
New Spirit Communications Plan June 2011 April 2012 Prepared by Lori Compas May 27, 2011

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Page 1: CommunicationsPlan

New Spirit Communications Plan June 2011 – April 2012

Prepared by Lori Compas

May 27, 2011

Page 2: CommunicationsPlan

Table of Contents Introduction 1

Communications Calendar 2 (fold-out)

Audience Overview 3

Messaging 4

New Paradigms 5-6

A New Name? 7

Farmer Profiles 8

Brochures 9

Prospective Investor Packets 10

Prospective Farmer Packets 11

Farm Progress Reports / Farm Plans 12

Website and Social Media 13

Farm Stories (video project) 13

Holiday Cards 14

Image Database 15

Measuring Goals 16

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A Communications Plan for New Spirit This plan addresses communications needs for New Spirit over the next ten months. Our stated communications goal is to increase awareness of and participation in New Spirit’s programs, and the bulk of this plan is dedicated to that goal. I’d like us to go a step further, though, and clearly state that our long-term goal is to make substantive changes to the agricultural system as a whole. Work toward this goal is evident in every project outlined here and in everything we do, but it’s important to recognize its value as an explicit goal and outline concrete steps to achieve it.

Major milestones during the next ten months include:

• Choosing a new name for the organization, or choosing to remain with New Spirit Ventures as the name • Crafting and using clear, concise messages to convey New Spirit’s activities, mission, and goals • Establishing New Spirit (and Robert in particular) as a thought leader • Publishing farmer profiles online and in print • Creating specialized packets for prospective investors and prospective farmers • Creating and maintaining an active and robust online presence • Taking the first steps toward re-imagining the website

These activities will culminate in January with national media exposure for the organization as Robert, at the same time, submits his application for a Food and Community Fellowship. I’m hopeful that this national exposure, combined with a proven track record of influential activity during 2011, will result in a successful application.

This document begins with a calendar outlining communications milestones over the next ten months. The calendar is helpful in visualizing the inter-connectedness of various milestones and the importance of completing tasks on time.

For more information about a particular milestone, see the task lists that are referenced by page number. These task lists describe the steps required to create a deliverable, the person responsible for each task, collaborators (if any), projected completion date, and estimated cost.

I look forward to working with you over the coming year.

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Audience Communications Goals Communications Need Success?

Prospective Farmers

Make substantive contact with 120 prospective farmers between June 1, 2011– April 1, 2012 (anticipating that 10% of these contacts will result in signed deals).

Positioning statement Website: General company info, farmer profiles, contact form, prospective farmer page, application. Prospective farmer packet Phone and e-mail conversations Farm visits Twitter account

Jim will keep track of contacts in HighRise. At least 12 due diligence reports completed by April 1, 2012.


Continue good communications practices between farmers – NSV – investors. Produce annual reports and plans in collaboration with farmers.

Phone conversations / e-mails Farm visits Farm progress reports and plans

Jim will keep track of contacts in HighRise. Productive, well-informed farmers.

Prospective Investors

Make substantive contact with 120 prospective investors between June 1, 2011 – April 1, 2012 (anticipating that 10% of these contacts will result in signed deals).

Positioning statement Website: General info, farmer profiles, investor profiles, staff bios, phone number, contact form Prospective investor packet Due diligence reports on recommended farmers Phone & e-mail conversations / in-person meetings

Robert will keep track of contacts in HighRise. At least 12 signed deals by April 1, 2012.


Continue good communications practices between farmers – NSV – investors.

Farm progress reports and plans Phone calls / e-mails Holiday Cards

Robert will keep track of contacts in HighRise. Informed investors.

Board Members

Continue good communications practices between NSV and board members.

Annual Report Periodic meetings Holiday cards

Everyone will keep track of contacts in HighRise. Informed board members.

Ag Professionals / Partners / Friends (extension agents, SARE, CIAS, Farmers Union, etc)

Continue good communications practices between NSV and ag professionals. Gain 30 new advocates in Extension, SARE, and other organizations by April 1, 2012.

Positioning statement Website: General info, farmer profiles, investor profiles, staff bios, phone number, contact form Brochure Phone / e-mail conversations Twitter account

Everyone will keep track of contacts in HighRise. Steadily increasing referrals as more ag professionals become aware of NSV.


Gain 20 contacts in local / regional mainstream media (MM). Place 2 farmer profiles in regional MM. Place one article in national MM. Gain 20 contacts in online media.

Positioning statement Website: Media page in addition to general info Brochure Twitter account Phone / e-mail conversations

Lori will keep track of contacts in HighRise. Regional and national media exposure by April 1, 2012.

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Messaging Completed by In collaboration with Completion date Estimated cost

Tagline Done. “Sustaining farmers through social finance”

Positioning statement (aka “elevator speech,” “one-minute message”)

$250 (Consultation through June 3 regarding positioning statement and talking points)

For [ name of audience profile ], who want/need [ specific goals ], New Spirit provides [ benefits and services ]. Unlike other social finance organizations, we provide [ key differentiator ]. - via Bremmer & Goris

All June 3

Talking points

Three talking points for each project and New Spirit as a whole

All June 3

Three supporting details for each All June 3

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Working toward a new paradigm

This is the most complex and nebulous portion of the communications strategy, yet I feel it’s also the most important.

Tasks like working on the website and creating a brochure are solid short-term goals, but we all know that the long-term success of New Spirit – and the sustainable agriculture movement as a whole – requires broad changes to the entire food system. We need to help change the way decision-makers and consumers think about farming, land, and the food they eat.

I propose a sustained, focused, three-pronged approach. In general terms, I’m suggesting that each of us – Robert, Jim, and I – commit to setting aside at least a few hours every month to contributing to the public dialogue surrounding agriculture and food issues. Robert could address investors’ concerns and New Spirit’s philosophical foundations. Jim could shed light on the technical challenges faced by organic farmers (and aspiring young farmers) and the opportunities offered by a new paradigm. I could address food issues from a consumer / parent’s point of view, emphasizing my desire to “vote with my dollars” for food that’s healthy for my family, for farmers and rural communities, and for the environment.

We should plan to reach a broad range of people, from legislators to food service professionals to consumers, and in all cases we should reinforce New Spirit’s core message. We should also, where appropriate, refer to New Spirit as a novel approach to helping solve a complex set of problems.

Our participation could take the form of

op-eds, guest columns, and letters to the editor

guest appearances on radio, television, blogs, and


conference presentations – and I would urge us to

reach out to groups we might not normally engage.

For instance, presenting to a conference of

institutional food service purchasers might be more

effective in the long run than “preaching to the choir”

at a sustainable agriculture conference.

testimony to legislators

speeches and discussions with civic groups

In all instances, our website / blog will document our efforts and we can certainly use social networking to expose a wider audience to these ideas.

I feel that addressing these issues is not only the right thing to do; it will also make New Spirit more appealing to farmers and investors. If farmers and investors will see that New Spirit is working to support their particular farms on the micro level, but also working to change the entire system on a much broader scale, I feel that they will have more confidence in the organization as a whole.

Robert’s goal of working toward a Food and Community Fellowship fits in well here, but I want to stress that this work should continue whether he applies for the fellowship or not. We should work toward short-term goals and also commit time and effort to the larger goal of transforming the system.

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New Paradigm Completed by In collaboration with Completion date Estimated cost

Brainstorm publications (and I’m using this term loosely – could include magazines, trade journals, blogs, podcasts, etc.)

All June 3

$250 (Consultation through June 10)

Brainstorm conferences / events (again, hoping to think broadly here)

All June 3

Develop an evaluation mechanism (ie way to determine ROI)

Lori June 10

Produce at least one blog post per month Robert Ongoing

Produce at least one article every two months

Robert Ongoing

Produce at least one blog post per month Jim Ongoing

Produce at least one blog post per month Lori Ongoing $60 per post

Determine ROI / evaluate success Lori April 2012 TBD

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A New Name? Completed by In collaboration with Completion date Estimated cost

Brainstorm possibilities All May 27

$150 (Consultation through June 3 regarding possible name change)

Narrow options down to the best 3 All May 27

Call ag professionals / friends to get feedback

Lori June 2

Call farmers to get feedback Jim June 2

Call investors to get feedback Robert June 2

Report back All June 3

Make the final call Robert June 3

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Farmer Profile Completed by In collaboration with Completion date Estimated cost

Assign project Robert -

Initial contact Lori -

Arrange date and time for phone interview Lori -

Phone interview Lori -

Arrange date and time for farm visit, reserve hotel

Lori $30

Travel to farm Lori 50 cents / mile

On-farm interview Lori -

Late afternoon / sunset photographs & video Lori $400

Hotel Lori ~ $65 / night

Sunrise / early morning photographs &video Lori $400

Return travel Lori 50 cents / mile

Download and rank images Lori $60

Add metadata to images Lori $30

Upload images to image database Lori $30

Create backup CD of images, file at New Spirit Lori -

Write article (1000 words) Lori $300

Review article Robert -

Incorporate suggested changes Lori -

Article to farmer for review Lori -

Incorporate suggested changes Lori -

Final approval Robert -

Heads-up to editors Lori $30

Send article / photo package as press release Lori $30

Publish article / photo on website Lori $30

Link to article / photo from Robert’s blog Robert -

Link to article / photo from social media Lori $30

Total estimated cost $1435 plus mileage & meals

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Brochure Completed by In collaboration with Completion Date Estimated Cost

Determine printing budget Robert Sept 2 -

Determine number of brochures needed Robert Jim Sept 2 -

Determine format (bi-fold, tri-fold, or front-and-back) Lori Robert / Jim Sept 9 15

Choose printer and paper quality Lori Robert / Jim Sept 9 30

Choose photos and color scheme Lori Robert / Jim Sept 16 30

Write text Lori Robert / Jim Sept 16 90

Create rough layout / concept Lori Robert / Jim Sept 23 30

Approve layout concept Robert Sept 23

Hire Julie to do final layout Lori Sept 29 150

Review and comment Robert / Jim Oct 14 -

Make suggested changes Lori Oct 21 45

Final approval Robert Jim Oct 21 -

Send final image files to printer Lori Oct 21 30

Receive and inspect product, store in an accessible place Robert Nov 4 -

Total estimated cost $420 plus printing


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Investor Packet Completed by In collaboration with Completion date Estimated cost

Cover letter Robert Jim, Lori Nov 4 $30

Brochure Lori Robert, Jim Nov 4 $420 plus printing costs

Business cards Lori Robert, Jim July 8 $30-$90 + printing costs

DD reports for selected farms Nov 4 -

Sample farmer profiles Nov 4 -

Folders Varies widely Apx. $200+ printing costs

- determine budget Robert Sept 2 -

- determine number of folders needed Robert Sept 2 -

- choose design (plain navy linen, for example, or a custom design)

Robert Jim, Lori Sept 9 $30

- choose color scheme (coordinate with brochure)

Lori Robert, Jim Sept 9 $30

- if custom, work with Julie to design Lori Sept 29 Will vary widely depending on complexity. $60-$300

- final approval Robert Oct 7 -

- send to printer Lori Oct 7 $30

- receive and inspect product, store in an accessible place

Robert Nov 4

Large Mailing Envelopes $20/100 plain or $60 + $65/100 printed one color

- determine budget Robert Sept 2 -

- determine number needed Robert, Jim Sept 2 -

- design envelopes Lori Sept 9 $30

- final approval Robert Oct 7 -

- send to printer Lori Oct 7 $30

- receive and store Robert Nov 4 -

Assemble packets Lori Whoever will take pity and help me

Nov 4 -

Create accessible storage space Robert Nov 4 -

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Farmer Packet Completed by In collaboration with Completion date Estimated cost

Cover letter Robert Jim, Lori Nov 4 $30

Brochure Lori Robert, Jim Nov 4 $420 plus printing costs

Business cards Lori Robert, Jim July 8 $30-$90 + printing costs

Sample due diligence reports Nov 4 -

Sample farmer profiles Nov 4 -

Folders Varies widely Apx. $200+ printing costs

- determine budget Robert Sept 2 -

- determine number of folders needed Robert Sept 2 -

- choose design (plain navy linen, for example, or a custom design)

Robert Jim, Lori Sept 9 $30

- choose color scheme (coordinate with brochure)

Lori Robert, Jim Sept 9 $30

- if custom, work with Julie to design Lori Sept 29 Will vary widely depending on complexity. $60-$300

- final approval Robert Oct 7 -

- send to printer Lori Oct 7 $30

- receive and inspect product, store in an accessible place

Robert Nov 4

Large Mailing Envelopes $20/100 plain or $60 + $65/100 printed one color

- determine budget Robert Sept 2 -

- determine number needed Robert, Jim Sept 2 -

- design envelopes Lori Sept 9 $30

- final approval Robert Oct 7 -

- send to printer Lori Oct 7 $30

- receive and store Robert Nov 4 -

Assemble packets Lori Whoever will take pity and help me

Nov 4 -

Create accessible storage space Robert Nov 4 -

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Farm Reports / Plans Completed by In collaboration with Completion date Estimated cost

Progress Reports

Develop report template Lori Sept 9 $150

Photos to Jim Lori Soon after farm visit

Harvest reports / financials into template Jim Dec 2

Print reports Jim Dec 2

Cover letter Robert Dec 2

Address and mail Lori? Dec 9

Farm Plans

Develop report template Lori March 9 $150

Plan / financials into template Jim March 16

Cover letter Robert March 16

Print plans Jim March 16

Address and mail Lori? March 23

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Web / Social media Completed by In collaboration with Completion date Estimated cost Maintain and update website Lori Ongoing $15 / hour Monthly web analytics report Lori Ongoing $45 / month Create a media page on website Lori $100 Links to:

- Mission and history - Farmer profiles (when available) - Press releases (when available) - Staff bios - Twitter account (when active)

Lori July 15

Logo files in various resolutions Lori July 15 - Contact information Lori June 3 - 5-10 images Lori November 4 $150 Create a twitter account Lori Robert, Jim June 3 $30 Create a Facebook page Lori Robert, Jim June 3 $50 Create farmer profile pages Lori November 4 $100 Re-imagine website Lori Robert, Jim Beginning in April TBD

Farm story (video) Completed by In collaboration with Completion date Estimated cost I’d like to see us do more video work and integrate more video into the website. An excellent example of a website that integrates data with visual storytelling is at Climate Wisconsin ( I’d like to do a similar video project on one of my farm visits this summer. Create storyline / concept Lori Robert, Jim June 10 $200 Download audio from farm visit Lori After farm visit - Download video from farm visit Lori After farm visit - Create video Lori September 23 $900 Review video Robert, Jim September 23 - Revise video Lori September 30 $200 Final approval Robert October 7 - Upload to YouTube Lori October 7 $30 Embed on farmer profile page Lori October 7 $30 Blog post w/ link Lori October 7 $30 Link from social media Lori October 7 $10 Total cost $1400

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Holiday cards Completed by In collaboration with Completion date Estimated cost

Determine budget (including postage) Robert October 3

Cost will vary widely depending on number of cards, quality of paper, and complexity of design. But it’s worth it.

Determine number of cards All October 7

Select theme / message All October 7

Select image(s) Lori October 14

Design card Lori October 21

Final approval Robert October 24

Send cards to printer Lori October 28

Receive cards Robert November 4

Write personal notes All November 23

Address envelopes Lori December 9

Send cards Lori December 9

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An image database

Image management saves time and money in the long run by allowing

Quick response to media and partner requests

Photo sharing within the organization

Expedited production of online and printed materials

Maintenance of an historical record of New Spirit’s activities.

All images produced for New Spirit should be tagged with appropriate metadata and stored in a searchable online database. Some images could be private, viewable only by us, but other images could be viewable by the general public and displayed on our website.

At this time we have several options:


Stand-alone image database software

Access-compatible image album

Extend Drupal to house an image database and display selected photos.

While an image database isn’t our highest priority right now, I would like for us to discuss all options next January or February. That way we can decide on a system and implement it before the busy summer season begins.

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Measuring Goals New Spirit has an ambitious set of goals for the next ten months. Measuring our success in meeting these goals is a relatively simple but essential task.

First off, I plan to establish a baseline regarding website visitation statistics as soon as I can get access to the system. From there I’ll prepare a monthly report on site visitation with information about how many unique visits we’re getting per month, how visitors are finding the site, where visitors are located, and how much time they spend on the site. In this way we can gauge New Spirit’s growing influence and measure our return on investment for various web-based projects.

Our goals for communicating with prospective farmers and prospective investors can be measured by how many substantial conversations we have with these individuals and how many of those conversations result in signed deals.

We can measure our success in communicating with investors, farmers, and board members either informally – by simply asking them if they feel there are any gaps in our communications system – or via formal survey. These options should be addressed next winter so we can aggregate the results in April.

I’m hopeful that our outreach efforts to agricultural professionals (extension agents, SARE, etc.) will result in increased interest in New Spirit and more farmer applications. One way to gauge our success in this area is to simply add a line to the farmer application asking applicants to tell us how they heard about New Spirit.

Our goals regarding media coverage will be fairly easy to measure: I’m hoping to include an “In the Media” page on the website that will list and link to all articles that feature or mention New Spirit. I suggest waiting to do this until we’ve amassed at least five or six articles.

Robert’s goal of becoming a thought leader can be measured by analyzing where his articles are published and how often they’re referenced; how many times his blog posts are referenced and re-posted; how many followers he has on twitter or other social media; how often he speaks at conferences and other events; and how often he is sought out by the media for comment. This analysis will be useful when he prepares his application for a Food and Community Fellowship in January.

I plan to conduct ongoing measurement of our success in meeting our goals throughout the coming year, with a formal report produced by early April. Solid numbers will help us plan and prepare for 2012 and beyond.