comparing supervised machine learning algorithms using weka & orange abhishek iyer

Comparing Supervised Machine Learning algorithms using WEKA & Orange Abhishek Iyer

Post on 19-Dec-2015




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Comparing Supervised Machine Learning

algorithms using WEKA & Orange

Abhishek Iyer

What is Machine Learning?

In 1959, Arthur Samuel defines machine learning as the field of study that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed

A computer is said to learn by experience E with respect to some task T and some performance measure P, if its performance on T, as measured by P, improves with experience E.

Why use machine learning ?

Applications of Machine Learning Today Bioinformatics


Data Mining

Character Recognition

Spam Detection

Pattern Recognition

Speech Recognition

Smart ADS

Game Playing and so on…….

Types of Machine Learning Algorithms

Supervised Machine Learning

Unsupervised Machine Learning

Semi Supervised Learning

Reinforced Learning

Supervised Learning

Sad state of affairs – Too many options Linear/ Polynomial Regression

Logistic Regression

K-nearest neighbor

Neural Nets

Decision Trees


Naïve Bayes

Inductive Logic Programming


Purpose of research paper

The primary focus of this research paper will be on comparing supervised

learning algorithms.

Comparisons will be made between Decision trees, Artificial Neural

Networks, Support Vector Machines (SVM),Naïve Bayes, Logistic Regression

and k-nearest neighbor to decide which algorithm is the most efficient.

Research will also give us insight into the different domains where a certain

algorithm performs better than the others.

Will use WEKA ,Orange, to compare the algorithms.

Data Sets Data Sets should enclose all possible fields of implementation and

not favor any algorithm

Primary source for getting the data sets -> UCI repository

Approximately 55-60 different data sets used during the entire


Used the cross validation option with 10 folds. This option

partitions the data sets into 10 sub samples.


Method Followed

Select a data set

Select an algorithm

Generate confusion matrix and precision values for the algorithm – data set

pair using WEKA , Orange and

Repeat the procedure for each algorithm under consideration

Repeat the procedure for all the data sets

Compare my results with research material available

Confusion Matrix Details

Precision Values

Data Sets Lung Cancer Oral Cancer Blood Cancer

Naïve Bayes 0.894 0.837 0.974

Logistic Regression 0.737 0.607 0.962




Results GeneralALGO Precision F-measure Lift TP Rate Recall Mean

ANN 0.957 0.871 0.958 0.892 0.826 0.901

BST – DT 0.958 0.854 0.956 0.919 0.808 0.899

SVM 0.926 0.851 0.947 0.882 0.769 0.875

KNN 0.893 0.820 0.914 0.786 0.706 0.824

LOG-REG 0.832 0.823 0.929 0.714 0.778 0.7946

NAÏVE-B 0.733 0.615 0.786 0.539 0.885 0.712

Are We Done ? Not QuiteALGO Precision F-measure Lift TP Rate Recall Mean

BEST 0.958 0.871 0.958 0.919 0.885 0.9182

ANN 0.957 0.871 0.958 0.892 0.826 0.901

BST – DT 0.958 0.854 0.956 0.919 0.808 0.899

SVM 0.926 0.851 0.947 0.882 0.769 0.875

KNN 0.893 0.820 0.914 0.786 0.706 0.824

LOG-REG 0.832 0.823 0.929 0.714 0.778 0.7946

NAÏVE-B 0.733 0.615 0.786 0.539 0.885 0.712

Analysis of AlgorithmsALGO Boosted Decision Tree ANN Naïve Bayes KNN SVM Logistic Regression

Accuracy**** **** * ** *** *

Speed of Learning*** * **** **** * ***

Tolerance*** *** ** ** **** *

Overfitting** * *** *** ** **


Learning *** *** **** **** ** ***

Speed of

Classification **** **** *** * **** ***

Average 3.2 2.7 2.8 2.7 2.3 2.1

Results: Domain SpecificApplication Best Algorithm Worst Algorithm

Bioinformatics ANN Logistic Regression

Game Playing ANN Naïve Bayes

Data Mining SVM Naïve Bayes

Spam Detection ANN Naïve Bayes

Medicine Boosted Decision Tree Not Clear

Character Recognition ANN Not Clear

Physics & Scientific Research SVM Logistic Regression

Challenges Faced Enormous data

Understanding the machine learning algorithms

Type conversion to support .arff for WEKA and .tab or .si format for Orange

Overfitting : Model described random noise instead of the underlying

relationship due to an excessively complex model with too many parameters

Inductive Bias : Assumptions used to predict outputs, given inputs that were

not encountered in the training set

Class membership probabilities: Uncertainty in classification due to low

probabilistic confidence.

The Future The key question when dealing with Machine Learning is not whether a

learning algorithm is superior to others, but under which conditions a particular method can significantly outperform others on a given application problem.

After a better understanding of the strengths and limitations of each method, the possibility of integrating two or more algorithms together to solve a problem should be investigated.

Improve the running time of the algorithms

Possibly build a super powerful algorithm that could be used in every

domain and for any data set


References Andrew.NG, " Machine Learning CS 229 ", Machine Learning Stanford

University 2009.

Rich Caruana and Alexandru Niculescu-Mizil, " An Empirical Comparison of Supervised Learning Algorithms", Department of Computer Science, Cornell University, 2006.

Yang.T,"Computational Verb Decision Trees" , Yang's Scientific Press, 2006

Rich Caruana and Alexandru Niculescu-Mizil, "Obtaining Calibrated Probabilities from Boosting Isotonic Regression.", Department of Computer Science, Cornell University, 2006.

Aik Choon Tan and David Gilbert, “An empirical comparison of supervised machine learning techniques in bioinformatics”, Department of Computer Science, University of Glasgow, 2003

Sameera Mahajani, “Comparing Data mining techniques for cancer classification”, Department of Computer Science, CSU Chico

Annotated Bibliography 1. Aik Choon Tan and David Gilbert, “An empirical comparison of supervised machine learning

techniques in bioinformatics”, Department of Computer Science, University of Glasgow, 2003

This paper presents the theory and research involved behind the application of supervised machine learning techniques to the field of bioinformatics and classification of biological data. The paper suggests with enough practical evidence that none of the supervised machine learning algorithms perform consistently well over the data sets selected. Observations in this paper show that a combination of machine learning techniques perform much better than the individual ones and the performance is highly dependent on the type of training data. The paper also suggests some important points to consider while selecting a supervised machine learning algorithm for a data set.

2. Rich Caruna and Alexandru Niculescu-Mizil, “An Empirical Comparison of Supervised Learning Algorithms”, Department of Computer Science, Cornell University, 2006

This paper performs a very detailed empirical comparison of ten machine learning algorithms using eight performance criteria considering a variety of data sets and well documented results. The paper suggests that calibrated boosted trees are the best supervised learning algorithm followed by Random forests, SVM’s and neural networks. The paper also talks about the various new supervised learning algorithms recently introduced and how they are more efficient than the older algorithms. The paper discusses the significant variations seen according to the various problems and metrics and evaluates the situations under which these kind of performance fluctuations occur.