complete research project tony 0409

EXPLORING ENGLISH PHONETICS TEACHING TECHNIQUES A Graduate Research Project  by LUIS ANTONIO BALERAS RU!" Sub#$tted to the Co%%e&e o' Graduate Stud$es Te(as A)* U+$,ers$ty-.$+&s,$%%e $+ /art$a% 'u%'$%%#e+t o' the re0u$re#e+t 'or the de&ree o' *ASTER O1 EUCATION IN ENGLISH AS A SECON LANGUAGE A/r$% 2332 *ajor Subject4 E+&%$sh as a Seco+d La+&ua&e

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A Graduate Research Project



Sub#$tted to the Co%%e&e o' Graduate Stud$esTe(as A)* U+$,ers$ty-.$+&s,$%%e

$+ /art$a% 'u%'$%%#e+t o' the re0u$re#e+t 'or the de&ree o' 


A/r$% 2332

*ajor Subject4 E+&%$sh as a Seco+d La+&ua&e

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A Graduate Research Project



A//ro,ed as to sty%e a+d co+te+t by4

 5555555555555555555555555555555 55555555555555555555555555555Roberto Torres6 Ph77 Gusta,o Go+8a%e86 Ph77

  9Research Project Su/er,$sor: 9Head o' e/art#e+t:

 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 A%berto *7 O%$,ares6 Ph77

9ea+6 Co%%e&e o' Graduate Stud$es:

A/r$% 2332

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Th$s $s ded$cated to #y be%o,ed a+d /rec$ous /are+ts


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  I <ou%d %$=e to ac=+o<%ed&e the e+or#ous he%/ &$,e+ to #e to co#/%ete th$s research

 /roject7 1or h$s he%/ a+d su//ort6 I <$sh to tha+= r7 Torres7 >$thout h$s ass$sta+ce6 $t

<ou%d ha,e bee+ $#/oss$b%e 'or #e to '$+$sh #y stud$es7 Bes$des6 I a%so &$,e #y tha+=s

a+d res/ect to *r7 uarte 'or &$,$+& #e the o//ortu+$ty to study th$s #aster?s /ro&ra#6 to

*r7 Res@+d$8 a+d *rs7 Rube+o,a 'or #ot$,at$+& #e to study abroad7 1or e+coura&$+& #e

to +ot &$,e u/ a+d to e+dea,or to %ear+ as #uch as I ca+6 I e(te+d #y ,ery s/ec$a% tha+=s to

#y 'r$e+ds4 Arturo Garc;a6 os@ *a+ue% G#e86 a+d *ar;a G/e7 Rodr;&ue87 *y &rat$tude

to r7 >a%sh a+d h$s 'a#$%y6 to $a+a Go+8%e8 a+d her /are+ts6 a+d to *rs7 Torres6 'or

the$r hos/$ta%$ty a+d thou&ht'u%+ess <h$%e <e <ere study$+& $+ .$+&s,$%%e6 TX7


1$+a%%y6 I &$,e tha+=s to a%% o' #y /ro'essors <ho co+tr$buted to #y stud$es a+d 'or

<ho# I ha,e &reat estee#4 r7 Casste,e+s6 r7 Gree+6 a+d r7 Gos<a#$7


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CHAPTER I7 INTROUCTION 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

State#e+t o' The Prob%e#77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

Pur/ose o' the Study77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

Research Quest$o+s7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

Theoret$ca% Pers/ect$,e7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

e'$+$t$o+ o' Ter#s777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

e%$#$tat$o+s o' the Study77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

L$#$tat$o+s o' the Study77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

S$&+$'$ca+ce o' the Study7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

CHAPTER II7 REDIE> O1 THE LITERATURE777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777


Chr$st$a++e a%to+ a+d Barbara Se$d%ho'er777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

 Nash Rose777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

*aya Le+77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777


The Assu#/t$o+s o' the Study77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

Research es$&+77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

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The Ro%e o' the Researcher7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

ata Co%%ect$o+ Procedures777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777



CHAPTER ID7 ATA ANALFSIS 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

CHAPTER D7 CONCLUSION777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777




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1$&ure 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

1$&ure 2 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

1$&ure 7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

1$&ure 7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

1$&ure J7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

1$&ure K7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

1$&ure 7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

1$&ure M7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

1$&ure 7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

1$&ure 377777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

1$&ure 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

1$&ure 277777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

1$&ure 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

1$&ure 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

1$&ure J 7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

1$&ure K 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

1$&ure 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

1$&ure M77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

1$&ure 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

1$&ure 2377777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

1$&ure 277777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

1$&ure 2277777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

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1$&ure 2777

1$&ure 2777

1$&ure 2J777

1$&ure 2K777



  It $s $#/orta+t to co+s$der the se&#e+ta%s 9/ro+u+c$at$o+:6 a+d su/rase&#e+ta%s

9stress a+d $+to+at$o+: as/ects o' %a+&ua&e $+ teach$+& E+&%$sh as a 'ore$&+ %a+&ua&e 9E1L:7

Th$s study 'ocused #a$+%y o+ de,e%o/$+& teach$+& tech+$0ues 'or E1L teachers <hose

stude+ts ha,e a S/a+$sh %a+&ua&e bac=&rou+d7 These as/ects re%ated to E+&%$sh /ho+et$cs

ha,e rece+t%y bee+ co+s$dered $+ %a+&ua&e teach$+&6 but so#e tech+$0ues st$%% +eeded to be

 /ro,$ded to teachers so they cou%d he%/ the$r stude+ts o,erco#e /rob%e#s $+ a+y o' these


  I+ %ear+$+& a 'ore$&+ %a+&ua&e6 stude+ts +eed to de,e%o/ e,ery s=$%% a+d sub-s=$%%

correct%y $+ order to /roduce the %a+&ua&e a//ro/r$ate%y 'or a+ e''ect$,e co##u+$cat$o+7 I

ha,e a%<ays thou&ht that /roduct$,e s=$%%s such as6 <r$t$+& a+d s/ea=$+& are the #ea+s

throu&h <h$ch <e e(/ress ourse%,es to tra+s#$t #essa&es $+ <r$tte+ a+d ora% 'or#

res/ect$,e%y7 *$sta=es $+ &ra##ar6 s/e%%$+& a+d /u+ctuat$o+ #ay d$sturb the <r$tte+

#essa&e7 *$sta=es $+ /ro+u+c$at$o+6 stress a+d $+to+at$o+ ca+ a%so cause /rob%e#s to be

u+derstood by others <he+ try$+& to s/ea= the tar&et %a+&ua&e7

  Pro+u+c$at$o+6 stress6 a+d $+to+at$o+6 a#o+& other as/ects o' %a+&ua&e re%ated to

E+&%$sh /ho+et$cs ha,e to be &$,e+ s/ec$a% atte+t$o+ s$+ce the ,ery be&$++$+&7 I+ #y

e(/er$e+ce as a stude+t6 I rea%$8ed ho< $#/orta+t $t <as to %ear+ the correct /ro+u+c$at$o+ $+

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order to co##u+$cate e''ect$,e%y $+ E+&%$sh7 No<6 as a teacher o' E+&%$sh6 I ha,e %ear+ed

that $t $s rea%%y +ecessary to ha,e a &ood /ro+u+c$at$o+ so that stude+ts ca+ ha,e a &ood

#ode% to 'o%%o< <he+ they study the tar&et %a+&ua&e7

  Ha,$+& a &ood /ro+u+c$at$o+ #ay he%/ a &reat dea% <he+ teach$+& E+&%$sh6 but <hat

are the tech+$0ues teachers shou%d de,e%o/ $+ order to he%/ the$r stude+ts o,erco#e the$r

 /rob%e#s $+ /ro+u+c$at$o+ Th$s $s <hat th$s /roject $+te+ded to do6 to e0u$/ teachers <$th

the +ecessary too%s to a+s<er stude+ts doubts a+d 0uest$o+s about E+&%$sh /ho+et$cs7 The

se&#e+ta% a+d su/rase&#e+ta% as/ects o' %a+&ua&e /%ay a ,ery $#/orta+t ro%e $+

co##u+$cat$+& because errors /roduced $+ a+y o' the# #ay cause stude+ts &o throu&h

e#barrass$+& a+d 'rustrat$+& s$tuat$o+s <he+ try$+& to s/ea= E+&%$sh7

  There ha,e bee+ d$''ere+t stud$es that dea% <$th E+&%$sh /ro+u+c$at$o+6 stress6 a+d

$+to+at$o+ se/arate%y7 The %$terature a+a%y8ed 'or th$s /roject <as care'u%%y se%ected to

'u%'$%% the #a$+ object$,e o' th$s study that o' /ro,$d$+& tech+$0ues to he%/ teachers de,e%o/

the$r o<+ s=$%%s to he%/ the$r stude+ts7 The d$''ere+t /o$+ts o' ,$e< each author has <$th

res/ect to /ho+et$cs ha,e bee+ $+te&rated $+ such a <ay that teachers ca+ teach these

as/ects o' %a+&ua&e $+ a+ easy6 co#'ortab%e a+d #ot$,at$+& #a++er7

  There are d$''ere+t se0ue+ces to teach each o+e o' these as/ects7 The 'o%%o<$+& <as

the o+e co+s$dered 'or th$s /roject4 Pro+u+c$at$o+ 9,o<e%s6 d$/htho+&s6 a+d co+so+a+ts:6

stress a+d $+to+at$o+7 A%% o' these as/ects <ere re%ated to o+e a+other6 they <ere treated

$+d$,$dua%%y a+d co#b$+ed <he+ +ecessary7 Both the E+&%$sh a+d S/a+$sh sou+d syste#s

<ere co#/ared a+d co+trasted 'or a better u+dersta+d$+& o' the <ay sou+ds6 stress6 a+d

$+to+at$o+ <or= $+ the tar&et %a+&ua&e7

  The /ur/ose o' th$s study <as to '$+d <ays to /ro,$de teachers <$th tech+$0ues to

teach E+&%$sh /ho+et$cs to E+&%$sh %ear+ers <$th a S/a+$sh %a+&ua&e bac=&rou+d7 *ost o'

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the #ethods that ha,e bee+ used to teach E+&%$sh $+ our cou+try d$d +ot co+s$der

 /ro+u+c$at$o+6 stress a+d $+to+at$o+ as $#/orta+t as/ects to co##u+$cate e''ect$,e%y $+ the

tar&et %a+&ua&e7 So#e #ethods d$d +ot co+s$der the# at a%%7 It <as just ,ocabu%ary a+d

&ra##ar tra+s%at$o+7 I' the teacher had a &ood /ro+u+c$at$o+6 stude+ts cou%d ac0u$re $t by

try$+& to $#$tate6 but so#e cou%d +ot %ear+ $t th$s <ay7 Bad hab$ts <ere ac0u$red 'ro# the

,ery be&$++$+& a+d they <ere +e,er corrected by so#e o' the teachers $+ h$&her %e,e%s7

They cou%d +ot be corrected a//ro/r$ate%y because teachers d$d +ot ha,e the +ecessary

=+o<%ed&e o' E+&%$sh /ho+et$cs to e(/%a$+ to the$r stude+ts <here a+d ho< sou+ds are

actua%%y /roduced7 Th$s s$tuat$o+ <ou%d 'rustrate teachers as <e%% as stude+ts because they

cou%d +ot '$+d the r$&ht a+s<er to the$r /rob%e#s $+ a+y o' these as/ects7

  As <e =+o<6 there are #a+y #ore d$''ere+t #ethods 'or %a+&ua&e teach$+&

+o<adays7 They ha,e be&u+ to co+s$der E+&%$sh /ro+u+c$at$o+6 stress6 a+d $+to+at$o+7

They dea% <$th each o+e o' these as/ects se/arate%y7 But the 'o%%o<$+& 0uest$o+ st$%%

re#a$+s4 do E+&%$sh teachers ha,e the tech+$0ues to teach these as/ects o' %a+&ua&e

ade0uate%y to the$r stude+ts I+ #a+y schoo%s there are you+& a+d +ot so you+& teachers

a+d #ost o' the# do +ot ha,e a =+o<%ed&e o' /ho+et$cs7 Teachers $+ &e+era% +eed to be

 /ro,$ded <$th so#e tech+$0ues to he%/ the$r stude+ts <$th the$r /ho+et$c /rob%e#s7 A%% o'

the #ater$a% /rese+ted $+ th$s research /roject $+te+ded to #a=e $t eas$er 'or teachers as <e%%

as stude+ts to u+dersta+d better ho< the sou+d syste# o' E+&%$sh <or=s6 a+d ho< $#/orta+t

$t $s $+ %a+&ua&e %ear+$+& to co##u+$cate e''ect$,e%y7


  A 0ua%$tat$,e /arad$&# <as used $+ the de,e%o/#e+t o' th$s research /roject7 There

ha,e bee+ se,era% tech+$0ues to teach E+&%$sh /ho+et$cs to E1L stude+ts7 1or the

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acco#/%$sh#e+t o' th$s study6 #ost o' the $+'or#at$o+ <as obta$+ed 'ro# <or=s o'

d$''ere+t authors 9Ce%ce- *urc$a *ar$a++e6 o++a *7 Br$+to+ a+d a+et *7 Good<$+6

9 K : a+d a%to+ Chr$st$a++e ) Se$d%ho'er Barbara6 : <ho dea% <$th E+&%$sh

Pho+et$cs6 a+d #y e(/er$e+ce $+ atte+d$+& co+'ere+ces a+d teach$+& th$s subject7 The

Pho+et$cs tra$+$+& tech+$0ue <as co+s$dered to de,e%o/ use'u% a+d /ract$ca% h$+ts to teach

each o+e o' these as/ects7 Both E+&%$sh a+d S/a+$sh sou+d syste#s <ere co+trasted a+d

co#/ared 'or a better u+dersta+d$+& o' ho< the sou+d syste# o' E+&%$sh <or=s 9Nash6

Rose6 :7 Pro+u+c$at$o+ o' ,o<e% sou+ds6 d$/htho+&s a+d co+so+a+ts6 stress a+d

$+to+at$o+ <ere e(/%a$+ed $+ th$s order a%thou&h so#e #$(ture o' these as/ects occurred to

#a=e th$+&s c%ear7 So#e ad,$ce a+d su&&est$o+s <ere /ro,$ded to he%/ teachers #ot$,ate

the$r stude+ts to $#/ro,e the$r %ear+$+& o' E+&%$sh /ho+et$cs7 The #a$+ $dea o' th$s /roject

<as to sho< ho< &ett$+& so#e =+o<%ed&e o' E+&%$sh /ho+et$cs cou%d he%/ teachers as <e%%

as stude+ts to co##u+$cate $+ E+&%$sh <$thout be$+& a'ra$d to #a=e #$sta=es $+

 /ro+u+c$at$o+6 stress a+dor $+to+at$o+7 The authors #e+t$o+ed abo,e a&reed that $+ order

to #a=e stude+ts co##u+$cate e''ect$,e%y $+ E+&%$sh they shou%d be /ro,$ded <$th a &ood

=+o<%ed&e a+d /ract$ce o' %a+&ua&e s=$%%s a+d subs=$%%s6 es/ec$a%%y that o' /ro+u+c$at$o+6

stress a+d $+to+at$o+7 Th$s object$,e cou%d be 'u%'$%%ed by shar$+& <$th teachers so#e

tech+$0ues $+ teach$+& E+&%$sh /ho+et$cs to ESLE1L stude+ts7


E+&%$sh /ho+et$cs has bee+ co+s$dered $#/orta+t $+ %a+&ua&e %ear+$+&7 A %ac= o'

=+o<%ed&e $+ teach$+& /ho+et$cs cou%d be re'%ected $+ stude+ts /er'or#a+ce <he+ try$+& to

co##u+$cate $+ the tar&et %a+&ua&e7 Th$s $s o+e o' the reaso+s <hy so#e tech+$0ues $+

teach$+& /ho+et$cs +eeded to be de,e%o/ed $+ order to /ro,$de teachers <$th the

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a//ro/r$ate too%s to he%/ stude+ts o,erco#e /rob%e#s $+ a+y o' the se&#e+ta% or

su/rase&#e+ta% 'eatures7 So#e stude+ts 'ou+d $t d$''$cu%t to succeed $+ rea% %$'e s$tuat$o+s

 because o' /rob%e#s $+ try$+& to co##u+$cate $+ the tar&et %a+&ua&e7 They <ere a'ra$d to

&o throu&h e#barrass$+& s$tuat$o+s <he+ try$+& to s/ea= E+&%$sh7 A%% th$s <as due to a

'au%ty /roduct$o+ o' sou+ds6 stress a+dor $+to+at$o+ $+ E+&%$sh7 There are se,era% stud$es

that ha,e bee+ <or=$+& o+ the de,e%o/#e+t o' teach$+& tech+$0ues $+ /ro+u+c$at$o+6 stress

a+d $+to+at$o+7 There'ore6 the research /rob%e# o' th$s study co+s$sted o' sho<$+& ho<

these as/ects o' %a+&ua&e /%ay a+ $#/orta+t ro%e to co##u+$cate e''ect$,e%y $+ the tar&et



The /ur/ose o' th$s study <as to e(/%ore teach$+& tech+$0ues 'or E1L teachers

e#/has$8$+& /ro+u+c$at$o+6 stress a+d $+to+at$o+7 S/ec$'$ca%%y6 /ho+et$cs tra$+$+& tech+$0ue

<as se%ected to de,e%o/ h$+ts to teach E1LESL stude+ts <$th a S/a+$sh bac=&rou+d7 Both

E+&%$sh a+d S/a+$sh <ere co+trasted to better u+dersta+d ho< the sou+d syste# o' the

tar&et %a+&ua&e <or=s7


Th$s study <as about '$+d$+& /ract$ca% <ays to he%/ teachers to de,e%o/ s=$%%s to

$#/ro,e the$r de%$,ery o' E+&%$sh /ho+et$cs7 To acco#/%$sh th$s study the 'o%%o<$+&

research 0uest$o+s <ere addressed7

7 >hat tech+$0ues ca+ E1L teachers use to de,e%o/ the /ro+u+c$at$o+6 stress a+d

$+to+at$o+ o' the$r E1L stude+ts

27 >hat $s the correct se0ue+ce to teach /ro+u+c$at$o+6 stress a+d $+to+at$o+

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7 Ho< ca+ E1L teachers #ot$,ate stude+ts to $#/ro,e the$r %ear+$+& o' E+&%$sh /ho+et$cs


The '$+d$+&s o' th$s research <ere use'u% 'or E1L teachers a+d stude+ts7 They a%so

had $#/%$cat$o+s 'or the schoo% ad#$+$strat$o+ 'or the 'o%%o<$+& reaso+s4


It <as $#/orta+t 'or teachers to ac0u$re so#e &ood =+o<%ed&e o' E+&%$sh Pho+et$cs7

Th$s study be+e'$ted teachers <ho +eeded to %ear+ tech+$0ues to teach a+d he%/ the$r

stude+ts to o,erco#e those /ho+et$c /rob%e#s $+ the tar&et %a+&ua&e7 Teachers the#se%,es

<ere ab%e to $#/ro,e the$r o<+ /ro+u+c$at$o+ a+d th$s <as re'%ected $+ the$r stude+ts?

 /ro+u+c$at$o+4 The better the teachers? /ro+u+c$at$o+6 the better the$r stude+ts?7 O+ce

teachers %ear+ed the tech+$0ues /ro,$ded $+ th$s research /roject6 they <ere ab%e to de,e%o/

the$r o<+ tech+$0ues to teach E+&%$sh Pho+et$cs to the$r stude+ts7


1or the E1L stude+ts the '$+d$+&s o' th$s study <ere $#/orta+t because th$s he%/ed

the# u+dersta+d ho< the sou+d syste# o' E+&%$sh <or=s7 The /ract$ca% h$+ts $+ E+&%$sh

 /ro+u+c$at$o+6 stress a+d $+to+at$o+ #ade $t eas$er 'or the# to /roduce a+d u+dersta+d

E+&%$sh s/o=e+ by +at$,e a+d +o+-+at$,e s/ea=ers $+ d$''ere+t co+te(ts a+d s$tuat$o+s o'

e,eryday %$'e7 O+ce stude+ts %ear+ed the sou+d syste# o' E+&%$sh us$+& the I+ter+at$o+a%

Pho+et$c A%/habet 9IPA:6 they <ere ab%e to tra+scr$be a+d read tra+scr$/t$o+s7 A%so6 they

cou%d u+dersta+d the /ro+u+c$at$o+ &u$des as used by so#e other authors $+ the &reat

,ar$ety o' d$ct$o+ar$es o+ the #ar=et7

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Stud$es %$=e th$s <ere a%so $#/orta+t 'or the schoo% ad#$+$strat$o+ s$+ce the resu%ts

obta$+ed by the a//%$cat$o+ o' th$s study $+ the schoo% c%asses <as re'%ected $+ the +u#ber

o' stude+ts <ho '$+$shed the$r courses or #ajors a+d <ere ab%e to ha,e better o//ortu+$t$es

to succeed $+ %$'e7 The de#a+d o' teachers a+d stude+ts <ho <$shed to %ear+ E+&%$sh

 /ho+et$cs $+creased7 Pho+et$c courses 'or /r$,ate a+d /ub%$c schoo%s <ere o''ered by the

$+st$tut$o+ so that E1L teachers a+d stude+ts $+ our co##u+$ty cou%d 'ee% co+'$de+t <he+

s/ea=$+& the E+&%$sh %a+&ua&e7


O+e o' the %$#$tat$o+s o' th$s study <as the %$tt%e =+o<%ed&e a+d $+e(/er$e+ce $+

research #ethodo%o&y <h$ch %$#$ted the ,a%$d$ty a+d re%$ab$%$ty o' the '$+d$+&s7 A+other

de%$#$tat$o+ <as the %$#$ted t$#e to de,e%o/ th$s /roject7 There'ore6 th$s study #a$+%y

co+s$dered so#e o' the #ost re%e,a+t as/ects re%ated to E+&%$sh /ho+et$cs7 The e(te+t o'

the data <as based o+ just o+e d$a%ect o' E+&%$sh4 A#er$ca+ E+&%$sh7 S/ec$'$ca%%y6 th$s

 /roject <as 'ocused o+ so#e other stud$es a+d /erso+a% e(/er$e+ce $+ teach$+& E+&%$sh

 /ho+et$cs7 I' there had bee+ t$#e a+d '$+a+c$a% a$d to tra,e% to the d$''ere+t states a+dor

re&$o+s o' the U+$ted States6 a #ore $+-de/th study cou%d ha,e bee+ co+ducted7 S$+ce

resources <ere %$#$ted6 th$s study re'%ected these $+stru#e+ta% a+d cost $ssues7


There +o< 'o%%o<s a %$st o' so#e o' the $#/orta+t ter#s used o+ th$s /roject7 The

de'$+$t$o+ 'or each ter# #ade $t eas$er 'or the reader to u+dersta+d the act$,$t$es6

e(erc$ses a+d so#e other #ater$a% $+c%uded here7 Source: 9 a%to+ ) Se$d%ho'er6 :

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Accent: 9 : ,ar$ety o' a %a+&ua&e <h$ch d$''ers 'ro# others $+ /ro+u+c$at$o+ 9 2 : soc$a%

a+d or &eo&ra/h$ca% character$st$cs o' the /ro+u+c$at$o+ o' a+ $+d$,$dua% s/ea=er7

Affricate: see #a++er o' art$cu%at$o+7

Allophone: d$''ere+t /ho+et$c rea%$8at$o+s o' o+e /ho+e#e6 +o+-d$st$+ct$,e o'te+ de/e+ds

o+ sou+d e+,$ro+#e+t e7&7 the / $+ /ot? $s as/$rated but the b $+ s/ot? $s +ot7

Alveolar: see /%ace o' art$cu%at$o+7

Articulation: the /rocess o' 'or#$+& sou+ds <$th the s/eech or&a+s7

Apiration: /u'' o' a$r 'o%%o<$+& the re%ease o' a /%os$,e6 e7&7 / a t

Ai!ilation: /rocess o' s$#/%$'$cat$o+ by <h$ch a s/eech sou+d $s $+'%ue+ced by the

surrou+d$+& sou+ds 9 usua%%y the sou+d 'o%%o<$+& $t : to #a=e the# #ore s$#$%ar7

Bila"ial: see /%ace o' art$cu%at$o+7

Cononant: s/eech sou+d /roduced by creat$+& a+ obstruct$o+ to the a$rstrea# dur$+&


Dental: see /%ace o' art$cu%at$o+7

Diphthon#: a ,o<e% sou+d <here a &%$de 'ro# o+e ,oca%$c /os$t$o+ to a+other ta=es /%ace6

e7&7 eI  $+ /%ace?

Fricative: see #a++er o' art$cu%at$o+7

Intonation: s/eech #e%ody?6 the use o' /atter+ o' /$tch to co+,ey d$''ere+t #ea+$+& $+


I$A: I+ter+at$o+a% Pho+et$cs Assoc$at$o+ a%so sta+ds 'or the $+ter+at$o+a% /ho+et$cs

a%/habet sta+dard$8ed by that assoc$at$o+7

%anner of articulation: o' co+so+a+ts4 <ay $+ <h$ch the obstruct$o+ o' the a$rstrea# $s

 /roduced7 The 'o%%o<$+& are used 'or E+&%$sh co+so+a+t sou+ds4


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$loive 9 a%so ca%%ed Stop : the t<o art$cu%ators 'or# a co#/%ete c%osure <h$ch $s

sudde+%y re%eased 9 e7&7 /6 & :7

Fricative4--the t<o art$cu%ators co#e c%ose to&ether6 'or#$+& a str$cture throu&h <h$ch the

a$r ca+ esca/e6 thereby /roduc$+& a h$ss$+& +o$se 9 e7&7 '6  ʃ  :7

Affricate Va sou+d <here a sto/ art$cu%at$o+ $s co+t$+ued as a 'r$cat$,e $+ the sa#e /%ace

9 e7&7 t :7

Li&ui' Vas 'or 'r$cat$,e6 but the a$rstrea# has a '%u$d 0ua%$ty6 thus %ess +o$se 9 e7&7 r6%:7

Naal Vas 'or /%os$,e6 but the c%osure $s +ot re%eased6 the a$r esca/es throu&h the +ose

$+stead 9e7&7 +:7%ini!al pair: <ords $+ a %a+&ua&e <h$ch d$''er o+%y $+ o+e /ho+e#e6 e7&7 /$+-b$+6 %$c=-

%oc=6 %oc=-%ot 're0ue+t%y used 'or /ract$c$+& sou+d co+trasts $+ a seco+d %a+&ua&e7

Naal: see #a++er o' art$cu%at$o+7

$hone!e: s/eech sou+d <h$ch $s d$st$+ct$,e <$th$+ the syste# o' a /art$cu%ar %a+&ua&e see

#$+$#a% /a$r 

$honetic: the study o' hu#a+ s/eech sou+ds descr$bes the <$de ra+&e o' sou+ds

hu#a+s ca+ /roduce7

$honolo#(: the study o' the use o' d$st$+ct$,e s/eech sou+ds 9 /ho+e#es : $+ /art$cu%ar


$itch: ,o$ce he$&ht de/e+ds o+ the 're0ue+cy o' ,$brat$o+s o' the ,oca% cords e,ery

 /erso+ has a+ $+d$,$dua% /$tch ra+&e re%at$,e /$tch a+d /$tch #o,e#e+t 9 to+e : are #ade

use o' $+ $+to+at$o+7

$lace of articulation: the %ocat$o+ $+ the ,oca% tract <here a /art$cu%ar s/eech sou+d $s

 /roduced th$s $s usua%%y stated $+ ter#s o' the act$,e art$cu%ator 9 the /art <h$ch $s touched

or a//roachedthe /art to<ards <h$ch the act$,e art$cu%ator #o,es:7

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act$,e art$c7 /ass$,e art$c7)"i*la"ial %o<er %$/ u//er %$/la"io+'ental %o<er teeth u//er teeth'ental to+&ue t$/ u//er teethalveolar to+&ue t$/ a%,eo%ar r$d&e

pot+alveolar to+&ue t$/ rear o' a%,eo%ar r$d&epalato+alveolar to+&ue b%ade a%,eo%ar/a%atepalatal to+&ue 'ro+t /a%atevelar to+&ue bac= ,e%u##lottal t<o ,oca% cords( Brown 1993: 155)

$loive: see #a++er o' art$cu%at$o+

$ro!inence: the /%ace#e+t o' stress $+ d$scourse by the s/ea=er9 o'te+ re'erred to as

se+te+ce stress? : see stress7 A%so =+o<+ as h$&h%$&ht$+&6 'ocus6 to+$c /ro#$+e+ce7

$roo'(: o'te+ used sy+o+y#ous%y <$th the ter# su/rase&#e+ta%s6 but #ay a%so $+c%ude

the study o' sy%%ab%e structure7

,ualit(: see ,o<e% /ara#eters7

Rh(th!: the se0ue+ce o' stro+& a+d <ea= e%e#e+ts $+ %a+&ua&e there are d$''ere+t ,$e<s4

so#e say rhyth# re'ers to the occurre+ce o' stress6 others say that $t de/e+ds o+ stro+& a+d

<ea= ,o<e%s7

Sch-a: short6 ce+tra% ,o<e%6 +eutra% $+ 0ua%$ty '$rst ,o<e% $+ the <ord a&a$+?6 tra+scr$bed

as ∂  occurs $+ u+stressed sy%%ab%es o+%y7

Se!i+vo-el: a%so ca%%ed a//ro($#a+t or &%$de e(tre#e%y c%ose ,o<e% art$cu%at$o+ <h$ch

a%#ost tur+s $+to a co+so+a+t6 e7&7 E+&%$sh j6 <7

Sentence+tre: see /ro#$+e+ce

Stre: a sy%%ab%e $s stressed $' $t $s /ro+ou+ced <$th o+e or #ore o' the 'o%%o<$+& 'eatures4

&reater e+er&y6 &reater %e+&th6 h$&her /$tch7 Uses o' stress4 9: %e($ca% stress or <ord stress

92: /ro#$+e+ce or se+te+ce stress?7

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Suprae#!ental: 'eatures o' s/eech stretch$+& o,er #ore tha+ o+e sou+d or se&#e+t u/

to <ho%e uttera+ces 9 e7&7 stress6 rhyth#6 /$tch6 te#/o6 ,o$ce 0ua%$ty : see a%so /rosody7

.one: see /$tch7

/ariet(: a soc$a%6 &eo&ra/h$ca% 9 or h$stor$ca% : ,ar$a+t o' a %a+&ua&e +eutra% $+ ter#s o'

co++otat$o+6 <h$ch the ter# d$a%ect $s +ot7

/elu!: s/eech sou+ds are acco#/a+$ed by a ,$brat$o+ o' the ,oca% cords6 ,o$ce%ess sou+ds

are +ot a%% are ,o$ced6 co+so+a+ts #ay be e$ther7

/o-el: s/eech sou+d <here the a$rstrea# esca/es the ,oca% tract u+obstructed7

/o-el para!eter: ,o<e%s are descr$bed $+ ter#s o' ho< the cha#ber o' reso+a+ce 9 the

#outh : $s #od$'$ed7 The t<o #a$+ 'eatures are4 ,o<e% 0ua+t$tyVthe %e+&th o' the ,o<e%6

e7&7 short I ,s7 %o+& $ 4 a+d ,o<e% 0ua%$ty6 de'$+ed by the #o,e#e+t o' to+&ue6 %$/s6 or


Bac= ,s7 'ro+t ,o<e%s6 e7&7 u4 ,s7 $4

e&ree o' %$/ rou+d$+&6 e7&7 I4 ,s7 u4

C%ose ,s7 o/e+ ,o<e%s6 e7&7 I4 ,s7 W

0or'+tre: a '$(ed /atter+ o' stressed a+d u+stressed sy%%ab%es <$th$+ a <ord6 e7&7 the

d$''ere+ce bet<ee+ ?REcord? AN reCOR? see stress7

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Accord$+& to Chr$st$a+e a%to+ a+d Barbara Se$d%ho'er 9:6 /ro+u+c$at$o+ has

 beco#e rece+t%y a to/$c o' $+terest $+ %a+&ua&e teach$+&6 +e< $deas o+ ho< to teach th$s

as/ect o' %a+&ua&e ha,e bee+ de,e%o/ed $+ order to /ro,$de teachers <$th the +ecessary

too%s to he%/ stude+ts o,erco#e /rob%e#s they #$&ht ha,e <he+ try$+& to s/ea= E+&%$sh7

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Teachers +eeded to be e0u$//ed <$th the +ecessary bac=&rou+d a+d rat$o+a%e 'or a//%y$+&

th$s =+o<%ed&e to /r$+c$/%ed dec$s$o+s about the$r o<+ c%assroo# s$tuat$o+7

I+ teach$+& /ro+u+c$at$o+ the #a$+ object$,e shou%d be to he%/ stude+ts

co##u+$cate a//ro/r$ate%y7 Th$s $s o+e o' the &oa%s that a%to+ a+d Se$d%ho'er had $+

#$+d <he+ they '$rst started to create the$r <or=7 A%% o' the as/ects co,ered $+ the$r <or=

had as a+ a$# to a,o$d /rob%e#s $+ co##u+$cat$o+ as a resu%t o' a #$s/ro+u+c$at$o+7

Teachers +eeded to ha,e a 'ra#e o' re'ere+ce <here they cou%d '$+d $+'or#at$o+ about <hat

to teach <he+ teach$+& /ro+u+c$at$o+ a+d the <ay $t shou%d be tau&ht7 A%so6 teachers

+eeded to =+o< the reaso+ <hy $t $s $#/orta+t to co+s$der /ro+u+c$at$o+ $+ %a+&ua&e


As <e =+o<6 there are d$''ere+t %ear+$+& sty%es6 a+d the s$tuat$o+s a+d the reaso+s

'or study$+& the tar&et %a+&ua&e ,ary a %ot7 Teachers +eed to co+s$der a%% as/ects a+d

'actors that #ay he%/ stude+ts %ear+ the correct /ro+u+c$at$o+ $+ the c%assroo# so that <he+

they use the %a+&ua&e $+ rea% %$'e s$tuat$o+s they ca+ ha,e a &ood /er'or#a+ce $+ the tar&et


Teachers shou%d ha,e =+o<%ed&e o' ho< the /ho+et$c syste# o' the tar&et %a+&ua&e

<or=s7 To acco#/%$sh th$s6 teachers shou%d '$+d <ays to ac0u$re so#e #ore $deas6

tech+$0ues6 a+d h$+ts o+ ho< to teach /ro+u+c$at$o+7 There are a %ot o' sources that dea%

<$th th$s as/ect o' %a+&ua&e a+d 'ro# <h$ch teachers ca+ &et the +ecessary =+o<%ed&e to

he%/ the$r stude+ts7

La+&ua&e teach$+& shou%d $+c%ude th$s as/ect o' %a+&ua&e7 a%to+ ) Se$d%ho'er?s

<or= #a$+%y co+s$dered the E+&%$sh %a+&ua&e to /ro,$de e(a#/%es a+d $%%ustrat$o+s s$+ce $t

$s the %a+&ua&e shared by a%% readers7 The #a$+ object$,e here <as to e0u$/ teachers <$th

re%e,a+t /o$+ts o' re'ere+ce7 I+ s/ea=$+& a %a+&ua&e the #ost $#/orta+t $s to be ab%e to

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co##u+$cate e''ect$,e%y6 a &ood =+o<%ed&e o' %a+&ua&e a%o+& <$th a &ood /ro+u+c$at$o+

#ay 'u%'$%% th$s &oa%7

Pro+u+c$at$o+ $s de'$+ed as the /roduct$o+ o' s$&+$'$ca+t sou+ds <h$ch $s used

as /art o' a code o' a /art$cu%ar %a+&ua&e7 I+ th$s se+se6 /ro+u+c$at$o+ $s the

 /roduct$o+ a+d rece/t$o+ o' sou+ds o' s/eech7 A%so6 sou+d $s s$&+$'$ca+t

 because $t $s used to ach$e,e #ea+$+& $+ co+te(ts o' use7 Here the code

co#b$+es <$th other 'actors to #a=e co##u+$cat$o+ /oss$b%e7 I+ th$s se+se

<e ca+ ta%= about /ro+u+c$at$o+ <$th re'ere+ce to acts o' s/ea=$+&7 Both

se+ses are co+s$dered $+ th$s boo=6 but s/ec$a% /ro#$+e+ce $s &$,e+ to

co##u+$cat$,e as/ects re'ere+ce to /hys$ca% 'eatures o' sou+d occurs o+%y $+

so 'ar as they are re%e,a+t to the u+dersta+d$+& o' ho< they '$&ure $+

d$scourse that $s to say $+ the ach$e,e#e+t o' #ea+$+& 9a%to+ a+d

Se$d%ho'er6 :7

The <or= o' a%to+ a+d Se$d%ho'er <as re%e,a+t to th$s /roject because $t dea%t <$th

 /ro+u+c$at$o+6 stress a+d $+to+at$o+7 It /ro,$ded a se/arate descr$/t$o+ o+ each o+e o' these

cr$ter$a7 There <ere so#e tas=s a+d act$,$t$es that cou%d he%/ teachers u+dersta+d better

ho< to a//%y these as/ects $+ rea% %$'e s$tuat$o+s a+d co+te(ts7 A%so6 $t to%d us ho< th$s

descr$/t$o+ o' sou+d <as re%e,a+t to subjects o' %a+&ua&e teach$+&6 a+d $+ /art$cu%ar o'

course6 to the /eda&o&y o' /ro+u+c$at$o+ teach$+&7 a%to+ a+d Se$d%ho'er 9:6

descr$bed <ays $+ <h$ch teachers ca+ e(/%ore a+d #a=e use o' theoret$ca% a+d /eda&o&$c

a//roaches to /ro+u+c$at$o+7 Su&&est$o+s <ere /ro,$ded as to ho< a teacher #$&ht test out

certa$+ $deas a&a$+st the rea%$ty o' h$sher o<+ c%assroo#7 I+ co+c%us$o+6 her <or= he%/ed

us re'%ect o+ our teach$+& act$,$ty6 es/ec$a%%y o+ /ro+u+c$at$o+ teach$+&7 But th$s $s +ot the

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o+%y source o' $+'or#at$o+ that <as co+s$dered $+ th$s /roject7 There $s a re'ere+ce 'or

teachers o' E+&%$sh to s/ea=ers o' other %a+&ua&es by *ar$a++e Ce%ce-*urc$a6 o++a *7

Br$+to+ a+d a+et *7 Good<$+ that <as a%so ta=e+ $+to accou+t 'or the de,e%o/#e+t o' th$s



*ar$a++e Ce%ce-*urc$a?s <or= ser,ed as the core o' a co#/rehe+s$,e course $+

 /ro+u+c$at$o+ /eda&o&y7 Ce%ce-*urc$a /ro,$ded a+ o,er,$e< o' the $ssues $+,o%,ed $+

teach$+& /ro+u+c$at$o+6 such as ho< /ro+u+c$at$o+ had bee+ ,$e<ed 'ro# ,ar$ous

#ethodo%o&$ca% /ers/ect$,es a+d <hat <as =+o<+ about the ac0u$s$t$o+ o' seco+d %a+&ua&e

 /ho+o%o&y7 It dea%t #a$+%y <$th the sou+d syste# o' North A#er$ca+ E+&%$sh 9NAE:6

$+c%ud$+& both the se&#e+ta% a+d su/rase&#e+ta% as/ects6 $+ other <ords6 $t a+a%y8ed

 /ro+u+c$at$o+6 stress a+d $+to+at$o+7 It descr$bed ho< the sou+d syste# <as re%ated <$th

other s=$%%s a+d areas o' %a+&ua&e6 such as %$ste+$+&6 $+'%ect$o+a% #or/ho%o&y6 a+d

ortho&ra/hy7 There <as a 'ra#e<or= 'or de,e%o/$+& teach$+& tech+$0ues6 structured

e(erc$ses6 $+c%ud$+& a%ter+at$,e teach$+& tech+$0ues6 a#o+& other th$+&s7

There <ere su&&est$o+s about ho< teachers cou%d dea% <$th both se&#e+ta% a+d

su/rase&#e+ta% as/ects 'ro# a co##u+$cat$,e /o$+t o' ,$e< that $+c%uded the accuracy-

'%ue+cy co+t$+uu#7 There <ere e(erc$ses a+d act$,$t$es to e+coura&e teachers to br$+& the$r

o<+ /erso+a% %a+&ua&e %ear+$+& a+d teach$+& e(/er$e+ces to bear o+ the to/$c at ha+d7 The

#ater$a% /ro,$ded /ract$ca% /ho+et$cs to teach E1LESL stude+ts a+d to tra$+ /ros/ect$,e

teachers7 Based o+ the tech+$0ues6 e(erc$ses a+d act$,$t$es o+ th$s <or=6 teachers cou%d

re'%ect o+ the$r o<+ teach$+& a+d the+ de,e%o/ the$r o<+ or$&$+a% e(erc$ses a+d act$,$t$es7

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Th$s source o' $+'or#at$o+ dea%t a%so <$th the h$story o' a+d research o+ teach$+&

 /ro+u+c$at$o+7 It sho<ed the sou+d syste# o' North A#er$ca+ E+&%$sh a+d so#e bas$c

teach$+& tech+$0ues by 'ocus$+& o+ co+so+a+ts6 ,o<e%s6 rhyth#6 stress6 a+d adjust#e+ts $+

co++ected s/eech6 /ro#$+e+ce a+d $+to+at$o+ at the d$scourse %e,e%7

Th$s <or= <as des$&+ed to he%/ e(/er$e+ced a+d $+e(/er$e+ced teachers better

u+dersta+d the /ro+u+c$at$o+ ac0u$s$t$o+ /rocess $+ a better /os$t$o+ to set $+struct$o+a%

 /r$or$t$es7 There <as use'u% a+d e+joyab%e #ater$a% 'or both teachers a+d stude+ts o'

E+&%$sh as a seco+d or 'ore$&+ %a+&ua&e7

The research o' Ce%ce-*urc$a <as s$&+$'$ca+t 'or th$s /roject 'or the 'o%%o<$+&

reaso+s4 $t /ro,$ded us <$th a h$story o' ho< /ro+u+c$at$o+ had bee+ ,$e<ed by %$+&u$sts

throu&hout the t$#e6 ho< $t <as re%ated to %a+&ua&e teach$+& a+d the &reat $#/orta+ce $t

had to co##u+$cate $+te%%$&$b%y a+d a//ro/r$ate%y $+ the tar&et %a+&ua&e7

The &reat ,ar$ety o' teach$+& tech+$0ues a+d s=$%%s that $s6 the #ethodo%o&$ca%

as/ect6 /%ayed a ,ery $#/orta+t ro%e $+ %a+&ua&e %ear+$+&7 The #ater$a% /rese+ted <as o'

&reat $#/orta+ce s$+ce the #a$+ object$,e o' th$s /roject <as that o' /ro,$d$+& teachers <$th

tech+$0ues to he%/ stude+ts o,erco#e the$r /ro+u+c$at$o+ /rob%e#s that $+ter'ere $+ the

co##u+$cat$,e /rocess7

S$+ce the #a$+ object$,e <as to teach /ro+u+c$at$o+ as /art o' the Co##u+$cat$,e

A//roach6 d$''ere+t =$+ds o' trad$t$o+a% tech+$0ues a+d /ract$ce #ater$a%s had to be

re,$e<ed $+ order to u+dersta+d better ho< to teach /ract$ca% /ho+et$cs accord$+& to th$s


The order $+ ho< the se&#e+ta% a+d su/rase&#e+ta% as/ects o' %a+&ua&e had to be

treated <as a%so co+s$dered o+ th$s /roject7 Tech+$0ues6 s=$%%s6 act$,$t$es6 a+d /ract$ca%

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e(erc$ses <ere /ro,$ded here to su//ort th$s #ethodo%o&$ca% as/ect o' teach$+&


The d$a%ect o' E+&%$sh that <as a+a%y8ed dur$+& th$s /roject <as NAE7 It <as

$#/orta+t6 ho<e,er6 to #a=e stude+ts co+sc$ous that E+&%$sh /ro+u+c$at$o+ ,ar$es a %ot7

The act$,$t$es a+d h$+ts <ere based o+ the I+ter+at$o+a% Pho+et$c A%/habet 9IPA:7 Stude+ts

+at$,e %a+&ua&e sou+d syste# <as co#/ared a+d co+trasted 'or a better u+dersta+d$+& o'

the sou+d syste# o' the tar&et %a+&ua&e7

Pro+u+c$at$o+6 stress6 se+te+ce stress6 rhyth#6 adjust#e+ts $+ corrected s/eech a+d

$+to+at$o+ ha,e bee+ co+s$dered ,ery $#/orta+t 'eatures to ach$e,e success'u%

co##u+$cat$o+ 'or seco+d %a+&ua&e %ear+ers7 These as/ects o' %a+&ua&e <ere co+s$dered

$+ %a+&ua&e %ear+$+& s$+ce they <ere o' /r$#ary $#/orta+ce $+ the s/eech co##u+$cat$o+


Accord$+& to Ce%ce-*urc$a the E+&%$sh sou+d syste# $+teracts <$th other syste#s

o' %a+&ua&e <he+ +at$,e a+d +o+-+at$,e s/ea=ers use E+&%$sh 'or co##u+$cat$o+7 So#e o'

the #ost $#/orta+t co++ect$o+s that <ere e(/%ored $+ th$s /roject <ere the sou+d syste#

a+d %$ste+$+&6 the sou+d syste# a+d $+'%ect$o+a% #or/ho%o&y a+d the sou+d syste# a+d

ortho&ra/hy 9the %ast o+e <as h$&h%y used to de,e%o/ act$,$t$es a+d h$+ts to better e(/%a$+

ho< to teach the se&#e+ta%s a+d su/arse&#e+ta%s:7

Teachers +eeded to u+dersta+d that $+tersect$o+ o' the sou+d syste# <$th these areas

<as e(tre#e%y $#/orta+t7 I 'ou+d out that the sou+d syste# <as re%ated to e,ery other

as/ect o' the %a+&ua&e <he+ the %ear+er %$ste+ed6 s/o=e6 read6 a+d <rote7 These +atura%

co++ect$o+s +eed to be u+derstood by teachers $' they <$shed to he%/ %ear+ers de,e%o/ &ood

%$ste+$+& co#/rehe+s$o+ a+d $+te%%$&$b%e /ro+u+c$at$o+ as a +atura% /art o' the$r

co##u+$cat$,e %a+&ua&e /ro'$c$e+cy7

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>$th a%% th$s =+o<%ed&e $+ #$+d o+ /ro+u+c$at$o+ teach$+&6 teachers cou%d start

th$+=$+& a+d de,e%o/$+& the$r o<+ tech+$0ues a+d <ays to better #eet stude+ts? +eeds6

co+s$der$+& %ear+$+& sty%es6 /re'ere+ces6 a&e a+d other $#/orta+t as/ects a+d 'actors that

<$%% co+tr$bute to a &ood ac0u$s$t$o+ o' E+&%$sh /ro+u+c$at$o+ that cou%d %ead to a+ e''ect$,e

co##u+$cat$o+7 But $t <as +ot o+%y '$+d$+& tech+$0ues to teach E+&%$sh /ho+et$cs the #a$+

object$,e6 <e st$%% +eeded to <orry about #a=$+& $t e+joyab%e a+d 'u+ 'or our stude+ts7 I+ a

 boo= <r$tte+ by *aya Le+6 a S/a+$sh +at$,e s/ea=er6 she dea%t <$th the teach$+& o'

 /ro+u+c$at$o+6 stress a+d $+to+at$o+ ta=$+& a 'u+ a+d creat$,e a//roach7


The #ethod /ro#oted by *aya Leo+ <as e''ect$,e a+d e+joyab%e to teach these

as/ects o' %a+&ua&e to E1L stude+ts7 The #a$+ object$,e o' her <or= <as to correct or

#od$'y those bad hab$ts $+ /ro+u+c$at$o+7

The author o' th$s source o' $+'or#at$o+ to%d about her e(/er$e+ce %ear+$+& E+&%$sh

 /ro+u+c$at$o+7 She stated that $t $s d$''$cu%t 'or so#e adu%t %ear+ers to try to %ear+ a seco+d

%a+&ua&e6 but +ot $#/oss$b%e7 Her <or= #a$+%y dea%t <$th d$''$cu%t$es $+ /ro+u+c$at$o+7 It

<as $+te+ded to correct those /ro+u+c$at$o+ /rob%e#s co+s$der$+& a hu#a+$st$c 'ocus7 The

e(/%a+at$o+ o' each o+e o' the sou+ds <as &$,e+ $+ S/a+$sh to #a=e $t eas$er 'or the %ea+er

to o,erco#e these d$''$cu%t$es $+ /ro+u+c$at$o+7

The #ethod <as des$&+ed to /ro,$de a+ $++o,at$,e a+d e(c$t$+& <ay to teach

Correct$,e Pho+et$cs7 It <as a+ a//roach that <as #uch #ore 'u+ 'or teachers a+d

stude+ts7 Accord$+& to th$s author6 $t <as $#/orta+t to teach /ro+u+c$at$o+ 'ro# the ,ery

 be&$++$+& to a,o$d bad hab$ts that #$&ht be d$''$cu%t to correct at %ater sta&es #a=$+& use o'

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re#ed$a% /ro+u+c$at$o+ c%asses7 *aya Le+ a%so stated that $t <as #uch eas$er to %ear+

E+&%$sh /ro+u+c$at$o+ the correct <ay 'ro# the '$rst #o#e+ts o' e(/osure to the %a+&ua&e7

The author reco##e+ded to start teach$+& a ded$cated /ro+u+c$at$o+ c%ass to

 be&$++$+& stude+ts7 The $+struct$o+s <ere <r$tte+ $+ S/a+$sh to ta=e the /ressure o'' the

stude+ts so they cou%d co+ce+trate #ore 'u%%y o+ the tas= at ha+d --%ear+$+& correct

 /ro+u+c$at$o+7 I' the $+struct$o+s had bee+ <r$tte+ $+ the tar&et %a+&ua&e6 both teachers a+d

stude+ts <ou%d ha,e &otte+ 'rustrated $+ try$+& to u+dersta+d6 a+d <ou%d a%so ha,e %ost

#ot$,at$o+ 'or the %ear+$+& /rocess7

  The #ethod $+c%uded a+ e(/%a+at$o+ o' the /roduct$o+ o' E+&%$sh sou+ds so that

teachers cou%d s/e+d t$#e a+d e+er&y o+ other as/ects o' teach$+&7 Stude+ts e+joyed the

hu#or <h$%e #aster$+& the sou+ds o' the E+&%$sh %a+&ua&e7 A%so6 *aya Le+?s <or= <as

$+te+ded a+d des$&+ed to s/ec$'$ca%%y 'ocus o+ the E+&%$sh /ho+et$c syste# 'ro# the

 /ers/ect$,e o' the %ear+er6 <ho <as a +at$,e s/ea=er o' S/a+$sh <$th certa$+ Y'$(edZ s/eech


Th$s source o' $+'or#at$o+ <as de,e%o/ed to he%/ teachers <$th be&$++er6

$+ter#ed$ate a+d ad,a+ced stude+ts7 The stude+t te(tboo= $s $+ S/a+$sh6 but the c%ass ca+

 be tau&ht $+ E+&%$sh to $+ter#ed$ate a+d ad,a+ced stude+ts7 There $s a Teacher?s Gu$de

that has the sa#e te(t $+ E+&%$sh6 as <e%% as deta$%s re&ard$+& the e(erc$ses a+d other

#ater$a%s7 There are a%so e(erc$ses a+d act$,$t$es o+ stress a+d $+to+at$o+ to /ro,$de

ad,a+ced stude+ts <$th the o//ortu+$t$es to /ract$ce at the$r %e,e%7

The author o' th$s #ethod reco##e+ded the use o' a $a&+ost$c Test to a+a%y8e the

stude+ts? %e,e% o' /ro'$c$e+cy a+d the area o' #ore d$''$cu%ty7 There $s a $a&+ost$c Test

that ca+ be &$,e+ /er$od$ca%%y $+ order to e,a%uate stude+ts? /ro&ress6 <h$ch ca+ be

e+coura&$+& 'or stude+ts a+d re<ard$+& 'or teachers7

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The #a$+ /ur/ose /ro/osed by *aya Le+ <as to #a=e teachers e+joy the

$++o,at$,e $deas a+d the #ater$a% <h$ch $s use'u%6 e''ect$,e a+d 'u+ to use7 1u+ teach$+&

<$%% %ead to #e#orab%e a+d e''ect$,e %ear+$+&7 The co+tr$but$o+s o' th$s author to th$s

 /roject <ere s$&+$'$ca+t because her <or= dea%t /rec$se%y <$th the #a$+ object$,e o' th$s


There ha,e bee+ so #a+y as/ects a+d 'actors that co+tr$bute to a &ood ac0u$s$t$o+ o'

E+&%$sh7 Prob%e#s $+ /ro+u+c$at$o+ #ay cause so#e stude+ts to re'use to s/ea= the tar&et

%a+&ua&e7 Th$s <as ,ery co##o+ $+ our stude+ts <he+ they <ere 'aced to rea% %$'e

s$tuat$o+s <here E+&%$sh <as +eeded to co##u+$cate7

I+ order to a,o$d /rob%e#s $+ co##u+$cat$o+6 $t <as $#/orta+t to #a=e use o' a

&ood +at$,e-%$=e /ro+u+c$at$o+7 Th$s /roject <as $+te+ded to $#/ro,e E+&%$sh

 /ro+u+c$at$o+ $+ order to a,o$d #$su+dersta+d$+&s a+d e#barrass$+& s$tuat$o+s7

U+'ortu+ate%y6 $+ so#e cu%tures6 %$=e ours6 ha,$+& a bad /ro+u+c$at$o+ #ay #a=e us &o

throu&h +e&at$,e a+d e,e+ d$scr$#$+atory react$o+s just 'or ha,$+& a stro+& 'ore$&+ acce+t7

The %ear+$+& o' the /ro+u+c$at$o+ a+d /ho+et$c syste# o' E+&%$sh <as %ear+ed

$+d$,$dua%%y6 the+ $t <as co#b$+ed to '$+a%%y /roduce the %a+&ua&e a%#ost %$=e a +at$,e

s/ea=er7 Pract$c$+& each sou+d o' E+&%$sh cou%d he%/ stude+ts to be ab%e to /art$c$/ate $+

co##o+ s$tuat$o+s <$th co+'$de+ce a+d secur$ty7 Stress a+d $+to+at$o+ <ere a%so

co+s$dered $+ order to &et to ac0u$re a &ood acce+t &radua%%y a+d +atura%%y7

The IPA <as used as a bas$s to e(/%a$+ each o+e o' the sou+ds o' E+&%$sh7 So#e

sy#bo%s <ere s$#$%ar to the %etters used $+ the +or#a% a%/habet7 Stude+ts had to %ear+ that

so#e o' those sy#bo%s ha,e a d$''ere+t sou+d7 A%so6 o+ce %ear+$+& the IPA stude+ts <ere

ab%e to u+dersta+d the /ro+u+c$at$o+ &u$de o' a+y other d$ct$o+ary <he+e,er they had a

doubt o+ ho< to /ro+ou+ce a <ord7

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The order $+ <h$ch *aya Le+ des$&+ed her <or= <as the o+e used $+ order to

teach the se&#e+ta% a+d su/rase&#e+ta% as/ects o' %a+&ua&e7 The <ay $t <as or&a+$8ed

<as a//ro/r$ate 'or the de,e%o/#e+t o' th$s study7 A+d the 'act o' co+s$der$+& the +at$,e

%a+&ua&e o' stude+ts to teach the tar&et %a+&ua&e <as so#eth$+& <e ha,e to ta=e $+to

accou+t $' our #a$+ object$,e $s to he%/ our stude+ts ac0u$re a &ood /ro+u+c$at$o+ $+

E+&%$sh7 There <as a%so a source o' $+'or#at$o+ by Nash6 Rose6 9: <h$ch co#/ared

a+d co+trasted E+&%$sh a+d S/a+$sh #ore dee/%y6 a+d 'or th$s reaso+ $t <as se%ected to 'or#

 /art o' th$s /roject7


Th$s sect$o+ de,e%o/s the /r$+c$/%es ad,a+ced by Nash 9:7 Accord$+& to her

there are #$%%$o+s o' S/a+$sh +at$,e s/ea=ers that study E+&%$sh as a seco+d or 'ore$&+

%a+&ua&e7 1or e(a#/%e6 $+ the U+$ted States there are #a+y S/a+$sh s/ea=ers that +eed to

%ear+ E+&%$sh as a seco+d %a+&ua&e7 There are soc$a%6 eco+o#$c a+d /o%$t$ca% co+cer+s to

%ear+ th$s %a+&ua&e $+ th$s cou+try7

 Nash[s <or= <as $+te+ded to /ro,$de a &e+era% descr$/t$o+ o' the /ho+o%o&$ca% a+d

ortho&ra/h$c descr$/t$o+ o' the /ho+o%o&$ca% a+d ortho&ra/h$c corres/o+de+ces that create

d$''$cu%t$es 'or the S/a+$sh-s/ea=er %ear+er o' E+&%$sh7 It <as a use'u% #ethod that <as

des$&+ed 'or teacher tra$+ers6 but cou%d a%so be used by stude+ts <ho <$shed to $#/ro,e

the$r E+&%$sh /ro+u+c$at$o+7

The descr$/t$,e a//roach <as used here to teach the sou+d syste# o' E+&%$sh7

There <ere /ract$ca% act$,$t$es to %ear+ each sou+d $+d$,$dua%%y a+d $+ &rou/s7 A%so6 there

<as a+ a+a%ys$s o' the /ro+u+c$at$o+ errors6 a+d d$''er$+& /atter+s7 Both E+&%$sh a+d

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S/a+$sh sou+ds <ere co+trasted 'or a better u+dersta+d$+& o' the /roduct$o+ o' E+&%$sh

sou+ds7 The co+trast <as #ade by the use o' /ho+et$c sy#bo%s7

As <e =+o<6 there $s +o d$rect re%at$o+ bet<ee+ /ro+u+c$at$o+ a+d s/e%%$+&7 1or th$s

reaso+6 the h$+ts o+ /ro+u+c$at$o+ /ro,$ded here <ere treated as Y/ure ru%esZ7 There <ere

so#e t$/s that cou%d be co+s$dered as ru%es6 but there <ere a%<ays <ords that d$d +ot '$t $+

a+y o' the t$/s /ro,$ded7 But e,e+ those e(ce/t$o+s cou%d be %ear+ed by the stude+t7

I+ her <or= the author a%so states that there are d$''ere+t d$a%ects o' E+&%$sh $+

d$''ere+t /arts o' the <or%d7 I+ the U+$ted States $tse%' /ro+u+c$at$o+ ,ar$es a %ot 'ro#

re&$o+ to re&$o+7 The /o%$cy ado/ted here $s to /rese+t the ,ar$ety that e#/has$8ed

s$#$%ar$ty $+ the sou+ds o' the t<o %a+&ua&es6 a+d to #e+t$o+ other ,ar$a+ts $+ the

d$scuss$o+ +otes at the e+d o' each sect$o+7

I+ the $+troduct$o+ o' her <or=6 she re'erred to the E+&%$sh /oet oh+ ryde+ <ho

<rote6 YErrors6 %$=e stra<s6 u/o+ the sur'ace '%o< He <ho <ou%d search 'or /ear%s #ust

d$,e be%o<Z 9 Nash6 Rose6 :7 >$th these /hrases he #ea+t that $+ ac0u$r$+& or %ear+$+&

a %a+&ua&e <e a%ready =+o< <hat to e(/ect o+ a+ abstract $+tu$t$,e %e,e%7

I+ add$t$o+6 the author #e+t$o+ed that there are three d$''ere+t ty/es o' errors that

#ay occur <he+ so#eo+e $s %ear+$+& a %a+&ua&e7 The '$rst =$+d $s the o+e due to #e#ory

%a/ses6 'at$&ue6 or s/eech de'ects 9/hys$o%o&$ca%:6 the seco+d ty/e o' error $s de,e%o/#e+ta%

a+d the th$rd o+e $s tra+s'er <h$ch <as the /r$#ary 'ocus o' her <or=7

YTra+s'er errors resu%t <he+ a +at$,e %a+&ua&e /atter+ $s carr$ed o,er $+to a +o+-

+at$,e %a+&ua&e7 Tra+s'er errors a''ect the $+te%%$&$b$%$ty <he+ the %$ste+er does

+ot $+ter/ret the /atter+ the <ay the s/ea=er $+te+ded7 A&a$+6 th$s $s due to the

$+a//ro/r$ate tra+s'er o' accou+t s$&+a%s 'ro# the sou+d syste# o' the s/ea=er?s

+at$,e %a+&ua&e <h$ch the %$ste+er $+ter/reted accord$+& to the sou+d syste# o'

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h$s or her o<+ +at$,e %a+&ua&e7 e/e+d$+& o+ the acoust$c s$&+a%s $s +ot the

o+%y <ay to co##u+$cate6 there $s /%e+ty o' %$+&u$st$c a+d soc$a% co+te(t to he%/

$+ $de+t$'y$+& <ords a+d reco&+$8e the s/ea=er?s #essa&e7Z 9Nash6 :

  Pro+u+c$at$o+ errors are caused +ot o+%y by d$''ere+ces $+ sou+d syste#s6 <h$ch $s

ca%%ed YSou+d-to-Sou+dZ tra+s'er7 I+ add$t$o+ there $s YS/e%%$+&-to-S/e%%$+&Z tra+s'er7

These <ere the t<o =$+ds o' /ro+u+c$at$o+ errors that had to be d$st$+&u$shed a+d that

caused d$''$cu%t$es 'or the +o+-+at$,e %ear+er7 Stude+ts had to be e(/%a$+ed the reaso+ <hy

these %o&$ca% tra+s'er errors occur $+ %ear+$+& a %a+&ua&e7 YCross-%a+&ua&e d$''ere+ces $+

 /ro+u+c$at$o+ a+d s/e%%$+& tra+s'ers ca+ be obser,ed #ost c%ear%y $+ co&+ate <ords that $s6

E+&%$sh S/a+$sh <ord /a$rs that ha,e the sa#e Lat$+ or Gree= root6 a%thou&h there #ay +ot

a%<ays ha,e e(act%y the sa#e #ea+$+& $+ the co+te#/orary %a+&ua&es 9Nash6 ,$ :7

There <ere a%so /rosod$c errors $+ stress6 rhyth#6 a+d $+to+at$o+7 S/a+$sh a+d

E+&%$sh ha,e d$''ere+t <ays o' s$&+a%$+& e#/has$s a+d co+trast6 a+d d$''ere+t o,era%%

 /atter+s o' rhyth# a+d $+to+at$o+7 Nash su&&ested to co#/are /rosod$c as/ects o'

%a+&ua&e be'ore co#/ar$+& co+so+a+ts a+d ,o<e% sou+ds $+ order to %ear+ the correct


I+ th$s <or= there <ere just a 'e< /eda&o&$ca% h$+ts about teach$+& /rocedures $+

the c%assroo#7 It <as co+cer+ed <$th <hat to teach6 +ot ho< to teach /ro+u+c$at$o+7 Nash

stated that Y#ethods are best <or=ed out by the teacher6 <ho =+o<s the +eeds a+d

ca/ab$%$t$es o' the stude+tsZ7

The /ro+u+c$at$o+ that <as a+a%y8ed by the author o' th$s source <as the o+e

acce/ted as sta+dard $+ the >ester+ He#$s/here7 There <as a%so a sect$o+ o+ #ajor

d$a%ect$ca% ,ar$a+ts o' E+&%$sh a+d S/a+$sh7 The syste# o' tra+scr$/t$o+ used $+ th$s boo= $s

des$&+ed s/ec$'$ca%%y 'or cross-%a+&ua&e descr$/t$o+6 a+d #ay d$''er $+ so#e res/ects 'or

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those you ha,e 'ou+d $+ te(tboo=s dea%$+& <$th E+&%$sh /ho+et$cs6 or those used $+

 /ro+ou+c$+& d$ct$o+ar$es7

 Nash?s <or= dea%t <$th a &e+era% $+troduct$o+ to the bas$c co+ce/ts a+d

c%ass$'$cat$o+ that o+e +eeded to u+dersta+d6 a+d a sur,ey o' the sou+ds o' E+&%$sh a+d

S/a+$sh7 It a%so co#/ared the sou+d syste# $+ deta$%6 &rou/$+& to&ether sou+ds that shared

 /ho+et$c character$st$cs7 It to%d us ho< sou+ds <ere art$cu%ated a+d /erce$,ed a+d the <ay

they a''ected each other <he+ they <ere co#b$+ed $+ a <ord7

Ortho&ra/hy <as a%so co+s$dered to e(/%a$+ the ,ar$ous /ho+et$c ,a%ues 'or each

%etter a+d %etter co#b$+at$o+ $+ E+&%$sh a+d S/a+$sh7 S$#$%ar$t$es a+d d$''ere+ces <ere

co#/ared 'or a better u+dersta+d$+& o' the t<o sou+d syste#s6 es/ec$a%%y that o' E+&%$sh7

The #ode% /ro/osed by Nash co+tr$buted to the /rese+t study because o' the &reat

a#ou+t o' $+'or#at$o+ re%ated to the sou+d syste#s o' E+&%$sh a+d S/a+$sh7 Th$s study

$+te+ded to '$+d better <ays a+d tech+$0ues to teach E+&%$sh /ro+u+c$at$o+ to S/a+$sh

s/ea=ers7 Nash #e+t$o+ed a 'e< tech+$0ues that <ere co+s$dered 'or th$s /roject6 but the

co#/ar$so+ a+d co+trast o' the t<o %a+&ua&es /ro,$ded e(ce%%e+t $deas to '$+d better t$/s to

teach /ro+u+c$at$o+6 stress6 a+d $+to+at$o+7

The 'act o' a+a%y8$+& the d$a%ect o' E+&%$sh s/o=e+ $+ the >ester+ He#$s/here <as

use'u% 'or the de,e%o/#e+t o' th$s /roject7 A#er$ca+ E+&%$sh <as co+s$dered as the

sta+dard to co#/are a+d co+trast $t <$th S/a+$sh $+ order to better u+dersta+d <here a+d

ho< sou+ds are /roduced6 $+c%ud$+& stress a+d $+to+at$o+ o' the tar&et %a+&ua&e7

The d$''ere+t ty/es o' errors the author descr$bed $+ her <or=6 /ro,$ded better $deas

o+ they <ay th$s study <as co+ducted to 'u%'$%% the #a$+ object$,e o' th$s /roject6 that o'

 /ro,$d$+& teachers <$th tech+$0ues to teach E+&%$sh /ro+u+c$at$o+ to E1L stude+ts $+ a

 /ract$ca% a+d e+joyab%e <ay7

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There are d$''ere+t s=$%%s a+d sub-s=$%%s that ha,e to be co+s$dered $+ %a+&ua&e%ear+$+&7 Th$s study #a$+%y dea%t <$th the E+&%$sh /ho+et$cs co+s$der$+& the se&#e+ta%s

a+d su/rase&#e+ta%s7 These as/ects ha,e rece+t%y bee+ a &reat co+cer+ s$+ce $t has bee+

 /ro,ed that they are a%so $#/orta+t $+ the co##u+$cat$o+ /rocess7

The d$''ere+t sources co+su%ted 'or the de,e%o/#e+t o' th$s %$terature re,$e< had

e(ce%%e+t co+tr$but$o+s to ta=e $+to accou+t $+ order to 'u%'$%% <$th the #a$+ object$,e o' th$s

study7 Each author dea%t <$th E+&%$sh /ho+et$cs 'ro# a d$''ere+t /o$+t o' ,$e<6 th$s $s <hat

#ade th$s study #ore 'ru$t'u% a+d $+terest$+& 'or the &reat a#ou+t o' $deas shared $+ each


So#e /eo/%e had a%<ays thou&ht that /ho+et$cs <as a b$& bore7 The $dea o'

<or=$+& o+ th$s /roject <as to sho< teachers a+d stude+ts that %ear+$+& E+&%$sh

 /ro+u+c$at$o+6 stress a+d $+to+at$o+ cou%d be eas$er a+d #ore 'u+ tha+ they ha,e $#a&$+ed7

Th$s <as <hat I had $+ #$+d <he+ I dec$ded to carry out th$s study7



  I+ th$s cha/ter I <$%% descr$be the /rocedures used to co%%ect data re%ated to each o+e o'

the three research 0uest$o+s $+ <h$ch th$s /roject <as #a$+%y 'ocused7 The $+'or#at$o+

&athered to a+s<er each o+e o' the $ssues <$%% be do+e co+s$der$+& the assu#/t$o+s o' th$s

study7 The #a$+ /ur/ose <$%% be to '$+d the a//ro/r$ate $+'or#at$o+ that <ou%d res/o+d

e''ect$,e%y each o+e o' the $ssues7 A br$e' descr$/t$o+ o' the sources o' $+'or#at$o+ that

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#a=$+& use o' ,$sua% a$ds such as6 d$a&ra#s6 tab%es6 a+d charts7 Qua%$tat$,e research $s a%so

e(/%oratory6 th$s $s o+e o' the 'eatures o' th$s ty/e o' research that <as co+s$dered 'or the

de,e%o/#e+t o' th$s study <h$ch <as #a$+%y des$&+ed to e(/%ore /ro+u+c$at$o+ teach$+&

tech+$0ues 'or ESLE1L teachers7


I+$t$a%%y I had to 'ocus #y $+,est$&at$o+ o+ stud$es #ade by so#e other researchers

a+d sources o' $+'or#at$o+ re%ated to /ho+et$cs a+d /ho+et$cs teach$+& tech+$0ues7 Th$s $s

study <as bas$ca%%y based o+ the 'our d$''ere+t <or=s a%ready a+a%y8ed abo,e that

co+ta$+ed $+'or#at$o+ +eeded to acco#/%$sh th$s /roject7 I had to dec$de <hat data

$+'or#at$o+ to co+s$der or +ot7 The e(/er$e+ce I had as a+ E1L stude+t a+d as a teacher

sha/ed6 to certa$+ e(te+t6 the $+ter/retat$o+ o' the $+'or#at$o+ /ro,$ded $+ th$s $+,est$&at$o+7

*y #a$+ co+cer+ <as to de,e%o/ a /roject <here teachers cou%d see ho< $#/orta+t a+d

+ecessary $t <as to ha,e a &ood =+o<%ed&e o' the sou+d syste# o' E+&%$sh $+ order to =+o<

ho< to res/o+d to those /rob%e#s or doubts stude+ts cou%d ha,e about E+&%$sh /ho+et$cs7

A%so6 based o+ the '$+d$+&s o' th$s study6 teachers cou%d %ear+ <hat the ade0uate <ay to

teach E+&%$sh /ho+et$cs <as7 >hat I a%so co+s$dered $#/orta+t <as to %oo= 'or so#e

 /ract$ca% #ot$,at$+& $deas o+ ho< to #a=e stude+ts be $+terested $+ %ear+$+& the /ho+et$cs

o' E+&%$sh7


A descr$/t$o+ o' the &ather$+& tech+$0ues e#/%oyed throu&hout th$s research <as

#e+t$o+ed $+ th$s sect$o+7 The sources o' $+'or#at$o+ 'or #y /roject <ere the 'o%%o<$+&

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s/ec$a%$8ed te(ts <h$ch I se%ected because they /ro,$de us <$th theoret$ca% a+d /ract$ca%

h$+ts re%ated to the teach$+& o' E+&%$sh /ho+et$cs4

TEACHING PRONUNCIATION A Reference for Teachers of English to Speakers

of ther !anguages as <r$tte+ by *ar$a++e Ce%ce-*urc$a6 o++a *7 Br$+to+ a+d a+et *7

Good<$+7 Th$s source <as re%e,a+t to th$s /roject because $t co+ta$+ed a &reat dea% o'

&e+era% $+'or#at$o+ re%ated to the h$story o' E+&%$sh /ho+et$cs teach$+& throu&hout the

t$#e7 *ore s/ec$'$ca%%y the #ater$a% /rese+ted $+ cha/ters o+e a+d t<o <ere use'u% s$+ce

they ta%=ed about the d$''ere+t tech+$0ues that each a//roach co+s$dered to teach

 /ro+u+c$at$o+6 stress a+d $+to+at$o+7 A%so6 o+ cha/ter t<o Ce%ce-*urc$a e(/%a$+ed <$th

#uch deta$% the research o+ the teach$+& a+d ac0u$s$t$o+ o' /ro+u+c$at$o+ s=$%%s7 She

#e+t$o+ed as/ects such as6 a&e6 att$tude6 a/t$tud a+d #ot$,at$o+ that ha,e to be ta=e+ $+to

accou+t <he+ teach$+& E+&%$sh /ho+et$cs7

PRONUNCIATION by Chr$st$a++e a%to+ ) Barbara Se$d%ho'er7 The source o'

$+'or#at$o+ <as /rese+ted $+ three d$''ere+t sect$o+s4 Sect$o+ o+e /ro,$ded us <$th a+

e(/%a+at$o+ o+ the s$&+$'$ca+ce o' $+te%%$&$b%e /ro+u+c$at$o+ $+ order to co##u+$cate

e''ect$,e%y $+ E+&%$sh7 a%to+ a+d Se$d%ho'er a%so e(/%a$+ed ho< +ecessary $t <as to &et

so#e =+o<%ed&e o' the E+&%$sh /ho+et$cs e#/has$8$+& /ro+u+c$at$o+6 stress6 a+d

$+to+at$o+7 Th$s <as the se0ue+ce the authors used to e(/%a$+ each o+e o' these as/ects7

Sect$o+ t<o de#o+strated ho< each o+ o' these as/ects <ere actua%%y a//%$ed $+ the

c%assroo#6 but s/ec$'$ca%%y /a&es K throu&h /ro,$ded the +ecessary $+'or#at$o+ that

<as +eeded to '$+d a /ro,ed se0ue+ce to teach the se&#e+ta%s a+d su/rase&#e+ta%s $+ the

order that <as $+te+ded to teach the# $+ th$s /roject7 Sect$o+ three <as a%so use'u% s$+ce $t

dea%t <$th so#e other tech+$0ues a+d tas=s to teach E+&%$sh /ho+et$cs7 Each tas= co+s$dered

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the a$#6 resources6 /rocedure a+d e,a%uat$o+ o' each tech+$0ue used to teach /ro+u+c$at$o+6

stress6 a+dor $+to+at$o+7

CO*PARING ENGLISH AN SPANISH by Rose Nash <as o+e #ore source o'

$+'or#at$o+ that s/ec$'$ca%%y had to do <$th co+trast$+& the sou+d syste#s o' both E+&%$sh

a+d S/a+$sh7 Parts t<o 9Pho+o%o&y: a+d three 9Ortho&ra/hy: <ere o' &reat he%/ to '$+d t$/s

to better e(/%a$+ the re%at$o+ bet<ee+ s/e%%$+& a+d /ro+u+c$at$o+ a+d <here a+d ho<

sou+ds <ere actua%%y /roduced $+ the tar&et %a+&ua&e #a$+%y7

.ISS FOUR ACCENT Goodbye\ By *aya Le+ *e$s <$th .$tty o+es <as a%so

co+s$dered $+ &e+era% s$+ce $t dea%t s/ec$'$ca%%y <$th those sou+ds that caused #ore troub%e

to S/a+$sh s/ea=ers o' E+&%$sh7 The $%%ustrat$,e a+d #ot$,at$+& ,$sua%s $+ her <or= <ere

&$,e+ s/ec$a% atte+t$o+ s$+ce $t <as o+e #ore o' the character$st$cs co+s$dered $+ the

de,e%o/#e+t o' th$s /roject4 to #a=e the %ear+$+& o' /ho+et$cs 'u+ 'or the %ear+er a+d

teacher as <e%%7

These sources o' $+'or#at$o+ <ere bas$ca%%y co+s$dered $+ the order they <ere

 /rese+ted because the$r %$+=s he%/ed to de,e%o/ th$s study the <ay $t <as $+te+ded <he+ I

'$rst dec$ded to se%ect th$s to/$c 'or #y /roject7 Bes$des that6 so#e <eb s$tes <ere a%so

co+su%ted s$+ce they o''ered use'u% #ater$a% to su//%e#e+t a+d co#/%e#e+t the $+'or#at$o+





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I+ order to co%%ect data re%ated to th$s $ssue6 I se%ected t<o o' the 'our sources

#e+t$o+ed abo,e4 TEACHING PRONUNCIATION A Reference for Teachers of English

to Speakers of ther !anguages as <r$tte+ by *ar$a++e Ce%ce-*urc$a6 o++a *7 Br$+to+

a+d a+et *7 Good<$+6 a+d PRONUNCIATION by Chr$st$a++e a%to+ ) Barbara

Se$d%ho'er7 Ce%ce-*urc$a /ro,$ded us <$th the h$story a+d sco/e o' /ro+u+c$at$o+ teach$+&6

the d$''ere+t a//roaches $+ %a+&ua&e %ear+$+& $+ the /ast a+d today6 a+d the d$''ere+t

tech+$0ues6 too%s a+d /ract$ce #ater$a%s that ha,e trad$t$o+a%%y bee+ used a+d are st$%% be$+&

used to teach /ro+u+c$at$o+7

Chr$st$a++e a%to+ ) Barbara Se$d%ho'er dea%t <$th so#e o' the #ost re%e,a+t

tech+$0ues re%ated to /ho+et$cs teach$+&6 $+ the$r <or= they #e+t$o+ed so#e o' the <ays $+

<h$ch teachers ca+ e(/%ore a+d #a=e use o' the theoret$ca% a+d /eda&o&$c a//roaches to

 /ro+u+c$at$o+7 They su&&ested to re'%ect o+ our teach$+&6 es/ec$a%%y o+ /ro+u+c$at$o+

teach$+& a+d '$+d better <ays to he%/ our stude+ts o,erco#e /rob%e#s $+ /ro+u+c$at$o+6

stress6 a+d $+to+at$o+7


I+ order to &ather data co++ected to th$s $ssue I se%ected the sa#e sources o'

$+'or#at$o+ used to a+s<er 0uest$o+ 4 *ar$a++e Ce%ce-*urc$a #e+t$o+ed the use o' the

a+a%yt$c-%$+&u$st$c a//roach <h$ch #a=es use o' descr$/t$,e #ater$a%s such as charts6 'ace

d$a&ra#s6 a+d co+trast$,e $+'or#at$o+7 Th$s a//roach #a$+%y 'ocused atte+t$o+ o+ the

 /ro+u+c$at$o+6 stress a+d $+to+at$o+ o' the tar&et %a+&ua&e6 E+&%$sh7

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The other source o' $+'or#at$o+ <as the o+e <r$tte+ by Chr$st$a++e a%to+ )

Barbara Se$d%ho'er <here $+ the$r <or= they #e+t$o+ed the use o' t<o a//roaches to the

teach$+& o' /ro+u+c$at$o+6 stress6 a+d $+to+at$o+4 the botto#-u/ a//roach <h$ch be&$+s

<$th the art$cu%at$o+ o' ,o<e% a+d co+so+a+t sou+ds a+d <or=$+& u/ to<ards $+to+at$o+6

a+d $+ the other case <e had the to/-do<+ a//roach <h$ch be&$+s <$th /atter+s o'

$+to+at$o+ a+d br$+&s se/arate sou+ds $+to sha/er 'ocus as a+d <he+ re0u$red7 The 'or#er

$s the a//roach that <as co+s$dered to dea% <$th those as/ects o' %a+&ua&e $+ 0uest$o+7 I+

short6 these t<o sources d$d /ro,$de the +ecessary $+'or#at$o+ to a+s<er th$s 0uest$o+7


  To ac0u$re data 'or th$s $ssue6 I se%ected the source o' $+'or#at$o+ <r$tte+ by *ar$a++e

Ce%ce-*urc$a <here she ta%=ed about the d$''ere+t ty/es o' #ot$,at$o+ that shou%d be

co+s$dered to he%/ stude+ts $#/ro,e the$r /ro+u+c$at$o+6 stress6 a+d $+to+at$o+7 Three s$tes

<ere a%so ta=e+ $+to accou+t to co#/%e#e+t th$s /art o' the study7

  The t$#e s/e+t $+ %oo=$+& 'or s$tes that <ou%d co#/%e#e+t the #ater$a% /rese+ted o+ th$s

 /art o' the /roject <as about '$,e hours7 The $dea <as just to %oo= 'or so#e s$tes that

teachers cou%d a%so reco##e+d to the$r stude+ts $+ order to /ract$ce %$ste+$+& to E+&%$sh

sou+ds a+d so#e other aud$o act$,$t$es7 Perso+a% co+tr$but$o+s <ere a%so ta=e+ $+to accou+t

to co#/%e#e+t th$s /art o' the study7 *ater$a%s such as &a#es a+d $deas 'ro# so#e other

sources o' $+'or#at$o+ <ere a%so co+s$dered7


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  Co+s$der$+& that $t $s $#/orta+t 'or teachers to ac0u$re so#e &ood =+o<%ed&e $+

 /ro+u+c$at$o+ /eda&o&y6 I dec$ded to start to co%%ect data re%ated to E+&%$sh /ho+et$cs7 To

acco#/%$sh th$s6 I co+su%ted #ater$a% such as6 te(tboo=s a+d <ebs$tes7 The 'our sources o'

$+'or#at$o+ that <ere bas$ca%%y used 'or the de,e%o/#e+t o' th$s study <ere se%ected 'ro#

the &reat ,ar$ety o' boo=s o+ the #ar=et7

The $dea <as to '$+d <or=s that <ou%d he%/ #e 'u%'$%% <$th the #a$+ object$,e o' th$s

 /roject7 Each source co+su%ted dea%t <$th the sou+d syste# o' E+&%$sh 'ro# d$''ere+t /o$+ts

o' ,$e<7 So <hat I d$d <as to '$+d a te(tboo= that <ou%d /ro,$de #e <$th &e+era%

$+'or#at$o+ about E+&%$sh /ho+et$cs o+e that <ou%d co+trast E+&%$sh a+d S/a+$sh a+d o+e

that <ou%d &$,e #e so#e t$/s or $deas o+ ho< to #a=e the %ear+$+& o' /ho+et$cs attract$,e6

e+joyab%e a+d 'u+ 'or the teachers a+d the stude+ts as <e%%7

A%so6 so#e <ebs$tes <ere ,$s$ted $+ order to &et so#e h$+ts a+d act$,$t$es that cou%d

su//%e#e+t a+d co#/%e#e+t the t$/s /ro,$ded o+ the /ho+et$c tra$+$+& tech+$0ue sect$o+

'ou+d o+ cha/ter 'our o' th$s research /roject7



1or th$s /art o' the study the $+'or#at$o+ &athered 'or each o+e o' the three research

0uest$o+s <as a+a%y8ed res/ect$+& the order $+ <h$ch they <ere /rese+ted o+ the Research

Quest$o+s sect$o+7


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To address the $ssues o' /ro+u+c$at$o+6 stress6 a+d $+to+at$o+ de,e%o/#e+t $t <as

+ecessary to tur+ to the <or=s o' *ar$a++e Ce%ce-*urc$a6 o++a *7 Br$+to+ a+d a+et *7

Good<$+ a+d Chr$st$a++e a%to+ ) Barbara Se$d%ho'er7

Accord$+& to Ce%ce-*urc$a $+ the /ast /ro+u+c$at$o+ teach$+& had bee+ tau&ht

accord$+& to the #ethod o' $+struct$o+ used $+ the c%assroo# to teach a 'ore$&+ %a+&ua&e7

1or so#e o' those #ethods such as the Gra##ar Tra+s%at$o+6 Read$+&-based a//roaches6

a+d the Co&+$t$,e a//roach the teach$+& o' /ro+u+c$at$o+ <as %ar&e%y $rre%e,a+t7

S$+ce the M33s a+d ear%y 33s6 $+ the $rect #ethod /ro+u+c$at$o+ <as tau&ht

throu&h $+tu$t$o+ a+d $#$tat$o+7 Y L$ste+ a+d $#$tateZ <as the tech+$0ue used $+ th$s

#ethod6 stude+ts %$ste+ed to a #ode% a+d re/eated or $#$tated $t7 Ta/e recorders6 %a+&ua&e

%abs6 a+d ,$deo recorders <ere h$&h%y used to teach th$s as/ect o' %a+&ua&e 9Ce%ce-*urc$a6

K :7

There <as a /er$od $+ %a+&ua&e teach$+& that ha//e+ed $+ the M3s6 the Re'or#

*o,e#e+t 'or# <h$ch the '$rst %$+&u$st$c or a+a%yt$c co+tr$but$o+ to /ro+u+c$at$o+ teach$+&

e#er&ed7 Th$s #o,e#e+t <as $+'%ue+ced by /ho+et$c$a+s such as He+ry Sheet6 >$%%$a#

D$]tor6 a+d Pau% Passy <ho '$rst 'or#ed the I+ter+at$o+a% Pho+et$c Assoc$at$o+ $+ MMK a+d

de,e%o/ed the I+ter+at$o+a% Pho+et$c A%/habet 9IPA:7

1o%%o<$+& are the +ot$o+s a+d /ract$ces that6 accord$+& to th$s author6 $+'%ue+ced

#oder+ %a+&ua&e teach$+&4

- The s/o=e+ 'or# o' a %a+&ua&e $s /r$#ary a+d shou%d be tau&ht '$rst7

- The '$+d$+&s o' /ho+et$cs shou%d be a//%$ed to %a+&ua&e teach$+&

- Teachers #ust ha,e so%$d tra$+$+& $+ /ho+et$cs

- Lear+ers shou%d be &$,e+ /ho+et$c tra$+$+& to estab%$sh &ood s/eech

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Pho+et$c tra$+$+& tech+$0ue <as the +a#e &$,e+ by the /ho+et$c$a+s #e+t$o+ed abo,e7

Th$s tech+$0ue #ade use o' art$cu%atory descr$/t$o+s6 art$cu%ators d$a&ra#6 a+d /ho+et$c

a%/habet7 Stude+ts <ere $+,o%,ed $+ /ho+et$c tra+scr$/t$o+s as <e%% as read$+& /ho+et$ca%%y

tra+scr$bed te(t7 Th$s $s the tech+$0ue that <as #a$+%y co+s$dered to /ro,$de teachers <$th

so#e too%s to he%/ the$r stude+ts o,erco#e /rob%e#s $+ /ro+u+c$at$o+6 stress a+d


Y*a+y h$stor$es o' %a+&ua&e teach$+& 9e7&76 Ho<att M: be%$e,e that the Re'or#

*o,e#e+t /%ayed a ro%e $+ the de,e%o/#e+t o' Aud$o%$+&ua%$s# $+ the U+$ted States a+d o'

the Ora% A//roach $+ Br$ta$+ dur$+& the 3s a+d J3sZ 9Ce%ce-*urc$a6 K :7Z

Pro+u+c$at$o+ <as ,ery $#/orta+t $+ the t<o Aud$o%$+&ua% a+d Ora% P/roaches6 $t <as

tau&ht 'ro# the be&$++$+&7 The teacher or a record$+& #ode%ed a s/eech sou+d6 a <ord6 or

certa$+ uttera+ce a+d the stude+ts had to $#$tate or re/eat7 Teachers <ho #ade use o' the

Aud$o%$+&ua% A//roach a%so #ade use o' $+'or#at$o+ 'ro# /ho+et$cs6 such as charts6 'ace

d$a&ra#s a+d so#e other ,$sua% #ater$a% to teach th$s as/ect o' %a+&ua&e7

*$+$#a% /a$r <as a tech+$0ue used by the Aud$o%$+&ua% A//roach $+ <h$ch stude+ts

had to d$st$+&u$sh bet<ee+ s$#$%ar a+d /rob%e#at$c sou+ds $+ the tar&et %a+&ua&e7 Both

%$ste+$+& d$scr$#$+at$o+ a+d &u$ded ora% /ract$ce <ere h$&h%y reco##e+ded to teach

 /ro+u+c$at$o+ ,$a th$s tech+$0ue 9Ce%ce-*urc$a6 K :7

The re'erred author a%so stated that there <as o+e #ore tech+$0ue used by #a$+%y

the S$%e+t >ay 9a #ethod that a//eared to ha,e a s/ec$a% 'ocus o+ teach$+& /ro+u+c$at$o+:

<as the so-ca%%ed ,$sua% a$ds tech+$0ue that ut$%$8ed ,$sua%s6 such as sou+d co%or charts

<h$ch <ere created by Gatte&+o $+ MJ to by/ass the ear7 It co+ta$+ed a%% the ,o<e%s a+d

co+so+a+t sou+ds o' a tar&et %a+&ua&e $+ se,era% co%ored recta+&%es7 A%so6 th$s #ethod

#ade use o' 1$de% <a%% charts <h$ch co+ta$+ed a%% /oss$b%e s/e%%$+& /atter+s 'or each sou+d

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$+ the %a+&ua&e7 These %ast charts <ere a%#ost the sa#e s$8e as the co%or charts 1$de% <a%%

charts re'%ected a+d re$+'orced the syste# used $+ the sou+d co%or chart7

The author a%so #e+t$o+ed so#e other tech+$0ues that <ere trad$t$o+a%%y used a+d

are st$%% be$+& used to teach /ro+u+c$at$o+4

a: Co+te(tua%$8ed #$+$#a% /a$rs4 $t <as a tech+$0ue <here the sett$+& <as

estab%$shed a+d =ey ,ocabu%ary <as /rese+ted stude+ts <ere tra$+ed to

res/o+d to a se+te+ce ste# <$th the a//ro/r$ate #ea+$+&'u% res/o+se7

 b: To+&ue t<$sters4 $t <as a tech+$0ue used 'or# s/eech correct$o+ strate&$es

'or +at$,e s/ea=ers7 It had a%so bee+ co+s$dered to teach sou+ds o' the tar&et

%a+&ua&e7 It resu%ted 'u+ 'or stude+ts <ho tr$ed to say the to+&ue t<$ster7

c: e,e%o/#e+ta% a//ro($#at$o+ dr$%%s4 $t <as a tech+$0ue su&&ested by '$rst-

%a+&ua&e ac0u$s$t$o+ stud$es $+ <h$ch seco+d %a+&ua&e %ear+ers <ere tau&ht

to retrace to ste/s that #a+y E+&%$sh s/ea=$+& ch$%dre+ 'o%%o<ed as they

ac0u$red certa$+ sou+ds $+ the$r '$rst %a+&ua&e7 Th$s tech+$0ue 'ocused

#a$+%y o+ those sou+ds adu%t %ear+ers had d$''$cu%ty <$th7 1$rst6 they <ere

tau&ht easy sou+ds that a//ro($#ated to those sou+ds that <ere d$''$cu%t to

 /roduce by +o+-+at$,e s/ea=ers7

d: Pract$ce o' ,o<e% sh$'ts a+d stress re%ated by a''$(at$o+4 Th$s <as a

tech+$0ue that <as based o+ ru%es o' &e+erat$,e /ho+o%o&y a+d $t <as used

<$th $+ter#ed$ate or ad,a+ced %ear+ers7 YThe teacher /o$+ts out the ru%e-

 based +ature o' ,o<e% a+d stress sh$'ts $+ ety#o%o&$ca%%y re%ated <ords to

ra$se a<are+ess se+te+ces a+d short te(ts that co+ta$+ed both #e#bers o' a

 /a$r #ay be /ro,$ded as ora% /ract$ce #ater$a%7

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e: Read$+& a%oudrec$tat$o+4 Th$s <as a tech+$0ue that #ade use o' /assa&es or

scr$/ts 'or %ear+ers to /ract$ce a+d the+ read a%oud6 'ocus$+& o+ stress6

t$#$+&6 a+d $+to+at$o+7 *e#or$8at$o+ o' the te(t cou%d or cou%d +ot be

$+,o%,ed6 a+d $t usua%%y occurred <$th &e+res that <ere $+te+ded to be

s/o=e+6 such as s/eeches6 /oe#s6 /%ays6 a+d d$a%o&ues7

': Record$+& o' %ear+ers? /roduct$o+4 Rehearsed a+d s/o+ta+eous s/eeches6

'ree co+,ersat$o+6 a+d ro%e /%ays <ere aud$ota/ed a+d ,$deota/ed7 Stude+ts

<ere &$,e+ 'eedbac= 'ro# teachers a+d other stude+ts as <e%% as 'or

teachers6 /eer6 a+d se%'-e,a%uat$o+7



To co%%ect data re&ard$+& th$s $ssue6 the /r$+c$/%es de,e%o/ed by *ar$a++e Ce%ce-

*urc$a6 o++a *7 Br$+to+ a+d a+et *7 Good<$+ a+d Chr$st$a++e a%to+ ) Barbara

Se$d%ho'er <ere a%so co+su%ted7

I+ her <or= Ce%ce-*urc$a stated that /ro+u+c$at$o+ be&a+ to be stud$ed

syste#at$ca%%y short%y be'ore the be&$++$+& o' the t<e+t$eth ce+tury7 The author a%so

#e+t$o+ed that there <ere t<o &e+era% a//roaches to the teach$+& o' /ro+u+c$at$o+4 The

$+tu$t$,e-$#$tat$,e a//roach a+d the a+a%yt$c-%$+&u$st$c a//roach7 I+ &e+era% ter#s6 the

'or#er a//roach de/e+ded o+ the %ear+ers? ab$%$ty to %$ste+ to a+d $#$tate the rhyth#s a+d

sou+d o' the tar&et %a+&ua&e <$thout the $+ter,e+t$o+ o' a+y e(/%$c$t $+'or#at$o+7 Th$s sa#e

a//roach /resu//osed the a,a$%ab$%$ty o' &ood #ode%s to %$ste+ to6 they #ade use o'

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To 'u%'$%% <$th the #a$+ object$,e o' th$s study6 Pho+et$c tra$+$+& <as se%ected 'ro#

the d$''ere+t =$+ds o' tech+$0ues used throu&hout the t$#e7 O+e o' the reaso+s <hy $t <as

se%ected <as that $t <as re%ated to <hat the a+a%yt$c-%$+&u$st$c a//roach /ro/osed7 A+d

 because Yo+%y throu&h a thorou&h =+o<%ed&e o' the E+&%$sh sou+d syste# a+d throu&h

'a#$%$ar$ty <$th a ,ar$ety o' /eda&o&$ca% tech+$0ues6 #a+y o' <h$ch shou%d be

co##u+$cat$,e%y or$e+ted6 ca+ teachers e''ect$,e%y address the /ro+u+c$at$o+ +eeds o' the$r

stude+ts 9Ce%ce-*urc$a6 K :7

A%so the author $+ her <or= stated that $+ the /ast there <as a debate bet<ee+ the

teach$+& o' se&#e+ta% a+d the su/rase&#e+ta% 'eatures o' %a+&ua&e7 *ater$a% de,e%o/ers

a+d teachers dec$ded that the correct se0ue+ce to teach the tar&et %a+&ua&e

co##u+$cat$,e%y to +o+-+at$,e s/ea=ers <as by '$rst teach$+& the su/rase&#e+ta%s 9$7e76

rhyth#6 stress a+d $+to+at$o+:7 But so#e other #ater$a% de,e%o/ers a+d teachers a&reed that

a ba%a+ce $+ the teach$+& o' se&#e+ta% a+d su/rase&#e+ta% 'eatures o' %a+&ua&e cou%d br$+&

e(ce%%e+t resu%ts a+d a /os$t$,e $#/act o+ the ora% co##u+$cat$o+ a+d the %$ste+$+&

co#/rehe+s$o+ ab$%$t$es o' +o++at$,e s/ea=ers o' E+&%$sh6 our #a$+ co+cer+ here S/a+$sh

s/ea=ers 9Ce%ce-*urc$a6 K6 / 3:7

Chr$st$a++e a%to+ ) Barbara Se$d%ho'er #e+t$o+ed the +a#es o' t<o a//roaches to

teach$+& /ro+u+c$at$o+4 The botto#-u/ a//roach a+d the to/-do<+ a//roach the 'or#er

 be&a+ by teach$+& the art$cu%at$o+ o' $+d$,$dua% ,o<e%s a+d co+so+a+ts a+d <or=ed u/

to<ards $+to+at$o+7 A+d the %atter a//roach be&a+ <$th /atter+s o' $+to+at$o+ a+d brou&ht

se/arate sou+ds $+to sha/er 'ocus as a+d <he+ re0u$red 9a%to+6 6 // K-3:7

I+ th$s /roject the botto#-u/ a//roach <as co+s$dered to sho< teachers ho<

 /ho+et$cs tra$+$+& ca+ be dea%t <$th $+ a rea% c%assroo# sett$+& by #a=$+& use o' the

$+'or#at$o+ a+d too%s /ro/osed by the a+a%yt$c-%$+&u$st$c a//roach7 So#e o' the $deas

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 /ro/osed by the $+tu$t$,e a//roach a+d the tech+$0ues a+d /ract$ce #ater$a%s used

trad$t$o+a%%y by teachers <ho <ere $+ 'a,or o' other #ethods a+d a//roaches <ere ta=e+

$+to accou+t to su//%e#e+t a+d co#/%e#e+t the tech+$0ue $+ <h$ch th$s study <as #a$+%y

'ocused6 /ho+et$c tra$+$+& tech+$0ue7


  1o%%o<$+& are se,e+ su&&ested ste/s $+ order to teach E+&%$sh /ro+u+c$at$o+6 stress a+d

$+to+at$o+ to S/a+$sh +at$,e s/ea=ers7 The se0ue+ce /rese+ted to teach these as/ects o'

%a+&ua&e <as based o+ the botto#-u/ a//roach co+s$der$+& the $deas &$,e+ by the a+a%yt$c-%$+&u$st$c a//roach7 The $+'or#at$o+ /ro,$ded here #ay be #od$'$ed a+d ada/ted accord$+&

to the a&e6 %e,e% o' E+&%$sh a+d c%assroo# s$tuat$o+7


Step 3:  Teachers start by sho<$+& the$r stude+ts the 1ace $a&ra#7

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Fi#ure 3: Dia#ra! of Or#an of Speech


Source: S/eech Or&a+s4 htt/4<<<edu7+=+u7edu7t<_e+&%$shso7ht#

INSTRUCTIONS4 It $s $#/orta+t to e#/has$8e <here a+d ho< sou+ds are actua%%y

 /roduced7 Teachers sho< the$r stude+ts a chart o' the ,oca% a//aratus a+d e(/%a$+ to the#

the d$''ere+t art$cu%ators used $+ the /roduct$o+ o' sou+ds7 It $s +ot reco##e+ded to o+%y

teach stude+ts tech+$ca% ter#s to descr$be each art$cu%ator6 but a%so to &$,e the# a+ e(a#/%e

o' a sou+d so they ca+ ,$sua%$8e <here a+d ho< $t $s be$+& /roduced7 1or e(a#/%e teachers

ca+ te%% the stude+ts that the t  sou+d $+ S/a+$sh $s /roduced by /%ac$+& the t$/ o' the

to+&ue beh$+d the u//er teeth6 a+d that $+ E+&%$sh the t  sou+d $s /roduced by /%ac$+& the

t$/ o' the to+&ue o+ the a%,eo%ar r$d&e7 Teachers +eed to re#e#ber that %ater $t $s

reco##e+ded to co+trast the <ay sou+ds are /roduced $+ the t<o %a+&ua&es 'or a better

u+dersta+d$+& o' ho< sou+ds are actua%%y /roduced $+ E+&%$sh s/ec$a%%y7

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S.E$ 4: Teachers sho< the$r stude+ts the ,o<e% charts o' E+&%$sh a+dS/a+$sh

Fi#ure 4: Contrative vo-el chart of En#lih an' Spanih

S$ANIS1  front central "ac5 front central "ac5 

hi#h 6 i 6 6 u 6 hi#h

!i' 6 e 6 6 o 6 6 eu6 6ei6 6oi6 !i'

lo- 6 a 6 6au6 6ai6 lo-

  unroun'e' e!i roun'e' unroun'e' e!i roun'e'  roun'e' roun'e'


  front central "ac5 front central "ac5 

  unroun'e' e!i roun'e' unroun'e' e!i roun'e'  roun'e' roun'e'

Source: 9 Nash6 Rose6 :

hi#h 6 I 6 6 U 6 6 i 6 6 u 6 hi#h

!i' 6 6 6 ∂ 6 6 e 6 6o6 6oI6 !i'

lo- 6 7 6 6 a 6 6 Ɔ  6 6aU6 6aI6 lo-

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INS.RUC.IONS: By #a=$+& use ,o<e% charts a+d a 'ace d$a&ra#6 teachers e(/%a$+ to

the$r stude+ts the ,o<e% sou+ds o' the +at$,e %a+&ua&e a+d the tar&et %a+&ua&e7 Co+trast the

t<o charts $+ order to %oo= at the d$''ere+ces bet<ee+ the#7 Based o+ the ,o<e% charts

teachers te%% or as= stude+ts ho< #a+y sy#bo%s there are $+ S/a+$sh a+d ho< #a+y $+

E+&%$sh7 Teachers as= stude+ts to descr$be each ,o<e% sou+d o' S/a+$sh a+d E+&%$sh

#a=$+& use o' the 'o%%o<$+& cr$ter$a4


a* A'vance!ent of the ton#ue


"* 1ei#ht of the ton#ue


c* Lip roun'in#


'* .enene ) For En#lih vo-el oun' *


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38 Spanih vo-el oun' 'ecription:

6 i 6 'ro+t h$&h u+rou+ded6 e 6 'ro+t #$d u+rou+ded6 a 6 ce+tra% %o< u+rou+ded

6 u 6  bac= h$&h rou+ded6 o 6  bac= #$d rou+ded

48 En#lih vo-el oun' 'ecription

6 i 6 'ro+t h$&h u+rou+ded te+se

6 I 6 'ro+t h$&h u+rou+ded %a(

6 e 6 'ro+t #$d u+rou+ded te+se

6 6 'ro+t #$d u+rou+ded %a(

6 7 6 'ro+t %o< u+rou+ded %a(

6 a 6 ce+tra% %o< se#$rou+ded %a(

6 ∂ 6 ce+tra% #$d se#$rou+ded te+se%a(

6 u 6  bac= h$&h rou+ded te+se

6 U 6  bac= h$&h rou+ded %a(

6 o 6  bac= #$d rou+ded te+se

6 Ɔ 6  bac= %o< rou+ded %a(

  O+ce the teachers ha,e a%ready e(/%a$+ed <here a+d ho< each ,o<e% sou+d $s /roduced

$+ S/a+$sh as <e%% as $+ E+&%$sh7 They +eed to /ro,$de the$r stude+ts <$th so#e t$/s to

#a=e $t eas$er 'or the# to $de+t$'y <he+ each sou+d occurs $+ a <ord7 Teachers #a=e use o'

the 'o%%o<$+& charts that $+c%ude so#e o' the #ost ty/$ca% s/e%%$+&s 'or each ,o<e% sou+d $+

E+&%$sh7 So#e e(a#/%es ha,e bee+ /ro,$ded to &$,e teachers a+ $dea o+ ho< to a//%y th$s

$+ the c%assroo#7 The arro< $+ each o' the 'o%%o<$+& charts #ea+s that there $s a cha+&e $+

the 0ua%$ty o' the or$&$+a% sou+d7

Source: The $dea 'or the de,e%o/#e+t o' these charts <as &otte+ 'ro# a co+'ere+ce o+

E+&%$sh /ho+et$cs &$,e+ by *aya Le+ *e$s $+ *e($co $+ K7

/ O 0 E L S O U N D S

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 The ty/$ca% s/e%%$+& 'or the I  sou+d $+ E+&%$sh $s <he+ %etter i  occurs bet<ee+ t<o

co+so+a+t sou+ds7 The I  sou+d beco#es ɚ   <he+ the co+so+a+t to the r$&ht $s

the r  sou+d 7 There #$&ht be e(ce/t$o+s7

Fi#ure >: .(pical pellin# for the pro'uction of the 6 e 6 oun' in En#lih8

6 e 6 6 ɚ  6 ECE$.IONS

+a( +ai +air

a( 0ait chair fair !ountain

pa( Bait tair airport fountain

-a( trai#ht pair certain

"a( hair a( + ai'

to'a( air a#ain

  The ty/$ca% s/e%%$+& 'or the e  sou+d $+ E+&%$sh $s  a( a+d  ai7 The e  sou+d

 beco#es ɚ  / <he+ s/ec$'$ca%%y the  ai co#b$+at$o+ $s /receded by the r  sou+d7

There #$&ht be e(ce/t$o+s7

Fi#ure ?: .(pical pellin# for the pro'uction of the 6 6 oun' in En#lih8

6 6Letter e "et-een

cononant:  C<<<<<C

6 ɚ  6



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#et ev@nt her rec@ive

"et r@cipe per "ehn'

et rep@at



  The ty/$ca% s/e%%$+& 'or the /roduct$o+ o' the sou+d $s <he+ the %etter e occurs

 bet<ee+ t<o co+so+a+ts <$th$+ a stressed sy%%ab%e7 The sou+d beco#es ɚ   <he+the co+so+a+t to the r$&ht $s the r  sou+d7 There #$&ht be e(ce/t$o+s7

Fi#urte : .(pical pellin# for the pro'uction of the 6 7 6 oun' in En#lih8

6 7 6Letter a "et-een



6 a 6



cat la" car care

rat "a# "ar "are

"at lat tar late

"ac5 "a' far !ate

ac5 that crpenter rate

  The ty/$ca% s/e%%$+& 'or the æ  sou+d $s <he+ the %etter a occurs bet<ee+ to co+so+a+ts <$th$+ a stressed sy%%ab%e7 The  æ  sou+d beco#es  a  <he+ the co+so+a+tto

the r$&ht $s the r sou+d7 There #$&ht be e(ce/t$o+s7

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Fi#ure : .(pical pellin# for the pro'uction of the 6 a 6 oun' in En#lih

6 a 6Letter o "et-eencononant:


6 Ɔ  6

C<<<<< R 


hot 'o'#e for 'o#

not lot nor lot

2o' ro' Lor' lon#

#ot loc5 corn on#

pot pot !ore !ot

The ty/$ca% s/e%%$+& 'or the /roduct$o+ o' the a  sou+d $s <he+ the %etter o occurs bet<ee+

t<o co+so+a+ts <$th$+ a stressed sy%%ab%e7 The a  sou+d beco#es Ɔ  <he+ the

co+so+a+t to the r$&ht $s the  r  sou+d7 There #$&ht be e(ce/t$o+s7

Fi#ure : .(pical pellin# for the pro'uction of the 6 ∂ 6 oun' in En#lih8

6 ∂  6Letter u"et-een

Cononant:  C<<<<<C

6 ɚ   6



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"u 'ut fur cute

"ut !ut !ute + clue

cut ru# put + puh

hut hu# "ull + "uh

'ull #un full

The ty/$ca% s/e%%$+& 'or the /roduct$o+ o' the ∂  sou+d $s <he+ the %etter u occurs bet<ee+

t<o co+so+a+ts <$th$+ a stressed sy%%ab%e7 The ∂  sou+d beco#es ɚ  / when the

co+so+a+t to the r$&ht $s the r  sou+d7

Fi#ure 3: .(pical pellin# for the pro'uction of the 6 u 6 oun' in En#lih8

6 u 6 6 U 6 ECE$.IONS

+oo + oor

!oon poor "oo5  

oon !oor floor

Goo! 'oor

poon Hput floo'

loop Hpull "loo'

The ty/$ca% s/e%%$+& 'or the /roduct$o+ o' the u  sou+d $s  oo7 The u  sou+d beco#es

U  <he+ the  oo co#b$+at$o+ $s /receded by the r  sou+d7 There #$&ht be e(ce/t$o+s7

H $''ere+t s/e%%$+& 'or the sou+d7

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Fi#ure 33: .(pical pellin# for the pro'uction of the 6 o 6 oun' in En#lih8

6 o 6 6 Ɔ  6 ECE$.IONS

+oa +oar

coat oap "oar' coalition

toat roa' roar coa#ulate

#oal Hho!e oar

#oat Hlo- hoare

"oat Hho- oar

The ty/$ca% s/e%%$+& 'or the /roduct$o+ o' the o  sou+d $s <he+ the %etters  oa occur

 bet<ee+ t<o co+so+a+ts <$th$+ the sa#e stressed sy%%ab%e7 The o sou+d beco#es Ɔ /

<he+ the  oa co#b$+at$o+ $s /receded by the r  sou+d7

H $''ere+t s/e%%$+& 'or the sou+d7

.1E SC10A r J 6 ɚ  6 SOUND

  The sch<a ` r ɚ   sou+d $s a ,ery usua% sou+d $+ E+&%$sh6 a%#ost a%% <ords o' t<oor

#ore sy%%ab%es ha,e the sch<a sou+d7 There $s +o s$#$%ar sou+d $+ S/a+$sh a+d 'or th$s

reaso+6 $t re0u$res s/ec$a% atte+t$o+ so that stude+ts %ear+ to $de+t$'y a+d /roduce th$s sou+d

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- - +

arm card dollar  

army large collar  

art dark regular  

architect March particular  

argue pardon perpendicular  



a'roma marry - carry ar - are

a'roundnarro! -

paragraph "ar - "are

a'rri#e carrot - married car - care

arid !ar-- compare

arro! !ar - !ard - !arm !are

 Antonio Balderas

Th$s chart sho<s that  ar $s o+%y /ro+ou+ced as ɚ   at the e+d o' t<o or #ore sy%%ab%e

<ords7 The e(ce/t$o+s 'or the '$rst co%u#+ a%so sho< that  ar $s /ro+ou+ced as ɚ   at the

 be&$++$+& o' a <ord <he+ the '$rst sy%%ab%e $s u+stressed7 The rest o' the e(a#/%es are

 /ro+ou+ced <$th a sou+d other tha+ that 6 ɚ  68

Fi#ure 39: $oition for er pronounce' a 6 ɚ  68


  + + +

Erne$t #er" $i$ter  

Ernie term "rother  

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err perm ather  

% + & ear + con$ merchant mother  

earn permit (inger  

early )utter  

earth Per  


ear %andderi#ation$& merry adhere

*rror merit Mere

*rrand me'ridian ere

er,$er peri$h


 Antonio Balderas

Th$s chart sho<s  er #ay /ro+ou+ced as ɚ   at the be&$++$+&6 $+ the #$dd%e6 a+d at the

e+d o' a <ord7 O+ the '$rst co%u#+ the  ear co#b$+at$o+ $s a%so /ro+ou+ced as ɚ  7 Th$s

chart sho<s that there are e(ce/t$o+s 'or e,ery co%u#+ <here the sou+d #$&ht be other tha+that 6 ɚ  67

Fi#ure 3;: $oition for ir pronounce' a 6 ɚ  68


  + + +

irk girl Sir  

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oral dorm Translator  


% + & O.-   wore

orange word adore

orifice work for  

original world before

 Antonio Balderas

Th$s chart sho<s that  or $s o+%y /roduced as ɚ   at the e+d o' t<o or #ore sy%%ab%e

<ords7 The e(ce/t$o+s 'or the '$rst co%u#+ a%so sho< that so#et$#es  or $s /ro+ou+ced

as ɚ   at the be&$++$+& o' a <ord <he+ the '$rst sy%%ab%e $s u+stressed 'or e(a#/%e "

original 7 O+ the e(ce/t$o+s 'or the seco+d co%u#+ <e ca+ see that the  wor  co#b$+at$o+ $s

 /ro+ou+ced <$th the ɚ  7 The rest o' the e(a#/%es o+ the other co%u#+s are /ro+ou+ced

<$th a sou+d other tha+ that ɚ  7

Fi#ure 3?: $oition for ur pronounce' a 6 ɚ /.


+ + +

Urge turn fur  

urgent hurt sulfur  

urgency curly % ture & ending

Urban surf nature

urbinize surface structure

Urn future

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uranium endurable endure

Urine cure

urinal sure

urinate assure

 Antonio Balderas

Th$s chart sho<s  ur #ay /ro+ou+ced as ɚ   at the be&$++$+&6 $+ the #$dd%e6 a+d at the

e+d o' a <ord7 O+ the th$rd co%u#+ the  ture e+d$+& $s /ro+ou+ced <$th the ɚ  7 Th$s

chart a%so sho<s that there are e(ce/t$o+s 'or e,ery co%u#+ <here the sou+d #$&ht be other

tha+ that ɚ  7

S.E$ 9:  By #a=$+& use o' charts teachers e(/%a$+ to the$r stude+ts the 'or#at$o+ o'

d$/htho+&s o' the t<o %a+&ua&es7

  Teachers e(/%a$+ to the$r stude+ts that $+ S/a+$sh a d$/htho+& $s the /ro+u+c$at$o+ o'

t<o ,o<e%s <$th$+ the sa#e sy%%ab%e7 They te%% the$r stude+ts that d$/htho+&s are 'or#ed by

the co#b$+at$o+ o' a stro+& a+d a <ea= ,o<e% a+d t<o <ea= ,o<e% 9 *art;+e86 A#/aro6

M :7


a  $e  uo

By co#b$+$+& these ,o<e%s $+ S/a+$sh <e &et 'ourtee+ d$/htho+&s4

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DI$1.1ON2 EA%$LEai  /a$sa+oia Patr$aau Au%aua Cua+to

ei Pe$+eie P$eeu Euro/a

DI$1.1ON2 EA%$LEue  /ue+teoi "o$%aio rad$oou  bou

uo #utuoiu d$ur+oui cu$dado

  Accord$+& to the IPA $+ E+&%$sh there are three d$/htho+&s7 It $s $#/orta+t to te%%

stude+ts that $+ S/a+$sh ,o<e% sou+ds are ,ery te+se6 stab%e a+d that they ha,e the sa#e

durat$o+7 I+ E+&%$sh the d$/htho+&s are /roduced by a co#b$+at$o+ o' t<o %a( sou+ds aI 

a+d aU  <$th the e(ce/t$o+ o' ƆI  <here the / Ɔ  sou+d $s te+se a+d I  %a(7

  O+ce teachers ha,e a%ready e(/%a$+ed to the$r stude+ts ho< d$/htho+&s are 'or#ed $+

S/a+$sh a+d $+ E+&%$sh6 they ca+ start 'ocus$+& $+ the /roduct$o+ o' E+&%$sh d$/htho+&s by

#a=$+& use o' the 'o%%o<$+& charts <h$ch co+ta$+ so#e t$/s 'or each d$/htho+& $+ the tar&et

%a+&ua&e7 It $s reco##e+ded to co+trast E+&%$sh d$/htho+&s <$th the o+es $+ S/a+$sh 'or a

 better u+dersta+d$+& o' ho< d$/htho+&s are actua%%y /roduced $+ the tar&et %a+&ua&e7

Fi#ure 3: .(pical pellin# for the 6 aI 6 'iphthon#8

6 a 6 6 a ɚ 6 ECE$.IONS

fine fire hire hi'

li5e tire it

ite a'!ire "it

-rite -ire hit

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hi'e u!pire ic5  

!ine tire' #an$ others

  Th$s chart sho<s that <he+ %etter i $s bet<ee+ t<o co+so+a+ts a+d at the e+d there $s a

s$%e+t e6 such a %etter $s /ro+ou+ced as a 7 But <he+ the co+so+a+t to the r$&ht $s the

%etter - r  there $s a ɚ   +e(t to the a d$/htho+&7 The aI  d$/htho+& #ay be

re/rese+ted by so#e other d$''ere+t s/e%%$+&s7 The %ast co%u#+ sho<s so#e e(ce/t$o+s to

the t$/ abo,e <here the sou+d $s other tha+ that a or a ɚ  7

Fi#ure 3: .(pical pellin# for the 6 ƆI 6 'iphthon#8

  6 ƆI 6 6 ƆI ɚ  6 ECE$.IONS

+ o( + oi

"o( coin e!plo(er choir

to( Moin la-(er

 Mo( voice Sa-(er

enMo( choice

o( oil

The ty/$ca% s/e%%$+& 'or the /roduct$o+ o' the ƆI  d$/htho+& $s  o( a+d  oi8 The th$rd

co%u#+ sho<s that ƆI ɚ   #ay occur <he+ <e ha,e the 'o%%o<$+& s/e%%$+&s4 -o(er a+d

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  a-(er7 The e(ce/t$o+s co%u#+ sho<s a+ e(a#/%e o' the  oir co#b$+at$o+ <here  oi

does +ot sou+d ƆI  but aU 7

Fi#ure 3: .(pical pellin# for the 6 aU 6 'iphthon#8

6 aU 6 6 aUɚ 6 ECE$.IONS

+ ou + o- + our  

foul to-n our ho-er (our

out cro-' hour flo-er four

foun' no- flour to-er tour

!ountain co- our pour

fountain "o- trou"le

The ty/$ca% s/e%%$+& 'or the 6 aU 6 d$/htho+& $s  ou a+d  o-7 The th$rd co%u#+ sho<s

so#e e(a#/%es o' <ords that co+ta$+ the ou r pellin#  +our <he+ th$s occurs a sch<a $s

$+serted bet<ee+ the d$/htho+& a+d the r sou+d7 The 'ourth co%u#+ sho<s so#e e(a#/%es

o' <ords <here the  o-er $s /ro+ou+ced as aUɚ   6 too7 The %ast co%u#+ sho<s so#e

e(ce/t$o+s to the t$/s /ro,$ded o+ th$s chart7 The sou+d 'or those <ords #ay be other tha+

that 6 aU 6 or   aUɚ  7

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S.O$S p " p " t '

t ' 5 g 

5 g



  θ  G














  l/IBRAN.S r

  r ř

2LIDES (  (

  -  -

Source: 9 Nash6 Rose6 :



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INSTRUCTIONS4 By #a=$+& use o' a co+so+a+t chart a+d a 'ace d$a&ra#6 teachers

e(/%a$+ to the$r stude+ts the co+so+a+t sou+ds o' the tar&et %a+&ua&e by co+trast$+& each

sou+d <$th the that o' the +at$,e %a+&ua&e o+e at a t$#e7 Teachers the+ as= stude+ts to cou+t

ho< #a+y sy#bo%s there are $+ S/a+$sh a+d ho< #a+y $+ E+&%$sh7 1$+a%%y teachers as=

the$r stude+ts to descr$be each co+so+a+t o' S/a+$sh a+d E+&%$sh #a=$+& use o' the

'o%%o<$+& cr$ter$a4


a* $oint of articulation ) ee ter! on chart a"ove *

"* %anner of articulation ) ee ter! on chart a"ove*

c* /oicin#

38 /oicele oun'

  48 /oice' oun'


p  b$%ab$a%-sto/-,o$ce%ess

"  b$%ab$a%-sto/-,o$ced

t  a/$code+ta%-sto/-,o$ce%ess

' a/$code+ta%-sto/-,o$ced

5   ,e%ar-sto/-,o$ce%ess

#  ,e%ar-sto/-,o$ced

f   %ab$ode+ta%-'r$cat$,e-,o$ce%ess


Q ,e%ar-'r$cat$,e-,o$ce%ess

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!  b$%ab$a%-+asa%-,o$ced

n  a/$coa%,eoa%r-+asa%-,o$ced


l a/$coa%,eoa%r-%atera%-,o$ced

r a/$coa%,eoa%r-,$bra+t-,o$ced-'%a/

ř a/c$oa%,eoa%ar-,$bra+t-,o$ced-tr$%%

(  /a%ata%-&%$de-,o$ced

-  ,e%ar-&%$de-,o$ced


p  b$%ab$a%-sto/-,o$ce%ess

"  b$%ab$a%-sto/-,o$ced

t  a/$coa%,eo%ar-sto/-,o$ce%ess

' a/$coa%,eo%ar-sto/-,o$ced

5   ,e%ar-sto/-,o$ce%ess

#  ,e%ar-sto/-,o$ced

f   %ab$ode+ta%-'r$cat$,e-,o$ce%ess

v  %ab$ode+ta%-'r$cat$,e-,o$ce%ess

θ  $+terde+ta%-'r$cat$,e-,o$ce%ess



G  a/$coa%,eo%ar-'r$cat$,e-,o$ced

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P  a%,eo/a%ata%-'r$cat$,e-,o$ced

h &%otta%-'r$cat$,e-,o$ce%ess


 M  a%,eo/a%ta%-a''r$cate-,o$ced

!  b$%ab$a%-+asa%-,o$ced

n  a/$coa%,eoa%r-+asa%-,o$ced

ŋ  a%,eo/a%ata%-+asa%-,o$ced

l a/$coa%,eoa%r-%atera%-,o$ced r a/$coa%,eoa%r-,$bra+t-,o$ced-'%a/

(  /a%ata%-&%$de-,o$ced

-  ,e%ar-&%$de-,o$ced

  O+ce teachers ha,e a%ready e(/%a$+ed <here a+d ho< each sou+d $s /roduced $+

E+&%$sh ha,$+& co+trasted $t <$th S/a+$sh6 they +eed to /ro,$de the$r stude+ts <$th

so#e ty/$ca% s/e%%$+&s 'or each sou+d to #a=e $t eas$er 'or the# to $de+t$'y <here e,ery

sou+d occurs $+ a <ord or &rou/ o' <ords7 9 1or e(a#/%es6 see Nash6 Rose6 :

S.E$ >4 Teachers sho< the$r stude+ts the Pho+et$c Chart o' Co+so+a+ts o' E+&%$sh

a+d S/a+$sh7

Fi#ure 43: Contrative $honetic Chart of Cononant of En#lih an' Spanih


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S.O$S p p p "

p " t '

t t t ' D

  5 g 

5 5 5 g 5 g 


f v v f 




  G G


Q #  Q #




!  ɱ n











  r ř2LIDES (




Source: 9 Nash6 Rose6 :

 ┘h hh ┘  ┘

∩ ∩ ∩ ∩

∩ ∩v


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  By #a=$+& use o' a co+so+a+t chart a+d a 'ace d$a&ra#6 teachers e(/%a$+ to the$r

stude+ts the /ho+et$c co+so+a+ts 9 a%%o/ho+es : o' E+&%$sh co+trast$+& the# <$th those o'

S/a+$sh7 At th$s /o$+t $t $s +ot +ecessary to as= stude+ts to %ear+ by heart the d$''ere+t

 /os$t$o+s <here a%%o/ho+es $+ S/a+$sh occur7 It $s reco##e+ded 'or teachers to re,$e< th$s

sect$o+ to a+a%y8e the <ay sou+ds are /roduced $+ S/a+$sh so that based o+ $t they ca+

 better e(/%a$+ to the$r stude+ts ho< sou+ds are actua%%y /roduced $+ E+&%$sh7 It $s $#/orta+t

to re#e#ber that so#e co+so+a+t sou+ds $+ E+&%$sh a+d $+ S/a+$sh are /roduced e(act%y

the sa#e <ay $+ so#e others there $s a s%$&ht d$''ere+ce7 Teachers shou%d /ay atte+t$o+ to

those sou+ds that cause #ore d$''$cu%ty 'or S/a+$sh s/ea=ers or $+d$,$dua% cases $+ the



S(!"ol ue' to eQplain the pro'uction of Spanih allophone

EQa!ple:  ,d sto/s 5555555556 +asa%

It sho<s the s/ec$'$c /os$t$o+ o' the a%%o/ho+e7

 55555 It re'ers to the rest o' the a%%o/ho+es7

It #ea+s $+ the e+,$ro+#e+t o'777

They are used to sho< that the a%%o/ho+e ca+ be used $+ t<o or #ore /os$t$o+s7

∩ The %oo/ #ea+s that the sou+d $s /roduced o+e ste/ 'or<ard o+ theco+so+a+t chart7


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a: t - d - = - & Th$s #ea+s that these sou+ds occur be'ore a 'ro+t ,o<e%7  ∩  ∩ 

front central back 

hi#h 6 i 6 6 u 6

!i' 6 e 6 6 o 6

lo- 6 a 6  unrounded semi rounded  rounded Source: ( Nash, Rose, 1977 )

EXA*PLE4 Qu$0ue = $ = e ∩  ∩ 

A%,eo A%,eo

  Pa%ata% Pa%ata%


Cuca = u = a

 De%ar De%ar 

Coco = o = o

  De%ar De%ar 

Gu$tarra  5

& $ t a r a   ∩ 

Sto/  A%,eo/a%ata%

Guerra  5 

& e r a   ∩




& o t a   ∩ 


 b: b d & -- The %$+e #ea+s that they beco#e 'r$cat$,e6 th$s #ea+s

that these sou+ds occur bet<ee+ ,o<e%s7

EXA*PLE4 haba beb@

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a b a


  b e b e

  Sto/ 1r$cat$,eB$%ab$a% B$%ab$a%


  a d a 1r$cat$,e



  d a d o  Sto/ 1r$cat$,eA/$code+ta% A/$code+ta%

&ota  & o t a   ∩ 

Sto/  De%ar 

  ha&o  a & o

  Sto/  1r$cat$,e

#a&u$ # a & $


c: b d & They are used at the be&$++$+& o' a+ uttera+ce or a'ter a +asa%7

EXA*PLE4 ba#b  b a # b u

  Sto/ Sto/B$%ab$a% B$%ab$a%


 beb@  b e b e

  Sto/ 1r$cat$,e  B$%ab$a% B$%ab$a%

#a+dar  # a + d a r


Sto/A /$code+ta%


hada  a d a



da+do d a + d o



& a η  & a

 Sto/ Sto/De%ar De%ar 


a & a


d: ' Th$s sou+d occurs $+ a+y /os$t$o+

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EXA*PLE4 'oco

' o = o


  # a ' $ a

e: s Th$s sou+d occurs $+ a+y /os$t$o+6 e(ce/t be'ore a ,o$ced sou+d7EXA*PLE


s a / a t o  


= a s a ,s


d e 8 d e  

8 Th$s sou+d occurs be'ore a ,o$ced sou+d7

EXA*PLE4 desde

d e 8 d e   ∩  ∩ 


# $ 8 # o

': ( Th$s sou+d occurs $+ a+y /os$t$o+6 e(ce/t be'ore a 'ro+t ,o<e% 9 $ - e :7


EXA*PLE4 caja

= a ( a


o ( o


# e ( $ = o   ∩

  ( Th$s sou+d occurs o+%y be'ore a 'ro+t ,o<e% 9 $ - e :7  ∩ 

EXA*PLE4 *@($co

# e ( $ = o


  ( e # a


&: f Th$s sou+d occurs $+ a+y /os$t$o+7

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 EXA*PLE4 Charco

  5  f a r = o


= o f e

 h: NASALS4 # - ɱ  - + - + - ր  - g - ŋ    ∩

# B$%ab$a% # 555555  ,555555,

B$%ab$a% co+so+a+t

#; # $ a#o a # o 5 a#bar a # b a r

ɱ  Lab$ode+ta% ɱ  Lab$ode+ta% co+so+a+t  5$+'or#ar $ ɱ  ' o r # a r

+ A/$code+ta% + ∩  ∩ 

A/$code+ta% co+so+a+t a+tes a + t e s  ∩ ∩ a+dar a + d a r  ∩  ∩

+ A/$coa%,eo%ar + 5555555  5555555,555555,

A/$coa%,eoa%ar co+so+a+t

+o + o co+ = o ++a+a + a + a

ca+c$+ = a + s $ o +

ր  A%,eo/a%ata% ր  A%,eo/a%ata% co+so+a+t  5 ra+cho r a ր  f o

g A%,eo/a%ata% g 5555555 ,5555555,

 ogo g o g oago a g o

ŋ  De%ar ŋ  De%ar co+so+a+t +&u%o a ŋ & u % oa+c%a a ŋ  = % a +&e% a ŋ  ( e %  ∩

$: % Th$s sou+d occurs $+ a%% /os$t$o+s6 e(ce/t be'ore t - d   ∩  ∩ 

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EXA*PLE4 %$sa

% $ s a


% o = a


% a u r a

  % Th$s sou+d occurs o+%y be'ore t - d   ∩ EXA*PLE4 a% t o

a % t o   ∩ 

a%dea a % d e a   ∩ 

ca%do = a % d o  ∩ 

 j: r It $s =+o<+ as '%a/ r7

EXA*PLE4 /ero

/ e r o

  5 ř  Th$s sou+d $s =+o<+ as tr$%% r a+d occurs $+ the 'o%%o<$+& d$''ere+t


EXA*PLE4 Perro / e ř   o

Rosař   o s a

  #ar   # a ř  

Israe% $ s ř   r a e %

E+r$0ue e + ř   $ = e   ∩ 


a % ř   e d o r   ∩

%os r$cos 

% o s ř   $ = o s

=: y Th$s sou+d occurs at the be&$++$+& o' a <ord

  y Th$s sou+d occurs bet<ee+ t<o ,o<e%s6 a+d at the e+d o' a <ord7

y Se#$co+so+a+t y y 555555 ya y a

y Se#$,o<e% y , 555555 , 5555555

,aya b a y arey r e y

%: < Se#$co+so+a+t4 Th$s sou+d occurs at the be&$++$+& o' a <ord or sy%%ab%e7

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Fi#ure 49: $oition for the 6 p 6 allophone8

 PHONE*E ALLOPHONES 5555 5555 C5555 5555C D[55D D55D[








pen top Spain cap upper apart

The / occurs at the be&$++$+&6 at the e+d6 a+d bet<ee+ t<o ,o<e%s be$+& the seco+d

,o<e% stressed7 The sou+d $s /roduced <$th as/$rat$o+7 It does +ot occur $+ S/a+$sh7

The / occurs at the e+d6 a'ter a co+so+a+t a+d bet<ee+ t<o ,o<e% be$+& the '$rst ,<oe%

stressed7 There $s +o as/$rat$o+7 S$#$%ar to S/a+$sh / 7

The / occurs at the e+d a+d be'ore a co+so+a+t7 S$#$%ar to S/a+$sh $+ <ords such as6


Fi#ure 4;: $oition for the 6 t 6 allophone8






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 PHONE*E ALLOPHONES 5555 5555 C5555 5555C D[55D D55D[









ten cat tate cat -ater attac5  

  The t occurs at the be&$++$+&6 at the e+d6 a+d bet<ee+ t<o ,o<e%s be$+& the seco+d

,o<e% stressed7 The sou+d $s /roduced <$th as/$rat$o+7 It does +ot occur $+ S/a+$sh7

  The t occurs at the e+d6 a'ter a co+so+a+t a+d bet<ee+ t<o ,o<e%s be$+& the '$rst

,o<e% stressed7 There $s +o as/$rat$o+7

The t occurs at the e+d a+d be'ore a co+so+a+t7 S$#$%ar to S/a+$sh $+ <ords such as6


  The occurs bet<ee+ to ,o<e%s $+ o+e <ord or $+ a &rou/ o' <ords7 The '$rst ,o<e%

$s stressed7

Fi#ure 4>: $oition for the 6 5 6 allophone8

 PHONE*E ALLOPHONES 555 555 C5555 5555C D[55D D55D[






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cot "ac5 5ate loc5 loc5er account

The = occurs at the be&$++$+&6 at the e+d6 a+d bet<ee+ t<o ,o<e%s be$+& the seco+d

,o<e% stressed7 The sou+d $s /roduced <$th as/$rat$o+7 It does +ot occur $+ S/a+$sh7

The = occurs at the e+d6 a'ter a co+so+a+t a+d bet<ee+ t<o ,o<e%s be$+& the '$rst ,o<e%

stressed7 There $s +o as/$rat$o+7 S$#$%ar to S/a+$sh = 7

The = occurs at the e+d a+d be'ore a co+so+a+t7 S$#$%ar to S/a+$sh $+ <ords such as6


Fi#ure 4?: $oition for the 6 l 6 allophone8

$1ONE%E ALLO$1ONES W<< <<W C<</ /<<C C<<e /X<</ /<</X





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` ` `



` `


` `


la5e call "la!e ol' ta"le olive alive

  The % occurs at the be&$++$+&6 bet<ee+ a co+so+a+t a+d a ,o<e%6 a+d bet<ee+ t<o

,o<e% sou+ds be$+& the ,o<e% to the r$&ht stressed7 Th$s sou+d $s s$#$%ar to S/a+$sh % 7

  The % occurs at the e+d a+d bet<ee+ t<o ,o<e%s6 be$+& the '$rst ,o<e% stressed7 No

s$#$%ar sou+d $+ S/a+$sh7

  The occurs bet<ee+ a ,o<e% a+d a co+so+a+t a+d bet<ee+ a co+so+a+t a+d a s$%e+t

e7 No s$#$%ar sou+d $+ S/a+$sh7

  T<o #ore a%%o/ho+es $+ E+&%$sh that #ay cause troub%e to S/a+$sh s/ea=ers are the ,

  ' - s a+d 8 sou+ds7


7 ' beco#es , $+ <ords such as the /re/os$t$o+ o' <he+ $t $s /receded by a ,o$ced

sou+d7 1or e(a#/%e4 I th$+= of (ou7


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27 , beco#es ' $+ <ords such as the e(/ress$o+ have t o <here the , $+ ha,e $s

 /receded by a ,o$ce%ess sou+d7

7 s beco#es 8 $+ <ords such as6 do# <here the s sou+d occurs a'ter a ,o$ced


7 8 beco#es s $+ e(/ress$o+s such as6 oe he <or= >here the 8 sou+d $+ does

$s /receded by a ,o$ce%ess sou+d7

S.E$ ?:  Teachers e(/%a$+ to the$r stude+ts the d$''ere+ce bet<ee+ stress $+ S/a+$sh a+d $+


INSTRUCTIONS4 Start by e(/%a$+$+& to your stude+ts ho< stress <or=s $+ the$r +at$,e

%a+&ua&e7 Teachers te%% the# that $+ S/a+$sh there $s o+%y o+e stress o+ a <ord a+d $t #ay

 be <r$tte+ or uttered7 I+ S/a+$sh <ords are d$,$ded accord$+& to the$r stress as4


Y Gra,esZ



I+ co+trast6 $+ E+&%$sh there are three %e,e%s o' <ord stress4

Pr$#ary 9 :

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Seco+dary ( ˋ  )

Tert$ary 9    ̮) 

Accord$+& to so#e /ho+et$c$a+s6 there are as #a+y as s$( %e,e%s o' <ord stress7 It $s

reco##e+ded 'or /eda&o&$ca% /ur/oses to <or= o+%y o+ the three %e,e%s o' <ord stress

#e+t$o+ed abo,e 9 Ce%ce-*urc$a6 K :7

  Accord$+& to th$s re'erred author there are se,era% syste#s o' +otat$o+ 'or #ar=$+& stress

$+ a <r$tte+ <ord that ca+ he%/ #a=e the co+ce/t ,$sua% 'or stude+ts4


●  ●




  Th$s author a%so shares so#e o' the #ethods teachers ca+ use to #a=e stude+ts

u+dersta+d <h$ch sy%%ab%e or sy%%ab%es o+ a <ord are stressed7

So#e act$,$t$es that teachers ca+ use <$th the$r stude+ts are4


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  Teachers #a=e use o' +o+se+se sy%%ab%es $+ order to chec= $' the stude+ts hear the

d$''ere+ce bet<ee+ stressed a+d u+stressed sy%%ab%es7 1or e(a#/%e6 $+ the 'o%%o<$+&

e(erc$ses6 stude+ts ha,e to <r$te <hether the t<o sy%%ab%es $+ each /a$r are the sa#e or

d$''ere+t7 The teacher reads4

Sa#e or d$''ere+t

7 %a LA %a LA

27 LA %a %a LA

7 %a LA LA %a

7 LA %a LA %a

J7 %a LA %a LA


  Teachers as= stude+ts to re/eat a'ter h$# or her %$sts o' <ords that share a rhyth#$c

 /atter+7 Teachers ca+ ta/ out the rhyth#$c /atter+ or c%a/ as they /ract$ce7 1or e(a#/%e


tb%e be&;+

<;+do< aru+d


  YTeachers ca+ #a=e use o' th$s act$,$ty by us$+& /%ace +a#es7 No++at$,e s/ea=ers are

usua%%y a<are o' /%ace +a#e d$''ere+ces <he+ the$r ho#e c$ty or cou+try has bee+

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tra+s%ated $+to E+&%$sh7 They #ay be %ess a<are o' stress /atter+ d$''ere+ces <he+ the

s/e%%$+& o' these <ords $d the sa#e as or s$#$%ar to that $+ the$r +at$,e cou+try but the

 /ro+u+c$at$o+ has bee+ A+&%$c$8edZ7 E(a#/%e4 /aRIS ,s PAR$s7

S.E$ : Teachers e(/%a$+ to the$r stude+ts the <ay $+to+at$o+ <or=s $+ the$r +at$,e a+d

tar&et %a+&ua&e7

INSTRUCTIONS4 Ce%ce-*urc$a 9K : sa$d6 YTeachers shou%d e#/has$8e that

 /ro#$+e+ce $+ E+&%$sh $s used to 9: h$&h%$&ht <hat $s +e< or $#/orta+t $+'or#at$o+ $+ a+

uttera+ce 92 : /%ace s/ec$a% e#/has$s a+d 9: sho< co+trast7 Pro#$+e+ce $s ,ery se+s$t$,e

to #ea+$+&6 d$scourse6 %e($ca% stress6 a+d sy+tact$c bou+dar$es6 a+d thus #ust be tau&ht $+

r$ch co+te(ts that /er#$t %ear+ers to see <hat $s +e< a+d <hat $s $#/orta+t or co+trast$,e

$+'or#at$o+7 Th$s <$%% e+ab%e the# to u+dersta+d <hy /ro#$+e+ce occurs <here $t does7

eter#$+$+& <h$ch e%e#e+t o' the $+to+at$o+ u+$t rece$,es /ro#$+e+ce6 o' course6 $s +ot the

<ho%e story7 Th$s $s c%ose%y re%ated to $+to+at$o+ /atter+s7Z

O+ce stude+ts ha,e u+derstood the co+ce/ts o' <ord stress6 th$s ca+ be $+te&rated $+to

the /rese+tat$o+ o' /ro#$+e+ce a+d $+to+at$o+ $+ E+&%$sh7 I+ order to e(/%a$+ to stude+ts

ho< to %ear+ the $+to+at$o+ o' E+&%$sh6 teachers ca+ #a=e use o' the 'o%%o<$+& $+'or#at$o+

that dea%s <$th a co+trast o' E+&%$sh a+d S/a+$sh $+to+at$o+ /atter+s4

I N T O N A T I O N4 P$tch Le,e%s a+d Ter#$+a%s


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------------- EXTRA HIGH  -------------- ↑  RISING------------- HIGH  -------------- 2 ↓  1AING------------- 2 2 *I

  -------------- →  SUSTAINE------------- LO>

RULES4 The '$rst #ar=er $s /%aced o+ the first  stressed sy%%ab%e7 

The seco+d #ar=er $s /%aced o+ the last  stressed sy%%ab%e7

  The th$rd #ar=er $s /%aced at the %er$ en&   acco#/a+$ed by thecorres/o+d$+& ter#$+a%7


E N 2 L I S 1 S $ A N I S 1

a ) SENTENCES2 ↓  2 2 ↓  

2 ↓  2 2 ↓

17$4 I <or= $+ a ba+=7 Trabajo e+ u+ ba+co7


2 ↓  2 2 ↓

  2 ↓  2 2 ↓

17$4 >here do you <or= k+de trabajas

c: CO**ANS

2 ↓  2 2 ↓

  2 ↓  2 2 ↓

17$4 O/e+ the door7 Abre %a /uerta7


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2 ↑  2 2 2 ↑

  2 ↑  2 2 2 ↑

17$4 Are you A#er$ca+ k Eres A#er$ca+o


 2 2 →  2 2 2 →

  9 but :

  2 2→  2 ↓  2 2 2→  2 2 ↓ 17$4 He[s ha+dso#e6 but777 E% es &ua/o /ero777

  2 ↑17$4 I+ short 

1or #ore $deas o+ ho< to teach $+to+at$o+ see Ce%ce-*urc$a6 K6 cha/ter K7



  To address the $ssues o+ ho< to #ot$,ate stude+ts to $#/ro,e the$r %ear+$+& o' E+&%$sh

Pho+et$cs $t <as +ecessary co+su%t the <or=s #ade by *ar$a++e Ce%ce-*urc$a6 o++a *7

Br$+to+ a+d a+et *7 Good<$+6 Chr$st$a++e a%to+ ) Barbara Se$d%ho'er 6 a+d *aya Le+

*e$s <$th .$tty o+es7 A%so the research /roject author?s /erso+a% $deas <ere #e+t$o+ed to

co#/%e#e+t th$s $ssue7

  1$rst o' a%% $t $s $#/orta+t to co+s$der the d$''ere+t 'actors a+d as/ects that #ay co+tr$bute

or +ot to the %ear+$+& o' the tar&et %a+&ua&e7 Ce%ce-*urc$a 9 K : #e+t$o+ed $+ her <or=

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a #ode% des$&+ed by Schu#a++ $+ MK7 Th$s #ode% <as based o+ the /re#$se that certa$+

soc$a% a+d a''ect$,e ,ar$ab%es Yc%usterZ $+to a s$+&%e ,ar$ab%e o' accu%turat$o+7 He stated

that %ear+ers ac0u$re E+&%$sh to the de&ree that they accu%turate7 There are t<o ty/es o'

deter#$+$+& 'actors that /%ay a ,ery $#/orta+t ro%e $+ ac0u$r$+& the tar&et %a+&ua&e4 9a:

those co+cer+ed <$th soc$ocu%tura% ,ar$ab%es a+d 'actors co+cer+ed <$th $+d$,$dua%

d$''ere+ces6 or a''ect$,e ,ar$ab%es7 These t<o sets o' ,ar$ab%es a%<ays $+teract6 but $t $s the

a''ect$,e ,ar$ab%es that carry #ore <e$&ht $+ deter#$+$+& a+y %ear+er?s ac0u$s$t$o+ /rocess7

  The t<o ty/es o' success'u% accu%turat$o+ as a//%$ed by Schu#a++ $+ h$s #ode% are4

I+te&rat$,e #ot$,at$o+ <h$ch re'ers to the des$re to be soc$a%%y $+te&rated $+ the tar&et

cu%ture7 The seco+d ty/e $s +a#ed ass$#$%at$,e #ot$,at$o+ $+ <h$ch the %ear+er a/art 'ro#

de#o+strat$+& the sa#e o/e++ess to the tar&et %a+&ua&e6 he a%so re&ards the tar&et %a+&ua&e

s/ea=ers as h$s re'ere+ce &rou/7 Th$s seco+d ty/e o' accu%turat$o+ $#/%$es a des$re to

 beco#e a+ $+d$st$+&u$shab%e #e#ber o' the tar&et s/eech co##u+$ty7

  Ce%ce-*urc$a stated that ass$#$%at$,e #ot$,at$o+ $s rare a#o+& adu%t %ear+ers $+

co+trast6 th$s ty/e o' #ot$,at$o+ $s the o+e ch$%dre+ de,e%o/ <he+ they %ear+ the$r '$rst

%a+&ua&e 'or $+sta+ce6 S/a+$sh7 Hy/othet$ca%%y ch$%dre+ are #ore <$%%$+&%y to e#brace the

tar&et cu%ture a+d there'ore they are #ore a/t to ac0u$re a tar&et%$=e /ro+u+c$at$o+ $+

E+&%$sh6 'or e(a#/%e7

O+e #ore ty/e o' #ot$,at$o+ $s the $+stru#e+ta% #ot$,at$o+ $+ <h$ch a+ $+d$,$dua%

%ear+s a seco+d %a+&ua&e to ach$e,e a certa$+ &oa%6 'or e(a#/%e a &ood job or job

 /ro#ot$o+7 Accord$+& to Schu#a++ $+stru#e+ta% #ot$,at$o+ does +ot co+tr$bute to

success'u% accu%turat$o+6 ho<e,er so#e other researchers such as Lu=#a+$ 9 2 : ar&ue

that the $+te+s$ty o' #ot$,at$o+ $s o'te+ as $#/orta+t as the ty/e o' #ot$,at$o+ at /%ay7 YI+

other <ords6 so#eo+e <$th e(traord$+ar$%y h$&h $+stru#e+ta% #ot$,at$o+ 9 e7&76 so#eo+e

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<ho <a+ts to sou+d %$=e a +at$,e s/ea=er $+ order to 'u+ct$o+ e''ect$,e%y as a+ actor or a+

es/$o+a&e a&e+t : #ay <e%% ach$e,e a better /ro+u+c$at$o+ tha+ so#eo+e <$th $+te&rat$,e

#ot$,at$o+ that $s 0u$te /os$t$,e yet %ess $+te+seZ7

Co+s$der$+& the $+'or#at$o+ /ro,$ded by Ce%ce-*urc$a <$th res/ect to the ty/es o'

#ot$,at$o+ $+ %a+&ua&e %ear+$+&6 teachers ca+ +o< start de,e%o/$+& a soc$o&ra# to a//%y at

the be&$++$+& o' the$r course $+ order to &et to =+o< o+e a+other a+d s/ec$'$ca%%y to &et

so#e /erso+a% $+'or#at$o+ re&ard$+& the reaso+s <hy stude+ts <a+t to %ear+ the tar&et

%a+&ua&e7 O+ce teachers ha,e a%ready obta$+ed the +ecessary $+'or#at$o+ 'ro# each

stude+t a+d ta=e+ +otes about each o+e o' the#6 $t $s t$#e to dea% <$th the to/$c o'

 /ro+u+c$at$o+7 To $+crease $+terest $+ th$s to/$c a+d to /ro#ote a #ea+$+&'u% d$scuss$o+

about $t teachers ca+ #a=e use o' the 'o%%o<$+& tas=4



To $+crease $+terest $+ /ro+u+c$at$o+ a+d to /ro#ote #ea+$+&'u% d$scuss$o+ about $t7


A 0uest$o++a$re such as the o+e #ade by .e+<orthy? Teaching English 'ronunciation7

Teachers ca+ #a=e u/ other 0uest$o+s <h$ch #ay su$t the$r stude+ts better7


Teachers d$scuss the 0uest$o+s <$th the$r stude+ts7 I' they are teach$+& a #o+o%$+&ua% c%ass6

they #ay /re'er to do th$s $+ the stude+ts? '$rst %a+&ua&e7

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I#a&$+e you are ta%=$+& $+ your o<+ %a+&ua&e <$th a 'ore$&+er7 The /erso+ does+?t

s/ea= your %a+&ua&e ,ery <e%% a+d $s ,ery d$''$cu%t to u+dersta+d7 >hat do you do o


9 a : /rete+d you u+dersta+d e,e+ <he+ you do+?t

9 b : as= h$# or her to re/eat e,eryth$+& s%o<%y a+d care'u%%y

9 c : try to &et a<ay

2 >hat do you say <he+ the 'ore$&+ s/ea=er a/o%o&$8es 'or h$s /oor acce+t o you4

  9 a : te%% h$# h$s acce+t $s ,ery &ood e,e+ <he+ $t $s+?t  9 b : te%% h$# that h$s /oor acce+t does+?t #atter

  9 c : te%% h$# that h$s acce+t $s ,ery bad a+d that he #ust <or= hard to $#/ro,e $t

Ho< do you 'ee% <he+ a 'ore$&+er /ro+ou+ces your +a#e <ro+&

  9 a : ,ery a+&ry

  9 b : $t bothers #e a %$tt%e

  9 c : $t bothers #e a %ot

  9 d : $t does+?t bother #e at a%%

7 Ho< do you 'ee% <he+ you #eet a 'ore$&+er <ho s/ea=s your %a+&ua&e <$th a ,ery &ood


  9 a : sur/r$sed

  9 b : /%eased

  9 c : +ot sur/r$sed

  9 d : 'u%% o' ad#$rat$o+

  9 e : do+?t care or th$+= about $t

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J I+ the 'uture6 <ho <$%% you s/ea= E+&%$sh to

  9 a : #ost%y E+&%$sh /eo/%e ,$s$t$+& #y cou+try <ho do+?t =+o< #y %a+&ua&e

  9 b : #ost%y E+&%$sh-s/ea=$+& /eo/%e $+ th$s cou+try 9 Br$ta$+6 USA6 etc7:

  9 c : #ost%y +o+-E+&%$sh /eo/%e <ho do+?t =+o< #y %a+&ua&e a+d <hose %a+&ua&e I

do+?t =+o<6 so that <e s/ea= E+&%$sh to&ether 

  9 d : do+?t =+o<

K o you th$+= $t $s #ore $#/orta+t to ha,e a &ood /ro+u+c$at$o+ <he+4

  9 a : you are s/ea=$+& E+&%$sh to E+&%$sh /eo/%e

  9 b : you are s/ea=$+& E+&%$sh to +o+-E+&%$sh /eo/%e Be%o< are so#e s$tuat$o+s7 >he+ $s $t #ost $#/orta+t to /ro+ou+ce <e%% Put the# $+

order o' $#/orta+ce <$th a +u#ber $' you <a+t7

  9 a : s/ea=$+& o+ the te%e/ho+e

  9 b : #eet$+& so#eo+e 'or the '$rst t$#e

  9 c : Ta%=$+& to so#eo+e you =+o< ,ery <e%% 9 a &ood 'r$e+d : $+ a+ $+'or#a% s$tuat$o+

9e7&7 at a /arty :

  9 d : do$+& bus$+ess $+ E+&%$sh 9 e7&7 at the ba+=6 /ost o''$ce6 bus stat$o+6 ra$%<ay stat$o+6

$+ sho/s6 etc7 :

9 e : ta%=$+& to stra+&ers 9 e7&7 as=$+& the <ay :

9 ' : chatt$+& to a 'e%%o< stude+t 9 e7&7 dur$+& brea= t$#e :

9 enworth$ M4 JJ-K :E,a%uat$o+ 9 'or the teachers :

Ho< $+,o%,ed d$d your stude+ts &et $+ the d$scuss$o+

$d a&ree#e+t or d$sa&ree#e+t /redo#$+ate6 a+d <hat do you th$+= are the reaso+s

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&a#es that the author o' th$s /roject des$&+ed $+ order to %ear+ E+&%$sh /ho+et$cs ha,$+& a

&ood t$#e7 So#e *e($ca+ trad$t$o+a% &a#es <ere #od$'$ed to ach$e,e th$s &oa%4



1or s#a%% &rou/s a+d or tea#s7

P%ay $t <$th ,o<e% sy#bo%s o+ tab%es7 The <$++er $s the o+e <ho has the sou+d %$+e

correct%y chose+6 e$ther ,ert$ca% or hor$8o+ta% %$+es7


P%ay $t by tea#s7

ra< a b$& a+d ha,e o+e #e#ber 'ro# each tea# /$c= u/ a card a+d say a <ord <$th

the sou+d o+ $t7 I' r$&ht6 score X or 3 at ra+do# u+t$% o+e tea# <$+s7 I' <ro+&6 the cha+ce

$s /assed o+ to the o//o+e+t tea# #e#ber7 I' she 'a$%s6 there $s +o score a+d the

o//ortu+$ty to se%ect a+other card &oes bac= to the or$&$+a% tea#7

c: O *AN OUT7

P%ay $+ /a$rs or $+ s#a%% &rou/s6 or $+d$,$dua%%y7

1o%%o< $+struct$o+s o+ sheet a+d set u/ a t$#e %$#$t accord$+& to the %ear+erls %e,e%7 The

o+e <ho '$+$shes '$rst6 a%% correct6 <$+s7


P%ay $t <$th s#a%% &rou/s6 or $+d$,$dua%%y7

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The /ur/ose o' the &a#e ,ar$es de/e+d$+& o+ the %ear+erls %e,e% o' E+&%$sh a+d c%ass

 /ur/ose7 The or$&$+a% /ur/ose $s to /ract$ce ,o<e% sou+ds a+d co+so+a+ts <$th the /ast

te+se or the /ast /art$c$/%e 'or# o' $rre&u%ar ,erbs7 The o+e <$th the r$&ht6 /re,$ous%y '$(ed

+u#ber o' ,erbs 'ou+d6 a+d the r$&ht sou+d /roduced or $de+t$'$ed6 <$+s7


P%ay $t <$th s#a%% &rou/s6 or the <ho%e c%ass $' +ot ,ery /o/u%ated 9 J - 23 $s O. :7

*a=e a c$rc%e a+d /ass o+ a+ object 9a ba%%6 or a+y toy : arou+d to each /art$c$/a+t

<h$%e so#eo+e a<ay 'ro# the &rou/6 <ho $s +ot %oo=$+& at the#6 cr$es out HOT POTATO\

A'ter e,ery J or 3 seco+ds o' c%a//$+& or #us$c7 The /erso+6 <ho has the object at that

t$#e6 has to say a <ord <$th the sou+d chose+ r$&ht there a+d the+ by the o+e <ho cr$ed

out7 I' $t $s r$&ht6 she co+t$+ues /%ay$+&6 $' +ot6 she $s ta=e+ out o' the &a#e7 She ca+

 beco#e the /erso+ cry$+& out HOT POTATO +e(t7 The o+e <ho stays %ast or %o+&er <$+s

the &a#e7

': *ISS OR *R7 DO>EL7


So#e #e#bers 'ro# the &rou/ co#e to the 'ro+t o' the c%assroo# a+d they <$%% be &$,e+ a

card <$th a ,o<e% sou+d7 The $dea $s to &$,e the# the o//ortu+$ty to /ract$ce the sou+d

they ha,e o+ the card a+d to say a <ord or <ords <$th that sou+d7 The /ur/ose o' the &a#e

$s to brea= the $ce a+d ha,e 'u+7


By tea#s7

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t$#e +a#es a <ord <$th the corres/o+d$+& +u#ber o' the ,o<e% a+d scores J to 3 /o$+ts7

The tea# <$th the h$&her score or the to/ score <$+s7

  So#e other $deas to /ract$ce E+&%$sh /ho+et$cs ha,$+& 'u+ are4 tra+scr$b$+& so+&s $+

E+&%$sh6 a+a%y8$+& TD /ro&ra#s6 '$%#s6 etc7 'ro# d$''ere+t re&$o+s7 A%so6 teachers ca+ #a=e

use o' /ro&ra#s <here the s/ea=ers ha,e a d$''ere+t acce+t th$s #ay he%/ stude+ts

u+dersta+d +ot o+%y o+e6 but se,era% acce+ts o' E+&%$sh as s/o=e+ $+ the U+$ted States7

 NB7 Dar$at$o+s to the <ay o' /%ay$+& these &a#es are /oss$b%e6 these are just so#e o' the

<ays the author has had 'u+ <$th these &a#es a+d others7 I' you ha,e other better $dea9s:6

 /%ease do +ot hes$tate to share $tthe# e#a$%$+&4 ba%deras5a+to+$omhot#a$%7co#

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  To '$+d out $' the Pho+et$c Tra$+$+& Tech+$0ue ca+ be su&&ested as the #a$+ tech+$0ue

to /ro,$de teachers <$th the +ecessary =+o<%ed&e to he%/ the$r stude+ts o,erco#e /rob%e#s

$+ /ro+u+c$at$o+6 stress6 a+d $+to+at$o+6 I <$%% re/ort the a+s<ers to the three research

0uest$o+s $+ th$s cha/ter $+ ter#s o' <hat I a+a%y8ed $+ the /reced$+& cha/ter7



  I 'ou+d that there ha,e bee+ d$''ere+t tech+$0ues to teach the se&#e+ta% a+d

su/rase&#e+ta% 'eatures o' %a+&ua&e7 Ce%ce-*urc$a ca%%ed these ty/es o' e(erc$se

tech+$0ues o' the /ast <h$ch ha,e +e,er y$e%ded ,ery &ood resu%ts?7 Her cr$t$c$s# o' the#

<as that4

  <h$%e use'u% o+ a %$#$ted6 $+d$,$dua% bas$s 'or /ur/oses o' correct$o+ a+d dr$%%6 +o+e o'

these e(erc$se ty/es $s $+ tu+e <$th the co##u+$cat$,e a//roach to %a+&ua&e teach$+&7 The

#ater$a% they e#/%oy $s art$'$c$a% a+d u+authe+t$c7 >$th the 'ocus o+ $so%ated <ords a+dor

se+te+ces6 there $s %$tt%e tra+s'er 'ro# /ract$ce to +atura% co##u+$cat$o+7 The structured a+d

a+a%yt$c +ature o' these dr$%%s a%so #a=es the# e(tre#e%y u+#ot$,at$+&7? 9 a%to+ )

Se$d%ho'er6 :

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  The co##e+ts #ade by Ce%ce-*urc$a re$+'orced the $dea I had $+ #$+d to de,e%o/ th$s

 /roject6 I &ot to the co+c%us$o+ that teachers +eed to be /ro,$ded <$th a &ood =+o<%ed&e o'

E+&%$sh Pho+et$cs $+ order to he%/ the$r stude+ts ac0u$re a +at$,e-%$=e /ro+u+c$at$o+ that

<ou%d $+ tur+ he%/ the# to co##u+$cate e''ect$,e%y a+d $+te%%$&$b%y <$th E+&%$sh s/ea=ers

$+ a+y soc$a% co+te(t7

  The other tech+$0ues that ha,e bee+ used $+ the /ast a+d that so#e schoo%s a+d $+st$tutes

are st$%% us$+& the# as /art o' the$r courses6 ca+ be ut$%$8ed to su//%e#e+t a+d co#/%e#e+t

the /ho+et$c tra$+$+& tech+$0ue /ro/osed $+ th$s study7 A &ood co#b$+at$o+ o' th$s

tech+$0ue <$th the others ca+ br$+& e(ce%%e+t a+d sat$s'actory resu%ts7



  >$th res/ect to th$s $ssue I 'ou+d that /ro/o+e+ts o' the Co##u+$cat$,e A//roach ha,e

+ot dea%t a//ro/r$ate%y <$th the ro%e o' /ro+u+c$at$o+ $+ %a+&ua&e teach$+&7 A+ a&reed-u/o+

set o' structures 'or teach$+& /ro+u+c$at$o+ co##u+$cat$,e%y has +ot bee+ de,e%o/ed7

There are t<o &e+era% a//roaches to the teach$+& o' /ro+u+c$at$o+7 The $+tu$t$,e-

$#$tat$,e a//roach a+d the a+a%yt$c-%$+&u$st$c a//roach7 The %atter <as the o+e de,e%o/ed to

co#/%e#e+t6 a+d +ot +ecessar$%y to re/%ace the 'or#er7 O+ th$s /roject the a+a%yt$c-

%$+&u$st$c a//roach <as the o+e #a$+%y co+s$dered 'or the <ay $t dea%s <$th the teach$+& o'

 /ro+u+c$at$o+6 but the $deas o' the $+tu$t$,e-$#$tat$,e a//roach <ere a%so ta=e+ $+to accou+t

as a su//%e#e+t a+d co#/%e#e+t7

  There are a%so t<o other a//roaches to teach the se&#e+ta% a+d su/rase&#e+ta% as/ects

o' %a+&ua&e4 the botto#-u/ a//roach a+d the to/-do<+ a//roach7 There has bee+ a co+'%$ct

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o' /r$or$t$es $+ <hat to teach '$rst6 the su/rase&#e+ta% a+d the+ the se&#e+ta%s6 or ,$ce


  a%to+ ) Se$d%ho'er 9 : stated thatY des/$te research '$+d$+&s that stress6 rhyth#6

a+ $+to+at$o+ are &erera%%y #ore $#/orta+t 'or #a=$+& ourse%,es u+derstood6 $t $s the

$+d$,$dua% sou+ds <h$ch to #ost %ear+ers6 see# to be the #ost read$%y /erce/t$b%e6 #ost

ta+&$b%e? as/ect o' /ro+ou+c$+& a 'ore$&+ %a+&ua&e4 they ca+ be $so%ated out o' the s/eech

a+d descr$bed #uch #ore eas$%y tha+ su/rase&#e+ta% 'eaturesZ7

Th$s /roject <as based o+ the $deas /ro/osed by the botto#-u/ a//roach7 A%thou&h6 I

'ou+d $+'or#at$o+ re%ated to th$s $ssue6 I &ot to the co+c%us$o+ that the there $s +ot a correct

se0ue+ce to teach /ro+u+c$at$o+ stress a+d $+to+at$o+ $+ %a+&ua&e teach$+&7 Us$+& the

 botto#-u/ a//roach or the to/-do<+ a//roach <$%% a%<ays de/e+d o+ the ty/es o' %ear+ers

teachers ha,e7 *ost you+& %ear+ers <ou%d /re'er to start <$th su/rase&#e+ta%s <hereas the

#ajor$ty o' #ore a+a%yt$c a+d o%der stude+ts <ou%d rather dea% <$th sou+ds '$rst7



  *ot$,at$+& stude+ts to be $+terested $+ ac0u$r$+& a +at$,e-%$=e /ro+u+c$at$o+ shou%d a%so

 be co+s$dered as a+ $#/orta+t /o$+t $+ %a+&ua&e %ear+$+&7 *ater$a% de,e%o/ers a+d teachers6

su//orted by the schoo% ad#$+$strat$o+6 +eed to ta=e $+to accou+t the $dea o' de,e%o/$+& a

&ood soc$o&ra# 'or the courses they o''er $+ the$r schoo%s7 It $s reco##e+ded to a//%y th$s

soc$o&ra# $+ order to '$+d out the d$''ere+t ty/es o' %ear+ers <e ha,e a+d the reaso+s <hy

they <a+t to study the tar&et %a+&ua&e7 Accord$+& to Ce%ce-*urc$a there are three d$''ere+t

=$+ds o' #ot$,at$o+4 $+te&rat$,e6 ass$#$%at$,e6 a+d $+stru#e+ta% #ot$,at$o+7 Re&ard%ess o'

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the ty/e o' #ot$,at$o+ stude+ts br$+& <he+ they co#e to the c%assroo# to study the tar&et

%a+&ua&e6 teachers ha,e to ta=e ad,a+ta&e o' th$s s$tuat$o+ $+ order to start dea%$+& <$th the

to/$c o' /ro+u+c$at$o+ a//%y$+& a 0uest$o++a$re such as the o+e #ade by .e+<orthy6 or

a+y other 0uest$o+s #ade u/ by the teacher so that based o+ the# teachers a+d stude+ts ca+

d$scuss ho< $#/orta+t $t $s to be #ot$,ated to ac0u$re a +at$,e-%$=e /ro+u+c$at$o+7

  I+ order to #ot$,ate stude+ts to co+t$+ue be$+& $+terested $+ ac0u$r$+& a &ood

 /ro+u+c$at$o+6 teachers +eed to de,e%o/ the$r o<+ s=$%%s a+d too%s to #a=e the %ear+$+& o'

E+&%$sh /ho+et$cs attract$,e6 +o+-threate+$+&6 a+d 'u+ 'or the stude+ts7 Co%or'u%

tra+s/are+c$es o' 'ace d$a&ra#s6 charts6 a+d so#e other ,$sua% #ater$a% a%o+& <$th so#e

e(tra %$ste+$+& act$,$t$es a+d board &a#es ca+ he%/ teachers 'u%'$%% th$s object$,e7


  *y #ode% co#/%e#e+ts the co##u+$cat$,e a//roach s$+ce th$s a//roach be%$e,es

e''ect$,e co##u+$cat$o+ a+d $+te%%$&$b%e co##u+$cat$o+ $s better ach$e,ed or a$ded by

escr$/t$,e Pho+et$cs7 The Pho+et$c Tra$+$+& tech+$0ue #e+t$o+ed by Ce%ce-*urc$a re'ers

to the use o' art$cu%atory descr$/t$o+s6 art$cu%atory d$a&ra#s6 a+d a /ho+et$c a%/habet7 Th$s

$s the tech+$0ue $+ <h$ch th$s /roject <as #a$+%y 'ocused a+d the o+e that has bee+

su&&ested to he%/ stude+ts o,erco#e /rob%e#s $+ /ro+u+c$at$o+6 stress6 a+dor $+to+at$o+7

  Based o+ th$s study6 I reco##e+d teachers a+d schoo%s to start co+s$der$+& the

se&#e+ta%s a+d su/rase&#e+ta%s s$+ce they are ,ery $#/orta+t as/ects o' %a+&ua&e that

shou%d be ta=e+ $+to accou+t as /art o' the curr$cu%u#7 The schoo% ad#$+$strat$o+ a+d

E+&%$sh courses de,e%o/ers +eed to '$+d <ays $+ order to /ro,$de teachers <$th a &ood

=+o<%ed&e o' E+&%$sh /ho+et$cs so that $+ tur+6 they ca+ share th$s =+o<%ed&e <$th the$r

stude+ts7 Teachers +o< ca+ start de,e%o/$+& the$r o<+ s=$%%s based o+ th$s =+o<%ed&e7

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  There are d$''ere+t tech+$0ues that ha,e bee+ used throu&hout the t$#e7 I reco##e+d the

Pho+et$c tra$+$+& tech+$0ue as the bas$s to teach these as/ects o' %a+&ua&e7 The other

tech+$0ues #ay be used as a co#/%e#e+t 'or the tech+$0ue /ro/osed7 They ha,e use'u%

$deas $+ order to /ract$ce each sou+d o' E+&%$sh7 The &a#es /ro,$ded by the author o' th$s

 /roject a%so /ro,$de teachers <$th so#e other <ays to /ract$ce e,ery sou+d ha,$+& a &ood


  A%so6 $+ order to obta$+ sat$s'actory resu%ts dur$+& at the e+d o' a+ E+&%$sh course6 I

reco##e+d teachers to co+s$der as/ects such as6 a&e6 att$tude6 a/t$tude6 a#o+& others6 so

that based o+ the# teachers ca+ #a=e the +ecessary #od$'$cat$o+s o' the t$/s /rese+ted o+

th$s /roject a+d ada/t the# to su$t the$r o<+ c%assroo# +eeds7

  I su&&est to ,$s$t the &reat a#ou+t o' <ebs$tes that dea% <$th E+&%$sh /ho+et$cs7 They

co+ta$+ %ots o' $+'or#at$o+6 t$/s6 h$+ts6 act$,$t$es6 a+d &a#es to co#/%e#e+t E+&%$sh courses

 /ho+et$ca%%y s/ea=$+&7 Teachers ca+ share those <ebs$tes <$th the$r stude+ts so they ca+ &et

so#e e(tra /ract$ce outs$de o' the c%assroo#7 So#e s$tes o''er o+-%$+e /ro+u+c$at$o+

courses <here stude+ts ca+ %ear+ #ore about the sou+d syste# o' the tar&et %a+&ua&e7 I

h$&h%y reco##e+d teachers to $+,$te the$r stude+ts to /ract$ce $+s$de a+d outs$de o' the


  1$+a%%y6 I reco##e+d teachers to atte+d se#$+ars6 co+'ere+ces a+d ta%=s <here +e<

$deas o+ E+&%$sh teach$+& are o''ered7 No<adays6 #ore a+d #ore /eo/%e are de,e%o/$+&

stud$es o+ E+&%$sh Pho+et$cs7 So#e s/ea=ers /ro,$de ha+douts <here they $+c%ude u/-dated

$+'or#at$o+ a+d act$,$t$es re%ated to /ro+u+c$at$o+6 stress6 a+d $+to+at$o+7

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Ce%ce-*urc$a6 *ar$a++e7 9K :6Teach$+& Pro+u+c$at$o+6 Ca#br$d&e U+$,ers$ty Press6

 Ne< For=6 NF7 USA7

Le+ *e$s6 *aya7 9 J :6 .$ss Four Acce+t Goodbye\6 )C Pub%$shers6 I+c7

Ar,ada6 Co%orado6 USA7 

a%e6 Pau%ette79 MJ :6 E+&%$sh Pro+u+c$at$o+ 'or S/a+$sh S/ea=ers4

Do<e%s6 Pre+t$ce Ha%% Re&e+ts6 E+&%e<ood C%$''s6 Ne< ersey6 USA7

a%e6 Pau%ette7 9 MJ :6 E+&%$sh Pro+u+c$at$o+ 'or S/a+$sh S/ea=ers4

Co+so+a+ts6 Pre+t$ce Ha%% Re&e+ts6 E+&%e<ood C%$''s6 Ne< ersey6 USA7 

O?Co++or6 77 9 M3 : Better E+&%$sh Pro+u+c$at$o+7 2+d Ed7 Ca#br$d&e6

 Ne< For=6 NF7 USA7

Barrut$a6 R7 F A7 Sch<e&%er6 9 :6 1o+@t$ca y 1o+o%o&;a Es/ago%a7 2+d

ed$t$o+6 oh+ >$%ey ) So+s6 I+c76 Ne< For=7

S$%,erste$+ Ber+ard6 Ph7 7 9 :6 Per'ect$+& the Sou+ds o' A#er$ca+

E+&%$sh6 NTC76 L$+co%+<ood 9 Ch$ca&o : I%%$+o$s7

 Nash6 Rose6 9 :6 Co#/ar$+& E+&%$sh a+d S/a+$sh Patter+s $+

Pho+o%o&y a+d Ortho&ra/hy6 Re&e+ts Pub%$sh$+& Co76 Ne< For=7

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Carr6 Ph$%$/6 9 :6 Pho+o%o&y6 The *ac#$%%a+ Press LT76 Hou+d#$%%s6

Bas$+&sto=e6 Ha#/sh$re a+d Lo+do+7a%to+ Chr$st$a+e6 9 : Pro+u+c$at$o+6 O('ord U+$,ers$ty Press76 O('ord6 NF7

*art;+es y *art;+e86 A#/aro6 9 M :6 Curso de Pro+u+c$ac$+ de% Es/ago% /ara A%u#+os

E(tra+jeros6 ITES*6 *ty76 N7L7 -M7

S/eech Or&a+s7 Retr$e,ed o+ *arch 226 2332 'ro#htt/4<<<edu7+=+u7edu7t<_e+&%$shso7ht#

E+&%$sh S/ea=$+& 9Oh$o ESL :7 Retr$e,ed o+ *arch 226 2332 'ro#htt/4<<<7oh$ou7edues%e+&%$shs/ea=$+&7ht#%Pro+u+c$at$o+Act$,$t$es

Easto+6 E7L79 M :7 E+&%$sh S/ea=$+&4 *ater$a%s 'or teach$+& a+d %ear+$+&7 Retr$e,ed o+*arch 26 2332 'ro# htt/4e%easto+7co#s/ea=$+&7ht#%

The ESL Pro+u+c$at$o+ Pa&e7 Retr$e,ed o+ *arch 26 2332 'ro#htt/4user7&ru7+etr$chard(/ro+ou+ce7ht#%


Hu&hes6 A7 9 J :7 Pro+u+c$at$o+ o' the E+&%$sh a%/habet6 co#/%ete <$th sou+d '$%es7Retr$e,ed o+ *arch 2J6 2332 'ro# htt/4<<<7edu+et7co#e+&%$sh&ra##ara%/ha7ht#% 

Ster+6 7A7 9 :7 I+'or#at$o+ o+ the <e%%-=+o<+ acce+t reduct$o+ /ro&ra#7 Retr$e,edo+ *arch6 2J 2332 'ro#htt/4/%a$+'$e%d7by/ass7co#_das$+c 

Sta#/er6 S7 9 M :7 $d the Cat Get Four To+&ue Retr$e,ed o+ *arch 2J6 2332 'ro#htt/4<<<7cuh=7h=e%tuELHdoc7ht#% 

Rhodes6 B7 9 233 :7 E+&%$sh Pro+u+c$at$o+7 Retr$e,ed o+ *arch 2K6 2332 'ro#htt/4<<<7'ace<eb7o=a+a&a+7bc7ca/ro+ 

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*ac*aho+6 *7.7C7 9 : I+ter+at$o+a% Pho+et$c Assoc$at$o+7 Retr$e,ed o+ *arch 2K62332 'ro# htt/4<<<7arts7&%a7ac7u=IPA$/a7ht#%

Too&ood6 S7 a+d >o+&6.7 9 :7 T$/s o+ the /ro+u+c$at$o+ o' E+&%$sh7 Retr$e,ed o+*arch 2M6 2332 'ro# htt/4%c7ust7h=_sacad,$ceP7ht#

$1ONICSSa+ders6 E77 9 K :7 Lear+$+& to Read 9E+&%$sh: <$th Pho+$cs7 Retr$e,ed o+ *arch 2M62332 'ro#htt/4<<<7edsa+ders7co#/ho+$cs7ht# 

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  The author6 *r7 LUIS ANTONIO BALERAS RU!"6 $s a +at$,e 'ro# *o+terrey6

 Nue,o Le+6 *@($co <here he %$,es at the /rese+t t$#e7 He ho%ds a B7A7 $+

E+&%$shS/a+$sh Tra+s%at$o+ at the Schoo% o' Ph$%oso/hy a+d Letters o' the Nue,o Le+

State U+$,ers$ty 9 U7A7N7L7:6 <here he &raduated $+ M7 He <or=ed as a S/a+$sh a+d

S/a+$sh Pho+et$cs /ro'essor at the *o+terrey I+st$tute o' Tech+o%o&y7 He has bee+ <or=$+&

as a+ E+&%$sh teacher a+d E+&%$sh co+te+t subject /ro'essor at the schoo% 'ro# <h$ch he
