comparison of different genres

Comparison of different genres Chloe Smith Hammer Top of the pops

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Page 1: Comparison of different genres

Comparison of different genresChloe Smith

Hammer Top of the pops

Page 2: Comparison of different genres

1. Who do you think the core target audience is? Give examples to support your ideas.

The target audience for the magazine “Hammer” is people that are heavily interested in metal music, and are dedicated to going to festivals and gigs. This is because it says at the top “free cd’s!” portraying that music is the key element to this magazine. There are also pictures of people with guitars, to highlight the rock conventions. The central image is showing someone stereotypically into metal music, which is shown through the “rebellion” aspects. For example, he has long, scruffy hair, and appears to be wearing black leather. The fact that he is on a motorbike also highlights this attitude. People that read this magazine would probably follow this edgy style. As there are only men on the front cover, it could imply that the target audience is mostly male. This is also emphasised through the dark fiery colours, as colour conventions suggest this is typically more male. All of the font seems to have an edgy style as well, as they are all bold with sharp, jagged points. All of this, and the fact that it says “I’m pi**ed of f and angry again” could suggest a reader that is probably a working class male, and the fact that it has a busy style shows that it would catch their attention rather than a classy, organised magazine they might feel uncomfortable reading. Seeing as the target audience would also enjoy going to metal concerts, then it proves that it is aimed at an older group of people. The price of the magazine is £3.99, so an older person with a job would be more likely to get it regularly.

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2. What information can you learn about the lifestyle profile/interests of the core target audience from the front cover.

Give examples to support your ideas.

The typical core target audience would be very dedicated to music, and could perhaps be in a band themselves. They would be passionate in meeting up with the band and practicing regularly. They also enjoy going to festivals and gigs. This is because it says at the top “free cd’s!” portraying that music is the key element to this magazine. They could also dress much like the people on the front cover, with a dark, edgy style. It advertises a “free thrash t-shirt” in a bold, eye-catching circle. Therefore, fans would be very excited to buy the magazine for the free gift as they listen to this band a lot and want to share their enthusiasm. As the price is £3.99, they probably have a job and savings that they put towards cd’s, music magazines and festivals. The typical reader is probably a working class male, so a free gift would also be exciting as they may not be able to treat themselves to things much.

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3. What music magazine genre codes and conventions can you identify?

The genre of this magazine is heavy metal, and this is shown through many codes and conventions. There are also pictures of people with guitars, to highlight the rock conventions. The central image is showing someone stereotypically into metal music, which is shown through the “rebellion” aspects. For example, he has long, scruffy hair, and appears to be wearing black leather. The fact that he is on a motorbike also highlights this attitude. The cover is also full of dark, fiery colours with is also associated with heavy metal.

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4. What elements of the house style can you identify?

The house style of this magazine is full of dark, fiery colours, and metallic effects. There are repeated pictures of men with guitars, and the same shape is consistent as well. Therefore, it makes the magazine very recognisable and distinct in shops. The messy and edgy look of fire is used at the bottom, and this red colour is also used in text around the page. The layout is very busy, with writing splayed across the page. All of the fonts are bold and straight, with some at a slight angle to perhaps represent obscurity. WORKING CLASS MALES, BUSY REPRESENTS MUSIC.

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1. Similarities and differences of the mise-en-scene

These two magazines appear to be extremely different in appearance when audiences look at them. For example, the colour schemes are complete opposites, with Top of the Pops having stereotypical “girly” colours such as pink and purple. This reinforces the target audience. However, both magazines have a busy style and layout, with images and text written all over the cover. For the target audience of Top of the Pops being young girls, they don’t have a particularly wide attention span, so need to be captured with an eye-catching style. In comparison with Hammer, although they are both busy, Top of the Pops looks more organised and clean cut, which reflects the genre.

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2. Layout and style of languageHammer has a very busy layout, with the background barely even noticeable as there are so many images, fonts and shapes covering it. On the other hand, Top of the Pops has a more organised style, portraying the “clean cut” popstar attitude. However, both magazines have a busy style and layout, with images and text written all over the cover. For the target audience of Top of the Pops being young girls, they don’t have a particularly wide attention span, so need to be captured with an eye-catching style. It also directly addresses the audience by saying “win a call from your favourite popstar”. The use of the word “you” sounds personal, and connects with the reader. It makes the article sound more exciting. Buzz words such as “free” “partying” and “favourite” gives the magazine a personal feel as well as setting the tone and mood. Hammer also uses words like “free” as this appeals to both target audiences, but have used “fast and furious” to give it an aggressive fast pace, quite like the music.

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3. Music genre and conventionsThe music genres of each magazine are extremely different, with Top of the Pops being a pop magazine, and Hammer being heavy metal and rock. Hammer highlights the “rebellion” aspects, which readers could probably even relate to. For example, he has long, scruffy hair, and appears to be wearing black leather. A motorbike is also generally associated with rock and metal music. The dark colours and use of fire appears dangerous and wild, which is a lot like the music itself. However, Top of the Pops (although it has a busy style) has an organised feel to it, conveying the clean cut popstar feel. The colours are typically girly and there are buzz words such as “partying”. This highlights the light-hearted fun that young girls would love to do. It could also give them inspiration.

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4. Music artists featured and the audience they appeal to

Different artists are shown on the front cover to represent their genres. Britney is one of the biggest selling artists in pop, and represents the genre perfectly. This is because she has quite a clean cut style, wearing clothes that could be classed as mainstream and stylish. She is also wearing purple, which matches the house style of the magazine, and looks girly. The target audience could aspire to be like her, and perhaps dress the same way. Her blonde hair and white skin portrays a stereotypical view of a girl that is “perfect”. Her slight smile represents confidence and a fun attitude. On the other hand, Dave Mustaine is used to represent the genre of metal and therefore appeal to fans of megadeth. His style is the complete opposite of Britney’s, as he has long, scruffy hair and appears to be wearing black leather. He is riding a motorbike, and the target audience could also follow this edgy style. His facial expression looks aggressive and challenging, which is also stereotypical of rock.

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5. Special features and articles in both editions

At first, both magazines seem to have completely different articles and special features. For example, Hammer is purely interested in the music aspect, and advertises CD’s. Top of the Pops however, takes a different approach in selling stories about celebrities, such as “which pop star was a school misfit?”. Therefore it also clearly identifies the target audience, as younger girls could perhaps be more interested in gossip stories about celebrities. It mentions “another bleeping interview” with Eminem, proving that the magazine will be safe to read and there will not be any swearing. Therefore parents can buy the magazine for their child without worrying, and it is part of the BBC, with is a well known, secure company. Both magazines however, use buzz words such as “free”, to appeal to the working class male of young girl. However, Hammer has an article which is described as “fast and furious” portraying the care free attitude of people into the metal genre.

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6. Mode of addressAs the two magazines have opposite target audiences, the mode of address is also contrasting to appeal to them. For example, in Hammer there is no direct form of address to the audience, but only use albums and music to get the attention of the reader. As it has a very busy layout, the lack of articles isn’t a problem, and it is still eye-catching and noticeable on the shelf. The man in the central image is also giving a direct look to the camera, which could show confidence and could also be seen as quite challenging. As his facial expression is also quite aggressive, it highlights the rebellion, rock attitude. Top of the Pops however, takes a different approach, by directly addressing the audience by saying “win a call from your favourite popstar”. The use of the word “you” sounds personal, and connects with the reader. It makes the article sound more exciting.