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Frank Garten BV Company Profile November, 2010

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Frank Garten BVCompany Profile

November, 2010

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“We speak the same language, but it often seems we don’t really understand each other.”

Intercultural barriers do not have to stand in the way of successful business deals

I help teams in companies to

• prepare for negotiations with international customers, partners and suppliers

• understand cultural differences, and how these affect the daily work

• overcome cultural differences within (virtual) teams or organizations

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Strength in Diversity• The current working generation has learned to communicate on-line with virtual team members in other countries

• The next generation will work in completely interconnected, office-less networks of professionals, where everybody is always on-line

• Intercultural barriers will become more visible in the work environment of the future.

• Intercultural barriers often get in the way of successful business results

• Simple measures can be taken to avoid these problems and take advantage of the richness of different cultures; there is “Strength in Diversity “

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Vision and Mission

VisionA world where culture no longer forms a barrier, but is a source of curiosity and opportunity. Working in a global business is an enriching experience. It's the differences in people that makes all the difference

MissionTo help teams negotiate and influence across cultures, by breaking down cultural barriers and transforming cultural differences into sources of inspiration

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Frank GartenIndependent ConsultantDesign of communication, intercultural and leadership trainings, design of assessment- and development centers, implementation of modern learning curricula, individual career coaching

General ManagerResponsible for 40meur business, leading business team of 15 professionals, negotiations and business partnerships across the globe, managing a worldwide customer support organisation

Learning & Development DirectorSetting up of Academy and learning curricula for 48.000 employee company, design and execution of leadership and talent programs, individual coaching, design of several communication and negotiation trainings

Professional careerSeveral functions in engineering, product marketing and commercial marketing

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PersonalityStrong social and inter-personal skills, able to work effectively with wide variety of culturesAble to bridge the gap between Business and HR in large organisationsPragmatic, no-nonsense attitude, focus on resultsTranslate strategy into focused daily executionSelf-organised professional who brings structure, focus and optimism to the worksfloor

Cross-Cultural Negotiations (United Nations Program)Rational Emotive Therapy and Training (RET, London)NLP PractitionerMBTI Step I and Step II qualifiedSeveral advanced negotiation trainings, and intercultural effectiveness trainingsPhD in Physics and Chemistry

SIETAR Europe (Society for Intercultural Education, Training and ResearchOoa (Orde van Organisatieadviseurs, professional body of organisation advisors)



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Way of Working

DIVERSITYAppreciate individual differences to strengthen your businessFOCUSFocus your energy on desired business results

PRAGMATISMSimplify the problem and do exactly what’s needed

EXECUTIONOrganize yourself and your environment to get things done

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Consultancy- Improve the cooperation in your team with counterparts in other cultures?- Get prepared for negotiations with suppliers, customers or partners abroad?- Adapt your business strategy to an international environment to anticipate future changes?- Learn the do’s and dont’s of communication in virtual, global teams?- Deliver your project on-time and within budget, in spite of intercultural difficulties?

I provide practical help to teams and individuals who want to improve their intercultural effectiveness.

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Training ProgramsInterculturalIntercultural understanding and effectiveness (1 day)Achieving results with cross-cultural (virtual) teams (1.5 days)CommunicationCommunicating with impact (1 day)Influencing your professional work environment (1 day)Conflict management (1 day)NegotiationCommercial negotiation skills (1.5 days)Effective communication in business negotiations (1 day module)Tricks, traps and aggressive negotiation styles (1-day module)Intercultural business negotiations (1.5 days)

Project Management Internal and external negotiations for project managers (1 day)Intercultural effectiveness for global project managers (1.5 days)

I give practical, hands-on & short courses, to limit time ‘off-the-job’

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Just a few sessions, to help you discover - How your personality determines your ability to influence others in other cultures- What preconceived opinions you have about other cultures, and whether these are right- How your communication style and personality come across in other cultures

I apply a no-nonsense coaching style to assess and improve your intercultural effectiveness

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I give lectures, host workshops and facilitate seminarson Intercultural Communication and Negotiation

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Frank Garten BVStadhouderslaan 833583 JE Utrecht030 – 879537906 – 8161 3773 e-mail: [email protected]: KvK-number:30287435BTW-number:NL822393487 B01Bank account: 408148969