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Commercial Drivers’ Licenses: A Prosecutor’s Guide to the Basics of Commercial Motor Vehicle Licensing and Violations

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Commercial Drivers’ Licenses:A Prosecutor’s Guide to the Basicsof Commercial Motor VehicleLicensing and Violations

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National District Attorneys Association44 Canal Center Plaza, Suite 110Alexandria, VA

Scott Burns, Executive Director

National Traffic Law CenterA Program of the National District Attorneys Association

Joanne Michaels, Program Director

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SESuite W60-300,Washington, DC

Anne S. Ferro, Administrator

The National District Attorneys Association created this documentthrough financial support and assistance from the United StatesDepartment of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier SafetyAdministration (FMCSA), under grant number CD099913NDAAOP.NDAA is not a part of the U.S. Government, the U.S. Department ofTransportation (DOT), or the FMCSA. Therefore, NDAA does notrepresent the official position or policies of the FMCSA, the U.S.DOT, or the U.S. government.

Particular points of view, opinions or legal interpretationsexpressed in this monograph are those of the authors and do notnecessarily represent the official position, policies or opinions ofthe National District Attorneys Association.

To request additional copies of this monographvisit

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Commercial Drivers’ Licenses:A Prosecutor’s Guide to the Basicsof Commercial Motor VehicleLicensing and Violations

Lieutenant John Harmon, Tennessee Highway Patrol

Sergeant Ken Sellers, Texas Highway Patrol

Senior Attorney Kristen Shea, National Traffic Law Center

Traffic Safety Resource Prosecutor Karen Wittman, State of Kansas

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Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................vii

COMMERCIAL DRIVERS’ L ICENSE BASICS ...............................................................1CDLIS ......................................................................................................................................................................2Licensing Requirements .....................................................................................................................................2

Skills/Knowledge Testing.........................................................................................................................3Medical Qualification ...............................................................................................................................5Drug and Alcohol Testing ........................................................................................................................6Background Check ...................................................................................................................................7

Situations Requiring a Valid CDL......................................................................................................................8Classes of CDL ......................................................................................................................................................8

Specialized Endorsements ......................................................................................................................9Restrictions ..............................................................................................................................................11Exemptions to CDL Requirement ..........................................................................................................11Learner’s Permit ......................................................................................................................................12

DRIVER RESPONSIBILITIES ........................................................................................................13Safety Inspections .............................................................................................................................................14Records ................................................................................................................................................................14Hours of Service.................................................................................................................................................15Out-of-Service Orders .......................................................................................................................................16

OWNER/EMPLOYER RESPONSIBILITIES ....................................................................17

PROSECUTORIAL CONSIDERATIONS ..............................................................................19CDL Violations and Consequences.................................................................................................................19

Chart of Major Offenses and Penalties ...............................................................................................20Chart of Serious Offenses and Penalties ............................................................................................22

Criminal Charges................................................................................................................................................24

MASKING AND REPORTING ........................................................................................................25Masking ...............................................................................................................................................................26Reporting .............................................................................................................................................................28

INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL DRIVERS ...............................................................31

Glossary ...............................................................................................................................................................35


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THE NATIONAL DISTRICT ATTORNEYS ASSOCIATION andthe National Traffic Law Center gratefully acknowledge the contri-butions of all the people and organizations whose collaborative ef-forts made this monograph possible. The funding for thismonograph was provided by a grant from the Federal Motor Car-rier Safety Administration (FMCSA). FMCSA’s partnership madethis project possible.

This monograph is the result of collaboration between trafficsafety professionals from all points in the criminal justice system.Most sincere thanks go to Lieutenant John Harmon, TennesseeState Highway Patrol, Sergeant Ken Sellers, Texas Highway Patrol,Senior Attorney Kristen Shea, National Traffic Law Center andKaren Wittman, Kansas Traffic Safety Resource Prosecutor. Theseindividuals contributed their time, talents, and expertise to helpwrite this monograph and ensure its accuracy.

Special appreciation goes to Mr. Robert (Bob) Redmond, SeniorTransportation Specialist, Commercial Driver’s License Divisionwith Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. Given that Mr.Redmond wrote many of the federal regulations that this mono-graph attempts to explain, his assistance with interpretation and will-ingness to answer questions were invaluable. This monograph is anexample of what can be accomplished by like-minded state, local,federal, and non-profit traffic safety professionals working together.


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Traffic prosecutors across the countrydeal every day with the consequencesof these large vehicles that, by necessity,share our roads.

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ON SEPTEMBER 13 , 1899 , Henry H. Bliss be-came the first American in recorded history to die ina motor vehicle collision when he stepped from aNew York City trolley and was struck and killed bya passing taxi. For the first time, a prosecutor de-cided that a traffic “accident” merited criminal pros-ecution. The driver, who was arrestedand later acquitted of manslaughter,laid the blame for the death on alarge truck that was blocking his lane,causing him to strike Mr. Bliss.1 Thusbegan the long and often antipatheticrelationship between passenger andcommercial vehicles sharing thecountry’s roadways. Over a hundredyears later, traffic prosecutors acrossthe country deal every day with theconsequences of these large vehiclesthat, by necessity, share our roads.

Commercial vehicles play a criticalrole in the nation’s economy withlarge trucks moving billions of tonsof goods each year. Commercialmotor vehicles (CMV) provide overtwo thirds of the shipping required

each year by American industry.2 Motor coachestransport passengers across the nation and schoolbuses carry America’s children safely to school eachday. Millions of Americans work in the transporta-tion and commercial vehicle industries with over 1.5million driving large trucks and buses. The majority

1 Fatally Hurt by Automobile, N.Y. Times, Sept. 14, 1899. 2 “American Industry Shipped 13 Billion Tons of Goods in 2007” Bureau ofTransportation Statistics (Research and Innovative Technology Administra-tion).


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of these companies and individuals are committedto the safe operation of their vehicles. These carri-ers and their drivers do their best to follow state andfederal safety guidelines and regulations. They ex-pect and deserve a level playing field where they cancompete with others in their business who are alsofollowing these rules. Unfortunately, as in any field,there are bad actors who refuse to “play by therules,” cutting corners and disregarding regulations.These carriers and drivers place others in jeopardythrough aggressive or negligent driving, drug use,poor maintenance and a host of other failures tocomply with government standards.

Every year commercial trucks and buses log mil-lions of miles on the U.S. roads and each year, alongthe way, thousands of these vehicles are involved incrashes causing property damage, injury, and death.Although personal vehicles travel many more mileseach year than commercial vehicles, these heavytrucks and buses represent a disproportionatelylarge percentage of serious and fatal crashes.3 A sig-nificant portion of these crashes are the fault of non-commercial drivers, but many are caused bycommercial vehicle operators who are operating un-safe vehicles or committing traffic violations. Often,these crashes are caused by CMV drivers who haverepeatedly violated safety regulations and who may

have repeatedly avoided any real consequences fortheir violations.

At a minimum, prosecutors must attain a workingknowledge of the commercial driver licensing lawsthat affect their cases. Although the terminologyand regulations might be unfamiliar or even intim-idating, understanding the basics about commercialmotor vehicles (CMVs) and commercial drivers’ li-censes is fundamental to effective enforcement,prosecution, and adjudication of these cases. With-out proper local support, critical commercial trafficsafety legislation is ineffective. Given the size andpower of these vehicles, ensuring their safe opera-tion will save lives. Finding easily understandableand readily available information regarding thecommercial driver’s license (CDL) violations thatshow up on a morning docket is a challenge, but theprosecutors who handle these CDL cases have aduty to properly and accurately apply the law. Thismonograph addresses the need for a brief, to-the-point, “instruction manual” that explains the basicsof the CDL. It is intended to present the essential,federally mandated elements of commercial driverlicensing, explain the special sanctions affectingCDL holders and to provide further informationabout other available resources.4

4 To the extent that there is a discrepancy between the regulations and thisguide, the regulations control. Additionally, prosecutors must always bemindful that federal regulations establish minimum standards for CDL con-trol and commercial vehicle driver and carrier requirements. Each state hasthe right to create additional, potentially more stringent rules. Prosecutorsshould become familiar with both the state and federal laws that affect theirCDL cases. Traffic regulations will change as research, technology and sci-entific innovations dictate. It is incumbent upon prosecutors to check for up-dates regularly.

3 Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, Large Truck and Bus Crash Facts2008, March 2010. The most recent statistics available indicate that althoughlarge trucks represent only 227,458,000, or 7.6%, of the 2,973,509,000 totalvehicles miles traveled in 2008, they represent a disproportionately high11.35% of total fatalities from vehicle crashes. The statistics do not includebuses.

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T H E I M P O R TA N C E of commercial motor vehi-cles to the fundamental operation of the nation’seconomy cannot be over emphasized. A strongeconomy, based on the flow of commercial materi-als, supports all the essential functions of a country.Our lives run smoothly because of the daily unin-terrupted provision of goods and services. Thecommercial transportation industry provides the ef-ficacious delivery of those goods and, more impor-tantly, the safe transport of the people who providethose services from one location to another.

In the United States, the transportation of goodsand services has evolved over the past several hun-dred years. The first commercial transportation inAmerica was accomplished via rivers and other wa-terways. Later, man-made power replaced the nat-ural system of transport through the innovation ofthe railroad. Transportation was then further revo-lutionized by the speed and convenience of the mo-torized vehicle. Widespread transportation ofgoods, however, required an equally widespread,safe, and regulated system of transport. Althoughcars and trucks had become the primary mode ofpersonal transportation during the first half of the20th century, it was not until the federal govern-ment stepped in to create an organized and well-maintained system of roads across the entirecountry that motorized transport became the pre-

ferred method of industrialized shipping. When President Eisenhower signed the Federal-

Aid Highway Act of 1956, creating the infrastruc-ture for a nationwide ground transport system, thefoundation for the modern trucking industry wasestablished. In addition to authority over the roadsthemselves, the government attained the authorityto regulate the transportation of goods and serviceson those interstate highways. The Interstate Com-merce Commission had been given authority toregulate motor carriers and drivers by the MotorCarrier Act of 1935. Section 206 of the Act declaredthat “no common carrier by motor vehicle…shallengage in any interstate or foreign operation on anypublic highway… unless there is in force with re-spect to such carrier a certificate of public conven-ience and necessity issued by the commissionauthorizing such operation.”5

Prior to 1986, little effective federal legislationexisted to govern the operation of large trucks andbuses on interstates. Individual states determinedtheir own methods of testing and ensuring the qual-ifications of CDL applicants. Drivers could obtaina driver’s license in multiple states. There was verylittle communication between states regarding a dri-ver’s traffic violations. This resulted in drivers withlittle or no training or poor driving histories oper-ating on the nation’s roadways. The crash data

5 Interstate Commerce Act: Part II (Motor Carrier Act, 1935) as amendedNovember 1, 1954, with legislative history, plus related statutes. UnitedStates Reprints from the collection of the University of Michigan.

6 “Large Truck and Bus Crash Facts 2008: Early Release” Analysis Division,Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration FMCSA-RRA-09-052 Octo-ber 2009.


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reflected the inadequacy of governance. Accuratestatistics on crash data involving large trucks hasbeen collected by the federal government since themid 1970s. From 1975 to 1985, there was an aver-age of 4.53 fatal crashes for every 100 million vehi-cle miles traveled by large trucks on U.S. roadways.6In 1986, the U.S. Congress enacted the Commer-cial Motor Vehicle Safety Act (CMVSA) to improvethe safety of commercial motor vehicle (CMV) driv-ers throughout the nation.

The CMVSA was signed into law on October 27,1986. One of the goals of this legislation was to in-crease highway safety by removing unqualifiedcommercial motor vehicle drivers from the roads.The CMVSA also standardized the minimum re-quirements for commercial driver licensing fromstate to state and prohibited drivers from holdingmore than one commercial driver’s license (CDL).This helped to eliminate the practice of driversholding CDLs in multiple states. States retainedtheir right to issue and control drivers’ licenses inaccordance with minimum national standards fordriver knowledge and skills competence. From thetime that the CMVSA was passed in 1986, the totalnumber of large trucks registered in the UnitedStates has almost doubled, and the total number ofvehicle miles traveled by those trucks has nearlytripled.7 This safety-oriented legislation has beensuccessful. Despite the significant increase in thenumbers of large trucks on the road, the fatal crashrate per million miles traveled had fallen to 1.79 by2008.8

The federal government not only established leg-islation to improve the safety of the commercialmotor vehicle industry, it also responded to the needfor an organization whose primary task was that in-dustry’s oversight. In 1999, Congress passed theMotor Carrier Safety Improvement Act and createdthe Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration(FMCSA). FMCSA is a separate administrationwithin the U.S. Department of Transportation op-erating with the mission of “improving the safety ofcommercial motor vehicles (CMV) and savinglives.”9 It employs over 1000 individuals and main-tains a presence in all 50 states and the District ofColumbia and US territories. Administration head-quarters is located in Washington, D.C. There arealso field offices including four regional service cen-ters and a division office in each state, the District ofColumbia and Puerto Rico. FMCSA seeks to im-prove commercial vehicle safety through a multi-faceted approach which includes regulation,education, and partnering with stakeholders such asfederal, state, and local enforcement agencies, andother traffic safety professionals. It conducts multi-ple safety programs focusing on border and inter-national safety, commercial driver licensing, andsafety and education outreach. The CDL programis among FMCSA’s key programs and serves to de-velop, monitor, and support compliance with fed-eral commercial driver licensing standards fordrivers, carriers and states.10

09 2009, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. 13January 2009 <>.

10 Information concerning other key FMCSA programs can be located at

7 “Large Truck and Bus Crash Facts 2008: Early Release” Analysis Division,Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration FMCSA-RRA-09-052 Octo-ber 2009.

8 “Large Truck and Bus Crash Facts 2008: Early Release” Analysis Division,Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration FMCSA-RRA-09-052 Octo-ber 2009.

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B E G I N N I N G W I T H T H E C M V S A in 1986, thefederal government attempted to correct the lack ofuniformity in commercial driver licensing across thecountry. Logically, a driver licensed in Virginia whowants to drive through Texas should possess thesame basic skills and qualifications that the State ofTexas requires of its own CDL holders. Similarly, aCalifornia law enforcement officer should be ableto examine a CDL from Florida and find the samebasic information that appears on a CDL from his

own state. The federal regulations address this uni-formity and require security measures that makefraudulent or forged CDLs easier to identify.

While CDLs may vary somewhat in appearancefrom state to state, all CDLs are required to promi-nently display important identifying descriptorspursuant to 49 CFR 383.153. The license must pro-vide the driver’s full name, mailing or residence ad-dress, and signature. The face of the license will alsodisplay a photograph of the driver as well as the dri-

ver’s CDL numberfrom the issuing state.The CDL must indi-cate the group(s) of ve-hicles that the driver isauthorized to operateand any special en-dorsements, privilegesor restrictions. Finally,the CDL must clearlyshow if the holder is a“non-resident” CDLdriver. With very fewexceptions, drivers areprevented by federallaw from holding morethan one CDL at anygiven time.11

CDL Basics

11 49 CFR 383.21 (2010).

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One of the many changes brought about by the1986 CMVSA was the inception of a more accuratemethod of keeping comprehensive driver historyrecords. The move was necessitated by the dis-jointed and often incomplete records kept by indi-vidual states. Too often, conviction records wereavailable only in the state where the traffic violationoccurred and not transmitted to the driver’s state oflicensure. Enforcement of the federally mandated“one state-issued CDL per driver” limitation wasimpeded by the states’ inability to communicatewith each other to provide out-of-state convictionand withdrawal data. CMVSA addressed this com-munication problem through the creation of theCommercial Driver’s License Information System(CDLIS) which is a centralized pointer system pro-viding an interactive information system. The driverlicensing authorities in each state can communicatewith CDLIS to check for information on new CDLapplicants. CDLIS works to assist states assessingCDL applicants by directing the licensing agencyto the driver’s current state of licensure so that acomplete driver history can be obtained.

CMVSA did not create a federally-issued CDLsystem and CDLIS does not replace the individualstates’ licensing authorities. State licensing agenciesissue CDLs. CDLIS is an important tool that helpsto facilitate information sharing between states re-garding driver histories for CDL holders. Prior toissuing a CDL, states are required to run a CDLIScheck to determine whether the driver applicant al-ready had a CDL, if his driver’s license is suspended,

revoked or canceled and if he is otherwise disquali-fied from holding a CDL.12 If a state has issued aprior CDL to the applicant, that state can provideall relevant history to the state requesting the in-formation on the driver. Each time a state issues aCDL it will add that record into the CDLIS cen-tral site.

The type of information that should be reportedto CDLIS is governed by 49 CFR 383 and 384. Thereported record should include the driver’s name,address, physical description and Social Securitynumber13 of any CDL holder.14 Additionally, therecord should indicate the state of issuance of anyCDL, when it is valid, whether it or any prior dri-ver’s license has ever been suspended, revoked orcanceled and any periods of disqualification fromoperation of a CDL. The success of the CDLISprogram depends on the ability of the states’ licens-ing authorities to promptly share accurate CDL in-formation.


Because the safe operation of certain large vehiclesrequire specialized knowledge and skills, every stateand the federal government requires operators ofthose vehicles to possess a valid CDL.15 For CDLpurposes, FMCSA defines a commercial motor ve-hicle (CMV) as one that is used for business pur-poses, involved in interstate or intrastate commerceand has any one or more of several specific charac-teristics. Those characteristics include a having aGVWR/GCWR16 of 26,001 pounds or more, beingdesigned to transport 16 or more passengers in-

12 F 49 CFR 383.205 (2010).13 The Social Security number must be part of the record but need not appear

on the face of the CDL itself. 14 49 CFR 383.151 (2010).15 49 CFR 383.23(a) (2010).16 GVWR (gross vehicle weight rating) and GCWR (gross combined weight

rating) describe the weight rating established by the vehicle manufacturer.These terms are discussed further in this monograph.

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cluding the driver, or transporting enough haz-ardous materials to require placarding under federalguidelines (or any amount of materials designatedas special agents or toxins).

If a vehicle meets the definition of a CMV, itsdriver will need (barring certain legal exemptionsdiscussed below) a state CDL issued in compliancewith federal regulations. Title 49 Code of FederalRegulations (CFR) Parts 383 and 384 deal specifi-cally with CDLs and driver requirements. The rulesestablish the requirement that all drivers operatingqualifying CMVs hold a valid CDL issued by a cer-tified state.17 These regulations were developed “tohelp reduce or prevent truck and bus accidents, fa-talities, and injuries by requiring drivers to have asingle commercial motor vehicle driver’s license andby disqualifying drivers who operate commercialmotor vehicles in an unsafe manner.”18

The same federal regulations detailed in 49 CFR383 place obligations on both drivers and employ-ers. Drivers, for instance, are required to informcurrent and prospective employers regarding spec-ified convictions (having implications on their CDLstatus) and their employment history. Employersare required to allow only drivers with valid licensesto operate their vehicles. The federal regulationsensure that wherever a driver or carrier operates,they do so with a certain standard of behavior. It is

important to remember, though, that the federalregulations serve only as the baseline for the mini-mum regulations each state must use for CDL is-suance and management. Individual states areallowed to craft legislation that is more stringentthan the federal guidelines. The basic standards arefairly uniform across the United States and makesure that drivers licensed in any state have the sameminimum level of knowledge, skills, and generalqualifications to drive a large truck or bus. Prose-cutors should always check their own state code aswell as the federal regulations to determine the ac-tual requirements to apply in each case.

Skills/Knowledge TestingFederal regulations establish minimum standards ofCDL drivers’ ability and proficiency. A primary re-quirement for licensing is that a driver be able todemonstrate the requisite level of knowledge re-garding the rules of the road for CMVs.19 Pursuantto the CFR, all commercial motor vehicle operatorsseeking a CDL must have “knowledge and skillsnecessary to operate a CMV safely.”20 It is impor-tant to note that, before being issued a CDL, alldrivers are required to become familiar with the safeoperation regulations governing the type of vehiclethey are operating or anticipate operating. Theseregulations cover “vehicle inspection, repair, andmaintenance requirements; procedures for safe ve-hicle operations; the effects of fatigue, poor vision,hearing, and general health upon safe CMV opera-tion; the types of motor vehicles and cargoes sub-ject to the requirements; and the effects of alcoholand drug use upon safe commercial motor vehicleoperations.”21 Another requirement is that the drivers

19 49 CFR 383.23(a)(1) states that as of April 1, 1992 “no person shall oper-ate a commercial motor vehicle unless such person has taken and passedwritten and driving tests which meet the Federal standards” detailed withinthe CFR language.

20 49 CFR 383.110 (2010). It should be noted that there are some limited ex-ceptions where a driver’s prior history of vehicle operation may allow himto bypass skills testing.

21 49 CFR 383.111(a) (2010).

17 One exception to this rule is contained in 49 CFR 383.23(c) which allowsdrivers with valid “state’s learners’ permits” to operate commercial motorvehicles in order to obtain “behind-the-wheel” training.

18 49 CFR 383.1(a) (2010).

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must pass knowledge-based testing regarding theproper operation of a large truck or bus and the useof its safety systems such as lights, horns, mirrors,and fire extinguishers.22 This test should also coverthe symptoms and diagnosis of common systemmalfunctions (e.g., loss of braking ability or skid-ding) and the appropriate countermeasures.23

CDL applicants must also complete a three-parttest that includes components related to pre-trip in-spection, basic vehicle control skills and on-the-

road performance. The test is designed to evaluatereadiness for real-life commercial motor vehicle op-eration. To succeed, the applicant should be wellable to control his24 truck and show proper signal-ing, lane change, etc. Also, the applicant must beable to demonstrate appropriate pre-trip inspectionof the braking system.25 The skills required for aCDL may vary depending on the type of vehicle thedriver will be operating (tank, hazardous material,passenger, double trailer, etc.).26 In some instances,

Drivers must pass knowledge-based testing regarding the proper operationof a large truck or bus and the use of its safety systems...

24 Throughout this document the pronoun he is used as the proper, gender-neutral form of reference to a non-specific individual. “He” or “his” is in-tended to indicate both male and female drivers. See William Strunk, Jr. &E.B. White, The Elements of Style, The Penguin Press 89 (2005).

25 49 CFR 383.113(c)(1) (2010).26 Specific requirements for all federal mandated endorsements can be found

in 49 CFR 383.115 through 49 CFR 383.123.

22 49 CFR 383.111(b) (2010).23 In cases involving potential CDL holder negligence or recklessness, a pros-

ecutor should consider that 49 CFR 383.111(b) requires these drivers tohave a knowledge of driving safety superior to that of a non-commercialvehicle driver. A commercial driver should be familiar with the basic oper-ations of his truck, trailer, and stopping systems. Additionally, he or she hasmost likely received instruction regarding extreme weather conditions,emergency maneuvers, and hazard perception.

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a driver may “grandfather” into a CDL based ondriving experience gained prior to the passage of thefederal requirements. There are certain restrictionsplaced on this “waiver” procedure that are allowableat the discretion of individual state licensing au-thorities. Per FMCSA, this ability to waive certainlicensing requirements under the “grandfather”provision is scheduled to be eliminated from theregulations. For a sampling of the types of itemsthat states include on knowledge or skills test, see49 CFR 383, Subpart G. Appendix.

Medical QualificationIn addition to demonstrating basic proficiency inthe operation of their vehicles, CDL applicantsmust also be in good health and free from any men-tal or physical condition that would make them un-able to safely operate the CMVs for which they arelicensed. The federal government has establishedminimum guidelines for physical qualifications.27

These regulations, in effect since 1971, are intendedto keep drivers with particular medical conditionsfrom interstate operation of commercial vehicles.28

Loss of limb, epilepsy, insulin-dependent diabetes,cardiovascular or respiratory problems, certain psy-chiatric illnesses, and other vision or physical limi-tations are among the conditions that couldpotentially make a commercial driver medically un-qualified.29

An interstate CDL driver must provide proof thathe has undergone a medical examination by a li-censed medical examiner30 and is in possession of amedical certificate from that medical examiner.31

Currently, this certificate must be kept on his per-

son while he is on duty.32 On December 1, 2008,FMCSA issued new rules intended to improve thequality of medical examinations given to CDL driv-ers and to strengthen the ability of states to licenseonly medically qualified drivers.33 Under the newrules, the CDL and the medical certificate wouldmerge into a single document, streamlining recordkeeping for states and allowing instant access to adriver’s medical certification by state or federal au-thorities.34 Between 2012 and 2014, a new systemwill be implemented to eliminate the need for driv-ers to carry a physical copy of their medical certifi-cation. CDL drivers will no longer need to carrytheir certificate because a digital version will be-come a part of the information in their permanentCDLIS record. Drivers must continue to carry thephysical copy during this two-year transition pe-riod.35 Federal law requires states to sanction CDLholders who do not follow the medical examinationrequirements.36 There has been a recent shift to-wards stricter control of who may be consideredqualified to perform physical examinations of CDLholders. Under a newly proposed FMCSA registry,states will be unable to accept medical certificatesfrom medical examiners who do not meet the re-quired standards.

To be considered medically qualified, a drivermust not be taking any Schedule I controlled sub-stance, amphetamine, narcotic, or any other habitforming drug.37 If a driver does have a prescriptionfor a medication falling within that definition, hemay only be qualified under very limited circum-stances. He must have no current diagnosis of alco-holism. Also, the prescription must be issued by a

32 49 CFR 391.41(a)(2)(i) (2010). 33 FMCSA Improves Medical Requirements for Commercial Truck and Bus

Drivers, The Guardian, First Quarter 2009, at 7.34 Id.35 49 CFR 391.41(a)(2)(i). 36 FMCSA Improves Medical Requirements for Commercial Truck and Bus

Drivers, The Guardian, First Quarter 2009, at 7.37 49 CFR 391.41(a)(12)(i) (2010).



29 Id. 30 49 CFR 390.5 (2010) defines “medical examiner” as a state-licensed pro-

fessional allowed to perfom physical examinations. The term includes, butis not limited to, doctors of medicine, doctors of osteopathy, physician as-sistants, advanced practice nurses, and doctors of chiropractic.

31 49 CFR 391.41(a)(1)(i) (2010).

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licensed physician familiar with the driver’s medicalhistory (including drug and alcohol use and othermedications) and assigned duties.38 That same doc-tor must have advised the driver that the prescribeddrug will not adversely affect that driver’s ability tooperate a commercial motor vehicle safely.39

Under 49 CFR, part 391.45, subpart E, medicalcertificates are generally valid for two years fromdate of issuance. In some circumstances, a medicalexaminer may determine that a shorter time periodfor reevaluation is required and qualify the driverfor a period of time ranging from three months toone year. If, within the two-year period between re-quired exams, a driver suffers any injury or physicalor mental illness that impairs his ability to performhis normal duties, he must submit to another med-ical examination. While a driver is not required toundergo a new examination simply because he ischanging employment, carriers are responsible formaking sure their drivers are medically certified. Incase of illness or injury, an employer may requireadditional testing to be certain the driver’s abilitiesare not impaired. It is the driver’s duty to make surehe submits to regular medical examinations in ac-cordance with federal and state regulation.

Drug & Alcohol TestingWhile drivers are required to submit to a medicalexamination prior to licensing and within every sub-sequent 24 month period (and in case of any inter-vening and potentially impairing illness or use ofdrugs/medicines), there is no requirement that doc-

tors perform any drug testing during the certifica-tion physical. The DOT-mandated Drug and Alco-hol testing regulations, contained in 49 CFR parts40 and 382, place the responsibility for drug testingon employers. Employers are, with few exceptions,required to screen potential CMV operators priorto employment through pre-employment drug test-ing.40 Each year employers must conduct randomtesting for prohibited drug and alcohol use amongtheir drivers. Testing must be done for alcohol on10% and for drugs on 50% of the average numberof driving positions in a given company. The per-centage of drivers an employer is required to test isset by FMCSA and published in the Federal Register.41

Some commercial drivers will abuse illegal or

38 FMCSA will not consider a driver taking medically prescribed marijuana tobe medically qualified for the operation of a commercial motor vehicle.

39 49 CFR 391.41(a)(12)(ii) (2010).40 CFR 382.301 allows for certain exceptions to the requirement of pre-em-

ployment testing, for instance, employee participation in a program thatrequires random drug screens.

41 49 CFR 382.305 (2010).

Drivers are subject to a mandatoryperiod of disqualification foroperating a CMV with a BAC of.04% or higher.

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prescription drugs to increase alertness, prolongwakefulness or mask chronic pain conditions. Thereare currently, however, no federal requirements forfrequent, random, on-duty screens of commercialdrivers.42 Most federal regulations are geared to-wards alcohol detection and on-duty-use of alcoholdeterrence. Drivers may not report for duty withany measurable quantity of alcohol in their systempursuant to 49 CFR 392.5. Drivers are banned fromCMV operation or the performance of any safetysensitive function within four hours of consumingany alcohol at all.43 On-duty drivers are not permit-ted to consume any alcoholic beverages, with thesame prohibition against employers knowingly al-lowing such use.44 Drivers are subject to a manda-tory period of disqualification for operating a CMVwith a BAC of .04% or higher.45 There is no suchmandatory period of disqualification for a driverwho tests positive for illegal or prescription drug usewhile on duty unless the driver is convicted of animpaired driving offense.46 Employers are expectedto abide by these restrictions and enforce themamong their work force. Drivers are required tosubmit to alcohol and/or drug testing at the behestof their employers.47

Background CheckIn addition to assuring that all drivers to whomCDLs are issued are medically qualified and havethe skills necessary to drive their classification of ve-hicles, the states must also check the driving historyof applicants to screen for any offense that would

indicate an unsafe driver. Federal regulations re-quire that before issuing, renewing, upgrading, ortransferring a CDL to any person, the driver’s stateof record must check its own records.48 Also, thestate must require the driver to provide a list of allother states where the driver has held a driver’s li-cense of any type for the past 10 years. The issuingstate must then request the applicant’s driver recordfrom each of those states.49 Each state is required tocheck the CDLIS record of the applicant and sendnotification to CDLIS of all CDLs issued.50

Multiple types of criminal convictions, even thoseunrelated to moving violations, can cause a CDLdriver to become disqualified (felony drug offensecommitted in a vehicle, felony committed in a vehi-cle, DUI, etc.).51 Traffic safety professionals shouldbe mindful that there is no requirement that a gen-eral criminal history of a CDL applicant be per-formed prior to licensing. It is incumbent uponprosecutors and the criminal court system to makesure that potentially disqualifying offenses are re-ported accurately and promptly to relevant licensingauthorities (see section covering Prosecutorial Con-siderations). No assumption should be made that allrelevant traffic and criminal offenses have been re-ported. Prosecutors who notice an offense on acriminal history that does not appear on a driver’srecord should notify the licensing authorities aboutthe error. If prosecutors and court officials fail toreport relevant convictions, dangerous drivers willbe allowed to continue operating CMVs on publicroads.

48 49 CFR 384.206 (2010).49 Any states receiving requests from another state’s licensing authority must

send the requested information within 30 days. 50 49 CFR 384.205 (2010).51 49 CFR 383.51 (2010).

42 Prosecutors should not assume that truck or bus drivers are receiving reg-ular drug testing as part of their employment. Cases involving the misuseor abuse of drugs (including alcohol) may require drug and alcohol testingas part of probation.

43 49 CFR 384.207 (2010).44 49 CFR 382.205 (2010).45 49 CFR 382.201 (2010).46 An employee testing positive for illegal drugs during a random employ-

ment based drug screen will have to abide by certain conditions prior toreturning to work pursuant to 49 CFR 832.309.

47 49 CFR 382.211 (2010).

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The determination of whether or not a CDL (andwhat class) is required depends on the nature of thevehicle and/or load it is hauling. Trucks and pas-senger vehicles can require that a driver hold a CDLdepending on their size and passenger capacity.Given the applicability of federal and state regula-tions, it may be sometimes difficult for law enforce-ment officers to determine who does and does notrequire a CDL. Familiarity with and adherence tothe regulations makes handling CDL violations eas-ier for officers and prosecutors. Generally, “everyperson who operates a commercial vehicle (CMV)in interstate, foreign, or interstate commerce” willrequire a CDL pursuant to 49 CFR 383.3 but somefederal exceptions apply. Even if there is no federalregulation requiring a CDL, a state rule may becontrolling. An official enforcing, prosecuting, oradjudicating CDL cases should make sure that allfactors are considered. Any questions can be re-ferred to state CDL authorities for clarification.52

Because larger vehicles, multiple connected vehi-cles, and certain types of load materials pose a moresignificant potential danger to the public than oth-ers, there are different types of CDLs issued.


Federal regulations divide commercial vehicles intogroups or “classes” based on size and type of load.53

Each class of commercial vehicle demands a sepa-rate knowledge and skill set. The varying classifica-tions of CDL require different levels of skill andknowledge testing prior to issuance. Any commer-cial driver’s license allows a driver to operate vehi-

cles only within his or her designated vehicle classor any of the lower levels of classification. There arethree basic classifications of CDL: “A,” “B” and“C.”

A Class “A” CDL requires the most skill andknowledge testing and permits the holder to driveall vehicles allowed with the two lower classifica-tions.54 Similarly, a Class “B” CDL would entitle theholder to operate both Class “B” allowable vehiclesand Class “C” allowable vehicles. A driver may onlyoperate the vehicles allowed within his own classi-fication and any lower classifications.55

Generally, CDL classifications are based on theweight rating of the vehicle, the type of the vehicleand the type of load or number of passengers a ve-hicle is designed to carry. The Gross VehicleWeight Rating (GVWR) is the value specified bythe manufacturer as the maximum safe loadedweight of a single vehicle.56 As such this is not anactual weight, which would be difficult to obtain at

52 In most states the Department of Safety or Department of Transportationis responsible for commercial driver licensing. Prosecutors should becomefamiliar with the licensing authorities in their own states.

53 49 CFR 383.91 (2010).

54 Id.55 Id.56 49 CFR 390.5 (2010).

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roadside, but an estimated weight pre-determinedby the manufacturer. Similarly, the Gross Combi-nation Weight Rating (GCWR) is a value estab-lished by the manufacturer as the maximum safeloaded weight of a combination or articulated vehi-cle (this includes the vehicle and any trailer(s) it ishauling).57 The three classes of commercial license,therefore, can be defined by weight rating and ve-hicle type and function.

Class A CDL—required for CMVs with aGCWR of 26,001 pounds or more includ-ing a towed vehicle with a GVWR of morethan 10,000 pounds.

Class B CDL—required for CMVs with aGVWR of 26,001 pounds or more or anysuch vehicle towing a vehicle with a GVWRof 10,000 pounds or less.

Class C CDL—required for the commer-cial operation of a vehicle not meeting thedefinition of a Class A or Class B but de-signed to transport 16 or more passengers,or transporting hazardous materials re-quired to be marked with a placard or car-rying certain agents/toxins.

It is a violation of law in every state for a CMVdriver to operate a vehicle without a valid CDL oroutside his designated class of CDL or without the

appropriate endorsements. Violations of these pro-hibitions should be strictly enforced because thesedrivers are operating vehicles without the necessarytraining, testing, or screening. Failure to obtain aproper license, however, is not a defense to prose-cution of moving violations while operating a CMV.A driver who should have held a CDL at the time ofthe violation may still be convicted for CDL viola-tions.

Some disqualifying offenses apply both to driverswho held a CDL and those who should have held aCDL based on the vehicle they were operatingwhen ticketed. Prosecutors should be aware thatthese drivers may still be cited and have that viola-tion reported to licensing authorities. Driving aCMV without first obtaining a CDL, for instance,will cause a driver to become disqualified fromCDL operation from 60 to 120 days.58

Specialized EndorsementsIn addition to the three classes of CDL, operatorsmust also obtain special “endorsements” allowingfor the operation of specialized vehicles or trans-portation of dangerous materials.59 Federal regula-tions set minimum standards for specially endorseddrivers, but states may require more stringent stan-dards. In order to obtain specialized endorsements,CDL drivers must undergo additional testing ordriver history screening. Drivers seeking to haulhazardous materials or tanker loads must receivetraining in addition to the standard CDL education

58 49 CFR 383.51(c)(6) (2010).59 49 CFR 383.93 (2010).

57 Id.

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Federal regulations divide commercial vehicles into groups or“classes” based on size and type of load. Each class of commercialvehicle demands a separate knowledge and skill set.

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Is the GCWR/GVWR* ofthe vehicle or vehicles

>26,001 lbs.?

Is the driver operating avehicle that is a

combination vehicle?

Is the total GVWR ofthe vehicle(s)being towed>10,000 lbs.?

Is the vehicle used totransport hazardous/toxic material

(which is should be placarded)as classified by 49 U.S.C. 5103/49 CFR Part 172 or

42 C.F.R. Part 73 or designed to transport 16 ormore passengers including the driver?

Class A CDL

Class B CDL

Class C CDL

No CDL RequiredIs the GVWR ofthe power unit

alone>26,000 Lbs?











*All terms in bold face type are defined in the appendix of this monograph.

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pursuant to federal law.60 Hazardous materials en-dorsements also require a security screening due tothe potential threat of terrorism. The Transporta-tion Security Administration screens CDL opera-tors seeking hazardous materials endorsements. If astate receives notices from TSA that a driver has notpassed this screening, they must revoke the en-dorsement.61 If granted, the following endorsementswill appear on the CDL itself:

“T”—This designation allows the driver tohaul double or triple trailers.

“P”—This allows the driver to operate pas-senger vehicles commercially.

“N”—This allows the driver to operate tankvehicles.

“H”—This endorsement is required for alldrivers hauling hazardous materialcommercial loads.

“X”—This indicates a driver with combined“H” and “N” designations that permitthe operation of tank vehicles con-taining hazardous materials.

“S”—This is a designation for drivers ofschool buses.

RestrictionsA CDL may also be issued with restrictions. AnyCDL will limit a driver to the operation of vehicletypes for which he has successfully tested. For in-stance, a driver may hold a Class B CDL permittinghim to operate Class B commercial vehicles. Whenhe goes in for his school bus endorsement, however,he tests only in a Class C bus. He will receive hisschool bus endorsement (“S” on his license) but thelicense will be issued with the restriction that he isonly allowed to operate Class C passenger vehiclesor school buses. Similarly, a driver may successfully

pass CDL testing in a vehicle without air brakes. Hecan receive a CDL, but his CDL will restrict himto the operation of CMVs without air brakes (amore complicated system of braking than on a stan-dard vehicle). This method of restriction ensuresthat only drivers with a demonstrated skill level foroperating a specific vehicle type will be on the roadin that vehicle. Enforcing restriction violations isimportant to supporting this safety measure.

Exemptions to CDL Requirements The size or nature of a vehicle does not always de-termine whether or not its driver needs a CDL forlawful operation. Vehicles used for recreational ornon-business purposes, for instance, do not requirea CDL under current federal regulations (state lawsmay be more restrictive). Also, some business oper-ations receive waivers allowing their drivers to op-erate without a CDL (a valid driver’s license is stillrequired). Farm vehicles (run by the farm owner)that are used to transport agricultural products ormachinery to or from a farm, operating within a 150mile radius of that farm, will generally not requirea CDL for operation.62 Firefighters operating life-saving equipment that is well designated by emer-gency lights and sirens are not required by federallaw to hold a CDL (state law may differ).63 TheState of Alaska may exempt certain CMV drivers.64

Drivers employed by eligible units of governmentand working with that jurisdiction in order to sandor plow roads may be exempt from the CDL re-quirement in certain circumstances. Military per-sonnel are never required by federal law to hold aCDL in order to operate a CMV if that operation isfor military purposes. This exemption must be hon-ored by all states.65

In lieu of a full exemption, some drivers engagedin particular fields of employment may receive a

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60 49 CFR 177.816 (2010).61 49 CFR 1572.13 (2010).

62 49 CFR 383.3(d)(1) (2010).63 49 CFR 383.3(d)(2) (2010).64 49 CFR 383.3(e) (2010).65 49 CFR 383.3(c) (2010).

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‘restricted’ commercial driver’s license under thefederal regulations. A restricted license may waivesome of the licensing pre-conditions. For instance,some drivers working in agriculturally oriented jobsare not required to complete the same knowledgeand skills testing as other drivers. It is important toremember that states may not give restricted CDLsto drivers who have poor driving histories. Re-stricted CDLs or CDL exemptions never functionto allow drivers whose licenses are suspended, can-celled or revoked to drive CMVs. To receive a re-stricted CDL a driver must have a regular driver’slicense in good standing. A determination of whichdrivers are exempted or waived from all or part ofthe CDL requirements depend largely on the driv-ers’ occupations, operating activities and state law,which may vary. Prosecutors should consult appro-priate licensing authorities if they have questions re-garding whether or not a CDL is required.

Learner’s PermitUnder 49 CFR 383.23(c), non-CDL holders are al-lowed to operate CMVs with a learner’s permit. A

driver who holds a valid states driver’s license (orwho has passed the applicable vision, knowledgeand sign/symbol tests that are prerequisites for li-censing in that state) may be eligible for a CDLlearner’s permit. A driver holding a learner’s permitmay only operate a CMV for the purposes of train-ing and only when accompanied by a validly li-censed CDL holder who is eligible for duty andpresent in the cab (not in the sleeper berth).66 Driv-ers who operate CMVs with only a learner’s permitmay not transport any hazardous material that re-quires a placard (as defined by 49 CFR 283.5).67 Thefederal regulations, in 49 CFR 383.21, state that “noperson who operates a commercial motor vehicleshall at any time have more that one driver’s li-cense.” It may not currently be considered a viola-tion of the one-license rule for a driver with a CDLlearner’s permit to have a valid driver’s license froma different state, but the trend continues to be amovement towards restricting drivers to one driver’slicense at a time. Regardless, once a CDL is re-ceived, the driver is required to surrender the li-cense from the original state.

66 49 CFR 383.23(c) (2010).67 Most drivers are familiar with the diamond shaped placard affixed to some

tankers and trailers but are not aware that this placard signifies that thedriver is hauling hazardous materials.

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Driver Responsibilities

68 Under both 49 CFR 392.7 and 49 CFR 392.8, drivers must inspect their ve-hicles’ parts and accessories as well as the emergency equipment to legallyoperate those vehicles. CFR 383.21 (2010).

C D L D R I V E R S have a continuing duty to makesure that they and the vehicles they operate are fitfor operation. This ongoing duty requires that theyreport illness, drugs/medication use, or any injuriesthat could impair their physical ability. Drivers mustundergo a proper medical examination to make surethey are ready for the road. Similarly, drivers are re-quired to ensure the safe condition of their vehi-cles.68 Drivers should decline to operate any unsafevehicle. In fact, there is nationwide motor carrierwhistle-blower protection for CMV drivers. Driverswho file a complaint, begin a proceeding, or whooffer testimony relating to a violation of commercialmotor vehicle safety regulation are federally safe-guarded against being fired, disciplined or discrim-inated against in terms of pay or privileges. Thisprotection is also afforded to a driver who refusesto operate a CMV if that operation would have vi-olated a federal health or safety regulation and if thedriver (having reported an unsafe condition to anemployer who refused to correct the problem) rea-sonably thought that the operation of that vehiclecould have seriously injured or impaired himself oranother. Federal law, 40 U.S.C. 31105, protectsthese drivers who refuse to violate safety regulationsby prohibiting any retaliatory action of against themby their employers. The existence of this protectionshould be part of the training received by these driv-ers. To be certain that protected drivers are up-holding their responsibility to check the conditionof their vehicles, the federal government has cre-ated a roadside vehicle inspection program.

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71 49 CFR 396.11 (2010).72 49 CFR 396.13 (2010).73 The Surface Transportation Assistance Act (STAA), 49 USC Section 31105,

prohibits retaliatory action by carriers against drivers who refuse to violateHOS or operate a CMV in a manner that violates federal regulations.


According to the Commercial Vehicle Safety Al-liance, the North American Standard InspectionProgram “focuses on commercial vehicle roadsideinspection efforts on vehicle and driver safety re-quirements most often associated with commercialmotor vehicle (CMV) crashes.”69 Cooperating en-forcement agencies agree to perform the inspec-tions in accordance with the previously establishedstandards. Trucks passing the inspection receive de-cals that will generally (in the absence of other fac-tors) allow them to bypass similar inspections forthree months. Decals, indicating that the vehicle haspassed inspection are placed in the lower right cor-ner of the windshield (on the outside). This systemhelps to prevent duplicate efforts by law enforce-ment and saves drivers and carriers valuable time.

The safety inspections focus on critical items in-cluding brake systems, coupling devices, exhaustsystems, frames, fuel systems, lighting systems, se-curement of cargo, steering mechanisms, suspen-sions, tires, wheels, windshield wipers, certaincomponents in engine and battery compartmentsand emergency exits. The safety inspection processis nationally standardized. These inspections are notonly uniform within the United States but through-out all of North America.70 If a safety inspection re-veals vehicle defects, its driver can be cited and thevehicle may be placed out of service until it is re-paired.


Drivers are also responsible for maintaining manydifferent records relating to their vehicles, the loadthey are carrying, their CDL privileges and howlong they have been on the road. State and localregulations also govern which documents must bemaintained and produced upon demand by law en-forcement. With certain exceptions, drivers are re-quired to prepare a written report at the end of eachshift that summarizes the functionality of the serv-ice brakes, parking brake, steering mechanism,lighting devices and reflectors, tires, horn, wind-shield wipers, mirrors, coupling devices, wheels andrims, and emergency equipment. This report mustbe presented to their employers.71 The drivers arerequired to identify any mechanical defect they de-tected while operating the CMV. A driver takingover a CMV must review the inspection report pre-pared by the last driver of that vehicle before oper-ating it. The report should be checked forcorrective action on any previously noted defectsand signed by the new driver prior to operation.72

Drivers may decline to operate any defective or dan-gerous CMV and are protected from retaliatory dis-missal or punitive actions by their employers.73

69 Understanding the North American Standard Inspection Program. CVSAPublication.

70 Prosecutors dealing with crash cases should determine if a recent inspectionwas performed on any CMV involved and if any problems were identified.

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Generally, commercial motor vehicle drivers oper-ating in interstate commerce are subject to Hours-of-Service (HOS) regulations set forth in 49 CFRPart 395. These rules govern when and how longCMV drivers may drive. Many states have enactedsimilar or identical regulations for allowable hoursof service for drivers operating in intrastate com-merce. The rules governing hours of service differslightly depending on whether a driver is hauling aload of materials74 or carrying passengers.75 Factorssuch as consecutive days of service and rest periodsare also considered in determining which drivers aretoo fatigued to operate a CMV safely. The FMCSA

provides the following table of hours-of-serviceguidelines.

It is important to look at the multiple exceptionsto hours-of-service limitations allowed in the fed-eral and state regulations. Severe weather, emer-gency conditions, the content or the load, or ashort-haul operating radius may all provide exemp-tions to HOS statutes.77 Each driver and situationmust be examined on a case-by-case basis. Driversrequired to abide by HOS statutes must keep accu-rate log books in their vehicles for inspection by lawenforcement officers.78


If a safety inspection or other investigation revealsa serious issue with either a vehicle or its driver, theinspector may issue an out-of-service order. Onlyan agent designated by FMCSA has the authorityto issue an out-of-service order (but all law en-forcement may enforce the driving prohibition).Law enforcement officers can obtain the authorityto enforce federal safety regulations if certain re-quirements are met. These officers, who must workfor jurisdictions that have adopted the federal reg-ulations, receive specialized training regardingproper enforcement of the federal regulations.Some city or county law enforcement officers mayhave this authority but it is generally found in ei-ther federal inspectors or state commercial vehicleenforcement units. Officers who are not designatedFMCSA agents may and should cite CMV drivers

Property-CarryingCMV Drivers

11-Hour Driving LimitMay drive a maximum of 11hours after 10 consecutivehours off duty.

14-Hour LimitMay not drive beyond the 14thconsecutive hour after comingon duty, following 10 consecu-tive hours off duty. Off-dutytime does not extend the 14-hour period.

60/70-Hour On-Duty LimitMay not drive after 60/70 hourson duty in 7/8 consecutivedays. A driver may restart a 7/8consecutive day period aftertaking 34 or more consecutivehours off duty.

Sleeper Berth ProvisionDrivers using the sleeper berthprovision must take at least 8consecutive hours in thesleeper berth, plus a separate2 consecutive hours either inthe sleeper berth, off duty, orany combination of the two.

Passenger-CarryingCMV Drivers

10-Hour Driving LimitMay drive a maximum of 10hours after 8 consecutive hoursoff duty.

15-Hour On-Duty LimitMay not drive after havingbeen on duty for 15 hours, fol-lowing 8 consecutive hours offduty. Off-duty time is not in-cluded in the 15-hour period.

60/70-Hour On-Duty LimitMay not drive after 60/70 hourson duty in 7/8 consecutivedays.

Sleeper Berth ProvisionDrivers using a sleeper berthmust take at least 8 hours in thesleeper berth, and may split thesleeper-berth time into two pe-riods provided neither is lessthan 2 hours.


74 The hours-of-service regulations have been the focus of industry-wide re-view and are subject to change. This chart is intended to demonstrate gen-eral principles of restricting the time a driver may drive and how muchtime, proportionally, he should rest. Prosecutors must check state and fed-eral guidelines for the most recent HOS restrictions. See FMCSA’s Pro-posed Rule changing the hours of service requirements in 49 CFR Parts385, 386, 390, et al., issued January 4, 2010.

75 49 CFR 395.1 (2010).76 49 CFR 395.8 (2010).77 49 CFR 395.1 (2010).78 49 CFR 395.8 (2010).

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for standard traffic infractions such as speeding orfailure to obey traffic control devices. Suspected vi-olations of federal regulations should be referred tothe proper authority for that state.

A driver who has been issued an out-of-serviceorder is prevented from any operation of a CMVfor any reason whatsoever.79 Drivers will be placedout of service for critical safety violations such asdriving over their legally allowable hours of serv-ice.80 A driver’s vehicle may also be placed out ofservice if a safety inspection reveals that a criticalmechanical or loading flaw exists that could cause acrash or injury.81 Federal law requires regular com-pliance reviews of motor carriers to verify compli-ance with regulations and safety standards. Whencarriers receive an unsatisfactory inspection or whencritical safety violations are discovered, an entirecarrier may be placed out of service if those viola-tions are not speedily corrected (for example, criti-cal maintenance issues with fleet trucks that are notrepaired appropriately).82

Driving a CMV in violation of such an order willresult in a 180-day to one-year disqualification for afirst conviction (this period increases to 180 days totwo years if the driver’s violation involves the trans-port of placardable hazardous material or a vehicle

designed to carry 16 or more passengers includingthe driver). A second conviction of an out-of-service order results in a CDL disqualification oftwo to five years (this period increases to three tofive years if the driver’s violation involves the trans-port of placardable hazardous material or a vehicledesigned to carry 16 or more passengers includingthe driver). For a third or subsequent conviction ofan out-of-service order, the period of disqualifica-tion ranges from three to five years. To determinemultiple violations of out-of-service orders, all vio-lations within a 10-year period are counted.83 Whencalculating whether violations of the FMCSRs fallwithin a certain time period, it is the dates of the of-fense and not the dates of the convictions thatshould be considered as the date of the violation.

In addition to disqualification, drivers and em-ployers can also face steep civil penalties for viola-tions of out-of-service orders. A first violation fordriver will cost no less than $1,100 and no morethan $2,750.84 Employers will face civil penaltiesranging between $2,750 and $11,000. The civilpenalties and CDL implications serve as strong in-centives for operators and drivers to obey out-of-service orders.

83 49 CFR 383.51 (2010).84 49 CFR. 383.53 (2010).

79 49 CFR 395.13 (2010).80 Id.81 49 CFR 396.9 (2010).82 49 CFR 385.13 (2010).

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I N T E R S TAT E C A R R I E R S must register withFMCSA and receive authority to operate an inter-state motor carrier business in the United Statesprior to transporting cargo or passengers. Once thisoperating permit is obtained, the government is ableto monitor carriers and make sure that they are fol-lowing all regulations. Employers are statutorily re-quired to know and follow federal regulationspertaining to the safe operation of their businesses.85

The federal regulations place multiple responsibil-ities and attendant penalties on employers who vi-olate safety statutes. For instance, employers maynot knowingly allow a driver to operate a CMV ifthat driver’s state CDL has been suspended, re-voked, or cancelled or that driver’s CDL eligibilityhas been lost.86 Employers also may not allow anydriver with more than one CDL or who is an out-of-service order to operate a CMV. Carrier may notallow drivers to violate state or federal safety regu-lations pertaining to railroad highway crossings.87

Violation of any of these regulations will bringstrong penalties to carriers. Ultimately, carriers areresponsible for their vehicles and for following allstate and federal guidelines in hiring and supervis-ing their drivers.

In addition to making sure that all of their vehi-cles are regularly inspected and properly main-tained,88 owners must also make sure that they havesafe drivers working for them. Employers may onlyhire drivers who have successfully passed pre-em-ployment drug-screening.89 The applicant drug-screening process is not a foolproof method of

creating a drug-free workplace. If an applicant is de-nied due to a positive drug screen, the prospectiveemployer is not legally required to keep a record ofthe test. The applicant may simply wait a few daysand apply with another carrier. The next potentialemployer may never know about the prior positivedrug screen. Employers are required, however, tokeep records of the federally mandated testing ofemployees described previously in this text.

In addition to random testing in accordance withstate and federal law, employers must also requirean alcohol and drug test if a driver, while operatinga CMV, is cited for involvement in an accident re-sulting in certain types of bodily injury.90 This re-quirement also applies to crashes that cause damageto a vehicle to the extent it is disabled and must betowed away from the scene. In some cases, a testcollected by law enforcement or other authoritiesmay fulfill this requirement.

In general, a carrier must keep detailed recordsof its compliance with state and federal regulations.To assure compliance with this requirement, U.S.federal safety investigators conduct on-site compli-ance reviews examining a motor carrier’s operations.These reviews may focus on the operator’s HOSrecords, vehicle maintenance, CDL certifications,controlled substance and alcohol testing, financialresponsibility and safety record. The investigationdetermines whether or not a carrier is satisfactorilycomplying with all regulations. Carriers who arefound to be out of compliance may be prohibitedfrom operations until corrective actions are taken.

90 49 CFR 382.303 (2010) requires chemical testing of drivers who are citedfor accidents where a person is injured to the extent that treatment is neededaway from the scene of the accident.

85 49 CFR 390.3(e) (2010).86 49 CFR 383.37 (2010).87 Id. 88 49 CFR 396.3 (2010).89 49 CFR 382.301(2010).

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1 8 C O M M E R C I A L D R I V E R S ’ L I C E N S E S

CDL drivers have a continuing duty to make sure that they and the vehicles they operate are fit for operation.

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P R O S E C U T O R S handling cases involving any de-fendant who holds a CDL should be aware thatboth state and federal laws may apply. These lawsmay affect CDL holders differently than non-CDLholders. This disparate treatment is warranted be-cause CMVs can potentially cause greater damagethan smaller, non-commercial vehicles. Both crim-inal and administrative consequences can stem fromcertain traffic and felony convictions. It is impor-tant to note that the term “conviction” as intendedby Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations mayhave a different meaning from state definitions ofthe same term as it relates to criminal code or pro-cedure.

Federal CMV regulations define conviction91 as“an unvacated adjudication of guilt, or a determina-tion that a person has violated or failed to complywith the law in a court of original jurisdiction or byan authorized administrative tribunal, an unvacatedforfeiture of bail or collateral deposited to securethe person’s appearance in court, a plea of guilty ornolo contendere accepted by the court, the paymentof a fine or court cost, or violation of condition ofrelease without bail, regardless of whether or notthe penalty is rebated, suspended, or probated.”


Depending on the nature and severity of a traffic orcriminal conviction, a defendant could become dis-qualified and barred from operating a CMV requir-ing a CDL. Federal regulations within FMCSRsestablish the definition of disqualification as:

1. the suspension, revocation, or cancella-

tion of a CDL by the State or jurisdictionof issuance;

2. the withdrawal of a driver’s privileges asthe result of a violation of State or locallaw relating to motor vehicle traffic con-trol (other than parking, vehicle weight,or vehicle defect violations); or

3. the determination by FMCSA that adriver is not qualified to operate a com-mercial motor vehicle under 49 CFR Part391.92 A disqualification renders thedriver ineligible to obtain a CDL untilthat disqualification period terminates.

States are required to disqualify the CDL forthese purposes but may impose disqualifications forother reasons. In many cases, the offense that led tothe disqualification of the CDL privileges also re-quires a disqualification of all driving privileges (thisis more commonly referred to as a suspension whenregarding non-CDL licenses). Some states imposelicense suspension for non-driving offenses or ac-tions such as a failure to pay child support or pos-session of illegal drugs. It is important to rememberthat a suspension of the underlying driving privi-leges also affects the CDL privileges even if the of-fense does not specifically require a suspensionunder federal regulations. Further, there are in-stances in which the federally-established minimumperiod of disqualification for the CDL exceeds theminimum period of suspension (according to statelaw) of the non-commercial privileges. Thus, a non-commercial suspension may be curable before theCDL disqualification is curable. In these instances,the state can reinstate the non-commercial privi-

Prosecutorial Considerations

92 Id.91 49 CFR 383.5 (2010).

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2 0 C O M M E R C I A L D R I V E R S ’ L I C E N S E S

If a driver operates amotor vehicle and isconvicted of:

(1) Being under theinfluence of alcohol asprescribed by State law.

(2) Being under theinfluence of a controlledsubstance.

(3) Having an alcoholconcentration of 0.04 orgreater while operatinga CMV.

(4) Refusing to take analcohol test as requiredby a State or jurisdictionunder its impliedconsent laws orregulations as defined in§383.72 of this part.

(5) Leaving the scene ofan accident.

(6) Using the vehicle tocommit a felony, otherthan a felony describedin paragraph (b)(9) ofthis table.

(7) Driving a CMV when,as a result of priorviolations committedoperating a CMV, thedriver’s CDL is revoked,suspended, or canceled,or the driver isdisqualified fromoperating a CMV.

(8) Causing a fatalitythrough the negligentoperation of a CMV,including but not limitedto the crimes of motorvehicle manslaughter,homicide by motorvehicle and negligenthomicide.

(9) Using the vehicle inthe commission of afelony involvingmanufacturing,distributing, ordispensing a controlledsubstance.

For a first conviction orrefusal to be testedwhile operating a CMV*

1 year.

1 year.

1 year.

1 year.

1 year.

1 year.

1 year.

1 year.

Life-not eligible for 10-year reinstatement.

For a first conviction orrefusal to be testedwhile operating a non-CMV*

1 year.

1 year.

Not applicable.

1 year.

1 year.

1 year.

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Life-not eligible for 10-year reinstatement.

For a first conviction orrefusal to be testedwhile operating a CMVtransporting hazardousmaterials required to beplacarded under theHazardous MaterialsRegulations (49 CFR part172, subpart F)*

3 years.

3 years.

3 years.

3 years.

3 years.

3 years.

3 years.

3 years.

Life-not eligible for 10-year reinstatement.

For a second convictionor refusal to be tested ina separate incident ofany combination ofoffenses in this Tablewhile operating a CMV *









Life-not eligible for 10-year reinstatement.

For a second convictionor refusal to be tested ina separate incident ofany combination ofoffenses in this Tablewhile operating a non-CMV*



Not applicable.




Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Life-not eligible for 10-year reinstatement.


*These convictions will count towards disqualification of any individual who held a CDLor who should have held a CDL at the time of the offense, regardless of actual CDL status.

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leges but cannot reinstate the CDL privileges. Toevaluate the differences in these two suspension pe-riods, one must examine the table of disqualifica-tions in the federal regulations (or the properlyadopted CDL suspensions in state law) as comparedto the minimum suspension periods for non-CDLprivileges provided for in state law or regulation. ACDLIS status check is necessary to confirm the ac-tual status of a driver’s CDL.

No driver may operate a CMV when any drivingprivilege is suspended, revoked, disqualified, denied,or cancelled. Drivers may be disqualified from op-erating a CMV for up to one year for offenses com-mitted while driving a non-CMV as well as whiledriving a CMV. These offenses include the firstconviction of driving under the influence, drivingwith a BAC of .04% or more, refusing to submit tochemical testing at the direction of law enforcement(as required by jurisdictions DUI/DWI/impliedconsent laws), leaving the scene of an accident,94

using a commercial vehicle in the commission ofany felony, or causing a fatality through the negli-gent operation of a CMV.95 If a CMV driver com-mits any of those violations while transportinghazardous materials that require a placard on thevehicle, that driver will be disqualified for threeyears. Subsequent violations for any of these of-fenses may result in CDL disqualification for life.To determine if it is a first or subsequent violation,convictions committed while driving both CMVs

and, in some instances, non-CMV convictions willbe counted.96

The CFR also mandates certain periods of CDLdisqualification for serious moving violations.Under CDL standards, a serious moving traffic vi-olation can include excessive speeding (15 mph ormore above the posted speed limit), reckless driv-ing (including driving a CMV with wanton, willfuldisregard for the safety of persons or property), im-proper or erratic lane changes, following too closely,or a violation connected to a fatal crash involvingtraffic control devices. Prosecutors can refer to 49CFR 383.51 (also this monograph pages 29 and 31)to determine which offenses must occur in a CMVto cause disqualification and which may occur in ei-ther a CMV or non-commercial vehicle. Generally,two convictions for serious moving violations withinthree years will result in a 60-day disqualification.Three citations resulting in convictions within threeyears will receive in a 120-day disqualification. Thethree year time period should be measured fromdate of citation to date of next citation and not fromthe conviction dates.

Prosecutors should consult both state and federalregulations when prosecuting any CDL ticket be-cause some states have adopted more stringent stan-dards than required under the federal regulations.When reviewing a driver’s status, a prosecutorshould also review the criminal history to check forpotentially disqualifying non-traffic related felony

93 Table 1 to 49 CFR 383.51(b) (2010).94 The term accident is used because that is the term given within the lan-

guage of the CFR. Prosecutors should remember that only unforeseeableconsequences to actions are truly accidental. It is usually more accurate torefer to a traffic incident as a collision, crash or wreck.

95 49 CFR 383.51 (2010).96 49 CFR 383.51(a)(4) (2010).

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No driver may operate a CMV whenany driving privilege is suspended,revoked, disqualified, denied, orcancelled.

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2 2 C O M M E R C I A L D R I V E R S ’ L I C E N S E S

If the driver operates a motorvehicle and is convicted of:

(1) Speeding excessively,involving any speed of 24.1kmph (15 mph) or more abovethe posted speed limit

(2) driving recklessly, asdefined by State or local lawor regulation, including but,not limited to, offenses ofdriving a motor vehicle inwillful or wanton disregard forthe safety of persons orproperty

(3) making improper or erratictraffic lane changes

(4) following the vehicle aheadtoo closely

(5) Violating State or local lawrelating to motor vehicletraffic control (other than aparking violation) arising inconnection with a fatalaccident

(6) driving a CMV withoutobtaining a CDL

(7) driving a CMV without aCDL in the driver’spossession*

(8) driving a CMV without theproper class of CDL and/orendorsements for the specificvehicle group being operatedor for the passengers or typeof cargo being transported

(9) violating a state or locallaw or ordinance on motorvehicle traffic controlprohibiting texting whiledriving

2nd conviction of anycombination of offenses inthis Table in a separateincident within a 3-yearperiod while operating a CMV,a CDL holder* must bedisqualified from operating aCMV for . . .

60 days

60 days

60 days

60 days

60 days

60 days

60 days

60 days

60 days

2nd conviction of anycombination of offenses inthis Table in a separateincident within a 3-yearperiod while operating a non-CMV, a CDL holder must bedisqualified from operating aCMV, if the conviction resultsin the revocation, cancell-ation, or suspension of theCDL holder’s license or non-CMV driving privileges, for . . .

60 days

60 days

60 days

60 days

60 days

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

3rd or subsequent convictionof any combination of of-fenses in this Table in a sepa-rate incident within a 3-yearperiod while operating a CMV,a person required to have aCDL and a CDL holder must bedisqualified from operating aCMV for . . .

120 days

120 days

120 days

120 days

120 days

120 days

120 days

120 days

120 days

3rd or subsequent convictionof any combination ofoffenses in this Table in aseparate incident within a 3-year period while operating anon-CMV, a CDL holder mustbe disqualified from operatinga CMV, if the convictionresults in the revocation, can-cellation, or suspension of theCDL holder’s license or non-CMV driving privileges, for . . .

120 days.

120 days.

120 days.

120 days.

120 days.

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Not applicable.


*Any individual who provides proof to the enforcement authority that issued the citation, by the date the individual must appear incourt or pay any fine for such a violation, that the individual held a valid CDL on the date the citation was issued, shall not be guiltyof this offense.

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If the driver is convicted of operating aCMV in violation of a Federal, state orlocal law because:

(1) The driver is not required to alwaysstop, but fails to slow down and checkthat tracks are clear of an approachingtrain

(2) The driver is not required to alwaysstop, but fails to stop before reachingthe crossing, if the tracks are not clear

(3) The driver is always required tostop, but fails to stop before drivingonto the crossing

(4) The driver fails to have sufficientspace to drive completely through thecrossing without stopping

(5)The driver fails to obey a trafficcontrol device or the directions of anenforcement official at the crossing

(6) The driver fails to negotiate acrossing because of insufficientundercarriage clearance

For a first conviction a person requiredto have a CDL and a CDL holder mustbe disqualified from operating a CMVfor...

No less than 60 days

No less than 60 days

No less than 60 days

No less than 60 days

No less than 60 days

No less than 60 days

For a second conviction of anycombination of offenses in this Tablein a separate incident within a 3-yearperiod a person required to have a CDLand a CDL holder must be disqualifiedfrom operating CMV for…

No less than 120 days

No less than 120 days

No less than 120 days

No less than 120 days

No less than 120 days

No less than 120 days

For a third or subsequent conviction ofany combination of offenses in thisTable in a separate incident within a3-year period, a person required tohave a CDL and CDL holder must bedisqualified from operating a CMV for

No less than 1 year

No less than 1 year

No less than 1 year

No less than 1 year

No less than 1 year

No less than 1 year


convictions. Felony convictions that would causedisqualification fall within the ‘major offenses’framework. Other offenses are considered ‘serious’rather than ‘major’. These offenses include speed-ing, improper lane change, or even driving a CMVwithout first obtaining a proper CDL. Serious of-fenses may still act to disqualify CDL holders forshorter periods of time as seen in the followingchart.

There are also disqualifications for other viola-tions of safety regulations. Drivers of CMVs are re-quired to observe certain safety practices at railwaycrossing.

Also, drivers who disregard out-of service ordersrelating to themselves or their vehicles will facemandatory penalties.

Regardless of the offense, reporting the convic-tion is mandatory. If the defendant is convicted of

any violation of law that has potential CDL impli-cations, it is imperative that the authorities in thestate that holds the license are aware of the convic-tion so that they may take appropriate action on thelicense if required. The prosecutor should never as-sume this is being done; he should make sure it isdone. The judgment documents should reflectwhen a felony or traffic-related offense is commit-ted with any motor vehicle and clerks must forwardthose documents to the appropriate state licensingauthorities (see Criminal Charges section below).Prosecutors should be aware of the reporting pro-cedures in their jurisdictions. They should be pre-pared to assist with the completion of the reportingdocuments (judgments, suspension orders, etc.). Fi-nally, prosecutors must make sure that all convic-tions are reported as soon after the conviction aspossible.

97 Table 2 to 49 CFR 383.51(c) (2010).

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98 Table 3 to 49 CFR 383.51(d) (2010).

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In addition to traffic citations involving commercialvehicles, prosecutors may also see crimes that di-rectly or indirectly relate to CDL holders. Manystates have, for instance, incorporated the .04%BAC limit for CMV drivers under the federal reg-ulations into the state criminal code. CMV drivers,therefore, can be found guilty of a DUI, DWI orOWI offense at a much lower per se level than driv-ers of non-commercial vehicles. These differingstandards may also apply to cases involving com-mercial vehicle crashes. Some jurisdictions considercommercial drivers to have a greater legal duty-of-care to the public and charge CMV operators whocause crashes with negligent or reckless driving. Fi-nally, a national trend towards more focused trafficenforcement is leading to increased felony chargesinvolving the use of a CMV to commit the crime.These felonies can include serious offenses such astransporting illegal substances (including drugs andstolen goods) or even trafficking human beingsacross the country for various illegal purposes.

All prosecutors should be aware of the CDL im-plications of certain criminal convictions. A prose-cutor handling drug cases, for instance, may findthat by reporting convictions to the licensing au-thorities, he is able to disqualify a defendant fromCMV operation and thus limit that defendant’s abil-

ity to transport large quantities of drugs across thecountry. Many prosecutors are unaware that beingconvicted of any felony (kidnapping, felony assault,etc.) committed in any type of motor vehicle willdisqualify a CDL holder for at least a year and pos-sibly for life.100 While the disqualification of a CDLdoes not automatically result in the revocation ofthe driver’s non-commercial driving eligibility, somestates will revoke a non-commercial license uponconviction for any felony committed with a motorvehicle.101 Reducing the mobility of certain offend-ers may go a long way towards impeding their abil-ity to commit new offenses. An understanding ofCDL violations and penalties can become anothertool for prosecutors handling serious offenses. Be-cause traffic codes and the penalties for traffic vio-lations vary by state, prosecutors should consulttheir own criminal codes regularly to determinehow their states have adopted or included federalregulations. It is important to remember that as newresearch and traffic safety trends emerge, trafficsafety codes may also be changing. Prosecutorsshould consult their state’s code regularly to main-tain an accurate understanding of the state of thelaw.

99 Table 4 to 49 CFR 383.51(e) (2010).100 49 CFR 383.51 (2010).101 Tennessee mandates the year-long revocation of driving privileges for any

driver conviction of a felony committed with a motor vehicle in T.C.A.§55-50-501(2009).

If a driver operates a CMV and isconvicted of…

(1) Violating a driver or vehicle out-of-service order while transportingnon-hazardous materials

(2) Violating a deriver or vehicle out-of-service order while transportinghazardous materials required to beplacarded under part 172, subpart F ofthis title (49), or while operating avehicle designed to transport 16 ormore passengers, including the driver

For a first conviction while operating aCMV a person required to have a CDLand a CDL holder must be disqualifiedfrom operating a CMV for...

No less than 180 days nor more than 1year

No less than 180 days nor more than 2years

For a second conviction in a separateincident within a 10-year period whileoperating a CMV, a person required tohave a CDL and a CDL holder must bedisqualified from operating a CMVfor...

No less than 2 years or more than 5years

No less than 3 years or more than 5years

For a third or subsequent conviction ina separate incident within a 10-yearperiod while operating a CMV, a per-son required to have a CDL and a CDLholder must be disqualified from oper-ating a CMV for...

No less than 3 years or more than 5years

No less than 3 years or more than 5years


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Masking and Reporting

I T I S E S S E N T I A L for all professionals in thecriminal justice system to work together to ensurethat only safe and responsible CDL drivers are li-censed and allowed to operate large vehicles. Sub-mitting high quality and timely data to licensingauthorities helps keep unsafe drivers from obtain-ing or renewing CDLs. Clearly the proper opera-tion of a CMV is more difficult and, arguably, evenmore important than driving a passenger vehiclesafely. Some in the criminal justice system, however,adopt a “give the working man a break” mentality.This mentality is well-meaning but it may endan-ger lives. Law enforcement officers, prosecutors, orjudges may feel that commercial drivers deserve

“another chance” after violating traffic laws (this canresult in multiple violations without serious conse-quence). Defense attorneys argue that penalties forCDL traffic violations unfairly affect commercialdrivers and assert that CDL holders should receivea reduction, dismissal, or deferral of a charge orpenalties. That argument, however, is illogical whenconsidered in terms of the increased likelihood of aserious injury or death occurring if one of thosedrivers is involved in a crash while behind the wheelof a commercial vehicle. Logic dictates that com-mercial drivers, with their extensive training and ex-perience, fully understand the potential consequencesthat violating the law by driving dangerously in any

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vehicle can have on their CDLs. CDL holders donot deserve multiple chances to break the law. Com-mercial motor vehicles may be hauling hazardousmaterials, multiple trailers, or even numerous pas-sengers. These drivers are operating huge vehiclesat significant speeds and they, therefore, have an in-creased duty to the public with whom they share theroads.


When prosecutors or judges treat CDL holders dif-ferently, allowing their convictions to be deferred,dismissed, or to go unreported, this may be consid-ered masking which is prohibited by the FMCSRsand some state statutes. The federal governmentrecognizes the vital role that state and local author-ities play in safe-guarding the nation’s roads and haseven passed legislation intended to guarantee thatevery jurisdiction fulfills that duty equally. This leg-islation is intended to support CDLIS and the ac-curacy of its records. To help maintain thataccuracy, effective September 30, 2002,102 CDLholders were no longer eligible for deferral of mov-ing violations under the federal statutory structure.The code forbids any masking of convictions bystate authorities (court systems, licensing authori-ties, etc.). The code is explicit in the prohibition and49 CFR 384.226 states:

The State must not mask, defer imposition

of judgment, or allow an individual to enterinto a diversion program that would preventa CDL driver’s conviction for any violation,in any type of motor vehicle, of a State orlocal traffic control law (except a parkingviolation) from appearing on the CDLISdriver’s record, whether the driver wasconvicted for an offense committed in theState where the driver is licensed or inanother State

This prohibition carries penalties that can be as-signed to states failing to abide by the no maskingrule. The Motor Carrier Safety Improvement Actof 1999103 required the agency to withhold MotorCarrier Safety Assistance Program grant funds fromthe states if they did not comply with the regulations.104

Further, the Act allows federal authorities to withholdcertain portions of a state’s federal-aid highwayfunds, potentially amounting to millions of dollars,for non-compliance. Additionally, the federalgovernment retains the right to prohibit statesfalling out of compliance with federal safetyregulations from issuing valid CDLs. It is the inevery state’s best interest to follow all federal man-dates relating to CDLs. Some states have gone sofar as to adopt the anti-masking language exactly orvery closely in their own state codes.105

While the prohibition is clear, the complexity ofsome cases makes it difficult for prosecutors toknow whether or not a potential disposition wouldbe considered masking. To that end prosecutors

103 Motor Carrier Safety Improvement Act of 1999, Pub. L. No.106-159, 49U.S.C. §113. The stated purposes of the Act was to (1) establish a FederalMotor Carrier Safety Administration and (2) reduce the number and sever-ity of large-truck involved crashes through more CMV and driver inspec-tions and carrier compliance reviews, stronger enforcement, expeditedcompletion of rules, sound research, and effective CDL testing, recordkeeping, and sanctions.

104 49 CFR 384.401 (2010): First year of non-compliance: 5% of the federal-aid highway funds; second year of non-compliance: up to 10% of federal-aid highway funds

105 Minnesota (MINN.STAT..ANN. § 171.163); Colorado (COLO.REV.STAT.ANN. § 42-4-1719); Kansas (KAN.STAT.ANN. §8-2, 150).

102 49 CFR 384.226 (2010).

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struggle with what they can and cannot do whendealing with persons that hold commercial drivers’licenses. Masking, at its core, is allowing a convic-tion that will affect a CDL holder’s (or a driver of aCMV who should have held a CDL at the time ofhis offense) driving history to be deferred ordiverted so as not to be reported.

Generally, masking as contemplated by 49 CFR384.226, requires adjudication or, at least, factualfinding of guilt followed by some action that intendsto avoid the record or mandated consequences ofconviction. The anti-masking provision does notprevent plea bargaining or dismissal of charges.Prosecutors should consider carefully the purposeof entering into a plea agreement or allowing anytype of diversion. Prosecutorial discretion mayalways be exercised in support of due process orconstitutional rights. Sometimes, the state’s case isfactually or practically weak on some point.Reducing CDL violations for the sole reason of

avoiding potential impact on a driver’s license,however, acts to contravene the intent and functionof state and federal safety regulations. The purposeof the anti-masking federal and state rule is toensure that licensing authorities have an accuratepicture of a CDL holder’s driving history. Theincreased penalties for multiple violations work todisqualify unsafe drivers. The only tool courts andprosecutors have to determine how serious a driver’spattern of traffic violations has been is the officialdriver’s history. If that history is artificiallypreserved one time, or over and over again, the nextprosecutor or judge has no way to know.

When confronted with defense counsel arguingagainst the imposition of penalties or the reportingof convictions, prosecutors should keep in mind theanti-masking prohibition is not an arbitrary rule.This legislation was passed strictly as a safetymeasure intended to keep the most dangerousoffenders off the roads. A 2007 study assessed which

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Failure to Yield


Reckless Driving

Speeding 20 mph over the limit whilein a CMV

Driving while Suspended



Dismisses case


Driver agrees to pay speeding fine andcosts.

Driver pleads to charge


Court convicts but allows TrafficSchool in lieu of reported conviction


Court accepts defendant’s plea of ‘nocontest’, removes the case from thedocket for 6 months and thendismisses citation based on driver’sclean history.

Court collects fines then dismissescase and does not report as aconviction to the state licensingauthority

Allows withdrawal of Guilty plea







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factors played a role in CMV crashes.106 Up to 87%of the studied attributable factors in fatal crasheswere driver related. Most involved failure tocorrectly assess the situation or poor drivingdecisions. The most common associated factorsrecorded included driver-based factors such as legaldrug use, traveling too fast for conditions, lack offamiliarity with the roadway, inadequatesurveillance, fatigue, and feeling under pressurefrom motor carriers. The propensity to committraffic violations has been shown as a good predictorof which drivers will cause crashes. A 2005 study bythe American Transportation Research Institutefound that violations from speeding (more than15mph over) to reckless driving correlate to anincreased chance of future crash involvement. Thechance of future crash involvement increasessignificantly for traffic violators and can go up by asmuch as 56% to 325%.107 The research clearlyshows that enforcement of CDL violations is criticalto identifying and removing the drivers who posethe most potential danger from the road.

If a defense attorney raises any type of equalprotection argument by asserting that theimposition of harsher penalties on CDL holders isconstitutionally prohibited, a prosecutor can rely onmultiple cases addressing that argument. The mostfrequent appeals based on this equal protectionargument have come from states that treat CDLsdifferently than a non-commercial license when theholder is convicted of impaired driving. These statespermit a restricted or probationary license for anon-CDL but do not extend the same privilege to adriver’s CDL. Multiple courts have examined and

upheld these different standards for commercial vs.non-commercial drivers. Virginia’s appellate court(Russell Lee Lockett v. Commonwealth of Virginia, 438S.E.2d 497(Va. App. Ct. 1993) upheld a state’sauthority to refuse to issue a restricted CDL to anoffender convicted of DUI, even if a non-commercial driver could get a restricted license.The California Court of Appeals (Peretto v. Dep’t ofMotor Vehicles, 235 Cal. App. 3d 449 (App. Ct.1991)) upheld differing periods of licensesuspension for CDL vs. non-CDL holders

Essentially, these courts are finding no equalprotection violation in differences of penalties forcommercial vs. non-commercial drivers as long asthere is a rational basis for the discrepancy. Thatrationale can logically be extended to differences inCDL driver qualifications, hours-of servicerequirements and testing. Because of the greatersize, weight and potential danger of their vehiclesas well the CMVs more complicated operatingsystems, these drivers can be legitimately held tohigher standards.


Consistently reporting convictions serves manypurposes. Drivers may be affected by multiplesources of pressure and influence to move faster andperhaps cut-corners in terms of equipment oroperational safety. If law enforcement does notenforce regulations and the court systems do nothold drivers responsible for violating them, then theentire framework of state and federal safety

106 The Large Truck Crash Causation Study (LTCCS) was based on a three-year data collection project conducted by the Federal Motor Carrier SafetyAdministration (FMCSA) and the National Highway Traffic Safety Ad-ministration (NHTSA) of the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT).LTCCS was the first-ever national study to attempt to determine the crit-ical events and associated factors that contribute to serious large truckcrashes allowing DOT and others to implement effective countermeasuresto reduce the occurrence and severity of these crashes.


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regulations is ineffective. Conversely, strongenforcement can serve as the balancing influencethat provides the incentive for CDL drivers tooperate within the bounds of the law.

Prosecutors who avoid masking and always reportCDL convictions are supporting other prosecutorsand law enforcement officers across the countrywho may deal with the same offender in the future.It is important to report all relevant convictionsincluding drug trafficking or any felony committedin any vehicle if the defendant holds or should haveheld a CDL. Without a clear picture of a driver’shistory, a prosecutor, judge, or even a perspectiveemployer will be unable to determine the threatposed by that driver and what remedial actionsshould be taken to correct his poor driving. Drivers’histories are also used by traffic prosecutors whohandle impaired driving cases as well as the seriousor fatal crashes caused by impaired or reckless

driving. Those prosecutors may rely on a driver’shistory at a bond or sentencing hearing.

The bottom line for prosecutors is that allowingconvicted traffic offenders to “modify” a convictionor keep it off their record in an attempt tocircumvent driver license action is masking. Whilethere may be very good reasons to amend or pleabargain to a lesser charge, all prosecutors are subjectto an ethical obligation to follow the law and avoidany perception of a failure to do so. Moreover, it isimpossible to predict with 100% accuracy whichoffender may go on to commit a more seriousoffense or guess which traffic violations will receivescrutiny from higher authorities or media interest.In such cases, a prosecutor who has documented hisreasons for any reduction, deferral, or dismissal of aCDL-related violation will be in the best positionto explain his decision.

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All commercial drivers, no mattertheir point of origin, must have a CDLconsidered valid under federalregulations to operate a CMV in theUnites States.

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International Motor Vehicles

P R O S E C U T O R S H A N D I N G C D L C A S E S mayoccasionally have a case involving a driver who isdomiciled in a foreign country (outside the 50 statesand the District of Columbia). All commercialdrivers, no matter their point of origin, must have aCDL considered valid under federal regulations tooperate a CMV in the Unites States. Currently,there are four types of CDL considered acceptable(with some restrictions) for the operation of CMVswithin the United States. The fouracceptable commercial license types areas follows:1.) Any CDL issued by one of the 50

states and the District of Columbia,2.) Valid Mexican CDLs issued by

Mexico’s Secretariat of Communica-tions and Transportation calledLicencia Federal de Conductor.

3.) Valid Canadian CDLs issued by oneof the Canadian Provinces or Terri-tories.

4.) Valid U.S. Nonresident CDLs issuedby a state or the District of Columbiato drivers temporarily residing in theUnited States, but domiciled in aforeign country.

If there are no restrictions, a CDL issued by anyof the 50 states or the District of Columbia will beconsidered valid anywhere in North America.Puerto Rico and the U.S. Territories are notincluded in the definition of a state in section 12016of the CMVSA (49 U.S.C. §31301(13)); they aretreated as foreign countries for purposes of theCDL requirements. A person domiciled in a foreigncountry is not required to surrender his or her

foreign license in order to obtain a nonresidentCDL by federal law. This practice is not considereda violation of the one-license, one-record rule.108

There are two reasons for permitting this duallicensing to a person domiciled in a foreign country:(a) There is no reciprocal agreement with foreigncountries (other than Canada and Mexico)recognizing their testing and licensing standards asequivalent to the standards in part 383, and (b) the

Nonresident CDL may not be recognized as a validlicense to drive in a foreign country.

The North American Free Trade Agreementfocused on trade between Mexico, the UnitedStates, and Canada. Because transportation,specifically trucking, is necessary for efficient trade,the agreement naturally considered the idea ofcommercial drivers being able to move freelybetween North American countries. By 1992,

108 49 CFR 383.21 (2010).

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agreements with Canada and Mexico established apolicy of mutual CDL reciprocity. Generally, NorthAmerican CDL holders are able to operate withinthe United States as part of internationalcooperation. This cooperation works because of thesimilar testing, licensing and safety standardsadopted by all three countries. Both Canada andMexico have established strict licensingrequirements and safety measures. For instance, toassist commercial motor vehicle drivers andoperators, Canada developed the National SafetyCode for Commercial Motor Vehicles (NSC). As aresult, a final rule was issued in the Federal Register(54 FR 22285) on Tuesday, May 23, 1989 in theRules and Regulations section. This ruling,determined by the Federal Highway Administrator,stated that a commercial driver’s license issued byCanadian provinces and territories under theCanadian National Safety Code meets thecommercial driver testing and licensing standardscontained in 49 CFR Part 383 (see also 54 FR22392). Such a license is considered valid foroperating CMVs in the United States. Everyprovince and territory in Canada has implementedsome local variations of the National Safety Codelicense classification system. Canada does not issuea separate CDL. Instead, Canadian drivers areissued a “Classified” driver’s license that defineswhat “class” of vehicle may be driven andsubstantiates that the driver has met requirementssimilar to those met by U.S. CDL holders. As such,a Canadian license with the appropriate “class” isfunctionally the same as a single driver’s license foroperation in the United States by Canadiancommercial drivers. Abiding by their own one-license, one-record rule, Canadian commercialdrivers are prohibited from obtaining any driver’slicense from a state. Similarly, no state may issue aCDL to a Canadian or Mexican CMV operator.

Mexican CDL holders with a valid LicenciaFederal de Conductor are also permitted to operatecommercial motor vehicles within the boundariesof the United States. This agreement is the resultof negotiations between representatives from theUnited States and the government of the UnitedMexican States that culminated in a Memorandumof Understanding (MOU) on the issue of driver’slicense reciprocity. The MOU was signed onNovember 21, 1991, and a final rule was issued inthe Federal Register (57 FR 31454) on Thursday, July16, 1992, in the Rules and Regulations section. Theruling recognized the commercial driver’s licenseissued by Mexico’s Secretaría de Comunicaciones yTransportes (SCT) Dirección General de

A prosecutor may occasionally encounter areference to an international driver’s licensebeing used by foreign citizens driving in theUnited States. There is NO such thing as anInternational CDL or even a true InternationalDriver’s License. This reference is to a certificatethat may be issued by a state DMV in English ormay have been obtained in the country of origin.The purpose of the document is only to serve acompanion to a valid driver’s license (from acountry other than the USA) and perhapstranslate the language of the actual driver’slicense to English. Americans can get the sametype of document from AAA or other privatesources if they are preparing to travel abroad. Ithas no legal status at all and does not bestowany driving authority or privilege on the holder.These are usually seen with tourists or othervisitors and not CMV drivers.


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Autotransporte Federal (DGAF), the LicenciaFederal de Condutor, as being comparable to a U.S.commercial driver’s license. Even though theNAFTA provisions for allowing cross border for-hire commercial traffic have not yet been fullyimplemented, U.S. enforcement officers mayencounter Mexican drivers with a Licencia Federalde Condutor legally operating a CMV in theUnited States. Mexican drivers who hold theLicencia Federal de Conductor issued by theMexican Federal Government have metrequirements similar to those met by U.S. CDLholders and may operate in the U.S. on the sameterms as persons who hold CDLs.

The Licencia Federal can be recognized by themedallion in the upper left-hand corner containingthe Mexican national symbol of an eagle with aserpent. The words “Licencia Federal deConductor” and logo “Secretariat ofCommunication and Transportation (SCT) are alsoon the front of the license.109 Mexico extends similarreciprocity to holders of CDLs issued by the UnitedStates and the District of Columbia. The one-CDL-only rule applies to Mexican drivers. AMexican driver holding a Licencia Federal deConductor is prohibited from obtaining any driver’slicense from a state or the District of Columbia.Prior to April 1992, some Mexican drivers wereissued nonresident CDLs by the U.S. These driverscould continue to operate in the U.S. until heobtains a Licencia Federal de Conductor or theirnonresident CDL expired. These licenses are notcurrently valid. The Mexican Licencia Federal deConductor must show the class of license. The SCTissues the federal license in six categories. While theclassifications are based on similar size and type ofvehicle descriptions, they are not exactly the same asU.S. CDL classifications. The definitions are asfollows:

Category “A”—Authorizes the holder to operatecommercial charter and passenger buses; i.e.,intercity buses, charter buses, and tour buses. Thisis roughly comparable to a U.S. Class “B” CDLwith a passenger endorsement.

Category “B”—Authorizes the holder to operatedifferent types of commercial freight trucks,including combination vehicles; i.e., tractor-trailer,truck trailers, double and triple trailers (excludinghazardous and hazardous waste materials). This isroughly comparable to a U.S. Class “B” CDL withendorsements for tanks and double or triple trailers.

Category “C”—Authorizes the holder to operatecommercial trucks with two or three axles; i.e.,single unit vehicles (excluding hazardous andhazardous waste materials). This is roughlycomparable to a U. S. Class “B” CDL with a tankendorsement.

Category “D” —Authorizes the holder to operateautomobiles and small buses which do not exceed7,716 pounds (3,500 kg) or have a capacity to carryno more than 13 passengers (including the driverwho also serves as a tour guide) for the purpose oftourism. There is no equivalent U.S. CDLclassification.

Category “E”—Authorizes the holder to operatevehicles that transport hazardous and hazardouswaste materials. This is similar to a U.S. Class “A”CDL with endorsements for hazardous materials,tanks and double or triple trailers.

Category “F”—Authorizes holder to operate taxisfrom any airport or seaport in Mexico. This isbecause airports and seaports are federal and requirea federal license similar to driving commercially on

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109 The new version of this document may have variations of the SCT logothat may be plainly visible or may require ultra-violent illumination. Also,they may be omitted entirely.

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a federal road. There is no comparable U.S. CDL. Mexican drivers and carriers are subject to the

same safety inspections, regulations, and reviews asdomestic operators.110 Canadian CDLs are issuedby the provincial governments and Canada has itsown system of CDL classifications. The Ontariolicensing authority, for instance, requires a Class Alicense for “(a)ny tractor-trailer or combination ofmotor vehicle and towed vehicles where the towedvehicles exceed a total gross weight of 4,600kilograms” or a Class C for “any regular bus withdesigned seating capacity for more than 24passengers.”111

Persons domiciled in foreign countries that donot have a reciprocal license agreement but whowish to drive a CMV in the United States mayobtain a nonresident CDL. A nonresident CDLmust be issued in accordance with the licensingstandards contained in 49 CFR Part 383. Each statecomplies with the testing and licensing standardsdetermined by that regulation. Because of thecurrent reciprocity allowing Canadian and MexicanCDL holders to operate in the United States, theone-license, one-record provision of 49 CFR 383.21applies to all North American CDL holders. A

driver holding a commercial driver’s license issuedunder the Canadian National Safety Code or aLicencia Federal de Conductor issued by Mexico isprohibited from obtaining a nonresident CDL, orany other type of driver’s license, from any state orthe District of Columbia. Any state that issues anonresident CDL will keep the same driver’s historyon that holder as it would for any other CDL driver.

Generally, prosecutors and law enforcementofficers should be aware that North American CDLholders (from Mexico or Canada) and nonresidentCDL holders from other countries (including U.S.protectorates such as Puerto Rico) may be legallyoperating commercial vehicles on Americaninterstates. Foreign or nonresident status does notrelieve these drivers from obedience to federal andstate statutes. These drivers should possess and beable to produce documentation regarding theirvehicles, their loads, and their own CDLs. Whendealing with international commercial drivers, aprosecutor may seek assistance from either the localcommercial vehicle enforcement authority or theregional office of the FMCSA.112

110 49 CFR 385.103 (2010).111 Ontario Ministry of Transportation


112 Prosecutors can locate the correct FMCSA office and its contact infor-mation by visiting the FMCSA website at

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Commerce means (a) any trade, traffic or transportationwithin the jurisdiction of the United States between a place ina state and a place outside of such state, including a placeoutside of the United States and (b) trade, traffic, andtransportation in the United States which affects any trade,traffic, and transportation described in paragraph (a) of thisdefinition.

Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) means a license issuedby a state or other jurisdiction, in accordance with thestandards contained in 49 CFR Part 383, to an individualwhich authorizes the individual to operate a certain class of acommercial motor vehicle.

Commercial Driver’s License Information System DriverRecord means the electronic record of the individual CDLdriver’s status and history stored by the state-of-record as partof the CDLIS established under 49 U.S.C. 31309.

Commercial Driver’s License Information System(CDLIS) means the information system established byFMCSA pursuant to section 12007 of the Commercial MotorVehicle Safety Act of 1986 and operated by the AmericanAssociation of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA).

Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV) means a motor vehicleor combination of motor vehicles used in commerce totransport passengers or property if the motor vehicle (a) Hasa gross combination weight rating of 11,794 kilograms ormore (26,001 pounds or more) inclusive of a towed unit(s)with a gross vehicle weight rating of more than 4,536kilograms (10,000 pounds); or (b) Has a gross vehicle weightrating of 11,794 or more kilograms (26,001 pounds or more);or (c) Is designed to transport 16 or more passengers,including the driver; or (d) Is of any size and is used in thetransportation of hazardous materials as defined in thissection.

Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1986 (CMVSA)is a law passed by the United States Congress that requiresALL the individual states to comply with certain standards inregard to the licensing of commercial motor vehicles (CMV)drivers.

Conviction means an unvacated adjudication of guilt, or adetermination that a person has violated or failed to complywith the law in a court of original jurisdiction or by anauthorized administrative tribunal, an unvacated forfeiture ofbail or collateral deposited to secure the person’s appearancein court, a plea of guilty or nolo contendre accepted by thecourt, the payment of a fine or court cost, or violation of acondition of release without bail, regardless of whether or notthe penalty is rebated, suspended, or probated.”

U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) was establishedby Congress in October 1966 to oversee all facets oftransportation in the USA through its operatingadministrations and bureaus which include, among others, theFederal Aviation Administration, the National Highway SafetyAdministration, the Federal Highway Administration, and theFederal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.

Disqualification means any of the following three actions:(a)The suspension, revocation, or cancellation of a CDL by thestate or jurisdiction of issuance.(b) Any withdrawal of aperson’s privileges to drive a CMV by a state or otherjurisdiction as the result of a violation of state or local lawrelating to motor vehicle traffic control (other than parking,vehicle weight or vehicle defect violations), (c) Adetermination by the FMCSA that a person is not qualified tooperate a commercial motor vehicle under part 391 of thischapter.

Endorsement means an authorization to an individual’s CDLrequired to permit the individual to operate certain types ofcommercial motor vehicles.

Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) operates withinthe USDOT and is tasked with ensuring the safety andtechnological modernity of America’s roads and highways.This goal is largely accomplished by providing financial andtechnical support to state, local and, tribal governments foruse in constructing and improving the U.S. highway system.

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)was established as a separate administration within theUSDOT on January 1, 2000, and is tasked improving thesafety of CMVs and saving lives. The primary mission of the

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agency is to reduce crashes, injuries and fatalities involvinglarge trucks and buses.

Gross combination weight rating (GCWR) means the valuespecified by the manufacturer as the loaded weight of acombination (articulated) vehicle. In the absence of a valuespecified by the manufacturer, GCWR will be determined byadding the GVWR of the power unit and the total weight ofthe towed unit and any load thereon.

Gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) means the valuespecified by the manufacturer as the loaded weight of a singlevehicle.

Hazardous Materials means any material that has beendesignated as hazardous under 49 U.S.C. 5103 and is requiredto be placarded under subpart F of 49 CFR part 172 or anyquantity of a material listed as a select agent or toxin in 42CFR part 73.

Longer Combination Vehicles (LCVs) are tractor-trailercombinations with two or more trailers. These vehicles mayexceed 80,000 pounds gross vehicle weight (GVW) and, dueto concerns over road damage, power capability on steepgrades, and other safety issues, are not allowed in many states.

Motor Carrier Act of 1935 was legislation through whichCongress first gave the ICC power to regulate drivers andmotor carriers engaged in the business of interstate commerce.The act provided authority to control operating permits,approve trucking routes, and to set tariff rates.

Motor Carrier Act of 1980 or, more properly, the MotorCarrier Regulatory Reform and Modernization Act served toderegulate the trucking industry. The intent of this law was toincrease efficiency by allowing carriers/drivers to set their ownrates and to increase competition, thus, lowering the cost ofconsumer goods. This act caused new carriers/drivers to enterthe system.

Motor Carrier Safety Act of 1984 (MCSA) this legislationdirected the U.S. Secretary of Transportation to establish aprocedure by which to determine how safely motor carriersoperate. Currently, the U.S. Department of Transportation,through the FMCSA, uses a system for determining how

safely a motor carrier operates that does not place sufficientemphasis on driver or vehicle qualifications.

Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program is a federalmandated program that provides financial assistance to stateswith the aim of reducing the number and severity ofcommercial vehicle involved crashes and/or hazardousmaterials incidents.

Motor Carrier Safety Improvement Act of 1999 (MCSIA)created FMCSA and worked to reduce the number andseverity of large-truck involved crashed through the use ofCMV inspections, carrier compliance reviews, enforcement,and more effective licensing standards.

Out-of-Service Order means a declaration by an authorizedenforcement officer of a federal, state, Canadian, Mexican, orlocal jurisdiction that a driver, a CMV, or a motor carrieroperation, is out-of-service pursuant to §§386.72, 392.5,395.13, 396.9, or compatible laws, or the North AmericanUniform Out-of-Service Criteria.

School bus means a CMV used to transport pre-primary,primary, or secondary school students from home to school,from school to home, or to and from school-sponsored events.School bus does not include a bus used as a common carrier.

Tank vehicle means any commercial motor vehicle that isdesigned to transport any liquid or gaseous materials within atank that is either permanently or temporarily attached to thevehicle or the chassis. Such vehicles include, but are notlimited to, cargo tanks and portable tanks, as defined in part171 of this title. However, this definition does not includeportable tanks having a rated capacity under 1,000 gallons.

Vehicle group means a class or type of vehicle with certainoperating characteristics.

Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) means the estimated numberof vehicle miles traveled on designated roadways. The federalgovernment collects this data from each state. A state may setup numerous monitoring sites on designated roads then usethat data along with other vehicle records to estimate anaverage of the miles drivers are traveling for a given period oftime.

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National District Attorneys Association44 Canal Center Plaza, Suite 110Alexandria, VA

Scott Burns, Executive Director

National Traffic Law CenterA Program of the National District Attorneys Association

Joanne Michaels, Program Director

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SESuite W60-300,Washington, DC

Anne S. Ferro, Administrator

The National District Attorneys Association created this documentthrough financial support and assistance from the United StatesDepartment of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier SafetyAdministration (FMCSA), under grant number CD099913NDAAOP.NDAA is not a part of the U.S. Government, the U.S. Department ofTransportation (DOT), or the FMCSA. Therefore, NDAA does notrepresent the official position or policies of the FMCSA, the U.S.DOT, or the U.S. government.

Particular points of view, opinions or legal interpretationsexpressed in this monograph are those of the authors and do notnecessarily represent the official position, policies or opinions ofthe National District Attorneys Association.

To request additional copies of this monographvisit

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National District Attorneys Association44 Canal Center Plaza, Suite 110Alexandria, VA 22314