competency diagnosis

Seite 1 The International Award Winning Diagnosis Tool To Measure Competencies

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Learn more about the competency diagnosis with the world\’s highest measured and scientific proofed prognosis quality.


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The International Award Winning Diagnosis Tool To Measure Competencies

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What is TOPSI? international award winning diagnosis tool to measure leadership and sales competencies. It shows exactly the strenghts and weaknesses and gives clear advice how to improve performance.

TOPSI is based on scientific methods which are shown in different expert‘s reports from European universities.

TOPSI has the highest reliability- and prognosis-quality of all test systems worldwide and is #1 in Europe.

TOPSI is validated in practice... verify an applicant’s (prospective) leadership/sales/advisory capabilities in    a simple and reliable manner

…to exactly define the candidate‘s need for continuous development / training

…to measure the success of continuous development /training

More than 330,000 profiles from managers and salespersons from 52 industry sectors guarantee the validity.

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How does TOPSI work?

TOPSI is a test that can be taken at any PC work station. It takes into account the candidate’s work experience within four categories, from «no experience» to «management experience». The respective «experience level» can be determined by the candidate prior to taking the test.

At the beginning, the test and the procedure are explained to the candidate briefly. First the candidate estimates his or her own competency by answering 20 questions in form of a self-assessment. The candidate will then watch 50 video clips, each showing a different situation from everyday business life, which he or she has to analyse and interpret. One or more answers have to be chosen (multiple choice). The duration of the test is approximately 40 minutes.

As a result the test delivers a competency profile showing exactly the candidate’s strengths and weaknesses. The profile is complemented by a verbal interpretation of the results and recommendations for improvement.

The execution and evaluation of the test is simple and practical. The candidate can take the test independently and there is no need for supervision. The time needed to run a test is therefore minimal. Special knowledge or know-how is not required, in contrary to certain other available test procedures. The TOPSI test cannot be cracked by a candidate.

TOPSI exists in 5 language versions: English, German, Spanish, French and Italian, performed with native actors, to avoid intercultural imponderabilities or conflicts.

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Which competencies does TOPSI measure?

Based on a scientific research TOPSI measures the 10 most needed competencies for leadership and sales capability.

Relationship Orientation The capability to establish, actively develop and maintain relationships with other people.

Task Orientation The capability to focus on a given task and to achieve those effectively.

Conflict Stability The capability to resolve conflicts, to learn from them and to take advantage of the opportunities they offer.

Communication The capability to establish communication, to articulate thoughts comprehensively, to show empathy and to persuade others.

Extroversion The capability to be communicative, and to win others over with one’s personality and charisma.

Team Spirit The capability to work in a team environment, to accept other team members, and to consider oneself as an important part of a success-minded group.

Self-Esteem The capability to communicate one’s thoughts in a persuasive manner, and to have a winning impact upon others.

Flexibility The capability to cope effectively with changing situations, business partners, and environments while still performing at a constant level.

Learning Behaviour The capability to learn from different sources and to actively approach new situations and circumstances.

Independency The capability to motivate oneself, to develop one’s own thoughts and strategies, and to pursue them.

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How can you compare, match and manage results within TOPSI?

Within TOPSI you can use different statistical and practical methods to manage results.

Profiles of participants can be matched with self-assessment, target-job-profiles, industry-sector- profiles, and if available, a given profile of a superior as benchmark (all included in TOPSI).

TOPSI also generates statistics like: comparison of profiles, groups, timelines, candidates with certain criterias, whether candiates will fit in certain groups, etc.

Each basic candidate registry data can be used as a filter criteria.

The TOPSI diagnosis does not only generate individual compentency profiles but also delivers competency profiles of any given group structure. In doing so it is possible to create teams that possess all relevant capabilities that are necessary in reaching certain objectives.

The TOPSI diagnosis enables to identify each candidate’s potential for improvement and to individually develop it through adequate training and support.

The success of the training can be established when comparing what has been taught to what the candidate still remembers a few months later after having applied it in practice. This can be verified simply by taking the test again.

The TOPSI diagnosis has been verified in practice. Companies from 52 different industries have, up to now, performed over 330,000 tests.

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Scientific data based on scientists research.

Scientifically edifying data show the outstanding position of TOPSI.

Scientific research showed that the 10 base compentencies mentioned on page four are the deciding capabilities for success (high prognostic validity), and furthermore it established that TOPSI measures these capabilities exactly (validity of conformity) and also that it measures them practically flawlessly (high reliability).


Class: competency measurement and diagnosis systemOrder: range-spreading video-simulated diagnosis toolBackground data base: > 330,000 profiles from 52 industry sectorsTotal validity of conformity: r = .932 (Spearman's rank correlation coefficient)

Visual validity of video: convergent validity r = .934 discriminant validity r = .912

Reliability: r = .96Prognostic quality: r = .764 (Spearman's rank correlation coefficient)

Prognostic quality: r = .802 (Olberg/Taubenheim‘s multiple regression analysis)

Persistence/continuance: r = .975Idiomatic construction: r = .90 (Spearman's rank correlation coefficient)

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Screenshot examples

statistics & matching

experience level


video to be ranked

multiple choice




start screen

group vs. candiate


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about us...

Certificates & Memberships• Founded in 1974 as „MESO Institute for Media Didactics“ in Germany• Transferred into GMBH (Corporation) in 1994 as „MFM Marketing GmbH“ • 1996 fused with „ICL of California“ Institute of Communication & Learning Technology of California Llc.

• Customers: major global players and European market leaders

• ISO certified• CSL 1037.1 : 2007-01 certified (Certified Superior Learning)

• Registered as specially qualified consultants within „Central Consultancy Register of DG1A“ by the European Commission, Brussels, Belgium, and within CCR Central Contractors Registry and ORCA System of US Government, Ministry of Education

• Member: International Innovative Training Network (The Top 100 Education Companies Network) • Member: TED Organization, Technology, Entertainment, Design • Member: IMS Global Learning Consortium • Member: ASTD American Society for Training & Development

• Awards: • World Award of Excellence in Education    • Innovation award for Germany, Austria and Switzerland • International German Training Award in GOLD (Section Multimedia & E-Learning Platforms) • German Training Award in GOLD (Section HR Development & Training) • Award of Masters (eight times) (ITVA Las Vegas and Photokina) • Award for Outstanding Services in Continuing Education • Temporary project member of TOP-Team Germany, an initiative of the German Ministery of Commerce & TechnologyContact: Michelle A. Freeborn / Reinhard Semkowsky Ph.D.

• MFM Marketing GmbH • Moltkestr. 2 • 25421 Pinneberg • Germany

• ICL of California • 1561 Madrid Drive • Vista CA 92081 • USA

• Mobile Learning GmbH • Unter Brieschhalden 29 • CH-4132 Muttenz/Basel • Switzerland

Phone: +1 (760) 598 7827 • +49 170 795 3850 • or: 0700mfmworld

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