communit-e matters e-newsletter spring issue

Communit- Matters health leadership community business Business Issue Spring 2012 e -newsletter e Catherine Catherine Morretta, Director From the new tax incentives the City of Manas- sas Park recently adopted to locating available commercial space for sale or lease, Page 5 is dedi- cated to Economic Development in Manassas Park. Along the same lines, staff took the time to visit with three small business owners in Manas- sas Park to get their take on why they ‘love doing business in Manassas Park’. The common theme was ‘a sense of community’, that’s a ringing endorsement in my book! Coming up in June, with the first year of e-newsletters behind us, ‘Community’ will be the subject matter. This final edition will delve deeper into the one thing I believe makes Manas- sas Park special - it’s sense of community. Although DPRs tag line is “Shaping the Future ,” the city government has spent a lot of time making sure that residents know they live in a place where “Community Matters.” With low crime rates, responsive fire and EMS services, world class schools, and a regional community center that is emerging as a steady contributor to the citizens’ exceptional quality of life - this issue will explore all the best the City of ManassasPark offers. Thanks again for taking the time to read Communit-eMatters newsletter. As the turning from Winter to Spring begs ‘renewal’, remember to get out to the parks, take a walk, and enjoy the outdoors! Best, Focusing on “Business,” this 3rd edition of Communit-eMatters, again looks to provide an avenue for the reader to learn more about the City of Manassas Park. For instance, are you aware that the City’s Comprehensive Plan is the land use roadmap for how Manassas Park is envi- sioned to look in five, ten, even fifteen years from today? Check out Page 2 to find a quick link to this very important document. I am sure I am not the only one that has ever daydreamed about being ‘my own boss’ and ‘working for myself.’ In this issue you’ll be intro- duced to resources that can make that dream a reality. As we spotlight the Prince William County Chamber of Commerce, I hope you can spare a few extra moments to watch their video “A Year of Progress.” What a great platform to express all that the Chamber does for business owners in the region. The Communit-eMatters newsletter is designed to accomodate the busy lives of the reader. Skim the content in one sitting by ‘click- ing’ on the active links embedded into the stories or simply save the details for a later date when you can invest some extra time in the presenta- tions attached. One you surely won’t want to miss is a fascinating video produced by the Met- ropolitiatn Council of Governments on page 4 called “Smart Growth Begins at the Local Level”. It’s a really neat walk down memory lane for those who have spent a good deal of their life in the National Capital region. Plus it’s full of good common sense planning. Hello again. • PWC Chamber • MP Business Spotlight • Local Coupons • & Much more! WHAT’S INSIDE

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A spring newsletter focusing on businesses, Manassas Park Economic Development and chamber of commerce


Page 1: Communit-e Matters E-Newsletter Spring Issue


health leadership communitybusiness

Business IssueSpring 2012


CatherineCatherine Morretta, Director

From the new tax incentives the City of Manas-sas Park recently adopted to locating available commercial space for sale or lease, Page 5 is dedi-cated to Economic Development in Manassas Park. Along the same lines, staff took the time to visit with three small business owners in Manas-sas Park to get their take on why they ‘love doing business in Manassas Park’. The common theme was ‘a sense of community’, that’s a ringing endorsement in my book! Coming up in June, with the �rst year of e-newsletters behind us, ‘Community’ will be the subject matter. This �nal edition will delve deeper into the one thing I believe makes Manas-sas Park special - it’s sense of community. Although DPRs tag line is “Shaping the Future ,” the city government has spent a lot of time making sure that residents know they live in a place where “Community Matters.” With low crime rates, responsive �re and EMS services, world class schools, and a regional community center that is emerging as a steady contributor to the citizens’ exceptional quality of life - this issue will explore all the best the City of ManassasPark offers. Thanks again for taking the time to read Communit-”e” Matters newsletter. As the turning from Winter to Spring begs ‘renewal’, remember to get out to the parks, take a walk, and enjoy the outdoors!


Focusing on “Business,” this 3rd edition of Communit-”e” Matters, again looks to provide an avenue for the reader to learn more about the City of Manassas Park. For instance, are you aware that the City’s Comprehensive Plan is the land use roadmap for how Manassas Park is envi-sioned to look in �ve, ten, even �fteen years from today? Check out Page 2 to �nd a quick link to this very important document. I am sure I am not the only one that has ever daydreamed about being ‘my own boss’ and ‘working for myself.’ In this issue you’ll be intro-duced to resources that can make that dream a reality. As we spotlight the Prince William County Chamber of Commerce, I hope you can spare a few extra moments to watch their video “A Year of Progress.” What a great platform to express all that the Chamber does for business owners in the region. The Communit-”e” Matters newsletter is designed to accomodate the busy lives of the reader. Skim the content in one sitting by ‘click-ing’ on the active links embedded into the stories or simply save the details for a later date when you can invest some extra time in the presenta-tions attached. One you surely won’t want to miss is a fascinating video produced by the Met-ropolitiatn Council of Governments on page 4 called “Smart Growth Begins at the Local Level”. It’s a really neat walk down memory lane for those who have spent a good deal of their life in the National Capital region. Plus it’s full of good common sense planning.





.• PWC Chamber

• MP Business Spotlight

• Local Coupons

• & Much more!



’S I



Page 2: Communit-e Matters E-Newsletter Spring Issue

John Smith

Company Name

Company Address

Company Website703.555.5555

The current adopted land use plan for the City of Manassas Park is the “Comprehensive Plan.” This plan is a conceptual tool utilized to estab-lish guidelines for the growth of a community. The plan is a general-ized, coordinated land use map and policy statement of the Governing Body that interrelates all functional and natural systems and activities relating to the use of lands, includ-ing but not limited to sewer and water systems, transportation systems, educational facilities, recreational facilities, and natural resources and air and water quality management programs. {CLICK HERE TO READ THE PLAN}


Ever wonder why industrial areas arise in one sector of a community and retail in another? Is it just a coinci-dence that no matter how many homes get built in a neighborhood, there always seems to be adequate water and sewer infrastructure? Would you be surprised to learn it doesn’t just happen? The guiding document city of�cials use to plan for the future is called a “Compre-hensive Plan” as required by the Code of Virginia. {CLICK HERE} to learn more.


In Manassas Park, as in most other jurisdictions, if you want to open a business, you need to go visit the Commissioner of the Revenue. The Commissioner of the Revenue for Manassas Park is {Mrs. Debroah Wood}. The Com-missioner is the tax assessing of�cer for the City for all prop-erty with the exception of real estate. Established by the Gen-eral Assembly in 1786, the Com-missioner of the Revenue is responsible for everything from business licenses to the admin-istration of business taxes. {CLICK HERE} to read about the history of the Commissioner of the Revenue.

How to get a Business License in VA

Go see the “Commish”...Want to do Business in MP?

It’s about time you went to work for yourself! But where to begin? Follow these six steps to get started:

1. Check the zoning to make sure your proposed business is zoned for your type of business.2. Apply to the {IRS}.

3. Contact the {Virginia Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation}.

4. Register your business name.

5. Get a Sales and Use Tax number from the {Virginia Department of Taxation}.

6. Get a Virginia Business license from your city or county. is an amazing pro-Virginia, pro-business, portal right at your �nger tips. Check it out and explore why Virginia has captured “Best State for Busi-ness” AND ‘Top State for Business’ rank-ing. {CLICK HERE TO READ MORE}

Northern Virginia is a Job LeaderAccording to an article by Robert Burke, posted March 1, 2012 in Virginia Business News, corporate expansion in Virginia through 2011 re�ects a 52% increase in expected new jobs. {CLICK HERE} to see why.

Small Business Start-Up Resources


The Governing Body appoints a group of citizens to conduct hear-ings and recommend amendments to the zoning ordinance. The group is called the Planning Commission. Generally overseeing the work of the Planning Department, the Manassas Park Planning Commis-sion is comprised of �ve citizen members who interpret the Com-prehensive Plan and advise on all matters regarding land use and associated permits, to the Govern-ing Body. To contact the Planning Commission, {CLICK HERE}.


The Planning Commission

Page 3: Communit-e Matters E-Newsletter Spring Issue

The Prince WIlliam County Cham-ber of Commerce is the largest chamber in the Washington, DC Metropolitian area. Dedicated to creating an environment where business and community thrive, the Chamber represents over 2,000 member businesses that support more than 66,000 employ-ees. Strategically focusing on busi-ness growth, economic develop-ment, advocacy, education, and community outreach, the cham-ber works diligently to assist its member success. In this unsteady economy and ever changing busi-ness environment, the PWC Chamber is a great tool to have in your arsenal. The City of Manas-

100 Years of Standing for American EnterpriseThe U.S. Chamber of Commerce is the world’s largest business organi-zation representing the interests of more than 3 million businesses of all sizes, sectors, and regions.

As advocates for pro-business poli-cies that create jobs and grow our economy, the U.S. Chamber of Com-merce steers this agenda right on to the �oors of the nation’s capital! {CLICK HERE} for more.

The Voice of BusinessThe vision of the Virginia Chamber of Commerce is to be the voice of the Virginia business community and the most in�uential business advocacy organization in the Com-

A Chamber is an association of business persons and mer-chants that organize for the promotion of commercial interests in the community.

As a not-for-pro�t advocate for businesses, a chamber is man-aged by a Board of Directors, established to promote civic, commercial, industrial and agricultural progress within a community.

The Chamber works diligently with community partners for the establishment of sound legislation and ef�cient administration at all levels of government. {CLICK HERE} to read more.

What’s a Chamber?

Northern Virginia is a Job LeaderAccording to an article by Robert Burke, posted March 1, 2012 in Virginia Business News, corporate expansion in Virginia through 2011 re�ects a 52% increase in expected new jobs. {CLICK HERE} to see why.


sas Park is a proud Cornerstone member of the chamber. Learn about how you can bene�t from a member-ship {HERE}.

We’d love to tell you more, but we think it’s best you hear it from Chamber President and CEO of the PWC Chamber, Rob Clapper, directly.

The Prince William County Chamber of Commerce

monwealth. From Economic Devel-opment to avocacy of pro-business bills, the Virginia Chamber of Com-merce is another incredible resource for the business person. {CLICK HERE} to learn more about how the Virginia Chamber of Com-merce works for you.

The Prosperity ProjectThe Prosperity Project is built on the belief that when employees are informed and active in government and elections, our families, our community and our state will ben-e�t. As an arm of the Virginia Chamber, the Prosperity Project pro-vides visitors with information on legislation, candidates and public policy. {CLICK HERE} for more.

Small Business Start-Up Resources


Page 4: Communit-e Matters E-Newsletter Spring Issue


The economic development duties for the City of Manassas Park fall on the able shoulders of Planning Director Vanessa Watson. Of�cially, as the Eco-nomic Development Liason for Manassas Park, Ms. Watson serves as the senior-most staff member responsible for all land development concerns, potential prospects, new busi-ness developement as well as representing the City of Manassas Park as a regional partner with other localities

“The cost and quality of life for every household is directly depen-dent on local economic conditions.” This statement is part of a brilliant presentation by Lees Summit, a locality in Missouri. With the exception of a few ‘Lees Summit centric slides’ (3 and 4) - this pre-sentation is an excellent introduc-tory primer to the matter of eco-nomic development. {CLICK HERE} to view the presentation.

What’s all this talk about eco-nomic development? Here are some industry accepted de�ni-tions. You decide which one �ts best!

Economic Development...

...(is about) jobs, income, and community prosperity. -Economic Development Quarterly

...(is about the) creation of jobs and wealth, and the imporvement of quality of life.-International Economic Development Council

...(is) fundamentally about enhanc-ing the factors of productive capac-ity - land, labor, capital, and tech-nology- of a national, state, or local economy. -Economic Develope-ment Adminis-tration/US Depart-ment of Commerce

...(is) the process within an economy that sustains vitality and fosters growth for a locaiton. -Enterprise and Economic Devel-opment Glossary

and regional business organiza-tions such as the PWC Chamber. Ms. Watson evaluates and imple-ments policies to support the goals of the community and is responsible for review of all develoment applications such as rezoning, conditional use premits, site and subdivision plans, zoning approval, and zoning appeals and variances. {CLICK HERE} to contact Vanessa with any questions regarding Planning and Economic Develop-ment.

Economic What?Why is Economic Development Important?

The Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG) is an independent nonpro�t association comprised of elected of�cials from 22 local governments, members of the Maryland and Virginia State legislatures, and members of the U.S Congress. Manassas Park is a proud contributor to COG. COG’s regional planning and analysis pro-grams works collaboratively to sup-port local, State, federal, commu-nity planning activities to achieve more ef�cient and sustainable development outcomes in the National Capital Region. “Smart Growth Begins at the Local Level” is

Economic Impact of Transportation Investments in ViringiaA major part of the future develop-ment plans for Manassas Park are contingent on the use of the VRE. That’s no coincidnece. Since the Industrial Revolution, transporta-tion, whether it be trade routes and shipping lanes or air mail and rail service, has been integral to the economies of localities. A smart growth plan relies on a thoughtful transportation infrasturcture. {CLICK HERE} to check out this report prepared by VTran for VDOT.

a video that contains examples of local best management or best dev-leopment practices. I am sure you will see some palces, then and now, that you are very familar with! Visit COG {HERE} to learn more.

Smart Growth Begins at the Local Level

MP Economic Development Liason


Page 5: Communit-e Matters E-Newsletter Spring Issue

Governing Body Adopts Tax Incentives

The City of Manassas Park

The City of Manssas Park Gov-erning Body recently adopted an aggressive strategy to encourage non-residential development by offering incen-tive to developers with qualify-ing projects. Classifying three new development districts in the city, the Governing Body continues to work towards the diversi�caiton of the City’s tax base.

Through City Ordinance #12-1700-916, new or expanding businesses may be eligilbe for the following:

• Real Estate Tax Exemption on increased assessed value;• BPOL Tax Exemption on increase gross receipts; and/or• Fee Waiver for rezoning, site plan review and permits.

New developoment desgina-tions include:

Read the ordinance {HERE}.


Connor Center

City Center

Four Corners is the leading open commercial real estate listings service dedicated to creating a free and open exchange of information for the commer-cial real estate industry.

Click “search” below for listings in Manassas Park.

What is CIMLS?

Listing Type

For Sale

For Lease

Hide Map



Manassas Park



MP Economic Development Liason

With many exciting things h a p p e n i n g , i n c l u d i n g development of a new city

center, renovation and reen-gineering of many city facili-ties, and a rededication of our efforts to the development of family-friendly retail busi-nesses, there is a lot in store for the City of Manassas Park! Manassas Park is large enough to provide big city services, but small enough to value the individual contribu-tions of each and every citizen and business owner. Come get to know the City of Manassas Park {HERE}.


14,273The population of Manassas Park

30.3The median Resident age

+38.7%The population increase since


78.6%The percentage of

family households in Manassas Park

4.7%The unemployment rate in Manassas


$67,958The median

Household income

2,207The total number

commuting to Manassas Park

Page 6: Communit-e Matters E-Newsletter Spring Issue

We asked 3 Manassas Park Businesses why they love

Location:9103 Andrew Drive Manassas Park, VA 20111Phone: 703.330.1213

How long have you been doing business in Manassas Park: May, 15 2009

Why do you love doing busi-ness in Manassas Park? It is a community. We like the close knit aspect of the people in charge, Chief Evans with the Police Dept., Former Fire Chief O’Neil, as well as Catherine and

Ron with the Parks and Recre-ation Dept. We become more imbedded in the community working with all of the other dept. heads and the people we work with on different events and things of that nature have all been wonderful and they all truly put the best interest of the city and its community values ahead of everything else.

Is there a bene�t to owning and operating your business in the City? The bene�t is just that; a ben-e�t, for all of the above reasons, and knowing that what we do in MP as a community business allows us to work closely with all aspects of the city in every-thing they do to bene�t the community.



Location:9133 Andrew DriveManassas Park, VA 20111Phone: 703.659.1333

How long have you been doing business in Manassas Park: Over 3 years. I �rst opened Sun-bright Tanning Salon in 2009. We received such a great response from our service, that I decided to do more business in Manassas Park by opening Anytime Fitness this past Feb-ruary.

Why do you love doing busi-ness in Manassas Park? The sense of community, pride and loyalty that goes along with adding a new business to the area. Also, the support from residents has been outstanding and everyone has really rallied behind becoming a member.

Is there a bene�t to owning and operating your business in the City? The city of�cials have been extremely supportive and helped with our build-out pro-cess and opening. That and the word of mouth among excited residents. Our member base is growing and everyone is happy to help get the word out about our 24/7 access and free zumba and group �tness classes.

Location: 8411 Centreville Road Manassas Park, VA 20111 Phone: 703.257.0737

How long have you been doing business in Manassas Park: We opened our doors in May of 2010.

Why do you love doing busi-ness in Manassas Park? We love doing business in Manassas Park because we enjoy coordinating programs

and events with the local schools, youth organizations and the Manassas Park Com-munity Center. Many of them have participated in our fund-raising programs. This is an easy way for the schools and organizations to raise money and is a big bene�t to Manassas Park’s enviroment versus the typical charity car wash because we use biodegradeable soaps and recycle all the water from our carwash tunnel.

Is there a bene�t to owning and operating your business in the City? We love the community aspect of the city and enjoy being a part of this big family in Manas-sas Park.

Manassas ParkClarke’s Grill & Sports Emporium

Anytime Fitness Speedy Green Car Wash


Page 7: Communit-e Matters E-Newsletter Spring Issue


Jay SwisherOperations [email protected]

Location: 8411 Centreville Road Manassas Park, VA 20111 Phone: 703.257.0737

How long have you been doing business in Manassas Park: We opened our doors in May of 2010.

Why do you love doing busi-ness in Manassas Park? We love doing business in Manassas Park because we enjoy coordinating programs

and events with the local schools, youth organizations and the Manassas Park Com-munity Center. Many of them have participated in our fund-raising programs. This is an easy way for the schools and organizations to raise money and is a big bene�t to Manassas Park’s enviroment versus the typical charity car wash because we use biodegradeable soaps and recycle all the water from our carwash tunnel.

Is there a bene�t to owning and operating your business in the City? We love the community aspect of the city and enjoy being a part of this big family in Manas-sas Park.

Speedy Green Car Wash

What does corporate fitness mean for you?

What does $10 mean to you? Well, research shows it’s the potential daily savings per employee that you can attain by having a healthy workforce. Em-ployee wellness matters and we want to help your business thrive. We are committed to helping your company improve its bottom line.

Our Corporate Membership Package is available to your business in two ways:

• Employer purchase as an additional bene�t OR • Employee purchase with a minimum of five employees to reap bene�ts

Conveniently located in Manassas Park, just off of Old Centreville Road, nestled in Costello Park, our 80,000 sq.ft. facility provides the perfect envi-ronment for your employees to achieve their �tness goals.

Corporate FitnessMembership Package

At MPCC foras Low as$18/Month!

Add Value Through Corporate FitnessMany human resource managers agree, the best employee bene�t an organization can provide is access to �tness, health, and wellness programs and facilities. Investing in the well being of employ-ees can really impact your bottom line. {CLICK HERE} to read more.

What are the Benefits of Corporate Fitness?A healthy workforce is a happy work-force. A happy workforce is an ef�cient workforce! An ef�cient work-

force makes for happy executives! Check out this article from the web-site {CLICK HERE} for more.

Workforce Wellness still Thrives in RecessionDuring the recession, while busi-

n e s s e s r e d u c e d o t h e r e m p l o y e e b e n e � t s ,

corporate �tness programs remained. Even the Harvard Business Review (Ann Mirabo, Ph.D. 2010) concluded that “creating an overall atmoshpere that encorages wellness” makes good sense and can be bene�cial to a an organization. {CLICK HERE} for more.

Successful Wellness ProgramsImplementing an employee wellness program is not as easy as it sounds. Check out these 7 Habits of Highly Successful Cor-parte Wellness Programs we found on

A healthy workforce is a happy workforce.


1. Don’t focus solely on weight loss2. They have buy-in from leadership3. Employers are never far from resources4. They sweeten the deal with incentives5. They are not limited by smaller budgets6. They assign measurement to gauge success7. They empower employees

An Introduction to your Corporate Membership

Introducing Our Corporate Fitness Membership Package

99 Adams Street Manassas Park, Va 20111



Page 8: Communit-e Matters E-Newsletter Spring Issue


eBringing the real world of “�nancial literacy and education” directly into the schools, Apple Federal Credit Union, one of the largest credit unions in Virginia, will be working with Manassas Park High School students to open a branch in April. A student run credit union, available only to faculty, students, and staff of the school will be open during school lunch periods and sometimes before and after school. Wow! Just another stellar example of our city schools spirit of partnership and innovation!

Check out the ‘Cougars Branch’ {HERE}

Read more about the Student-Run Credit Union Program {HERE}



Student Run Bank to Open in Manassas Park High Alliance Bank

FREE Car wash8pm-9pm Mon.-Fri.

Expires 3/31/12

FREE Dog Wash with purchase of 3-STAGE Car wash

w/tire shine.Expires 3/31/12

10%off any serviceover $150.00



Clarks Grill & Sports Emporium

1/2 Off Deal on



Save BIG at these local Manassas Park Businesses!Just mention that you saw their ad in our newsletter!


Purchase ANY membership &get the 1st month for just $10!

$0 enrollment & a free monthif you sign up with a friend.


Anytime Fitness

Founded in 1998 and headquar-tered in Chan-tilly, Alliance Bank has six banking loca-

tions that cater to small-to-medium sized businesses, professionals, entre-preneurs as well as families through-out the metropolitan region. The Manassas Park branch is located in the City Center and is open Monday - Friday 9a.m. - 5p.m. and Saturdays 9a.m. until Noon. As one of the regions fastest growing ‘business banks’, Alliance Bank has a reputa-tion for great service! Their relation-ship managers bring a ton of relevant local market knowledge to the small business customer. {CLICK HERE} to check them out today.