community of safe practice: presentation for tools for life conference

AWARE-NS is funded by the Nova Scotia Department of Health & Wellness Homecare/Home Support October 25, 2013

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A Health and Safety Management System that will result in Safer workplaces for the employees and a reduction of injuries.


Page 1: Community of Safe Practice: Presentation For Tools For Life Conference

AWARE-NS is funded by the Nova Scotia Department of Health & Wellness

Homecare/Home SupportOctober 25, 2013

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WelcomeHeather Matthews

Occupational Health and Safety Specialist

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Who Are we ?The voice of safety for Health and Community Services in Nova Scotia

Built our team from the ground up since April 2009

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Legislation PreventionClaims

Management Return to Work

NS Department of Labour & WorkforceDevelopment

AWARE-NSEmployerEmployeesWCBOther partners

EmployerEmployeesWCBOEAInjured Workers groups

EmployerEmployeesWCBService providers

Safe and Healthy People; Safe and Healthy Workplaces

Where do we fit?The Nova Scotia Workplace Safety System

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What we offer…Tools and Educational

ResourcesOnline campusNewsletters-MonthlyWebinars- Nov 6th JOHSCToolkitsVideo LibrarySupport to initiativesAdvocate for policy

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7 Agencies Signed a Charter May 2012

VON, Northwood, Red Cross, New Waterford, Guysborough, Lunenburg, Cape Breton County

Vision: To develop a Health and Safety Management System that will result in Safer workplaces for the employees and a reduction of injuries.

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Health and Safety

Management System

1Safety Accountability Training Module

Safety Accountability Module Facilator’s Guide

2 3

Development of the HSMS Inventory

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HSMS Inventory

1. Management Leadership & Support2. JOHSC Effectiveness3.Hazard Identification & Risk Analysis 4.Hazard Control4.Incident Investigation & Reporting5.OH&S Foundations7.Safety Communication 8.Training9.Program Administration & Evaluation

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Safety Accountability

Training Module Highlights

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Safety Accountability

Training Module Highlights

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Safety Accountability

Training Module Highlights

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Safety Accountability

Training Module Highlights

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Safety Accountability

Training Module Highlights

Module is accompanied by Facilitators Guide

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IRS Module One

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IRS Module One

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IRS Module One

Module is accompanied by Facilitators Guide and Exercises

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IRS Module Two

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IRS Module Two

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IRS Module Two

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IRS Module Two

Module is accompanied by Facilitators Guide and Exercises

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JOHSC Effectiveness

Checklist and Tip Sheets

1What should be on JOHS Committee Agenda?

Tips to an Effective JOHS Committee & Common Mistakes by Committee

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JOHSC Effectiveness Checklist

Typical Duties of a Committee

Tips for JOSH Committee to Set Annual Safety Goals

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Checklist Structure•18 Question•Requiring a yes/no response•Points 1 or 0•Technique•Audit Expectations- refers back to the legislation(demonstrated, posted, indicated)

JOHSC Effectives Checklist




EXPECTATIONS Response Points


Technique Points Awarded Yes No D P I


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1. Call to Order.2. Attendance/Regrets.3. Approval of Agenda.4. Read and approve minutes of previous meeting. 5. Business arising from minutes.6. Workplace health and safety topics 7. Incident review 8. Inspection Reports.9. New Business10. Updates on scheduled safety-training programs.11. Adjournment.

What should be on JOHS Committee Agenda?

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1. The group has no clear-cut job to perform, …2. There is talk, talk, talk…without decisions.3. People are appointed who are neither interested nor experienced.4. The chairpersons are not qualified by experience, desire, or

ability.5. The group has no orderly plan, no time schedule.6. People do not show up for meetings and inspections.7. The work of the committee is not recognized by employees

or management.8. Agendas are sent out late or distributed only at the meeting

Tips to an effective JOHSC & Common Mistakes by Committee

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1. Report unsafe conditions and suggest corrective actions.3. Clearly define the duties and responsibilities of members.4. Review incidents, near misses, claim summaries…5. Review all serious injuries. Not for fault finding,…prevention 6. Contribute ideas and suggestions for improvements in safety.7. Work safely and influence others to work safely.8. Make periodic Agency/facility safety audits.10. Develop, implement, and review written safety programs.11. Build enthusiasm for safety programs.13. Establish dispute resolution procedures.15. Identifying high-risk job tasks and developing written safe operating procedures.

Typical Duties of a Committee

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Committee needs to do the following:1. Establish a written plan2. Have both Short term, … and long term, … goals.3. Goals should be measurable and achievable.4. Goals should be reviewed periodically….5. Set a special meeting time aside to work on writing goals.9. Write them so they will have measurable results.10. Publish list and keep it visible.11. Break down large challenges into smaller steps.12. Regularly review progress.14. Don’t let the one year mark sneak up

Tips for JOSH Committee to set Annual Safety Goals

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Hazard Management System

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Hazard Management System

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Hazard Management System

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Thank You!