complete 8th sem report

i APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR GESTURE RECOGNITION A PROJECT REPORT Submitted by PRATIK BHATT (080110111003) DEVAL MEHTA (080110111021) NIRAV FARASWAMI (080110111012) In fulfillment for the award of the degree of BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING In Electronics and Communication G.H.PATEL COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY, V.V.NAGAR Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad MAY, 2012

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Page 1: Complete 8th Sem Report





Submitted by

PRATIK BHATT (080110111003) DEVAL MEHTA (080110111021)

NIRAV FARASWAMI (080110111012)

In fulfillment for the award of the degree




Electronics and Communication


Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad

MAY, 2012

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Date: 23-MAY-2012.

This is to certify that the dissertation entitled “APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR

GESTURE RECOGNITION ” has been carried out by PRATIK BHATT,

DEVAL MEHTA and NIRAV FARASWAMI under my guidance in

fulfillment of the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics and

Communication Engineering (8th Semester) of Gujarat Technological

University, Ahmedabad during the academic year 2011-12.

Project Guide: Head of Department

Prof. NILESH H DESAI. Dr. Chintan .K. Modi




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We are extremely thankful to our project guide Prof. Nilesh H Desai sir for being a

constant source of inspiration and encouragement. We would like to express our gratitude

towards him for solving our queries and helping us for the project.We are thankful to our

friends and families for their support and assistance.

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In this world where every operation performed by human are getting simple, in order to make it more simpler we present an innovation which makes use of human GESTURE ,the very definition of being human. The invention can make dumb people speak, make disables people operate wheelchair, and can facilitate the life of human by providing HOME-AUTOMATION program e.g. controlling your Televisions and Air-conditioners just by making appropriate gesture.

The biggest advantage of this invention is that it is cost effective since image-processing is not used, thus reducing hardware and hence the cost. Device is made up of basic electronic components like IR sensor (IR LED and Photo-diode) in order to recognize gesture, and other basic processing unit such as microcontroller. The sensors are basically a proximity sensors which converts position of Fingers either open or close into proper electrical signal or logical level like “0” and “1”.

This data is then processed by microcontroller unit to generate different codes or signals for remote applications. Also for the application of speaking aid to dumb people with further use of Text to speech converters we can convert gesture into sound and hence can make dumb people speak.

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List of figures

Figure Number

Figure Description Page no.

Fig 3.1 Finger is open 6 Fig 3.2 Finger is closed 6 Fig 3.3 Gesture for alphabet A with Code: 10000 7 Fig 3.4 Gesture for alphabet B with Code: 11110 7 Fig 3.5 Gesture for alphabet C with Code: 1111111 7 Fig 3.6 Gesture for alphabet E with Code: 111 8 Fig 3.7 Gesture for alphabet F with Code: 100011 8 Fig 3.8 Gesture for alphabet G with Code: 00001 8 Fig 3.9 Gesture for alphabet H with Code: 101001 8 Fig 3.10 Gesture for alphabet I with Code: 1000 9 Fig 3.11 Gesture for alphabet J with Code: 1000001000 9 Fig 3.12 Kinect gesture recognizing device 10 Fig 3.13 eyeSight’s gesture recognizing device 10 Fig 3.14 AcceleGlove’s gesture recognizing 11 Fig 4.1 General Block Diagram 14 Fig 4.2 General LED Construction 16 Fig 4.3 Surface mount LED 16

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Fig 4.4 Fig 4.5 Fig 4.6 Fig 4.7 Fig 4.8 Fig 4.9 Fig 4.10 Fig 4.11 Fig 4.12 Fig 5.1 Fig 5.2 Fig 5.3 Fig 5.4 Fig 5.5 Fig 5.6 Fig 5.7 Fig 5.8 Fig 5.9 Fig 5.10 Fig 6.1 Fig 6.2 Fig 6.3 Fig 6.4 Fig 6.5

Characteristics of Photodiode 89c2051 Interfacing figure NE555 Interfacing figure ST3654 Interfacing figure TTS256 DIP Speakjet DIP TTS256 and Speakjet Interfacing figure Character LCD HT6230 DIP Right hand Microcontroller unit along with sensors Left hand Microcontroller unit along with sensors Neck Microcontroller unit along with TTS256 and Speakjet Finger open condition detailing Finger closed condition detailing Gesture operated T.V. Front view of sensors Front view of left hand with touchpad Front view of right hand with touchpad Position of touchpad for thumb Proteus simulation Right hand module Left hand module Completed module Breadboard implementation of TTS256 module

17 21 21

23 25 26 27 28 30 31 31 32 32 33 33 34 36 36 37 41 42 43 44 45

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IR Infra Red

R Red

LED Light Emitting Diode

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Table no. Table Description Page no.

4.1 Comparison of Different MCU 19

4.2 TTS256 Pin Diagram 25

4.3 LCD Pin Diagram 28

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Table of contents

Acknowledgement iii

Abstract iv

List of figures v

List of abbreviations vii

List of Tables viii

Table of contents ix

Chapter 1: Introduction 1

Chapter 2: Brief history of Gesture Recognizing methods 2

Chapter 3: Literature review 5

3.1 Gesture Recognition 5

3.1.1 Basics of Gesture Recognition 5

3.1.2 Principles of operation of Gesture Recognition Technology 6

3.1.3 Alphabetic Gestures and corresponding binary codes 7

3.2 Availability of system in market 9

3.2.1 Kinect for Windows, Gesture recognizing UI 9

3.2.2 eyesight’s Hand Gesture Recognizing Technology 10

3.2.3 AcceleGlove 11

3.3 Applications 12

3.4 Motivation and objectives 13

Chapter 4 : Gesture Recognition system and its components 14

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4.1 Block Diagram 14

4.2 Sensors 15

4.2.1 IR LED 15

4.2.2 Photodiode 17

4.3 Left hand microcontroller unit 18

4.3.1 89c2051 18

4.3.2 NE555 Timer IC 21

4.3.3 RF Module 22 ST3654- Serial Interface IC 22 RF Transreciever 23

4.3.4 Right hand Microcontroller unit 24

4.3.5 TTS256 24

4.3.6 Speakjet IC 25

4.3.7 Character LCD 28

4.3.8 HT6230 IC 29

Chapter 5: Working/Implementation of Project Work 31

5.1 Drawings of method using IR 31

5.2 Working of the model using IR 34

5.3 Drawings of the method using touchpad 36

5.4 Working of the model using touchpad 38

5.5 Algorithm of C-program 39

Chapter 6: Result Analysis 41

6.1 Proteus Simulation 41

6.2 Hardware Results 42

Chapter 7: Conclusion 46

References 47

Rewards 48

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Technological Revolution has given us a powerful tool to control our surrounding.

We recognize this tool as Remote controls. Today everything can be operated using

Remote controls, from T.Vs to door locks. Want to change the channel? Just click the

button. But in this process we have lost something much more valuable i.e. Being

Gesture oriented. Gestures are an important means of human being to express their

thoughts in the best possible way. So we came up with the questions: why can’t we

operate things around us just by our hand gestures? Why can’t we just change the

channels or switch on the lights with some gestures?

After detail research on gesture recognition, we were certain about one thing i.e. gesture

recognition need a CAMERA and a digital Processor (mainly laptops). The idea of

carrying a laptop on the back and camera on the head did not appeal to us that much. So

we challenged this notion and started developing an innovative concept for gesture

recognition which must use only basic electronics components and no cameras. The end

result is what we call now “Gesture speaks”.

“Gesture speaks” is a device which once recognizes gesture made by hand fingers.

The device has to be worn on the hands. The sensors consist of rings which are to be

worn on each finger. The sensors are basically proximity sensors which are discussed in

more detail later. They constantly monitor the position of the finger i.e. whether they

are open or close. On the basis of data of position of all the fingers, the device

decides which gesture is invoked.


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Gesture recognition is a topic in computer science and language technology with the

goal of interpreting human gestures via mathematical algorithms. Gestures can originate

from any bodily motion or state but commonly originate from the face or hand. Current

focuses in the field include emotion recognition from the face and hand gesture

recognition. Many approaches have been made using cameras and computer vision

algorithms to interpret sign language. However, the identification and recognition of and

human behaviors are also the subject of gesture recognition techniques.

Gesture recognition enables humans to interface with the machine (HMI) and

interact naturally without any mechanical devices. Using the concept of gesture

recognition, it is possible to point a finger at the computer screen so that the cursor will

move accordingly. This could potentially make conventional input devices such as

mouse, keyboards and even touch-screens redundant. Gesture recognition has been being

conducted with techniques from computer vision and image processing, up till now.

The literature includes work done on gesture recognition without using image

processing and computer vision, without using any kind of memory for storage, just

using very basic sensors of IR transmitter and receiver pair.

In computer interfaces, two types of gestures are distinguished:

�Offline gestures: Those gestures that are processed after the user interaction with the

object. An example is the gesture to activate a menu.

�Online gestures: Direct manipulation gestures. They are used to scale or rotate

�For socially assistive robotics: By using proper sensors (accelerometers and gyros)

worn on the body of a patient and by reading the values from those sensors, robots

can assist in patient rehabilitation. The best example can be stroke rehabilitation.

�Directional indication through pointing: Pointing has a very specific purpose in our

society, to reference an object or location based on its position relative to ourselves. The

Brief history of Gesture Chapter-2

Recognizing methods

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use of gesture recognition to determine where a person is pointing is useful for

identifying the context of statements or instructions. This application is of particular

interest in the field of robotics.

�Control through facial gestures: Controlling a computer through facial gestures is a

useful application of gesture recognition for users who may not physically be able to use

a mouse or keyboard. Eye tracking in particular may be of use for controlling cursor

motion or focusing on elements of a display.

�Alternative computer interfaces: Foregoing the traditional keyboard and mouse setup

to interact with a computer, strong gesture recognition could allow users to

accomplish frequent or common tasks using hand or face gestures to a camera.

�Immersive game technology: Gestures can be used to control interactions within

video games to try and make the game player's experience more interactive or


�Virtual controllers: For systems where the act of finding or acquiring a physical

controller could require too much time, gestures can be used as an alternative control

mechanism. Controlling secondary devices in car or controlling a television set are

examples of such usage.

�Affective computing: In affective computing, gesture recognition is used in the

process of identifying emotional expression through computer systems.

�Remote control: Through the use of gesture recognition, "remote control with the

wave of a hand" of various devices is possible. The signal must not only indicate the

desired response, but also which device to be controlled.

Input devices used up till now in this discipline as followed:

�Wired gloves: These can provide input to the computer about the position and rotation

of the hands using magnetic or inertial tracking devices. Furthermore, some gloves

can detect finger bending with a high degree of accuracy (5-10 degrees), or even provide

haptic feedback to the user, which is a simulation of the sense of touch. The first

commercially available hand-tracking glove-type device was the Data Glove, a glove-

type device which could detect hand position, movement and finger bending. This uses

fiber optic cables running down the back of the hand. Light pulses are created and

when the fingers are bent, light leaks through small cracks and the loss is registered,

giving an approximation of the hand pose.

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�Depth-aware cameras: Using specialized cameras such as time-of-flight cameras, one

can generate a depth map of what is being seen through the camera at a short range, and

use this data to approximate a 3d representation of what is being seen. These can be

effective for detection of hand gestures due to their short range capabilities.

�Stereo cameras: Using two cameras whose relations to one another are known, a 3d

representation can be approximated by the output of the cameras. To get the cameras'

relations, one can use a positioning reference such as a lexian-stripe or infrared

emitters. In combination with direct motion measurement (6D-Vision) gestures can

directly be detected.

�Controller-based gestures: These controllers act as an extension of the body so that

when gestures are performed, some of their motion can be conveniently captured by

software. Mouse gestures are one such example, where the motion of the mouse is

correlated to a symbol being drawn by a person's hand, as is the Wii Remote, which can

study changes in acceleration over time to represent gestures. Devices such as the LG

Electronics Magic Wand, the Loop and the Scoop use Hillcrest Labs' Freespace

technology, which uses MEMS accelerometers, gyroscopes and other sensors to translate

gestures into cursor movement. The software also compensates for human tremor and

inadvertent movement.

�Single camera: A normal camera can be used for gesture recognition where the

resources/environment would not be convenient for other forms of image-based

recognition. Although not necessarily as effective as stereo or depth aware cameras,

using a single camera allows a greater possibility of accessibility to a wider audience.

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3.1 Gesture recognition

3.1.1 Basics of gesture recognition:

With the use of sensor, fabricated with IR LED and Photodiode, the position of the

fingers is detected for both the hands. The sensors are to be worn on both hands, on each

individual finger. The sensors are in the form of a ring. All these rings are connected to

Microcontroller and Interfacing unit, where continuous polling of the fingers is done,

whether it is open or close. This procedure is repeated periodically.

Corresponding to the results of the polling of each finger, rather the position of the finger

being detected, a unique code for each position of the fingers is generated. The code

generated is different for each alphabet (A-Z) and numbers from 0 to 9. The position of

the fingers and the corresponding codes are designed according to American

standards for sign language of Deaf and Dumb people. There is code assigned for

SPACE between the words in a sentence and all for any kind of erroneous gesture

generated by the user, other than the predefined position of the fingers.

Care has been taken, considering the normal human tendencies for movement of the

hands, especially taking into account the thumb finger and tiny finger, for each gesture.

The polled data of fingers of the left hand is send via RF transmission using RF module,

to the right hand RF module, which is further processed in the right hand

Microcontroller unit.

Taking into consideration of the position of fingers of both the hands, a unique code

is generated from right hand Microcontroller unit and it is again send serially, via RF

communication to the RF detector module worn on the neck. The code is further

converted into ANCII letters and numbers using microcontroller. IC TTS256 converts

ANCII letters into allophonic codes. This allophone IC converts the allophonic codes

into corresponding electrical signals and it is further send to speaker.


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3.1.2 Principles of operation of gesture recognition:

Fig 3.1 Finger is open

Initially when the finger is open, the IR LED throws its ray in the direction as shown in

the figure. This ray is not sensed by the photodiode, thus resulting in no change in

the resistance of the photodiode and no change in the voltage level.

Fig 3.2 Finger is closed

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When the finger is closed, the ray from the IR is detected by the photodiode. This

further changes the resistance of the photodiode and correspondingly changes the

voltage level. This change of voltage level is polled by the microcontroller and it is

further processed.

3.1.3 Alphabetic gestures and corresponding binary codes

Fig 3.3 Gesture for alphabet A with Code:10000

Fig 3.4 Gesture for alphabet B with Code: 11110

Fig 3.5 Gesture for alphabet C with Code: 1111111

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Fig 3.6 Gesture for alphabet D with Code: 111

Fig 3.7 Gesture for alphabet E with Code: 100011

Fig 3.8 Gesture for alphabet G with Code: 00001

Fig 3.9 Gesture for alphabet H with Code: 101001

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Fig 3.10 Gesture for alphabet I with Code: 10000

Fig 3.11 Gesture for alphabet J with Code: 1000001000

3.2 Availability of systems in market

There are many models and brands of gesture recognizing systems in different fields.

They are described with their brief features as followed.

3.2.1 Kinect for Windows, Gesture-recognizing UI around the Corner

After Microsoft evolved game controller the Kinect for Xbox 360 came to the fore,

speculation among tech circles saw a future for the device in the PC platform right

away, beyond being just a game controller. It looks like Redmond is taking steps in that

direction, with the groundwork for Kinect's arrival on the Windows PC platform

underway. Microsoft will release the Kinect for Windows software development kit

(SDK) this spring, so developers can start work on it right away. This could include

giving Games for Windows applications Kinect support which they enjoy on the

Xbox 360 platform.

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Fig 3.12 Kinect gesture recognizing device

The possibilities are endless for non-game applications to make use of Kinect as a

gesture-recognizing and face-recognizing device. Gesture recognition UI and face-

recognition are pitched to be some of the defining features of Microsoft's next version of

Windows. Kinect for Windows SDK will be released on a non-commercial basis. "The

hope is that the SDK will unleash a wave of creativity to add to the already

exciting developments we’ve seen on top of Kinect. The SDK will provide access to

Kinect’s sensor as well audio and system API’s," the company commented.

3.2.2 eyeSight’s Hand Gesture Recognition Technology

Allows people to interact with devices using simple hand gestures. eyeSight’s solution

tracks the user’s hand motions in front of the device’s camera and converts these

gestures into user input commands that control the device and its applications. eyeSight’s

solution is based on advanced image processing and machine vision algorithms, which

analyze real time video input from common built-in cameras. The technology is

independent of the underlying processor and camera hardware and produces high

quality gesture recognitions using low-end VGA cameras.

Fig 3.13 eyeSight’s gesture recognizing device

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Moreover, the technology is designed for embedded platforms. It is optimized to operate

utilizing minimal CPU and power consumption and supports challenging user

environments with poor as well as direct lighting conditions. eyeSight’s Hand Gesture

Recognition Technology is available for integration at any layer, either as part of the

device software stack or as low as the camera sensor silicon level.

3.2.3 AcceleGlove

The AcceleGlove is an instrumented glove that can be used as a

communication and control device for recognizing hand gestures or controlling

computers and robotic devices.

Fig 3.14 AcceleGlove’s gesture recognizing

The AcceleGlove contains six accelerometers on the fingers and the back of the hand

that sense hand and finger orientation and movements. Pattern recognition software

captures and recognizes static hand positions, as well as dynamic gestures.

What Will It Accomplish?

� Provides an ideal interface for recognizing gesture-based communication such as sign

language or military hand signals

�Provides an intuitive interface for computers, gaming devices, virtual environments

and visual displays

�Provides an intuitive interface for controlling robotic devices such as unmanned

vehicles and payloads such as robotic arms or cameras

�Provides a means for tracking hand movements for medical assessments and


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3.3 Applications

1. The user can operate any home appliances like T.V, A.C or Microwave just by

making gestures. For e.g. if you want to change the channel to 24? Just point “2” with

two fingers and “4” with four fingers and the channel will be changed. Want to increase

the volume? Just point your thumbs up till the volume is needed to be changed. Same is

the case to change temperature in A.Cs and Microwave. Thus we don’t need to carry

different remotes for different appliances. Just by selecting different modes in this device

you can switch from operating A.C to T.V. Thus anything that can be controlled with

remote controls can be controlled with our device.

2. For disabled people using wheelchair, the user can operate the wheelchair with

his/her gestures. Want to go straight? Point your index finger. Want to turn left? Point

your right thumb. Want to turn right? Point your left thumb. Thus it can help the user the

better operate the wheel chair rather than manual effort or use of joysticks. The same

technique is applicable for controlling a ROBOT with gestures.

3. The most striking feature of this device is the ability of converting “Gesture into

speech”. Dumb people with speaking problems are resorted to sign language. But it is

very difficult to convey their message to a person not familiar with the sign language.

This innovation will give them voice and they will be able to convey their message

via speech rather than signs. For e.g. A dumb person just has to sign “C” “A” “T” and

device will speak “CAT”. Thus it is like adding voice to their sign language and it

will be nothing less than a boon to them.

4. For kinder-garden kids and small children to learn English alphabets and Number

system with gestures e.g. “Gesture speaks” understands sign language for every

English alphabet and numbers. Gesturing “1” or ‘4” will speak “Fourteen”. Gesturing

“A” will speak “A for Apple”.

5. Also the device can work as a Gesture controlled calculator. Gesture “1”, “+”

with two index fingers, then “5” and “=” and the device will either display or speak the

answer “six”. Thus it can save the time of pressing buttons repeatedly.

6. The above listed applications are just small part of what can be done with this device.

Applications are only limited to human imagination. Future application can vary from

controlling your laptop to change songs or ppt slides to gesture controlled mouse.

Another striking application is Gesture mobile. Interfacing GSM module with this device

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can call or SMS any number without the need of actual mobile. Just gesture the number

and gesture “dial” and the call will be connected.

3.4 Motivation and Objectives

The present invention is in the technical field of electronics. More particularly the

present invention is in the technical field of optical gesture recognition through use

of simple sensors like IR LED and IR photodiode. Gesture recognition is mainly done

through image processing in present days but difficulty with this technique is the

complexity of hardware and software required. Also the cost related to such

technique is high, thus it cannot be used for home applications very efficiently.

This device can control different homemade appliances like Televisions, Air- conditions,

compact disk player. Further assigning every English alphabet a unique gesture, it can

convert “gestures into speech” and thus can be used as a speaking aid for dumb

people. This invention allows the deaf people to communicate with the normal

human beings in the world easily, with the ease for the people to easily understand their

sign language which is converted into speech. Also this device can be used for gesture

controlled wheelchair for disabled people.

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4.1 Block Diagram:

Fig 4.1 General Block Diagram

List of system components are as follows:

1 Sensors

2 Left hand microcontroller unit

3 RF modem

4 Right hand microcontroller unit




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5 TTS256 IC

6 Speakjet IC

7 Graphics LCD.

8 HT6230.

4.2 Sensors

4.2.1 IR LED

The LED consists of a chip of semiconducting material doped with impurities to create a p-n junction. As in other diodes, current flows easily from the p-side, or anode, to the n-side, or cathode, but not in the reverse direction. Charge-carriers— electrons and holes—flow into the junction from electrodes with different voltages. When an electron meets a hole, it falls into a lower energy level, and releases energy in the form of a photon.

The wavelength of the light emitted, and thus its color depends on the band gap energy of the materials forming the p-n junction. In silicon or germanium diodes, the electrons and holes recombine by a non-radiative transition, which produces no optical emission, because these are indirect band gap materials. The materials used for the LED have a direct band gap with energies corresponding to near-infrared, visible, or near-ultraviolet light.

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Fig 4.2 General LED Construction

LED development began with infrared and red devices made with gallium arsenide. Advances in materials science have enabled making devices with ever- shorter wavelengths, emitting light in a variety of colors.

LEDs are usually built on an n-type substrate, with an electrode attached to the p-type

layer deposited on its surface. P-type substrates, while less common, occur as well. Many

commercial LEDs, especially GaN/InGaN, also use sapphire substrate.

Most materials used for LED production have very high refractive indices. This

means that much light will be reflected back into the material at the material/air surface

interface. Thus, light extraction in LEDs is an important aspect of LED

production, subject to much research and development.

Fig 4.3 Surface mount LED

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4.2.2 Photodiode

A photodiode is a p-n junction or PIN structure. When a photon of sufficient energy

strikes the diode, it excites an electron, thereby creating a free electron (and a positively

charged electron hole). This mechanism is also known as the inner photoelectric effect.

If the absorption occurs in the junction's depletion region, or one diffusion length away

from it, these carriers are swept from the junction by the built- in field of the depletion

region. Thus holes move toward the anode, and electrons toward the cathode, and a

photocurrent is produced. This photocurrent is the sum of both the dark current (without

light) and the light current, so the dark current must be minimized to enhance the

sensitivity of the device.

Fig 4.4 Characteristics of Photodiode

�Critical performance parameters of a photodiode include:


The ratio of generated photocurrent to incident light power, typically expressed in

A/W when used in photoconductive mode. The responsivity may also be expressed as

Quantum efficiency, or the ratio of the number of photogenerated carriers to incident

photons and thus a unit less quantity.

Dark current-

The current through the photodiode in the absence of light, when it is operated in

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photoconductive mode. The dark current includes photocurrent generated by background

radiation and the saturation current of the semiconductor junction. Dark current must be

accounted for by calibration if a photodiode is used to make an accurate optical power

measurement, and it is also a source of noise when a photodiode is used in an optical

communication system.

4.3 Left hand microcontroller unit

4.3.1 89c2051

Low-voltage, high-performance CMOS 8-bit microcomputer with 2KB of flash

programmable and erasable read-only memory. The device is manufactured using

Atmel high-density nonvolatile memory technology and is compatible with the industry-

standard MCS-51 instruction set. This versatile 8-bit CPU with flash provides a

highly flexible and cost-effective solution for many embedded control applications.


• Compatible with MCS®-51Products

• 2K Bytes of Reprogrammable Flash Memory

– Endurance: 1,000 Write/Erase Cycles

• 2.7V to 6V Operating Range

• Fully Static Operation: 0 Hz to 24 MHz

• Two-level Program Memory Lock

• 128 x 8-bit Internal RAM

• 15 Programmable I/O Lines

• Two 16-bit Timer/Counters

• Six Interrupt Sources

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• Programmable Serial UART Channel

• Direct LED Drive Outputs

• On-chip Analog Comparator

• Low-power Idle and Power-down Modes

• Green (Pb/Halide-free) Packaging Option

Role of Microcontroller Unit:

The Microcontroller unit is used for continuous polling of the fingers, whether they are

closed or open. Depending on this result, it generates a unique code which is send via RF

module to the right hand controller unit.

Selection of Microcontroller:

Various type of microcontroller having different kind of features is available in market

such as 8051, PIC, AVR, ARM, TI-MSP430. Various parameters lie power consumption,

cost, availability of ADC/DAC, UART, Timers, processing speed etc. determines the

choice of microcontroller. The choice of microcontroller must be in accordance with

requirements of project.

Table 4.1 Comparison of different MCU

Features 89c2051 PIC16F87







5 V 5 V 4.5-5.5


1.8V to 3.6V 1.8V to 3.6V

Frequency 0-24MHz DC-20




0-16MHz 0-8 MHz

RAM 128Bytes 368Bytes 1KB 4KB 2KB

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ROM 2KB 128Bytes





120KB +




Flash Memory


t lines

15 22 32 64 48




111 35 131 51 51

Timer Two 16-bit Three
















16-bit timer


with three




16-bit timer

B with

16-bit timer A

with three



16-bit timer B with

seven compare with

shadow registers

ADC NA 10 bit ADC 10-bit


12-bit ADC 12-bit ADC

DAC NA NA NA Dual 12-bit


Dual 12-bit DAC

with synchronization



NA NA NA NA 3 inbuilt








Brown out







5 low power


5 power saving






e full




USART Progra









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Justifying the choice of 89c2051:

The project requirement for left hand side microcontroller clearly justifies the use of only

5 ports for polling of fingers, only one timer and use of full duplex serial channel.

Considering the cost requirement and choice of other microcontroller, 89c2051

justifies its presence in the hardware.

The interfacing figure used in the circuit for 89c2051 is as followed:

Fig 4.5 89c2051 Interfacing figure

4.3.2 NE555 Timer IC

The timer IC is used for generating 38 KHz square wave for providing the pulse to

the IR LED so that it can emit infrared light. The interfacing figure of this IC for

generating 38 KHz pulse is shown below.

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Fig 4.6 NE555 Interfacing figure

4.3.3 RF module

The RF module is used for quick serial transmission and reception operating it into

USART mode. This module justifies a secured serial transmission for a short range

of 30 meters, which is requirement of the project. ST3654 – Serial Interface IC

ST3654 Serial Interface provides a simple UART interface for transmission and reception

of serial data at various baud rates. It can be used for applications that need two way

wireless data transmission. The communication protocol is self-controlled and

completely transparent to user interface. The IC can be embedded to your current design

so that wireless communication can be set up easily.


�Automatic switching between TX and RX mode with LED indication

�Adjustable baud rate setting of 9600, 4800, 38400 and 19200

�FSK technology, half duplex mode, robust interference

�Protocol translation is self-controlled, easy to use

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�High sensitivity, optimized transmission range.

�Standard UART interface, TTL(3-5V) logic level with any microcontroller

�Very reliable, small size, easier mounting

�No tuning required, PLL based self-tuned

�Error checking(CRC) to prevent corrupted data output at receiver

The interfacing figure of the ST3654 with RF transreciever is as shown below.

Fig 4.7 ST3654 Interfacing figure RF Transreceiver 2.4 Ghz

This is an FSK Transceiver module is a true single-chip transceiver, it is based on 3

wire digital serial interface and an entire Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) for precise local

oscillator generation. It can use in UART/ NRZ / Manchester encoding / decoding.

It is a high performance and low cost module. It gives 30 meters range with onboard

antenna. Operating Range is 30 meters without requiring any external antenna.

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�Low power consumption.

�Integrated bit synchronizer.

�Integrated IF and data filters.

�High sensitivity (type -104dBm)

�Programmable output power -20dBm~1dBm

�Operation temperature range : -40~+85 deg C

�Operation voltage: 1.8~3.6 Volts.

�Available frequency at : 2.4~2.483 GHz

4.3.4 Right hand microcontroller unit

This block has same specifications and the corresponding interfacing unit as the left

hand controller except the microcontroller used is 89c51 instead of 89c2051.

4.3.5 TTS256 IC


�Narrow 28-pin DIP

�Companion chip to Magnevation SpeakJet or the Savage Innovations SpeakGin

�Built in 600 Rule database convert English text to phoneme codes

�9600 N81 Baud Serial interface (TTL level)

�Generate speech from ASCII text Compatible with Basic Stamp, OOPic, Pic and any

processor with a serial port

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The TTS256 is an 8-bit microprocessor programmed with letter-to-sound rules.

This built-in algorithm allows for the automatic real-time translation of English ASCII

characters into allophone addresses compatible with the Magnevation SpeakJet Speech

Synthesizer IC. Combine this with the SpeakJet to build a complete text-to- speech


Fig 4.8 TTS256 DIP

Table 4.2 TTS pin diagram

Pin # TTS256 Pin # SpeakJet

5 TX (sends serial data to host)

14 Vss (ground)

18 RX (received serial data from host)

20 Ready 15 Buffer Half Full

24 SJ_TX 10 RX

28 Vdd (+5v)

The TTS256 contains over 600 rules for pronouncing English text. It does a pretty good

job of the task with a less than 5% error rate in most sentences, it will mispronounce

some words. Often times, some creative spelling will help.

4.3.6 Speakjet IC

This little 18 Pin IC is exactly what we need to add speech and audio to our

project. All we need to add is +5V and a speaker.

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�Programmable 5 channel synthesizer

�Natural phonetic speech synthesis

�DTMF and other sound effects

�Control of pitch, rate, bend and volume

�Programmable announcements

�Multiple modes of operation

�Simple interface to microcontrollers

�Simple, Stand Alone operation

�Three programmable digital outputs

�Internal 64 Byte buffer

�Internal programmable EEPROM

�Extremely low power consumption

�Low pin count

�Multiple case styles available

�Only need power and speaker to hear speech

Fig 4.9 Speakjet DIP

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The SpeakJet is a completely self-contained, single chip voice and complex sound

synthesizer. It uses a mathematical sound algorithm to control an internal five channel

sound synthesizer to generate on-the-fly, unlimited vocabulary speech synthesis and

complex sound generation.

The SpeakJet is programmed with 72 speech elements (allophones), 43 sound effects, and

12 DTMF Touch Tones. Through the selection of these sounds and in combination with

the control of the pitch, rate, bend, and volume parameters, the user has the ability to

produce unlimited phrases and sound effects, with thousands of variations, any time. The

SpeakJet can be controlled simultaneously by logic changes on any one of its eight

Event Input lines, and by a single I/O line from a CPU (such as the OOPic or the Basic

Stamp) allowing for both CPU-Controlled and Stand- Alone operations.

Other features include an internal 64 byte input buffer, Internal Programmable EEPROM,

three programmable outputs, and direct user access to the internal five channel sound


The interfacing figure of the TTS256 and Speakjet IC is as given below.

Fig 4.10 TTS256 and Speakjet Interfacing figure

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4.3.7 Character LCD


�16 Characters x 2 Lines

�5 x 7 Dots with Cursor

�Built in Controller

�+5v Power Supply (Also Available for +3V)

�1/16 Duty Circle

Fig 4.11 Character LCD

Table 4.3 LCD Pin Diagram

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4.3.8 HT6230 Infrared Remote Encoder


�Operating voltage: 2.4V~5.2V

�32 system codes, each system with

�64 command codes

�Programmable transmission codes

�Biphase transmission method

�Generated modulation output data(1/2 system frequency and 1/4 duty cycle)

�Single pin oscillator

�429kHz resonator system clock

�Test pins available

�28-pin SOP package


�Televisions and video cassette recorder


�Garage door controllers

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Fig 4.12 HT6230 DIP

The HT6230 is designed as infrared remote encoder, usually applied to TV systems. A

total of 2048 different commands can be generated and arranged into 32 systems where

each system contains 64 different commands. There are 96 keys and to each key is

assigned one programmable code. The code is programmable by mask option. Legal and

illegal key operation can be distinguished.

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5.1 Drawings of method using IR.

Fig 5.1 Right hand Microcontroller unit along with sensors

Fig 5.2 Left hand Microcontroller unit along with sensors


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Fig 5.3 Neck Microcontroller unit along with

TTS256 and Speakjet

Fig 5.4 Finger open condition detailing

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Fig 5.5 Finger closed condition detailing

Fig 5.6 Gesture operated T.V.

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Fig 5.7 Front View of sensors

5.2 Working of the method using IR.

Referring now to the invention in more detail, In Fig 5.1, Fig 5.2, and Fig 5.4, each of the

rings 11,12,13,14 worn on each fingers and ring 10 worn on the thumb contains an IR

LED 17 that emits Infrared light and a photo-detector 18 which detects the Infrared light.

All these ring sensors are connected to Microcontroller and processing unit 16, 30

through connecting wires 15 which processes the data from all the sensors.

Referring now to Fig 5.4, the IR LED 17 emits the IR light 24. But since the finger is

open the IR light 24 does not reflect back to the photo-detector 18 and hence its

resistance is very high and voltage is low. Thus port of microcontroller which is

connected to this sensor will detect logic “0” in this case.

Referring now to Fig 5.5, the index finger is now closed thus the IR light 25 emitted by

the IR LED 17 is reflected back to the photo- detector from the tip of the finger. This

reflected ray 25 decreases the resistance of photodiode 18 and hence increases the

voltage. Thus, the port of microcontroller will detect logic “1” in this case. Thus, the

sensor ultimately works as a proximity sensor.

Therefore, in microcontroller and processing units 16, 30 if we keep on polling the ports

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connected to all the sensors of all the fingers, we collect data periodically of fingers

which are open and fingers which are closed. The microcontroller and processing unit 30

will generate code corresponding to position of finger which is opened. This code is sent

to microcontroller 16 through serial communication via RF transmission. Also

microcontroller and processing unit 16 decodes this incoming code from microcontroller

and processing unit 30 and gets the position of each finger on left hand. Combining

this data with the data obtained via polling; the position of fingers on right hand

generates a specific code indicating a particular gesture (i.e. position of 10 fingers).

Every gesture will generate a unique code inside the microcontroller and processing unit

16 and it is compared with the predefined codes for valid gestures. Thus, gesture

recognition is done for valid gestures and further decision making and controlling can be

done by the microcontroller.

Referring now to Fig 5.7 for an example; if we want to gesture numerical number “2”,

then we can raise index finger and the middle finger. The ports connected to the

index finger ring 50 and middle finger ring 51 will have logic “1” and other 8 ports

connected to other 8 sensors 10,11,12,13,14,52,53,54 will have logic “0”. By

previously described procedure, microcontroller and processing unit 16 will be able to

generate a code for this gesture which will be compared with predefined codes

and matching of code will be done for the predefined code of numerical number

“2” and hence gesture of “2” can be interpreted.

Now Referring to Fig 5.3, it shows a case 19 hanging from the human neck 21, via a

string 20 across human shoulders 22.

Again Referring to Fig 5.3,if we set predefined gestures and corresponding codes for

every English alphabet from A-Z and 0-9,then whenever any of the above gesture is

made, the ANCII code of that particular alphabet is generated by microcontroller and

processing unit 16 and is sent to microcontroller and processing unit 60 via wireless RF

transmission. This microcontroller and processing unit is installed inside a case 19 which

can be worn on the neck. Microcontroller and processing unit 60 will send this ANCII

code to TTS 256 IC which converts ANCII codes of English text to allophones. This is

further interfaced to another IC to convert these allophones into electrical speech signal.

These signals are then given to loudspeaker 62 to create sound. Thus, Gesture such as

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“C”;”A”;”T” can be converted into sound which spells “CAT”.

Also Referring to Fig 5.6, when the invention operated to control any other device

wirelessly, the microcontroller and processing unit 16 will generate codes related to a

particular gesture which can be sent via one of the sensor of the finger which is open via

IR transmission. The codes generated and sent via microcontroller and processing unit

16 will be same as generated and sent in any conventional remote controls. These codes

are then decoded at controlled device 27. Thus, different gesture can be assigned to

perform different operation to control any device ranging from Televisions and Air

conditioners to Robots and Wheel chairs.

5.3 Drawings of the method using TOUCH-PAD.

Fig 5.8 Front View of Left hand with touchpad

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Fig 5.9 Front View of Right hand with touchpad

Fig 5.10 Position of touchpad for thumb.

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5.4 Working/Implemantation using TOUCH-PAD

The above method is implemented with the motive of effective utilization of the

components. With the use of first method, the discharging of the battery was a major

issue, which can be solved by using sensor as a switch (i.e., as a touch contact).

Fig 5.8 shows front view of the left hand with its touchpad. As shown in the figure, the

sensors (touchpad) are placed on the palm and the tip of all the fingers are metal contact.

When these metal contacts make a contact with the touchpad on the palm, it works as a

close circuit and losing of contact makes it work as an open circuit and the further

processing of the gesture is carried out.

Fig 5.9 shows front view of the right hand with its touchpad. As shown in the figure, the

sensors (touchpad) are placed on the palm and the tip of all the fingers are the metal

contact. When these metal contacts make a contact with the touchpad on the palm, it

works as a close circuit and losing of contact makes it work as an open circuit and the

further processing of the gesture is carried out.

Fig 5.10 shows the separate connection made for thumb for which the touchpad is placed

on the left face of the index finger for better feasibility and flexibility. The thumb

connection is not shown in the Fig 5.8 and Fig 5.9 for the same reason and the same

connections are made in the actual hardware as shown in the figures.

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5.5Algorithm of the C-program.

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6.1 Proteus Simulation

Fig 6.1 Proteus simulation


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6.2 Hardware results

Fig 6.2 Right hand module

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Fig 6.3 Left hand module

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Fig 6.4 Complete module

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Fig 6.5 Breadboard implementation of TTS256 module

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Thus we conclude our completed Final year project by developing an innovative idea

for gesture recognition .This project has given us the opportunity to work in many

technical domain ranging from optical electronics to wireless communication and c

programming. We learn the process of developing a raw innovative idea .This project

will surely be a boon to dumb people and will also help society to be more gesture

oriented .This project can be expanded further for many applications such as gesture

controlled wheelchair for disabled people, Gesture based Calculator and also can be

used for Home Automation. It


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1. Pranav Mistry , Paricia Maes , “Wearable Gesture Interface “ –USPTO Pub

No: US 2010/0199231 A1 (AUG 5 , 2010)

2. Walt Jung , “OP-AMP Application Handbook” , NEWNES Publication

3. B.P.Lathi , Zhi Ding, “ Modern Digital And Analog Communication System”,

2nd edi, Oxford University Press

4. Gerd Keiser, “ Optical Fiber Communication” , 4th edi, Mcgraw-hill


5. Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Janice Gillispie Mazidi, Rolind McKinlay, “ 8051

Microcontroller and Embedded system”, 2nd edi, Pearson Pub

6. Balaguruswamy, “ANSI C”,2nd edi, The Mcgraw-hill Pub

7.,“Speakjet Natural speech and complexsound synthesizer User’

Manual”, Revision 1.0

8., “ TTS256 Text to speech processor datasheet”,

9., “ST3654 Serial interface IC for RF transceiver based on

CC2510 Datasheet” can be made more reliable, portable and accurate.

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1. We have been awarded a provisional patent for the same innovation mentioned

throughout this report. “Under "PATENT PENDING STATUS" at USPTO.

App No - 61514913 Conformation No: 6538”

2. Our project has also been selected in a National Level technical Project/Innovation

Event JED-i Project challenge conducted by IISC BANGLORE and we have been

shortlisted in top 20 projects for the same innovation by JED-i team.