communication skill uni v 9.1

Communication Skills Version: UNI 9.1 Points to be considered for Communication to be effective. Who is my Audience? Knowledge ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________. Expertise ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________. Experience ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________. Prejudice ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________. Needs ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________. Wants ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________. Goals ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________. Effective: Sep’15

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Page 1: Communication Skill UNI V 9.1

Communication Skills Version: UNI 9.1

Points to be considered for Communication to be effective.

Who is my Audience?















Effective: Sep’15

Page 2: Communication Skill UNI V 9.1

Communication Skills Version: UNI 9.1

Communication Styles

1. Visual:2. Auditory:3. Kinesthetic

If you can recognize your customer’s preferred communication style, you can learn to communicate with and market to them in a way that will improve your relationship. You must be aware of this when you do not the customer’s preferred style or you are communicating with an unknown group. You need to find ways to present your materials so that all three communication styles are addressed, and you can gain the attention of all customers.

Visual Style:

A customer whose dominant style is visual will prefer written materials and face-to-face contact. The customer will be especially concerned with the ways things look. The customer will want to see the benefits that your product or service will deliver. If your presentation is written, you must emphasize the appearance of things so that your client will receive your message. These customers may respond to DVD’s and other visual materials.

Auditory Style:

A customer whose dominant style is verbal will want everything explained verbally. You must talk to this customer and be sure your words convey the message you want to convey. You must also listen to this customer, because he will express his concerns verbally. This customer may respond to telephone calls, CD’s, and other audio products.

Kinesthetic Style:

A customer whose dominant style is touch will prefer descriptive written materials with special attention to details. Their feelings guide their decision which means that you must build trust and report with them. They may talk about the feeling they like or dislike. For eg: They may say that they want to feel safe, cozy or comfortable. They may also say that they do not want to feel crowded and pressure. These customers respond to samples that they can touch, hold and examine.

The better you know your customers the better you will be able to communicate with and market to them. If your marketing to a wide group of pupil you must be certain that your marketing materials include all three communication styles. If you do not address all three communication styles you will not be able to communicate your marketing message to all potential customers. Your message will be lost to the customers whose communication style you did not address.

Effective Listening:

Customers want you to listen closely and understand their needs. Your ability to listen plays a key role in your success with customers, co-workers, and management.

In this session, you will identify different level of listening and behaviors’ associated with each level. You will learn about various barriers to listening and ways to overcome them. You will understand that listening is a process and not a stand-alone event.

Very few people truly know how to listen although, all of us practice hearing all the time.

Effective: Sep’15

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Communication Skills Version: UNI 9.1


Hearing is a Passive.

It is a Physiological process whereby auditory impressions are received by your ears and transmitted to your brain.


Listening is active. It is an activity that involves interpreting and understanding the significance of the sensory or hearing experience.

“If you are NOT listening to the client you cannot answer questions”

Lack of attention or negative attention hurts the opposite person emotionally. He feels discounted.

Effective: Sep’15

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Communication Skills Version: UNI 9.1

Reason for Listening:





Listening Quiz’s

Please take the following quiz to check your listening skills:

Kindly select yes or no without thinking too much………..and let’s be honest!

Sr. No. Questions Yes No1 When Listening to a speaker, I Make eye contact.2 I nod my head when in agreement with what a speaker is saying.3 If I ‘m not sure whether I’ve grasped a speaker’s point correctly, I summarize my

understanding of what he/she has said, to confirm that I’ve got it right.4 I fidget (play with hair, watch, pen, etc.) while listening to someone else express

his/her thoughts or ideas.5 If a speaker doesn’t engage my interest, my mind wanders.6 I daydream while listening to someone else expresses his/her thought or ideas.7 I shift in my chair or tap my feet when I listen to other people speaking.8 I give my full attention if someone is talking to me.9 I drum my fingers on a surface when I listen to other speaks.10 If I am bored or uninterested in what a speaker has to say I look to the ground or at

my feet.11 I make disapproving faces when I don’t approve of what others are telling to me.12 While a speaker is talking I find myself thinking about what I am going to say next.13 People complaint that I don’t look like I am listening when they talk to me.14 I ask question to encourage a speaker to elaborate on his/her point.15 I immediately think of ways to end conversations that don’t interest me.16 I act impatient when someone” Beats around the bush” rather than getting straight

to the point (I tap my feet look around or check my watch etc.).17 I get bored if I am not the one Leading the conversation. (I.e. Choosing the topic

controlling the pace).18 I wait for a speaker to finish his/her point before I make a mental judgment call on

what was said.19 I will stop a speaker in mid- sentence to interject my opinion if I disagree with a

statement she/he has made.20 If a person feels the need to went his/her emotions to me. I wait until he/she lets it

all out before I comment.21 When I have something relevant to add to a conversation I find it difficult to wait

until a person is done speaking.22 I encourage a person to continues speaking with expressions such as “ GO On” “Uh

Huh”, etc.23 After a speaker has finished talking, I summarize out loud what she/he has said.

Effective: Sep’15

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Communication Skills Version: UNI 9.1

24 I pause a moment to think over what a speaker has said before offering my feedback.

25 I interrupt when I have something to add to the conversation.26 I perform another task (ex. Folding laundry, skimming an article for interesting

information, cooking, watching TV, etc.). While listening to someone talk about something upsetting to him/her?

27 I will interrupt a serious discussion to talk a personal call.28 I finish other people’s sentence before they have a chance to.29 I anticipate what people will say next as they are speaking.30 I ‘m constantly judging the merit of what people say from the very first sentence.

If your score is 25 or more, you are a skilled listener. You have what it takes to be a gifted leader.

If your score is between 20-25, you’re well within the average range. People probably wouldn’t call you a bad listener. They might just think you re inattentive or too busy or distracted to pay attention.

If your score is less than 20, you need to work on your listening skills.


Effective: Sep’15

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Communication Skills Version: UNI 9.1

Barriers to Listening

There are many factors that influence the extent to which you listen to others at level 1. These factors are the barriers that you must overcome to listen effectively.

Barriers Examples Way to OvercomePhysiological:



Socio-Cultural Difference:

Reason for Listening:

Attentive Behaviors:

This behavior shows the customer that you care; you are interested and concerned about the customer. Effective attending behavior is listed below:

1 Stop everything else. Concentrate on the customer’s message.2 Be patient.3 Use verbal nods or listening sounds to encourage the customer to speak but do not interrupt the customer.

Can you think of some example of verbal nods?4 Withhold judgment until the person finish.5 Ask questions to clarify understanding.6 Give body language to indicate you are listening.

Effective: Sep’15