commission a. - university of...

n n Pffli II II I LI HI II I II 0L. XL-- NO. 89. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. TUESDAY. APRIL 15, 1890. PRICE 5 CENTS. gusiiuss awards. Sbbtrttstmiffls. 3mu 2tfirrtisanmts. TflE DAILY INTERESTING CDLLINGS. 3nercial Advertiser Australian Mail Service GASTLE & COOKE, HMPOKTERS, 1 1 1 1 CSTACUSHEDlB 1 J. B. CASTLE, Commission Merchant. Office Cartwright Building, " Merchant Street, : Honolulu H. I. T WILLIAM O. ACHI, Wing Except Sundays, a. DnArw. Shipping and Commission Merchants, It Jfo. 46 Merchant St. lENflWHrn ran FOR SAN FRANCISCO, rhe new and fins Al steel steamship ZEALANDIA 99 TONE Ct DURABILITY New York, Sept. 25, 1889.S subscriptions : Attorney and counsellor at law, PLANTATION AND INSURANCE AGENTS. DEALERS IN Hawaiian News Co., Honolulu, Sand wich is. Gentlemen: We take pleasure in ac Notary Publte and Seal Estate Broker. Office 36 Merchant Street. 131-3- m Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will be due per montb Gazette, one year ..... 5 00 .mix foreign (in- - f 6 00 postage) at uodsiuiu from Sydney and Auckland on or about BUILDERS' AND GENERAL HARDWARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, L iuvariably In AdTnce. May 3, 1890, knowledging your acceptance of the Sole Agency of the Fischer " Pianos in the Sandwich Islands and we hereby confirm the same. We further direct you to notify the gen- eral public that you are the Sole Agent for the ' Fischer " Pianos and that any Eianos bought from any other source will by a great risk to the pur- chaser by not receiving .the Genuine . .1. i laments must yrsnsn1-11"- ' J. M. DAVIDSON, Attorney and CounseUor-at-La- w. Office Kaahumanu Street, (In office formerly occupied by Mr. C 53-l- y Rogers). FIjA.NT-A.TION- " supplies, Carpenters Blacksmiths' Machinists' and PlumbersTools, An will leave for the abve port with malls and iid. passengers on or about that date. For freight or passaee. having SUPERIOR ACCOMMODATIONS, apply to " Fischer" Piano and all guarantees will be withdrawn from the same. Ave have no doubt but what you will Wm. a. Irwin & Co., HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS HAWAIIAN' GAZETTE CO., 46 Mercbaut at., ffHAlM1ii Vt T meet with great success in the sale of these instruments, and wishing you all pros GARDNER K. WILDER, AGENTS. perity, we remain, gentlemen, Yours very truly, J. & C. Fischer. A Century of Progress. Only century ago charcoal iron was produced to the extent of about 30,000 tons yearly; twenty years later the product was out 53,000 tons. Even Great Britain in 1788 produced only 63,300 tons not so much as some fur- naces in the United States now turn out yearly. The manufacture of steel was just beginning in the States; twenty years later only 917 tons were produced in the country. The coarsest pig iron then cost about as much as steel rails do now. Last year tho American product of pig iron was 9,480.739 tons, and the highest price of best foundry pig was $21 a ton. Tho output of steel rails was in round numbers 1,350,000, and the best prico $31.50. A single American railway now buys more iron than both Great Britain and tho United States made a century ago. There were neither mil-way- s, iron bridges nor buildings; no petroleum pipes, for there was no petroleum; no gas pipes, Cor there was no gas lighting even in Btrcpe until later. Washington lived in an ago of dark- ness: instead of the electric light tho people had candles costing about two cents apiece. In all the departments and applications of chemistry the cen- tury has simply created a new world. American pressed glass, which has completely revolutionized the supply of table and house ware, is an inven- tion of the last sixty years. Farming in Washington's day knew nothing of machinery; even the first iron plow, patented in 1797, was a failure, for New Jerusalem farmers thought it poisoned tho soil. Mowers, reapers and harvesters began to be invented about the same time, and even the or- dinary implements were such as it would not now be thought possible to use. The steamboat was practically unknown, and the railway entirely uutil forty years later the cost of trans- portation by wagon confined tho area of possible production with profit, as to most crops, to tho margin of navi- gable waters. In fact a new world Woo 11 created tuia century. London Iron. .A.tto r ne v;a t"L aw Kitchen Utensils, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Lamp Goods, and General Merchandise. the best instrument L Tj I L 11 11 1 ; Office Honolulu Hale, Merchant Street. For Sydney and Auckland. 77 1264-2- y ILLIAM 0. ACH1, Blake's Steam Pumps Weston's Centrifugals, . ' uid Counsellor at Iaw, and PROF. G SAUVLET, W Estate Broker. iuouc. fiuuurseu vyu.ii uie leauins; musi- cians of the age. Will stand hard usage in any climate and guaranteed by the makers for 5 years. (Ill'd Catalogues free.) " Sold on Monthly Installments " AT THE MUSIC DEPARTMENT HAWAIIAN NEWS CO. 35-- tf Ji the courts of the Kingdom. piano, Violin and Singing Lessons. b Merchant St., Honoluln. m At Residence 195 Nuuanu Ave.; Tele. 599, or will visit pupils at their residence. Wilcox! & Gibbs. and Remington Sewing Machines, 1 Dr. Jane & Sons Family Medicines. 1 im l y HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY, Corner of Fort and Merchant Streets, Honolulu, J Hawaiian Islands. I The new and fine Al steel steamship " ALAMEDA" C the Oceanic Steamship Company, will be due at Honolulu from San Francisco ororabont Apr. 12, 1890. EWERS & COOKE, ceesors to Lewera & Dickson) 84-l-m CASTLE & COOKE, HARDWARE, C. B. WELLS, i and Dealers iu Iittniber Kinds of Building Materials. STBEET, Honolnlu. IS And will have prompt dlspatcn with malls an GENERA1 AGENTS, EXPERT assengers for the above ports. Shipping and Commission Merchants! Wholesale Grocer and Provision Dealer For freight or passage, having SUPERIOR AC T. WATERHOUSE, OOMMODATIONS, apply to A.OCOT7NTAJSTTS AND COLLECTORS, Importer and Dealer In Win. GL Irwin & Co., AGENTS AND AL MERCHANDISE. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Plantation Agents, Life, Fira and Marine REAL ESTATE, FIB3 AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENTS, CUSTOM HOUSE, JOAN AND EXCHANGE BROKERS. Ml Qaeen Street, Honolulu, ltf OoXUXXxiflSU OTI lVCoxkolxctsevfe. Clans Sprees:els Wm. Q. Irwin. U JL .. .. .-r -- - r. ... .. HACKFELD fc CO., Departments of Business: insurance Agents. CLA(JS SPRECKELS & CO., 153 HONOLULU, H. 1.- - ly 1 Commission Agents Books and Accounts accurately kept and properly adjusted. Collections will receive special attention and returns promptly made. CoNVEYANCiNO a Specialty. Records searched and correct Abstracts of Titles furnished 42 Qaeen Street, Honoluln. BANKERS, Boy and Hominy. There are but few subjects to which we warm more kindly than hog and hominy. It once had its habitat in this section ; in fact it is almost cosmo- politan, it can exist in every clime, but- - the true home of hog and hominy is in this delightful region. Before the war, in those good old days when fort h, Queen Sts., Honolulu, ltf The Liverpool and Lon Legal Documents and Fapebs of every description carefully drawn and handsomely engrossed. , . Copying and Translating in all languages in general use in this Kingdom. Real Estate bought and sold. Taxes paid and Property safely insured. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS HONOLULU C20;- - Bell 671 7Telephones -- Mutual 1305 103m mm saloon, don and Globe t, Opposite Wilder Jfc Co.'s, Draw Exchange en the principal parts o the Mouses, Uottages, Rooms, Umces and Liana leased and rented, and rents collected. Fire and Life Insurance elected in first-cla- ss Insurance Companies. Custom House Business transacted with accuracy and dispatch. Loans Negotiated at Favorable Rates. Advertisements and Subscriptions solicited for Publishers. , x Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnished. J. XOLTE, PROPRIETOR. INTSTJRAJNTCECO worm. BECHSTEIN PIANOS ! ttZ 1 tTTr U hoar received distinguished attention. unches Served with Tea. Coffee, Titer, Ginger Ale or Milk. Will receive deposits on open account, make ESTABLISHED 1838. Any Article Purchased or sold on commission. Inter-Islan- d Orders will receive particular attention. from 3 a. m. till 10 p. m. collections and conduct a general banking and k Bequiaites a Specialty. ltf exchane Assets.. 40.00,000 Nt Inennia HAVING BEEN APPOINTED SOLE for the sale of G. Bechstein's celebrated Pianofortes, we bee to solicit 9,079,000 112.5V9.O0O I Deposits bearing interest received In their Sav U IRON WORKS CO.. Claims Paid The glorious reports of the maturing large corn crop of this section con- jures up pictures that are colored by the recollection of the past. There was a time when southwest Georgia was noted for being the greatest pro- vision country of tho south. It was the Earypt of tho south during tho ALL BUSINESS ENTRUSTED TO OUR CARE WILL RECEIVE PROMPT B B . m Lags Department subject to published rules ana orders for either Horizontal or Upnght Grand. AND FAITHFUL ATTENTION AT MODERATE CHARGES. Takes Risks aeainst Loss or Damage by Fire I resmlations. 17oc3tf im Engines, on Buildings. Machinery, sugar ums.uweiungs TESTIMONIALS : "gar Mill, Cooler, Brass I and furniture, on the most fa vorame terms. " For twenty-eiehtyearsth- at I havenow I dark davs of the war between tho 4 Lead Castinra. Having had an extensive business exnerience for over twentv-fiv- e vears in used Bechstein's Pianos, they have main- - ofa Bishop & Co. ANDERSON & LUNDY, Dentists. tained their superiority. Liszt." Tf Wftrft ft- - fn;i M tie FT of every description made to Mar attention tiaid to uhlDa' black- - 1188-6- m New York City and elsewhere, we feel competent to attend to all business of an intricate and complicated nature, or requiring tact and discretion, andTespectfully solicit a trial. HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY. " A noble inexhaustible and svniDathetic - u:m- - r ;n Ta. p wort executed on the shortest ltf fulness of tone, together with an exquisite "r? "3 n jXaJU action, which admits of the utmost variety P1; i were of shade bears testimony to the fact that hauled from here in long trains that the manufacture has attained the utmost dailv went to suddI v the needs of tho ARTIFICIAL TEETH ROYAL SALOON, from one to an entire set in CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Fire and Marine serted on cold, silver, allum- - - in the act of instru- - degree of perfection army of the Potomac and the west sn and MMhnnft KtrMtl jflg Bell Telephone No. 274. 29 1304-t- f J O HN TST O T T , DIMOND BLOCK, 95 and 97 KING STREET. innm and rubber bases. BUBINSTEIN." ment maxing. Crown and bridge work a specialty. To 'afar the Management of persons wearing rubber plates which are a nnnstant source of irritation to the CYor further particulars apply to Psor. G. Sauvlet, Nuuanu Avenue, or to 3. E Wolter, Insurance Agents! n stock a Tarletv of the heat Wines. HACKFELD 6c CO., Sole Agents for the Hawn. Isl. 19 1307-3- m month and throat, we would recommend our Prophylactic Metal Plate. All oper- ations performed in accordance with the latest improvements in dental science. . . M J 1 1 A I-- t "nl tc coid beers en draught at agents fob : . reetn exiracia viuoui pain uy me use ui l!a se vs.-s- t ltf Nitrous Oxide Was. 1 ern army. Notwithstanding the drain upon our resources, they were not ex- hausted, but the cessation of hostilities found us with corn and porkers in great abundance. Plantations not comprising more than 600 acres killed, after the war, as many as 400 hogs. Under the altered condition of things our planters did not believe it possible to raise their own meat, and wholly neglected one of the best industries wo had, and the consequence has Ix-- ' u that wo have had our cnoko houbu in the west ever since and we make a large annual contribution to the pros- perity of the west Fully 200 cars of New England Mutual Life Ins. Co. Hotel street, Tregloan premises. 55-l-y NEW HONOLULU MEAT MARKET Locatedjat the Fish Market, I. E. GOMES, frfyof Gomes & Wichman.) H. B. HITCHCOCK. J. MCQUEEN. OF BOSTON. JEtna Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford. UNION f Block, No 70 Fqrt Street, HAWAIIAN TRANSFER COMPANY. IVI. E. LIVINGSTON, : Prop. cturing Jeweler, " promptly attended to. iHonolulu. 48-3-m Insurance Company (Formerly of Metropolitan Market.) Office next door to K. More, King St. Bell Tel. 160; Mutual Tel. S65. western meat are annually received in rfnTnilv At Shinninor IlntfTivi I Albany and consumed within the territory. That amounts j rr limits of its Our Sausages a Specialty. p. L. C. PRAY, MaSSaorft anil R FIRE AND MARINE, OF SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. 130 1-- y ; SOMETHING NEW! To be able to get your M.UU IIU UUtll UUilUO) ; St.-Ch- inese ChurchlYard. 32-- tf All orders will receive prompt attention and delivery to any part of Honolulu. GIVE ME A TRIAL! Telephones Xlutual 622, Bell 400. 22-3- m PK F KESIDENCE. SPRING BEDS PARLOR SETS DRAYMEN. Stoves,. Ranges and Housekeeping Gods. LSFMOVEDPROM And Every Description of Furniture, JAMES NOTT, JR., PRACTICAL 1 " ""wuo ljane, falama. to 12m., and 6 to 9 p.m. AU orders for cartage promptly attended to. - Particular attention paid to the Storing and Shipping of Goods in to the enormous tax of $360.000. Al- bany (Ga.) News and Advertiser. Vanln. The estate of Varzin, which former- ly belonged to Count Blumenthal, is the finest in Pomerania. , Prince Bis- marck owns only half of the original Blumenthal property, the other half having been purchased by the Prince of Honemollern-Sigmaringe- n. The schloes of Varzin is a large plain house of two stories, with a courtyard and two projecting wings, in which are the kitchen and offices. The prin- cipal rooms look out on a vast lawn, and on this side of the lawn there is a wide veranda. The estate extends to 22,000 acres, of which 15,000 are cov- ered with some of the finest forest in Germany, principally oak and beech. The prince has a home farm of 400 acres, and the remainder of the prop- erty is let in large farms, averaging 700 acres. All the woods are in hand, and Prince Bismarck has several large . . 11 it T"i TTTI it : U utaal 608; Bell 475. Plnmbihg. Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Work TINSMITH. &PLUMBER ; Transit to Other Islands. ; Also, Black and White Sand, in quanti FIRE OFFICE J Corner of Kins and Alakea St.v Honolulu, H. I. Restuffed and Covered, At Reasonable Bates and in the Best Manner. IXy-Pea- l direct with the workman, D. M. CROWLEY,Working Upholsterer 110 King St., near Alakea, directly opp. Cala. Fruit Store. New Bedding, Lounges, etc.. to order. Designs and estimates submitted. 129 G-rea- t Bargains, Grreat Bargains. p LONDON. TELEPHONE Workshop, Mutual 261; ties tosmtatiowesipnc CALL FOR DIAMOND CREAMERY Wished 1710. residence, Mutual, 236. CEstimates furnished on all classes of Plumbing and Tinsmithinjr work. First AFTER TAKING STOCK, ALL GOODS SOLD AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. . class workmanship and material guaran- teed in all the above branches of my busi- ness at reasonable rates. 44-l- y Ztisrc. BREWER & C0MPA B.F. EHLERS & CO. ....327.333.700 In lib., 21b., 31b, and 71b. Tins. R.bytbst.1. . 99 Fort . Street, Honolulu. Finest jrtiole for (IJmlted). GENERAL MERCANTILE "ABB r COMMISSION AGENTS. acfarlaue & Co. "Warm Climates. muis on me xviver wipper. wuwu runs through the estate, fie has greatly improved and developed this property, and his forests furnish most of tne wooden pavements in the streets of Berlin. The country all around V&rdn is very picturesque, and there are beautiful walks and drives through the woods for many miles in every di- rection. The estate was given to Prince Bismarck by the latejhnperor William in 18S6. jondon World. Tne luminous power or me eiecmo lights on top of the Eiffel tower is Walker & Seaward, V'- G Contractors & Builders BHok, Eton and 17oodsn Bnlldlas EsUiBSiM Gtvsa. . , JMMMaff PrmaiUx AUne4 tm. 76 KING DTRE3T. - rTK7-DRESSMAK- DEPARTMENT UNDER THE MANAGEMENT S. FOSTER & Co. WIS & CO., HnS8 CLARK. - lly LIST OF OFFICEE3: Mil Grocer, ?::&-:- -- President and Msnsser Wholesale Grocers, - BOLE AGENTS. The Weekly Gazette aiad Daily P. 0. Advertiser FORT om Hon. W.F.Allen... Auditor equal to 10,000 carcels, and the total Intensity of their luminous rays 8,000,-- W rarcels. . - io. v- - Bell1aephoae So. S. F. O. BeKCJ , , P.O., DIRECTORS: S6 and 8 California St.. Ban Francis. ttltf l lAEE THB LE ADING PAP1BS Ol' THE KINGDOM I Bon. 0, B. Blsnop. ' Bon. B. WsUxbovm fe l,S245-i- y

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gusiiuss awards. Sbbtrttstmiffls. 3mu 2tfirrtisanmts.TflE DAILYINTERESTING CDLLINGS.

3nercial Advertiser Australian Mail Service GASTLE & COOKE,HMPOKTERS,

1 1 1 1



Commission Merchant.Office Cartwright Building, "

Merchant Street, : Honolulu H. I.T


Wing Except Sundays,

a. DnArw.Shipping and Commission Merchants,It Jfo. 46 Merchant St.lENflWHrn ran


rhe new and fins Al steel steamship


TONE Ct DURABILITYNew York, Sept. 25, 1889.S

subscriptions :Attorney and counsellor at law, PLANTATION AND INSURANCE AGENTS.

DEALERS INHawaiian News Co., Honolulu, Sand

wich is.Gentlemen: We take pleasure in ac

Notary Publte and Seal EstateBroker.

Office 36 Merchant Street. 131-3- m

Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will be dueper montbGazette, one year ..... 5 00

.mix foreign (in- -f 6 00


at uodsiuiu from Sydney and Aucklandon or about BUILDERS' AND GENERAL HARDWARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS,

L iuvariably In AdTnce. May 3, 1890,

knowledging your acceptance of the SoleAgency of the Fischer " Pianos in theSandwich Islands and we hereby confirmthe same.

We further direct you to notify the gen-eral public that you are the Sole Agentfor the ' Fischer " Pianos and that anyEianos bought from any other source will

by a great risk to the pur-chaser by not receiving .the Genuine

. .1. i laments mustyrsnsn1-11"- '


Attorney and CounseUor-at-La- w.

Office Kaahumanu Street,(In office formerly occupied by Mr. C

53-l- y Rogers).

FIjA.NT-A.TION- " supplies,Carpenters Blacksmiths' Machinists' and PlumbersTools,

An will leave for the abve port with malls andiid.passengers on or about that date.

For freight or passaee. having SUPERIORACCOMMODATIONS, apply to " Fischer" Piano and all guarantees will

be withdrawn from the same.Ave have no doubt but what you willWm. a. Irwin & Co., HOUSE FURNISHING GOODSHAWAIIAN' GAZETTE CO.,

46 Mercbaut at.,ffHAlM1ii Vt T

meet with great success in the sale of theseinstruments, and wishing you all prosGARDNER K. WILDER,

AGENTS. perity, we remain, gentlemen,Yours very truly,

J. & C. Fischer.

A Century of Progress.Only century ago charcoal iron

was produced to the extent of about30,000 tons yearly; twenty years laterthe product was out 53,000 tons. EvenGreat Britain in 1788 produced only63,300 tons not so much as some fur-naces in the United States now turnout yearly. The manufacture of steelwas just beginning in the States;twenty years later only 917 tons wereproduced in the country. The coarsestpig iron then cost about as much assteel rails do now. Last year thoAmerican product of pig iron was9,480.739 tons, and the highest price ofbest foundry pig was $21 a ton. Thooutput of steel rails was in roundnumbers 1,350,000, and the best prico$31.50. A single American railwaynow buys more iron than both GreatBritain and tho United States made acentury ago. There were neither mil-way- s,

iron bridges nor buildings; nopetroleum pipes, for there was nopetroleum; no gas pipes, Cor there wasno gas lighting even in Btrcpe untillater.

Washington lived in an ago of dark-ness: instead of the electric light thopeople had candles costing about twocents apiece. In all the departmentsand applications of chemistry the cen-tury has simply created a new world.American pressed glass, which hascompletely revolutionized the supplyof table and house ware, is an inven-tion of the last sixty years. Farmingin Washington's day knew nothing ofmachinery; even the first iron plow,patented in 1797, was a failure, forNew Jerusalem farmers thought itpoisoned tho soil. Mowers, reapersand harvesters began to be inventedabout the same time, and even the or-dinary implements were such as itwould not now be thought possible touse. The steamboat was practicallyunknown, and the railway entirelyuutil forty years later the cost of trans-portation by wagon confined tho areaof possible production with profit, asto most crops, to tho margin of navi-gable waters. In fact a new world

Woo 11 created tuia century.London Iron.

.A.ttornev;at"LawKitchen Utensils, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Lamp Goods, and

General Merchandise. the best instrumentL Tj I L 11 11 1 ;Office Honolulu Hale, Merchant Street. For Sydney and Auckland.77 1264-2- y

ILLIAM 0. ACH1,Blake's Steam Pumps Weston's Centrifugals, . '

uid Counsellor at Iaw, and PROF. G SAUVLET,W Estate Broker.

iuouc. fiuuurseu vyu.ii uie leauins; musi-cians of the age. Will stand hard usagein any climate and guaranteed by themakers for 5 years. (Ill'd Catalogues free.)

" Sold on Monthly Installments "



Ji the courts of the Kingdom. piano, Violin and Singing Lessons.b Merchant St., Honoluln.

mAt Residence 195 Nuuanu Ave.; Tele.599, or will visit pupils at their residence.

Wilcox! & Gibbs. and Remington Sewing Machines,

1 Dr. Jane & Sons Family Medicines.1 im l y

HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY,Corner of Fort and Merchant Streets, Honolulu,

J Hawaiian Islands.I

The new and fine Al steel steamship

" ALAMEDA"C the Oceanic Steamship Company, will be

due at Honolulu from San Franciscoororabont

Apr. 12, 1890.


ceesors to Lewera & Dickson)




i and Dealers iu IittniberKinds of Building Materials.

STBEET, Honolnlu. IS And will have prompt dlspatcn with malls an GENERA1 AGENTS, EXPERTassengers for the above ports.Shipping and Commission Merchants! Wholesale Grocer and Provision DealerFor freight or passage, having SUPERIOR ACT. WATERHOUSE, OOMMODATIONS, apply to A.OCOT7NTAJSTTS ANDCOLLECTORS,Importer and Dealer In Win. GL Irwin & Co.,





Plantation Agents,

Life, Fira and Marine


Ml Qaeen Street, Honolulu, ltf OoXUXXxiflSU OTI lVCoxkolxctsevfe.Clans Sprees:els Wm. Q. Irwin. U JL .. .. .-r -- - r. ... ..

HACKFELD fc CO., Departments of Business:insurance Agents. CLA(JS SPRECKELS & CO.,153 HONOLULU, H. 1.- - ly1 Commission Agents Books and Accounts accurately kept and properly adjusted.

Collections will receive special attention and returns promptly made.CoNVEYANCiNO a Specialty. Records searched and correct Abstracts of Titles furnished

42 Qaeen Street, Honoluln.

BANKERS,Boy and Hominy.

There are but few subjects to whichwe warm more kindly than hog andhominy. It once had its habitat inthis section ; in fact it is almost cosmo-politan, it can exist in every clime,but-- the true home of hog and hominyis in this delightful region. Beforethe war, in those good old days when

fort h, Queen Sts., Honolulu, ltf The Liverpool and LonLegal Documents and Fapebs of every description carefully drawn and handsomely

engrossed. , .

Copying and Translating in all languages in general use in this Kingdom.Real Estate bought and sold. Taxes paid and Property safely insured.HAWAIIAN ISLANDSHONOLULU C20;- - Bell 6717Telephones --Mutual

1305 103mmm saloon, don and Globet, Opposite Wilder Jfc Co.'s,

Draw Exchange en the principal parts o the

Mouses, Uottages, Rooms, Umces and Liana leased and rented, and rents collected.Fire and Life Insurance elected in first-cla- ss Insurance Companies.Custom House Business transacted with accuracy and dispatch.Loans Negotiated at Favorable Rates.Advertisements and Subscriptions solicited for Publishers. ,


Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnished.

J. XOLTE, PROPRIETOR. INTSTJRAJNTCECO worm. BECHSTEIN PIANOS ! ttZ1 tTTr U hoar received distinguished attention.unches Served with Tea. Coffee,Titer, Ginger Ale or Milk. Will receive deposits on open account, makeESTABLISHED 1838. Any Article Purchased or sold on commission.

Inter-Islan- d Orders will receive particular attention.from 3 a. m. till 10 p. m. collections and conduct a general banking andk Bequiaites a Specialty. ltf exchaneAssets.. 40.00,000

Nt Inennia HAVING BEEN APPOINTED SOLEfor the sale of G. Bechstein's

celebrated Pianofortes, we bee to solicit9,079,000

112.5V9.O0O I Deposits bearing interest received In their SavU IRON WORKS CO.. Claims Paid

The glorious reports of the maturinglarge corn crop of this section con-jures up pictures that are colored bythe recollection of the past. Therewas a time when southwest Georgiawas noted for being the greatest pro-vision country of tho south. It wasthe Earypt of tho south during tho


Lags Department subject to published rules ana orders for either Horizontal or UpnghtGrand.AND FAITHFUL ATTENTION AT MODERATE CHARGES.Takes Risks aeainst Loss or Damage by Fire I resmlations. 17oc3tfim Engines, on Buildings. Machinery, sugar ums.uweiungs

TESTIMONIALS :"gar Mill, Cooler, Brass I and furniture, on the most favorame terms." For twenty-eiehtyearsth- at I havenow I dark davs of the war between tho4 Lead Castinra. Having had an extensive business exnerience for over twentv-fiv- e vears in used Bechstein's Pianos, they have main- - ofaBishop & Co. ANDERSON & LUNDY,

Dentists. tained their superiority. Liszt." Tf Wftrft ft-- fn;i M tieFT of every description made toMar attention tiaid to uhlDa' black-- 1188-6- m

New York City and elsewhere, we feel competent to attend to all business of anintricate and complicated nature, or requiring tact and discretion, andTespectfullysolicit a trial. HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY. " A noble inexhaustible and svniDathetic - u:m- - r ;n Ta.p wort executed on the shortest

ltf fulness of tone, together with an exquisite "r? "3 n jXaJUaction, which admits of the utmost variety P1; i wereof shade bears testimony to the fact that hauled from here in long trains thatthe manufacture has attained the utmost dailv went to suddI v the needs of tho


Life, Fire and Marineserted on cold, silver, allum- - -in the act of instru- -degree of perfection army of the Potomac and the westsn and MMhnnft KtrMtl

jflg Bell Telephone No. 274. 29 1304-t-f


innm and rubber bases. BUBINSTEIN."ment maxing.Crown and bridge work a specialty. To'afar the Management of persons wearing rubber plates which are annnstant source of irritation to the CYor further particulars apply to

Psor. G. Sauvlet, Nuuanu Avenue, or to3. E Wolter, Insurance Agents!n stock a Tarletv of the heat Wines.HACKFELD 6c CO.,Sole Agents for the Hawn. Isl.

19 1307-3- m

month and throat, we would recommendour Prophylactic Metal Plate. All oper-ations performed in accordance with thelatest improvements in dental science.

. .M J 1 1 A I-- t"nl tc coid beers en draught at

agents fob : .reetn exiracia viuoui pain uy me use uil!a se vs.-s- t ltf Nitrous Oxide Was. 1

ern army. Notwithstanding the drainupon our resources, they were not ex-hausted, but the cessation of hostilitiesfound us with corn and porkers ingreat abundance. Plantations notcomprising more than 600 acres killed,after the war, as many as 400 hogs.

Under the altered condition of thingsour planters did not believe it possibleto raise their own meat, and whollyneglected one of the best industries wohad, and the consequence has Ix-- ' uthat wo have had our cnoko houbu inthe west ever since and we make alarge annual contribution to the pros-perity of the west Fully 200 cars of

New England Mutual Life Ins. Co. Hotel street, Tregloan premises.55-l-y


Locatedjat the Fish Market,I. E. GOMES,

frfyof Gomes & Wichman.)H. B. HITCHCOCK. J. MCQUEEN.


JEtna Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford.

UNIONf Block, No 70 Fqrt Street,


" promptly attended to.iHonolulu. 48-3-m

Insurance Company (Formerly of Metropolitan Market.)Office next door to K. More, King St.

Bell Tel. 160; Mutual Tel. S65. western meat are annually received inrfnTnilv At Shinninor IlntfTivi I Albany and consumed within the

territory. That amountsj rr limits of itsOur Sausages a Specialty.p. L. C. PRAY,

MaSSaorft anil R




SOMETHING NEW!To be able to get your


; St.-Ch-inese ChurchlYard.

32-- tf

All orders will receive prompt attentionand delivery to any part of Honolulu.

GIVE ME A TRIAL!Telephones Xlutual 622, Bell 400.


And Every Description of Furniture, JAMES NOTT, JR.,PRACTICAL

1 " ""wuo ljane, 12m., and 6 to 9 p.m.

AU orders for cartage promptly attendedto. - Particular attention paid to the

Storing and Shipping of Goods in

to the enormous tax of $360.000. Al-

bany (Ga.) News and Advertiser.

Vanln.The estate of Varzin, which former-

ly belonged to Count Blumenthal, isthe finest in Pomerania. , Prince Bis-

marck owns only half of the originalBlumenthal property, the other halfhaving been purchased by the Princeof Honemollern-Sigmaringe- n.

The schloes of Varzin is a large plainhouse of two stories, with a courtyardand two projecting wings, in whichare the kitchen and offices. The prin-cipal rooms look out on a vast lawn,and on this side of the lawn there is awide veranda. The estate extends to22,000 acres, of which 15,000 are cov-ered with some of the finest forest inGermany, principally oak and beech.The prince has a home farm of 400acres, and the remainder of the prop-erty is let in large farms, averaging700 acres. All the woods are in hand,and Prince Bismarck has several large

. .11 it T"i TTTI it : U

utaal 608; Bell 475. Plnmbihg. Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Work TINSMITH. &PLUMBER; Transit to Other Islands. ;

Also, Black and White Sand, in quantiFIRE OFFICE J Corner of Kins and Alakea St.v

Honolulu, H. I.

Restuffed and Covered,At Reasonable Bates and in the

Best Manner.IXy-Pea- l direct with the workman,

D. M. CROWLEY,Working Upholsterer110 King St., near Alakea, directly

opp. Cala. Fruit Store.New Bedding, Lounges, etc.. to order.

Designs and estimates submitted. 129

G-rea-t Bargains, Grreat Bargains.pLONDON. TELEPHONE Workshop, Mutual 261;

ties tosmtatiowesipnc


Wished 1710.residence, Mutual, 236.

CEstimates furnished on all classesof Plumbing and Tinsmithinjr work. First


class workmanship and material guaran-teed in all the above branches of my busi-ness at reasonable rates. 44-l- yZtisrc. BREWER & C0MPA

B.F.EHLERS & CO.....327.333.700In lib., 21b., 31b, and 71b. Tins.R.bytbst.1. .

99 Fort . Street, Honolulu.Finest jrtiole for(IJmlted).


"ABB r


acfarlaue & Co. "Warm Climates.

muis on me xviver wipper. wuwuruns through the estate, fie hasgreatly improved and developed thisproperty, and his forests furnish mostof tne wooden pavements in the streetsof Berlin. The country all aroundV&rdn is very picturesque, and thereare beautiful walks and drives throughthe woods for many miles in every di-

rection. The estate was given toPrince Bismarck by the latejhnperorWilliam in 18S6. jondon World.

Tne luminous power or me eiecmolights on top of the Eiffel tower is

Walker & Seaward,

V'- GContractors & Builders

BHok, Eton and 17oodsn BnlldlasEsUiBSiM Gtvsa. .

, JMMMaff PrmaiUx AUne4 tm.



Mil Grocer, ?::&-:- -- President and Msnsser Wholesale Grocers,

- BOLE AGENTS. The Weekly Gazette aiad Daily P. 0. AdvertiserFORT om Hon. W.F.Allen... Auditor equal to 10,000 carcels, and the totalIntensity of their luminous rays 8,000,-- W

rarcels. . -io. v- - Bell1aephoae So. S. F. O. BeKCJ, , P.O., DIRECTORS: S6 and 8 California St.. Ban Francis. ttltfl lAEE THB LE ADING PAP1BS Ol' THE KINGDOM I

Bon. 0, B. Blsnop. ' Bon. B. WsUxbovm fe l,S245-i-y

i 7



Slmtion Soles.attack the London Times, fle hasthe Cabinet and the Supreme CourtJ3n Cutljoiiti)


The Mutual life Insurance Companv oilRICHARD A. McCURDY, presid

For the Year Ending December

AssetsIncrease in Assets

Surplus ,...., ,

Increase in SurplusIncrease during year

tm.tA Pnlirv.Hiildra- - :Increase during ear JHRisks assumed....lnlrM rinrinv mimm.r 1

"Risks in force :Increase during: year

Policies in forceincrease during year ,

Policies written in 1881)Increase over 1888.. .7.7.7..'

rPTTTTI A SIS l4'.rla A T?Tn TXTtrTPOrn--

Nale or Leae or liovernmeni lou, x.miaad. Honolulu.

On THURSDAY, April 24, lsoo, at thefrout entrant e of Aliiolani Hale, at 12 1

o cluck noon, will be sold at ruuiic auc- -. e i V o . 1 1 c I......IIIM1, 11JG iitUCt "VVJ vr. - I

the Government Survey Man of the Es- -

planade, having a frontage on Fort streetof 50 feet and running back 200 feet to... . ..... ..tilKekuanaoa street, ana adjoining tne 101

. .1 T 1 ill Aon me corner oi x ori ana Alien sireeis onhP mailt si1P

Tpr,nsrs for 25 vear, .rf

Unset Price $120 per annum, payableseiui-annual- lv in advance.

Conditions The purchaser of this Leaseimistwituin one year oi me oaie oi saietirvrt i "Firp-nrn-

nf.. llniltlintr in ontt nnt Ipss..w. tthan $3,000, the plans ot which must beapproved by the Superintendent of PublicWorks. :

clllU IU 1CU11 v lilt MUlVJimituvthe expiration of tha lease or its sooneidetermination.

L. A. THURSTON,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Office, March 18. 1S90. C7-1- 3t


April, ll)0.

llaitaH KnnH. mn1 ntUmm U.vaa.w. uwww 'uvm usvmiuca ,Loans on Collateral Securities.. . jCash in Banks and Trust Companies at interest.....'.Iuterest accrued. Premiums deferred, and in transit Vic

Liabilities (Including Reserve at 4 per cent). I6",oni

I have carefully examined the foregoing statement and fmd tilaA. N. WATElg

From the Surplus above stated a dividend will be apportioned I






... ...

liUIlls W 1'..

JJeorge lUiss.

J. Hobart H,

Robert A. CrtNicholas r

oiuyvesautFI1 James Y.Ha


Risks RisksYear. Assumed. Outstanding. Assets.1884 $ 34,681,420 $351,789,285 $103,870 irs n,1885 46,507,139 368,981,441 10$,AS7v1886. 56,832,719 393,809,203 114,181

-.- 4 ',

1887 69,457,468 427,628,933 HS,84Hi,S511888.. 103,214,261 482,125,184 12,OS2153v1889 151,602,483 565,949,934 130,401 VsS"

New York, January 29, 1890. -

Su. Mo. Tu. W. j Th. Ft. Sa. Moon's PtaaseB

1 i 2 I 3 4 5 April 4! Fall Moon.

6 7 8 j 9 10 11 12 April 12

17 TT sir-7- T 17 17 JES5"L- -I April 18

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 N'ew Moon.April 26

23 29 First Quarter--

BOARD OF TRUSTERS.Oliver Harriinan,Henry W. Smith,Robert Olyphant,George F. Baker,Jos. Thompson,Dudley Olcott,Frederic Cromwell,Julien T. Davies.

Samuel E. Sproulls,Lucius Robinson,Samuel D. Babcock,George S. Coe,Richard A. McCurdy,James G. Holden,Hermann G. von Post,Alexander H. Rice,Lewis May,Jno. W. Auchincloss,Preston B. Plumb,Augustus. D. Juilliard,

Robert Sewell,. Theodore Morford,

WiUiam D. Washburn,1 Charles E. Miller,

KOBERT A. GRANN1SS. - - Vire.Prw- M-

ISAAC F. LLOYD. 2d Vice-Preside- nt. WILLIAM J vTiiv TA. N. WATEBHOUSE. Auditor. FREDERICK btHKOKm?

EMORY McCLlNTOCK, L.L.D., F. I. A., ActuaryJOHN TATLOCK, Jb., Asst. Actuary. CHAS. B. PERKY, "d'b

FREDERIC CROMWELL, - - TreasurerJOHN A. FONDA, Assistant Treasurer. WILLIAM P "siv




59-l- m 1314-a- w General Agent Hawaiian


RnSo-Gernia- n fron-- 1,cut., iwi.gtier which are only functional anuremediable by diplomacy, me ru-

mored reapproachmcnt betweenGermany and Russia dates from theaccession of the young Emperor.Bismarck preferred present ar-

rangements. He had worked alongthat line, and felt at home in it.Emperor William is credited withambition to distinguish himself inwar and statecraft. Under thepresent status he can only keepthings as they are. He has nochance to spread himself. TheTr nle Alliance maintains tne peaceof Europe and ties his hands. Hecan only busy himseli in domesticadministration and reforms. Thereis room enough in that direction forhis best efforts, but the work maynot be altogether attractive to avounir- man of

..his. temperament



training. it is vet uncertainwhether his labor-refor- m policy isin good faith or merely a tub to theSocialistic whale. Parallel with ithe nroDoscs to increase the armyThe rumored Russian arrangementwould onen the wtv for a rearranirement which either by war ordinlomacy. or both, would give theEmperor a chance to show what isin him. and. might perhaps resalt inadding 10,000.000 Austrian Ger-mans to the empire, besides theprospect of getting hold of theDutch water-fron- t. The outlook isalluring to an ambitious youngruler of the leading military Powerof Europe. It is no cause for won-der that Austria feels concerned atBismarck's retirement, in view ofthese possibilities. S. F. Bulletin.


- Adeline Patti sang before about11,000 people in Mechanics bunaing, Boston, recently.

The Dominion Parliament hasauthorized the construction of abridge across the Detroit river.

It cost New York S6.000 to ascertain through the Supreme Courtthat it is legal to execute its enminals by electricity.

Heavy damsges to the tobaccoplant by frost is reported for Western North Carolina.

The coffee crop in Java is said tohave failed this year.

A new Egyptian loan for irrigation purposes is spoken of.

An epidemic resembling influenzais spreading in India.

The Prince of Wales is beginning to express opinions on publicanairs.

Insanity in Paris has increased30 per cent, within the last sixteenyears.

Telegraphing money by the pos-tal telegraph has been instituted inEngland, beginning with March1st, after a number of experiments.The limit is 50.

Prince Bismarck, it is said, is disappointed and chagrined at hisson s failure to displajr any especiagenius for political affairs.

The Bulgarian Government isabout to expend $15,000,000 uponthe construction of railroads.

A medal has been struck in com-memoration of the fiftieth anniversary in England of the pennypostage.

The price of coal, especiallybituminous, was never so high inEngland as now. It has advancedfrom 60 to 100 per cent, within ayear.

During a storm which recentlyraged in the Canton of Neuchatel,in Switzerland, a shower of livingcaterpillars fell on the hills ofCretets.

English farmers are beginning tooffer bounties for the destruction ofthe sparrows, whose damage to thecrops hUB become unbearable.

It is stated that Andrew Camegie has decided to increase his giftfor a library to Pittsburg from$1,000,000 to $52,000,000. -- :

The silver plate belonging toDom Pedro was recently depositedin tne mint at Kio de Janeiro.There were nearly five wagonloads. The Emperor lived, wellwhen he had the opportunity.

Marshal MacMahon, twice Presi-dent of the French Republic, senthis hearty congratulations to theyoung Due d'Orleans upon thestep he had taken in going toFrance in defiance of the law.

In Kent, England, a farm of 500acres that had been let for $6,000per year has just been re-l- et to thesame tenant for $2,500. This issaid to be a fair illustration of thedecline of farm values in Englandof late years.

The N. Y. Herald saj--s that arich British Government contractoris privately building near Londonan air ship whieh is expected tocarry a crew of several men at aspeed of 150 miles an hour.

While Father Lenningham, as-sistant pastor of St. Joseph's Cath-olic Church, Baltimore, was per-forming, a funeral service March26th, Sexton Richard McNichols,without a word of warning, firedfive shots at him,, three of whichtook effect and seriously woundedhim. -

Government officials have had aFairport, N. Y., beverage, known ashop soda, analyzed, and thus ascer-tained, vhat its thousandsdrinkers had found out unscien-tifically, that it is lager beer. Ithad a big run in no-licen- se countiesuntil a temperance society repre-sentative got upset on it. .

Editor Stead, formerly of thePall Mall Gazette, is now going to

begun with a sensational ariwwi -- r t;a, r( T?ftvip.wers. on the1118 - 7

diminishing circulation, advertise-ments and dividends of The Thun-

derer. He says this loss more man jluu,vuu uhu..j

i I. iii a : l VtA rtiin.suomiuea inearuuie ri i i :a a Un-ttn- K whn informed11SUUU It LU vji,i,him that it was libelous, but he tookthe risk of printing it.

A disastrous explosion oaun

Refinery Company's plant at Tay--

lOl aliu oi'wu dlx Cvioj oThree laborers are known to havebeen killed ana sixteen umui

Thrnf wnrkmen are miSS- -

. i i m l aisiaiiing at a late nour. jluAt l 1 J T .m MSVAtrtoccurred in tne starcn urj mg-iuwi-


and is supposed to have been causedoy spontaneous cumuuouuu.

rrAil a vearago, resulting in a fatal injury toone man.

are advocating the idea that thefuture Pope to be elected at thedeatn oi ieo aiii. snau leave xtmj

They declare that the position offt hi A Pnno

Leo is very strongly opposed to thescheme, and has appealed to the

j : I iLai u:n Lot 1 a I'd rnearth be comforted by the assur- -

L-- A. aUoll Kauue mat bucu a amino wSi. 1. 11aenniteiy abacaoneu.

Tcu) SUtoertisemcnts.


ON THURSDAY. APRIL 17th1890. at 10:30 a. m. at MANANA.EWA, the Oahu Railway & LandCo. will sell at Auction, four

Wood Houses standing on land near thePublic Picnic and Recreation Grove, saidbuildings are to be removed within, fourdavs after sale bv the nurchasers.

JPurchasers and others can go downand return by the 9 k. m. train. etf-- 3t

"The Friend."

FOR SALE, FOUR BOUND VOLUMES"The Friend"including all the issues

from 1843 to 1282. The books can be seenat the Advertiser office. 75-l- m

NOTICE.PERSONS ARE FORBIDDEN TOALL or to allow fowls or cattle on

the land of Kavelo, Waikiki. All partiesfound on the lands after 8 o'clock at nightwill be prosecuted to the full extent of thelaw. BUW 81 M WAl UU.,

Per Lam Chung Wa.Honolulu, April 4. 1890. 80-l- m



Agent to take Acknowledgments.Office No. 13 Kaahuraanu Street, Hono--

67-l- y lulu, H. I.

Cosmopolitan RestaurantNotice.

mHIS WELL-KNOW- N HOUSE HASJ-- again changed hands. Jun Hee, thebest cook in the city, has repurchased thestock and nxtures, and will start tne restaurant afresh on TUESDAY, April 8thHoping all patrons will give him a call.

Board Outer Room, $4.50 a week: 25cents for single meals. Private Room$5.50 a week ; 35 cents for single meals.Dinner 25 cents.

JUN HEE,82-l- w Proprietor.

Hawaiian Commercial Salesrooms,

Cor. Queen and Nuuanu Sts.

--Goods of all descriptions sold oncommission.

Mutual Telephone 631. 31-l- y

Beward of $500.WHEREAS. AT OR ABOUT TWO" " o'clock on the morning of the 28th ofFebruary, law, Mr. Kg Ngong of the firmof Kwong Lee Yuen Co., was seriously

1 1 uu l rr i iwuuuueu wiui n ujuc ur uioer suarp instrument by a certain person who feloniously broke and entered into the dwellinghouse of the said Ng Ngong in the rear oftne premises oi me saia tvwong Lee xuenCo. on Maunakea street. Honolulu. H. I.

Notice is hereby given that a reward offive Hundred Dollars ($500) will be paidby the United Chinese Society to any per-son or persons who will give informationto the Police which will lead to the appre-hension and conviction of the guilty party.

Per Order. YIM QUON," Secretary United Chinese Society.

Honolulu, March 5, 1890. 54-l- m



F. HORN Practical Confectioner,Pastry Cook and Baker.

No. 71 Hotel St. - Telephone 74.1209 35-- tf



Gentlemen's UnderclothingWoolen and Pongee Coats, Wool, Calico,

uerman ana ljinen oniris.S9 Ring Street. 1--ly


of Mr. Ach of Uhaima.Mani, onBishop A Co.'b Bank, No. 320, amount $38, dataJannarr SUth. lltan i n TTo.n..- - ...been lost, and tb pajrmentof tbeeanie atopped.


Auction Sale of


On Wednesday, April 16

At 10 o'clock A. M.,

At the residence qf H. F. GLADE, Esq..Judd street. I will sell at Public Auction,

the Household Furniture, comprising:

Upholstered Parlor SetLarge Dressing Mirror,Large B. W. Center Table,Boquet Table,

1 COTTAGE PIANO(Edw. Seiler Maker,)

Walnut Music Stand,Black Walnut Desk,Drawing room Portieres,Chandeliers and Hanging Lamps,B. W. Marble-to-p Bedroom Set,

HAIR MATTHESSESOak and Black Walnut Cribs,Washstands, Bureaus,


Oak Extension Dining Table,Oak Chairs,

Crockery and GlasswareKitchen Utensils, Meat Safes, and

ONE COVERED BRAKE,Sets Single Harness,Side Saddles, Mexican Saddles,

Family Carriage, Native Saddle Horse

Premises open for inspection onTuesday, April 15, from 9 to 3 o'clock.

eJas. F. Morgan,88-- 3t AUCTIONEER

iNro SUnjcrtiscmcnts.

Supreme Court of the Hawaiian Islands.

IN THE MATTER OF A. M. HEWETT--i- a Bankrupt. Order on Petition ofBankrupt for Discharge from Debts.

Upon reading and filing the petition ofA. jvi. Hewett of Honolulu, on the islandof Oahu, alleging that more than sixmonths have elapsed since he was adjudgeda bankrupt and praying for a dischargefrom all his debts.

It is ordered that WEDNESDAY, the23d dav of April A. D. 1890, at 10 A. m. ofthat day. at the Court Room of AlnolaniHale, Honolulu, be and is hereby appointedthe time and place for hearing of said pe-tition when and where all creditors whohave proved their claims against saidbank- -rupi may appear anu snow cause li anymey uave wuy me prayer oi said uanKrupt should no' be granted.

Dated Honolulu, April 2. 1890.A. F. JUDD,

Chief Justice Supreme Court.Attest: Alfred W. Carter,79-3-w Second Deputy Clerk.

Notice to Shippers.

IjiOR THE MORE SATISFACTORY--1- accommodation of our patrons we begto suenrest to them that in pjispr vhrpdrays are required for shipping goods toout going steamers and coasters, or in anycase where required, at 1 o'clock sharp ofthe day, they wiU find that by ringing upMutual Telephone 565 or Bell Telephoneaw Deiween me nours ot 7 a. m. and o p.m.their wants will be nromntlv attended tnwhich will thereby greatly facilitate business 10 ine Detter satisfaction of all con--



the Honolulu Carriage Mann--factorv. at 128 Fnrt Street. T Ant nMnirulto continue the above business under theold name of Honolulu Carriage Manufac-tory, and being an old experienced carriageuuuuer x solicit me patronage oi my oldfriends and the public in general, and withmv thorough knowledge nf the hnand with experienced workmen and usinglmiij uic uesi iiiaicnai i guarantee generalsatisfaction. Please call and see me beforegoing elsewhere.

(Signed) GIDEON WEST.Honolulu. Oct. 28. 1889. 103-t- f

li'--g 1 hKsslven unlver-sa- lrntisfactlon in ihm

5 rure of Gonorrhoea andmsMSlriotar. oitri. I prescribe ft aod

Icl af in recoinmand--t anlr hj Oi

iQuolealCi. in it to all RaflTcrera.

V Ohio, Daeatar, 111.

Trm4 rOirkll Sold by DntftHata.

Hollister & Co., Wholesale Agents.Behsok, Smith & Co., Wholesale Agenta





Will receive per Stmrs. Australia andAlameda, a full line of latest

Baseball Novelties for the Season of 1800.


Rules and RegulationsFor 1890.

CpVo not forget that Mrs. Thos. Lack.81 prt street, has the Agency foriSeworld renowned Spalding Sporting Goods.

THIS PAPER 18 KEPT ON FILEE. C. Dakk's AdvxbtisiboAgency, 64 & 65 Merchant's ExchaWSan Francisco. Oa.1. whoro T '

The Attorney-Genera- l replied tothis indictment in a two columncommunication to the Bulletin

The reply contains some badlanguage, several sneers, quite a

number of insinuations, and a col

umn of pathetic devotion to therountrv which he proposes to res

. .t . . i . tcue irom me traitorous ucwgus whis colleagues; but he nowheredenies or refutes the charges made

. , . . indictment, buttitH"OV liiiu - vwv 7

,. , ,

on tne contrary ui&uucuj auuiuathem and pleads ''guilty" to allinn nnnntVUAVX V.V.V- -

. ., iii ?n .KoP'UVTUU

action of the Attorney-bonor- al are.... ,

far more SeriOUS to this COUntl

than the ultimate result of theJ colonelcy Question, or even of the

nn(irtxr fls ti.A fntnra Dros- -I

J ) . . , J , u .penty OI tne counuy may ue iuyolvcd in the latter question.

WKovni triv hvf nffn the.

nnininnR or differences heretofore.i -

all parties, the Cabinet and theKing, have always abided by theopinion of the Supreme Court; andfor 'the first time we, now see theofficial, constitutional opinion of

that body contemptuously ignored,and the Attorncv-Gener- al of theKingdom deliberately advising theKing to refuse to act in accordancewith such advice.

The Attorney-Gener- al has ad-

mitted, over his own signature,that he has done this thing. Outof his own mouth he stands con-

demned.There is nothing so essential to

the continued mdenendent control.

ot our own anairs as tnai ioreigngovernments be assured that theCourts of tho Kingdom render justand equitable decisions, and thattheir official opinions be recognizedby the executive. Unless this is to bethe case, anarchy will be the inevitable result.

The Attorney-Genera- l well deserves the severest censure,' and im

peachment by the Legislature, forthe unconstitutional and unprecedented course which, for personalreasons he is following, regardlessof law and tho public interests.


- Olli) Of tlio moot owggjostrve fettt,--ures of the present European sen-sation is the concern expressed byAustrian statesmen and publicistsat the retirement of Bismarck.Without actually admitting somuch, it is evident that they fearthe dissolution of the Triple Alli-ance and a better understandingbetween Germany and Russia. Bis-marck fathered the Triple Alliance,but Austria really has more interest in it than either of the othermembers. Taking into considera-tion the sentiment of race solidar-ity which now so strongly influ-ences national questions, Austriahas no proper business in the Alli-ance, yet everything to fear fromits disruption. For years acuteand profound observers of Euro-pean politics have realized that inany radical rearrangement of themap, Austria would be likely todisappear as a political division.She is a conglomerate ef races,having only an artificial connectionwith each other, but affiliated withher neighbors on all sides. Eachof those neighbors has an ancientgrudge against her. Prussia, whichnow dominates Germany, was al-

ways her opponent within the Ger-manic Confederation, and if she re-

tains no bitterness now it is merelybecause she has had the best of theconflict. United Germany, how-ever, will never be an accom-plished fact until the German pro-vinces of Austria are added to theEmpire.

Italy has every reason, by virtueof former domination and oppres-sion, to hate Austria. She also hasa race claim on a p8rt of Austria'spopulation and dominion. TheSouthern Tyrolese are Italian inrace, language and feeling, andGaribaldi barely missed addingthem to United Italy in 1866.Italy also casts a longing eye uponthe fine port of Trieste, Austria'ssole seaport at the head of theAdriatic, and upon the Province ofIstria and some of the adjoiningterritory, all of which are virtuallyItalian. -

Russia has not forgotten howAustria repaid her voluntary aidin the suppression of the Hungarian revolt of 1848, by hangingupon her flank during the earlypart of the Crimean War; and bycontinually balking her designsupon Constantinople. She alsowould like to see the Slavic peoples of the Austrian Empire joinedto their Russian brethren, or incorporated into & great Slavic Statem Southeastern Europe under Russian influence. On that accountshe resents Austria's advance inBosnia and Herzegovina.

It thus appears that while thepresent Triple Alliance is unnatur-al, its reorganization by the substi-tution of Russia for Austria wouldbe very natural. Between Ger-many, Russia and Italy there is nocause for quarrel, except possibledifficulties arising out of questionsof immigration, alien settlement,


Sailors Home Meeting of ladies at theY. M. C. A. hall at 10 a. M.

Honolulu Rifles Drill Co. C, at 7:30p. M.

I. O. O. F. Excelsior Lodge No. 1, at 7:30p. M.

IIonokaa Sugar Company Special meeting at ll:o0 A. M.


Pacific Commercial Advertiser.

Be just and fear nut :

Let all the ends thou .uru'bi at beThy Country's, thy Jo.;'t.. fcud Troth's.

TUESDAY, APRIL 15, 1890.


Mr. C. W. Ashford has madesome positive statements in a newspaper, communication, concerningthe proposed treaty, and his conncction therewith, and throws outsome dark and mysterious hintsabout "inside history" which whenmade public, will uastound" thecountry.

Let us have these details rhrhtaway. There is no time like thepresent. If there is any mystoryfestering in the Attorney-General'- s

bi ain which affects the public welfare, out with it and let us knowthe worst.

Meanwhile we have reason tobelieve that the statements madeby Mr. Ashford are about as reliable as other 'similar statementswith which the Elele and Ka Leohave latety been saturated, and induo course Ave propose to publishthe "facts " concerning this subject.



Yesterday morning we publisheda statement of facts which amountedto an indictment of tho Attorncy- -ueneral. The indictment containedthree counts, viz.:

1st. That the Attorney-Genera- l,

differing with the other members ofthe Cabinet upon matters of prin-ciple and Cabinet policy, refused toeither acquiesce in the opinion ofthe majority or to withdraw fromthe Cabinet; but contrary .'to allprecedent and the principles ofconstitutional government, remain-ing in office, attempted, and is nowattempting, to control the policy ofthe Government and to block thepublic business. '.

2d. That the Attorney-Gener- al

had trod, and is now tryiLg, toforce a relative, his', brother "intothe command of the military, whenhe is so thoroughly distrusted thatthe other members of the Cab nethad twice unanimously 'refused toappoint him to that position, theyhaving the legal authority to so re-

fuse. , -

3d. That the Supremo Court,having formally rendered an opin-

ion, at tho request of the; Cabinet,in accordance" with the constitutional provision authorizing suchcourse, the Attorney delib-

erately, and with malice afore-

thought, advised the King to disre-gard the advice of the majority of


irfipdAprifir-- W

Gate Citj'Sli

These Filters are easilyNEVER Income CnekeJJ

by change of TemiratortB

Valium i'x lie x' iitci D i

unlike any other stone.


nrnrp vrTTT.


it, but lie on the surface

the stone remains as ) ,

after years of use as"the mine.

"The Gate City Stone gsuccess..

It tfa



Jgever seen. i. rocjany considcrat.on.water inwworld. H?i

Hawaiian iODDOsiteSpreckete

127-- tf


Boston Lineff

Us- e- j

$mk BARK Wj


for this port an Jr-F- or further PJ

, 74i31-- y

iV -

'3 .'a:

" 3;





1-- '.SI




;;, -


f; ? ?

r it


horse GARFIELD, a kindand gentle family horse,that will stand withouthitching. Anybody candrive him. Cun be seen atthe Club Stables.

Also a good family, for sale cheap.Also the well-know- n Colt Long Branch,

sired by Kine William.Also, a fancy Buck-boar- d with Brewster

gear, cuesp.Apply to JAMES DODD.



Book, News and Stationery Store


Full Supply of

Spalding's Baseball Goods,

Including Bats, Masks, Gloves, LeagueBalls, etc. Fine new line of

Croquet, Lawn Tennis, Indian Clubs,

all weights; etc,


Etc., Etc.

Sole Agent for the

Merritt Type Writer.An Instrument which has no equal forthemonev nrireS17 An (MmnioMwarded on application.




RESORTKing St, cpp. Oxhu Railway Dspot,

Billiards, Bowling AUey


Coll Mclies! Cold Drinks!

The Best of Coffee, Tea and Chocolate.Finest Brands of


Ovntana nl uCaufornic steamer.

E. M. SNIPFEN,m'lv Manager.

Pianos For Kent.

PIANOS TW nnnn nnnv.nJ 'fl-Wto$7.0qpe- r month.U tTt MUSIC DEPARTMENT OF

advertising can be made for it.1310-a-t 1 iKoWir- S



Rain, rain! mud! ! mud ! ! !

HonoMa and San Francisco Mail ServiceMr. Justice McCully sits at Cham MILLINERY! MILLINERY!TBAl'J bers this week.LAX

The wave cf industrial disturb-ance in the .United Kingdom ap-

pears to have culminated in one ofthe largest strikes on record. Thestrike of English coal miners for a

EEC'1' r. m.2:002:434:004:48

A furnished house with four bedA.

". 9:W11:00

.11:1rooms, etc., is waLted. TIME TABLE10 per cent, advance in wages



Monday, April 14.The Court opened at 10 a. m. Ha-

waiian jurors in attendance.The King vs. Holi. Embezzlement.

Tried before a Hawaiian jury whoreturn a verdict of acquittal, threedissenting. J. L.'Kaulukou for de-fendant.

The King vs. Manuel Silva. Sell-ing spirituous liquor to a woman,Annie Kuapuu, at Honolulu, on orabout March 8, 1890, defendant be-ing a retail dealer. Tried before aHawaiian jury. After the prosecu

Call at the Wilder's steamshipTRAINS


!KSror THB Easter Opening!office to-da-y and get your dividend.p. M.

The band did not give a concert at struck. After a four days' struggleI a.m. fo.';.0 3:00

. .V.30W-l0- :l8 i.w 3:48

4:05a- n- .ll:t3 1 4.53K,' 11:43 -

p4J'"53-t- f

Lmma oquare last evening owing to the strike ended with the successthe inch mant weather. At 04 For1 Str66


of the employees, the employersagreeing to pay 5 per cent, ad-vance in wages immediately and 5At a meeting of the Hawaii BaseI. ball Club held yesterday two newoF

HONOLULU per cent; more on juiy 1. inemembers. were elected. men aereed to resume work atN. S. SACHS, Proprietor.Sunted The foreign jury will be required tlon rested m-- Rosa 011 behalf of the

J. Li'OSS.

to attend in the Supreme Court at 10

once. Hereafter, it is said, ail dis-

putes regarding wages in the coaltrade will be settled without resortto strikes. This disturbance had

r f asce

defendant, moved for his dischargeon the grounds: 1st, that there is nolaw attaching nenaltv for tho ra! nf

rl o'clock Wednesday morningo Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & SaturdayI! ?! Il!

From San Francisco, 12 O'clock Noon.Leave Dae atS. F. Honolulu

Alameda... Saturday... Jan. 11. ...Jan. 18Mariposa. . .Saturday. . . Feb. 8. . . . Feb. 15Zealandia . . Saturday ...Mar. 8 .... M ar. 15Alameda... Saturday... Apr. 5... Apr. 12Mariposa . . .Saturday . . . May 3 ....May 10Zealandia:. Saturday... May 31.... June 7Alameda . . . Saturday, . . J une 28. . . .July 5Mariposa... Saturday.. July 26.... Aug. 2Zealandia ..Saturday . . Aug. 23 ... . Aug. 30Alameda... Saturday.. Sept. 20 Sept 27Mariposa.. Saturday.. Oct. 18 Oct. 25Zealandia. .Saturday . .Nov. 15. . . .Nov. 22Alameda. . .Saturday . . Dec. 13 . . . Dec. 20

To San Franetsco.Leave Dueat

Sydney HonoluluMariposa. .Wednesday . .Dec 25. . .Jan 11Zealandia . . Wednesday . .Jan 22 Feb 8Alameda . ..Wednesday . . Feb 19. . . . Mar 8Mariposa . . Wednesday . . Mar 19 Apr 5Zealandia . .Wednesday . . Apr 16 . . . .May 3Alameda. . . Wed nesday. . May 14 ... May 31

. Mariposa . . Wednesday.. June 11 . .J une 28Zealandia . .Wednesday . .July 9. . J uly 26Alameda. . .Wednesday . .Aug 6. . .Aug 23Mariposa . . Wednesday . .Sept 3. . . Sept 20

spirituous liquors to women : 2d, that far-reachi- ng effects while it lasted,The California Fruit Market ex9 T.Ss 0 and bid fair if continued, to curtail,there is no evidence to show the depect their usual quantity of Cali OF THIS WEEK.5.42 fornia produce on ice by the Ala5.a. s no

ll-"- " r.., r. infendant's knowledge of the sale. TheCourt overruled the motion to whichthe defendant noted exceptions. C.

meda."We invite the Ladies of Honolulu to call and inspect our new and



elegant stock of



8.20 0 A tree near Emma square, caught Creighton and G. K. Wilder for thel rl io

if not totally suspend, operationsin all lines of industry dependentupon coal for their continuance.As it was, several large railwayswere crippled for want f coal, andmany Lancashire cotten mills werecontemplating suspension for lackof fuel. Coincident with the great

fire yesterday evening from the elec Crown; Antone Rosa for defendant.The jury returned a verdict of not

At 11.011.20 trie light wires. The lights wereshut off for a time.' guilty. ;


kof t.he... Metric signal from theThe Oahu Railway and LandMuiy;,V at Honolulu mean noon

& clock In probate Estate of Adam Simp- - coal strike were the strikes ofCompany will sell four wood housescorrespond' ' time, tofaB'B son of Waimea, Kauai, deceased, in-- 420 000 nHneer on the river Tvne. zeaiartcua . . Wednesday . . . Oct 1 Oct 18.n hvchrcnouietersset on Thursday at 10:30 o'clock. Full

This .ast isespeci particulars elsewhere.nd jewelers petition of Mrs,anny Simpson, ad- - Liverpool, and of 30,000 dockmen Zealandia.. Wednesday.. Dec 24... Jan 10A meeting of the Hawaiian Com Intermed late S. S. Australia. 12 the same port. The close mter-denenden-ce

of the world's trade is



A Fine Assortment of Childrens' Trimmed Hats, at the


mercial Company will be held at Leave San Francisco. Leave Honolulu.Friday Jan. 17Friday Jan. 3

ministratrix for discharge. Hearingcontinued from November 15, 1887.Ordered that the account be allowed,and she discharged upon, filing ac-knowledgment of heirs of amount re-mitted them. W. R. Castle for peti

noon to-da-y at the office of V. C.Achi, Merchant street. Friday Feb. 14

Friday Mar. 14Friday Jan. 31Friday Feb. 28Friday Mar. 28

well illustrated in the advance inprices in this ceuntry of leadingchemicals used in glass making andther industries, caused by the in--

Friday Apr. llFriday May 9Friday Apr. 25The bark Sonoma sails for Santioner. Friday June 6Friday May 231

jfeteorologicai.4 4 $ W

vsrS: i. - i 3,

58 s ? s p--p


21 1 Vs IM 81 0.04

'2 6 75 1.90 0 5' W 2

It 66 M 0.00 70; 3 wtOB 2

H 3'.! 0.04 84 2; W 2

g, 67 T.iO.OO 75! 1 Iw-- K 1


4In equity Kaiaikawaha vs. Okuu. terruptien to the English export Friday ..J une 2 Friday JulyFriday 18 Aue.

Francisco at 1 o'clock this afternoon.She carries a mail from the PostOffice which closes at noon.

..July Friday 1trade in these materials growingJlea in bar. The bar pleaded is that Friday Aug. lfwFriday Aug. 29Friday Sept. mFriday Sept. 26in the case of the defendant vs. theFriday Uct. 11M Friday Oct. 24At 11:30 o'clock this morning plaintiff, the defendant obtained

judgment in the Supreme Court in Friday ..Nov. 7Friday.. Dec. 5

Friday. Nov. 21Friday Dec. 18

banco, whereby the title to the pro

out of the Liverpool dock strikes,Bradstreet.J

tu Ufttrtisenunta.


there will be a special meeting ofthe Honokaa Sugar Company at theoffice of Messrs. F. A. Schaefer&Co.

perty and chattels set forth in theplaintiffs bill was adjudged upon in WITAHIT LI MIFOR LEASE. I1)Kr.::iii:Es.

Monday, April 14.t e,f k';inria Kauai.

favor of the defendant, as also theTf fh Alampda nnmft intn orf. matters and things alleged in theV'l lUIC. 1" 1

Colli. McG-reor- for Lauai andbefore noon to-da- y, the Bijou Come,- - plaintiffs bill. Mr. Justice McCully

in his decision filed this day overfiimmms. Neilson. forTHAT DESIRABLE RESIDENCEproperty formerly known as the" Bungalow." situated on Liliha St.

dy and Dramatic Company will give :o:- -rules the plea in bar. C. Creightona performance in the Opera Mouse

WANTED A FURNISHEDhouse with 4 bedrooms, parlor,diningroom, kitchen, and bath-room, near Postoffice. Address

for plaintiff; A. Rosa for tne evening.ks LEAVING TO-DA- Y. The Only Steam Soda Works in the

Hawaiian and particulars to " House, GazetteCampbell, for Nawaili- - Dr. K nappe, the German Consul, Carl B. King, the Mind-Reade- r.

Mr. Carl Bishop King, the mind- -

near J udd St. Alterations and repairs tobuilding will be made to suit tenant. Lo-cation healthful and sufficiently elevatedto command a view of the city and harbor.

For terms, etc., enquire of5Mm J. EMMELUTH.


L'lele, Waimea and Kekaha, at who made all the trouble betweenreader, who is to arrive on the Alalakoe, Macauicy.lor Kapaa, at America and Germany at Samoa,

has been dropped from the consular

omce. 89-- 3t


ON EAST TERMS.meda under engagement to Mr. L. Da vies, for Maui at 5 p iu. lists just published.Levey, to give performances at the;a, Clarkc.for --Maui ana iiaKa- -

The residence of H. F. Glade, Hawaiian opera house, is a Boston'r . v for Hono- -Liuea nou, ye, THE RESIDENCE OF K.J. LILLIB on Lonalilo Street, conJudd street, will be open to-da-y


White FacedBlack Spanish andat 1 from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. for the inspec)m;i lor can x rautiacu taining Doable Parlors, Large Dining

Room. 4 Bedrooms, Dressing and Bath- -tion of the furniture to be sold at

young man, tall and good looking.He gave an entertainment at IrvingHall, San Francisco, March 26tb, andthe Examiner has this to say of it:

Kitchen and 2 Pantries. Detached Serrooms. Brown Leghorn Hens.Orders taken for allkinds of Thoroughauction on Wednesday. vants House, Stable, Coach House and Chicken

Yard.VESSELS IN l'OIvT.The Grounds are 105 feet front and about 325

The ladies of Honolulu are re.McCurlev, Hilo.


Ginger Ale, Plain, Sweet and Cream Soda,




"The entertainment given by Mr.bini'ion.fct. Claire, from cruise quested to meet at the Y. M. C. A. King bordered on the marvelous.BGoatrev. Uabei. f rancisco.

bred Poultry from the yards of one of thelargest and best Breeders on the PacificCoast. Apply to

S. P. SIMONDS,1308 34-3-m 182 King Street.

NOTICE.litaiore. Ward, Departure Bay. hall at 10 o'clock this morning to

talk over matters with regard to the An article was hidden in the room.Mr. King, blindfolded, with his hand. Lee. tallao.

feet deep, and are all laid out with Palms, Hosesand Choice Plants. Will be vacant on the 9thMay.

The Fernery and Ferns to be removed nnlessagreed on. 87 1317--1 m

Royal HawaiianOPERA HOUSE

albot. Ubodes. Tort Townsend. new Sailor's Home Society.u Vance, Anderson, Newcastle, a foot from the hands of the person

hiding it, discovered it in less thanStockholders in the Ewa plantav i .te5e, iiowara, csan rrancisco. half a minute.tion will be glad to hear that the.Martin, Hongkong.

Calhoun. an Francisco. Articles, were collected fromwell-bore- rs struck water od Saturtwenty-tw-o different persons. Mr.Wilcox, Kasch, iSan Francisco. day at a depth of 360 feet. The bor- - L. J. Levey

Cliff PhillipsLessee.

Manager.jCastle, Hubbard, San Francisco King found them and returned each11 be continued to a furtherarticle to its owner.depth. The name of a person was writtenSSELS EXI'GCTED.V

i. Where from. Dae.Factory: IsTo. 23 Nuuanu St.

MUTUAL TELEPHONE 360; BELL 372.Arthur Johnstone, editor of the and sealed in an envelope. Mr. King,

This Evening, Tuesday, April 15th


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TOin the Savings Bank Depart-

ment of Clau& Spreckels & Co. that fromand after the 1st day of April, 1890. theinterest allowed on deposits will be reducedto four (4) per cent, per annum. Deposi-tors will be allowed to withdraw theirdeposits up to that date without giving theusual notice, but, if allowed to remainafter April 1st, said deposits will be con-sidered as subject to the rules and regula-tions published in the Pass Books.50-l-m CLAUS SPRECKELS & CO.

Jlast Received

rewer. . . Jioston Apr Elelo was arraigned in the Supreme after describing the person, tore thekdale . . . Liverpool Apr 15 Court yesterday on a charge of libel, bandage off his eyes, and darting toHe reserved his plea, so as to allow the other end of the room, placed the

Bahn....evcastle, N WJen Newcastle D. T. BAILEY, Manager.

Bremen..... his counsel time to look over the in-- envelope in the hands of the persondictment. to whom it was addressed.Hs... ew lork

New York 1T artfinrAtfilv ronrndnnpd a nnm- -anJers.Puiret SoundA bottle has been Washed ashore ber of articles tailed in confusion. APusret isound BENSON, SMITH & CO.,in themake their first appearancWillLewers.Puget Sound at Brisbane containing a letter dated match-bo- x was Ridden in the Bohe Comedy Drama in 5 Acts by BartleyA Humboldt Per S. S. Oceanic and Bark Velocity, from

China and Japan,October last, that the bark Endby, Uampbeii, entitled:rter ....Pntret Sound .... mian Club rooms, and the mind-read- er

found it by holding on to theCaptain Mitchell, with a cargo of 54 AGENTS.I-- . .Puget Sound.coal, was m a waterlogged conditionawa.. San Francisco.. April 12 " A DANGEROUS WOMAN ''

Chinese mi Jtpese Fan; (Msfluon.ewoastle and the cargo on fire.

P San Francisco....

front end of an eight-foo- t wire whichwas held at the other end by the per-son who had secreted the box. Atthe Palace Hotel on Tuesday even

Characters "by the Company.i2eea...fc?an Francisco... In the San Francisco Examiner ofppion.San Francisco. . . HOLLISTER & CO.,Pet ....Port BlaLelev... March 23d, is a letter by " Annie

Laurie." that paper's correspondentT'K Delawareing Mr. King made the followingdifficult test. Messrs. Kohler, Bab-coc- k

and Colonel Bliss drove manyadJen.. Newcastle, NSW

lty-B- ox plan now open at the "office ofL.J. Levey. 88-- 2t

Firewood For Sale,sent to Honolulu with bister KoseGertrude. The letter contains many WHOLESALE ft BETAIL DEALERS INblocks from the hotel in a circuitous1MSSENGEKS. inaccurate statements. route, finally hiding a business card

under a cask in a wine cellar on HarARRIVALS.

At Waikapu, Maui, on April 9th,

SILKS,Silk Handkerchiefs,

Dinner and. Tea Sets,Hattan Chairs,

Flower Pots and Vases,

Lanterns, Bamboo Baskets, Etc.

WING WO TAI & CO.25 Nuuanu" Street

82-l- m'

rison street. The mind-reade- r, thorm. per stmr Mikahala, April Drugs and Medicinesthere fell 5.67 inches of rain. Durs.J m rerreira, r w lla-- oughly blindfolded, drove recklesslyover the same route, secured a key4'iart, C Gay. H A Mvbie. M ing the month of March 14 incheswetz. P Wilberton, Miss Seli- -

CUT AND SPLIT FOR STOVE USE,per cord, at the

HAWN. COMMERCIAL SALESROOMS,40-- tf Cor. Queen and Nuuanu Sts.

Meeting Noticefell at the same place. In the Ko--"nigan, Hon II p Baldwin, R

isier Baldwin. 1 Chinese and hala mountains 154 inches fell inseven months from August to April

from Mr. Kohler, opened a door, andgoing to the one cask among a thou-sand others, took the card from underit. A pin-ho- le was made in the wood-work. Mr. King, blindfolded, found

Fine Chemicals, Toilet --Articles,inclusive.LUTING NOTES.The Hawaiian Gazette a ten page mHE REGULAR QUARTERLY ANDthe pin and placed it in the hole."1'iier H.iifan r : ,j i

p ninesaaj-- . edition is published to-da-y with averv complete resume of local and john ashdown, PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES of ill - kinds.

V . (j. Hall is dne this after- - SPECIAL, BUSINESS ITEMS.island news. It contains the comui and Hawaii.

J-- annual meeting of the Press Publish-ing Co. will be held at its office on Bethelstreet, on TUESDAY, April 15th, at 11a.m. A. L. SMITH,

83-- 7t Secretary.

Dividend Notice.Of San Francisco.plete election returns, Supremep niasted schooner Olpja is at the To Arrive.Court opinions, the Mikado perform

ferchaiulise. ances, etc. bend a copy to your S. S. Alameda Freshand Vegetables, Oysters,t Fruitr""-a- bark Hnrr riot t friends to-da- v on the mail by the

Smf etc.. on Ice, for the CALIFORNIASonoma.Practical Piano, Pipe and Reed Organ

TUNER AND REPAIRER.Fruit Market.wu" a full cargo of domestic


ter share will be paid to the Stock The M. A. Seed and the Carbutt Dry Plates.The plans for the new stone Cenfe k,aa arrived, Sunday holders of Wilder's Steamship Co. at their0...M h'KVO OMn RA r,l.c tral Union Church to be erected Tciu Stftoartisaiunts.F cuttle, 253 green hides and 3 corner of Beretania and Richard office, in this city, on Tuesday. April 15,1890. S. B. ROSE,

Secretary.Honolulu, April 12, 1890. 88-- 2t

streets have been received fromArchitect Boutwell, and they showPolice Court. WANTED,an exceedingly handsome and con

Having worked in some of the largestpiano and organ factories in the UnitedStates of America, I am fully able and pre-pared to do all kinds of repair work in themost satisfactory manner.


STRAITON & STORM SEGARSIoxday. Aoril 14. Situation Wanted.venient buildinsr. Tenders for tne' A.

pwuoney charged with vag-- building of the church will shortlyPERSON TO ACT AS MARINE RE-nort- erA and to make himself cenerallv(, lue Greeny of a stove was be called for.

A RELIABL3 YOUNG MAN (JAPAN- -Apply atful m a printing omce.useaDk3 forfmrod GAZETTE OFFICE.. 89tf$6 bail Orders can be left at H. F. Wich- -A fire started in a Chinese storeon Nuuanu street, near Love's

ere fined. And Kimball's Vanity Fairman's Jewelry store. Fort street, at theAdvertiser office, or through Mutual Tele-phone No. 347. - 67-l- mMeeting Notice.bakery, a few minutes after 12

o'clock this morniner, but it wasuress of rA i

ft-- ense) who understands good Englishdesires a position to do any kind of workat the office, store or residence or on aplantation as an overseer or interpreter.Can furnish good references. Address

88-- 3t WV S. K.., P. O. Box 209.

NOTICE.iioint-i- r "',uu1culo ami a

quickly put out without any damage LOVE'S bakery. Cigarettes & Tobaccosinnrf Carle's parentsKerSan.drowin? Wends

arrived at Sydnev.beinar done. JNo alarm was rung,

SPECIAL MEETING OF THElonsrh one was sent to tne Jpeii A Stockholders of the Honokaa Sugarr"uee cies r u " Be. 7S HBoana Street.LUQL IMH I Ml I'- - Telephone Company's officeIbeA 1Presented at l TVL PERSONS INDEBTED TO MEme same1

are herebv reauested to make payment MBS.BOBT.LOYX, - Proprletr .address, and

Co. will be held at the office of F. A. Schae-fer & Co., THIS DAY, TUESDAY. April15th, 1890, at 11 :30 A. M.

' Per order. H. RENJES,89-- lt ' . Secretary.

steps Mrs. Chas. Turner (nee Mary on nr before Anrit 15th next; all accountsken to collect a fund fov 109 Fort St., EConolulCooke is exoected on the Alameda,. .. 1 . M 1 1 V

unsettled after the above date will beplaced in the hands of an attorney for im-

mediate settlement. GOO KIM, -143 1304Every Description of Plxln and J&hctien route to tne uoionies, to join uwr

re. r"?, ew York74--w wuuanu street.husband, who cabled her to come.

They are very popular, in the Colo WANTED.commerolnl ' tny lookinSnies and will not want for engage n--io iw. c. Breadandteters, HABAIA CIGAES,


tee. :V aVromi. ments. Soon after the arrival of theAlameda, Mrs. Turner will be found FOUR CARPENTERS, RIGHT

away. Apply at . the Gazette of-

fice. 74-- tt 1 at a meeting of the subscribers to theat the residence of Hon. J. B. Ather-ton- ,so that any of her numerous Soda Crackers

mends can call and iav their re capital stock of the above named Uompanyheld in Honolulu, H. 1., March 6, 1890, itwas voted to accept the Charter of Corpor-.Hn- n

AntfA March 1. 1890, for the term of)a I00 numerous CAUTION.spects. HABAIA CIGAES,



fifty years, granted by the Hawaiian Gov-

ernment. The liability of the stockholdersis limited to the amount due and unpaidon the shares held. The following officerswere elected for the ensuing year:

J. N. S. Williams... ..Presidentthe Islands are hereby notified thatj. "um"x srows un-- wajrft oi

Collis P. Huntington is an athlete.He is six feet tall and weighs 209pounds. Mr. Huntington has aroom in his honse which is fitted opas a gymnasium. It contains allsorts of appliances for the practiceof .physical cnltnrft. and it is Mr.

asioa t?uo8Pher rises FOR SAX12 UYMk. J. C. Lajsk

is no longer in our employ as soliciter ofother capacity.


. April 12, 1890. 8S"lmVtofitY: u artlst and

Robert More ....Secretary j. reasurerAuditor. ............. - A. J . Cartwnght

- The above named officers also constiuttea Board of Directors. ED.HOFFSCHLAEGEI$ &Cd.So ?A8?eat he thrusts


IslMd Orders Promptly Atla4e4 to- ITS-t-a -

Huntington's habit to hoist dumb-bells and swine Indian clubs for half

ran nnon il . ROBT. MORE,DAILY ADVERTISERfaa uiose r EAD THE 122ft ICO-l-y U&as cad Ccthd Ctrtib., 56-t- m Secretary and want the latest uewB.AXifan hour or more every morning. j


.2ftn SlDncrtiseinenw.HE WASN'T, A RABBIT, (General CPtitocrtiscmcnts.


Jonx Ena, Viee-l'reiden- t.

Clcil Bkown, Auditor.E. K. JIexdby, President and Manager.Godfrey Brown, Secretary & Treasurer.

THEJ.ISDOjSTIron and Locomotive Works, CEISm SODA WOEKS

NO. oi KING STREET.JOHN GRACE, Proprietor. Till, 1

And Wlum Ilis Commission Came lie XDoubi Got Square with His Enemy.

Several years ago, when JohnM.Thurston was stumping Nebraska inan important campaign, he includedits extreme western part, then a decid-edly wild region, in his circuit. Hewas proceeding by stage to Sidneyone day, when they stopped at a littlestation to change horses. While thisimportant operation was going on alarge, determined looking man whosemost conspicuous article of cloth-ing was a big revolver approachedthe stage cautiously, and while oc- -

ic?rnrl l v trlrmrMnrr norirmisl V fit ft


Opp. Sprocket' Bank, - - Fort Street, Honolulu,

Importers a.nil Dealers in General

HARDWARE, GLASSWARE, CROCKERYGenuine HaviliEd China, plain and decorated; Wedgewood

ware; Fiano, Library and Stand Lamps,

C&andeliers and ElectoliersLamp Fixtures of all kinds ; a complete assortment of Drills and Files ;




GINGrER ALE,Sarsaparilla, Lemon, Cream and Plain Soda,

Champagne Cider, Etc., Etc.



The "Gazelle" Riding How and Equalizer, Bluebeard Rice Plow,Planters' Steel and Goosenecked Hoes.

OILS : Lard, Cylinder, Kerosene, Linseed.PAINTS, VARNISHES and BRUSHES, MANILA and SISAL ROPE,


HOSE: Rubber, Wire-bou- nd of superior quality, and Steam.

Agate Iron Ware' Silver Plated Ware, Table and Pocket Cutlery,Towder, Shot and Caps, The Celebrated "Club" Machine-loade- d Cartridges.

AGENTS FOR:" New Process " Rope, " New Process " Twist Drills,

Gate City Stone Filters, Neat's Carriage Paints,Hartman's Steel-wir- e Fence and Steel wire Mats,

Win. G . Fisher's Wrought Steel Ranges,Hart's Patent "Duplex"-Di- e Stocks

100-l- y for Pipe and Bolt Threading.

Mutual 330-TELEPHONES--Bell 298.


WAIALAE BREEDING RANCHGEO. W. LINCOLN,WELL-KNOW- N BUILDER, IS STILL IN THE FIELD AS ATHE and is now better prepared to do any and all kinds of work

appertaining to contracting or any other class of work belonging to his trade, inthe same good and workmanlike manner as heretofore ; having curtailed my shopexpenses and still retain plenty of room to do any and all kinds of work appertain-ing to the building trade that may be entrusted to my care. 1 am enabled to dothe same at very low rates, to suit the extremely dull times, and at the same time


Horses Kept.


FOR SALE:Stallions of Various Breeds.

Mares with or without FoalHorses for any Purpose.


A Skilfnl BREAKER and TRAINERis employed on the Ranch.

Satisfaction is guaranteed in Breaking


bearing in mind that what is worth doing

Thanking theI



JPedigrees of all


The following Fine Animals will standfor Service at the Ranch, Waialae:Well-bre- d Stallion IJl.JZ1N."

Norman Stallion" Cl3?XI3ST GROWL."

Thoroughbred Stal. "IVXIDNIGrHT."Two Native Stallions

"PILIAOAO" and " FRANK."A. "Well-bre- d Kentucky JACK.




I., a- -. -

' " v-



i ;

v :






- . f

j ill



?a t


.ft : J

MESSES. KING-- BEOS.Invite the inspection of their Large Stock of SHEET PICTURES



Corner of Seal and Howard Street ,

San Francisco ..... California

W. H. TAYLOR ,. PresidensK.S.MOOKE.. .Superintended-- '

Builders of Steam Machinery

In all lta branches. .

Steamboat, Steamship. Land Engines & Boilers,High Pressure or Compound.

STEAM VESSELS of all kinds built complete,with hulls ot wood, Iron or composite.

ORDINARY ENGINES compounded when ad-

visable.STEAM LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam Tugs con-

structed with reference to the trade in whiobthey are to be employed. Speed, tonnage anddraft of water guaranteed.

SUGAR MILLS and Sugar Making Machlnerjmade after the most approved plans. Also, allBoiler Iron Work connected therewith.

WATER PIPE, of Boiler oi 4heet Iron, of anysize, made in suitable lengths for connectingtogether, or Sheets rolled, punched and packedfor shipment, ready to be riveted on theground.

HYDRAULIC RIVETING, Boiler Work and WaterPipes made by this establishment, riveted bhydraulic riveting machinery, that quality ofwork beint; far superior to haud work.

SHIP WORE, Ship and Steam Capstans, SteamWinches, Air and Circulating Pumps, madeafter the most approved plans.

SOLE Agents and manufacturers for the PacificCoast of the Heine 8afety Boiler.

PUMPS Direct Acting Pumps for irrigation oxcity works' purposes, built with the celebratedDavy Valve Motion, superior to any otherpump.

JOHN DYEK Honolulu13m Room No. 3. upstairs. Spreckels Block


Paauhau Plantation, I

Hawaii, March 9, 1888. j

Bisdon Iron and Locomotive Works, San Fran-cisco.

Gentlemen We have used two of yourFilter Tresses thisseason. They

are convenient, easily handled and are workingentirely to our satisfaction. I can recommendno improvement on them.

Very respectfully yours.(signed) A. Moobb,

Manager Paauhau Plantation.

Heeia, Sept. 28, 1889.Mb. John Dteb, Agent Bisdon Iron Works,

Honolulu.Deab Sin: Please ship us one of your 30

Compartment Filter Presses, 240 square feetsurface, same as the one supplied us last season,which I am pleased to say has given us entiresatisfaction. Yours truly,

GEO. R. EWART,Manager Heeia Agricultural Co.

These Presses are made extra heavy forhigh pressures, occupies a floor space of llx4Tft., and presents a filtering: surface of 240square feet A limited number In stock InHonolulu and are sold at very low prices.

Rlsdon Iron ATLoco. WorksSan Francisco.

or particulars enquire ofJOHN DYER Honolul

Room No. 3 Spreckels' Block:234 W. G. IRWIN & Co., A gents

Baldwin Locomotives!

The undersigned having been ap-pointed Agents for the Hawaiian Islands


Baldwin LocomotivesFrom the Works of

Burnham, Parry, Williams & Co.,

Philadelphia, Penn.,

Are now prepared to give estimates andreceive orders for these engines, of anysize and style.

The Baldwdi Locomotive Works arenow manufacturing a style of Locomo-tive particularly adopted

- For Plantation Purposes,

A number of which have recently beenreceived at these Islands, and we willhave pleasure in furnishing PlantationAgents and Managers with particulars ofsame.

The superiority of these Locomotivesover all other makes is not only knownhere but is acknowledged throughout theUnited States.

" WM. 6. IRWIN & Co.,Agents for Hawaiian Islandp.

. 21 1307

NEW GOODSA Fine Assortment.

We have just received per S. S. Mariposa,a fine selection of New Goods,

comprising, oneelegant

Hand-paint- ed Porcelain Dinner Set.

A few of those fine hand-embroider- ed


Assorted colors and patterns of CrepeSilk Shawls. Elegant Tete--a te Cups

and Saucers. A fine lot of


A few of those handy Mosquito Urns.Also, an assortment of new styles of

Rattan Chairs and TablesAlso, a small selection of JAPANESE


Call early and examine this ' finassortment of New Goods.

WING "W0 CHAN & CO.No. 22 Nuuanu Street.

155-l- y.

ARE YOU ILL?Dr. Pleree's Belt itthe only perfect ElectricBdy-Btr- y. It willpositively cure NervousDiseases, Rheumatism,Leme Back, Im potency,Kidne7 Complaint, Dys- -

f i""mu emai weannesa. inoasan as corediSiJSf Forwarded safely toany partof the worldfar WmnkUt v. a a j .1 m

8n Francisco, CaL, U.S.A. ,?Itecui-pwnph.No.dbManewInT-


small building, some hundred yardsaway, with a large sign of "postolhcoon it, he inquired for Mr. Thurs-ton. That gentleman made himselfknown and the stranger said:

"You speak down at Sidney to-

night, I hear.""Yes, I expect to."4 'I reckon I'll come down with my

partition and do a little work.""What is your petition for?" inquir-

ed the judge."The postoffice up there," and the

man pointed with his thumb."Is there a good prospect that you

will get it?""You bet I'm sure of it, but I

''lowed a few more names wouldn't dono hurt When I git it there's goin'to be the dogondest biggest" changeyou ever seen in a small place."

"How's that?""Why, I ain't had a letter out o'

that air office fer over two years.""Why not?""The dinged critter that has it now

says he will shoot me ou sight, andvo'u bet he'd do it too, so I lay mightylow. When a letter comes fer me henails it to the door, shoots it full o'holes, sends word fer me to come andget it and watches fer mo out o thewinder."

"How comes he to have such a dis-like for you?"

"Claims I stolo one o' his steers. Ididn't touch one o hU steers till he'dhooked two o' my calves and I canpi-ov-

e it. But jess you wait till mycommission gits here and I get hold o'that oflice. I'll wad the first letterthat comes fer him in my shotgun andfire it down the well. Jess wait a lit-tle, jedge ; he'll find that I can poundstamps with one hand and coyer thefront door with a six shooter with theother jess as well as he can. My nameis old Jim White, and you bet whenI've got my boots on' 1 can tie up theeastern mail with my teeth and holda gun on the gcn'ral deliv'ry andmoney order winder both at the sametime. Old Jim White ain't no rabbitwhen it comes to holdin' a gover'mentposition an' lookin' out for his rights."

New York Tribune.

A Boston Cat's Ride.One of Boston's handsomest Maltese

cats arrived in this city this noon onthe 12 :21 express via Springfield. Shesecured passage in a drawing roomcar, or rather under it, just before thetrain left the Boston and Albany de--

Eot in Boston, and came through in aOne of the porters on the

train noticed her seated cozily uponthe break beam of one of the trucksjust before the train started, but sup-posed she would jump off when thecar began to move. On the contrary,the cat fastened her claws into thewoodwork all the firmer when thetrain started, and during her ride of126 miles maintained her position un-disturbed bv the whirlwind of sandand gravel that would have smotheredan ordinary mortal. When the trainreached the city she was still in pos-session of her senses, and had becomeso firmly attached to her new homethat the porter could scarcely pull heroff tho truck. When he did she, how-ever, quickly ran back and took herformer seat on the truck, and it wasonly when the baggage master againpulled her off and held her in his armstill the train moved, away that thecultured cat could be persuaded to. re-main in the capital city. She was notin the least disturbed by her rapidtransit, and when Hackman Banningplaced her on the back seat of his hackshe immediately began to purr con-tentedly, and rode in great style to hexnew home on Barber street, runningher claws down into the cushionedscat and pulling slowly upon the clothin her musical peace of mind. Hart-ford Post.

Sot Hired to Think."That reminds me of Corp. Chum-ley,- "

said he. "Corp. Chumley wasin my regiment. He enlisted fromBelfast, I think. Got to be corporaland was then reduced to the ranksagain. They thought he hadn't hard-ly the timber for an officer. - One day.down south, Chumley was stationedas a sentry before our earthworks.Gen. Er&n came riding along andfound the sentry lolling around, hisgun laid up against the earthworks.

"'Get up there P said the general.Don't you know any better than that?'

" No,' said Chumley.' 'Don't you know any better than

to stand your gun up that way so thatthe gravel wiM rattle down into themuzzle?' .

' r44 'No,4 said Chumley, shaking his

head."Well, confound you, what do

thinkf asked the officer, angrily.44 'I don't think,' said Chumley,

soldiers are not hired to think. Theofficers are hired to do our thinkingfo us.4 " Lewiston Journal.

Tommy Waft Getting On.Visitor Well, Tommy, how are you

getting on at school ?Tommy (age 8) First rate. I ain't

doing as well as some of the otherboys, though. I can stand on myhead, but have to put my feet againstthe fence. I want to do it without be-ing near the fence at all, and 1 canafter I've been to school long enough.

-- Buffalo Courier.

v. Books About the Jews.

A well known book publisher wasremonstrated with the other day forselling the sensational book about theJews compiled by the Greek 'educa-tionalist" who has figured extensively

; in the papers of late. f

xWhy," said the publisher "I am a"friend of the Jews and some of my

best patrons are Jews. The book onlysells among them. As soon as I getthrough with one lot my Jewish ;

friends wish to buy more."This remark is true and tells, itsown

moraL Jewish Messenger. -

Have on band, a Large Stock of MANILA ROPE G Threadto 9 inch ; IRON WIRE, and Flexible STEEL ROPE, all sizes ; BoltRope, Lanyard Stuff, Ratline, Spunyarn, Marlin, Hambroline, Housline,Seizing Stuff, Wire Seizing, Whaleline, Oakum, Felt, Pitch, Ccal and

Stockholm Tar, Pitch Mops, and Tar Brushes.

BLOCKS Common and Patent, all sizes and styles;SHEAVES Common, Patent and Metaline bushed;

A Large Assortment ot

Galvanized and Brass Ship Hardware,Hubbucks White Lead, Zinc, Black Paint, Boiledand Raw Oil, Woolsey's & Tarr & Wonson's Copper Paint, Galvanizedand Black Chain, all sizes, Anchors, Oars, Boat Boards, Yellow METALSHEATHING and Nails, Copper and Galvanized Boat Nails, PatentLogs and Lines.. COTTON and FLAX CANVAS. Nos. 0 to 10, BoatSail Drill and Raven's Duck, and in fact everything that should befound in a well stocked Ship Chandlery Store. We sell FIRST-CLAS- S

Goods at LOWEST Market Rates. Call and see for yourselves at



Arrival 0

131 Days from J


New ft

Anchors, Chains,Cocoa Mats, Kettle,

Sauce Pans, Fit ItBedsteads,

Fence .Fa.

1White Lead, Bed Id,Boiled Linseed Oil,

Castor Oil, Belting,

Coal Tar, Water TanU

Fire Brick, Alum,

Red Ochre, Fire CUv,

Bags, Twine,Filter Cloth,

Soap, Groceries,Boots and SLoes,

Perfumery, Flags,

Rope Brushes,



Bridles, Felts, WWBlankets, Sheeting,

Dry Goods, Merino

Shawls, Handkerchief

Victoria Lawns,

Mosquito Netting, WLaces, Ribbons, MlVelvets, Embroider

Flannel,Basket Trunks,


Hugs, Mats, CjClothing. T5


Underwear, Braces,

Sofa Pillows.Gloves, Flouncing. ;

Embroidery. CortM

Table Napkins,

Table Cloths,Water-proo-f Cott

Artificial Flowers.

Dust Cloaks,

Pajama Suits,

Dinner Sets,Tea Sets,

Desert Sets, .Fancy u"7

Umbrella Stand,

Decanters,Salad Bowls,

Muah Sets,

Flower Pota,

Filters,Etc. Etc., Etc.


Picture MTouldine--s

Lately imported of tUe latest designs inmarket, from whmh thev

at the veryOld Pictures Renovated and Made

and Californiajvl.nntruj T BrassU7iJt n-SiSM5-


gfeat variety, personally selected for thisr nMno A I u t?Lowest Prices.

Look Like New at Very Small Cost

Hat Racks, Boquet Stands, Mirrors, Etc.

ia ... .

of Artists' TVTnrvr.foic,

57-2- m

. E. Alclntyre & Bro.ofPa,

Wall Brackets, Book Shelves, Easels,

IN FANCY fiOfYns tha.. -- l

A Complete Stock

at all is worth doing well.

public for past favors,remain respectfully yours,


& SON, L'cl,

d Slier toilers

Corner of Fort and King Streets.



Gents New Silk Umbrella cost $4 75 $2 50.Ladies' Umbrella cost fo 2.50.Ladies Colored Parasols $1 25 each.Children's Colored Parasols $1.Ladies' Balbriggan tine Stockings embry.

each side 30c. a pair.Ladies' Balbriggan fine Stockings embry.

each side 25c. a pair.Ladies' Balbriggan fine Lisle Stockings

embry. each side 25c. a pair.All Colored of Worsted low price.Window Curtain by yard and pair below

cost.Gents' & Boys' Colored Shirts 50c.

each.Ladies Fine Woolen Shawls 75c. each.All kinds of Woolen Shawls $2.50, $3.Large Size Col. Double Blankets $4 to $5.Large assort. Embrv. Silk Hdfa. $1 tn

$1 25.Large asst. Plain Hem st Silk Hdfs. and

colored border 50c. to 75c.Chin.Silk Crepe (black & white) low priceLadies' Kid Gloves ( white) 75c.Ladies' Colored Mitts all kinds, cheap.Ladies' Col.& White Lin. HandkerchiefsAll kinds Ostrich Feathers 75c. to $1.All kinds Ostrich Tips 50c. to 75c.All kinds Embry. Laces sale below cost.Chinese Pajamas Suits $3 50 a suit.Chinese Cotton Pajamas Suits $1 50.Geuts' Suits, Coats & Pants below cost.Gents' White Suits, Coats & Pants $2 50

, Gents' Light Coat & Vest $1 00.Also large assort. Diagonal, Blue Serge,

Black Cloth suitable for suits, etc.Colored Mosquito Netting at 50c. pc.

xv jus. a piece.Ladies' & Children Straw Hats all kinds

color.Ruching in Black and white below cost.

3 jTards for25.Ladies' Bags (all size) and assort. Fisher's

black and cream.Large assort. Satin'Ribbons all colors).Gents' Plain & Embry. Woolen Shirts.Ladies' Chemise Night Gown & Draw.Large assort. Crockery, Etc., Etc., Etc.


Groceries, JProvisioii and Feed)EAST CORNER FORT - - .w. iv vcuw jrJUu up,

Hawaiian Scenes in Water and Oil Colors in Great Variety,By different Artists. Also,times to flU orders for Menu CardSKhefableU8mPaTluf " -

fflCTThis fi rm rAvrkfoa ita VjOa it a.

New Goods received by every pacset from the Eastern states and Europe Californiaproduce by every steamer. All ordersfaItbinlly attended to, and Goods delivered to any part of thecity free of charge. Island orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Postoffice Box No. 416Teierron wo. wz

Grand Clearance Sale! KINO BROS. ART STORE, Hotel St. near Fort.

Pacific Hardware Co.,(LRMITED.)

Concord Lamp Attachments !

nJ?-- AKerosene Oil Stove hich can be used

P i5urner' Every family thould



72 Ladies' asstd. Embroidered Suits, inboxes, line and very cheap.

Ladies' Balbriggan Under Vests, 50c. ea.Lambrequins, formerly $3, now 75c.White Flannel, ail wool, 50c. yer yard.White Flannel, all wool, 35c. per yard.Ladies' Silk Gloves, asstd colors, long

and short, 50 and 75c.Dress Goods, Cotton Flannel, 8 yds. ?l.Pink Marsalles, 10 Ui, 12.Honeycomb, 10, 11 , 2i, all wool Merinos, 50 to tOc. yard.Black Spanish Lace, $1 vard.90 in. Alosq. Netting 10 yds. at $1 50 a

piece. - i

Best White Cotton 16 yds. $1.90 in. of White Sheeting at 33c. a vard.Brown Cotton 16 yds. $1.Fast Colored of New Prints 16 up to IS

yds. $1.Brown Linen 6 yds. $1.White Heavy Moleskin at 50c. a yard.26 in. Grey and YTnite Flannel 25c.a yard.Chinese Pongee Silk (yellow and blue)

$5 a wme wmie rigure juinen xaoie

Cloth 50c. a yard.2x1 White Figure Linen Table Cloth

$2 a piece. ' - - -

iixl White figure Jmeu Table Cloth75c. a piece.

lKxlU Garnet Figure Linen Table Cloth?l 50 apiece. ?

Fine Colored Satin at 75c. a yard.Fine Garnet Velveteen at 50c. a yard.Gents' Unlaundried Shirts at 50c. a piece.Boys' Unlaundried Shirts at 35c. a piece.Gents' Socks embry. each side 20c. a pair.Grey and Merino Socks 25c. a pair.Gents' India Gauze Undershirt 50c. piece.Gents' India Gauze Undershirt 25c. piece.Gents' Balbriggan Undershirt 75c. piece.Gents' Cotton Flannel Shirt and Drawers

1 a suit.

have one.


Invoice of


Crockery and Glassware Just to Hand


WARE, Etc.


Additions to our regular lines bv late

is Skins, Dandy Brushes, Oos.


B311-- tf



I ...
