commercial properties - دراية المالية...derayah reit, 8 commercial properties q4 2019...

Derayah REIT, 8 Commercial Properties Q4 2019 Updated Final Valuation Report February 19, 2020 8 Commercial Properties February 19, 2020 The Derayah Real Estate Custody Company Tunuf Real Estate Advisory VREC 1905072 License 1210000503 Updated Final Valuation Report

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Derayah REIT, 8 Commercial Properties Q4 2019 Updated Final Valuation Report February 19, 2020


8 Commercial Properties

February 19, 2020 The Derayah Real

Estate Custody


Tunuf Real Estate


VREC 1905072

License 1210000503


Updated Final Valuation Report

Page 2: Commercial Properties - دراية المالية...Derayah REIT, 8 Commercial Properties Q4 2019 Updated Final Valuation Report February 19, 2020 6 agents, developers, investment

Derayah REIT, 8 Commercial Properties Q4 2019 Updated Final Valuation Report February 19, 2020


Table of Contents

1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................... 3

2. MARKET COMMENTARY ................................................................................................................................ 7

3. YIELD COMMENTARY ................................................................................................................................... 11

4. RIYADH INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX ................................................................................................................. 12

5. RIYADH MEDICAL CENTER .......................................................................................................................... 18

6. RIYADH SCHOOL BUILDING ........................................................................................................................ 24

7. JEDDAH INDUSTRIALCOMPLEX ................................................................................................................. 30

8. JEDDAH OFFICE BUILDING ......................................................................................................................... 36

9. DAMMAM INDUSTRIAL WAREHOUSES ..................................................................................................... 43

10. DAMMAM LABOR ACCOMODATION ............................................................................................................ 51

11. KHOBAR COMMERCIAL BUILDING ............................................................................................................. 58

12. VALUATION .................................................................................................................................................... 68

13. APPENDIX (1) ................................................................................................................................................ 69

14. APPENDIX (2) ................................................................................................................................................ 70

15. TUNUF’S BACKGROUND ......................................................................................................................... 73

16. APPENDIX (3) - TUNUF’S TEAM.................................................................................................................. 74

17. APPENDIX (4) – TUNUF TAQEEM LICENSE ............................................................................................... 75

18. APPENDIX (6) – PROPERTIES PICTURES .................................................................................................. 77

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Derayah REIT, 8 Commercial Properties Q4 2019 Updated Final Valuation Report February 19, 2020



TO: The Derayah Real Estate Custody Company

PO Box 286546, 2nd Floor, Olaya Centre, Olaya Street,

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Tel: +966(11)2998000

Email: [email protected] Wednesday, February 19, 2020

1.1. PROJECT BACKGROUND With reference to your request to update the value for 8 commercial properties located in Riyadh,

Jeddah, Dammam and Khobar, Saudi Arabia “Subject Properties”, Tunuf herewith provides you with

the Market Value for the “Subject Properties”.

1.2. CLIENT The Client to whom the valuation report will be prepared is The Derayah Real Estate Custody

Company- (“the Client”).

1.3. PURPOSE OF VALUATION The valuation report is prepared for financial reporting purpose only as part of the CMA

requirements for REITs.

1.4. INTENDED USERS The Client, the Public

1.5. SUBJECT OF VALUATION The following table shows the properties subject of valuation:

SN Location Type Land Area (Sq. m.) Total Built Up Area (Sq. m.)

1 Riyadh Industrial Complex 214,597.78 96,768

2 Riyadh Medical Center 2,500 4,502

3 Riyadh School Building 5,593.59 11,645

4 Jeddah Industrial Complex 39,981.98 25,828.26

5 Jeddah Office Building 2,691.8 10,409

6 Dammam Industrial Warehouses 12,000 9,672

7 Dammam Labor Accommodation 2,163.38 5,029

8 Khobar Commercial Building 2,187.5 10,596 Source: The Client

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Derayah REIT, 8 Commercial Properties Q4 2019 Updated Final Valuation Report February 19, 2020


1.6. INTEREST OF VALUATION The interests to be valued is the freehold interest of the subject properties, free of any

encumbrances or third-party interests.

1.7. BASIS OF VALUATION The basis of our valuation is Market Value, which is defined by the International Valuation Standards

Council IVSC as (IVS):

IVS "Market value is the estimated amount for which an asset or liability should exchange on the

valuation date between a willing buyer and a willing seller in an arm’s length transaction, after

proper marketing and where the parties had each acted knowledgeably, prudently and without

compulsion "

1.8. DATE OF VALUATION The Valuation date is December 30, 2019.

1.9. INSPECTION The properties were inspected by Abdullah Al Harbi, Mohammed Alquaifil and Meshari AlKurbi

between November 9 and 13, 2019. The following table highlights the inspections details. We note

that our inspections were done on a visual and external basis only.

SN Location Type Inspection By Date of Inspection

1 Riyadh Industrial Complex Abdullah Al Harbi November 13, 2019

2 Riyadh Medical Center Abdullah Al Harbi November 13, 2019

3 Riyadh School Complex Mohammed Alquaifil November 13, 2019

4 Jeddah Industrial Complex Meshari AlKurbi November 9, 2019

5 Jeddah Office Building Meshari AlKurbi November 13, 2019

6 Dammam Industrial Warehouses Meshari AlKurbi November 13, 2019

7 Dammam Labor Accommodation Meshari AlKurbi November 13, 2019

8 Khobar Commercial Building Meshari AlKurbi November 13, 2019 Source: Tunuf – December 2019

1.10. STATE OF REPAIR AND CONDITION OF THE PROPERTIES We have not been instructed to undertake a building survey. Our inspections were undertaken on a

visual basis only. At the dates of inspections, the properties appeared to be well maintained and in

a reasonable condition given their age and current use. Our opinion of value is based on the

assumption that the subject properties have been maintained to a reasonable standard and do not

require any structural repairs or alterations. Should any substantial maintenance or repair works

be required our opinion of value may be affected. Furthermore, we would recommend building

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Derayah REIT, 8 Commercial Properties Q4 2019 Updated Final Valuation Report February 19, 2020


surveys are conducted by a qualified professional to further establish the condition of the


1.11. SERVICES We have assumed that the subject properties have the benefit of all standard services, amenities

and utilities including Electricity, Water and Sewage available for each site. We will include a note

on each of the subject properties detailed in the report enclosed when this is not the case.

1.12. CONTAMINATION AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Our valuations have been prepared on the assumption that no contamination or hazardous

material exists on site sufficient to affect value. We suggest that specialist investigations are

undertaken by appropriately qualified consultants to confirm the same.

1.13. GROUND CONDITIONS FOR LAND PLOTS We have made the assumption that ground conditions are suitable for the current buildings and

structures or any future development/re-development.

1.14. PERSONNEL This Valuation report has been prepared by Abdullah Al Harbi, Analyst and was reviewed by Ahmed

Fathy, Consulting Manager under the supervision of Meshari AlKurbi, Acting CEO.

We confirm that the valuers responsible for this valuation are independent and qualified for the

purpose of the valuation in accordance with Taqeem and IVS.

1.15. STATUS In preparing this valuation, we have acted as External Valuer, which is defined in the RICS Valuation

Standards (2017) as

"A valuer who, together with any associates, has no material links with the client, an agent acting on

behalf of the client or the subject of the assignment."

1.16. LIABILITY With reference to the mutual agreement, our liability will be to the Client only, and not to any third

party, and will be limited to the total fee payable for this valuation assignment.

1.17. NATURE AND SOURCE OF THE INFORMATION We have relied on information provided by the Client in relation to the subject properties, which

includes location layout plans, commercial contracts and title deeds.

We independently made enquiries in relation to the market conditions and outlook, pricing, sales

rates, discount rates and development returns using a variety of sources including brokers and

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agents, developers, investment bankers, and government sources, as well as reputable publications

and data providers.

1.18. APPROACH We have mainly relied on the Income Approach (Investment Method) for the purpose of the

valuation. We have also relied on the DRC Method as a benchmark.

1.19. DISCLOSURE We are not aware of any existing conflicts or potential conflicts of interest, which would prevent us

from providing an independent and objective opinion of value of any of the assets.

1.1. MARKET VALUE Our opinion of the Market Value of the Subject Properties, as of December 31, 2019 are as follows:

SN Location Type Market Value (SAR)

1 Riyadh Industrial Complex 171,000,000

2 Riyadh Medical Center 20,650,000

3 Riyadh School Complex 41,000,000

4 Jeddah Industrial Complex 41,000,000

5 Jeddah Office Building 65,400,000

6 Dammam Industrial Warehouses 18,560,000

7 Dammam Labor Accommodation 10,600,000

8 Khobar Commercial Building 38,700,000 Source: Tunuf – December 2019

Our opinion of Market Value is based on the Scope of Work and Valuation Assumptions attached.

Meshari AlKurbi, Taqeem AR

Acting CEO (License No: 1210000503)

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2.1. RIYADH INDUSTRIAL MARKET OVERVIEW As the Saudi economy attempts to diversify from oil, great emphasis and resources are allocated to

domesticate manufacturing, production lines, and logistics-based services. Industrial warehouses

have witnessed a significant decrease in demand in recent years with the oil crisis since 2016 along

with a steady new supply whether completed or scheduled. However, future demand is more likely

to require a new type of warehouses that will provide a downward pressure on rental rates of

conventional warehouses that do not meet new imposed regulations by the government, while

iconic/quality compliant storage space would be in high demand. There are new global and regional

trends that will be seen as developers compete to attract key high-profile tenants to achieve

organically sustainable and profitable projects. Due to changing retailing dynamics as a result of

online shopping and international companies gaining access to the Saudi Market, demand for quality

warehouses is expected to grow optimizing storage space through the introduction of warehouses

with higher ceiling, availability of logistical support services, proximity to major client groups, which

is controlled by government regulations, and road network.

We believe that, given the introduction of new regulations, there is a demand for smaller storage

space designated use within the city to facilitate and connect clients to various businesses while

also providing storage solutions for individuals renting residential units that are getting smaller as

a result of increasingly development and up keep costs.

Industrial Property Risks

▪ Downward pressure on rental rates as a result of additional supply in addition to new

regulations imposed by the government leading to additional costs associated with

developing such properties.

▪ Economic uncertainty coupled with the lack of initiatives to stimulate the market would

definitely lead to more business exiting the market resulting in lower demand.

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2.2. RIYADH HEALTHCARE MARKET OVERVIEW Healthcare is one of the more active sectors in the real estate market in recent years with the

government focusing its goals of vision 2030 to elevate the health standards and services

throughout the kingdom. Private healthcare services have witnessed a considerable increase in

supply with higher demand for hospitals, clinics and medical centers in areas of the city where

public healthcare is either inadequate or non-existing.

Healthcare Property Risks

▪ Downward pressure on rental rates as a result of additional supply in addition to new

regulations imposed by the government

▪ Higher operating expenses, because of inefficient management or an increase in labor cost

2.3. RIYADH EDUCATION MARKET OVERVIEW Education is one of the more active sectors in the real estate market in recent years with the

government focusing its goals of vision 2030 to elevate the education standards throughout the

kingdom. Private education has witnessed a considerable increase in supply with higher demand

for good quality education.

Education Property Risks

▪ Downward pressure on rental rates as a result of additional supply in addition to new

regulations imposed by the government

▪ Higher operating expenses, because of inefficient management or an increase in labor cost

2.4. JEDDAH INDUSTRIAL MARKET OVERVIEW As the Saudi economy attempts to diversify from oil, great emphasis and resources are allocated

to domesticate manufacturing, production lines, and logistics-based services. Industrial

warehouses have witnessed a significant decrease in demand in recent years with the oil crisis

since 2016 along with a steady new supply whether completed or scheduled. However, new

demand trends show a shift to a new type of warehouses unlike current supply of conventional


Industrial Property Risks

▪ Downward pressure on rental rates as a result of additional supply in addition to new

regulations imposed by the government leading to additional costs associated with

developing such properties.

▪ Economic uncertainty coupled with the lack of initiatives to stimulate the market would

lead to more business exiting the market resulting in lower demand.

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2.5. JEDDAH OFFICE MARKET OVERVIEW The Saudi economy has recently been through several changes which have had significant effect on

the office market. The Saudi government has been trying to shift the economy away from its reliance

on oil. Laws and initiatives have been put in place to optimize the economy. To survive the changes

implemented by the Saudi government of vision 2030, businesses have been attempting to cut costs

and downsize which effects the office space demand.

Office Property Risks

▪ Downward pressure on rental rates as a result of additional supply in addition to new

regulations imposed by the government leading to additional costs associated with

developing such properties.

▪ Economic uncertainty coupled with the lack of initiatives to stimulate the market would

definitely lead to more business exiting the market resulting in lower demand.

2.6. DAMMAM INDUSTRIAL MARKET OVERVIEW As the Saudi economy attempts to diversify from oil, great emphasis and resources are allocated to

domesticate manufacturing, production lines, and logistics-based services. Industrial warehouses

have witnessed a significant decrease in demand in recent years with the oil crisis since 2016 along

with a steady new supply whether completed or scheduled. However, the new demand may require

a new type of warehouses not the conventional warehouses.

Industrial Property Risks

▪ Downward pressure on rental rates as a result of additional supply in addition to new

regulations imposed by the government leading to additional costs associated with

developing such properties.

▪ Economic uncertainty coupled with the lack of initiatives to stimulate the market would

lead to more business exiting the market resulting in lower demand.

2.7. DAMMAM LABOUR ACCOMMODATION MARKET OVERVIEW Part of the Saudi Vision 2030 plan to attract foreign talent and specialized labor in addition to

Saudization of key positions in the private and public sectors, the Saudi government has

implemented few initiatives designed to increase the average cost of foreign labor bringing it

closer to Saudization (employment of Saudi labor) encouraging small and medium business and

the private sector in general to employ Saudi labor/talent. This has resulted in a considerable

number of foreign outflows from the country resulting in lower demand for labor accommodation

in the short term. However, as other initiatives and laws take place to attract specialized

labor/talent, demand for affordable to good quality accommodations in key areas is expected to

grow in the medium term.

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Labor Accommodation Property Risks

▪ Downward pressure on rental rates as a result of additional supply in addition to new

regulations imposed by the government leading to additional costs associated with

developing such properties.

▪ Economic uncertainty coupled with the lack of initiatives to stimulate the market would

lead to more business exiting the market resulting in lower demand.

2.8. KHOBAR OFFICE MARKET OVERVIEW With new projects having been completed recently or in their final stages, office supply is expected

to increase. The Saudi economy has recently been through several changes which have had great

effect on the office market. The Saudi government has been trying to shift the economy away from

its reliance on oil. Laws and initiatives have been put in place in an effort to optimize the economy

as a whole. In an effort to survive the changes implemented by the Saudi government of vision 2030,

businesses have been attempting to cut costs and downsize. As a direct result of the pressure felt

by these changes, a downward pressure has been noted on office rental rates. In the long run,

considering Aramco’s plan to increase the localization of products and services, demand for office

space could increase.

2.9. KHOBAR RETAIL MARKET OVERVIEW With new projects having been completed recently or in their final stages, retail space is expected

to increase. The Saudi economy has recently been through several changes which have had great

effect on the office market. The Saudi government has been trying to shift the economy away from

its reliance on oil. Laws and initiatives have been put in place in an effort to optimize the economy

as a whole. In an effort to survive the changes implemented by the Saudi government of vision

2030, businesses have been attempting to cut costs and downsize. The value added tax law

implemented by the government in 2017 has had a negative effect on retail sales and demand for

retail space, but with the licensing of cinema theaters in Saudi, demand is expected to increase as

it shifts from other Gulf countries. Rental rates and occupancy have remained relatively stable.

Property Risks

▪ Lower occupancy and a downward pressure on rental rates as a result of delay in

Aramco’s initiatives execution and the new supply

▪ Higher operating expenses, as a result of inefficient management or an increase in labor


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Considering the current economic conditions and recent events, real estate transactions have

dropped in number for the last 2-4 years. Recent low oil prices, as a main source of income for the

Saudi Arabian Economy despite the government’s attempts to diversify income sources, has been a

major role in slowing the economy wheel in recent years. Saudi Arabia has launched the

transformation plan to achieve the Saudi Vision 2030, which entailed the introduction of a number

of initiatives aimed at making and sustaining an efficient and self-reliant economy. Despite recent

uplift in oil prices, uncertainty in the market is evident by the slowdown in developments of new

projects, decline in foreign investments and the outflow/displacement of local cashflow abroad.

Furthermore, considering the ambiguity in the real estate market, we have had relied on information

that is available to us from previous work in the Market in addition to transactions and listings in the

area surrounding the Subject Properties. From researching the area surrounding the Subject

Properties, we understand that there are several factors that can affect the income producing

properties for sale, these factors include the following:

▪ Tenancy

• Number of Tenants

• Weighted Average Remaining Lease Term

▪ Lease Rate

• Service Charge

• Escalations

▪ Lease agreement clauses

▪ Property Specifics

• Location

• Access

• Parking Provision

• Facilities and services available

▪ Market Conditions

• Supply

• Demand

Since the subject properties are income-generating assets, we have relied on the Income

Approach (Discounted Cashflows-DCF and investment methods), while using the

Depreciated Replacement Method (DRC) for benchmarking purposes. We relied on the

investment method in cases where the passing/contracted rent is in line with the market

rent, while relying on the DCF method when there is a difference in income level between

passing/contracted rent and market rent.

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4.1. LOCATION The Subject Property is located along an internal street in Al Sulai District, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

The following map highlights the Subject Property location in relation to the south side of Riyadh


Source: Google Earth modified by Tunuf

4.2. DESCRIPTION The property comprises gated industrial warehouses complex and a vacant land plot, which is

leased to a third party, both on a land measuring 214,597.78 Sq. m. as per the title deed provided

by the Client.


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4.3. TENURE We have been provided with a copy of the Title Deed for the land plot where the Subject Property is

built. The Title Deed relevant details are summarized below:

Item Description

Title Deed No. 9101220410019

Title Deed Date 20-04-1440 H

Source First Notary Office

Block # 38

Plot No. South west part of Block 38 (N/A)

Land Area (Sq. m) 214,597.78

Source: The Client

4.4. BUILDING LEASE AGREEMENT We have received a copy of the lease agreement in place for the Subject Property. The lease

agreement is a 5 years triple net lease with a net operating income of SAR 18,230,000 per annum.

Additionally, we understand that part of the Property is leased as a land plot to a third party for

SAR 800,000 per annum for 10 years. We note that the previous owner of the subject property is

the current tenant. We recommend an independent inquiry to verify the above. We have based our

contracted income on the lease agreement information above. Tunuf reserves the right to amend

the valuation incase the above-mentioned is not enforced.

4.5. PLANNING AND ZONING We received a copy of the Building Permit from the Client for the Subject Property. For the purpose

of the valuation, we have assumed that the Subject Property complies with all relevant authority

planning and zoning requirements. We would recommend that the client undertake further

investigations to confirm the same. We have summarized the Building Permit key information below

Item Description

Floors 1 (G)

Total Built Up Area (Sq. m) 96,768

Number of warehouses 17

Source: Building Permit provided by the Client

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4.6. WAREHOUSES MARKET RENT COMMENTARY The property comprises gated industrial warehouses complex and a vacant land plot, which is

leased to a third party, both on a land measuring 214,597.78 Sq. m. as per the title deed provided by

the Client. We confirmed that warehouse rental prices in the area is between the range of 91 SAR

per Sq. m. up to 159 SAR per Sq. m. for warehouses sizes ranging between 3,500 Sq. m. and 218,925

Sq. m. The below table shows the price range of warehouses rent rates.

Warehouse Rental Comparables

Source: Tunuf

Warehouse Rental Comparables Map

Source: Google Earth modified by Tunuf 2019

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4.7. APPROACHES In arriving at our opinion of Market Value of the freehold interest in the subject property, we have

adopted one or more of the following valuation methodologies:

Comparable Method

The market approach derives the value of the Property by comparing it to other properties for which

the price is known. Ideally, the property is compared and contrasted to identical properties which

have recently been sold, or where no recent transactions have taken place, the asking price at which

the comparable properties are currently listed for sale. Adjustments may be required to reflect the

time has passed between the transaction and the date of valuation or the price that is expected to

be achieved following a negotiated sale. Following an analysis of the terms of the sale, an

appropriate unit of comparison is chosen, for example, a rate per square foot/meter of

land/buildings. Further subsequent adjustments may be required to factor in differences in

location, size (quantum), quality and specification, permitted use etcetera and any instructions

received which are specific to the assignment.

Investment Method (Income Capitalization)

The Investment Method derives Market Value from the capitalization of a property’s net income. The

method requires a market derived projection of annual net operating income (NOI) for a subject

property based on the current and expected lease or other arrangements and occupant profile. This

NOI is then capitalized in perpetuity (or lease expiry in the case of leasehold property) using a market

derived capitalization rate to give the market value estimate. Allowance is made for any capital

expenditure costs required as well as making provision for a vacancy factor with reference to

historic letting experience.

Discounted Cashflow (DCF)

DCF is a financial modelling technique based on explicit assumptions regarding the current

contracted and prospective market cash flow generated from a property. DCF analysis involves the

projection of a series of periodic cash flows either to an operating property, a development property

or a business. To this projected cash flow series, an appropriate, market-derived discount rate is

applied to establish an indication of the present value of the future income stream associated with

the property. In the case of operating real properties, periodic cash flow is typically estimated as

gross income less vacancy and collection losses and less operating expenses/outgoings. The series

of periodic net operating incomes, along with an estimate of the reversion/terminal value,

anticipated at the end of the projection period, is then discounted.

Depreciated Replacement Cost Method (DRC)

Depreciated Replacement Cost is defined (RICS, 2005: Glossary) as “The current cost of reproduction

or replacement of an asset less deductions for physical deterioration and all relevant forms of

obsolescence and optimization.”

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Table of Land Comparables

Source: Tunuf Research Q4 2019

Land Comparables Map

Source: Google Earth, Modified by Tunuf Research Q4 2019

Land Market Value Commentary

We were able to confirm that the land prices in the area range between 453 SAR per Sq. m. up to

1,400 per Sq. m. We have based our land valuation on transaction number 5 and 6 and made some

negative adjustments for land size and locations. We have applied the rate of 500 per Sq. m.

Please note that we subtract the land lease agreement when assessing the land value while

calculating depreciated replacement cost.

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Depreciated Replacement Cost Method (DRC)

Item Description Land Area (Sq. m.) 214,598

Land Value (SAR/Sq. m.) 500

Land Value (SAR) 107,299,000

Land value after subtracting lease agreement (SAR) 92,299,000

Total BUA (Sq. m.) 96,768

Replacement Cost (SAR/Sq. m.) 950

Replacement Cost (SAR) 91,929,600

Effective age (Years) 9

Depreciation 30%

Building Useful Life (Years) 30

Depreciated Replacement Cost (SAR) 64,350,720

Total DRC (SAR) 156,649,720

Total Market Value (Rounded) (SAR) 156,650,000

Source: Tunuf

4.9. DISCOUNTED CASHFLOW METHOD VALUATION METRICS We have had regard to the valuation of the Subject Property using the DCF method. The following

table summarizes our assumptions and findings using the DCF method:

Item Discerption

Use Year (1-5): Single Tenant

Year (6): Single Tenant Lease Year (1-5): Triple net lease

Year (6): OPEX (5%) of Gross income Lease Term 5 years

DCF Period (Semi Annual) 11

Annual Discount rate (%) 11%*

Reversion Yield (%) 9%

Cash flow SAR 18,230,000 (year 1 to 5)-Contracted rent

SAR 15,773,358 (6th year) – Market Rent** Rental Income Growth (Inflation) (%) 1st Year – 5th Year = 0%

6th Year – Exit = 2.5% for 5 years 186

Exit Value (SAR) 166,496,560

Net Present Value (NPV) 171,186,336

Market Value (MV) (SAR) 171,000,000

Source: Tunuf

*Discount rate used reflects additional risk from contracted rent, which is higher than market rent.

**Market Rent includes Ground Rent for small land plot adjacent to the subject property.

As a result, the Market Value of the Subject Property is SAR 171,000,000.

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5.1. LOCATION The Subject Property is located along Ma’an Ibn Za’idah Street, Al Mansourah District (Previously

known as Khanshalilah), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

The following map highlights the Subject Property location in relation to Riyadh city.

Location Map

Source: Google Maps, Modified by Tunuf

5.2. DESCRIPTION (B+G+1st+Annex) Commercial Building (Medical Center/Clinics) built on a land plot measuring 2,500

Sq. m. as per the information provided by the Client.

5.3. TENURE We have been provided with a copy of the Title Deed for the land plot where the Subject Property is

built. The Title Deed relevant details are summarized below:

Item Description

Title Deed Number 910118042845

Title Deed Date 27/06/1440 H

Source First Notary Office

Master Plan # 2303

Plot No. 1/1/518

Land Area (Sq. m) 2,500

Source: The Client


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5.4. BUILDING LEASE AGREEMENT We have received a copy of the main lease agreement in place for the Subject Property. We have

summarized the lease agreement below:

Item Description

Title Deed Number 910118042845

Land Area (Sq. m) 2,500

Building Permit Number 1428/9070

Building Permit Date (H) 3-12-1432

Lease Type Triple Net Lease

Lease Term 20 Gregorian Years

Lease Start Date 15-12-2013

Lease Expiry Date 14-12-2033

Source: The Client

Years Annual Rent (SAR)

1-5 1,690,000

6-10 1,859,000

11-15 2,044,900

16-20 2,249,390

Source: The Client

5.5. PLANNING AND ZONING We received a copy of the Building Permit from the Client for the Subject Property. For the purpose

of the valuation, we have assumed that the Subject Property complies with all relevant authority

planning and zoning requirements. We would recommend that the client undertake further

investigations to confirm the same. We have summarized the Building Permit key information below:

Description Number of Units Area (Sq. m) Use

Basement 0 1,350 Parking

Ground Floor 1 792 Clinics

First Floor 1 1,600 Clinics

Roof Annex 1 760 Offices

Walls 0 150 Services

Source: Building Permit provided by the Client

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5.6. APPROACHES In arriving at our opinion of Market Value of the freehold interest in the subject property, we have

adopted one or more of the following valuation methodologies:

Comparable Method

The market approach derives the value of the Property by comparing it to other properties for which

the price is known. Ideally, the property is compared and contrasted to identical properties which

have recently been sold, or where no recent transactions have taken place, the asking price at which

the comparable properties are currently listed for sale. Adjustments may be required to reflect the

time has passed between the transaction and the date of valuation or the price that is expected to

be achieved following a negotiated sale. Following an analysis of the terms of the sale, an

appropriate unit of comparison is chosen, for example, a rate per square foot/meter of

land/buildings. Further subsequent adjustments may be required to factor in differences in

location, size (quantum), quality and specification, permitted use etcetera and any instructions

received which are specific to the assignment.

Investment Method (Income Capitalization)

The Investment Method derives Market Value from the capitalization of a property’s net income. The

method requires a market derived projection of annual net operating income (NOI) for a subject

property based on the current and expected lease or other arrangements and occupant profile. This

NOI is then capitalized in perpetuity (or lease expiry in the case of leasehold property) using a market

derived capitalization rate to give the market value estimate. Allowance is made for any capital

expenditure costs required as well as making provision for a vacancy factor with reference to

historic letting experience.

Discounted Cashflow (DCF)

DCF is a financial modelling technique based on explicit assumptions regarding the current

contracted and prospective market cash flow generated from a property. DCF analysis involves the

projection of a series of periodic cash flows either to an operating property, a development property

or a business. To this projected cash flow series, an appropriate, market-derived discount rate is

applied to establish an indication of the present value of the future income stream associated with

the property. In the case of operating real properties, periodic cash flow is typically estimated as

gross income less vacancy and collection losses and less operating expenses/outgoings. The series

of periodic net operating incomes, along with an estimate of the reversion/terminal value,

anticipated at the end of the projection period, is then discounted.

Depreciated Replacement Cost Method (DRC)

Depreciated Replacement Cost is defined (RICS, 2005: Glossary) as “The current cost of reproduction

or replacement of an asset less deductions for physical deterioration and all relevant forms of

obsolescence and optimization.”

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Buildings Market Rent Commentary

The Subject Property comprises (B+G+1st+Annex) Commercial Building (Medical Center/Clinics)

built on a land plot measuring 2,500 sq. m. The Subject Property is located along Ma’an Ibn Za’idah

Street, Al Mansourah District, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Below is the table showing the price range of

the buildings for Rent in the area:

Commercial Buildings for Rent

Source: Tunuf

Buildings for Rent Location Map

Source: Google Earth modified by Tunuf 2019

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Table of Land Comparables

Source: Tunuf

Land Comparables Location Map

Source: Google Maps, Modified by Tunuf

Land Market Value Commentary

We were able to confirm that the land prices in the area range between 1,331 SAR per Sq. m. up to

3,570 per Sq. m. We based in our land valuation on comparables number 5 and 7 and made

negative adjustments for land size, locations. We have applied the rate of 2,800 per Sq. m.

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Depreciated Replacement Cost Method

We have had regard to the valuation of the Subject Property using the Depreciated

Replacement cost method. The following table summarizes our assumptions and findings:

Item Description

Land Area (Sq. m.) 2,500

Land Value (SAR/Sq. m.) 2,700

Land Value (SAR) 6,750,000

Total BUA (Sq. m.) 4,502

Replacement Cost (SAR/Sq. m.) 3,000

Replacement Cost (SAR) 13,506,000

Building Age (Years) 8

Effective age (Years) 8

Depreciation 20%

Building Useful Life (Years) 40

Depreciated Replacement Cost (SAR) 10,804,800

Total DRC 17,554,800

Rounded DRC 17,555,000

Source: Tunuf

5.9. DIRECT INCOME CAPITALIZATION METHOD VALUATION We have had regard to the valuation of the Subject Property using the Direct Income Capitalization

method. The following table summarizes our assumptions and findings:

Item Discerption

Type of Lease Triple net lease

Tenancy Single Tenant

Occupant Tenant

Property Occupancy (%) 100%

Gross Annual Income (SAR) 1,859,000

OPEX (%) 0


Net Annual Income (SAR) 1,859,000

Cap Rate 9%

Market Value SAR 20,655,566

Market Value Rounded SAR 20,650,000

Source: Tunuf

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6.1. LOCATION The Subject Property is located along an internal 40 m wide street, Al Salmaniyah District, Diriyah,

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Source: Google Maps, Modified by Tunuf

6.2. DESCRIPTION (B+G+1st+Annex) Commercial Building (Schools) built on a land plot measuring 5,593.59 Sq. m. as

per the information provided by the Client.


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6.3. TENURE We have been provided with a copy of the Title Deed for the land plot where the Subject Property is

built. The Title Deed relevant details are summarized below:

Item Description

Title Deed No. 311607002453

Title Deed Date 16-1-1440 H

Source Deriyaha Ministry of Justice Office

Subdivision No. 14/M

Plot No. M17

City Dereiyah

Land Area (Sq. m. ) 5,593.59

Source: The Client

6.4. BUILDING LEASE AGREEMENT We have received a copy of the main lease agreement in place for the Subject Property. We have

summarized the lease agreement below:

Item Description

Land Area (Sq. m) 5,593.59

Building Permit Number 1436/57

Building Permit Date (H) 07-03-1436

Lease Type Triple Net Lease

Lease Term 25 Gregorian Years

Lease Start Date 2016 School Calendar Year

Lease Expiry Date 2041 School Calendar Year

Annual Rent (SAR) 3,500,000 per annum

Source: The Client

6.5. PLANNING AND ZONING We received a copy of the Building Permit from the Client for the Subject Property. For the purpose

of the valuation, we have assumed that the Subject Property complies with all relevant authority

planning and zoning requirements. We would recommend that the client undertake further

investigations to confirm the same. We have summarized the Building Permit key information below.

Description Number of Units Area (Sq. m) Use

Basement 0 4,546 Services

Ground Floor 1 2,854 Education

First Floor 1 2,830 Education

Roof Annex 1 1,415 Education

Walls 0 307 Walls

BUA 11,645

Source: Building Permit provided by the Client

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6.6. APPROACHES In arriving at our opinion of Market Value of the freehold interest in the subject property, we have

adopted one or more of the following valuation methodologies:

Comparable Method

The market approach derives the value of the Property by comparing it to other properties for which

the price is known. Ideally, the property is compared and contrasted to identical properties which

have recently been sold, or where no recent transactions have taken place, the asking price at which

the comparable properties are currently listed for sale. Adjustments may be required to reflect the

time has passed between the transaction and the date of valuation or the price that is expected to

be achieved following a negotiated sale. Following an analysis of the terms of the sale, an

appropriate unit of comparison is chosen, for example, a rate per square foot/meter of

land/buildings. Further subsequent adjustments may be required to factor in differences in

location, size (quantum), quality and specification, permitted use etcetera and any instructions

received which are specific to the assignment.

Investment Method (Income Capitalization)

The Investment Method derives Market Value from the capitalization of a property’s net income. The

method requires a market derived projection of annual net operating income (NOI) for a subject

property based on the current and expected lease or other arrangements and occupant profile. This

NOI is then capitalized in perpetuity (or lease expiry in the case of leasehold property) using a market

derived capitalization rate to give the market value estimate. Allowance is made for any capital

expenditure costs required as well as making provision for a vacancy factor with reference to

historic letting experience.

Depreciated Replacement Cost Method (DRC)

Depreciated Replacement Cost is defined (RICS, 2005: Glossary) as “The current cost of

reproduction or replacement of an asset less deductions for physical deterioration and all relevant

forms of obsolescence and optimization.”

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Comparable of Buildings for sale

The Subject Property comprises a Commercial Building (Schools) built on a land plot measuring

5,593.59 Sq. m. as per the title deed provided by the Client. Below is the table which shows the

price range of the buildings for sale in the area:

Comparable Buildings for Rent

Source: Tunuf

Commercial Buildings for Rent Comparable Map

Source: Google Maps, Modified by Tunuf

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Table of Land Comparables

Source: Tunuf

Land Comparable Map

Source: Google Maps, Modified by Tunuf

Land Market Value Commentary

We were able to confirm that the land prices in the area range between 1,800 SAR per Sq. m. up to

2,500 per Sq. m. We based our land valuation on comparables number 4 and 5 and made some

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adjustments for locations, accessibility and negotiation of the deal. We have applied the rate of

1,800 per Sq. m.

Depreciated Replacement Cost (DRC) Metrics

We have had regard to the valuation of the Subject Property using the Depreciated Replacement

cost method. The following table summarizes our assumptions and findings

Item Description

Land Area (Sq. m.) 5,593.59

Land Value (SAR/Sq. m.) 2,000

Land Value (SAR) 11,187,180

Total BUA (Sq. m.) 11,645

Replacement Cost (SAR/Sq. m.) 2,500

Replacement Cost (SAR) 29,112,500

Building Age (Years) 2.5

Effective age (Years) 2

Depreciation 5%

Building Useful Life (Years) 40

Depreciated Replacement Cost (SAR) 27,656,875

Total DRC 38,844,055

Total DRC (SAR)(Rounded) 38,850,000

Source: Tunuf

6.9. DIRECT INCOME CAPITALIZATION METHOD VALUATION METRICS We have had regard to the valuation of the Subject Property using the Direct Income Capitalization

method. The following table summarizes our assumptions and findings:

Item Description

Type of Lease Triple net lease

Tenancy Single Tenant

Occupant Tenant

Property Occupancy (%) 100%

Gross Annual Income (SAR) 3,500,000

OPEX (%) 0


Net Annual Income (SAR) 3,500,000

Cap Rate 8.5%

Market Value (Rounded) (SAR) SAR 41,000,000

Source: Tunuf

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7.1. LOCATION The Subject Property is located along an internal street east of King Faisal Road, Al Khumrah

District, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

Source: Google Maps, Modified by Tunuf

7.2. DESCRIPTION The property comprises a gated 5 warehouses complex. It built on a land measuring 39,981.98 Sq.

m. as per the layout plans provided by the Client.


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7.3. TENURE We have been provided with a copy of the Title Deed for the land plot where the Subject Property is

built. The Title Deed relevant details are summarized below:

Item Description

Title Deed No. 920213001950

Title Deed Date 22-11-1440 H

Source First Notary Office, Jeddah

Subdivision 99/ ب

Plot No. 3

Land Area (Sq. m) 39,981.98

Owner Derayah Real Estate Custody Co LTD

Source: The Client

7.4. BUILDING LEASE AGREEMENT We have received a copy of the lease agreement in place for the Subject Property. The lease

agreement is a 5 years triple net lease with a net operating income of SAR 4,060,000 per annum.

We have based our contracted income on the lease agreement information above. Tunuf reserves

the right to amend the valuation incase the above-mentioned is not enforced

7.5. PLANNING AND ZONING We received a copy of the Building Permit from the Client for the Subject Property. For the purpose

of the valuation, we have assumed that the Subject Property complies with all relevant authority

planning and zoning requirements. We would recommend that the client undertake further

investigations to confirm the same.

7.6. LAYOUT PLANS We have received a copy of the layout plans for the property, which includes areas for the

warehouses/workshops on site. The following table summarizes the area schedule contained within

the layout plans

Item Area (Sq. m.)

Land Area 39,981.98

Warehouse 12 1,119.9

Warehouse 11 9,700

Warehouse 10 3,632.65

Warehouse 9 8,847.31

Warehouse 8 2,266.5

Workshop 13 188.8

Workshop 14 73.1

Total BUA 25,828.26

Source: The Client

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7.7. JEDDAH WAREHOUSES MARKET RENT COMMENTARY The property comprises a gated 5 warehouses complex. It built on a land measuring 39,981.98 Sq.

m. as per the title deed provided by the Client. We confirmed that warehouse rental prices in Al-

Khumrah area is between the range of 65 SAR per Sq. m. up to 85 SAR per Sq. m. per annum. for

warehouses sizes ranging between 1,200 Sq. m. and 25,000 Sq. m. The table below shows

warehouses in the immediate vicinity of the Property. We have accounted for the facilities

available at the Property when comparing it to the comparable table below and the specifications

differences as well.

Source: Tunuf

Warehouse Rental Location Map

Source: Google Earth, Modified by Tunuf 2019

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7.8. APPROACHES In arriving at our opinion of Market Value of the freehold interest in the subject property, we have

adopted one or more of the following valuation methodologies:

Comparable Method

The market approach derives the value of the Property by comparing it to other properties for which

the price is known. Ideally, the property is compared and contrasted to identical properties which

have recently been sold, or where no recent transactions have taken place, the asking price at which

the comparable properties are currently listed for sale. Adjustments may be required to reflect the

time has passed between the transaction and the date of valuation or the price that is expected to

be achieved following a negotiated sale. Following an analysis of the terms of the sale, an

appropriate unit of comparison is chosen, for example, a rate per square foot/meter of

land/buildings. Further subsequent adjustments may be required to factor in differences in

location, size (quantum), quality and specification, permitted use etcetera and any instructions

received which are specific to the assignment.

Discounted Cashflow (DCF)

DCF is a financial modelling technique based on explicit assumptions regarding the current

contracted and prospective market cash flow generated from a property. DCF analysis involves the

projection of a series of periodic cash flows either to an operating property, a development property

or a business. To this projected cash flow series, an appropriate, market-derived discount rate is

applied to establish an indication of the present value of the future income stream associated with

the property. In the case of operating real properties, periodic cash flow is typically estimated as

gross income less vacancy and collection losses and less operating expenses/outgoings. The series

of periodic net operating incomes, along with an estimate of the reversion/terminal value,

anticipated at the end of the projection period, is then discounted.

Depreciated Replacement Cost Method (DRC)

Depreciated Replacement Cost is defined (RICS, 2005: Glossary) as “The current cost of

reproduction or replacement of an asset less deductions for physical deterioration and all relevant

forms of obsolescence and optimization.

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Table of Land Comparables

Source: Tunuf

Land Comparables Map

Source: Google Earth modified by Tunuf 2019

Land Market Value Commentary

We were able to confirm that the land prices in the area range between 700 SAR per Sq. m. up to

1,670 per Sq. m. We have based our land valuation on comparable number 4 and have made some

negative adjustments for the land size and negotiations of the deal. We have applied the rate of

850 per Sq. m.

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Depreciated Replacement Cost (DRC) Metrics

Item Description

Land Area (Sq. m.) 39,981.98

Land Value (SAR/Sq. m.) 650

Land Value (SAR) 25,988,287

Total BUA (Sq. m.) 25,828

Replacement Cost (SAR/Sq. m.) 850

Replacement Cost (SAR) 21,954,021

Effective age (Years) 15

Depreciation 50%

Building Useful Life (Years) 30

Depreciated Replacement Cost (SAR) 10,977,011

Total DRC (SAR) 36,965,298

Total DRC (SAR)(Rounded) 37,000,000

Source: Tunuf

We have used the Depreciated Replacement Cost Method for benchmarking purposes. We note that

the total DRC of the Property is say, SAR 37,000,000.

7.10. DISCOUNTED CASHFLOW METHOD VALUATION METRICS We have had regard to the valuation of the Subject Property using the Discounted Cashflow

method. The following table summarizes our assumptions and findings:

Item Description

Annual Contracted Income (SAR) @ SAR 157.19 / Sq. m. (1st 5 years) 4,060,000

Annual Market Rent (end of lease – Single let) (SAR) @ SAR 144/ sq. m 3,707,143

Reversion Rate 9.5%

Discount Rate 12%*

NPV 40,955,476

Market Value (MV) (SAR) 41,000,000

Source: Tunuf

*Discount rate used reflects additional risk from contracted rent, which is higher than market rent.


We have had regards to the status of the Subject Property when assigning weight for each

valuation method of the above. Since the subject property is generating income and

complete as of the valuation date, we have adopted the market value using the DCF

method. As a result, the Market Value of the Subject Property is SAR 41,000,000

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8.1. LOCATION The Subject Property is located along Sari Street, east of King Abdulaziz Road, west of Madinah

Road and Prince Sultan Street, in Al Zahrah District, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

The following map highlights the Subject Property location.

Location Map

Source: Google Maps, Modified by Tunuf

8.2. DESCRIPTION The Subject Property comprises an office building (B+G+M+4+Annex) built on a land plot

measuring 2,691.83 sq. m.


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8.3. TENURE We have been provided with a copy of the Title Deed for the land plot where the Subject Property is

built. The Title Deed relevant details are summarized below:

Item Description

Title Deed No. 720230000381

Title Deed Date 22-2-1440 H

Source First Notary Office, Jeddah

District Al Zahra’a

Subdivision 91/ب

Plot No. 503, 504,505,506

Land Area (Sq. m) 2,691.83

Owner Derayah Real Estate Custody Co LTD

Source: Title Deed provided by The Client

8.4. BUILDING LEASE AGREEMENT We have received a copy of the signed master lease agreement (MLA) for the Subject Property. The

following table summarizes the key information within the lease agreement.

Item Description

First Party Derayah Real Estate Custody Company

Second Party Master Tenant

Lease Agreement Date 22/10/2018

Lease Term 10 Gregorian Years

Escalation 10% every 4 years

Lease Start Date 22/10/2018

Lease Expiry Date 21/10/2028

Lease Amount (1st 5 years) SAR 3,825,000 per annum

Lease Amount (2nd 5 years) SAR 4,050,000 per annum

Total Lease Amount for Full Period SAR 39,375,000

Payments Once at beginning of each year

OPEX Second Party

Lease Type Triple Net Lease

Buy Back Option 6 months’ notice before end of 5th or 10th year for SAR


Source: Lease Agreement provided by the Client, The Client requested not to mention the tenant name in the report

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8.5. PLANNING AND ZONING We received a copy of the Building Permit from the Client for the Subject Property. For the purpose

of the valuation, we have assumed that the Subject Property complies with all relevant authority

planning and zoning requirements. We would recommend that the client undertake further

investigations to confirm the same. We have summarized the Building Permit key information below.

Item Description

Building Permit # 506146

Building Permit Date 14/03/1433 H

Building Permit Expiry Date 14/03/1441 H

Title Deed # 2147

Title Deed Date 02/08/1403 H

Municipality New Jeddah Municipality Branch

Subdivision # 91/B/99

Plot # 503, 504, 505, 506

District Al Zahrah

Street Name Unnamed

Plot Size 2,691.83 sq. m

Parking Spots 95*

Electricity Rooms 1

Source: Building Permit provided by the Client

*Current parking capacity is 47 based on our inspection.

Direction Border Dimension Set Back

North Internal Street 50.5+4.24 8.05

East Plot # 507 41.7 2

South Sari Service Street 47.28+5.81 5.48

West Internal Street (15 m) 52.9 3.31

Source: Building Permit provided by the Client

Building Component Residential Commercial Other Total

# Sq. m # Sq. m # Sq. m # Sq. m

Basement 0 0 0 0 0 925.64 0 925.64

Ground 0 0 1 607.42 0 981.26 1 1,588.68

Mezzanine 0 0 1 391.08 0 347.38 1 738.46

First 0 0 15 1,244.46 0 360.28 15 1,604.74

Second 0 0 15 1,244.46 0 360.28 15 1,604.74

Third 15 1,282.24 0 0 0 322.5 15 1,604.74

Fourth 15 1,282.24 0 0 0 322.5 15 1,604.74

Roof Annex 4 457.67 0 0 0 280 4 737.67

Total 66 10,409

Source: Building Permit provided by the Client

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8.6. APPROACHES In arriving at our opinion of Market Value of the freehold interest in the subject property, we have

adopted one or more of the following valuation methodologies:

Comparable Method

The market approach derives the value of the Property by comparing it to other properties for which

the price is known. Ideally, the property is compared and contrasted to identical properties which

have recently been sold, or where no recent transactions have taken place, the asking price at which

the comparable properties are currently listed for sale. Adjustments may be required to reflect the

time has passed between the transaction and the date of valuation or the price that is expected to

be achieved following a negotiated sale. Following an analysis of the terms of the sale, an

appropriate unit of comparison is chosen, for example, a rate per square foot/meter of

land/buildings. Further subsequent adjustments may be required to factor in differences in

location, size (quantum), quality and specification, permitted use etcetera and any instructions

received which are specific to the assignment.

Investment Method (Income Capitalization)

The Investment Method derives Market Value from the capitalization of a property’s net income. The

method requires a market derived projection of annual net operating income (NOI) for a subject

property based on the current and expected lease or other arrangements and occupant profile. This

NOI is then capitalized in perpetuity (or lease expiry in the case of leasehold property) using a market

derived capitalization rate to give the market value estimate. Allowance is made for any capital

expenditure costs required as well as making provision for a vacancy factor with reference to

historic letting experience.

Depreciated Replacement Cost Method (DRC)

Depreciated Replacement Cost is defined (RICS, 2005: Glossary) as “The current cost of reproduction

or replacement of an asset less deductions for physical deterioration and all relevant forms of

obsolescence and optimization.”

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Office Market Rent Commentary

The Subject Property comprises an office building (B+G+M+4+Annex) built on a land plot

measuring 2,691.83 sq. m. We confirmed that offices for rent in the area range between

361 SAR per Sq. m. up to 756 SAR per Sq. m. The table below shows the price range of

the market rent of the office.

Office Rental Comparables

Source: Tunuf

Offices Rental Location Map

Source: Google Map, Modified by Tunuf 2019

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Table of Land Comparables

Source: Tunuf

Land Comparables Location Map

Source: Google Map, Modified by Tunuf 2019

Land Market Value Rational

We based our land valuation on comparables number 1 & 3 and made negative adjustments for

land size and negotiation of the deal. We have applied the rate of 8,700 SAR per Sq. m.

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Depreciated Replacement Cost Method Valuation Metrics

We have had regards to the DRC method when assessing the Subject Property’s Market Value. The

following table summarizes our assumptions and findings using the DRC method:

Item Description

Land Area (Sq. m.) 2,691

Land Value (SAR/Sq. m.) 8,700

Land Value (SAR) 23,411,700

Total BUA (Sq. m.) 10,409

Replacement Cost (SAR/Sq. m.) 4,400

Replacement Cost (SAR) 45,799,600

Building Age (Years) 3

Effective age (Years) 3

Depreciation 8%

Building Useful Life (Years) 40

Depreciated Replacement Cost (SAR) 42,135,632

Total DRC (SAR) 65,547,332

Total DRC (SAR)(Rounded) 65,550,000

Source: Tunuf 2019


We have had regards to two different discount rates when calculating the present value of

the cash flow from the subject property. We have applied a low risk associated discount

rate to the cash flow for the duration of the lease agreement, while applying a market

driven discount rate when finding the present value of the property on lease expiry. The

table below shows our assumptions and findings.

Source: Tunuf

Item Description

Type of Lease Triple net lease

Tenancy Single Tenant

Occupant Tenant

Property Occupancy (%) 100%

Gross Annual Income (SAR) – 1st 5 Years 3,825,000

Gross Annual Income (SAR) – 2nd 5 Years 4,050,000

Contracted Rental Rate (SAR / Sq. m.) 389

Annual Market Rent (SAR) – June 30, 2019 7,200,000

Annual Market Rent (SAR) – On Lease Expiry 8,192,698

OPEX (%) 0

Lease Agreement Cash Flow Discount Rate 5.28%

Lease Expiry Cash Flow Discount Rate 9.28%

Exit Value Cap Rate 10.28%

Market Value SAR 65,373,124

Market Value Rounded SAR 65,373,000

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9.1. LOCATION The Subject Property is located along an internal street street, Al Khaldiyah District, Dammam,

Saudi Arabia.

The following map highlights the Subject Property location.

Source: Google Map, Modified by Tunuf 2019

9.2. DESCRIPTION The property comprises 3 industrial warehouses, warehouse (1) is climate controlled warehouse

with an office building of (G+1), warehouse (2) and warehouse (3) on the other hand are dry

warehouses. Both built on a land plot measuring 12,000 Sq. m. as per the title deed provided by the



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9.3. TENURE We have been provided with a copy of the Title Deed for the land plot where the Subject Property is

built. The Title Deed relevant details are summarized below:

Warehouse (1)

Item Description

Title Deed No. 730112015030

Title Deed Date 13-04-1440 H

Source Dammam First Notary Office

Block # 1/58

Plot No. 36/Z & 37/Z

Land Area (Sq. m) 6,000

Source: The Client

Warehouse (2 &3)

Item Description

Title Deed No. 330112015031

Title Deed Date 13-04-1440 H

Source Dammam First Notary Office

Block # 1/58

Plot No. 38/Z & 39/Z

Land Area (Sq. m) 6,000

Source: The Client

9.4. BUILDING LEASE AGREEMENT We have received a copy of the lease agreement in place for the Subject Property. The lease

agreement is a 5 years triple net lease with a lease amount of SAR 1,670,000 per annum. We note

that the previous owner of the subject property is the current tenant. We have based our

valuations on the lease agreement information. Tunuf reserves the right to amend the valuation

incase the lease agreement is not enforced.

9.5. PLANNING AND ZONING We received a copy of the Building Permit from the Client for the Subject Property. For the purpose

of the valuation, we have assumed that the Subject Property complies with all relevant authority

planning and zoning requirements. We would recommend that the client undertake further

investigations to confirm the same. We have summarized the Building Permit key information below:

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Warehouse (1)

Item Description

Floors - Warehouse G

Floors - Offices G+1

Total Built Up Area (Sq. m) - Warehouses 3,420

Total Built Up Area (Sq. m) - Offices 252

Number of Units 1

Use Warehouses

Source: Building Permit provided by the Client

Warehouse (2&3)

Item Description

Floors - Warehouse G

Floors - Services G

Total Built Up Area (Sq. m) - Warehouses 5,565.84

Total Built Up Area (Sq. m) - Services 434.16

Number of Units 2

Use Warehouses

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9.6. WAREHOUSES MARKET RENT COMMENTARY The Subject Property comprises 3 warehouses and an office building built on a land plot measuring

12,000 sq. m. We confirmed that warehouse rental prices in the area is between the range of 127

SAR per Sq. m. up to 188 SAR per Sq. m. for warehouses sizes ranging between 400 Sq. m. and

9,420 Sq. m. Below is the table shows the price range of the market rent for warehouses.

Warehouse Rental Comparables

Source: Tunuf

Rental Location Map

Source: Google Earth modified by Tunuf

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9.7. APPROACHES In arriving at our opinion of Market Value of the freehold interest in the subject property, we have

adopted one or more of the following valuation methodologies:

Comparable Method

The market approach derives the value of the Property by comparing it to other properties for which

the price is known. Ideally, the property is compared and contrasted to identical properties which

have recently been sold, or where no recent transactions have taken place, the asking price at which

the comparable properties are currently listed for sale. Adjustments may be required to reflect the

time has passed between the transaction and the date of valuation or the price that is expected to

be achieved following a negotiated sale. Following an analysis of the terms of the sale, an

appropriate unit of comparison is chosen, for example, a rate per square foot/meter of

land/buildings. Further subsequent adjustments may be required to factor in differences in

location, size (quantum), quality and specification, permitted use etcetera and any instructions

received which are specific to the assignment.

Investment Method (Income Capitalization)

The Investment Method derives Market Value from the capitalization of a property’s net income. The

method requires a market derived projection of annual net operating income (NOI) for a subject

property based on the current and expected lease or other arrangements and occupant profile. This

NOI is then capitalized in perpetuity (or lease expiry in the case of leasehold property) using a market

derived capitalization rate to give the market value estimate. Allowance is made for any capital

expenditure costs required as well as making provision for a vacancy factor with reference to

historic letting experience.

Discounted Cashflow (DCF)

DCF is a financial modelling technique based on explicit assumptions regarding the current

contracted and prospective market cash flow generated from a property. DCF analysis involves the

projection of a series of periodic cash flows either to an operating property, a development property

or a business. To this projected cash flow series, an appropriate, market-derived discount rate is

applied to establish an indication of the present value of the future income stream associated with

the property. In the case of operating real properties, periodic cash flow is typically estimated as

gross income less vacancy and collection losses and less operating expenses/outgoings. The series

of periodic net operating incomes, along with an estimate of the reversion/terminal value,

anticipated at the end of the projection period, is then discounted.

Depreciated Replacement Cost Method (DRC)

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Depreciated Replacement Cost is defined (RICS, 2005: Glossary) as “The current cost of

reproduction or replacement of an asset less deductions for physical deterioration and all relevant

forms of obsolescence and optimization.


Table of Land Comparables

Source: Tunuf

Land Comparables Map

Source: Google Earth modified by Tunuf

Land Market Value Commentary

We were able to confirm that the land prices in the area range between 1,000 SAR per Sq.

m. up to 1,500 per Sq. m. We based our land valuation on comparable numbers 5 and 7

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and made some negative adjustments for land size and locations. We have applied the

rate of 850 per Sq. m.

Depreciated Replacement Cost Method Valuation Metrics (DRC)

The deprecated replacement cost is not suitable for our subject property which is an income-

generating asset. However, we used the DRC method for benchmarking purposes only as follows:

Item Description

Land Area (Sq. m.) 12,000

Land Value (SAR/Sq. m.) 850

Land Value (SAR) 10,200,000

Total BUA (Sq. m.) 9,672

Replacement Cost (SAR/Sq. m.) 1,600

Replacement Cost (SAR) 15,475,200

Effective age (Years) 25

Depreciation 62.50%

Building Useful Life (Years) 40

Depreciated Replacement Cost (SAR) 5,803,200

Total DRC (SAR) 16,003,200

Total DRC (SAR)(Rounded) 16,000,000

Source: Tunuf

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9.9. DIERCT CAPITLAIZTION METHOD VALUATION METRICS We have had regard to the valuation of the Subject Property using Income Capitalization (Cap

Rate). The following table summarizes our assumptions and findings using this method:

Description Area Rate / Unit Total (SAR)

warehouses 12,000 139 1,670,000

Operational Costs 1,670,000

Less Maintenance 0% 0

Less Vacancy 0% 0

Net Operating Income SAR 1,670,000

Capitalization Rate

Capital Value 9.0% SAR 18,555,556

Market Value SAR 18,560,000

Revenue area Rate / Unit Potential Total Rent (SAR)

warehouses 12,000 139 1,670,000

Operational Costs 1,670,000

Less Maintenance 0% 0

Less Vacancy 0% 0

Net Operating Income SAR 1,670,000

Capitalization Rate

Capital Value 9.0% SAR 18,555,556

Market Value SAR 18,560,000

Source: Tunuf

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10.1. LOCATION The Subject Property is located in King Abdulaziz Port District, Dammam, Saudi Arabia.

Source: Google Maps, Modified by Tunuf

10.2. DESCRIPTION The Subject Property comprises the following:

▪ Residential building (1) (G+2) built on a land plot measuring 768.88 sq. m. located along 2

intersecting internal streets.

▪ Residential building (2) (G+2) built on a land plot measuring 600 sq. m. located along an

internal street.

▪ Residential building (3) (G+2) built on a land plot measuring 794.5 sq. m. located along Amr

Ibn Al A’as Street.

Building (1)

Building (3)

Building (2)

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10.3. TENURE We have been provided with a copy of the Title Deed for the land plot where the Subject Property is

built. The Title Deed relevant details are summarized below:

Residential Building (1)

Item Description

Title Deed No. 330106024848

Title Deed Date 23-04-1440 H

Source Dammam First Notary Office

Subdivision # 1/239

Plot No. 45/ أ

Land Area (Sq. m) 768.88

Source: The Client

Residential Building (2)

Item Description

Title Deed No. 330106024847

Title Deed Date 23-04-1440 H

Source Dammam First Notary Office

Subdivision # 1/239

Plot No. 47/ أ

Land Area (Sq. m) 600

Source: The Client

Residential Building (3)

Item Description

Title Deed No. 330106024846

Title Deed Date 23-04-1440 H

Source Dammam First Notary Office

Subdivision # 1/239

Plot No. 85/ أ

Land Area (Sq. m) 794.5

Source: The Client

10.4. BUILDING LEASE AGREEMENT We have received a copy of the lease agreement in place for the Subject Property. The lease

agreement is a 5 years triple net lease with a net operating income of SAR 1,060,000 per annum.

We note that the previous owner of the subject property is the current tenant.

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10.5. PLANNING AND ZONING We received a copy of the Building Permit from the Client for the Subject Property. For the purpose

of the valuation, we have assumed that the Subject Property complies with all relevant authority

planning and zoning requirements. We would recommend that the client undertake further

investigations to confirm the same. We have summarized the Building Permit key information below.

Residential Building (1)

Description Number of Units Area (Sq. m.) Use

Ground 6 285.54 Commercial/Retail

Ground Continuation 124 Services

Mezzanine Continuation 139 Commercial/Retail

First 4 468.76 Residential

Second 4 468.76 Residential

Third Continuation 115.51 Residential Annex Source: Building Permit provided by the Client

Residential Building (2)

Description Number of Units Area (Sq. m.) Use

Ground Continuation 116 Car Parking

Ground 3 177 Commercial/Retail

Mezzanine Continuation 152 Services

First 3 384 Residential

Second 3 384 Residential

Roof Annex 1 188 Residential Source: Building Permit provided by the Client

Residential Building (3)

Description Number of Units Area (Sq. m.) Use

Ground 4 136 Commercial/Retail

Ground Continuation 74.8 Commercial/Retail

Ground 1 272.8 Residential

Mezzanine Continuation 272.8 Residential

First 2 508 Residential

Second 2 508 Residential

Third 1 254 Residential Annex Source: Building Permit provided by the Client

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10.6. MARKET RENT COMMENTARY The Subject Property is located in King Abdulaziz Port District, Dammam, Saudi Arabia and

comprises of Residential building (1), built on a land plot measuring 768.88 sq. m. located along

intersecting internal streets. Residential building (2), built on a land plot measuring 600 sq. m.

located along an internal street. Residential building (3), built on a land plot measuring 794.5 sq. m.

located along Amr Ibn Al A’as Street. The client stated that the total net operating income of the

properties is SAR 1,060,000 per annum. The table below shows apartments for rent in the

immediate vicinity of the Property.

Apartment Rental Comparables

Source: Tunuf

Apartments Rental Location Map

Source: Google Maps, Modified by Tunuf

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10.7. APPROACHES In arriving at our opinion of Market Value of the freehold interest in the subject property, we have

adopted one or more of the following valuation methodologies:

Comparable Method

The market approach derives the value of the Property by comparing it to other properties for which

the price is known. Ideally, the property is compared and contrasted to identical properties which

have recently been sold, or where no recent transactions have taken place, the asking price at which

the comparable properties are currently listed for sale. Adjustments may be required to reflect the

time has passed between the transaction and the date of valuation or the price that is expected to

be achieved following a negotiated sale. Following an analysis of the terms of the sale, an

appropriate unit of comparison is chosen, for example, a rate per square foot/meter of

land/buildings. Further subsequent adjustments may be required to factor in differences in

location, size (quantum), quality and specification, permitted use etcetera and any instructions

received which are specific to the assignment.

Investment Method (Income Capitalization)

The Investment Method derives Market Value from the capitalization of a property’s net income. The

method requires a market derived projection of annual net operating income (NOI) for a subject

property based on the current and expected lease or other arrangements and occupant profile. This

NOI is then capitalized in perpetuity (or lease expiry in the case of leasehold property) using a market

derived capitalization rate to give the market value estimate. Allowance is made for any capital

expenditure costs required as well as making provision for a vacancy factor with reference to

historic letting experience.

Discounted Cashflow (DCF)

DCF is a financial modelling technique based on explicit assumptions regarding the current

contracted and prospective market cash flow generated from a property. DCF analysis involves the

projection of a series of periodic cash flows either to an operating property, a development property

or a business. To this projected cash flow series, an appropriate, market-derived discount rate is

applied to establish an indication of the present value of the future income stream associated with

the property. In the case of operating real properties, periodic cash flow is typically estimated as

gross income less vacancy and collection losses and less operating expenses/outgoings. The series

of periodic net operating incomes, along with an estimate of the reversion/terminal value,

anticipated at the end of the projection period, is then discounted.

Depreciated Replacement Cost Method (DRC)

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Depreciated Replacement Cost is defined (RICS, 2005: Glossary) as “The current cost of reproduction

or replacement of an asset less deductions for physical deterioration and all relevant forms of

obsolescence and optimization.”

Land Plots Comparables

Source: Tunuf

Land Comparables Map

Source: Google Earth modified by Tunuf

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Land Market Value Commentary

We were able to confirm that the land prices in the area range between 1,061 SAR per Sq. m. up to

3,3867 per Sq. m. We have based our land valuation on comparable numbers 5 and 6 and made

some negative adjustments for the land size, location and negotiations. We have applied the rate of

2,000 per Sq. m.

Depreciated Replacement Cost Method (DRC) Valuation Metrics

The depreciated replacement cost is not suitable for the properties since they are income

generating assets. However, we used (DRC) method for benchmarking purposes only as follows:

Item Description

Land Area (Sq. m.) 2,163

Land Value (SAR/Sq. m.) 2,000

Land Value (SAR) 4,326,000

Total BUA (Sq. m.) 5,029

Replacement Cost (SAR/Sq. m.) 1,800

Replacement Cost (SAR) 8,549,300

Effective age (Years) 15

Depreciation 38%

Building Useful Life (Years) 40

Depreciated Replacement Cost (SAR) 5,300,566

Total DRC (SAR) 9,626,566

Total DRC (SAR)(Rounded) 9,625,000

Source: Tunuf

10.8. DIRECT INCOME CAPITALIZATION METHOD VALUATION METRICS We have had regard to the valuation of the Subject Property using the Direct Income Capitalization

method. The following table summarizes our assumptions and findings:

Item Description

Rental Income Growth (%) 0%

Occupancy (%) 100%



Yield (%) 10%

MARKET VALUE 10,600,000

Market Value (MV) (SAR) 10,600,000

Source: Tunuf

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11.1. LOCATION The Subject Property is located along Salahaddin Al Ayoubi Street, Al Bustan District, Khobar,

Saudi Arabia.

The following map highlights the Subject Property location in relation to the Dammam Greater

Area (DMA).

Location Map

Source: Google Maps, Modified by Tunuf

11.2. DESCRIPTION The Subject Property comprises of a (B+G+M+4+Annex) five story Commercial Building (Offices and

Showrooms) built on a land plot measuring 2,187.5 Sq. m. per the information provided by the Client.

11.3. TENURE We have been provided with a copy of the Title Deed for the land plot where the Subject Property is

built. The Title Deed relevant details are summarized below:

Deed Number Deed Date Plot # District Land Area (Sq. m.)

830205018649 26-07-1440H 3 Al Rawabi 2,187.5

Source: The Client


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11.4. BUILDING LEASE AGREEMENT We have received a copy of the main lease agreement in place for the Subject Property. We have

summarized the lease agreement as below:

Item Description

Building Component B (Parking)+G+M (Showrooms on G&M) +5 Floors (22 Offices) +Annex (2

Offices) Net Leasable Area 5,980 Sq. m.

Building Condition Shell and Core (Offices and Showrooms only), AC’s and Fire Fighting Systems

are installed Lease Term 10 Gregorian Years – Original Lease Agreement

Lease Start Date 30th of June, 2017

Lease Expiry 30th of June 2027

Lease Annual Amount SAR 3,290,000 per annum for Firs 5 Years

Rent Escalation +5% to original annual rent for the Second 5 Years

Payment Frequency 2 (every 6 months)

Utilities and Maintenance Second Party Responsibility (Cone Elevators Maintenance)

Lease Agreement Renewal Automatic unless a notice to was sent by either parties

Source: The Client

We have also received a copy of an addendum to the lease agreement that shows the following:

▪ Addendum Starts at June 30, 2027 - end of original lease - and expires on June 29, 2032

▪ Rental Amount is as follows:

▪ 1st to 5th year is SAR 3,290,000 p.a.

▪ 6th to 10th year is SAR 3,454,500 p.a.

▪ 11th to 15th year is SAR 3,627,225p.a.

We note from inspecting the Property that the tenancy is as follows:

▪ Showrooms (1 leased and 2 vacant)

▪ Offices (Ground Floor Lobby and Floors 1-4)

▪ Annex Floor (1 small office occupied by the main tenant, while the remaining office space

is leased to sub tenant)

▪ Mezzanine (one unit is occupied by the main tenant, another is used as a mosque, and

remaining units are vacant)

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11.5. PLANNING AND ZONING We received a copy of the Building Permit from the Client for the Subject Property. For the purpose

of the valuation, we have assumed that the Subject Property complies with all relevant authority

planning and zoning requirements. We would recommend that the client undertake further

investigations to confirm the same. We have summarized the Building Permit key information below.

Description Number of Units Area (Sq. m. ) Use

Basement 25 2,187 Car Parking

Ground 13 390 Car Parking

Ground Cont. 424 Services

Ground 3 316 Showroom

Mezzanine Cont. 316 Commercial

Mezzanine Cont. 760 Services

First Floor 5 1,371.58 Offices

Second Floor 5 1,371.58 Offices

Third Floor 5 1,371.58 Offices

Fourth Floor 5 1,371.58 Offices

Fifth Floor 2 690 Offices

Total 25 10,569

Source: Building Permit, the Client

According to the Eastern Province Amana Website (Interactive Map), building regulations for the

Subject Property are as follows:

Item Description

Land Coverage Ratio 60%


Number of Floors (above ground) 5 (G+4)

Total BUA (based on an FAR of 3) 6,562.74

Source: Eastern Province Municipality Website (

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11.6. APPROACHES In arriving at our opinion of Market Value of the freehold interest in the subject property, we have

adopted one or more of the following valuation methodologies:

Comparable Method

The market approach derives the value of the Property by comparing it to other properties for which

the price is known. Ideally, the property is compared and contrasted to identical properties which

have recently been sold, or where no recent transactions have taken place, the asking price at which

the comparable properties are currently listed for sale. Adjustments may be required to reflect the

time has passed between the transaction and the date of valuation or the price that is expected to

be achieved following a negotiated sale. Following an analysis of the terms of the sale, an

appropriate unit of comparison is chosen, for example, a rate per square foot/meter of

land/buildings. Further subsequent adjustments may be required to factor in differences in

location, size (quantum), quality and specification, permitted use etcetera and any instructions

received which are specific to the assignment.

Investment Method (Income Capitalization)

The Investment Method derives Market Value from the capitalization of a property’s net income. The

method requires a market derived projection of annual net operating income (NOI) for a subject

property based on the current and expected lease or other arrangements and occupant profile. This

NOI is then capitalized in perpetuity (or lease expiry in the case of leasehold property) using a market

derived capitalization rate to give the market value estimate. Allowance is made for any capital

expenditure costs required as well as making provision for a vacancy factor with reference to

historic letting experience.

Discounted Cashflow (DCF)

DCF is a financial modelling technique based on explicit assumptions regarding the current

contracted and prospective market cash flow generated from a property. DCF analysis involves the

projection of a series of periodic cash flows either to an operating property, a development property

or a business. To this projected cash flow series, an appropriate, market-derived discount rate is

applied to establish an indication of the present value of the future income stream associated with

the property. In the case of operating real properties, periodic cash flow is typically estimated as

gross income less vacancy and collection losses and less operating expenses/outgoings. The series

of periodic net operating incomes, along with an estimate of the reversion/terminal value,

anticipated at the end of the projection period, is then discounted.

Depreciated Replacement Cost Method (DRC)

Depreciated Replacement Cost is defined (RICS, 2005: Glossary) as “The current cost of reproduction

or replacement of an asset less deductions for physical deterioration and all relevant forms of

obsolescence and optimization.

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Commercial Building Comparables for Rent

Source: Tunuf

Comparables Location Map

Source: Google Maps, Modified by Tunuf

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Retail Comparables

Source: Tunuf

Retail Comparables Map

Source: Google Map, Modified by Tunuf 2019

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Offices for Rent Comparables

Source: Tunuf

Offices for Rent Comparables Map

Source: Google Earth modified by Tunuf

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Table of Land Comparables

Source: Tunuf

Land Comparables Map

Source: Google Maps, Modified by Tunuf

Land Market Value Rationale

We were able to confirm that the land prices in the area range between 4,700 SAR per Sq. m. up to

6,500 per sq. m. We based our land valuation on comparables number 1 & 2 and made positive

adjustments for land size and locations. We have applied the rate of 5,000 per sq. m.

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Depreciated Replacement Cost Method (DRC) Valuation Metrics

Item Description

Land Area (Sq. m.) 2,188

Land Value (SAR/Sq. m.) 5,000

Land Value (SAR) 10,937,500

Total BUA (Sq. m.) 10,569.32

Replacement Cost (SAR/Sq. m.) 2,100

Replacement Cost (SAR) 22,195,572

Building Age (Years) 3

Effective age (Years) 2

Depreciation 5%

Building Useful Life (Years) 40

Depreciated Replacement Cost (SAR) 21,085,793

Total DRC (SAR) 32,023,293

Total DRC (SAR)(Rounded) 32,000,000

Source: Tunuf

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11.9. DIRECT INCOME CAPITALIZATION METHOD We have had regard to the valuation of the Subject Property using Income Capitalization (Cap

Rate). The following table summarizes our assumptions and findings using this method:

Item Description

Type of Lease Triple net lease

Tenancy Single Tenant

Occupant Tenant

Property Occupancy (%) 100%

Gross Annual Income (SAR) 3,290,000

Contracted Rental Rate (SAR / Sq. m.) 311

OPEX (%) 0

Net Annual Income (SAR) 3,290,000

Cap Rate 8.50%

Market Value 38,705,882

Market Value Rounded 38,700,000

Source: Tunuf

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Having regard to the foregoing, we are of the opinion that the Market Value of the freehold interest

in the subject properties as at December 31, 2019 is, say

SN Location Type Market Value (SAR)

1 Riyadh Warehouses Complex 171,000,000

2 Riyadh Medical Center 20,650,000

3 Riyadh School Complex 41,000,000

4 Jeddah Warehouses Complex 41,000,000

5 Jeddah Office Building 65,400,000

6 Dammam Industrial Warehouses 18,560,000

7 Dammam Labor Accommodation 10,600,000

8 Khobar Commercial Building 38,700,000

Source: Tunuf – December 2019

12.1. CONFIDENTIALITY Finally, and in accordance with our normal practice we confirm that the report is confidential to the

party to whom it is addressed for the specific purpose to which it refers. No responsibility

whatsoever is accepted to any third party and neither the whole of the Report, nor any part, nor

references thereto, may be published in any document, statement or circular, nor in any

communication with third parties without our prior written approval of the form and context in which

it will appear.

Yours faithfully

Meshari AlKurbi, Taqeem AR

Chief Executive Manager (CEO)

Taqeem Membership no. 1210000503

Yours faithfully

Ahmed Fathy, Taqeem AR

Consulting Manager

Taqeem Membership no. 1220000058

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13. APPENDIX (1)

13.1. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS The below general terms and conditions are applied to all clients we provide our professional services to, and are highlighting the standard terms of business:

• Information, analysis and recommendations gathered or prepared by Tunuf are prepared in

good faith and reflects Tunuf’s objective and conclusions based on information provided by the

client and obtained from elsewhere during the period of the assignment. Since the achievement

of recommendations, forecasts and valuations depends on factors outside Tunuf’s control, no

statement made by Tunuf may be deemed in any circumstances to be a representation, or a

warranty, and Tunuf cannot accept any liability should such statements prove to be inaccurate

or based on incorrect premises.

• Any kind of projections in this report are proposed only to demonstrate specific points of

argument and are not considered forecasts of actual performance.

• The analysis, investigations and recommendations available within the report are based on an

evaluation of the current market conditions of the area surrounding the subject property.

• Tunuf’s guidance does not account for any uncontrolled or unexpected rise or decline in the local,

national or global economy or other unforeseen circumstances that effectively affect the

success and/or the feasibility of the project. Tunuf takes no responsibility for the effect of such

events that arise after our report has been prepared and issued.

• The forecasts of profits and/or losses in this report are based on the data available to us, our

knowledge and the experience of our team. These financial statements may in no way be

considered as a guarantee that the proposed property will actually achieve the results projected.

• Where the report includes an estimation of value, our report is subject to Tunuf’s Standard

Terms and Conditions for Valuation, in place at the date of our report and available on request.

• The Client acknowledges that Tunuf constitutes a professional and independent consulting

entity, and in the course of preparing the study, it is guided exclusively by an independent

assessment of obtained data and fair analysis based on historic, current and perceived future

market conditions. Accordingly, if the client disagrees with key conclusions contained in the

study, that cannot serve as grounds for declining services rendered.

• Tunuf will rely upon the information provided by the client, which will be identified, together with

the source, in the relevant sections of our report. Unless stated otherwise, we will assume that

the information provided is accurate and that we have been supplied with all the information

that has a substantial effect upon the financial projections.

In accordance with the Information Protection Act, we will not disclose to any party any data

without your expressed written consent to do so.

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14. APPENDIX (2)

14.1. MARKET VALUE (IVS) 29. Market value is the estimated amount for which an asset or liability should exchange

on the valuation date between a willing buyer and a willing seller in an arm’s length

transaction, after proper marketing and where the parties had each acted knowledgeably,

prudently and without compulsion.

30. The definition of market value shall be applied in accordance with the following

conceptual framework:

(a) “the estimated amount” refers to a price expressed in terms of money payable for the

asset in an arm’s length market transaction. Market value is the most probable price

reasonably obtainable in the market on the valuation date in keeping with the market value

definition. It is the best price reasonably obtainable by the seller and the most

advantageous price reasonably obtainable by the buyer. This estimate specifically excludes

an estimated price inflated or deflated by special terms or circumstances such as atypical

financing, sale and leaseback arrangements, special considerations or concessions

granted by anyone associated with the sale, or any element of special value;

(b) “an asset should exchange” refers to the fact that the value of an asset is an estimated

amount rather than a predetermined amount or actual sale price. It is the price in a

transaction that meets all the elements of the market value definition at the valuation date;

(c) “on the valuation date” requires that the value is time-specific as of a given date.

Because markets and market conditions may change, the estimated value may be incorrect

or inappropriate at another time. The valuation amount will reflect the actual market state

and circumstances as at the valuation date, not those at any other date.

(d) “between a willing buyer” refers to one who is motivated, but not compelled to buy. This

buyer is neither over eager nor determined to buy at any price. This buyer is also one who

purchases in accordance with the realities of the current market and with current market

expectations, rather than in relation to an imaginary or hypothetical market that cannot be

demonstrated or anticipated to exist. The assumed buyer would not pay a higher price than

the market requires. The present owner is included among those who constitute “the


(e) “and a willing seller” is neither an over eager nor a forced seller prepared to sell at any

price, nor one prepared to hold out for a price not considered reasonable in the current

market. The willing seller is motivated to sell the asset at market terms for the best price

attainable in the open market after proper marketing, whatever that price may be. The

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factual circumstances of the actual owner are not a part of this consideration because the

willing seller is a hypothetical owner;

(f) “in an arm’s length transaction” is one between parties who do not have a particular or

special relationship, e.g. parent and subsidiary companies or landlord and tenant, that may

make the price level uncharacteristic of the market or inflated because of an element of

special value. The market value transaction is presumed to be between unrelated parties,

each acting independently;

(g) “after proper marketing” means that the asset would be exposed to the market in the

most appropriate manner to affect its disposal at the best price reasonably obtainable in

accordance with the market value definition. The method of sale is deemed to be that most

appropriate to obtain the best price in the market to which the seller has access. The

length of exposure time is not a fixed period but will vary according to the type of asset and

market conditions. The only criterion is that there must have been sufficient time to allow

the asset to be brought to the attention of an adequate number of market participants. The

exposure period occurs prior to the valuation date;

(h) “where the parties had each acted knowledgeably, prudently” presumes that both the

willing buyer and the willing seller are reasonably informed about the nature and

characteristics of the asset, its actual and potential uses and the state of the market as of

the valuation date. Each is further presumed to use that knowledge prudently to seek the

price that is most favorable for their respective positions in the transaction. Prudence is

assessed by referring to the state of the market at the valuation date, not with benefit of

hindsight at some later date. For example, it is not necessarily imprudent for a seller to

sell assets in a market with falling prices at a price that is lower than previous market

levels. In such cases, as is true for other exchanges in markets with changing prices, the

prudent buyer or seller will act in accordance with the best market information available at

the time;

(i) “and without compulsion” establishes that each party is motivated to undertake the

transaction, but neither is forced or unduly coerced to complete it.

31. The concept of market value presumes a price negotiated in an open and competitive

market where the participants are acting freely. The market for an asset could be an

international market or a local market. The market could consist of numerous buyers and

sellers or could be one characterized by a limited number of market participants. The

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market in which the asset is exposed for sale is the one in which the asset being

exchanged is normally exchanged.

32. The market value of an asset will reflect its highest and best use. The highest and best

use is the use of an asset that maximizes its potential and that is possible, legally

permissible and financially feasible. The highest and best use may be for continuation of

an asset’s existing use or for some alternative use. This is determined by the use that a

market participant would have in mind for the asset when formulating the price that it

would be willing to bid.

Transaction Costs

35. Market value is the estimated exchange price of an asset without regard to the seller’s

costs of sale or the buyer’s costs of purchase and without adjustment for any taxes

payable by either party as a direct result of the transaction.

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Tunuf real estate consultancy is a local firm, backed by its founders and top selected team,

has an accumulated experience of more than 25 years in the market.

Tunuf Real Estate Consultancy offers a variety of specialized services that include but not

limited to the following:

▪ Valuation & Appraisals

▪ Feasibility studies

▪ Highest and best use studies

▪ Real estate portfolio Strategy studies

▪ Site Selection

▪ Real Estate Due Diligence

▪ Projects Special Care

▪ Real-Estate Portfolio Management Strategy

▪ Leasing Advisory Services

Tunuf brings attributes to this assignment that confirm our strengths in the local real estate

sector through our extensive coverage of valuations, and the work we have done for clients

such as CBRE, MINA Real Estate Company, Dar Al Arkan Real Estate Company, El Ajou Group,

Al Bilad Capital, Al Jazira Capital, ENPI Group and Jadwa Investment.

Ability to mobilize a team with a single point of contact and the necessary local market

knowledge, experience and technical skills to ensure that the project is carried out to the

highest international standards and local regulations.

Ability to provide analysis and high-quality reporting outputs tailored to your specific needs

in both English and Arabic formats.

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Meshari AlKurbi, Acting CEO

Meshari brings onboard extensive experience in real estate advisory having worked with Tunuf Real

Estate Consultancy and JLL as a real estate valuer. He has engaged in various valuation exercises

of various real estate asset types including large parcels of land (raw, serviced), commercial

buildings (e.g., office, retail, industrial) in addition to portfolio advisory.

Having engaged in several key portfolio advisory projects, Meshari has comprehensive knowledge

of the Saudi Real Estate Market.

Meshari is a Taqeem Accredited Valuer, having completed Taqeem Trainers Program courses 101

– 108. Meshari holds a bachelor’s degree in Finance from King Fahd University of Petroleum and


Ahmed Fathy, Consulting Manager

Ahmed has over 17 years of experience in real estate development and fixed assets valuation,

including five years in Saudi Arabia. He also worked as a consultant for Al-Ajlan Global, to develop

their real estate portfolio.

He is a member at IACVA with a CVA designation and a member of the Egyptian real estate valuation

experts’ commission. He also acquired the CIB certificate, which is an internationally recognized

Islamic finance certificate.

Mr. Ahmed holds a bachelor’s degree in Economics & Political Science.

Abdullah AlHarbi, Analyst

Abdullah is currently working to complete his degree as an architectural engineer from King Saud

University. He has been working with Tunuf as an analyst and excelling in his work in research in

the retail, industrial, and education sectors, transactions and case studies of mega and iconic

projects, valuation of residential and commercial land plots along with residential and commercial

buildings, collaborating in feasibility studies of multi-use developments, and highest and best use

studies. Abdullah holds a student real estate valuer membership from Saudi Authority for

Accredited Valuers, Taqeem, and has completed courses 101 through 107 as part of the program to

become a fellow valuer upon completing courses 106 through 116 as he gains on the job experience

to meet Taqeem requirements.

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