competency mapping for better performance of the company

COMPETENCY “Act comes to an action” when your own mental and physical ability matches, and leads to find our competency. Competencies are the characteristics of a person that lead to the demonstration of skills and abilities, which result in effective performance within an organizational area Competency: It is a demonstrable characteristic of a person that enables performance of a job. Competence- Functional Trait Competency – behavioral trait

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“Act comes to an action” when your own mental and physical ability matches, and leads to find our competency.

Competencies are the characteristics of a person that lead to the demonstration of skills and abilities, which result in effective performance within an organizational area

Competency: It is a demonstrable characteristic of a person that enables performance of a job.

Competence- Functional Trait

Competency – behavioral trait

Mapping: describing the most critical points.

Competency mapping is a process used to identify and describe competencies that are the most critical to success in a work situation or work role.

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Competencies refer to skill or knowledge leads to superior performance. These are formed through an individual/organisation’s knowledge, skills and abilities and provide a framework for distinguishing between poor performances through to exceptional. Competencies can apply at organisational, individual, team, and occupational and functional levels. Competencies are individual abilities or characteristics that are key to effectiveness in work.

1.Once the job requirements have been clarified (and competencies provide a framework for doing this), then competency interviewing helps interviewers look for evidence of those requirements in each candidate. For people already in jobs, competencies provide a way to help identify opportunities for growth within their jobs.

2.Competencies are not “fixed”-they can usually be developed with effort and support (though some are harder to develop than others).

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Employees and their managers together can identify which competencies would be most helpful to work on to improve the employee’s effectiveness. They can then integrate that into a learning plan that may include on-the-job experience, classroom training, or other developmental activities.

Competencies are not a tool to be used for evaluating people for layoffs. Competencies are only a way of talking about what helps people get results in their jobs. What matters is performance-being effective and meeting job expectations.

Some examples of competencies required by the employees are:-

Adaptability Commitment Creativity Motivation

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The word competency defined the inherent potent of individual s and also his perseveres towards his goal. Competency comprise recruitment, training, performance appraisal, compensation, talent management. Competency act as a tool to measure the ability of individual by using the above mention domain sector. It can also called as “connecting tool”. But the ability may vary from one to another person; here we should find how to measure the right talent of person to right job?

Basically the individual should know about himself through “self assessment “process, by practicing certain task, then he should have clear picture about himself, then it help to choose him right way of travelling route. And helps him to attain the proper destination. If he is struck in very first process then there is no meaning in leading our lifelike below shown this picture.

“There is no meaning in running fast in wrong route”

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This picture depicts our interest is in one end ,education in different end, our job in other end; overall we are not doing our things according to our goal ,this happens become of lack of “selfawerness”always it very important to track ourselves ,so we can analyze are we travel ling in a right route to attain our destination.

If not we are force to accept our life “what we get” as we are not aware of ourselves “we lose “what we want” once we fall in “what we get “here we find the talent mismatches and value we are are resend to work, and we are creating forceful

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situation to work, we find here the lack of interest. Once the interest is lost then it states “mental and physical mismatches “and leads to industrial disputes.

We can see most of people are working in “what we get” category, but it is wrong process. it is very essential to play a effective role in our life by managing our talent with right job. Please do not follow the term “comprise” for certain things in our life.

What are the preventive measures can be taken to overcome this situation?

Be vivid in your goal

Act according to your goal

Do regular practice of work to achieve your destination

Fix end in your mind: that helps you to find the right path to travel

Be proactive

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Focus on other strength ,rather than looking into their weaknesses

Try to in circle of influence.

If every individual have an attitude to carry out in regular activity, then there will be zero percent of mismatch, and we can find 100% of skillful people working in every company, with right attitude for right job and also there is absence of competency gap. If this situation exists India will become a development country.

Every individual are efficient, but not all are effective. If we need everyone to be effective, then we should fix the right person for right job.

TALENT MANGEMENT = Recruiting right person [performance= (skill *will) + Competence of performer

Achieve Company Goal.

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I am willing to share my experience which i experienced in corporate automobile industry, It is one of the renounced two wheeler manufacturing company, there they assigned me to track the competency of their workmen working in the two wheeler sector.inorder to perform the competency test, first they frame their own job competency matrix required for specific job .I have perform certain task to analysis their competency level .like conducted theory and skill based test.

At the end the result shows people those are good in skill level are poor inknowledge, similarly people those who are good in knowledge level are poor in skill level. only 5% people are good in both level.

Skill Test Vs Knowledge Test

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Based on the graph analysis its shows that regular workmen men are good enough in skill level tests compare to knowledge test.


It shows that employee those have scored below the pass limit also scored above 80%,in skill level,in few case we can see the person those who are poor in knowledge level aregood in skill lecvel,in another the person good in knowledge level may not good in skill we need proper balance in both the level .so that the employee could meet therequired level of competency required for thir job poistion.

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“people those are poor in knowledge may be good in skill level”

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Reason behind:

Experience people good in skill but lacking in knowledge level.

Fresher’s are good in knowledge but lacking in skill.

The old people are not interest to update them.

Fresher lack experience.

it is clear that competency mapping is an important factor to assess workmen. Competency mapping helps to track the competence of the employee and also help employee to meet their required job competency standards.

Human Resources Department plays a vital role in the development of individuals and organization. Hence, competency mapping system is very important for any successful organization. Competency matrix act as a measuring tool to check effectiveness of individual performance .On the basis of the research and analysis, it is found that

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competency mapping system helps employee in improving professional skills and performance. Monetary and non-monetary rewards are to be given to motivate employees and increase efficiency of employees in the company. Training related the work area improvements must be provided to enhance motivational levels.

Skill and knowledge should be provided in balanced way . Soft skill training programs related to Behavior and work life balance will also be useful for overall growth of individual and hence growth of company.“Balanced mind &balanced life results in successful path”


it creates win win situation

“FOCUS THE POWER” of skill and will of the individual workability of the concern person to meet the competitive edge of the specific work.

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