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The Mosaic Project Community Fundraising Brunch Table Captain Packet 2017

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The Mosaic Project

Community Fundraising Brunch

Table Captain Packet


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Table of contents

Intro and thanks …………………………………………………………….. 3


Lead up and follow up ………………………………………………. 4

Day of …………………………………………………………………. 6

Frequently asked questions ……………………………………………….. 7


Tips and guidelines ………………………………………………….. 9


Paper invites …………………………………………………... 11

Email invites …………………………………………………… 12

Mosaic Materials ……………………………………………………………. 13

Electronic brunch invite image ……………………………………………. 14

Invitee tracking tool ………………………………………………………… 15

Guest list …………………………………………………………………….. 16

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Dear Mosaic Table Captain,

Thank you for agreeing to take an active part in our mission to build a more just,

diverse, and inclusive world. Your work as a Table Captain is crucial in helping tell

the story of how people, from elementary school students to adults in the workplace,

can learn the skills they need to build the peaceful communities they envision.

The Community Fundraising Brunch is the main way The Mosaic Project raises

awareness of our work and builds a supporter base. This is a no-cost event and is a

success year after year thanks to the efforts of people like you who bring in new

members to our community.

To help you with your responsibilities as a Table Captain, I’ve compiled this

packet with everything you will need. It contains:

Responsibilities and timeline

Frequently asked questions

Tips for inviting attendees


I am also making myself personally available to answer any questions you may

have in the process. Don’t let a concern linger, just contact me! All of my

information is at the bottom this letter.

With your help, the 2017 Community Fundraising Brunch will be the best brunch EVER.

I look forward to working with you.

Peace, paz, kapayapaan,

Richelle Gernan

Development and Project Specialist

[email protected]

650.267.1945 c

510.452.3377 o

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Table Captain Responsibilities –

Checklist and timeline leading up to Brunch

Action Due date Done

Check your status

Visit Your name should appear on the dropdown menu as a Table Captain option. If not, contact Richelle.


Answer questions

Email Richelle answers to these questions:

What do you prefer as your primary form of contact? (call, texts, email)

What times are best to contact you?

Is it okay to contact by phone on the weekends?

How many physical invites would you like?

Do you want your materials mailed or do you want to pick up at the office?


Review Mosaic info

To better understand the work of The Mosaic Project (website, video, brochure, annual report).


Send e-save-the-dates

Send potential attendees an email with e-invite image and personalized message (see examples below).


Get physical materials

Physical invites

Mosaic materials

Donation envelopes


Recruit more Table Captains

If you know or encounter someone who would be a great table captain, connect them to Richelle via email.

Ongoing, the sooner the better! □

Personalize and distribute invites

If needed, use the “Tips and Guidelines” section to help you secure attendees.

Friday, February 10 □

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Follow up with invitees via phone Friday, February 10 □

Submit initial guest list

After follow-up conversations with invitees, send Richelle your initial guest list. Each table has ten seats (including yourself) and it is a good practice to overfill your initial list by about five to account for cancellations. You can have more than one table!

Saturday, February 18

Online registration reminder to guests

Your guests will need to register online as a member of your table by Wednesday, February 22 to guarantee them a seat with you. If they register after, we can grant them admission, but cannot ensure that they will be at your table.

February 20-22

Guest follow-up and confirmation

You are encouraged to continue to check up on your guests and secure a confirmation.

Friday, February 24 □

Submit final guest list

Please email Richelle with your final guest list for your table so we can print nametags and have an accurate headcount of attendees.

Monday, February 27 □

Final list confirmation and requests for changes

Richelle will contact you and confirm the guests at your table. If you need changes made, email them by close of business on March 2.

Thursday, March 2 □

E-reminder to guests

Please remind your guests by email or by text to arrive at HS Lordships by 10:30 a.m. to check-in and be seated before the program starts at 11 a.m.

Friday, March 3

After the brunch…

Thank your guests

The Mosaic Team will be thanking all donors and we need your help thanking all of the attendees! Be sure to send out an email to everyone at your table thanking them for their time. If any attendees have feedback, please direct them to Richelle at [email protected].

March 6 - 10

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Table Captain Responsibilities –

DAY OF BRUNCH, Saturday, March 4

Action Point person

Arrive at 10 a.m.

It is very important that you are at HS Lordships well in advance of your guests so that you can register and be situated as they arrive.


Pick-up Table Captain envelope and official table list

Your envelope is where you will store any donations collected from your table. It contains your final guest list. Please cross off names of guests who do not attend and add names of last minute additions. Your envelope will also contain your nametag and your table’s pledge cards. (Please hold on to the pledge cards until instructed to distribute them by speaker on stage)

Tari Nicholson – Table Captain Captain

Find your table, greet your guests

Guests will start arriving at 10:30. They can eat as soon as they arrive. Program starts at 11 a.m.

Floor manager*

Distribute pledge cards to table

Please wait until speaker indicates it is time to pass out pledge cards to your table.

Speaker will give cue*

Collect all pledge cards from table

After the program, please collect ALL pledge card from table and seal them in your envelop. It is important to keep pledge cards from different tables separated.


Hand in donation envelope

This is the most important step! Please hand your donation envelope to Tari Nicholson ONLY. She is responsible for all donation envelopes.

Tari Nicholson – Table Captain Captain

This sheet will be printed and distributed on the day of. *You will be informed of final roles on the day of

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Frequently Asked Questions by Table Captains

Who should I invite?

People who will be both inspired by our work and able to contribute $100 or more.

Think about your network of family, friends, colleagues, and peers who share our hope

for a more peaceful world. The Mosaic Project’s approach specializes in helping people

bridge the divides of difference and helps them build authentic connections while

valuing the diversity of cultures, histories, and personal stories. Who do you know that

will resonate with our vision?

How much does it cost to attend?

Attendance is free, but it is a fundraising event! We want to inform more people about

the impact of our work and inspire action. It is our hope that each attendee will donate

$100 or more, or have extremely high potential to secure contracts for our corporate

trainings through our Mosaic Consulting Project (MCP) and/or partner schools for our

Outdoor School and In-School Project. We are looking for donors, allies, and advocates.

How many “YESSES” do I need?

Each table has 10 seats.

Aim to get a “yes” from approximately 14 invitees, since a few guests tend to drop out at

the last minute.

What happens if I don’t fill my table?

We’ll combine you and your guests with another table.

Please let us know ASAP if you think you are not going to fill a table so we can pair you

with another Table Captain and you can work together to meet the goal of 14 “yesses”!

How can I best utilize the paper invitations?

Personalize it! You will receive a sample invitation that shows how to use invitations

when you pick up/receive your physical materials. Please write a personalized note on

each invitation conveying your passion for our work and an appeal for attendance.

Hand-address envelopes and use your own return address for a personal, trusted

touch. This process should begin immediately.

Why do I need to follow up with a phone call?

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Follow-up phone calls are important to encourage your invitees to attend and to give

Mosaic an accurate head-count so we can plan accordingly.

When you follow-up your invitations with a phone call, you can make the personal

connection that could secure your guest’s confirmation. Guests can ask questions about

Mosaic and you can expand on why Mosaic is important to you. Please review Mosaic’s

materials to help you talk about our programs and our impact so you can answer


Phone calls will allow you to assess who is more likely to attend and which invitees will

not be able to make it this year. We will need this information when compiling initial and

final lists of attendees.

If you come, do you have to give?

No. You can reassure your potential guests that the brunch is free and that by making a

commitment to attend, they are not making a commitment to give a donation. This is

simply an opportunity to learn more about what The Mosaic Project does and to be

inspired! It is our hope that they will become so inspired that they will want to give at

least $100 and hopefully a lot more, but they are not required to give in order to attend.

What is the fundraising goal for the brunch?

On average, we have raised about $60,000 at this event. We are hoping to raise much

more this year!

Do you have more questions?

Contact Richelle Gernan at any time to ask your questions so you can be the best Table

Captain you can be!

[email protected]

650.267.1945 c

510.452.3377 o

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Tips and Guidelines for the Invitation Process

Invite, Call, and Call again! (repeat)

Use the timeline and the Invitee Tracking Tool included in the MATERIALS below to

stay organized. Think of this as being one of many co-hosts of a big party! Reminders

and constant communication are key.

When invitees say yes:


Let them know that you will call them again to confirm when the date gets closer.

Ask them if they know anyone else who they think might like to attend.

Add their name and other information to your guest list which you will e-mail to us

by February 24.

When invitees say no:

Your action will depend on why they say “no.” Ask yourself:

Are they interested in the work of The Mosaic Project, but are reluctant to attend an


If yes, consider their potential giving level and take action accordingly:

Capacity to give a lot ($1,000+):

Offer a personal meeting with the Executive Director and/or member of the Board of

Directors (and yourself, if appropriate).

Capacity to give a little:

Do a little ask! Give them the option of just writing a check. If you have them on the

phone, you might say something such as:

I am so sorry you are unable to attend. Would you be interested in making a

donation anyway? I have a donation envelope here. I can fill it out for you and

send it to you as a reminder. I can tell you what different amounts can do for the

organization. (See donation envelope for contribution impact information.) How

much would you like to contribute?

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For potential donors of all levels:

Give them a donation envelope and a Snapshot with brochure insert. If mailing, write a

personalized note letting them know you wanted to provide them with more information

and the opportunity to invest in a more just, diverse, inclusive future.

Pitching to folks that you know won’t attend:

People are more likely to donate to our organization if they come to the event. The

Brunch gives Mosaic a chance to tell our powerful story to potential donors and show

them the impact we have on participants and their communities. If they cannot attend,

the invitation process is a great way to inform potential allies about our work and gain

new support. For prospects who live out of state, or those who have prior obligations:

Send a Snapshot with brochure insert, along with the invitation, and direct them

to our website for more information.

Enclose a donation envelope and a personalized, handwritten note.

The second phone call:

Call your guests a week and a half in advance (by February 24) to remind them about

the event and confirm they are coming.

Checking in with us:

We are available for support any time you need it. Richelle Gernan can answer most

questions and you can reach her at the numbers and email address provided in this


Mosaic will call and e-mail you reminders for periodic guest list updates. The Mosaic

Project is looking forward to expanding our community through this event!

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Personalized Invitation Examples

Here are some general examples, however be sure also to include why you personally

feel passionately about Mosaic and to speak from the heart. Did your child attend the

program? Were you moved by last year's brunch? Is this a way that you feel that you

can personally help address some of our countries most pressing problems? How has

Mosaic touched your life?

Personalized Notes for Paper Invitation

As you distribute your physical invitations, please take some time to write a note with

your invitee in mind to encourage them to attend. What do they have in common with

what The Mosaic Project seeks to achieve? Connect with enthusiasm and passion. You

want this person to join our community and a little note can go a long way.



As you are active in the community, I am excited to share with you the work of The

Mosaic Project. I am helping build support for their work in diversity, empathy, and

conflict resolution. Mosaic’s Community Fundraising Brunch is an inspirational event

and I would love for you to join me at my table! I think you will be a valuable addition to

our group and I can’t wait for you to meet with and talk to others who share our vision

for a more peaceful world. I’ll call you soon to go over the details so let me know if you

can attend.


Hi Levi!

I’ve been thinking about you and I am absolutely sure you will appreciate the work of

this local nonprofit organization called The Mosaic Project. The Mosaic Project

addresses the root causes of violence and discrimination in creative ways that work with

children and adults. Right now, I’m helping gather thinkers, leaders, and doers to come

together for conversation and action at Mosaic’s Community Fundraising Brunch. We

know that now is an especially crucial time to support organizations that work towards

peace and justice. Mosaic is one of my favorites and I would love to share their work

with you at this event! I’ll contact you to chat about how you can get involved.

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Personalized Email Invitations

An email invite allows you to link to our website and informational videos to help draw

potential Brunch attendees into the work of The Mosaic Project.

Use these links to help tell our story and make the case for attendance:

Website –

The Future of Peace [5 min video] –


Subject: March, 4 – Save the date for a peaceful future


I want to invite you to the Community Fundraising Brunch for The Mosaic Project on

March 4, 2017. For the past 16 years, this organization has been teaching people the

tools needed to appreciate diversity, build empathy, and resolve conflicts peacefully.

Watch this video to see how they achieve incredible results with youth through a truly

innovative approach. It really is amazing.

Right now, our society needs what Mosaic offers. This is the time to get involved and

see how we can come together as a community to help create a world that is just,

inclusive, and peaceful.

I’ll call you soon to give you more details.


Subject: I know you love brunch and I want to see you!

Hi Julieta,

I’ve been wanting to reconnect and, with everything that’s been going on, it’s been hard

to find the time. However, I know that this event is perfect for you and I really want to

you to have a seat at my table on Saturday, March 4.

I’m a table captain for The Mosaic Project’s Community Fundraising Brunch. This is a

truly wonderful organization that teaches peace to youth and adults in a way that really,

really works. How do they do it? Watch this and see.

I’ll call you in the next few days to catch up and give you more details. See you soon!

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Mosaic Materials



The Future of Peace [5 min] –

Mosaic Wins the Jaffe Award [3 min] –

Mission and History

Snapshot (annual report) – 2016 financials and numbers served


Mosaic Brochure - program descriptions


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Brunch Invite – Digital

Guests can register at your table here.

For more information, visit or contact Richelle Gernan

([email protected], 510.452.3377).

The Mosaic Project teaches people, from elementary school students to adults in the

workplace, the skills they need to build the peaceful communities they envision. Since

2000, we have provided more than 39,000 students and 9,000 adults with immersive,

experiential-education programs in diversity, empathy, and conflict resolution.

The Mosaic Project | 478 Santa Clara Ave., Suite 200 | Oakland, CA, 94609 | 510.452.3377

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email, in












Follow up




up done /




& head


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