competition in a global economy modified presentation that was originally created by marty mahler,...

Competition in a Competition in a Global Economy Global Economy Modified Presentation That was originally Created by Marty Mahler, Ph.D.

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Page 1: Competition in a Global Economy Modified Presentation That was originally Created by Marty Mahler, Ph.D

Competition in a Competition in a Global Economy Global Economy

Modified Presentation That was originallyCreated by Marty Mahler, Ph.D.

Page 2: Competition in a Global Economy Modified Presentation That was originally Created by Marty Mahler, Ph.D

Being in Education is a Being in Education is a Little Like Being Columbus ! Little Like Being Columbus !

! !! !

Page 3: Competition in a Global Economy Modified Presentation That was originally Created by Marty Mahler, Ph.D

Columbus. . . . . • When Columbus started out, he didn’t know where he

was going.• When Columbus got there, he didn’t know where he

was.• When Columbus returned, he didn’t know where he

had been.• When Columbus reported his results to the federal

government, at that time the Queen, he reported them all wrong.

• But he did it all with GRANT MONEY! ! !

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The World Is Round Our Thinking Is Flat

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“How much to play?” you ask“Three billion.” the croupier replies.“Who’ll be playing?”“We won’t know until they show up.”“What are the rules?”“Those will emerge as the game unfolds.”“What are my odds of winning?”“We can’t say.”

The Brave New World

Do You Still Want To Play?

Over at this table, a game is starting called biotechnology. Over at that one, a game called artificial intelligence. In this corner is nanotechnology. There are many such tables. You sit at one.

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The Future of Work…

• Bioengineering artistwalk-in plastic surgery to quickly change appearance

• Carniculturistgrows muscle tissue in vats to use as meat

• Futuristic projections consultantanalyzes trends to suggest new services and products

• Genetic counseling specialistadvises prospective parents on inherited diseases

• Human parts replacement technicianinstalls new hips, joints, hearts and other parts at Doc in a Box

• Mars colony repatriation specialisthelps colonists readjust to Earth after years on Mars

• Nanotechnologist works with molecule sized machines

• Quantum metaphysicianexplores the intersection of spirituality and physics

• Satellite repair and recovery servicetows in malfunctioning satellites and space stations

• Solar sales and installationpromotes natural, renewable energy in housing

• Space rights lawyerwrites contracts for satellites, space mining, etc.

• Zero-G aerobics instructorleads exercise in space to avoid atrophy

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Village of 100 People

• 57 Asians

• 21 Europeans

• 14 Western Hemisphere North and South

• 8 Africans

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Village of 100 People

• 52 Female

• 48 Male

• 70 Non-Christian

• 30 Christian

• 6 Would possess 59% of the wealth and

would speak with an American accent.

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Village of 100 People

• 80 Live in substandard housing

• 70 Unable to read

• 50 Suffer from malnutrition

• 1 Near death

• 1 Near birth

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Village of 100 People

• 1 Would have a college degree

• 1 Would own a computer

Life is not like a game of Monopoly. . .Everyone does not come into the

world economically equal!!!

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Page 12: Competition in a Global Economy Modified Presentation That was originally Created by Marty Mahler, Ph.D

“Reports that say that something hasn't happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns—the ones we don't know we don't know.” Donald H. Rumsfeld

U.S. Secretary of Defense

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“Computers in the future may weigh no more than 1.5


Popular Mechanics, 1949

Forecasting the Wonders of Modern Technology

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“Organizations do not have to embrace change.

Survival is not mandatory.”

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Average Lifetime of An S&P 500 Company

1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010











Source: Foster: Creative Destruction

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125 375will survive will disappear

Companies of the US S&P 500

2005 - 2020

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Three Kinds of People When It Comes to Change:

• People who make things happen.

• People who let things happen.

• People who are still wondering what happened.

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An unnatural act An unnatural act performed by partially performed by partially consenting adults, consenting adults, usually with the lights on usually with the lights on and often around a table.and often around a table.

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in san’i ty:

To continue to do what you have already done . . . But expect different results.

Albert Einstein

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Did You


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The Big Picture

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6,573,343,481World Population


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New Participants in the World Economy

• China, India and Russia = 3 billion people• 10% highly educated = 300 million people• USA = 300 million people• 25% highly educated = 75 million• Competition for jobs = 375 million people• USA students/adults will face greater competition

in the future than anytime in history

International CompetitionInternational Competition

Craig Barrett, INTEL CEO 2004

Why are companies moving operations off-shore?

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Percentage of population with a postsecondary credentialPercentage of population with a postsecondary credential
















55-64 45-54



Education at a Glance: OECD Indicators 2003

The International Education RaceThe International Education Race

1960-1969 1990-19991980-19891970-1979

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% Change20001990

Students Enrolled in PostsecondaryStudents Enrolled in Postsecondary(in thousands)

UNESCO, 2003

The International Education RaceThe International Education Race

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If an unfriendly foreign power had attempted to impose on America the mediocre educational performance that exists today, we might well have viewed it as an act of war. As it stands, we have allowed this to happen to ourselves. We have even squandered the gains in student achievement made in the wake of the Sputnik challenge. We have, in effect, been committing an act of unthinking, unilateral educational disarmament.A Nation At Risk

April 1983

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Few Say Expectations Were HighFew Say Expectations Were High









High/I was significantly challengedModerate/I was somewhat challengedLow/pretty easy to slide by

Academic expectations of me in high school were:

All high school


College students Non-students

Expectations were high

All HS graduates

Below average incomeAverage incomeAbove average income

CitySuburbsSmall town/rural

General studies in HSCollege prep in HS





Source: Hart Research Associates, Achieve, “Rising to the Challenge,” Jan. 2005

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3% 4%








White African


Hispanic Asian/Pacific






Source: National Assessment of Educational Progress 2000

Twelfth Grade Students Proficient in Mathematics

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Ma & Pa Kettle: Math Lesson

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Math in the USA

• Teaching Math in 1970:A logger exchanges a set “L” of lumber for a set “M” of money. The cardinality of set “M” is 100. Each element is worth one dollar. Make 100 dots representing the elements of set “M.” The set “C”, the cost of production contains 20 fewer points than set “M.” Represent the set “C” as a subset of set “M” and answer the following question:

What is the cardinality of the set “P” of profits?

• Teaching Math in 1980:A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost of production is $80 and his profit is $20. Your Assignment:

Underline the number 20.

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Math in the USA

• Teaching Math in 1990:By cutting down beautiful forest trees, the logger makes $20. What do you think of this way of making a living? Topic for class discussion after answering the question:

How did the forest birds, owls and squirrels feel as the logger cut down the trees? There are no wrong answers?

• Teaching Math in 2000:A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. The cost of production is $120. Your assignment:

How does Arthur Anderson determine that the profit margin is $60?

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Math in the USA

• Teaching Math in 2010:

El hachero vende un camion carga por $100. La cuesta de production es . . . . . . .


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learninglearningfaster“Learning faster than your

competition is the onlysustainable competitiveadvantage.”

Arie de GeusRoyal Dutch Shell

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“The strength of

a nation lies in the homes of

its people.”Abraham Lincoln

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You’ll be flying in a jet maintained

by Tommy! ! !

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Joey, Katie and Todd

will be performing

your bypass

today! ! !


High School

Middle School

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"A great civilization is not conquered from

without until it destroys itself from


Will DurantWill Durant

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Workforce Demographics

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1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020

Educational Skills

Skills Required By The Workforce

Skills Gap

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2-Year Degree

Less Than

H.S. Diploma

4-Year Degree

Education Level Employment Estimates: 1950

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: 2005

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65%2-Year Degree

Less Than H.S. Diploma

4-Year Degree

Education Level Employment Projections: 2000-2010

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: 2005

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ss T


a B






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Numeric Change In Labor Force By Age: 2004-2014

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Student Pipeline: 9th Grade to College Completion

Source: NCES: Common Core Data; IPEDS Residency and Migration, Fall Enrollment, and Graduation Rate Surveys

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GraduateFrom HS




GraduateWithin 150%

Of Time

For Every 100 9th Graders in Arkansas . . .

Source: NCES: Common Core Data; IPEDS Residency and Migration, Fall Enrollment, and Graduation Rate Surveys

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375526 600























ge (N
























Level of Education & Average Weekly Earnings: 2006-2010

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: 2005


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Four Year Degrees?Four Year Degrees?

On average, workers with associate degrees earn less than those with bachelor’s degrees, but 83 percent of workers with associate degrees earn the same as workers with bachelor’s degrees.

Carnevale and Desrochers, Standards for What?, 2003.

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Related Labor Market Research

In 1977 when Elvis died, there were 37 Elvis impersonators.

Today, there are 48,000 people employed as Elvis impersonators

At this growth rate, it is estimated that by the year 2010, 1 in 3 people will be employed as an Elvis impersonator!

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What About Employers?

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Visitations & Conversations

• BEI Precision Systems• Cameron Valves• +GF+• Deceuninck• L’Oreal• Molex• Plastic Ingenuity• Almatis• Remington• 3M• BEI Precision Systems• Lexicon• Hiwasse Manufacturing• Dassault Falcon• Crosby National Swage• Raytheon

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• High demand for skilled employees in central Arkansas• Traditional methods of attracting, recruiting & retaining

employees into skilled employment are probably obsolete

• Loss of jobs to other regions/states due to lack of technical level workforce

• Employers are content excited to find reliable workers with basic mechanical aptitudes

• Emerging workforce unaware of unique opportunities that exist in the region

• Currently, no comprehensive strategy (shotgun) exists to bridge this complex issue

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What Can You Do To Make A Difference?

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“Never, ever, think outside the box.”

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CAVE People


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“Shotgun” Approach

Tech Prep


Career & Technical


Workforce Education



Higher Education





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Page 61: Competition in a Global Economy Modified Presentation That was originally Created by Marty Mahler, Ph.D

America's Most Successful High SchoolsAmerica's Most Successful High Schools—What Makes Them Work—What Makes Them Work

• Focusing instruction around students' interests, learning styles, and aptitudes through a variety of small learning community approaches, most commonly academies.

• An unrelenting commitment by administrators and teachers to excellence for all students with a particular emphasis on literacy across the curriculum.

• A laser-like focus on data at the classroom level to make daily instructional decisions for individual students.

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St. Luke’s Hospital—Pharmacy

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Dr. Dean & Associates

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Siouxland Animal Hospital

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Knoepfler Chevrolet

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C & M Construction

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• An extraordinary commitment of resources and attention to 9th grade students.

• A rigorous and relevant 12th grade year.

• High-quality curriculum and instruction that focuses on rigor, relevance, relationships, and reflective thought;

• Solid and dedicated leadership;

• Sustained and supported professional development

America's Most Successful High Schools America's Most Successful High Schools (cont’d)(cont’d)

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"It Doesn't Matter Whether You're ALion or Gazelle--When The Sun Comes

Up, You'd Better Be Running."

Every morning in Africa a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must outrun the fastest

lion or it will be killed.

Every morning in Africa a lion wakesup. It knows it must run faster than the slowest gazelle or it will starve.

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Page 71: Competition in a Global Economy Modified Presentation That was originally Created by Marty Mahler, Ph.D