competencies connecting draft youth to work · 2014-06-05 · 2 draft competencies connecting youth...

1 DRAFT Competencies Connecting Youth to Work Laura Lippman, Kristin Moore, Renee Ryberg Presented to the Workforce Connections Community of Practice Child Trends, Bethesda, MD May 28, 2014

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Page 1: Competencies Connecting DRAFT Youth to Work · 2014-06-05 · 2 DRAFT Competencies connecting youth to work Lippman, Moore, Ryberg • There are 1.1 billion youth aged 15-24, and


DRAFT Competencies Connecting

Youth to Work Laura Lippman, Kristin Moore, Renee Ryberg

Presented to the Workforce Connections Community of Practice

Child Trends, Bethesda, MD

May 28, 2014

Page 2: Competencies Connecting DRAFT Youth to Work · 2014-06-05 · 2 DRAFT Competencies connecting youth to work Lippman, Moore, Ryberg • There are 1.1 billion youth aged 15-24, and


DRAFT Competencies connecting youth to work Lippman, Moore, Ryberg

• There are 1.1 billion youth aged 15-24, and 75 million unemployed youth around the world

• Linkages between youth unemployment and violence/instability

• Lack of consensus on which skills are the best investments for youth workforce development programs.

• Lack of comparability in constructs, definitions and measures

• To this end, Child Trends, as part of the Workforce Connection project with USAID and in partnership with FHI360, is reviewing the literature and seeking consensus on critical competencies most predictive of strong youth workforce outcomes

• Using positive youth development, whole child, and life course perspectives

Motivation and Purpose

Page 3: Competencies Connecting DRAFT Youth to Work · 2014-06-05 · 2 DRAFT Competencies connecting youth to work Lippman, Moore, Ryberg • There are 1.1 billion youth aged 15-24, and


DRAFT Competencies connecting youth to work Lippman, Moore, Ryberg

• Reviewing the literature • Empirical research studies • Meta-analyses and literature reviews • Employer surveys • Consensus projects • Program evaluations

• Interviewing experts • Conducting focus groups with stakeholders

Considerations • Applicability across contexts and sectors • Malleability • Predictive validity

Steps to Develop Consensus on Competencies Connecting Youth to Work

Important for specific groups, sectors,


Important for all sectors, ages,


Page 4: Competencies Connecting DRAFT Youth to Work · 2014-06-05 · 2 DRAFT Competencies connecting youth to work Lippman, Moore, Ryberg • There are 1.1 billion youth aged 15-24, and


DRAFT Competencies connecting youth to work Lippman, Moore, Ryberg

Empirical Research

Mohanty, M. S. (2009) •Positive attitude to life

Carneiro, P., C. Crawford, & Goodman, A. (2007). •Social skills

Roberts, B. W., Caspi, A., & Moffitt, T. E. (2003) •Positive emotionality-communion •Social closeness •Positive emotionality-agency •Social potency •Constraint •Self-control

Feinstein, L. (2000) •Peer relations (girls only) •Attentiveness (girls only) •Extraversion (boys only)

Macmillan, L. (2013)

•Extraversion •Conscientiousness

Heckman, J., Stixrud, J., & Urzua, S. (2006) •Locus of control and self esteem (combined)


Page 5: Competencies Connecting DRAFT Youth to Work · 2014-06-05 · 2 DRAFT Competencies connecting youth to work Lippman, Moore, Ryberg • There are 1.1 billion youth aged 15-24, and


DRAFT Competencies connecting youth to work Lippman, Moore, Ryberg

Employer Surveys

Burnett, N., & Jayaram, S. (2012) •Willingness to learn •Appearance and personality •Diligence & hard working •Influencing skills •Multi-tasking

Burnett, N., & Jayaram, S. (2012) •Attitude •Communication skills •Flexibility and adaptability

Briones, R. M. (2010) •Work ethic •Positive values •Positive identity •Social skills

Burnett, N., & Jayaram, S. (2012) •Information interpretation •Communication •Money and time management •Interpersonal skills

Casner-Lotto, J., & Barrington, L. (2006) •Professionalism/work ethic •Teamwork/collaboration •Oral communications •Ethics/social responsibility •Reading comprehension


Page 6: Competencies Connecting DRAFT Youth to Work · 2014-06-05 · 2 DRAFT Competencies connecting youth to work Lippman, Moore, Ryberg • There are 1.1 billion youth aged 15-24, and


DRAFT Competencies connecting youth to work Lippman, Moore, Ryberg

Consensus Projects

Gordon, J., Halasz, G., Krawczyk, M., Leney, T., Michel, A., Pepper, D., Putkiewicz, E., & Wisniewski, J. (2009) •Communication in the mother tongue •Communication in foreign languages •Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology •Digital competence •Learning-to-learn •Social and civic competences •Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship •Cultural awareness and expression

OECD. (2001) Using Tools Interactively •Ability to use language, symbols, and text interactively •Ability to use knowledge and information interactively •Ability to use technology interactively Interacting in Heterogeneous Groups •Ability to relate well to others •Ability to cooperate •Ability to manage and resolve conflicts Acting Autonomously •Ability to act within the big picture •Ability to form and conduct life plans and personal projects •Ability to assert rights, interests, limits, and needs

Stein, S. (2000) Communication skills •Read with understanding, •Convey ideas in writing •Speak so others can understand •Listen actively •Observe critically Decision-making skills: •Solve problems and make decisions •Plan •Use math to solve problems and communicate Interpersonal skills •Cooperate with others •Guide others •Advocate and influence •Resolve conflict and negotiate Lifelong learning skills •Take responsibility for learning •Learn through research •Reflect and evaluate •Use information and communications technology


Page 7: Competencies Connecting DRAFT Youth to Work · 2014-06-05 · 2 DRAFT Competencies connecting youth to work Lippman, Moore, Ryberg • There are 1.1 billion youth aged 15-24, and


DRAFT Competencies connecting youth to work Lippman, Moore, Ryberg

Intrapersonal Competency (within the individual)

Empirical Literature

Employer Surveys

Consensus Projects


Ethics/values 3 (direction varies) 9 1 13

Personality: •Agreeableness •Conscientiousness •Emotional stability •Extraversion •Openness

•14 (19 insignificant) •34 (9 insignificant) •28 (12 insignificant) •15 (24 insignificant) •14 (13 insignificant)

- - •14 •34 •28 •15 •14

Internal locus of control 20 (5 insignificant; direction varies by gender)

- - 20

Positive attitude - 15 - 15

Motivation - 17 - 17

Self-discipline 13 (8 insignificant) 2 2 17

Critical thinking/problem solving

- 15 4 19

Creativity - 8 2 10


Page 8: Competencies Connecting DRAFT Youth to Work · 2014-06-05 · 2 DRAFT Competencies connecting youth to work Lippman, Moore, Ryberg • There are 1.1 billion youth aged 15-24, and


DRAFT Competencies connecting youth to work Lippman, Moore, Ryberg

Interpersonal Competency (between individual and others)

Empirical Literature

Employer Surveys

Consensus Projects


Social skills 1 (6 insignificant) 11 4 16

Communication skills-general - (3 insignificant) 14 5 19

Work ethic 4 (direction varies by gender/operationalization; 4 insignificant)

9 - 13

Teamwork - 16 3 19

Leadership 8 (12 insignificant)

10 4 22