communicative competence

COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE MA YA WANG SHAN NURULAINI TAIB NUR AINI OMOR SAADIAH BAKARIM University of Malaya, KL PBET 2113 Group 6 (TESL) Semester 2 AY 2009-2010, Department of Language & Literacy, Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya KL

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A presentation on Communicative Competence by TESL students, Faculty of Education, University of Malaya. Primary source Chapter 8 of H. Douglas Brown (2007).


Page 1: Communicative Competence




SAADIAH BAKARIMUniversity of Malaya, KL

PBET 2113 Group 6 (TESL) Semester 2 AY 2009-2010, Department of Language & Literacy, Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya KL

Page 2: Communicative Competence

Communicative Competence

-- is a term in linguistics which refers to a language user’s grammatical knowledge of syntax, morphology, phonology and the like, as well as social knowledge about how and

when to use utterances appropriately.

PBET 2113 Group 6 (TESL) Semester 2 AY 2009-2010, Department of Language & Literacy, Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya KL

Page 3: Communicative Competence

Cognitive / academic language proficiency (CALP)

a language-related term which refers

to formal academic learning. used to discuss the language proficiency levels of students who are in the process of acquiring a new language.

PBET 2113 Group 6 (TESL) Semester 2 AY 2009-2010, Department of Language & Literacy, Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya KL

Page 4: Communicative Competence

• Basic interpersonal communicative skills (BICS)

language skills needed to interact in social situations, primarily to context- bound, face-to-face communication.

PBET 2113 Group 6 (TESL) Semester 2 AY 2009-2010, Department of Language & Literacy, Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya KL

Page 5: Communicative Competence

4 subcateg-ories of CC

Grammatical competence

Discourse competence

Strategic competence

Sociolinguistic competence

PBET 2113 Group 6 (TESL) Semester 2 AY 2009-2010, Department of Language & Literacy, Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya KL

Page 6: Communicative Competence

Grammatical competence

the ability to recognize and produce the distinctive grammatical structures

of a language and to use them effectively in communication.

PBET 2113 Group 6 (TESL) Semester 2 AY 2009-2010, Department of Language & Literacy, Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya KL

Page 7: Communicative Competence

Discourse competence

the ability we have to connect sentences in stretches of discourse and to form a meaningful whole out of a series of utterances.

PBET 2113 Group 6 (TESL) Semester 2 AY 2009-2010, Department of Language & Literacy, Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya KL

Page 8: Communicative Competence

Sociolinguistic competence

the ability to interpret the social meaning of the choice of linguistic varieties and to use language with the appropriate social meaning for the communication situation.

PBET 2113 Group 6 (TESL) Semester 2 AY 2009-2010, Department of Language & Literacy, Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya KL

Page 9: Communicative Competence

Strategic competence

the manner of manipulating language in order to meet communicative goals. used to compensate communication disruption caused by lack of communicative competence and to strengthen communicative effects.

PBET 2113 Group 6 (TESL) Semester 2 AY 2009-2010, Department of Language & Literacy, Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya KL

Page 10: Communicative Competence

Language Functions

Bachman—illocutionary competence

Canale&Swain– discourse and sociolinguistic competence

PBET 2113 Group 6 ( TESL) Semester 2 AY 2009-2010, Department of Language & Literacy, Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya KL

Page 11: Communicative Competence

Definition The purposes that we accomplish with language. E.g.: Stating, Requesting, Responding, Greeting, etc. Quiz:

1. A : Hello, Dan, Happy Chinese New Year to you and your family !

B : Thank you. Do come in. I'm glad you have come.

(A) To wish (B) To request

(C) To welcome (D) to inform                  

2. A : Lee fell while climbing up the rambutan tree.

B: I shouldn't have asked him to pluck the rambutans.

  (A) To complain (B) To regret

(C) To apologize (D) To advise                  

3. A : Our team played badly, especially I.

B : It's all your fault. You have let the team down.

(A) To advise (B)To blame

(C)To warn (D)To protest                   PBET 2113 Group 6 (TESL) Semester 2 AY 2009-2010, Department of Language & Literacy, Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya KL

Page 12: Communicative Competence

CommunicationA series of communicative acts or speech acts, which systematically to accomplish particular purpose. (John Austin)

Implication: Production & Comprehension----- Communicative act purpose.

Awareness for second language learners:1.What the purpose of a communicative act 2.How to achieve that purpose.

PBET 2113 Group 6 (TESL) Semester 2 AY 2009-2010, Department of Language & Literacy, Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya KL

Page 13: Communicative Competence

Michael Halliday’s 7 Functions of

Language Instrumental Function: To get what we want, to satisfy needs or desires Regulatory Function: To control the behavior of others, to get them to do want we want

to do Representational (informational) Function : To communicate information, to report facts of conclusions from facts Interactional Function: To establish and define social relationship Personal Function: To express individuality and

personality Heuristic Function: To explore the environment, to acquire knowledge and

understanding Imaginative Function: To create a word of one’s own

PBET 2113 Group 6 (TESL) Semester 2 AY 2009-2010, Department of Language & Literacy, Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya KL

Page 14: Communicative Competence

Exercise A. Heuristic F. I want lemon juice. B. Imaginative F. Go away. C. Instrumental F. She is a good girl. D. Interactional F. The sun is hot. E. Personal F.I like you, my friend. F. Representational F. Where is he

from? G. Regulatory F. They lived happily


PBET 2113 Group 6 (TESL) Semester 2 AY 2009-2010, Department of Language & Literacy, Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya KL

Page 15: Communicative Competence

Functional Approaches to Language Teaching

Notional Functional Syllabuses


Abstract concept--existence, space, time;

Situation--travel, health, shopping

To function as organizing elements of a foreign

language curriculum.

PBET 2113 Group 6 (TESL) Semester 2 AY 2009-2010, Department of Language & Literacy, Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya KL

Page 16: Communicative Competence


Topics Functionspersonal identification introducing oneself and other people, greeting


personal opinions expressing opinions, helping others to express their ideas, interrupting a conversation , reporting what people say

hobbies/free time expressing preferences / likes and dislikesexpressing ability

environment describing simple processesexpressing purpose, cause andresult and giving reasons

places and buildings asking for /giving information about places

food and drink talking about food and ordering meals

travel and holidays asking for and giving travel information,giving directions

Shopping/clothes buying and selling things (costs andamounts), describing objects

weather talking about the weather

PBET 2113 Group 6 (TESL) Semester 2 AY 2009-2010, Department of Language & Literacy, Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya KL

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PBET 2113 Group 6 (TESL) Semester 2 AY 2009-2010, Department of Language & Literacy, Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya KL

Page 18: Communicative Competence

Nonverbal Communication (NVC)

‘silent language’

-- process of communicating through sending/receiving

wordless messages.

Convey: body language, gestures, eye contact, physical distance etc.

PBET 2113 Group 6 (TESL) Semester 2 AY 2009-2010, Department of Language & Literacy, Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya KL

Page 19: Communicative Competence

Nonverbal Communication (NVC)


Eye contact Proxe-

micsArtifacts Kinesthe-tics

Olfactory Dimen-sions


PBET 2113 Group 6 (TESL) Semester 2 AY 2009-2010, Department of Language & Literacy, Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya KL

Page 20: Communicative Competence



•Interpretation of body language: facial expression/gestures

•Movements may convey specific meanings

•May be culture bound


•Important nonverbal channels you have for communication and connecting with other people.

•"The cheapest, most effective way to connect with people is to look them into the eye.“_Nicholas Boothman

•Intercultural interference --->misunderstanding.


•Acceptable distances for communication

•Comfortable distances: depends on culture, social situation, gender and individual preferences.

• eg: public distance, social distance, personal distance, intimate distance.

•Varies according to culture.

PBET 2113 Group 6 (TESL) Semester 2 AY 2009-2010, Department of Language & Literacy, Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya KL

Page 21: Communicative Competence

NVC cont..


•Eg: clothing & ornamentation

•Signal a person’s self esteem, socioeconomic class & general mood and personality character. Eg: jewelery, accessories


•Related to the act of touching--> how & where

•Touching can be very personal, intimate style or extensive touching

•Knowing the limits is important for unambiguous communication.



•Sensory system –vary for different cultures

•Smell allows organisms with receptors to identify food, mates, sensual pleasure (flowers/perfumes) or warnings of danger (spoiled food/chemical dangers.

•Natural human odors esp. perspiration is acceptable in some cultures.

PBET 2113 Group 6 (TESL) Semester 2 AY 2009-2010, Department of Language & Literacy, Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya KL

Page 22: Communicative Competence

The Communicative Language Teaching

Focuses on helping learners to communicate meaningfully in a target language.

Emphasizes interaction as both the means and the ultimate goal of learning a language.

How learners will be assessed? = How well learners have developed their communicative competence.

PBET 2113 Group 6 (TESL) Semester 2 AY 2009-2010, Department of Language & Literacy, Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya KL

Page 23: Communicative Competence


communication rather than structure

Functional uses of language in different social


Meaningful tasks

Purposeful interaction

Authentic texts

Fluency & accuracy

PBET 2113 Group 6 (TESL) Semester 2 AY 2009-2010, Department of Language & Literacy, Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya KL

Page 24: Communicative Competence

Classroom activities

Role play


Information gap



Pair works

PBET 2113 Group 6 (TESL) Semester 2 AY 2009-2010, Department of Language & Literacy, Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya KL

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What is TBI?

An approach that focuses on the use of authentic language

and on asking students to do

meaningful tasks using the target


Example of activities

Visiting a doctor, conducting an

interview, or calling customer service

for help

PBET 2113 Group 6 ( TESL) Semester 2 AY 2009-2010, Department of Language & Literacy, Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya KL

Page 26: Communicative Competence

Types of Task

Target Tasks

Uses of language in the world beyond the classroom

Pedagogical Tasks

Uses of language that occur in the classroom

PBET 2113 Group 6 (TESL) Semester 2 AY 2009-2010, Department of Language & Literacy, Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya KL

Page 27: Communicative Competence


Student- centered; allows for more

meaningful communication

the tasks are likely to be familiar to the


students are free to use what grammar

constructs and vocabulary they


PBET 2113 Group 6 (TESL) Semester 2 AY 2009-2010, Department of Language & Literacy, Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya KL

Page 28: Communicative Competence

Source: Brown, H. Douglas. 2007. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching, 5th Edition. White Plains, NY: Pearson Education. Chapter 8.

Created for: PBET 2113 Participants (TESL) Semester 2, AY 2009-2010 Department of Language &

Literacy Faculty of Education University of Malaya KL

Created by: Nur Aine Omor, Nurulaini Taib, Saadiah Bakarim, Ma Ya and

Wang Shan

Facilitator: Jessie Grace U. Rubrico, PhD

PBET 2113 Group 6 (TESL) Semester 2 AY 2009-2010, Department of Language & Literacy Education, Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya KL