community services agency: ted

Community Services Agency: TED Presented By Team A: Emily Bethea Chenell Lewis Analisa Nunez Alexandra Papalotzi-ahuactzi

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Page 1: Community Services Agency: TED

Community Services Agency: TED

Presented By Team A:

Emily Bethea Chenell Lewis Analisa Nunez Alexandra Papalotzi-ahuactzi

Page 2: Community Services Agency: TED

TED Talks : How to participate?

• “The TED Fellows program is a global network of 300 innovators and trailblazers from a spectrum of disciplines. Every year, we look for 40 additional amazing change-makers to join the pack”.

• TED- Encourages innovative thinking change our world and offer more resources, innovators who have who have made big accomplishments can apply with their new idea of how to change the world.

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TED- Encourages Seniors• Retired individuals can become members and are

known as TEDX group. As these individuals bring years of experience and knowledge to the organization.

• TED Talks – Views on Entertainment, Technology, War, News, Language , and much more.

• #1 Goal is to make connections locally and across the world.

• TEDX organizers join because they feel they offer more experience and insight to the community .

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Individuals with disabilities• Hugh Herr, discusses the new bionics that let us run, climb and

dance .

• His own experience of loosing both his legs in a climbing expedition 30 years ago, “as the head of the MIT Media Lab’s Biomechatronics group, he shows his incredible technology”.

• 5,198,102 Total views – Proving there is a large need for more views on individuals with disabilities.


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Youth• TED’s youth program is called

TEDxYouth.• The events are offered frequently.• The events are readily available.• In order to host an event the host must:

▫Obtain a license from TED▫Follow TEDx event rules▫Be 18 years old or have a co-organizer

that is 18 or older. • The program’s goal is to inspire youth

and help them gain knowledge.

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Military Families and Veterans•No specific program for veterans

and military families. •Not frequently offered or readily

available•No participation requirements

except a nominal fee.•Raise awareness and promote


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Immigrants and Individuals with a Criminal Background• TED has a very limited out scope on in the immigrant and

individuals with a criminal background specter.

• TED acknowledges immigration but at this time has no system set in place to address the issues.

• Research shows that TED, is open to immigration

• As will most political subjects, TED is currently developing a plan to integrate immigration in its scope.

• TED, allows some members the opportunity to tell their story.

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References•TED: Ideas worth spreading. (2015).

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