comparative brand audit sample

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  1. 1. Disclaimer: It should be noted that social media audits and studies are conducted with customparameters defined by the client at the time of the commissioned work.This particular audit was designed as a Comparative Brand Audit to understand how similar Brandsmay be using social media in the Luxury Goods market. Further, the information contained herein isbased on the insight gleaned at the time of the audit and may not reflect current individual Brandtrends or performance.Variances in depth and scope of audits and studies are completely dependent based upon clientneeds and requirements which may reflect completely different analytical parameters, including theuse of varying data models, methodologies and analysis techniques.It should be further noted that this 'aging' 2011 audit is posted as an early representation of work fora social media audit. Metrics, KPIs and analytical views used for studies have all matured since theoriginal publish date and as part of the natural industry maturation of defining and linking ROI toSocial media.The audit was commissioned by Swarovski Elements and performed by Daniel McKean for BrianSolis and FutureWorks.
  2. 2. For more information, or to inquire about conducting a social media audit or study, contact:Daniel McKean(949) [email protected]
  3. 3. social media auditluxury brand comparisonDaniel McKean, FutureWorks, March 2011
  4. 4. 5The Social Web requires the continual reflection of purposeful participation and engagement with intent. Reflection should gowell beyond the what a Brand may be doing and should also heavily reflect on the why. It is only then that a Brand can trulyreflect whether it is executing from a position of strength to reap the key underlying social benefits for cultivating, reinforcing andengaging with the social media communities it aims to serve.Savvy Brands understand that social media offers much more than a new simple broadcast and promotion medium for a Brand,products or services. Successful social media Brands view the medium as an opportunity. An opportunity to become fullyengaged and immersed with consumers to build an open dialogue for mutual benefit a dialogue that has never before reallybeen possible via traditional business communications. These social savvy Brands are not afraid to listen and then engage withtheir customers. And they welcome the opportunity to continuously experiment and refine how they interact using social mediabest practices for greater community involvement.This seems like a very simple premise, but all too often Brands are quick to overlook the underpinning real value associated withsocial media. The less astute frequently make the mistake of self promotion with little regard to building an open, two-waydialogue between Brand and consumer. As a result, Brands who do not sincerely have a desire to cultivate a relationship with itscustomers typically never realize flourishing communities, where ultimately the Brand loses by not capitalizing on the opportunityto embrace getting to know its customers at a deeper, more personal level for greater business benefit.It is with this seemingly simple premise that constant reflection becomes a critical component for practicing social media.Reflection offers periodic, self imposed reviews that help to avoid common pitfalls of being overly self indulgent. It ensures thereis a mechanism in place to keep Brands on course with viable and sustainable social media roadmaps. At times, it may besimple or complex. It may be an independent, complementary or comprehensive review process. And it may be done as oftenthat it may be justified or required based on individual Brand needs.But in all cases, reflection needs to be part of the social media mix. Continual reflection is an investment. But a criticalinvestment in the overall practice of social media that guarantees a Brand operates from a position of strength in the socialmedia sphere of influence.introduction
  5. 5. 6Preface.7Findings Summary...8Luxury Brands Audit 12Thomas Sabo..13Pandora45Louis Vuitton81Tiffany & Co.....127Cartier...163Coach202H&M..243Overall Best Practices. 285table of contents
  6. 6. 7This Social Media Audit has been structured from the guidance provided bySwarovski AG. It is designed as a first step to understand how social mediamarketing is currently being used in the Luxury Goods market. It is the intent of thisaudit to identify how social media is being practiced by comparable select Brands --and to what level of execution and success they may be experiencing. From theinsight and intelligence gathered, it is Swarovskis goal to deeper reflect on its ownsocial media efforts, and to review and refine as necessary its current efforts forenhanced community engagement leading ultimately to greater business success.The process and methodology used for the Swarovski Audit was custom designed tomeet the project parameters. The audit compared seven comparable Luxury brands(Louis Vuitton, Coach, Thomas Sabo, Tiffany & Co., Cartier, H&M, Pandora).Each Brands use of social media was reviewed and studied based on identifyingeach Brands chosen landscape of preferred platforms ; Twitter, Facebook, video(YouTube), images (Flickr), mobile, blogs, mainstream media. The initial audit wastaken from a researched sampling, where the observations and conclusions havebeen made based on all global geographies.It should be noted: Depending on client objectives, FutureWorks is able to conductmulti-level General or Deep Analysis studies ,which can scale and can beimplemented via phases based on individual needs. We routinely study brands;competitive brands; best practices; cause and effect; conversation sentiments;trends; influencers; and more in addition to the nuances found within generalcommunity thoughts, opinions, preferences and biases all on a global basis.preface
  7. 7. findings summaryluxury brand comparison
  8. 8. 9A snapshot of the comparable Luxury Brands across 12 focus markets.1. H&M: Deemed the most successful - strong brand focus withhigh consistency, focus on community building and growth, highfrequency and responsiveness, risk-taker on emergingplatforms.2. Louis Vuitton: Strong brand strategy, pure brand focus,traditional and safe activities and platform choice.3. Coach: Product focus to drive brand awareness andcommerce online and in-store, chatty language with community,but low level of interaction.4. Pandora: Still exploring social media with emphasis onFacebook, building brand and community with product focus todrive brand awareness.5. Thomas Sabo: Unfocused activities and poor execution,multiple Facebook properties, posts are partially in German orEnglish, unofficial Facebook pages exist creating confusion,low level of Twitter activities.6. Tiffany: Product focus aimed at building awareness andcommunity using Facebook and Twitter, regularly providedfresh content, but low level of interaction.7. Cartier: Rather poor use of social platforms: does not updateon regular basis, no conversations with community.findings summary
  9. 9. 10Most audited brands have followed a universal approach on globalplatforms with evidence of only a few innovators. Objectives: build greater brand awareness and preference through user engagement to drive foot traffic and/orcommerce to offline stores or online destinations Trends: iPhone apps, onsite optimization and blogger engagement Key platforms: Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Foursquare, marginal local platform engagements Twitter: country-specific profiles are quite common due to absence of language filters Facebook: one brand fan page in English is the most common approach with few exceptions as in the casefor Asia where there is cultural and market uniqueness; only Cartier uses a Facebook language filter (French),Thomas Sabo sporadically posts in other languages (e.g. German) visible to all Fans Campaigns: top audited brands launched high-exposure social media campaigns across relevant platforms tostrengthen online-offline links, not all campaigns coincide with current promotions or have a direct commercelink but are rather designed for brand-building Content: content is key! Each brand is producing unique content specific for social media with a focus on newsabout offline events and product information: emphasis on product categories in terms of bigger picture, H&Mand Louis Vuitton provide additional local news Bloggers: H&M, Louis Vuitton and Coach have begun to engage with bloggers by inviting them to shows orcalls for action, e.g. through competitions, content generated by bloggers is re-used by brand Onsite optimization: H&M and Louis Vuitton integrate website and social media, e.g. through sharefunctionality or onsite social media roomsfindings summary
  10. 10. 11Spotlight: Best Practice & Use H&M is an engaged innovator. Reinforces every aspect of the brand including news aboutupcoming events, new products and collections, store openings,special sales online and in-store, including photo and video contestsand cross - promotional links to the H&M site on Facebook,YouTube, Twitter and Foursquare Highly engaged with their online communities through dailyconversations re: the brand which creates a thriving and enthusiasticcommunity, social media presence is growing and expanding intonew landscapes Recently launched a Facebook store for fans to stay within theirfavorite social network Social media room on website: real-time, virtual feed of their socialmedia assets proofing transparency and confidence in onlineconversations around the brand Developed multipliers to inspire a young and trendy audiencethrough blogger contest for driving discussions across blogosphereusing user generated content Inspires conversations on a local level by inviting users to providenews about what is going on in the H&M stores in their locality andencourages discussions in an open-forum style Risk taker: social gaming experiment and one of the first to explorenew platformsfindings summary
  11. 11. the auditluxury brand comparison
  12. 12. 13Social PresenceFacebookTwitterBlogsYouTubeThomas Sabo
  13. 13. 14Social media marketing for Thomas Sabo appears to have no clear objectiveor strategy. Rather, it appears to be an exploratory venture.overall impressionObjectiveStrategyThere is nothing notable about Thomas Sabos execution of its initiatives. TheBrand continues to place a heavy emphasis on an online e-commerce capability,but lacks sophisticated integration using social platforms. Multiple Facebookproperties fracture the community causing inconsistent experiences.ExecutionSuccessThe brand continues to miss the mark and gain any traction using Social. Oneobvious misstep has been the lack of social promotion surrounding the signing ofKaty Perry as Thomas Sabos first Brand Ambassador.
  14. 14. 15Katy is the perfect match made for the Thomas Sabo jewellerybrand such that it is an imagination and no-one other than heris perfect for this brand.With this, Thomas Sabo is once more underlining itsinternational position as leading lifestyle brand for sterlingsilver jewellery.Thomas Sabo Spokesperson, Feb. 2011in their own wordsRe: Signing a brand ambassador for the first time in company history
  15. 15. 16Thomas Sabos low profile in social media has kept it below the radarof industry watchers and pundits.industry impressions
  16. 16. 17social platform review
  17. 17. Thomas Sabo maintains three separate Facebook Pages.Multiple Branded and general purpose properties mayconfuse Fans and consumers.18Thomas Sabos official Facebook page has posts in both German and English. Two otherThomas Sabo Facebook pages exist, but have no clear platform review
  18. 18. StrengthsOfficial Primary Page: The Thomas Sabo Official Facebook page is promotional and engages with its fans. Itdoes respond to consumer comments when appropriate. The Facebook page includes posts and comments inEnglish, German and French. The Page also allows consumers to post to the Facebook wall and upload photos.The Page appears to post approximately 2-3 times per week, and 1-3 posts per day with posts mainly consistingof product photos and links, contests, and some promotional video. There is the use of tabs promoting Shop,which links to the Thomas Sabo German e-commerce site; and a Katy Perry Tab to announce her celebrityendorsement.Weaknesses (Official Fan page, Secondary Corporate Page, Australian Page)The Facebook brand strategy is confusing -- competing Global Facebook accounts. Official Page appears tohave been created in February of this year, presumably to have a more corporate presence on Facebook toannounce the Katy Perry partnership, but this simply confuses followers where they may have become Fanson one of two other Pages. There are no vanity URLs for any of the accounts, representing a missed opportunityfor branding. Thomas Sabo fails to include links to other existing social platforms on any Page such as its Twitteror YouTube accounts. Both secondary Facebook accounts do not engage and each do not allow consumers topost to the Facebook wall and upload photos.19Secondary Pages: Unofficial accounts post 1-2 times per week mirroring content from the Official Page.Focus / Content DirectionOverall, the Brand is reinforced through product promotions coupled with F-commerce (dedicated Tab linked toe-commerce web portal). Official page does encourage Fan conversations and posts.Online / OfflineThere are periodic recommendations to stop into a Thomas Sabo shop and the use of F-commerce.Customer Loyalty, Rewards, Customer SupportOfficial Page is interactive to the degree of being reasonably good with timely responses to Fan platform review
  19. 19. Thomas Sabos Facebook properties are visually appealingusing a mix of Brand, product and promotional content .20F-Commerce Shop Tab Katy Perry Promotional Tabsocial platform review
  20. 20. 21social platform review
  21. 21. Twitter appears to be in an early stage of exploration bythe Brand with little engagement and few tweetsand as a result reflects low follower counts.22social platform review
  22. 22. 23StrengthsTwo Thomas Sabo Twitter accounts exist for both the Netherlands and Australia,both created in 2010. However, there is no verification that they are officialaccounts. The Thomas Sabo Australia account does have a well produced brandedpage.WeaknessesBoth pages have very little engagement with their communities and have onlyposted sporadic tweets. The Thomas Sabo Netherlands page appears to bedormant with no activity since June, 2010. Very low follower/following numbers forboth pages.Focus / Content DirectionMinimal focus centered around Brand and product platform reviewOnline / OfflineVery little or no activity.Customer Loyalty, Rewards, Customer SupportNo emphasis.
  23. 23. A sampling of tweets reveal the promotional aspect ofthe platforms early use and of the Brands minimalattempts to engage followers with @replies.24social platform review
  24. 24. 25social platform review
  25. 25. YouTube is representative of Thomas Sabos social efforts.Brand continues to explore without commitment to theplatform or the social landscape.26social platform review
  26. 26. 27StrengthsContent has been produced to represent the brand well, but only 5 corporatevideos uploaded.WeaknessesNo Thomas Sabo background branding. There is a lack of content with no recentvideos uploaded.Focus / Content DirectionOverall, the channel is product focused (Thomas Sabo collections) for the fewvideos platform reviewOnline / OfflineNo activity.Customer Loyalty, Rewards, Customer SupportNo emphasis.
  27. 27. Contents production uses an appealing art-style filmingtechnique with an aggressive music track to appeal toThomas Sabos unique demographic.28social platform review
  28. 28. 29social platform review
  29. 29. Blogs and bloggers are not an emphasis for the Brand.30There are no visible indications thatThomas Sabo engages in specialrelationships within the bloggercommunity.However, what has been discoveredis that Thomas Sabo did experimentfor a short period of time with acorporate blog to highlight its latestcreations; however, it appears theBlog has been neglected as the lastpost was Sept. platform review
  30. 30. 31the brand foundation
  31. 31. Social emphasis has primarily been applied to collections andproducts to reinforce the Brand.32The Pop Now Collection campaign with Katy Perry is shaping up to be a missed social opportunity forengagement as there are no signs the Brand has placed much of a social emphasis on the engagementBrandengagement
  32. 32. Heavy product / collection focus promotion aims to reinforcethe Brand and its unique eclectic fashion place in the industry.33brand / product focusBrand.productengagement
  33. 33. 34campaignBrandengagement
  34. 34. Thomas Sabo has yet to place much social emphasis on theKaty Perry ambassadorship or the Pop Now campaign.35Minimal announcement posts are present on Facebook, but are not sustained for reinforcing thecampaign. Thomas Sabo fails to leverage other social platforms for greater social visibility.campaign visualizedBrandengagement
  35. 35. social assessmentbrand snapshot36
  36. 36. 37Community building across the social landscape continues to lackmomentum so far for Thomas Sabo.Thomas Sabo is stillfiguring out how to useSocial in its Brand / productmarketing initiativesoverall performance
  37. 37. 38Thomas Sabos lack of Social sophistication prevents it from executingon a local or country basis.local performance
  38. 38. 39Thomas Sabo has made limited attempts to directfollowers to commerce or other brand enhancingdestinations.Highlight of note: there is a Shop tab on itsOfficial Facebook fan page property, but to dateoverlooks a large market opportunity by excludingthe United States.Interesting to note: Thomas Sabo hasexperimented with email marketing with socialintegration using Facebook and Twitter links.Twitter and Facebook posts may link occasionallyto photos of its latest products, but fails to furthersteer the followers to its e-commerce to actions / commerce
  39. 39. 40Thomas Sabo relies on building a global eclectic fashion image that istransferrable to and adopted in all regions of the world.Social is not currently at the forefront of its branding or marketing initiatives,but it continues to experiment with various spotlight
  40. 40. 41Unique to the other Luxury brands, ThomasSabo tweets pictures using a tool suchas TwitPic, which makes it easier (andmore inclined) for followers to follow thelinks to view the products and otherpromotional content.brand best practicesAside from this one practice, the Brand isnot doing anything special. Social is not atthe forefront of Thomas Sabo'scurrent branding or marketing initiatives,but it continues to experiment with variousplatforms.
  41. 41. 42Thomas Sabo is clearly not an innovator in the Social space.innovation spotlight
  42. 42. 43Although it has not been played out, if Thomas Sabo fails to execute aSocial Campaign around the popularity of Katy Perry as a Brandambassador, the Brand simply loses for lack of foresight and missteps
  43. 43. 44Thomas Sabo has yet to build any success stories due to its lack ofinitiatives and random continued experimentation using social mediamarketing.achievements
  44. 44. 45Social PresenceFacebookTwitterBlogYouTubeMobileiPhone appPandora
  45. 45. Pandoras objective with social media has been to raise awareness and preference for itsBrand and product lines, while driving commerce into retail and authorized online resellers.46overall impressionObjectiveStrategy Pandora has elected to place most of its social emphasis on the Facebook platform.The Brand has shown it is committed to building a community of Fans through activeengagement and content.The Brand is executing well on the Facebook platform using a mix of fresh contentand Applications to personalize the Fan experience. It is growing the Brands Fanbase at a rate of roughly 20,000 new fans per month. However, the Brand is notexecuting well with other social platforms such as Twitter and YouTube as there is alack of commitment to both platforms. Pandoras Introduction of an iPhone GiftFinder app appears to be well received and contains a number of featuresenthusiasts are appreciating.ExecutionSuccess Pandora has found most of its success through Facebook. An innovative Facebookbracelet designer app coupled with web portal link offers a constant flow of freshcontent stimulating Fan engagement elevating Pandora to a higher social presenceand adoption over other comparable Luxury Brands.
  46. 46. 47Pandoras executives are not discussing its social media efforts inthe public their own words
  47. 47. 48Its a good example [Pandora Jewelry Designer app] of how ahigher-end retailer is using Facebook to create a social buyingexperience. The experience seems to be resonating with users,too...industry impressions
  48. 48. 49social platform review
  49. 49. Pandora does a good job engaging Fans while placinga heavy emphasis on product promotions and commerce.50social platform review
  50. 50. 51StrengthsThe Pandora Jewelry Facebook page is promotional and engaged with their fans. The Brandresponds and converses with fans regularly on their wall and within the Notes and Discussions tabs.Pandora Jewelry also allows consumers to post to the Wall and upload photos which reinforces thecommunity experience. Overall, Pandora does a good job with posting almost daily, with 1-3 postsper daymainly consisting of product photos and links, contests, Pandora website, Pandora club,and some promotional video. Pandora also uses a tab to promote their bracelet designer app.WeaknessesWhile Pandora does a good job with posting regularly and talking to their community, it shouldconsider posting more variety of content. For example, posting more video, photos of celebrities ornotable personalities who wear their jewelry, behind the scenes photos, and links to articles thatmention Pandora would make their wall more interesting. Also, Pandora does not list under Info, itsother social platforms, i.e., Pandora Twitter and Pandora YouTube channel missing an opportunity tobuild its overall social community.Focus / Content DirectionBrand product centric: posts mainly consist of product photos and links, commerce designer app,Pandora Club, contests, information, and some promotional video.Online / OfflineRandom calls to action to drive foot traffic into stores, e.g., 10% discount on charms offer for USresidents if they purchase a select bracelet.Customer Loyalty, Rewards, Customer SupportPandora has created a number of vehicles to reward its Fans (Pandora Club), and frequently offershelpful tips on caring for the jewelry along with timely responses to Fan customer support platform review
  51. 51. Pandora has taken a clean and straight forward approachnotes and discussions.52to Facebook using Page tabs well - such associal platform review
  52. 52. 53social platform review
  53. 53. Pandora has not placed a great deal of emphasis onTwitter to build a community.54social platform review
  54. 54. 55StrengthsPandora does randomly engage with its followers with @-replies and retweets. Tweetsinclude links of products, event photos, the Pandora website, Pandora club, links tofashion articles, and video. Pandora has a branded Twitter background and their profileuses the opportunity to list the Pandora website.WeaknessesPandora tweets infrequently -- approximately 1-4 times per month. There are nocommerce calls to action or links; no use of lists; very little use of #hashtags. With a lowfollower and following count, Pandora needs to up their game on Twitter and starttweeting more frequently. It should also start cross promoting the Pandora Facebookpage, website and YouTube channel.Focus / Content DirectionBrand product centric: links included in tweets are to product/event photos, Pandorawebsite and video.Online / OfflineThere are some tweets mentioning attendance at various industry events do invitefollowers to the events.Customer Loyalty, Rewards, Customer SupportSome @replies to address customer support questions, but platform review
  55. 55. 56Pandoras Twitter account is a social opportunity beingneglected through its infrequent and non-committal platform review
  56. 56. 57social platform review
  57. 57. 58StrengthsPandora has a branded YouTube channel with 19 videos uploaded to its channel. Videosare well-produced, compelling to watch, and consist of re-purposed commercials, somebehind the scenes footage of creating Pandora pieces, interviews, Grazia workshopwhich discusses trends, and foreign language ambassadors.WeaknessesVideo content is not current. The last video posted is dated April, 2010. Pandora needs toupdate its YouTube channel with current video more frequently. Branding for the channelcould be improved. Videos do not have a call to action at the end, which could easilydirect viewers to Like their Facebook page, follow on Twitter or go to website.Focus / Content DirectionBrand product centric: Varying content is focused on Brand and product videos, photoshoots, and a series of foreign language ambassador platform reviewOnline / OfflineNone observed.Customer Loyalty, Rewards, Customer SupportPandora has engaged in conversation with visitors who have asked questions or hadcomments on the video content.
  58. 58. Pandora has produced a mix of videos that support theBrand and its Products, but lacks a vision for the channel.59social platform review
  59. 59. 60social platform review
  60. 60. 61StrengthsThe Pandora iPhone app offers an extended platform for branding. It also provides aneasy way for a consumer to browse the entire Pandora catalog regardless of physicalpresence. The app features interactive catalog images, store locator, social sharing,wish list and link to Pandora Club online web channel. The app also enables socialintegration sharing with Facebook.WeaknessesUnfortunately, consumers cannot order/buy Pandora products directly from the app.Consumers still need to go into a retail location to buy.Focus / Content DirectionBrand product centric: interactive catalogue reinforcing brand adoption.Online / OfflinePotential to drive foot traffic into stores with store locator feature.Customer Loyalty, Rewards, Customer SupportAs a free app, rewards loyal customers and platform review
  61. 61. App offers new engagement opportunities for Pandoraaimed at driving foot traffic.62social platform review
  62. 62. 63social platform review
  63. 63. Pandora misses an opportunity with the blogger community.64Discovery has not revealed that Pandora is developing any specialrelationships within the blogger community, nor is it platform review
  64. 64. 65the brand foundation
  65. 65. Pandora has placed greater social emphasis on its Facebook presenceover other platforms where it engages extremely well with its Fans.66Social efforts aimed at reinforcing the Brand have mainly centered around product anddesign, with community-designed bracelets used throughout to represent engagementBrandengagement
  66. 66. 67Engagement includes heavy product focus along with frequentinteraction with Fans and followers via surveys and opinion requests.Pandora does a good job of building a community spirit with its Fan requests.brand / product focusBrand.productengagement
  67. 67. 68campaignBrandengagement
  68. 68. Pandora is using Facebook as the preferred delivery platform topromote its 10th Anniversary as it spotlights the Pandora Bracelet asthe cornerstone to the Brand.69campaign visualizedBrandengagement
  69. 69. 70campaignBrandengagement
  70. 70. 71The Pandora Club uses some of the same functionality of its JewelryDesigner application packaged into a community sharing environment.campaign visualizedBrandengagement
  71. 71. social assessmentbrand snapshot72
  72. 72. Pandora places most of its emphasis on Facebook using the platform toactively promote products and engage with Fans.73Pandora continues to explore the valued use of YouTube and Twitter.overall performance
  73. 73. 74Social outreach across the Brands social propertiesremain mostly global with a few exceptions.local performance
  74. 74. 75Pandora does not engage in e-commerce instead preferring todrive all sales through retail or online to actions / commerce
  75. 75. Pandoras use of a Facebook App to give Fans the ability to design theirown bracelet personalizes the Fans Brand experience.76Facebook App turns engagement into community and commerce.innovation spotlight
  76. 76. 77Pandoras support of local geographies is limited to periodicencouragement of its Fans and followers to purchase Pandoraproducts from Local Retailers and Authorized Online spotlight
  77. 77. 78The Facebook bracelet designer app isconsidered in many circles as a majorinnovation. The interactivity built in engagesthe Facebook Fan, while reinforcing theBrand and its image. Allowing consumers tobuild their own bracelets has vast appeal.The app makes it easy to do so and givesthe consumer the final price based on theitems used in the jewelry design.iPhone app offers an extended platformfor branding. Provides an easy way for aconsumer to browse the entire Pandoracatalogue where ever they are. Featuresinteractive catalog images, store locator,social sharing, wish list and link to PandoraClub online web channel. Also enablessocial integration sharing with Facebook.brand best practices
  78. 78. 79During the course of this research for the time period reviewed, therewere no Brand-related issues that surfaced across thesocial misstep
  79. 79. 80Pandoras growing presence and success on Facebook symbolizes itsbiggest achievement to date for applying social media to its marketingefforts. The Brand is well engaged and responsive with its Fans, deliveringa fresh dose of content daily and frequently interacts with its followersasking for opinions and thoughts through informal surveys. Its use of aninnovative, interactive Facebook app to personalize the Brand engagementexperience through the ease and simplicity of designing personalizedbracelets demonstrates the Brand is exploring and developing social bestpractices. Although Pandora has not found similar success on Twitter orYouTube due to its lack of commitment to either platform, it does continueto experiment with both. Its introduction of a Branded iPhone app showsthe Brand is seeking new ways to engage and interact with customers.Pandora is definitely a Brand growing more sophisticated socially, but it stillhas plenty room for growth in order for it to become a master of applyingsocial media expertise to its marketing initiatives.achievements
  80. 80. 81Social PresenceFacebookTwitterBlogsYouTubeFlickrMobileFoursquareiPhone AppLouis Vuitton
  81. 81. 82The objective of the brands efforts is to create an experiential globalcorporate image tied to culture, life journeys, travel and luxury.overall impressionObjectiveStrategy Currently a re-branding effort is underway using the umbrellaThe Art of Travel by Louis Vuitton.All social activities are structured and well planned resulting in a high levelof engagement with content creation that is tightly integrated across allmajor social platforms there is a heavy emphasis on brand image andbrand/product awareness with minimal focus on product and localization.Execution Several notable observations: Social dialogue remainsaloof even though the Brand recognizes that Luxurybrands may appear arrogant and distant (the disconnectmay simply be a characteristic of luxury brands tomaintain an image of exclusivity). Where efforts have been placed on product or localization,they have deep tie-ins reinforcing the overall global brandimage. The use of social is ever increasing with an obviouscorporate commitment.Success As a result of its social media efforts, Louis Vuitton is maintaining andgrowing its prestige worldwide.
  82. 82. 83Digital is a core, core component of our strategy.[Social media] emphasizes the emotional aspectsof a luxury industry [that] is sometimes perceivedas arrogant and distant. When you put togetheropposites in the landscape like this, its a greatsource of innovation and emotion.Kamel Ouadi,global digital director at Louis Vuitton, Parisin their own words
  83. 83. 84Louis Vuitton has placed video and social media at the heart of a strategy tobecome the number one luxury brand online by next year [2011]In 2010, no one did this better than LouisVuitton[branded generated content]Louis Vuittons social media presence blows mostbrands out of the waterYesterdays opening of the new Louis Vuitton London flagshipwas a great way to show how a luxury brand can master the art of Social MediaIndustry watchers in general have positive impressions when evaluating LouisVuittons social media initiatives.industry impressions
  84. 84. 85social platform review
  85. 85. without encouraging community engagement.86Louis Vuitton places emphasis on Brand promotionssocial platform review
  86. 86. 87StrengthsLouis Vuitton does a fantastic job loading their Facebook page with an abundance of freshcontentproduct photos, celebrity photos, campaign videos, video interviews, product links, livevideo broadcast of red carpet events and fashion shows, etc. In addition, they make great use ofcustom tabs on their Facebook page, e.g., Journeys (Journey to the Heart of Africa w/Bono & Ali)and Mon Monogram (allows consumers to personalize their own LV bag, complementing the real-lifeMon Monogram Louis Vuitton service). They post on an almost daily basis, with at least 1-2posts per day. They also list all of their available sites and social platform URLs on the Info tab.WeaknessesLouis Vuitton does not encourage engagement. The Brand fails to interact with its community and itdoes not allow consumers to post comments or upload photos to their Facebook Page. Allconversations are one-way and Louis Vuitton-initiated. Consumers are only able to Like andcomment on Louis Vuitton posts. Furthermore, there is no use of EVENTS app to create an invitefor their community to attend a special events virtually, e.g., live fashion shows on Facebook; oras a reminder of a product launch and/or any offsite events. There also is no mention of recentlylaunched Amble mobile app.Focus / Content DirectionMainly Brand centric - seasonal collections, new products, special events, Core Values Journeyscampaign.Online / OfflineAll calls to action are focused on a visit to a store location to see a collection/product in person.Customer Loyalty, Rewards, Customer SupportLouis Vuitton builds loyalty through exclusive and rich content. No rewards offered, nor iscustomer support issues addressed on this platform review
  87. 87. 88The Louis Vuitton Facebook property is produced well,but the inability of Fans to engage in conversationthroughout the Page remains to be a platform review
  88. 88. 89social platform review
  89. 89. Louis Vuitton chooses not to engage with followersmaintaining a sense of aloofness.90social platform review
  90. 90. 91StrengthsLouis Vuitton has two Twitter accounts - @LouisVuitton_HQ and @LouisVuitton_US. Bothaccounts tweet almost daily with links to products, photos, videos, the Facebook page,website, campaigns/promotions, mobile app, celebrity photos, and fashion articles. Thereis some use of #hashtags in tweets. LV/US account may occasionally ask for feedbackfrom the community in regards to the use of the LV/US Twitter account.WeaknessesBoth Louis Vuitton Twitter accounts do not engage with their followers (except for onenoted instance cited above). The LV/HQ Twitter account does not retweet followers norrespond with @-replies. The Brand solely broadcasts information. The LV/US does use@-replies or retweets, but only of favorable Brand image material from magazine/pressorganizations. No LV branded Twitter background for either account. There is no use oflists.Focus / Content DirectionMainly Brand centric - seasonal collections, new product lines, Core Values and Journeyscampaign, special initiatives, charitable events, holiday platform reviewOnline / OfflineNo activity.Customer Loyalty, Rewards, Customer SupportNo emphasis.
  91. 91. 92Twitter properties tweet good volumes of fresh dailycontent, but do not engage with platform review
  92. 92. 93social platform review
  93. 93. 94StrengthsThe Louis Vuitton YouTube channel has plenty of content with 108 uploaded videos,more than 1,163,831 views and over 4,000 subscribers. The current highlight videowas recently uploaded on March, 2011. The channel includes a variety of interestingvideo content; including runway shows, seasonal collections, behind the scenesactivity at fashion shows, private events, interviews, a mobile app promo, andcampaign videos such as Journeys and Exhibition that are organized intoplaylists. The channel is also well branded.WeaknessesThere are no call-to-actions within the videos. Not even simplistic opportunities suchas asking viewers to Like the LV Facebook page, Follow on Twitter or Go to LVwebsite. Of further interest, there is no call to action for the promotion video of themobile app. It would have been easy to have a call-to-action to download the app.Furthermore, the Brand fails even to include the Louis Vuitton website URL in itschannel profile information.Focus / Content DirectionMainly Brand centric - Seasonal collections, new product lines, Core Values andJourneys campaign, special initiatives, charitable events, holiday campaigns, platform reviewOnline / OfflineNo activity.Customer Loyalty, Rewards, Customer SupportNo emphasis.
  94. 94. Louis Vuittons YouTube channels offer a rich selection ofcontent to reinforce the brand. Unique is a Japaneselanguage channel leveraging common material.95social platform review
  95. 95. 96social platform review
  96. 96. 97StrengthsLouis Vuitton is one of the few Luxury Brands in this audit which uploads photos toFlickr. Content includes products, behind-the-scenes shots of photo shoots andrunway shows.WeaknessesWhile Louis Vuitton posts a wealth of photos on Flickr, the Brand appears to havediscontinued the use of the social site as the last photos posted were in May 2010. IfFlickr remains a social strategy, the Brand needs to continue to upload photos andkeep the channel current. From the efforts so far, the Brand could use more tags foreach photo, so that they appear in SEO and SEM searches. Not all images have titlesand descriptions which are also key for search. From an engagement perspective,there are not many comments from viewers, and there is no encouragement forviewers to add comments, notes or tags to photos.Focus / Content DirectionMainly Brand centric - Seasonal collections, new product lines, campaign photos,special initiatives, charitable events, holiday platform reviewOnline / OfflineNo activity.Customer Loyalty, Rewards, Customer SupportNo emphasis.
  97. 97. The Flickr property appears to be a depository for eventphotos with very little activity (if at all) to leverage thephotos further into social engagement.98social platform review
  98. 98. 99social platform review
  99. 99. StrengthsLouis Vuitton is one of the few brands who took the initiative to be bold and innovativeto run a campaign with Foursquare to celebrate the opening of their new Louis VuittonMaison store on Bond Street in London. The Foursquare community has more than60,000 followers, contains great destination tips for London sights, and encouragesFoursquare users to add their own tips to London sights when they check in tovarious locations around the city.WeaknessesThe campaign was limited to the UK and in the London area. Furthermore, there was amissed opportunity to promote customer/brand loyalty and increase foot traffic byoffering something exclusive, e.g., an advance copy of the new LV collectionsmagazine to incentivize Foursquare users to check into Louis Vuitton locations.Focus / Content DirectionBrand centric - experimental stage used for store location check-ins in London, alongwith a tie-in to its Amble iPhone app. Louis Vuitton staff provided specific Londonsights tips and Foursquare users/tourists were also encouraged and permitted to addtheir own London-centric tips.100Online / OfflineNo promotional use during what appears to be an experimental stage.Customer Loyalty, Rewards, Customer SupportRoutine Foursquare badge incentive for earning a Louis Vuitton insider badge byvisiting a London Louis Vuitton store three platform review
  100. 100. United Kingdom Foursquare experimentation continues.Includes check-ins and offers destination tipsintegrated with its Amble iPhone app.101Platform reinforces the brand initiative The Art of Travel by Louis platform review
  101. 101. WeaknessesThe app does not have tie-ins to store promotions within this early release version. App seemscomplicated to use, and city guides are pricey.102StrengthsLouis Vuitton is the first luxury brand to launch an augmented reality app. It is positioned as adigital travel diary, which enables users to record memories with pictures, video, voice andnotes. The app interacts with the dedicated Amble website, enabling travelers to prepare theirjourney on their computer or iPad in advance. The app draws on a wealth of informationprovided by Louis Vuitton City Guides - long a loyal companion of seasoned travelers. Limitedsite specific addresses are provided free with Amble for various global cities, while the fullLouis Vuitton City Guide content can be purchased from iTunes for select cities. It also offersusers the opportunity to share their favorite spots in their journeys with friends via email,Facebook or Twitter -- as well as to submit them to Louis Vuitton, where they may bepublished on the website. The net result is that the App enhances the travel experience offellow travelers while creating a global community. To reinforce the Brand and Appexperience, the Amble website features profiles of celebrities also using the Amble app, whichusers can view. The app is developed well and proves to be a very helpful travel tool.Focus / Content DirectionBrand centric - integration with a dedicated branded website and with the Louis Vuitton CityGuides, Amble enables Louis Vuitton to reinforce its brand in a new physical real-worlddimension.Online / OfflineApp uses a website to allow travelers to plan their journeys in advance.Customer Loyalty, Rewards, Customer SupportNo platform review
  102. 102. Amble iPhone app has been seen by many in theLuxury market to be an innovative step forenhancing the Brands image.103social platform review
  103. 103. 104social platform review
  104. 104. Blogs and their influence are not currently a considerationas part of the Brands social mix for Louis Vuitton.105There are no visible indications that Louis Vuitton engages in specialrelationships within the blogger community unlike what can bedocumented with some other luxury platform review
  105. 105. 106the brand foundationBrandengagement
  106. 106. Louis Vuittons new brand strategy uses a collection of branded contentwhich is complementary and linked to take the consumer on a visualjourney to reinforce brand campaigns and initiatives.107social engagementBrandengagement
  107. 107. To reinforce the Brand strategy, product inspired activities serve as acomplement to branded content that is shared across all of Louis108Each initiative in isolation strengthens the corporate brand over the social landscape with ahigher placed emphasis on driving commerce and foot traffic.brand / product focusBrand.productengagementVuittons social platforms.
  108. 108. 109campaignBrandengagement
  109. 109. Campaign reinforces the re-branding effort underway using the travel theme.110campaign visualizedBrandengagement
  110. 110. 111campaignBrandengagement
  111. 111. Journeys Campaign provides another added dimension to reinforcingthe travel theme re-branding.112campaign visualizedBrandengagement
  112. 112. 113campaignBrandengagement
  113. 113. Images build an experiential story in all the re-branding campaign efforts.114campaign visualizedBrandengagement
  114. 114. social assessmentbrand snapshot115
  115. 115. 116The social brand strategy and the Brands commitment has enabledLouis Vuitton to develop enthusiastic and loyal social communitiesacross all its platforms over a short period of time.Platform experimentationcontinues with brandeddestinations and thelaunch of mobile (iPhoneapp & Foursquare), aswell as localized effortssuch as Japan Twitterand YouTube accounts.Louis Vuitton has a well integrated marketing effort wheremost elements are tied into social media in some form.overall performance
  116. 116. Social efforts engage the Brands customers with experiential marketingstrategies such as using the re-launch of the New Bond Street - Maison store.117Facebook Welcometab during promotionLouis Vuittons launch of its new London flagship demonstrated how a luxurybrand can harness the power of social media. -- Social Media & Luxury bloglocal performanceFacebook Virtual Guest InviteFacebook Personal PhotosTwitter PromotionLive Video Feed
  117. 117. Louis Vuitton adds to its experiential brand strategy using socialelements to promote local-enabled Branded tools that strengthen thebond with consumers.118A unique and differentiated extension of the Brand into the physical world.local performance
  118. 118. High Profile Local Events Create an Aura of Exclusivity which can besocially shared and experienced by all of the Brands fans and followers.119local performance
  119. 119. 120Local collaborations spawn store Branded promotional events.local performance
  120. 120. 121Calls to action in the social media efforts are primarily limited toconsuming content the Louis Vuitton experience.The Brand does not sell to consumers with their social initiativesand does not use mechanisms such as discounts or sales promotions nor does it ask for foot traffic.All content builds upon the experience enhancing the image andrichness of the to actions / commerce
  121. 121. 122Live video streaming is a key innovation in the social sphere. TheBrand executed its use for a store re-opening extremely well.Facebook- Live streaming 360 degree video using multi-camera video /user controlled camera angles applied to a series of recentFashion ShowsiPad- Streaming live video of events live via app Amble compatibilityiPhone- Streaming live video of events live via app- Amble Augmented Reality app (navigation, travel diary withphotos, videos, audio and notes)innovation spotlight
  122. 122. 123Louis Vuitton places little emphasis on local geographies.Instead, it relies on building a global image that is transferrableWhere it has been discovered that localization has occurred, it has been limited to globalbrand enhancement with a local flare:1. Store openings in the UK, Japan, France, Southeast Asia, LasVegas, Beirut (with the exception of the London store re-openingas its flagship store), social activities wrapped aroundthese openings have been wrapped around branded content.2. Mobile experimentation with Foursquare (UK only)3. Amble (iPhone app) along with City Guides brand Louis Vuittonglobal spotlighton a local and adopted in all regions of the world.
  123. 123. 124Re-usable Branded content allows a Brandsuch as Louis Vuitton to share its brandedstory regardless of medium. The Brand doesan excellent job of re-purposing content to beused across its social properties. At the sametime, the image and experience conveyed isconsistently presented when viewed by brandenthusiasts -- independent of where they mayencounter it.The Brand makes its Fans feel part of theexclusive club. Louis Vuitton's innovative useof live streaming 360 degree video for aLondon store grand re-opening gave Fans aninsider view of the event. Streamed live toiPhones and then uploaded to Facebook,Fans were able to watch the action live whileupdating their status on the event, sharesocially their comments, take pictures for apersonal photo album and post it to their ownFacebook Wall to share with friends.brand best practices
  124. 124. 125During the course of this research for the time period reviewed, therewere no discoveries of Brand-related issues that surfaced across thesocial misstep
  125. 125. 126Louis Vuittons use of branded content, coupled with initiatives such as the no-commerceNowness Campaign, along with a steady flow of fresh daily brand /product content introduces consumers to multi-faceted stories with exclusivity while branding LV as a luxury expert. This approach allows the Brand to beeverywhere all the time.The social elements are well structured and planned using a mix of editorial, video,and images that are of the highest quality. Site visitors to Louis Vuittons socialproperties can view videos, slideshows, interviews with fashion icons anddescriptions of arts and events. The Brand encourages its community to share itssite content leading to organic growth.Consumers (both enthusiasts and loyalists) gravitate to the content showcasingfashion, art, culture and travel. As a result, engagement with the Louis Vuittonbrand is an experiential one.Content and execution is presented using highly creative and technologicallyadvanced approaches such as the Live 360 degree Fashion Show broadcasts onFacebook and iPhone.achievements
  126. 126. 127Social PresenceFacebookTwitterBlogsYouTubeMobileiPhone AppTiffany & Co.
  127. 127. 128Tiffany & Co. plays it safe with social media marketing, and their objective isanalyzed as exploratory to develop best practices to gain a deeper connectionwith its community.overall impressionObjectiveStrategy The Brand does not appear to have a clear and cohesive strategy behind its socialefforts, but they continue to use social platforms. A more visible strategy may berevealed over a short period of time.Tiffany & Co. is executing, but not at a high level. It appears that the Brand willcontinue to integrate mobile with social, while developing best practices acrossother social platforms.ExecutionSuccess The Brand has been able to marginally reinforce its global image through the useof social without experiencing any pitfalls through its experimentation.
  128. 128. 129Tiffany is always looking for new and exciting ways toengage with their customers.Today more and more people are getting their informationthrough mobile devices. In creating the new Tiffanyengagement iPhone app, the company has taken anotherstep to provide customers with vehicles to share theirTiffany experience with others.Carson Glover,director of media relations at Tiffany & Co.,New Yorkin their own words[Re: iPhone engagement ring finder app]
  129. 129. 130Currently, Tiffany & Co. remains below the radar of industry bloggers /analysts due to its low profile with social media marketing.industry impressions
  130. 130. 131social platform review
  131. 131. Facebook presence delivers an engaging experiencewith its Fans based on a simple and direct approach.132social platform review
  132. 132. WeaknessesWhile Tiffany and Co. does a good job of providing content on a regular basis, it needs more contentvariety. The use of more video (behind the scenes video), event photos, celebrity photos, andpossibly links to fashion articles or more conversation thought starters, would help the Brandincrease the appeal of the Page. It is also noted that the use of an Event app to promote in-storeevents or product launches would fit well into the overall use of the Facebook Page.133StrengthsThe Tiffany Facebook Page is engaged with its fans. The Brand responds to consumers and postsregularly on their wall. The Brand also engages with their audience within the Notes andDiscussions tabs, and allows consumers to post comments and upload photos to the Facebookwall. The Brand appears to post 3-5 times per week with at least one post per day. Posts mainlyconsist of links to product photos, event photos, celeb photos, information, and video. The BrandsFacebook Page uses a customized tab Spotlight to highlight new products.Focus / Content DirectionMainly Brand - product/event photos and links, information, and some promotional video.Online / OfflineSome posts do encourage Fans to stop in to a Tiffany store to check out a special collection orproduct line -- such as a recent post tied into its Beverly Hills location and the Red Carpet affairs atthe Oscars.Customer Loyalty, Rewards, Customer SupportTiffany does engage with Fans to help answer consumer questions re: store locations, e-shoppingand more. However, there are no initiatives related to loyalty or rewards platform review
  133. 133. Tiffany appears to be executing and engaging well withits Facebook community.134social platform review
  134. 134. 135social platform review
  135. 135. Tiffany & Co. is less engaging with its Twitter followerswith a historic inconsistent commitment to the platform.136social platform review
  136. 136. 137StrengthsTiffany & Co. is seen to be starting to tweet more consistently and frequently, buthistorically it was uncommitted. Current Tweets include good Tiffany-branded background.WeaknessesThe Tiffany & Co. Twitter account appears to have been created in February 2010, yethas been used inconsistently with very few tweets. There is very little engagement with itscommunity through @-replies and retweets. When it does re-tweet, its usually to re-broadcasta mention by the media. There is no use of #hashtags representing a lack ofsocial platform reviewsophistication.Focus / Content DirectionMainly Brand - Product centric - links included in tweets are to product/event photos,website, e-commerce and videos.Online / OfflineSome emphasis of directing followers offline to store locations.Customer Loyalty, Rewards, Customer SupportNone discovered.
  137. 137. Tiffany & Co. appears to be making a renewed effort toleverage Twitter while making strides with betterexecution and competency.138social platform review
  138. 138. 139social platform review
  139. 139. 140StrengthsThe Tiffany & Co. YouTube channel was created in September, 2010 and currently has132K video views. The channel has well produced video content consisting of repurposedcommercials, behind the scenes story lines, product, and a video featuring their mobileapp. It uses a well produced Tiffany-branded background.WeaknessesLack of freshness and quantity of content. Current main video is from November, 2010.There are only eight videos on the channel. As with most Luxury Brands, Tiffany & Co.neglects using a call to action within its videos even at the most simplistic level such asLike Facebook page, Follow on Twitter or Go to website.Focus / Content DirectionMainly Brand centric Brand promotion emphasis.Online / OfflineNo call to action in videos.Customer Loyalty, Rewards, Customer SupportNone platform review
  140. 140. The Brand has expanded its social presence with theaddition of its new YouTube channel but more frequentcontent may be required to grow the community.141social platform review
  141. 141. 142social platform review
  142. 142. StrengthsThe Tiffany & Co. Engagement Ring Finder mobile app merges mobile andinteractive shopping and provides another access point to Tiffanys expertise andknowledge. The innovative app leverages the trend for how people are more frequentlygetting their information through mobile devices and gives users the opportunity toshare their finds with family and friends via email, Facebook and Twitter. The app doesappear to be easy to use with appealing visual and informational features; including anExpert Consultation feature featuring stores phone numbers. Furthermore, the Appgives consumers the option to schedule a phone consultation via the application.Consumers can also fill out a short form within the App with their personal informationand send it to a Tiffanys representative, who will contact them back within 48 hours.To aid the Apps adoption, Tiffany & Co. has a video tutorial on YouTube as well.Online / OfflineApp allows for the scheduling of appointments at local stores, store locator and expertconsultation via phone.143Focus / Content DirectionBrand centric - integration with social and online and offline elements.WeaknessesConsumers cannot order or buy from the app, but this may be expected due to thequality and cost of the merchandise.Customer Loyalty, Rewards, Customer SupportExpert consultation ensures a level of customer support platform review
  143. 143. Engagement Ring Finder iPhone app engages theBrands community while reinforcing the Luxury image.144social platform review
  144. 144. 145social platform review
  145. 145. A trend among the Luxury Brands audited:Blogs and the blogger community are often overlooked.146Discovery has not revealed that Tiffany & Co. is developing anyspecial relationships within the blogger platform review
  146. 146. 147the brand foundationBrandengagement
  147. 147. Social media marketing is becoming more prominent inTiffany & Co.s Brand marketing initiatives.148social engagementBrandengagement
  148. 148. 149Tiffany & Co. is currently exploring with a combination of brand andproduct social inspirations to reinforce the Brand image.Execution continues to evolve as sophistication increasesbrand / product focusBrand.productengagement
  149. 149. 150campaignBrandengagement
  150. 150. 151Tiffany explores mobile advertising for a Luxury consumer, but fallsshort in fully leveraging the social opportunity.Mobile ad clicks through to web property social tie-ins appear to be an after thoughtcampaign visualizedFor Someone Extraordinary CampaignMobile Campaign drives YouTube views and is leveraged as content for Facebook and TwitterBrandengagement
  151. 151. social assessmentbrand snapshot152
  152. 152. Tiffanys social brand strategy is evolving with execution using a mix ofbranded content produced from other corporate marketing initiatives.153Platform exploration continues and efforts are increasing.overall performance
  153. 153. A Missed Opportunity: Tiffanys Fashion Night Out excluded social promotion.154New Yorkone tweet post event FB video post post event FB postNew York, Beverly Hills, London, Iguatemi (Brazil), Berlin, Milan, Madrid, Beijinglocal performance
  154. 154. 155With a renewed commitment to Twitter, Tiffany used the social platformwell to recently socially promote tie-ins to local store promotions.New York, California, Milan, Londonlocal performance
  155. 155. The Tiffany Engagement Ring Finder iPhone App is an innovative Appletand comes in various languages to mirror its consumer demographicaround the World.156English, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Spanishlanguages supportedlocal performance
  156. 156. 157Calls to action in the Brands social media efforts is primarily limited toconsuming content. However, the Brand is experimenting with usingsocial to drive foot traffic to local stores, but so far has elected not toexperiment with commerce driven activities on its Branded socialplatforms.The Brand does not sell to consumers with their social initiatives nordoes it use such mechanisms such as discounts or sales to actions / commerce
  157. 157. 158Innovation thus far has not been Tiffany & Co.s strong suit. It operatesmore from risk aversion than as an innovator.innovation spotlight
  158. 158. 159Tiffany & Co. does place some degree of emphasis on local geographies tosupport local commerce. Its use of Twitter to call attention to local events --and the Brands new iPhone app available in eight languages represents thecompany is engaging on smaller initiatives with local spotlight
  159. 159. 160brand best practicesIn social circles, engagement is key. Tiffany &Co. does an excellent job of havingconversations with its Fans on Facebook.Although the Brand doesn't have the samelevel of commitment on Twitter, it isrepresenting on Facebook how engagementshould be done.If you are going to do a mobile app, be sure toinclude calls to action to drive commerce.Tiffany does an excellent job ofincorporating commerce with calls to actionand social to drive foot traffic into the stores inits iPhone Engagement Ring Finder app. Notonly can users get expert advice on the phone,they can also schedule an appointment throughthe app. Although the current App does notsupport e-commerce due to the price range ofTiffany diamonds, an e-commerce feature forlesser priced products could easily be addedand well received by consumers.
  160. 160. 161During the course of this research for the time period reviewed, therewere no discoverable Brand-related issues that surfaced across thesocial misstep
  161. 161. 162Tiffany & Co. has aligned itself to the core fundamentals of social mediawithout exploring too far beyond. The Brands early efforts have been to buildand engage using the necessary foundation of platforms (Facebook andTwitter). The company has just acquired its YouTube channel this pastSeptember.To date, the Brand has placed more emphasis on Facebook over other socialplatforms, where it has executed reasonably well based on engagement. TheBrand does avoid risk by using a basic platform design as the companybecomes more comfortable with engagement and outreach. Twitter has takena back seat to Facebook, but in recent months more activity and engagementhas emerged. The companys use of a mobile app demonstrates it is willing toinvest in exploring new channels to reach its consumer demographic.From a strategic direction, the Brand has not necessarily demonstrated it isexecuting from a well planned playbook. It has missed some opportunities tobe more social. But in comparison to other Luxury brands in this analysis,Tiffany & Co. is maintaining a social presence and is executing at a levelsomewhere in the middle of the pack to its peers in this analysis.achievements
  162. 162. 163Social PresenceFacebookTwitterBlogsYouTubeMySpaceMobileiPhone AppCartier
  163. 163. 164Cartiers social objectives are limited at best. The Brand has experimentedwith varying degrees of social without making a full commitment. As a result,the company is a sideline player lacking creativity, initiative and foresight.overall impressionObjectiveStrategy Cartier does not appear to have a clear overall objective for the use ofsocial media. The companys strategic direction is limited to isolated projects.Cartier made a lot of news when it was one of the first Luxury brands to enter the sociallandscape in 2008 with an Ad campaign using branded Pages on MySpace. Executionfailed across eight countries using five languages after the year long campaign nevergained traction with a MySpace community which represented a consumer profile mis-alignedto the values of the Brand and to the Luxury market.Since then, Cartier seems to have been treading lightly with social initiatives and has pulledback from exploring other platforms aggressively.ExecutionSuccess Of note, Cartier is not as successful in the social space as they could be. Whilethey have presence on multiple platforms, the level of engagement with theircommunity is missing.
  164. 164. 165[Luxury] Brands that employ Facebook, Twitter, interactive websitesand mobile devices to connect with their consumers are more likelyto drive sales and reach an expanded customer base.Luxury Daily, Dec. 2010Cartiers social commitment has not been discussed in the their own words
  165. 165. 166Cartier is an iconic symbol of elegance, rich history and, ofcourse, extreme luxury with individual items selling for tens ofthousands of dollarsHowever, this elegance hasnt transferredcompletely smoothly online.Cartiers had a false start in social with a MySpace debacleand since appears to be very conservative in the social spaceindustry impressionsDigital IQ IndexBig brands like [Cartier] have ignored the web world eventhough research shows that 78% of internet users spendsignificant time on social network sites, while 66% use theInternet to conduct research before making a major purchase.-- L2, a New York University Stern organization (Oct 2010)
  166. 166. 167social platform review
  167. 167. 168Cartier could be more engaging with more contentincluding non-promotional content publishedvia a structured editorial schedule.Fan page is promotionalwith NO engagementwith visitorssocial platform review
  168. 168. StrengthsCartier leverages well the Brands digital video assets as hosted on YouTube. They also usea customized Welcome tab to link its Rouge Cartier and Fine Watchmaking tabs, anduses a link to Invite Friends. The Rouge Cartier and Fine Watchmaking tabs link back tothe Cartier website and video.WeaknessesThe Cartier Facebook Page does not allow fans to post comments or upload photos to thewall. However, consumers can like or comment on posts. The Brand also does not postcontent regularly electing to opt for singular posts several times per month. Posts consistmainly of video, product and event photos, where they may link to various campaigns. Cartierdoes not reference its Twitter page under Info - nor do they use the Events app to promoteproduct/collection launches, events.169Focus / Content DirectionBrand / product line centric promotionally platform reviewOnline / OfflineNone.Customer Loyalty, Rewards, Customer SupportNone.
  169. 169. 170Produced with good visuals and images, the CartierFacebook property provides the Brand with a socialpresence with marginal platform review
  170. 170. 171social platform review
  171. 171. 172Account appears to be inactiveFollowers: 1,663Follow: 0Tweets: 25Last tweet: March 2010social platform has abandoned the use of its Twitter accountmissing an opportunity to engage with fans and enthusiasts.
  172. 172. 173StrengthsNo strengths an abandoned platform not previously used well or leveraged.WeaknessesMissed opportunity with no commitment to build a community. Random promotionaltweets with huge time period gaps between tweets (last tweet Mar. 4, 2010). Only 1,781followers (a dismal number, considering the brands overall power).Focus / Content DirectionBrand centric platform reviewOnline / OfflineNone.Customer Loyalty, Rewards, Customer SupportNone.
  173. 173. Cartier has lost a social opportunity to engage withconsumers by abandoning its Twitter property.174social platform review
  174. 174. 175social platform review
  175. 175. 176StrengthsYouTube appears to be where Cartier has placed the majority of its social emphasis as itmaintains an extremely well branded channel with compelling and artistic producedcontent. The videos convey the Cartier brand of one of extreme luxury. The channelbranding is excellent. Videos are categorized into three main product lines, which makes iteasy for community members to locate videos of interest.WeaknessesLacks frequency and volume of content. Current highlighted video is dated January, 2011.There are a total of 12 videos uploaded. Cartier needs to continue to produce and uploadvideos to keep the channel current fresh and active. Also, the absence of a call to actionwithin the videos remains to be a lost opportunity for all the Brands studied.Focus / Content DirectionBrand product centric highlighting various products and product lines.Online / OfflineNone no call to action in videos.Customer Loyalty, Rewards, Customer platform review
  176. 176. Cartiers YouTube channel is packaged to reinforcethe Brands Luxury image.177social platform review
  177. 177. 178social platform review
  178. 178. Photo Sharing Sites could be an opportunity for Cartieras many enthusiasts of the Brand openly share pictures.179social platform review
  179. 179. 180social platform review
  180. 180. Cartier takes Online to Offline with Mobile Apps.181Cartiers partnerships with iPhone App developers broadens its reachand provides entry into the App world without a Branded platform review
  181. 181. Cartier is leveraging Mobile Apps for a Luxury consumer.Cartiers mobile ad partnership with the New York Timesas part of its Holiday campaign provided a mass audience for its promotion.182social platform review
  182. 182. A Missed Opportunity: New iPad App lacks social.Cartiers entry into the Branded App world comes via the Apple iPadwithout social integration.183Cartier misses an opportunity to incorporate social into the appsocial platform review
  183. 183. WeaknessesCartier is one of many Luxury brands participating in a collaborative effort whichshares user attention and engagement time within a select mobile App. However, thereis a missed opportunity to get social with its new Branded iPad Watchmaking app.184StrengthsCartier provided content in collaborative sponsored initiatives (Apps) with both theVogue Stylist and New York Times. The Apps extend the Brand across a largercommunity for greater potential reach. Both Apps offer many rich features; includingadvertising, product catalog, wardrobe builder, wish list, store locator, social sharingand e-shopping. This appears to be a big win for Cartier as it extends its brandassociated with style and luxury.Focus / Content DirectionBrand / Product centric Product promotions with a brand reinforcement feature viaadvertising and a store locator feature.Online / OfflineCollaborative Apps designs do a good job of facilitating the physical versus the virtualworld based upon user interaction desires; e-shopping, store locator, select productpromo highlights (ads) along with social sharing.Customer Loyalty, Rewards, Customer SupportNo platform review
  184. 184. SMS Texting proves a Luxury audience can be reached.185StrengthsThe Cartiers text component in its Winter Tale campaign proved that texting can beused with a refined audience using selection criteria such service carrier andsmartphone type. Luxury consumers can be receptive to uses of technology delivering promotions via text opens up a new communication channel that is likelyoverlooked by many other Luxury brands.WeaknessesThere is the potential of poor execution with poorly worded messages which can beviewed as spam leaving poor impressions on the brand.Focus / Content DirectionBrand / Holiday Product Promotion centric first time use as part of a larger richmedia mobile initiative drove consumers to online and offline properties provedsuccessful.Online / OfflineCommunications were online driving foot traffic back into the stores.Customer Loyalty, Rewards, Customer SupportNo such programs offered in initial use of platform.[SMS] does resonate in the eyes of affluent shoppersLuxury Frenchjeweler and watchmaker Cartier is a testament to this fact.-- Certified Text Messaging Mobile Marketing platform review
  185. 185. 186social platform review
  186. 186. 187Blogs and the blogger community continue to be oftenoverlooked among Luxury Brands.There are no visible indications that Cartier engages in any specialrelationships within the blogger community unlike what can bedocumented with some other luxury platform review
  187. 187. 188the brand foundationBrandengagement
  188. 188. Cartiers brand strategy has yet to be fully realizedacross the Social landscape.189social engagementBrandengagement
  189. 189. Cartiers experimentation is an ongoing trial of learning experiencesseeking direction and commitment.190Cartiers is practicing social without a clear, focused, structural foundation.brand / product focusBrand.productengagement
  190. 190. 191campaignBrandengagement
  191. 191. 192campaign visualizedBrandengagement
  192. 192. social assessmentbrand snapshot193
  193. 193. Community building has not been a strength of the Cartier Brand.194Lack of commitment has greatly impacted the Brands minimumsocial efforts.overall performance
  194. 194. 195Cartiers social media initiatives since the MySpace experiment have beenfocused on a global effort without any emphasis on a local or country basiseven as the Brand has clear objectives of expansion into the Mideast andEurope.local performance
  195. 195. Missed Opportunity: Cartiers lack of social sophistication has notallowed the Brand to consistently steer consumers to action.196call to actions / commerce
  196. 196. Cartier is increasingly exploring the use of mobileto reach the affluent Luxury consumer.197MobileCartier did show some innovation within the 2010 WinterTales Ad campaign by integrating social with the older mobilemarketing techniques to extend them into the Luxury retailmarketSMS TextFiltering who received the text messages by carrier serviceand phone type ensured to a level that recipients were pre-groomedbased on social economic factors. Additionally,asking for text messages to authorize the sending of Tweetswas unique even though the Brand did not execute on thisaspect of the campaignMobile AdvertisingInteractive ads provided links to video and Facebookgrowing the Facebook community by 50,000 fansinnovation spotlight
  197. 197. 198Cartier is simply not engaging or executing at a level where it canprovide focus on localized markets. MySpace debacle was an spotlight
  198. 198. 199brand best practicesBranding social properties is as importantas the content it hosts. Cartier's efforts onits YouTube channel is a good casestudy on how to convey Luxury to asophisticated and fashion consciousaudience.Mobile advertising is gaining popularityamong Luxury brands. Cartier's use of itin the Winter Tale Ad campaign added anice social twist. Additional social contentwas produced to support the campaignand shared socially on Facebook, Twitterand YouTube. In addition, from within themobile Ads, viewers could friend the Brandon Facebook, click on a video link toYouTube or even request Cartier tweets besent to them on their mobile phones via asimple SMS text request.
  199. 199. MySpace was intended to be Cartiers big push into social,failure to understand the demographic resulted in a big misstep.Brands first foray into social media failed onMySpace even though the Love by Cartier ad /commerce campaign gathered 3,800 fans andmore than 100,000 visits to their sites (asreported by the NY Times). In less than a year,Cartier had abandoned their five language sites,where today they remain on the troubled socialnetwork as ghosted remnants.Five languages across eight countries, featurenew music from 12 artists, inc: Phoenix,Grand National, Lou ReedObjective: Jump into social networking and build aseries of language-country community-orientedbranded pages to attract a legion of new youngerfollowers worldwideStrategy: Create a commerce campaign using highquality images and links to online properties with socialtie ins and content linked to popular music artistsExecution: Cartier failed to understand the MySpacedemographicResults: Brand never fully engaged with a communitywith a profile that was below its targeted consumerluxury profile200social misstep
  200. 200. 201The 2010 Winter Tale Ad campaign is the Brands highlight achievement insocial media marketing. The campaign attempted and succeeded at alevel of integrating social elements into the global holiday brandpromotion. Cartier did realize 50,000 new Facebook fans and whenconsidering that they had roughly 30,000 before the campaign and 86,000three months after the campaign, the campaign can deemed a success(relative to past performance).The campaigns use of mobile and text was innovative as a Luxury branddemonstrated that these communication tools could be applied in theLuxury market if executed at a high level.Interesting to note one campaign element promoted a text message besent to Cartier to follow their tweets. The Brand had abandoned its Twittereffort some 6 months prior, but possibly this was an attempt to re-engageon this platform and this tactic proved not to be successful.achievements
  201. 201. 202Social PresenceFacebookTwitterBlogsYouTubeFlickrContestsMobileFoursquareiPhone AppCoach
  202. 202. Coachs social presence appears to be aimed at driving foot traffic and e-commerce viaBrand and promotional marketing.203overall impressionObjectiveStrategy The brand leverages core platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to buildcommunities of followers to reinforce the Brand on a global basis. Further, these effortsare enhanced with periodic social campaigns tied to the Brands Ad campaignspromoting new collections and lines.Coach has executed well at a base level on the core platforms of choice. They areproducing fresh, frequent content, engaging with communities and driving traffic toe-commerce. It has been innovative from the standpoint of building key relationshipswithin the Fashion Blogger community and leveraging those relationships into morefrequent posts and visibility to fashion conscious consumers. The Brands use ofcontests and promotions are well executed and tightly integrated with Brand initiatives.ExecutionSuccess The Brand has been able to gather momentum across social communities to reinforceits Brand among consumers. Blogger relations have been executed with creativity withconsumer receptiveness and engagement serving as a successful case study for otherBrands to emulate.
  203. 203. 204Our [primary] objective in the social space is to drive brandengagements and store traffic as well as maximizinge-commerce opportunities.David Duplantis,Coach Senior Vide President of GlobalWeb and Digital Mediain their own words
  204. 204. 205The companys social media goals are to increase brand awareness,drive store traffic and maximize e-commerce opportunities. The online [social] emphasis is just one of thereasons retail experts say Coach is poisedfor growth this holiday season.Coach is a brand that is seen as executing social successfully.industry impressionsBuzz-worthy Poppy Project was the most recentof many blogger collaborations; from shopping-orientedsocial media to top-notch e-commerce, brand deliverson every platform.
  205. 205. 206social platform review
  206. 206. Coach has an early engaging Facebook presence with astructured approach that leaves visitors wanting more.207social platform review
  207. 207. 208StrengthsCoach has a customized Coach tab on their Facebook Page with good, linkablecontent, email mailing list signup, friends invite, e-commerce, videos, and promomaterials. The wall posts a variety of content with a heavy emphasis on collections andlines with links to e-commerce, product photos, celebrity photos, contests/sweeps, andsome video. The Brand keeps a tight control on its image by not allowing consumers toupload photos to the Coach wall, but they do allow consumers to post comments, andlike or comment on Coach posts. It appears that the Brand posts nearly daily, withone post per day. Coach responds and engages more so on the Discussions and Notestabs rather than on its wall. Good overall use of customizing tabs, including StoreLocator and Coach.WeaknessesCoach could be more engaging with more content, particularly video and apps. Contestand sweeps promotions could be brought to the forefront on the landing page or Wallfor better engagement. Also, they should engage more with their community on theirwall and do more to talk to Fans within Notes and Discussions tabs.Focus / Content DirectionBrand product centric: posts mainly consist of product/event photos and links,information, and some promotional video.Online / OfflineStore locator tab gives Fans an easy-to-use to find their nearest Coach store.Customer Loyalty, Rewards, Customer SupportMinimal level of customer support platform review
  208. 208. A streamlined basic functionality with little fanfareis executed well to reinforce a social presence.Poppy MYNY SweepstakesMothers Day Sweepstakes209social platform review
  209. 209. 210social platform review
  210. 210. Coach engages and is responsive to followersdelivering a mix of content to inspire consumers.211social platform review
  211. 211. 212StrengthsCoachs Twitter account is active and engaged with their community. The Brandtweets nearly daily, with multiple tweets per day and converses regularly withfollowers with @replies and retweets. Tweets include links to product/event photos,celebrity photos, media publications mentioning Coach, the Coach website andvideo, and frequently links to ecommerce. They do use lists, #hashtags and#followfriday. Nicely branded background.WeaknessesCoach needs to retweet followers more often and increase their following count.Focus / Content DirectionBrand product centric: responsive with tweets using links to product, e-commerce,event and celebrity photos.Online / OfflinePeriodic tweets encouraging followers to stop by retail locations.Customer Loyalty, Rewards, Customer SupportCoach does use Twitter to be responsive to customer support platform review
  212. 212. Coach uses Twitter to deliver a nice balance ofengagement with content and commerce.213Twitter content routinely links to other social properties and brand content for greater reach and social platform review
  213. 213. 214social platform review
  214. 214. 215StrengthsThe Coach YouTube channel has a total of 112K video views. Coach videocontent includes celebrity ambassadors, behind the scenes of Coach campaigns,Holiday campaign, and product/collections. Nicely branded channel, but withlimited Fan engagement.WeaknessesThe current highlighted video was uploaded in February, 2011. There are a totalof 25 videos uploaded. Coach needs to continue to produce and upload video tokeep the channel current. Also, video call to actions need to be added at the endof each video to cross promote other social properties, such asLike Facebookpage, Follow on Twitter and Go to our website.Focus / Content DirectionBrand centric videos posted are promotional.Online / OfflineNo specific calls to action to take viewers offline.Customer Loyalty, Rewards, Customer SupportNone platform review
  215. 215. Have a Coach Holiday Campaign renewed the Brandsemphasis on the Channel platform with 14 new Videoscollecting 59,049 views.216social platform review
  216. 216. 217social platform review
  217. 217. 218StrengthsCoach uploads many photos of products and behind-the-scenes shots ofphoto shoots and runway shows. They also do a very good job of includingtitles and descriptions with all images.WeaknessesWhile Coach posts a wealth of photos on Flickr, the last photos were posted inFebruary, 2011. They need to continue to upload photos and keep the channelcurrent. Using more tags for each photo could be done better, so that photosshow up in search more often. There are not many comments from viewers,and no encouragement for viewers to add comments, notes and tags tophotos.Focus / Content DirectionBrand promotional for Coach platform reviewOnline / OfflineNone observed.Customer Loyalty, Rewards, Customer SupportNone observed.
  218. 218. Coach and other Luxury brands strugglewith function and use of photo sharing sites.219social platform review
  219. 219. 220social platform review
  220. 220. 221StrengthsCoach partnered with Foursquare, early on, to promote and drive foottraffic for a new store opening.WeaknessesAs a luxury brand, greater success may be derived if check-ins andsocial engagement be tied to a special promotions/offers.Focus / Content DirectionBrand centric so far tied to driving commerce into the stores.Online / OfflineCoach has experimented with offering a free gift during special storepromotions to drive foot traffic into the stores.Customer Loyalty, Rewards, Customer SupportFree gifts and incentives platform review
  221. 221. Experimentation using promotions has proven the platformspotential value, but has had limited use to date and in US only.222social platform review
  222. 222. 223StrengthsThe iPhone Coach app delivers a brand experience that is simple andstraight-forward to use.WeaknessesThe App could be more compelling if it allowed consumers to order/buyonline.Focus / Content DirectionBrand product centric: - complete line of Coach products are representedin an interactive catalog.Online / OfflineAimed at driving foot traffic into stores either directly or indirectly via wordof mouth marketing.Customer Loyalty, Rewards, Customer SupportNone platform review
  223. 223. Coach packages commerce simplicity into an iPhone appto drive Brand reinforcement and foot traffic.224Introduced in June 2010, The Coach Gift Finder App integrates aninteractive catalog, a gift list, and a geo-location store locator with socialsharing via Facebook and platform review
  224. 224. 225social platform review
  225. 225. Coachs courting of Fashion bloggers pays dividends incontent, readers, foot traffic, commerce and ultimatelyBrand preference and appeal.226social platform review
  226. 226. 227the brand foundationBrandengagement
  227. 227. Coach embraces social reinforcing the Brand to its consumerswith a steady flow of engaging content.228social engagementBrandengagement
  228. 228. A steady and orchestrated flow of blended content is produced anddelivered across the Brands main social efforts; Facebook and Twitter.229Coach is responsive to Fans and Followers with frequent conversations.brand / product focusBrand.productengagement
  229. 229. 230campaignBrandengagement
  230. 230. An integrated web, video, and in-store advertising campaignleveraged blogger relationships with its readers.231campaign visualizedBrandengagement
  231. 231. 232campaignBrandengagement
  232. 232. Coach rewarded bloggers with cash and prizes by running a contestto promote its First Anniversary for the Poppy Collection.Coach invited a select group of fashion-passionate,style-savvy bloggers to be the first to paint the webPoppy by asking them to register their site and installa small piece of code, a "Poppy Seed.Once installed the seed activated by creating a singlePoppy Blossom on the bloggers site. With each readerinteraction, view, Like and Tweet, the art project grewand grew. The small group of trend-spotters from thefashion blogosphere quickly grew into a network ofPoppy patterns and sites that blazed across the socialweb.233100 early invitations to bloggers linked 781 sites inthe Poppy Trail which generated 47,000 tweets and20,000,000 earned impressions in 30 days as fanshunted for 50 gift cards and blogs raced toward the$2,500 grand prize.campaign visualizedBrandengagement
  233. 233. social assessmentbrand snapshot234
  234. 234. Coach has placed its emphasis on the core platformsusing Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.235Coach has the opportunity tobuild on its past success simplyby doing more and expandingits social presence.Overall Coach is performing well across the social platforms of choice.overall performance
  235. 235. The Brand has placed a heavy emphasis on globalwith little attention to local initiatives.236Store OpeningShipping PromoCoach has placed little emphasis on local initiatives, and instead has concentrated its social efforts from a globalbasis. The Brands biggest local undertaking thus far has been to launch a Facebook Page for Japan. But thistoo has been low key with less than 10,000 Fans to date.local performance
  236. 236. The Brands main social focus to date has been to directFans and Followers to e-commerce.237call to actions / commerce
  237. 237. Crowdsourced Social Contest engages, brands and drives commerce.Coach wanted to reach a new and younger market. They wanted the consumer to put their DNA onto the next bag. TheDesign the next Coach Tote campaign contest went completely viral receiving 3,200 entries in less than 6 weeks.238innovation spotlight
  238. 238. 239Coach has placed very little emphasis on localities and has preferredto manage its social media efforts from a global perspective. Therehas been no specific initiatives identified for local g