly integrated with other existing systems, introducing a system-level complexity that

is often constrained by the existing technology architecture and infrastructure [86]. In addition,

as both information technology and business environments are fast changing, it becomes

increasingly difficult to determine business requirements and to freeze system specifications,

making system development a progressively more dynamic and complex process [83, 92].

The complexity of IS development is manifested by the historically high failure rate of

information systems development projects (ISDPs). In the last four decades, there have been

many reports about ISDP failures in various organizations across industries (e.g., [42, 57]). The

Standish Group reports that US companies spent more than $250 billion each year in the early

1990s on IS projects, with only 16.2 percent considered successful [78]. The Standish Group’s

2001 report indicates that US companies invested four times more money in IS projects in 2000

than they did annually in the 1990s; however, only 28 percent of the projects could be considered

successful [79]. The results suggest that, although much improved, the success rate of IS

projects is still very low. As organizations increasingly invest in IS with the intention to enhance

top-line growth and bottom-line savings, IS project failures have significant organizational


consequences, in terms of both wasted critical resources and lost business opportunities.

Therefore, there is a strong economic incentive for companies to improve IS project


ISDP failures are not isolated incidents, but rather they recur with a great deal of

regularities in organizations of all types and sizes [28, 30, 44, 79]. Many experts believe that

ISDPs are uniquely more complex than other types of projects such as construction and product

development projects. Edward W. Felten, a computer science professor at Princeton University

was recently quoted: “A corporate computer system is one of the most complex things that

humans have ever built” ([4], p. 118). Brooks [13], in his famous book, Mythical Man-Month,

states that “software entities are more complex for their size than perhaps any other human

construct” and that “software systems differ profoundly from computers, buildings, or

automobiles” (p. 182). He contends that the complexity of software is an essential property, not

an accidental one. Such essential complexity is unique to software development because

software is invisible and unvisualizable, and is subject to conformity and continuous changes.

Brooks concludes, “many of the classical problems of developing software products derive from

this essential complexity” (p. 183).

Projects are temporary organizations within organizations [22]. Different types of

projects demonstrate different contingency characteristics that require different management

approaches. The literature on project complexity in general is still in early development. Some

researchers argue that one of the difficulties in advancing theory development on project

complexity may stem from the conventional approach of developing “one-size-fits-all” theories

(e.g., [5, 27, 77]). In a recent study, Shenhar [75] shows “one-size-does-not-fit-all” and calls for

a more contingent approach to the study of projects. Given the call for contingency theories for


different types of projects and the unique characteristics of ISDPs, it is necessary to develop

theories for ISDP complexity, as opposed to theories for general project complexity. By utilizing

the general project complexity concepts, research on ISDP complexity may provide new insights

that will contribute to the general project management literature.

Managing ISDP complexity has become one of the most critical responsibilities of IS

managers and executives [38, 72]. However, IS organizations have displayed great difficulties in

coping with the progressively increasing ISDP complexity [9, 61]. Before we can develop

effective strategies to control and manage ISDP complexity, it is necessary that we understand

the project characteristics that constitute ISDP complexity and are able to use those

characteristics to assess the complexity of an ISDP. However, research on ISDP complexity has

mostly been conceptual and anecdotal. The ISDP complexity construct has often been used

without precise definitions and appropriate operationalizations. To our knowledge, no

systematic frameworks and validated measurements of ISDP complexity have been reported.

This research represents a first step towards conceptualizing and developing measures of

the key dimensions of ISDP complexity. The research is conducted using a systematic four-

phase measurement development process involving multiple data sources and research methods.

The conceptual framework and the initial measures of ISDP complexity are developed based on

literature reviews, field interviews, focus group discussions and two pilot tests with IS managers.

The conceptual framework and measures are then systematically tested using survey data

provided by 541 ISDP managers. The four-component conceptualization of the ISDP

complexity construct is tested through analyzing the factor structures underlying the measures.

The measures are tested by both exploratory and confirmatory analysis techniques, each with a

random split-half sub-sample of the overall sample. A comprehensive set of measurement tests


are conducted on the measures, including reliability, unidimensionality, convergent validity,

discriminant validity, factorial invariance across three types of ISDPs, and nomological validity.

Using multiple data sources, multiple methods and multiple measurement validation criteria help

triangulate the analyses and enhance the quality and creditability of the results.

The development of such conceptual frameworks and measurement makes significant

contributions to both theory development and practice. For researchers, well-developed

conceptual frameworks of ISDP complexity provide the basis for consistently defining the

construct across studies so that results of different studies can be meaningfully compared.

Empirically developed theories involving ISDP complexity are not possible without valid

measures of ISDP. In addition, theoretical development in ISDP complexity will contribute to

the general project management literature by providing insights about project complexity under a

specific contingent context. For practitioners, sound conceptual frameworks provide a critical

language and lens through which managers can describe and communicate the key dimensions of

ISDP complexity. Operational indicators provide managers with the necessary tools to assess the

complexity of specific ISDPs. The ability to assess ISDP complexity is a prerequisite for

developing effective strategies to control and manage ISDP complexity.

The paper is organized as follows. The next section reviews relevant prior literature and

proposes a conceptual framework that defines the key dimensions and components of ISDP

complexity. The following section describes the four-phase measurement development process

through which the research is conducted. The results of the measurement development and

testing are then discussed. The paper concludes with discussions of the contributions and

limitations of the research as well as directions for future research.


Theoretical Background

In this article, IS development refers to the analysis, design and implementation of IS

applications/systems to support business activities in an organizational context. ISDPs are

temporary organizations that are formed to perform IS development work including new

applications/systems yet to be installed, as well as enhancement of existing applications/systems

[80]. New applications/systems include both in-house application/systems and off-the-shelf

packaged software.

By building on the existing literature and incorporating insights gained from ISDP

managers through field interviews and focus group discussions, we attempt to define the key

dimensions of ISDP complexity and develop operational indicators that capture the most critical

characteristics of the project that reflect the complexity of the system development process.

Recognizing that it is impossible to capture all dimensions and characteristics of ISDP

complexity, our intention is to develop a parsimonious set of measures that provide a starting

point for developing measurement theories of ISDP complexity. The literatures on task

complexity, project complexity, software complexity, and software project risk factors are

particularly relevant to our study and are thus used as the bases for developing our conceptual

framework and measures.

Task complexity

ISDPs are complex organizational tasks. The task complexity literature has identified a

variety of dimensions and task characteristics that constitute task complexity. For example,

Campbell [16] viewed complexity as a function of four task characteristics. He proposes that

task complexity increases when (1) only one path leads to goal attainment while multiple paths


exist, (2) multiple desired outcomes are required, (3) there exists conflicting interdependence

among paths, and (4) the connection between path activities and desired outcomes cannot be

established with certainty. Wood [93] defines three types of task complexity: component,

coordinative, and dynamic. Component complexity of a task is a function of the number of

distinct acts that need to be executed in the performance of the task and the number of distinct

information cues that must be processed in the performance of those acts. As the number of acts

increases, the knowledge and skill requirements for a task also increase simply because there are

more activities that an individual needs to be aware of and is able to perform. Coordinative

complexity refers to the nature of the relationships between task inputs and task outputs. The

form and strength of the relationships between information cues, acts, and products are aspects of

coordinative complexity. As the requirements for timing, frequency, intensity, and location of

acts become more complex, the difficulty for coordination increases. Dynamic complexity is

caused by changes in the states of the task environments.

Although not explicitly acknowledged by Wood [93], there is a hierarchical relationship

between the three types of task complexity. The overall task complexity is first determined by

the component-level complexity. Then, it is affected by the system-level complexity involving

coordinations among components. While both component complexity and coordinative

complexity describe the structural configurations of the task that are relatively static, dynamic

complexity describes the uncertainties caused by changes in the task environments. Performance

of a dynamically complex task requires knowledge about how the component and coordinative

complexities change over time. To some extent, one may view component complexity as a first

order complexity, coordinative complexity as a second order and dynamic complexity as a third

order complexity.


Project complexity

There seem to be no validated measures for assessing general project complexity.

Measures used in the empirical studies have mostly been project specific. It is difficult to

develop general “one-size-fits-all” complexity concept and measures that are applicable to all

types of projects. Most of the commonly identified project complexity dimensions are consistent

with those identified in the task complexity literature, albeit for different contexts and levels of


Based on a review of the project complexity literature, Baccarini [2] defines project

complexity in terms of the number of varied elements and the interdependency between those

elements. Following this definition, he proposes two types of project complexity: organizational

complexity and technological complexity. Organizational complexity refers to the number of,

and relationships between, hierarchical levels, formal organizational units, and specializations.

Technological complexity refers to the number of, and relationships between, inputs, outputs,

tasks, and technologies. Turner and Cochrane [84] propose uncertainty as another dimension of

project complexity, which is the extent to which the project goals and means are ill defined and

are subject to future changes. Uncertainty in systems requirements/scope and uncertainty in new

information technologies are examples of goal and mean uncertainties, respectively.

By integrating the dimensions proposed by Baccarini [2] and Turner and Cochrane [84],

Williams [91] defines two distinct aspects of project complexity: structural complexity (the

underlying structure of the project) and uncertainty-based complexity (the uncertain or changing

nature of the project). He contends that uncertainty adds to the complexity of a project so it can

be viewed as a constituent dimension of project complexity. Dvir et al. [26] propose four levels

of task technological uncertainty (low, medium, high and super-high) and three levels of


complexity (an assembly project, a system project and an array project or program). While the

uncertainty-based complexity dimension is based on the level of technological uncertainty at the

initiation stage of the project, the structural complexity dimension is based on the scope or a

hierarchical framework of systems and subsystems.

Software complexity

Software is one of the major outcomes of an ISDP. Numerous frameworks and measures

of software complexity have been proposed in the last two decades. Among the most frequently

cited measures are the number of program statements [88], McCabe’s cyclomatic number [56],

and Halstead’s programming effort [36]. Banker and Slaughter [6] use the number of data

elements per unit of application functionality to measure the total data complexity of an

application. Tait and Vessey [81] measure system complexity in terms of the difficulty in

determining the information requirements of the system, the complexity of processing, and the

overall complexity of the system design. Meyer and Curley [58] define technology complexity

of an expert system as a composite measure of diversity of technologies, database intensity, and

systems integration effort. Based on the basic functions of an application software, the function

point analysis literature defines a complexity index that takes into considerations of the specific

complexity of each software function [31]. In addition, the complexity of the general

development environment of the application software is assessed using fourteen characteristics

of the environment. Example characteristics include complexity levels with regard to data

communication, distributed data processing, transaction rate, online update, complex processing,

multiple sites, and installation ease.


Our review reveals that there is a rich body of research literature on software complexity.

However, software complexity cannot be directly applied to project level complexity for the

following reasons. First, software complexity and ISDP complexity are at two different levels of

analysis. Software complexity is at software code and structure level, which is too limited to

capture the broader organizational and technological factors that constitute IS development

complexity at the project level. Second, a prerequisite for assessing software complexity is the

existence or detailed knowledge about the specific software. In the initial stage of an ISDP, the

software often does not exist and systems requirements are often poorly defined. It is difficult to

assess software complexity in the initial stage of an ISDP. However, the software complexity

literature is useful to derive some measures of the technological dimensions of ISDP complexity

for this research.

Software project risk factors

According to McFarlan [57], failure to assess and manage individual IS project risk is a

major source of the software development problems. In the risk management literature, a risk is

defined as the product of (1) the probability associated with an undesirable event and (2) the

consequences of the occurrence of this event [34]. Consistent with this general definition, IS

development risk is commonly defined as the product of the probability of the occurrence of

negative conditions or events and their consequences if they do occur [10, 18, 65, 76, 90].

Recognizing the difficulties associated with accurately estimating the probabilities of

occurrence of negative conditions/events and the consequences of project losses, researchers

have suggested alternative approaches to defining, assessing and managing IS development risk.

In lieu of assessing the probabilities of undesirable conditions/events, for example, Boehm [10]


recommends identifying and assessing risk factors that influence the occurrence of those

negative conditions and events. Barki et al. [7] define IS project development risk as the product

of the uncertainties associated with project risk factors and the magnitude of potential loss due to

project failure. Accordingly, once the risk factors are identified, one can then estimate IS

development risk by assessing the probabilities of their occurrence and the likely loss associated

with project failure. Following this alternative approach, researchers have generated a number of

checklists of IS project risk factors. For example, Boehm and Ross [11] provide a “top-ten”

checklist of IS project risk factors. Barki et al. [7] develop an instrument for assessing various

risk factors that can affect IT projects. Schmidt et al. [70] develop a ranked list of IS project risk


ISDP risk and ISDP complexity are two related but different concepts. IS project risk

factors are related to the probabilities of the negative conditions or events and the magnitude of

losses associated with project failure. ISDP complexity, on the other hand, refers to the

characteristics of the project that constitute difficulties for the development effort. In the context

of ISDPs, although risk factors and complexity both represent some negative connotations,

complexity tends to capture project characteristics that are inherently present in projects whereas

risk factors represent possible events or conditions that cause project failures. The two

constructs are obviously related. As the inherent project characteristics, indicators of ISDP

complexity represent the underlying factors that may drive project risks. Recognizing the

conceptual difference and relatedness between the two constructs, in this research, we use the IS

project risk factor literature as a basis for developing our frameworks and measures.

In summary, our review of the IS literature suggests that, although the ISDP complexity

construct has been frequently mentioned, there exist no well-developed frameworks that can be


used to delineate its conceptual meanings. No systematically validated measures for ISDP

complexity have been reported. In the general task and project literature, most studies have used

measures that are specific to the types and contexts of the tasks/projects, no general measures of

task complexity or project complexity have been reported. In the software complexity literature,

a number of frameworks and measurements have been developed, representing one of the most

advanced areas among the literatures we reviewed. The IS project risk literature has primarily

focused on identifying ranked lists of project risk factors. The various literatures provide a

useful basis for developing our frameworks and measures of ISDP complexity. Our literature

review suggests that there are a few commonly suggested dimensions and characteristics of

complexity that can be adapted for conceptualizing and measuring ISDP complexity. For

example, at the task level, complexity may consist of three hierarchical levels: component

complexity, coordinative complexity, and dynamic complexity. At the project level, complexity

can be described as either organizational or technological complexity, either structural or

dynamic complexity, and either component or system complexity.

A Conceptual Framework for ISDP Complexity

In addition to the literature review, in the last three years, we have worked closely with

the CIOs and IT project managers from 14 large US companies to gain insights on the

dimensions and measures of ISDP complexity. We also used focus group discussions with ISDP

managers to identify the most important dimensions and project characteristics that can be used

to conceptualize and assess ISDP complexity. Based on the literature review and on the insights

that we obtained from working with the CIOs, interviews and focus group discussions with ISDP

managers, we propose a conceptual framework of ISDP complexity (shown in Figure 1). The


framework is composed of two dimensions. The first dimension captures whether the

complexity is about the structural setup or the dynamic aspects of the project; the second

dimension captures whether the complexity is about the organizational aspects or the

technological aspects of the project. In this framework, each dimension suggests two distinct

aspects of ISDP complexity rather than being a continuum-based variable.

============================ Figure 1 about here


The first dimension, structural versus dynamic complexity, is consistent with those

proposed by Wood [93], Turner and Cochrane [84], Williams [91], and Dvir [26]. Typical

ISDPs involve a number of components including the existing systems, infrastructure, new

technology, user units, stakeholders, the project team, vendors, and external service providers.

As the number of components increases, it becomes more difficult to monitor and control the

project. Relationships among these components make it even more difficult to predict the

project’s process and outcome. According to Leveson [51], the problems in building complex

systems today often arise in the interfaces between the various components such as hardware,

software, or human components.

Dynamic complexity refers to the complexity caused by changes in project components

and in their relationships. Changes may result from either the stochastic nature of the

environment or a lack of information and knowledge about the project environment. As these

changes occur, the cause and effect relationship becomes ambiguous and nonlinear. Dynamic

complexity becomes particularly relevant and critical for ISDPs because their environments, both

business and IT, are constantly changing. Conventional management methods are not adequate


in dealing with dynamic complexity, although they can handle structural complexity relatively

well [73].

The second dimension, organizational versus technological complexity, has been widely

accepted in the general project management literature (e.g., [2, 91]) and in the IS software

project risk factor literature [48]. Organizational factors of an ISDP include organizational

structure, business processes, organizational information needs, user involvement, top

management support, and project personnel capabilities. IT factors include not only “hard”

technological components such as hardware, software, and network, but also “soft” technological

components such as project staff’s knowledge, skills, and experiences with technologies. Meyer

and Curley [58] proposes that the technological complexity in the context of expert systems

consists of such technological variables as diversity of platforms, diversity of technologies,

database intensity, and systems integration effort. The distinction between the organizational

and technological complexity is important because they require different project capabilities,

thus have different implications for project management.

Based on the two dimensions, we define four components of ISDP complexity:

Structural Organizational Complexity (SORG), Structural IT Complexity (SIT), Dynamic

Organizational Complexity (DORG), and Dynamic IT Complexity (DIT). The SORG component

reflects the nature and the strength of the relationships between the project elements and the

organizational supporting environment, e.g., project resources, support from top management

and users, project staffing, and the skill proficiency levels of the project personnel. The SIT

component captures the coordinative complexity among the IT elements, reflecting the diversity

of user units, software environments, nature of data processing, variety of technology platform,

need for integration, and the diversity of external vendors and contractors. The DORG


component captures the rate and pattern of changes in the ISDP organizational environments,

including changes in user information needs, business processes, and organizational structures.

It also reflects the dynamic nature of the project’s impact on the organizational environment.

The DIT component measures the pattern and rate of changes in the IT environment of the ISDP,

including changes in IT infrastructure, architecture and software development tools. In the

following sections, we develop measures of ISDP complexity based on this conceptual

framework and validate the framework and the measures using empirical data collected from

ISDP managers.

Measurement Development Process

We used a systematic four-phase process involving a variety of methods to develop and

validate the measurement of ISDP complexity. This four-phase process is developed based on

Churchill [20] and Sethi and King [74]. As shown in Figure 2, the four phases are (1) conceptual

development and initial item generation, (2) conceptual refinement and item modification, (3)

survey data collection, and (4) data analysis and measurement validation.

============================ Figure 2 about here


Phase 1 - Conceptual development and initial item generation

In this phase, the conceptual framework and an initial pool of measurement items were

first developed through literature reviews, field interviews and focus group discussions with

ISDP managers. In developing the measures, whenever possible, we adapted relevant measures

in the literature. A focus group discussion with 45 IS managers using nominal group techniques

was conducted to independently generate a ranked list of ISDP complexity items. The combined


pools of items were then verified and further modified through interviews with a number of IS

senior managers and ISDP project managers. By combining literature reviews with focus group

discussions and a number rounds of interviews with ISDP managers, we attempt to ensure the

face and content validity of the measures, i.e., to ensure that the measures cover the appropriate

scope/domain of ISDP complexity. A total of 30 items were generated as the initial pool of

measures. To save space, below we discuss the rationales and sources of the final 20 measures

used to capture the four components of ISDP complexity. Appendix A lists the sources of the

final 20 items.

Measures of the first complexity component, structural organizational complexity, are

generally associated with the roles of and relationships among the various stakeholders of the

project. Prior literature has identified important stakeholders in information systems

development, including top management, end users, project managers, and project staff [12, 28,

49, 66]. Five items are used to capture complexity that is related to those stakeholders. Top

management support has been considered one of the most critical success factors in information

system development [53, 82]. As ISDPs often involve conflict of interests across user units and

organizational changes, lack of sustainable commitment and support from top management

makes it difficult to achieve the project objectives. As ISDPs depend on users for requirement

determination and for effective implementation and use, user involvement is critical for avoiding

poorly defined system scope and requirements and for avoiding user resistance in making

changes that are necessary for implementing the system [37, 41, 54]. Lack of a project

manager’s control over the project is a significant aspect of project complexity that may increase

project risk [48]. Appropriately staffing projects with personnel who have the right skills and

backgrounds is a significant factor that reflects the complexity of an ISDP [7, 68, 71].


Measures of the second component of ISDP complexity, structural IT complexity,

captures the complexity associated with (1) the number of the components that are directly or

indirectly related to technologies and (2) the cross-functional coordination of these components.

Seven items were used to measure SIT. Two items were used to capture the complexity related

to the multiplicity or heterogeneity of the software development environments and technological

environment [58]. One item was used to assess the complexity associated with the coordination

requirements with multiple external vendors [7, 43, 70, 94]. Three items were used to describe

the complexity related to coordinations among the various components, specifically with

managing cross-functional project teams [29], coordinating multiple business units that are

involved in the ISDP [7, 43, 70] and integrating the external systems that interface with the

system under development [58]. One item was used to capture the complexity related to real-

time data processing involved in the new system [31, 62, 69].

Measures of the third component of ISDP complexity, dynamic organizational

complexity, captures the complexity associated with changes in the organization. The

interactions between information systems development and organizational changes are bi-

directional [64]. As such, three items are used to capture changes in the organizational structure

and business processes that affect business requirements. Two items are used to capture the

business changes that are caused by the information systems delivered by the ISDP [8, 71]. In

today’s hypercompetitive business environment, users’ information needs change frequently,

which require substantial coordination and rework [10, 68, 70]. Information systems and

business processes are closely interweaved in today’s organizations [17, 40]. Business process

changes increase ISDP complexity because they necessitate dynamic alignment between

business processes and information systems under development. In addition, changes in


organizational structure causes changes in the information flows and systems scope of the

project, which in turn increase the complexity of the ISDP.

Measures of the last component of ISDP complexity, dynamic IT complexity, captures the

complexity associated with changes in the technological environments and development tools.

Three items are used to assess DIT. One item was used to measure complexity related to

changes in IT architecture. IT architecture refers to the overall structure of the corporate

information system and consists of the applications and databases for various levels of the

organization [24, 67]. The second item measures changes in IT infrastructure. As application

systems are developed under the constraints of the existing IT infrastructure of the organization

[14, 25, 86], changes in IT infrastructure cause significant uncertainty in ISDPs. The third item

captures changes in systems development tools. Adoption of new development tools during an

ongoing ISDP causes interruptions because the developers must take time to learn the new tools

and adjust their initial analysis and design to suite the new development environments.

Phase 2 – Conceptual refinement and item modification

The framework and initial pool of 30 measures resulted from Phase 1 were refined and

modified through a sorting procedure and two pilot tests. The sorting procedure was used to

qualitatively assess the face validity and the construct validity of the initial items. Four IS

researchers with an average of eight years of IS work experience participated in the sorting

procedure. Details of the sorting procedure are provided in Appendix B. Overall, 26 measures

were retained after the sorting procedure.

To further validate the relevance, coverage, and clarity of the measurement items, we

conducted two pilot tests. The first pilot test was conducted through one-hour individual


interviews with four IS project managers and three IS researchers. In the interview, the

participant first filled out a questionnaire regarding the importance and relevance of each item to

ISDP complexity. They were then asked to identify items that appeared to be inappropriate or

irrelevant to ISDP complexity. Participants also made suggestions for improving the relevance,

coverage, understandability, and clarity of the items. Five items were dropped based on the

results of the pilot test. Two items were combined into a single item because of their similarity.

After refining the items, we created an online survey questionnaire using the remaining

20 items. To reveal any potential problems or issues with web-based online survey, a second

pilot test was conducted with 15 ISDP managers who had an average of seven years of

experience in ISDP management. The ISDP managers logged on to the web survey using their

individually assigned IDs and filled out the questionnaire based on their experience with the

most recently completed ISDPs they were involved in. After finishing the survey, the manager

provided suggestions for improving the content and the format of the online survey. Overall,

only minor editorial issues related to the format and wordings of the questionnaire were reported

and resolved.

Phase 3 – Survey data collections

The web-based online survey resulted from the second phase of the research process was

used to collected the large-scale data for validating the conceptual framework and the measures

of ISDP complexity. The items were randomized to minimize any bias from the survey method.

Seven-point Likert scales were used for the items measuring ISDP complexity. The source of

the survey respondents was the Information Systems Specific Interest Group of the Project

Management Institute (PMI-ISSIG) which is an international organization with about 15,000


members of IS project professionals. We used three criteria to select our target respondents: (1)

North American PMI-ISSIG members who (2) were project managers (not specialists such as

programmers or systems analysts), and (3) had managed a recently completed ISDP. The reason

for choosing North American members was to avoid bias and problems that might be caused by

language barriers that the non-English speaking members in the other regions might have.

The PMI-ISSIG sponsored this research by providing their membership information and

promoting the survey to their members. A PMI-ISSIG-sponsored email letter with a hyperlink to

the web-based survey was sent to the target group. To encourage participation, survey

participants were entered into a drawing to receive ten awards of a PMI-ISSIG official shirt and

forty awards of a $25 gift certificate from a well-known online store. A reminder was sent two

weeks after the initial PMI-ISSIG-sponsored email was sent out. A second email reminder was

sent two weeks later.

The total number of potential respondents was 1,740. In total, 565 responses were

received, representing a response rate of 32.5%. Twenty-four incomplete responses were

dropped, resulting in a usable sample size of 541 and a final response rate of 31.1%. Given the

nature of the survey, this response rate is relatively high. Table 1 illustrates the characteristics of

the study sample. The sample represents various industry sectors, ranging from manufacturing,

financial services, software, consulting, retailing, transportation, healthcare, to utility. On

average, companies in the sample had annual sales of $2.55 billion with 14,800 employees.

Three types of ISDPs – in-house new development, packaged software implementation, and

enhancement of existing software – were evenly represented in the sample. On average, projects

in the sample had a budget of $2.1 million, team size of 34 members, and duration of 12 months.


Since the sample represented a broad range of companies and projects, the findings are unlikely

to be biased by the sample.

============================ Table 1 about here


Phase 4 – Data analysis and measurement validation

4.1. Data screening and descriptive analysis

The survey data were carefully screened for unusual patterns, non-response bias, and

outliers. A careful screening of the responses did not reveal any unusual patterns or careless

responses, indicating that the questionnaire’s design was appropriate and the respondents were

serious and careful in completing the questionnaires. To examine non-response bias, we

recorded the dates on which the responses were received. Comparisons of early responses and

later responses on key demographic and complexity item scores did not identify any significant

differences, indicating that response bias is unlikely to be a problem. In addition, using three

standard deviations from the mean as a benchmark, we did not find any outliers on the

complexity item scores.

4.2. Sample split

Since the framework and measures of ISDP developed in this study were new, we used a

combination of exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis methods to take advantage of the

strengths of both methods and to facilitate cross-validation. The sample was first split into two

equally-sized sub-samples using random numbers. The first sub-sample was used in the

exploratory factor analysis and the second in the confirmatory factor analysis.


To ensure that the two sub-samples were comparable and unbiased, we used t-tests to

examine the equality between the two sub-samples’ means on the demographic data. As shown

in Table 2, the results indicate that there were no significant differences between the two sub-

samples in company size indicated by the number of employees and annual sales, project size

indicated by the number of project members and project budget, and project duration.

============================ Table 2 about here


4.3. Exploratory factor analysis

Exploratory factor analysis was conducted to examine the factor structure of the measures

and to validate the reliability and construct validity of the measures. A common factor analysis

using principle component methods with varimax rotations was conducted to determine the

factor structure of the measures. The number of factors was determined based on two criteria:

eigenvalue above 1.0 and a scree plot. The reliability of the measures is indicated by the

Cronbach’s alpha. The convergent validity and discriminant validity are indicated by the factor

structure and factor loadings of the measures.

4.4. Confirmatory factor analysis

Confirmatory factor analysis with LISREL was used to test the measures that were

resulted from the exploratory factor analysis. First, in order to investigate the appropriateness of

the measurement model structure, five alternative models were generated and compared based on

the overall goodness of model fit indexes. The five models were: (a) a null model with all

measures uncorrelated to each other, (b) all measures were loaded onto a single first-order factor,

(c) the measures were loaded onto four uncorrelated first-order factors, (d) the measures were


loaded onto four correlated first-order factors, and (e) there existed a second-order factor name

ISDP complexity above the four first-order factor. These five alternative models are illustrated

in Figure 3. The four first-order factors correspond to the four components of ISDP complexity

as defined in the conceptual framework. The alternative models were compared using two

groups of goodness of fit indexes. The first group of indexes, including the p-value of χ2 statistic,

the ratio of χ2 to degrees of freedom, the Goodness of Fit Index (GFI), the Adjusted Goodness of

Fit Index (AGFI), the root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA), and the standardized

Root Mean Square Residual (RMR), are absolute indexes because they are sensitive to sample

size. The second group of index, including the Comparative Fit Index (CFI), and the Normed Fit

Index (NFI), are relative indexes that are less sensitive to sample size [32, 46]. The existence of

a second-order factor is justified by applying the target coefficient [55].

============================ Figure 3 about here


As a result of the model comparisons, the “best-fitted” measurement model was chosen

for further measurement validation. The unidimensionality and convergent validity of the four

latent components were assessed by specifying a single factor model for each latent variable.

The reliability was assessed by the composite reliability index that was calculated based on

factor loadings and variances [87]. The discriminant validity of the first-order factors was

assessed using the techniques suggested by Venkatraman [85] and Sethi and King [74].

4.5. Factorial invariance analysis

Factorial invariance analysis was conducted to establish the generalizability of the

measures across three types of ISDPs. After eliminating thirty data cases with missing data on


project type, the remaining data of the overall sample were segmented by project type. The

sample size was 195 for in-house new development projects, 173 for packaged software

implementation projects, and 143 for major enhancement of existing software, respectively. In

conducting the factorial invariance analysis, a baseline model was first established and tested for

model-data fit. A measurement model with invariance of factor loadings was then specified and

tested. If the difference in model fits between the baseline model and the model with invariance

constraints was not significant, invariance of the factorial structure of the measurement across

the three ISDP types was supported.

4.6. Nomological validity

Finally, the nomological (or predictive) validity of the ISDP complexity measure was

examined. A positive association between ISDP complexity and project duration was predicted.

In order to test this predicted relationship, a composite score was calculated for each of the four

factors based on their corresponding items. In addition, an overall ISDP complexity score was

obtained by averaging the four factor scores. Since projects in the sample were completed at the

time of data collection, project duration data was available. A path analysis was used to test

whether the relationship between ISDP complexity and project duration was positive as predicted,

if yes, it indicates the nomological or predictive validity of the ISDP complexity measures.


Exploratory factor analysis

Construct validity

Exploratory factor analysis using principle component method with varimax rotation was

used to test the factor structure of the measurement. As shown in Table 3, four factors with


eigen values greater than one emerged from the analysis, which can be interpreted as

corresponding to the four components of ISDP complexity. A scree plot test also indicated that

the four-factor structure was reasonable. These four factors collectively explained 55.2 percent

of the variance. There were no cross-loaded items with loadings greater than 0.30. Overall,

these results provide the initial empirical support to the conceptual framework and to the

convergent and discriminant validity of the measures of the ISDP complexity.

============================ Table 3 about here



Reliability refers to the internal consistency of measurement items within each construct.

Table 4 reports the corrected item-total correlations for individual items and the Cronbach’s

alphas for the factors. All four factors had Cronbach’s alphas higher than 0.70, indicating

adequate levels of reliabilities [63]. According to Hair, et al. [35], an item is considered to have

an acceptable level of internal consistency if its corrected item-total correlation is equal to or

greater than 0.33. All measures of ISDP complexity demonstrated adequate levels of corrected

item-total correlation. Therefore, no item was eliminated based on the internal consistency


============================ Table 4 about here


Confirmatory factor analysis

Model-data fits of alternative models

The measurement of ISDP complexity was specified as a second-order model with four

first-order factors (Model 5). As discussed before, four alternative models were tested: (a) a null


model (Model 1), (b) a model with one first-order factor (Model 2), (c) a model with four

uncorrelated first-order factors (Model 3), and (d) a model with four correlated first-order factors

(Model 4). A model is considered to have good model-data fit if the p-value is above .05, the χ2

to degrees of freedom is smaller than 3, the GFI is above .90, the AGFI is above .80, the RMSEA

is less than .08, the standardized RMR is less than .10, the CFI is above .90, and the NFI is above

.90 [15, 19, 39, 45, 89].

As shown in Table 5, all model-fit indices of Model 4 indicate better fit than those of the

first three competing models. The significance test results shown in Table 6 indicate that Model

4 was significantly better than the first three alternative models. Therefore, the results support

the measurement model structure with four correlated first-order factors.

============================ Table 5 about here


============================ Table 6 about here


Table 6 indicates that the difference between Model 4 and Model 5 was not significant.

Table 5 suggests that most of the model-fit criteria of Model 5 (with a second-order model) were

as good as those of Model 4 (with four correlated first-order factors). These results warrant

further investigation of the existence of a second-order factor using the target coefficient (T)

[55]. The T coefficient can be calculated using the following formula:

T = χ2 (baseline model) / χ2 (alternative model)

A high T coefficient implies that the second-order factor does not significantly increase

χ2. Since the T coefficient between Model 4 and Model 5 is 0.98, we concluded that there

existed a second-order factor and that the second-order model best represented the data in a more


parsimonious way. Therefore, Model 5 was chosen as the “best-fitted” measurement model for

further validation. The second-order factor can be interpreted as an overall trait of ISDP

complexity. Figure 4 shows the results of the parameter estimations of the second-order model.


Figure 4 about here ============================

Unidimensionality and convergent validity

Unidimensionality and convergent validity require that one single latent variable

underlies a set of measures [1]. To test unidimensionality and convergent validity, we generated

four first-order factor models with each corresponding to one component of ISDP complexity.

The results shown in Table 7 suggest that all four latent variables demonstrated adequate levels

of model fit. Overall, the results indicate that the measures of each of the four ISDP components

satisfy the unidimensionality and convergent validity requirements.

============================ Table 7 about here


Internal consistency reliability

The composite reliability (ρc) which represents the proportion of measure variance

attributable to the underlying latent variable was calculated to assess the reliability of the

measure [87]. One of the advantages of this reliability index is that it is free from the restricted

assumption of equal importance of all indicators on which the Cronbach α is based. Following

Werts et al [87], Venkatraman [85], and Sethi and King [74], the composite reliability was

calculated from the factor loadings of each indicator and error variances using the following


ρc=(Σ λi)2 Variance(A) / ((Σ λi)2 Variance(A) + Σ θδ)


Values of ρc in excess of .50 indicate that the variance captured by the measures is

greater than that captured by error components, thus suggesting satisfactory levels of reliability

[3]. The results in Table 8 show that the composite reliability estimates were .74 for SORG, .78

for SIT, .81 for DORG, and .87 for DIT, respectively, suggesting that all four latent variables

have adequate levels of reliability.

============================ Table 8 about here


Discriminant validity

Discriminant validity assesses the degree to which measures of different components of

ISDP complexity are unique from each other. The results of the pair-wise tests are shown in

Table 9. The results suggest that all six pairs were statistically different; indicating that the four

components of ISDP complexity demonstrated adequate levels of discriminant validity.

============================ Table 9 about here


Analysis of factorial invariance

Tests of factorial invariance examines if a measure operates equivalently across different

sub-populations [15]. Analysis of factorial invariance is important for establishing the

generalizability of a measurement. The value of a measurement model is greatly enhanced if the

same factorial structure and properties can be replicated across various subpopulations [55].

ISDPs were defined in this study to include three types of system development: in-house new

development, packaged software implementation, and major enhancement of existing software.

As such, it is important to examine if the factorial structure and properties of the measure is

invariant across the three types of ISDPs.


Tests of factorial invariance take a hierarchical approach. First, a baseline model (Model

A) was established and tested. This baseline model was essentially the second-order model as

specified in Figure 4. However, the difference was that the second-order model was established

separately for each group. This baseline model did not have any invariance constraints across

the three types of ISDPs.

Once the baseline model was established, invariance of first-order factor loadings was

tested (Model B). In this step, the second-order factor loadings were not constrained to be

invariant. The rationale behind this approach was that tests of higher order invariance would

make sense only when there was reasonable invariance among the first-order factors [55].

Model B was compared with Model A to examine if the first-order factor loadings were

invariant. Difference in the χ2 between the two models was tested. However, χ2 tests can be so

powerful that trivial difference may lead to significant χ2 values. Therefore, other criteria such as

the ratio of χ2 to degrees of freedom and the target coefficient (T) should be also considered. The

χ2 of the baseline model serves as a target for optimum fit.

If the first-order factor loadings turned out to be invariant, a more restricted model with

invariant first- and second-order factor loadings (Model C) was tested. Again, this model was

compared with the baseline model to examine if the second-order factor loadings were invariant.

If the χ2 tests and other criteria do not indicate invariant factorial structure, it suggests that the

second-order factor loadings cannot be invariant because the first-order factor loadings are


The factorial invariance analysis results shown in Table 10 suggest that the first-order

factor loadings were invariant because the χ2 difference was not significant. In addition, the ratio

of χ2 to degrees of freedom was reasonable and the target coefficient was very high, suggesting


good overall model-data fit. Similarly, the second-order factor loadings appeared to be invariant

because the χ2 difference between Model C and the baseline model was not significant. The

target coefficient was also very high, indicating good fit. In sum, we concluded that the factorial

structure of the second-order measurement model of ISDP complexity was invariant across the

three types of ISDPs. Therefore, the results provide the initial empirical evidence of the

generalizability of the measurement model across the three types of ISDPs.

============================ Table 10 about here


Nomological validity

Nomological (or predictive) validity assesses if a construct measured by the new

measures is associated with other constructs whose measures are known to be valid, as the theory

would predict. In this study, we attempted to analyze the predictive validity of the ISDP

complexity measures by testing a hypothesized positive relationship between ISDP complexity

and project duration. Since our purpose was not testing theory, we provided only the necessary

justification for the hypothesized relationship without considering other constructs.

Our proposed positive relationship between ISDP complexity and project duration is

justified by the argument that project complexity imposes more workload and thus causes longer

project duration [21, 33, 59]. For example, Meyer and Utterback [59] found that technological

complexity as measured by the number of technologies in the development effort was positively

associated with absolute the development time.

Table 11 shows the results of the path analyses of the impacts of (1) overall ISDP

complexity and (2) the four components of ISDP complexity on project duration, respectively.

The results indicate that all four factors of ISDP complexity as well as the overall ISDP


complexity positively affected project duration. Therefore, the prediction was supported by the

data. We concluded that the measurement of ISDP complexity demonstrated adequate

nomological validity in predicting project duration.

============================ Table 11 about here


Discussions and Conclusions

The results of both the exploratory and confirmatory data analyses suggest that the 20-

item measure of ISDP complexity developed in this research exhibited adequate levels of

measurement properties. The exploratory factor analysis produced a factor structure as we

hypothesized, providing an initial empirical support to our conceptualization of ISDP complexity

as a four component construct. In addition, the confirmatory factor analysis results suggest that

the hypothesized measurement model had adequate levels of goodness of fit. It also suggested

the existence of a second-order factor, which can be interpreted as the overall ISDP complexity.

The measures were shown to satisfy criteria related to unidimensionality, convergent validity,

discriminant validity, internal consistency reliability, factorial invariance across three types of

projects, and nomological validity.

Contributions to theory development and methodology

This research makes significant contributions to theoretical development. We believe

that ISDP complexity will be an important construct in the vocabulary of IS researchers and

practitioners for the following two reasons. First, an increasing portion of IS activities in

organizations are organized around projects. Therefore, projects constitute an important context


and a unit of analysis for research. Second, the constantly changing information technology and

business environments coupled with the growing needs for IT application integrations will cause

the level of ISDP complexity to continue to increase. Therefore, managing complexity appears

to be critical to IS success. Given this increasing significance of ISDP complexity, it is timely

and important to develop a conceptual framework and a valid, reliable measure of the construct.

Although there are other related constructs such as software complexity, general project

complexity, and task complexity, they are not substitutes for ISDP complexity. Task complexity

and project complexity are too general to tap into the unique context of ISDPs. Software

complexity is too limited and narrow to assess the various aspects of ISDP complexity. The new

measure developed in this research overcomes these limitations and covers a wide range of the

domain of the ISDP complexity construct with enhanced specificity.

In addition, by defining four distinct components of ISDP complexity, this research

enables researchers to theorize the construct more precisely. As Baccarini [2] argues, since

complexity is multi-dimensional, when referring to project complexity, it is important to state

clearly the type of complexity being dealt with. The conceptual framework and the measure of

ISDP complexity developed in this research will enable researchers to use these measures to

build and test theories that explain the determinants and impacts of ISDP complexity.

Depending on their study purposes, researchers can select either the second-order factor or the

first-order factors of ISDP complexity as focal constructs to develop theories related to ISDP


This research employed a combination of exploratory data analysis and confirmatory data

analysis in developing and testing the measure. Such a research lifecycle consisting of both


exploratory and confirmatory methods ensures both the relevance and the rigor of the instrument

development process, which in turn enhances the validity of the measurement.

Practical implications

The results of our study also have important practical implications. Although the

importance of assessing and managing complexity of ISDPs has been widely recognized,

organizations are not well equipped to cope with these challenges. As Kotter [50] suggests,

managing structural and dynamic complexities has become a key responsibility of managers and

executives. As such, this research provides a much needed language and measurement tool that

managers can use to describe and communicate ISDP complexity. First, the empirically

validated four-component framework of ISDP complexity serves as a useful language for

defining and communicating ISDP complexity. Using this framework, project managers can

clearly define the specific aspects and components of ISDP complexity that they must consider

and manage. Second, the measures developed in this study can be used to assess and manage the

complexity of ISDPs in the early planning stages and during implementation. Without such an

assessment tool, it would be difficult for project managers to identify areas of concerns and take

appropriate measures. It has been found that complexity influences the selection of project

inputs including project organizational form, budget, manpower, expertise, and experience

requirements of the project team [2, 47]. Therefore, being able to accurately assess ISDP

complexity enables organizations to better plan, coordinate, and control their projects.

In addition, a valid and reliable measurement tool would allow organizations to learn

from past experiences and establish a knowledge base of organizational techniques that have

been proven to be effective in dealing with different aspects of ISDP complexity. Used together,


the assessment tool and the knowledge base enable organizations to develop critical capabilities

that are needed for planning and controlling their ISDPs.

The second-order factor and the first-order factors (or the four components) can serve

different purposes in practice. The second-order factor is useful for communicating the overall

level of ISDP complexity with users and business unit managers. It is also useful for overall

project planning in the early stages of project lifecycle. In contrast, the four first-factors (or the

four components) of ISDP complexity can be used to facilitate detailed assessments and

communications within the project team. They are useful for identifying specific problem areas,

thus enable the managers to strategically manage and control the most important aspects or

components of ISDP complexity during project implementations.

Limitations of the study

Some cautions should be taken when interpreting the study findings and applying the

measure developed in this research. In testing the nomological or predictive validity of the

measurement, the same respondent provided information about both the independent and the

dependent variables, which might cause potential common source biases. Since the projects in

the sample were all recently completed projects, the performance measures such as delivery

time, cost, and functionality were known and thus might have been less subjective. Future

research is needed to further test the nomological validity of the measurement using different

sources for information about the independent and dependent variables.

If independent sample sources had been used for the exploratory factor analysis and the

confirmatory factor analysis, the value of cross-validation of the measure would have been even

greater. However, split-halves from the same sample source also have advantages in that they


eliminate sampling errors resulted from different sample sources. In addition, the random

assignment of the data cases to the two sub-samples minimizes potential biases that might be

caused by the differences between the two sub-samples. Nevertheless, future research using

different sample sources is needed to overcome the limitations caused by the use of the same

sample source.

Directions for future research

This research represents the first step toward building theories that provide insights about

the conceptualization and measurement of ISDP complexity. The framework and the measures

developed in this study can help organizations better understand ISDP complexity and can

provide the initial tools for assessing and managing the complexity of their ISDPs. Based on this

study, future research may investigate the organizational determinants of ISDP complexity.

Organizations can then minimize unnecessary complexity and effectively manage necessary

complexity to enhance the success rate of their ISDPs, by creating effective strategies, methods,

and coping mechanisms to control and manage those organizational factors that influence ISDP


In addition, future research may investigate the patterns through which the four

components of ISDP complexity affect such dependant variables as project success and

organizational performance. Another promising future research direction is to conduct

longitudinal studies of ISDP complexity. The levels and the impacts of ISDP complexity may

vary between different stages of a project’s lifecycle. Understanding the dynamics of ISDP

complexity can help managers cope with complexity at different points in time during their

project implementation.


Finally, it would be important to examine project portfolio complexity. Organizations are

most likely to run more than one ISDP at a time. Optimizing one project may create global sub-

optimization that hinders the performance of the overall project portfolio. Therefore,

understanding complexity at the portfolio level enables IT organizations to achieve efficiency

and effectiveness at the portfolio level in addition to individual project level. Our hope is that

this research serves as a starting point for stimulating researchers to develop theories for

understanding and managing ISDP complexity, and ultimately stopping the dollar drain of ISDP




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Tables and Figures

Table 1. Characteristics of the Overall Study Sample (n=541)

Characteristics of organizations Industry Consulting Finance/Insurance Government Healthcare Manufacturing Retail Software Telecom/network Transportation Utility Other Company annual sales Less than $100 million $100 million - $1 billion Over $1 billion Number of employees Less than 1,000 1,000 – 10,000 Over 10,000

6.3% 20.6%

9.2% 5.9%

13.7% 5.3% 9.7% 5.0% 4.0% 7.4%


26.0% 31.2% 42.8%

26.6% 40.5% 32.9%

Characteristics of projects Type of project In-house new development Packaged software implementation Enhancement of existing software Number of project members Less than 10 10 – 50 Over 50 Project budget Less than $100,000 $100,000 – 1 million Over $1 million Project duration Less than 6 months 6 – 12 months Over 12 months

38.1% 33.9% 28.0%

25.0% 55.4% 19.6%

17.5% 41.8% 40.7%

24.8% 40.9% 34.3%

Table 2. Comparability Test of the Two Randomly-split Sub-samples (n1=270, n2=271)

t-test for Equality of Means Variable Sub-sample Mean t p

1 16,041 Number of employees 2 13,604

0.932 0.352

1 2.48 billion Annual sales (dollars) 2 2.63 billion

-0.291 0.771

1 33 Number of project members 2 35

-0.501 0.616

1 2.19 million Project budget (dollars) 2 2.06 million

0.301 0.764

1 363 Project duration (days) 2 351

0.517 0.605


Table 3. Exploratory Analysis – Factor Structure and Loadings (n1=270)

Item Factor 1 (SIT)

Factor 2 (DORG)

Factor 3 (DIT)

Factor 4 (SORG)

ISDPC16 .787 ISDPC 25 .729 ISDPC 30 .693 ISDPC 23 .618 ISDPC 19 .583 ISDPC 11 .566 ISDPC 4 .538 ISDPC 12 .823 ISDPC 1 .766 ISDPC 26 .747 ISDPC 24 .692 ISDPC 14 .602 ISDPC 7 .881 ISDPC 17 .873 ISDPC 22 .844 ISDPC 27 .763 ISDPC 6 .701 ISDPC 29 .629 ISDPC 9 .623 ISDPC 21 .619 Eigenvalue 4.421 2.761 2.084 1.772

% of variance 22.106 13.806 10.422 8.860

Note: 1. Items in the questionnaire were randomly ordered to avoid biases. The item labels in this table reflect the order in which they appeared in the questionnaire.

2. Factor loadings less than 0.30 are not shown. The results indicate that there were no items with cross-factor loadings greater than 0.30.


Table 4. Exploratory Analysis - Reliability (n1=270)

Factor Item Corrected item-total correlation

Cronbach’s α

ISDPC 29 .445 ISDPC 6 .458 ISDPC 21 .436 ISDPC 27 .555


ISDPC 9 .424


ISDPC 19 .442 ISDPC 11 .425 ISDPC 16 .640 ISDPC 23 .486 ISDPC 4 .374 ISDPC 25 .588


ISDPC 30 .574


ISDPC 12 .667 ISDPC 1 .642 ISDPC 26 .576 ISDPC 14 .496


ISDPC 24 .572


ISDPC 22 .728 ISDPC 7 .846


ISDPC 17 .833


Table 5. Confirmatory Analysis - Model Fits of Alternative Models (n2 =271)

Criteria Threshold Model 1 Null model

Model 2 One-factor

Model 3 Four first-order

factors (Uncorrelated)

Model 4 Four first-order

factors (Correlated)

Model 5 Second-order model with four first-order


χ2 2653.01 1802.06 395.39 335.45 341.31

d.f. 190 170 170 164 166

χ2 / d.f. (<5.0) 13.96 10.60 2.33 2.05 2.06

GFI (>.90) 0.50 0.60 0.87 0.89 0.89

AGFI (>.80) 0.45 0.51 0.84 0.86 0.86

RMSEA (<.08) 0.219 0.189 0.070 0.062 0.063

RMR (<.10) 0.22 0.16 0.11 0.067 0.071

CFI (>.90) 0.00 0.34 0.87 0.90 0.90

NFI (>.90) 0.00 0.31 0.80 0.82 0.82


Table 6. Confirmatory Analysis - Differences between Alternative Models (n2 =271)

Model 2 &

Model 1

Model 3 &

Model 2

Model 4 &

Model 3

Model 5 &

Model 4

Difference in χ2 850.95 1406.67 59.94 5.86

Difference in d.f. 20 0 6 2

Significance level p <.01 p <.01 p <.01 n.s.

Table 7. Confirmatory Analysis - Unidimensionality/Convergent Validity (n2 =271)

Factor No. of indicators χ2 d.f χ2/d.f. GFI AGFI RMR CFI

SORG 5 16.34 5 3.27 0.98 0.93 0.040 0.95

SIT 7 82.84 14 11.83 0.92 0.84 0.065 0.88

DORG 5 36.41 5 5.28 0.95 0.85 0.054 0.92

DIT a 3 33.16 19 1.75 0.97 0.94 0.041 0.98 Note: (a) This model is saturated because the number of indicators is 3. Therefore, the fit indexes are not available. Fit indexes for this factor were produced from a two-factor model including DIT and SORG. Table 8. Confirmatory Analysis - Composite Reliability ρc (n2 =271)

Factor No. of indicators ρc

SORG 5 0.736

SIT 7 0.784

DORG 5 0.812

DIT 3 0.869 Note: ρc=(Σ λi)2 Variance(A) / ((Σ λi)2 Variance(A) + Σ θδ)


Table 9. Confirmatory Analysis - Discriminant Validity of Four First-Order Factors (n2 =271)

χ2 Statistic

Construct Pair ML Estimate Ø t-value Constrained

model (df) Unconstrained model (df)


SORG - SIT 0.02 0.20 183.73 (54) 148.22 (53) 35.51**

SORG - DORG 0.11 1.59 129.11 (35) 95.25 (34) 33.86**

SORG - DIT 0.37 3.67** 49.74 (20) 33.16 (19) 16.58**

SIT - DORG 0.20 2.47* 190.83 (54) 159.63 (53) 31.20**

SIT - DIT 0.22 2.84** 135.81 (35) 115.43 (34) 20.38**

DORG - DIT 0.23 3.30** 91.35 (20) 65.34 (19) 26.01** Note: * -- p<.05, ** -- p<.01

Table 10. Confirmatory Analysis - Invariance of the Second-Order Model across Three

Types of ISDP (n =511)

Model description χ2 (d.f.) χ2 / d.f.

χ2 difference with Model A T

Model A: Baseline model with no invariance constraints across three types of ISDPs

914.20 (498) 1.84 – 1.00

Model B: Model A with invariant items loadings to the first-order factors

950.01 (530) 1.79 35.81 (32),

n.s. 0.96

Model C: Model B with invariant structural coefficients between first- and second-order factor

950.01 (538) 1.77 35.81 (40),

n.s. 0.96


Table 11. Nomological Validity – Regression Analysis Results (n = 467)

Relationship Adjusted R2 Beta

Model I 0.128

Project duration =

Overall ISDP complexity 0.361**

Model II 0.126

Project duration =

Structural organizational complexity + 0.155**

Structural IT complexity + 0.156**

Dynamic organizational complexity + 0.122**

Dynamic IT complexity 0.142** Note: * -- p<.05, ** -- p <.01

Table B1. Results of the Sorting Procedures


CATEGORY SORG SIT DORG DIT Unclear Total Target % SORG 33 11 44 75

SIT 8 36 44 82 DORG 3 17 20 85

DIT 12 12 100 Total item placement: 120 Hits: 98 Overall Hit Ratio: 82%


Table C1. Covariance matrix of the (total) sample

ISDPC 19 5.293

ISDPC 14 0.481 2.969

ISDPC 29 0.582 0.267 3.179

ISDPC 6 0.531 0.359 1.065 4.561

ISDPC 11 1.063 0.594 0.224 0.000 4.184

ISDPC 16 1.472 0.560 0.124 0.164 1.288 3.728

ISDPC 23 0.994 0.561 0.047 0.220 1.187 1.240 3.117

ISDPC 21 0.198 0.021 1.014 1.357 -0.012 -0.312 0.010 3.639 ISDPC 24 0.966 1.577 0.605 0.380 0.422 0.522 0.597 0.406 4.471

ISDPC 4 0.710 0.505 -0.342 0.058 0.655 0.833 1.179 -0.195 0.548 2.478

ISDPC 25 1.492 0.587 0.275 0.217 1.108 2.605 1.032 -0.120 0.627 0.863 3.800

ISDPC 27 0.571 0.093 1.456 1.407 0.111 0.039 0.120 1.280 0.296 -0.257 0.197 3.184

ISDPC 9 0.125 -0.042 0.980 0.818 0.000 -0.134 -0.062 1.330 0.331 -0.551 -0.090 1.063 3.027

ISDPC 30 1.617 0.381 0.084 0.253 1.192 1.636 1.335 0.009 0.597 0.796 1.681 0.106 -0.125 3.377

ISDPC 12 0.228 1.442 0.362 0.314 0.349 0.222 0.603 0.241 1.651 0.171 0.369 0.187 0.185 0.350 3.567

ISDPC 1 0.204 0.743 0.262 0.262 0.060 0.154 0.178 0.152 1.942 0.175 0.461 0.264 0.223 0.343 1.921 2.832

ISDPC 26 0.252 1.011 0.337 0.532 0.304 0.136 0.558 0.420 1.450 0.119 0.290 0.501 0.302 0.458 2.096 1.543 3.212

ISDPC 22 0.692 0.114 0.409 0.128 0.473 0.414 0.266 0.225 0.571 -0.055 0.580 0.214 0.210 0.594 0.639 0.658 0.688 2.690

ISDPC 7 0.796 0.052 0.711 0.480 0.444 0.372 0.316 0.578 0.695 -0.043 0.664 0.644 0.561 0.775 0.570 0.737 0.582 2.009 3.219

ISDPC 17 0.768 0.109 0.694 0.605 0.344 0.430 0.450 0.499 0.616 -0.057 0.616 0.582 0.463 0.767 0.658 0.705 0.671 1.892 2.635 3.259



Organizational Structural Organizational Complexity(SORG)

Dynamic Organizational Complexity (DORG)

Technological Structural IT Complexity (SIT)

Dynamic IT Complexity (DIT)

Structural Dynamic

Figure 1. A Conceptual Framework of ISDP Complexity


Figure 2. A Four-Phase Process of Measure Development and Validation

Literature review - Frameworks - Existing measures

Field interviews (12) - New measures - Insights

Focus groups (45) - Nominal group process - New measures

Sorting procedure Qualitative assessment of construct validity (4)

Pilot test 1 Assessment of content validity (7)

Pilot test 2 Refinement and test of online survey (15)

Online survey of select PMI-ISSIG members (541 valid responses)

Split the sample into two random sub-samples (n1=270 and n2=271) Test comparability of the sub-samples (t-test on key sample characteristics)

4.2 Sample split

Exploratory factor analysis

- Convergent validity - Discriminant validity Reliability (Cronbach’s alpha) MTMM correlation analysis

4.3. Exploratory analysis Test model-data fits of alternative models Parameter estimates of selected “best” model Convergent validity/unidimensionality Discriminant validity Reliability

4.4. Confirmatory analysis

Test invariance/equivalence of measurement model (factorial structure and loadings) across three types of ISDPs

4.5. Factorial invariance analysis

Phase 1 – Conceptual development and initial item generation

Assessment of non-response bias Screening for outliers

4.1 Data screening and descriptive analysis

Test relationships between ISDP size, complexity and performance measures

4.6. Test of nomological validity

Phase 2 – Conceptual refinement and item modification

Phase 3 – Survey data collection

Phase 4 – Data analysis and measurement validation

Note: Numbers in parentheses indicate number of project managers involved.


(a) Model 1: The Null Model

(b) Model 2: One First-Order Factor Model

(c) Model 3: Four First-Order Factor Model (uncorrelated)

(d) Model 4: Four First-Order Factor Model (correlated)

(e) Model 5: The Second-Order Factor Model

Figure 3. Alternative Models Tested in the Confirmatory Analysis

Item 1

ISDP Complexity





Item 2

Item 6 Item 7

Item 13 Item 14

Item 18 Item 19



Item 1 Factor1

Item 2

Item 3

Item 4

Item 5

Item 6 ….

ISDP Complexity






Item 1

Item 2

Item 3

Item 4

Item 5

Item 6….

Item 1 SORG




Item 2

Item 6 Item 7

Item 13 Item 14

Item 18 Item 19



Item 1SORG




Item 2

Item 6Item 7

Item 13Item 14

Item 18Item 19




Figure 4. Parameter Estimates of the Second-Order Model (Model 5, n2 =271)


























0.45 0.65 0.70 0.57

0.44 0.41 0.78 0.55 0.46 0.78 0.64


0.61 0.82 0.73 0.74

0.70 0.94 0.84

























ISDP Complexity


Appendix A. Measures and their Reference Sources

ISDP Components Item Item description (reference)

ISDPC6 The project manager did not have direct control over project resources ISDPC9 Business users provided insufficient support and involvement [43, 48, 70] ISDPC21 There was no sufficient commitment/support from the top management [7, 43,

48, 52, 70] ISDPC27 There was no sufficient/appropriate staffing for the project [10, 48, 52, 68, 70]


ISDPC29 The project personnel did not have required knowledge/skills [7, 8, 43, 48, 52, 68, 70, 71]

ISDPC4 The project team was cross-functional [7, 8] ISDPC11 The system involved real-time data processing [31] ISDPC16 The project involved multiple software environments [58] ISDPC23 The project involved coordinating multiple user units [8, 43, 70] ISDPC25 The project involved multiple technology platforms [58] ISDPC30 The project involved a lot of integration with other systems [7, 8, 58]


ISDPC19 The project involved multiple external contractors and vendors [7, 43, 70, 94]

ISDPC1 The end-users' organizational structure changed rapidly ISDPC12 The end-users' business processes changed rapidly ISDPC14 Implementing the project caused changes in the users' business processes [8,

71] ISDPC24 Implementing the project caused changes in the users' organizational structure

[8, 71]


ISDPC26 The end-users' information needs changed rapidly [10, 68, 70]

ISDPC7 IT architecture that the project depended on changed rapidly [70] ISDPC17 IT infrastructure that the project depended on changed rapidly [71] DIT ISDPC22 Software development tools that the project depended on changed rapidly

Note: The items without references were obtained from field interviews and focus group discussions with IS project managers


Appendix B. Sorting Procedure and Results

A sorting procedure was used to qualitatively assess the face validity and the construct

validity of the initial 30 items that were generated in Phase 1 of the research process. Four IS

researchers with an average of eight years of IS work experience participated in the sorting

procedure. Each item in the initial pool was printed on a 3 5-inch index card. In the sorting

procedure, each judge was asked to carefully read the card and place it in one of the four

components of ISDP complexity. An additional category, “too ambiguous/unclear” was

included so that the judges could put a card into that category if they felt the card did not seem to

belong to any of the four pre-defined categories. Prior to actually sorting the cards, the judges

read a standard set of instructions. To make sure that the judges understood the sorting

procedure, they did a sorting exercise with the well-known 12-item ease of use and usefulness

instrument [23]. All judges completed this sorting exercise successfully, indicating they had

clear understanding of the sorting procedure and were able to do it appropriately. Each judge

then individually sorted the ISDP complexity item cards. After completing the sorting procedure,

they explained why they sorted cards into the “too ambiguous/unclear” category, if any.

Following Moore and Benbasat [60], we calculated the overall item placement ratio.

This ratio represents how well the judges were able to sort the items into the target constructs. In

total, the judges classified 98 items into the target categories and 22 items into other categories

(shown in Table B1), resulting in an overall placement ratio of 82%. This indicates that the

items were, in general, being placed as they were intended to be. Four items in the SORG

category were commonly placed in the “ambiguous/unclear” category and were dropped. As a

result, 26 items remained after the sorting procedure.


============================ Table B1 about here


Appendix C. Covariance matrix of the (total) sample

============================ Table C1 about here
