common core data mining and ferpa (missouri kaplan testimony)

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  • 7/28/2019 Common Core Data Mining and FERPA (Missouri Kaplan Testimony)


    The state oversight of private and parochial education is likely to increase slowly, especially along the lines of uniformity in statistic

    standards of work, and the enforcement of the attendance laws. In particular, the attitude toward the control of the child is likely t

    belong more and more to the state, and less and less to the parent. - Ellwood P. Cubberley 1909

    Sunday, March 10, 2013

    Common Core Data Mining and FERPA: Sheila Kaplan Written Testimony in Support of Missouri SB210 & HB 616

    Below is written testimony from Sheila Kaplan entered in support of Missouri SB 210 and HB 616. These bills would

    prohibit the State Board of Education from adopting and implementing the standards for public schools

    developed by the Common Core Standards Initiative.


    Legislative Hearing on SB 210 and HB 616

    Testimony by

    Sheila Kaplan, Education New York

    Thank you for this opportunity to testify before you today.

    I am Sheila Kaplan, an education and information policy expert and

    researcher and founder of Education New York.

    As the 45 states that have adopted Common Core Standards begin

    implementation serious concerns are being raised about the impact on the

    privacy of students and their families.

    The federal Family Educational Rights Privacy Act, or FERPA, was

    enacted in 1974 to protect the privacy of education records.

    Schools are a rich source of personal information about children that can

    be legally and illegally accessed by third parties. With incidences of

    identity theft, database hacking, and sale of personal information rampant,

    there is an urgent need to protect students rights under FERPA and raise

    awareness of aspects of the law that may compromise the privacy of

    students and their families.

    In 2008 and 2011, amendments to FERPA gave third parties, including

    private companies, increased access to student data. It is significant that in

    2008, the amendments to FERPA expanded the definitions of school

    officials who have access to student data to include "contractors,

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    consultants, volunteers, and other parties to whom an educational agency

    or institution has outsourced institutional services or functions it would

    otherwise use employees to perform." This change has the effect of

    increasing the market for student data.

    For example, the amendments gives companies like Google access to

    education records and other private student information. Students are

    paying the cost to use Google's "free" servers by providing access to their

    sensitive data and communications.

    The 2011 amendments allow the release of student records for non-academic

    purposes and undermine parental consent provisions. The changes also promote the

    public use of student IDs that enable access to private educational records.

    These amendments are critical to supporting initiatives like Common Core that

    depend on collection of student data to monitor implementation and measure

    success. Schools across the country will contract with third-party vendors to

    provide products, programs, and services in order to meet the Common Core

    requirements -- and government agencies and researchers will be mining student

    information for studies and databases. The FERPA amendments are paving the

    way toward greater accessibility to student data while providing no meaningful

    sanctions or protections against breaches of student privacy. As amended, FERPAwill loosen privacy protections while helping to promote the business of education.

    How can we stop this invasion of student and family privacy in the name of

    education reform?

    The Electronic Privacy Information Center, or EPIC, is one national group that is

    sounding the alarm on these changes to FERPA. EPIC filed suit against the U.S.

    Department of Education claiming that the Department lacks the statutory

    authority to amend FERPA to make student data more available and accessible to

    third parties -- effectively changing the privacy law. EPIC vs. Department of

    Education is pending in federal district court in Washington, D.C.

    In bringing suit EPIC mentions the numerous education organizations as well as

    private citizens who submitted comments against the changes during the

    Departments public comment period in 2011. They included the American

    Council on Education. ACE stated that: We believe the proposed regulations

    unravel student privacy protections in significant ways that are inconsistent with

    congressional intent.

    The comment by ACE was echoed by other influential groups, including the

    American Civil Liberties Union, the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, the Center on

    Law and Information Policy at Fordham University Law School, and the World

    Privacy Forum, which stated that Student and parental records will be scattered to

    the winds to remote and untraceable parties, used improperly, maintained with

    insufficient security, and become fodder for marketers, hackers, and criminals. The

    confidentiality that FERPA promised to students and their families will be lost.The American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers also

    raised a number of concerns about the changes, charging that The proposed

    regulations have been overwhelmingly influenced by the single-issue lobbying of a

    well-financed campaign to promote a data free-for-all in the name of educational


    It is important to note the interests of those who submitted comments in favor of the

    FERPA amendments. For example, the Software & Information Industry

    Association, which represents more than 500 leading high-tech companies, argues

    in favor of easier access for vendors to student data. The College Board supported

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    the amendments because they facilitate the robust educational research and

    evaluation needed to improve opportunities and outcomes for all students along the

    P-16 continuum. This means the College Board would have greater access to

    student data to, in their words, validate our tests, assessments, and educational

    programs -- their primary business.

    The Education Information Management Advisory Consortium of the Council of

    Chief State School Officers noted that the FERPA changes will allow us to

    facilitate better research and evaluation using our statewide longitudinal data

    systems. And the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education supportedeasier access to student data to develop a multi-state longitudinal data exchange

    that incorporates secondary and post-secondary education data and workforce data.

    This project is supported by the Gates Foundation.

    Note that protecting the privacy of student information is not the primary concern

    of those commenting in favor of the amendments.

    What lies ahead for student privacy when private companies, government agencies,

    and a wide range of researchers have greater access to student data and

    information? I mentioned earlier the business of education. This phrase was used

    by the Council of Chief State School Officers in their comment in support of

    FERPA changes. Business is booming and groups like CCSSO are benefiting.Technology startups aimed at K-12 schools attracted more than $425 million in

    venture capital last year.

    CCSSO initiated the creation of a $100 million database with funds from the Gates

    Foundation to track public school students information and academic records from

    kindergarten through high school. This is called the Shared Learning Infrastructure

    and it is now being run by an organization called inBloom, specifically created to

    operate the system.

    The SLI will collect and maintain a range of student data in two buckets --

    the first will include names, demographic information, discipline history, grade,

    test results, attendance, standards mastered--the list goes on. While schools may

    already have much of this data, this information is not usually stored in one place.

    The second bucket will store information about instructional content and

    materials that will be linked to student test data in the SLI. Using Learning

    Resource Metadata Initiative meta-tags and the Learning Registry indexing

    (both aligned with the Common Core State Standards) this bucket will point to

    web-based resources.

    So how will this work? First student data is shared with vendors. Then the vendors

    will align their products to Common Core. Internet searches on standards and

    instructional materials will point to Common Core-aligned resources developed by

    these vendors. Soon, when you search for education on the Internet, the bulk of the

    search will be Common Core related.

    Clearly this narrows the education enterprise and raises issues of anti-trust and

    control of the Internet. And what will be the impact on the privacy of students

    records? inBloom has stated that it "cannot guarantee the security of the

    information stored ... or that the information will not be intercepted when it is

    being transmitted." The question is: Should we compromise and endanger student

    privacy to support a centralized and profit-driven education reform initiative?

    Given this new landscape of an information and data free-for-all, and the

    proliferation of data-driven education reform initiatives like Common Core and

    huge databases of student information, weve arrived at a time when once a child

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    Posted by stlgretchen at 1:14 PM

    Labels: common core, data mining, Education, Education New York, EPIC lawsuit, FERPA, MO HB 616, MO SB 210,

    Sheila Kaplan, US Department of Education

    enters a public school, their parents will never again know who knows what about

    their children and about their families. It is now up to individual states to find ways

    to grant students additional privacy protections.

    I will conclude my remarks today with the words of privacy expert Daniel Solove

    who said: Privacy is rarely lost in one fell swoop. It is usually eroded over time,

    little bits dissolving almost imperceptibly until we finally begin to notice how

    much is gone.

    Thank you.


    Sheila Kaplan is a longtime independent education researcher, publisher, consultant, program developer, and advocate

    for students' rights.

    Ms. Kaplan has brought state and national attention to the issue of children's privacy rights under federal education

    law and has identified gaps in the system that leave students vulnerable to breaches of their personal privacy. She has

    consulted with federal officials on making the Federal Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) more

    responsive to the 21st century challenges of protecting students' education records in the electronic information age. Ms.

    Kaplan's comments submitted in May 2011 to the U.S. Department of Education on the proposed amendments to FERPA

    focused on the failure of the proposed rules to adhere to the highest standards of practice in protecting students' privacy

    and confidentiality.

    Ms. Kaplan led efforts to introduce a student privacy bill (S.2357) in the New York State Legislature that would impose

    greater restrictions on access to student information than what is afforded under federal law. The bill passed 62-0 in

    the NY Senate in 2011 and was advanced by the Senate Education Committee in 2012 but was not taken up by the


    Given the growing state-level interest in protecting student privacy, Ms. Kaplan has developed a model STUDENT

    PRIVACY PROTECTION ACT. She also continues to reach out to parents to inform them of their rights under FERPA

    and what they can do to protect their children. In September 2011 she launched Education New York's National Opt-out

    Campaign to alert parents to their rights under FERPA to restrict third-party access to their children's information and

    encourage them to review their school's annual FERPA notification at the beginning of the school year.

    To kick off the 2013 OPT-OUT Campaign Ms. Kaplan produced the video, "It's 3 PM: Who's Watching Your Children?"

    Ms. Kaplan founded Information Policy Watch in 2008 to warehouse her in-depth research of FERPA and additional

    emerging information and privacy policies.

    Ms. Kaplan founded Education New York Online in 2005 as a one-stop website for state and national education news,

    research on information policy and children's privacy rights, and issues in education. In 1997 Ms. Kaplan founded

    Education New York, at the time the only independent education publication in New York.

    Ms. Kaplan is a graduate of George Washington University. She holds a master's in social work from Fordham

    University and a master's in Information Policy and Records Management from the University at Albany.

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