common problems -

. Management of common GI symptoms in Palliative Medicine On off the most frequently reported & distressing . Gastrointestinal Symptoms Dr Sudha Sarna Professor Palliative Medicine symptoms. dry mouth (84 %) weight loss (76%) early satiety (71%) taste change (60%) constipation(58 %) anorexia (56%) bloating (50 %) nausea (48 %) abdominal pain (42 %) vomiting (34 %) Komurcu et al Upper GIT Oral Problems Nausea and Vomiting Dysphagia Lower GIT Constipation Diarrhoea Intestinal Obstruction Common problems Painful, Inflammatory, Ulcerative condition Causes : Infection (herpes & candida) Ulceration Mucositis – post RT / Chemo Dry Mouth Pain Infiltration / dental problems Iron / Vitamin C deficiency Sore mouth or Stomatitis : General measures Gargle with cool water or sucking ice chips. Avoid hot beverages and foods as well as salty, spicy, and citrus-based foods. Avoid tobacco & alcohol Frequent sipping of water and semi frozen drinks. petroleum jelly to lips Good oral hygiene. Apply a one-to-one mixture of hydrogen peroxide Management Treatment: Treat underlying cause ENT / Dental review if needed Topical corticosteroid like triamcinolone dental paste Lignocaine 4% viscous gargles. Lignocaine gel (2%) 1 Apply a one-to-one mixture of hydrogen peroxide with water or baking soda with water to the ulcers.

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Management of common GI symptoms in Palliative Medicine • On off the most frequently reported & distressing


Gastrointestinal Symptoms

Dr Sudha SarnaProfessor Palliative Medicine

symptoms. – dry mouth (84 %)– weight loss (76%)– early satiety (71%)– taste change (60%)– constipation(58 %)– anorexia (56%)– bloating (50 %)– nausea (48 %)– abdominal pain (42 %)– vomiting (34 %)

Komurcu et al

Upper GIT– Oral Problems– Nausea and Vomiting– Dysphagia

Lower GIT– Constipation– Diarrhoea– Intestinal Obstruction

Common problems • Painful, Inflammatory, Ulcerative condition• Causes :

– Infection (herpes & candida)

– Ulceration

– Mucositis – post RT / Chemo

– Dry Mouth

– Pain – Infiltration / dental problems

– Iron / Vitamin C deficiency

Sore mouth or Stomatitis :

• General measures– Gargle with cool water or sucking ice chips.– Avoid hot beverages and foods as well as salty, spicy,

and citrus-based foods.– Avoid tobacco & alcohol– Frequent sipping of water and semi frozen drinks.– petroleum jelly to lips– Good oral hygiene.– Apply a one-to-one mixture of hydrogen peroxide

Management �Treatment:

◦ Treat underlying cause

◦ ENT / Dental review if needed

◦ Topical corticosteroid like triamcinolone dental paste

◦ Lignocaine 4% viscous gargles.

◦ Lignocaine gel (2%)


– Apply a one-to-one mixture of hydrogen peroxide with water or baking soda with water to the ulcers.

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Nausea and


� Occurs in 40 – 70% patients with cancer

Nausea and Vomiting

� Even low-grade nausea is an unpleasant and

distressful to patient awell to relatives�Affects patients daily functioning

� Quality of Life

� Active palliative management is important

� Can be controlled in 90% of patients

Junior Rotation in Hospice and Palliative Medicine

� Forceful oral expulsion of gastric contents through mouth

� Clinical Implication :

– Pain aggravated

– Refusal to eat

– Refusal to take analgesics / other treatment

– Dejection

Poor Quality of Life

Vomiting - Definition

Unpleasant sensation of imminent need to vomit

or may not ultimately lead to vomiting

� Clinical Implication :

– No desire to eat or drink

– May refuse cancer treatment / analgesics

– Psychological distress

Nausea : Definition

� Anxiety / pain.

� Gastric Stasis/ gastritis/ GERD .

� Intestinal Obstruction.

� Constipation.

� Drugs (opioids, radiotherapy, chemotherapy)

� Raised ICP.

� Others: Abdominal carcinomatosis, extensive liver metastases, Ascites, hypercalcemia, uraemia


• Metastases• Meningeal irritation• Movement• Mental anxiety• Medications• Mucosal irritation

• Mechanical obstruction• Motility• Metabolic• Microbes• Myocardial

M-Esis… the 11 M’s


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Organ/component NeurotransmitterOrgan/component Neurotransmitter

Chemoreceptor trigger zone (CTZ) Serotonin, Dopamine, Acetylcholine, Histamine

Cerebral Cortex Complex; Learned responses

Vestibular apparatus Acetylcholine, Histamine (H1)

GI Tract Serotonin, Dopamine, Acetylcholine, Histamine (H2)

Treatment should be Mechanism-based (cause specific), Not generalized!

� Identify & treat principal underlying cause

� Symptomatic management with anti-emetic drugs.

� Control of symptoms possible in 60% patients

� Single antiemetic may not be adequate

General principles of management

� Combination of drugs e.g., for Raised ICP & Uremia ( Dexamethasone, Haloperidol , metoclopromide )

� Select route of administration: – Persistent vomiting – subcutaneous/ IV preferable

– May consider drugs disperse / dissolve in oral cavity

� Keep in mind side-effects (extrapyranidal in metoclopramide,

Constipation in ondansetron and granisetron ……)

General principles of Management• Behavioral treatments - relaxation, imagery, music,


• Dietary measures – Frequent small meals – Try to avoid fatty / sweet / spicy food – Avoid fibre– Avoid carbonated drinks – Cold, bland food and clear fluids tolerated better– Control of malodour from colostomy,fungating tumor, decubitus ulcer

etc– Calm, reassuring environment away from sight and smell of food.

Non-Drug Therapy


– Calm, reassuring environment away from sight and smell of food.Patient should avoid cooking.

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Nausea & VomitingCauses Treatment � Raised Intracranial Pressure � Dexamethasone 8 to 36 mg I.V. (

dose to be titrated)

Causes Treatment

• Drug induced

• Radiotherapy

• Chemotherapy

• Metabolic eg. Uremia or hypercalcemia

• Haloperidol 1.5 to 2.5 mg H.S / b.d.

• Ondansetron 8 mg stat then 4 mg. tds / granisetron 1 mg. stat then 1 mg. b.d.

• Ondansetron / Granisetron. Dexameth. 8 mg o.d for 3 days. Metoclopr. 10 to 20 mg. q.d.s. po/sc

• Haloperidol – start with 1.5 mg H.S.

Causes Treatment

� Bowel Obstruction

� Delayed Gastric Emptying

� Gastric Irritation

dose to be titrated)

� If partial, no colic, MetoclopramideIf colic, Hyoscine Butylbromide

40 to 100 mg/24 hrs.

Ondansteron 8 to 24 mg/24 hrs. p.o., i.v. or s.c.

� Metoclopramide 10 20 mg q.d.s. Domperidone 10 to 20 mg q.d.s.

� PPI , Stop Irritants

� Mechanism of Opioid induced Nausea & Vomiting� CTZ� increased vestibular sensitivity� gastric stasis� Constipation

� DOC : Haloperidol , Metoclopramide 1st line

� Prevent with initial antiemetics

� Treat N / V aggressively with one or more antiemetic before reducing Opioid doses causing pain.

Nausea & Vomiting in Palliative Care Nausea and vomiting in PC• Document most likely causes.

• Treat potentially reversible causes and exacerbating factors ( e.g. Drugs, constipation, severe pain, infection, cough)

• Review dose after 24 hours

• If N & V persist after 24 – 48 hours, review cause.

• If on parenteral, consider converting to oral after 72 hours of good control to oral regimen

• Schedule antiemetic around the clock

• Chose second and third antiemetic which work

on different receptors

• Consider imaging

– Abdominal for constipation/obstruction

– CNS imaging for masses/increased ICP

Intractable nausea/vomiting

Constipation: TRADITIONALLY defined as three or fewer bowel movements per week


– CNS imaging for masses/increased ICP

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Constipation in palliative care is fundamentally defined by the patient

�Prevalence of constipation in palliative care patients

23–65% (cancer)fundamentally defined by the patient

� It is the frequency and difficulty of defecation that are the basis for the diagnosis of constipation in comparison with pre-illness pattern

� If the patient complains of constipation or defecates less than three times per week, assessment of bowel habits is warranted

23–65% (cancer)34–35% (AIDS)38–42% (heart disease)27–44% (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) 29–70% (renal disease)

�Approximately 50% of patients admitted to palliative care centres cite constipation as a problem.

Goodman, M, Low, J, Wilkinson, S. Constipation management in palliative care: a survey of practices in the United Kingdom.J Pain Symptom Manage2005;29:238–244.

Solano, JP, Gomes, B, Higginson, IJ. A comparison of symptom prevalence in far advanced cancer, AIDS, heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and renal disease.J Pain Symptom Manage2006;31: 58–69

Chronic constipation

Functional (primary)


Functional bowel disorders classification:

1. Irritable bowel syndrome2. Functional constipation3. Functional diarrhea4. Functional abdominal bloating/distension5. Unspecified functional bowel disorders6. Opioid-induced constipation

Bowel Disorders: Lacy, Brian E. et al. Gastroenterology ,2016, Volume 150 , Issue 6 , 1393 - 1407.e5


Constipation:Ann Intern Med. 2015;162(7):ITC1. Brijen J. Shah, MD; Nisha Rughwani, MD

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Malignancy effects

Direct• obstruction by tumor in wall• external compression by tumor• neural damage• L/S spinal cord• Cauda equina/pelvic plexus• Hypercalcemia

Malignancy effects

Secondary effects• poor p/o intake• dehydration• weakness/inactivity• confusion• depression• unfamiliar toilet arrangements

Intestinal obstruction by tumour or adhesions:

• Known intra-abdominal malignant deposits • previous intestinal surgery• alternating constipation and diarrhoea• gut colic• nausea and vomiting

D/D: Severe constipation

� Attempts to clear ‘constipation’ which is actually obstruction,

suggest the presence of intestinal obstruction


� Attempts to clear ‘constipation’ which is actually obstruction, by use of stimulant laxatives can cause severe pain.

� A plain abdominal radiograph may help clarify the diagnosis

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Aims of management Opioid induced constipation

�Re-establish comfortable bowel habits

�Relieving the pain and discomfort

�Restore satisfactory level of independence

�Prevention of related gastrointestinal symptoms

such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal distension

and abdominal pain

Prevalence of OIC in cancer patients ranges from 23% to over 90%

Oosten AW, Oldenmenger WH, Mathijssen RH, et al. A systematic review of prospective studies reporting adverse events of commonly used opioids for cancerrelated pain: a call for the use of standardized outcome measures. J Pain.2015;16:935 –946

�Opioid administration causes oesophageal and gallbladder dysmotility, increased stomach tone, and delays in gastric emptying, oral-coecal transit and colonic transit

� Inactivation of chloride channels and decreased chloride transport from the enterocyte into the gut lumen � less water follows due to lower osmotic gradient � decreased gut secretion and absorption of water together with less gastric and pancreatico-biliary secretion

Wood JD, Galligan JJ. Function of opioids in the enteric nervous system. Neurogastroenterol Motil 2004;16:17 –28

Smith K, Hopp M, Mundin G, Bond S, Bailey P, Woodward J, Palaniappan K, Church A, Limb M, Connor A. Naloxone as part of a prolonged release oxycodone/naloxone combination reduces oxycodone-induced slowing of gastrointestinal transit in healthy volunteers. Expert Opin Investig Drugs 2011;20:427–39

Pathogenesis� Most constipating : morphine and hydromorphone

� Transdermal fentanyl < morphine or oxycodone

� Buprenorphine and alfentanil- required in less doses, thus less constipating

� Methadone less constipating : action only partly mediated through opioid receptors

� Tramadol and tapentadol: actions partly mediated though other receptor types

� Lack of awareness among clinicians

� If clinicians are aware, they may not ask patients questions about constipation

�Patients might feel ashamed to disclose their symptoms

�Absence of universal diagnostic criteria

Barriers to diagnosis of OIC�Bowel Function Index (BFI) → measurement of

OIC from the patient’s perspective

�Composed of three questions :• ease of defecation• feeling of incomplete bowel evacuation• personal judgment of the patient regarding constipation

�Each question scored: 0 (no symptoms) to 100 (severe symptoms)

Assessment of OIC


�Absence of a standard protocol for the treatmentCamilleri M, Drossman DA, Becker G, Webster LR, Davies AN, Mawe GM Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2014 Oct; 26(10):1386-95.

�A 12-point change in score → clinically relevant change in constipation

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Non-pharmacological treatment� Life style changes� Life style changes

�Ensuring privacy and comfort to

� Increasing fluid & fibre intake

�Anticipating the constipating effects of drugs e.g.

opioids, and provide laxatives prophylactically

�Abdominal massage

�Complementary therapies- eg. acupuncture and


�Herbal teas, juices, and thin soups

�Warm to hot liquids � increase peristalsis

� Avoid Coffee, caffeinated teas & alcohol �diuretic

�Beans, lentils, peas, nuts, oat bran and seeds ( flax)

�Pectin-containing eg. apples, carrots, beets,

bananas, cabbage, citrus fruits, dried peas, okra

� Ideal daily fiber consumption -- 20 to 30 g

�Regular exercise, or activity� promotes normal

motility of the bowel

Food and lifestyle

�Every morning, before getting out of bed � gentle massage to abdomen in a clockwise motion

�Stimulation of the colon through massage �increases colonic motility

�Massaging in a clockwise motion � encourages normal flow of stool towards rectum.

Abdominal massage


Commonly used laxative agents

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The hand that writes the opioid prescription �Despite this recommendation, a significant proportion of patients are prescribed opioids The hand that writes the opioid prescription

should write the laxative prescription

-Cicely Saunders

proportion of patients are prescribed opioids without concomitant laxative prescription.

�In a retrospective analysis of 2982 cancer outpatients on opioid therapy, � 44.4% did not receive laxatives at all�Only 24.7% of patients received laxatives at the time

of opioid prescription� 22.0% received laxative after opioid prescription !!!

Skollerud LM, Fredheim OM, Svendsen K, et al. Laxative prescriptions to cancer outpatients receiving opioids: a study from the Norwegian prescription database. Support Care Cancer.2013;21:67 –73.

Algorithm for management of OIC

� The most frequent switch is from morphine, hydromorphone, or fentanyl to methadone.

� Success rates of 40–80% have been reported

� A systemic review concluded that there is a low level of evidence for opioid rotation or switching

Opioid switch Recent advances in management of OIC


Caraceni A, Hanks G, Kaasa S, et al. Use of opioid analgesics in the treatment of cancer pain: evidence-based recommendations from the EAPC. Lancet Oncol. 2012;13:e58–681 Dale O, Moksnes K, Kaasa S. European Palliative Care Research Collaborative pain guidelines: opioid switchingto improve analgesia or reduce side effects. A Systematic Review. Palliat Med.2011;25:494 –503

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PAMORAsAdministered either orally or subcutaneous in conjunction with the opioids

Narcotic bowel syndromeconjunction with the opioids

Methylnaltrexone � first PAMORAadministered subcutaneously

Naloxegol � approved for chronic useorally administeredNo dose adjustment in renal failure & mild-to-moderate hepatic impairment

Alvimopan � used for short-term (less than 7 days)not approved for chronic treatment of OIC � increasing risk of ischemic cardiac events

�Incidence � estimated between 4.2% and 6.4%�Characterized by chronic or periodic abdominal

pain that gets worse when the effect of the narcotic drug wears down

�Other symptoms may include:• nausea• bloating• periodic vomiting• abdominal distension• constipation

Diagnostic criteria(a) for narcotic bowel syndrome/opioid-induced gastrointestinal hyperalgesia:

Must include all of the following:�Chronic or frequently recurring abdominal

pain(b) that is treated with acute high-dose or chronic narcotics�The nature and intensity of the pain is not explained

by a current or previous GI diagnosis(c)

�Two or more of the following:• The pain worsens or incompletely resolves with continued or

escalating dosages of narcotics• There is marked worsening of pain when the narcotic dose

wanes and improvement when narcotics are re-instituted (soar and crash)

• There is a progression of the frequency, duration, and intensity of pain episodes

(a) Criteria fulfilled for the last 3 months with symptom onset at least 6 months before diagnosis.(b) Pain must occur most days.

The key to diagnosis � Long-term or increasing dosages of narcotics lead to continued or worsening symptoms rather than benefit.

Keefer L, et al. Centrally mediated disorders of gastrointestinal pain. Gastroenterology . 2016; 150:1408–1419

Bowel Obstruction


• Incidence – 3%– Ovarian Cancer: 5% to 42%– Colorectal Cancer: 10% to 30%

• Mechanism: mechanical, paralytic• Symptoms:

– Intestinal colic 72-76%– Distension & pain 92%– Nausea / Vomiting 68-100%

• Plain X-ray Abdomen /CT may help• usefulness in terminally ill cancer patients

Bowel Obstruction... In cancer

• usefulness in terminally ill cancer patients• Consider Quality of life while planning treatment.

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Partial Obstruction may resolve –

ManagementDrugs used : � Dexamethasone : 8 –16mg S.C / I.V

Medical Management

Aim to :1. Reduce Bowel wall oedema: dexamethasone2. Stimulate Gut Motility: Metoclopramide

If not resolved (? Complete obstruction)General Measures� Reduce intestinal secretions:octreotide � Treat nausea and vomiting: haloperidol,

promethazine � Nasogastric tube - Decompression

� Dexamethasone : 8 –16mg S.C / I.V

� Metoclopramide : 30 to 120mg / 24h S.C. inf

� Hyoscine butylbromide : 40-100mg / 24h S.C. inf

� Haloperidol : 3-5mg / 24 h SC infusion

� Promethazine 25mg tds S.C.

�Octreotides 300-1200microgram/24 hrs

• Management– Steroids– Opioids (morphine) 89% control– Antiemetics (prochlorperazine) 13% control– Antispasmodics (scopolamine) 67% control

Bowel Obstruction: Medical Management• 14 amino acid Polypeptide

– serum half-life 3 minutes• Central Action

– Inhibits release of GH and Thyrotropin• Peripheral Action

– Inhibits glandular secretion• Pancreas, GI tract


• Octreotide 10 mg/hr continuous infusion• Titrate to complete control of n/v• If NG tube in place, clamp when volume

diminished to 100 cc and remove if no n/v

• Try convert to intermittent sc• Continue until death

Octreotide for Bowel Obstruction

Definition:�Passage of frequent loose stools�More than 5 unformed stools within 24

hoursPrevalence : � About 10% of patients in PC� 27% of HIV patients report diarrhea



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Most common causes in Palliative care setting


Diagnosis : Helpful hints :

DiarrheaMost common causes in Palliative care setting

� Imbalance of laxative therapy

� Drugs: antibiotics, antacids, Iron preparations

� Faecal Impaction – Overflow diarrhoea

� Radiotherapy to abdomen / pelvis area

� Malabsorption of fat or water - (Gastrectomy, Colectomy)

Diagnosis : Helpful hints :

�2 to 3 times without warning - incontinence

�Profuse watery stools - faecal impaction

�Alternating with constipation - laxative therapy / Bowel


�Steatorrhea - malabsorption

PR useful to exclude faecal impaction


• Treat cause

• General measures:

• Fluid intake, frequent sipping

• Reassure self – limiting nature


� Specific Drug treatmentAntibiotics

� Nonspecific Drug TreatmentOpioids – Codiene Antimotility –loperamideAbsorbents – Attapulgit, Polycarbophil


Guiding Principles / Summary:

� Anticipation of problems� Ensure compliance � Effectiveness of treatments� Appropriate medications� Prescribe for ’breakthrough’ symptom
