comment 092 december 1995

the College ewsletter DS merger arrangement Kill/!, .... , ill 1/,'.wril/l;OIl ";11t lit/' II/w finll I' ;III'IX. /mlllrlter/ Hr;II/III's firsl flfls//!,mr/III/II roll"""t ;11 SPOl1S l.lI"'· Oil "/)('(lIl1o/,r. GII/'sl.' (1111tl /(/IIII(1t ;1Ir!IIr/l,r/ SI'O(/J/;IIII Cfll' on I,., 1I/I,/iJlllll'l' 17/1/111'1 (lilt! 1I0f<.' .1/ PIo, l'I///IIollllt 1/1Ir/ (.(1/1I0/J17I/" I/IIr/KI/Il' II0lT. . 1/ P for \·II/t\ltltll. Full ... wn on page rl\(). rchbi hop .. . 1 Itatlon T ht.: \rchhl\hop of rht.: \lmr He, d and Rr lion I)r (:art.:\. II ill h<..: aIi... ir ro rht.: College on II in hi ... rolt.: a... Collt.:g<..: \ I\IWr. Dr II ho i... al ... o an alumnu of King· II ill h<..: h'1\ ing el <..:r,t1 ... <..: iol1\ II irh raff and ... rutknr [() di,cu ...... i...... u<..: higher educarion and d<":1 <..:!opl11<..:nr ... ar King· .... I·urrht.:r tlt.:rail ... 'H<": JI ailable from rhe I)t.:an· ... Oftie<..:. Th<..: \rt.:hhi ... hop \I ill prt.:ach ar ,I lundHlmt.: ... CrI ice in rht.: Chap<..:1 ar I pm: rhl\ "'CrI ICC i... opcn [() ,ill. ,lIld II ill Ia ... r for ahout half an hour. In tht.: t.:1 of rht.: \i... ir rht.: (.olkg<..: II ill ht.: ho ... tlng rh<..: Lambt:rh Lt.:uure. ro bc gil en I'rorc ... or .Iiirgen \lolrmann of rhe I nil cr... of Tiiblngen. in rhe (;rear Ilall ar I/.:\(). 'I he \rehbi ... hop. \I ho II ill chair rht.: kuurc. il1\ ire ... all ... raff and ... rudem ... [() ,l[H.:nd. Profe ...... or \lolrmann i onc of rhe lunld .... leading theologi,In 'lnd hi rud le ... includ<..: rht.: ecological eri ... i <..: ... c1l.1wlog\ and rhe rheologl of hopt.:. The ritle of hi ... kuure i... Pml('(l)SI, lit/' "o/y SllIr;1 I/lId lit/' '!'It('O/OK.!' (If l.if/'. Users' Groups J 0 rakt.: planlllng t()mart.!. a numbt.:r of { ... <..:r ... · Group ... hal t.: bt.:t.:n t.:r up untlt.:r rht.: gt.:nt.:raI t.!ir<..:nion of rht.: \cat.!t.:1ll1l PI,lnning Team. 1\ hlch 1\ chaired I)r Carll\lt.: oft \ID';. Tht.: { ... t.:r ... · Group ... ar<..:: I'<..:dlllieal !-J<..:n ic·t.: ... : chair. \lalcollll O"'l11undv,n BSI ': chair. I'roft.: ...... or Sil110n Ilc)\\t.:11 Tcaehing Spat.:t.:: chair. Dr 11\\1 t.:1 Thoma ... DJIIlilllll'r/ Oil PII'.!.l·IItIiT flu I',illup(/I ;,:.,ill.i: P lan for rht.: \I irh ( \ 11) art.: proet.:eding. '1 ht.: (:ollt.:gt.: ha ... ach erri ... ed for inrt.:rt.: ... H.:d p'I[[It.: ... ro collahomrt.: II irh if. under rht.: Public '·in,met.: Inl[iarilt.:(PI·I) ... cht.:mt.:.ln rht.: dt.:1 t.:lopmt.:nr projecr 1'011011 ing rht.: ar I and ... t.:1 t.:ral t.:\IHt.: ...... icHl ... of inrcre ... r 1\ crt.: n.:ccil cd. The I'rojcn Bewrd ha ... cho... <..:n a ... maller nu mb<..:r of firm ... [() be 'I\kt.:d [() pr<..:pare more dewilt.:d propo ... ah for con ... it.!erarion in \ larch. Page I

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J 0 rakt.: planlllng t()mart.!. a numbt.:r of { . . .


Page 1: Comment 092 December 1995

the College ewsletterDS merger arrangement

Kill/!, .... , ill 1/,'.wril/l;OIl ";11t lit/' II/wfinll I' ;III'IX. /mlllrlter/ Hr;II/III'sfirsl flfls//!,mr/III/II

roll"""t ;11 SPOl1S l.lI"'· Oil "/)('(lIl1o/,r. GII/'sl.' (1111tl /(/IIII(1t ;1Ir!IIr/l,r/ SI'O(/J/;IIII Cfll' onI,.,

1I/I,/iJlllll'l' 17/1/111'1 (lilt! 1I0f<.' .1/PIo, l'I///IIollllt 1/1Ir/ (.(1/1I0/J17I/" I/IIr/KI/Il' II0lT. .1/Pfor

\·II/t\ltltll. Full ...wn on page rl\().

rchbi hop.. .1 Itatlon

T ht.: \rchhl\hop of (.anrt.:rhur~.

rht.: \lmr He, d and Rr lionI)r (;eor~e (:art.:\. II ill h<..:

m,lkin~ a I i... ir ro rht.: College on II

J' in hi ... rolt.: a... Collt.:g<..: \ I\IWr.

Dr <:ar<..:~, II ho i... al ...o an alumnu ofKing· II ill h<..: h'1\ ing el <..:r,t1 ... <..: iol1\

II irh raff and ... rutknr [() di,cu ......

i...... u<..: Jfrfuin~ higher educarion andd<":1 <..:!opl11<..:nr ... ar King· .... I·urrht.:r

tlt.:rail ... 'H<": JI ailable from rhe I)t.:an· ...

Oftie<..:.Th<..: \rt.:hhi ... hop \I ill prt.:ach ar ,I

lundHlmt.: ...CrI ice in rht.: Chap<..:1 arI pm: rhl\ "'CrI ICC i... opcn [() ,ill. ,lIld

II ill Ia ... r for ahout half an hour.

In tht.: t.:1 t.:nin~ of rht.: \ rht.:

(.olkg<..: II ill ht.: ho... tlng rh<..: Lambt:rh

Lt.:uure. ro bc gil en h~ I'rorc ... or

.Iiirgen \lolrmann of rhe I nil cr... ir~ of

Tiiblngen. German~. in rhe (;rear Ilallar I/.:\(). 'I he \rehbi ... hop. \I ho II ill

chair rht.: kuurc. il1\ ire ... all ... raff and

... rudem ... [() ,l[H.:nd. Profe ......or

\lolrmann i onc of rhe lunld .... leading

theologi,In 'lnd hi rud le ... includ<..:

rht.: ecological eri ... i <..: ...c1l.1wlog\ and

rhe rheologl of hopt.:. The ritle of hi ...

kuure i... Pml('(l)SI, lit/' "o/y SllIr;1 I/lId

lit/' '!'It('O/OK.!' (If l.if/'.

Users' GroupsJ 0 rakt.: planlllng t()mart.!. a numbt.:r of

{ ... <..:r... · Group... hal t.: bt.:t.:n t.:r up untlt.:r

rht.: gt.:nt.:raI t.!ir<..:nion of rht.: \cat.!t.:1ll1l

PI,lnning Team. 1\ hlch 1\ chaired h~ I)r

L~nn Carll\lt.: oft \ID';. Tht.: { ... t.:r... ·

Group... ar<..::

• I'<..:dlllieal !-J<..:n ic·t.: ...: chair. \lalcollll

O"'l11undv,n• BSI ': chair. I'roft.: ......or Sil110n Ilc)\\t.:11

• Tcaehing Spat.:t.:: chair. Dr 11\\1 t.:1Thoma...

DJIIlilllll'r/ Oil PII'.!.l·IItIiT

flu I',illup(/I ;,:.,ill.i:

Plan for rht.: mer~t.:r \I irh ( \ 11)art.: proet.:eding. '1 ht.: (:ollt.:gt.: ha ...

ach erri ...ed for inrt.:rt.: ... H.:d p'I[[It.: ...

ro collahomrt.: II irh if. under rht.: Public

'·in,met.: Inl[iarilt.:(PI·I) ...cht.:mt.:.ln rht.:

dt.:1 t.:lopmt.:nr projecr 1'011011 ing rht.:

mt.:r,~t.:r ar I~ondon Brid~t.:. and ... t.:1 t.:ral

t.:\IHt.: ...... icHl ... of inrcre ... r 1\ crt.: n.:ccil cd.

The I'rojcn ~Ianagemt.:nrBewrd ha...

cho... <..:n a ... maller nu mb<..:r of firm ... [() be

'I\kt.:d [() pr<..:pare more dewilt.:d

propo...ah for con ... it.!erarion in \ larch.

Page I

Page 2: Comment 092 December 1995

irst in sports lawKm g' anu rht: la\\ tirm of FIIlt:r,

.Irt: piont:enng rht: I ". fir,r

po rgrauuart: ccmtiLHe m

porr La\\, a fielu \\hlLh I .i1rt:alh

\l t:1I-ue\ eloped at:ademicall\ in rht:

t', . Tht: launlh ar rhe College on 4

December ure\\ r\\ 0 \11', \\ irh ,porr

Inrere,r, - 'eba,rian e:oe OBE anu

KJrt: Iloe~ - a, \\t:1I a, Paul Elliorr. rhe

former profe<,<,ional foorb~llIer for

(;hel,ea Fe: \\ ho lo,r hi, ca,e again,r

Dean Saunuer, for injurie, rt:cei\t:u on

rhe fielu,

The fir,r ,w(Jcnr, \\ ill he ~Idmirreu

in l,t:prembt:r 199h. The\ \\ ill ~J[[enu

.20 [llo-hour c1a<,<,e, 0\ er onc acaut:mic

~ car and. afrer pa<,<,ing an e'\aminarion

Jnd ,uccc\\full~ complering <In C"~I~.

\\ ill gain a College Cerrificart: in l.ipom

LJ\\. ,\rea, rhe cour,c \\ill co\er

incluue: !q~al uefinirion, of 'porr:

amareuri,m anu profe, ionali,m:

contlicr, ber\\ een oruina~ 1.1\\ anu

profe' ional ,porr, nile': rhe role of

profc"ionJI bodle . l1.In . tint: .

dl\qu~i1ifiLHlon and u'pen\lon: rhe

afer~ of ,porr, ground and rhe publll

oruer an,: 'porr conrran compared

\\ irh gt:neralconrran/emplo~menr tl\\:

,pon,or,hip anu merchandi,mg: ra'\

problem, eg for I'K pl'l\ er 0\ er,ea :

broadccl,ring agrt:emt:nr, and rde\ i,ion

righr,: defamarion b~ rhc media:

urug, and re,ring; bo~c()[r, and ban,:

pt:r,onal injur~: wrr :.lIld medical 1:1\\:criminall:l\l: a,,,wlr and ba[[e~,

,--\dam Tomkin,. dirl:cror of ,rudie,

for rhe cour,c. comml:nred: '\Irhough

,porr, la\\ i, pracri,ed a, a ,ubjecr b\

profc ,ional la\\ ~ er,. ir i, nor ~ er an

e,rabli,hed academic di,upline in

Brirain .. rhere i academic ,rud~ of rhe

'ociology. hi,ror~ and ,ocial p,ycholog~

of 'porr. and Sporr, I_a\\ ha, a grO\\ ing

academic lire[Jrure in rhe I nired

,'rare.,. \\'e feci rhar Briri,h academic

la\\\cr hfJlIlu be follo\\mg rhe l:

kad . l:\plfJrin~ rhe pnnuple rhar lie

behmd legal deci ion, in rhl Imporranr

area. and ht:lring ro glllue kgal

rhlnking on ,pllrr i 'lie,.'

"I hc Kmg', La\\ lhool i \\cll­

pl'lCcd borh in rerm of e\l,nng

,pecl<lli,m, .unong ir faCldr\ member"

'lIld bCl'\lI'C of ir, geographical locarion

c1o,c [() rhe Inn, of Courr and rhe

Ro~.t1 Courr, ofJu,ricc, ro run ,uch a


I:incr,> ha' e,whli,hed ir,clf:l'

amon,g rhe LOllnrr~ " foremo,r porr,

L,I\\ 'peli,di,r,. \\ irh :1 large and

I!:ro\\ ing nlllnbcr of high-profile ,porr,­

rdared c1icm,. including 'Calla'!P'1lI1

(;.",eoignt:l. Chm \\'addle and John

I Llrke" \Id ~rein. a Parrner ar Finer,.

\I ho ha, \\ rirren rhe offici,t1h­

'IlIrhori,eu biographic, of C:hri~

\\ .ludle ,mu pJul Ca coignc, i, a King..,

graduarc and \\ ill rcaeh on rhc cour,e.

Courtauld Director at King' Tor rhy~ic,> medal e rrizefor Profcs'>or Pike

The Direcror of rhe Courrauld

Callerit:" John :\Iurdoch,

\'i,ired King\ on 16

:\0\ cmber w gi\ e an illu,rrarcd wlk ro

rht: Engli,h Deparrmenr\ Graduare

Seminar Group abour rhe Courraulu


\Ir :\Iuruoch i, an alumnu, of

King\. h'l\ ing raken hi, \Jphil in rhe

Deparrmenr of Engli,h, lie \\,a,

Depll[\ Direewr of rhe \'icwria and

.\Iberr :\Iu,eum before raking up hi,

po,r ar rhe Courraulu Gallerie" \\ hieh

are nc'\r uoor ro rhe l.irand Campll\, Inhi, derailed anu fa,cinaring ralk. he

e'\plained rhe complicart:u hi,ro~ of

rhe Courr<lulu I!l\rirlm:. \\ hich \\ a, ,er

up under rhe au,pice, of .\rrhur I,ce

(Iarer I.oru I_cc of FarchJm) :1\ an

In,rirurc ofrhe l'ni\t:r,ir~ of Lonuon.

a, \\ ell a, of rhe Courrauld (;ollecrion,

Thi, \\':\', iniriall~ rhe pri\"are collt:crion

of Samucl Courrauld, on\; of Brirain\

gn::He,r :Hr collecror,. anu a mcmber of

rhc famou" originall~ Ilugllenor.

re\rilt: fami",

\lr \lurdoch\ ralk and ,Iide:,

madt: ir t:\ idem ju,r \\ har.1 huge

influence: Sam (;ollrraulu\ ra,rc ha,

hau on arri,ric percl:\nion, in Brirain.

:-\ ,pc('i:i1i~r in early Impre\\ioni,r

paiming, Courrauld boughr

Impre"ioni,r anu Po,r-Imprc<'<'ioni,r

\\"Ork, for rhe ~arional Galler) and for

hi'> 0\\ n collecrion \\ hich are: among

rhe mo,r famou, and 1110,r ofren­

reproduced painring, in Brirain roda~.

including \Ianer\ 'Bar ar rhe Folic,­

Bergere' and Pica\\o', 'Child \\ irh

do\e·. rogerher \\ irh \\ ork, b~

CeLanne. \ lon\;r. L)cga,. ,'curar.

Gauguin and (l[her"

The Engli,h Deparrmcnt'

graduare '>el11inar, rake pbce on

Thur ua~, in rerm rim\;. \\ irh ,ruuent,

and member of ,raff gi\ ing paper,. a

\\'ell a, our ide ,pcaker" For furrher

deraib. conwCl Profe\\or Jane: Roberr,

in Engli'>h,

Profc\\or Rm Pike FRS. Clerk

\hl\\\eIlProlc'>\or ot Theorem'al

Phy,ic" ha, \\ on rhc Imriwrc of

Ph~ ,ic,' (;urh rie mecLtI and pri/,t:, onc

of rhe r\\ 0 prcl1l ier :I\\'ard, of rhc

In,riwrc. Ir i, gi\\;1l annuall~ [()

ph\ ,ici,r, of inre:rnarional rcpuwrion,

and pre\ iou'> \\ inner'> from King\ hat e

bcen Sir Ed\\'ard .\pplewn (llJ4.2), l.iir

Ilcrman Bondi( 1973) and "rofe ,or

\Iichacl Fi,her (19,'()).

The cir:nion for rhe medal ,ay' rhar

ir \\ a, all arued 'in recognirion of

Profe\\or Pike'" our,ranuing

cOlHriburion, w ph\ ic,. parricularl~ in

rhe me:a,uremenr of phoron [<lri,ric,

\\ hieh led ro major au\"ance in

e\pcrimenw! quanrum ph~ ,ic'.'

Thc In,riwre', announcemelH on

.2 '.'0\ cmber. aho added: .Ro~ Pikc

ha, hau a long .mu high!\' di,ringul,hed

carecr in qualHum opric'> and

elecrronic'> and i, \\ell kno\\n a a major

innmaror of re,earch ropic'>, Ili, ,[lIuie'>

of rhe ,wri,rical properric, of phown"

in parricular hl,cr lighr, anu rhcir u'c [(J

probe mcn emcnr, ,pall ned rhe pre'>elH­

ua~ field of e\perimenral quanrum

ph~ ,ic',

Page 3: Comment 092 December 1995

l"\ID merger tie r,1l II (ljlllllll1t~ /i'JII! IVIII p,l, ) R earch tudent hip

\1 n I t:r

• I.lhr r. ( (: Lh Ir, ()r I. nn C Jrll h:

I ht.: J{t.: cardl I er" (,roup h.1

he ... n pll[ Hno ',wr ub-.:roup.

\.0\ enn:! (.om\\ JII (1Ilu.... 11I:ph ... rd

11011 ... (.It Lond'JIl Bnd~ ): IllIm'

11011 e ( t London Bn 1_ ) .111 I th ...

\kdIL.lI.lI1d Iknul lhll('1.

Secretariat1" Jllo\\ tht.: Jrt<':lHllIn ro he ~I\ ... n

to m ... r~ ... r n1.lrt... r dur I no\\ r...qllired.

from I Ikcemher rill." (.ollt.:~ ...\. \lr \\ C. Ildt.:. r hnqlli hed

r... pon Ihrll[i ... , tilr .ill marr r, ... c... pt

tho,... n:Ln...d tll rhe m ... r~ ... r \1 I[h

I \I() Jnd rht.: lOll t.:qllt.:m ph"ll.rI

.Ind or~'llll .1(I0nJI d ... \ ..-!Oplll"'lH . I k

\1 rll \lllrk t1o,... h \1 Irh rht.: I'nnllp.iI, 01

"In~', Jnd I \11) .

I he Ikpur\ (.Illk~...\.

I ).1\ Id B.dl. IW\\ hJ t.:'t.:UItI\ t.:

IlIrhllrl[\ ti,r .dl orht.:r dlltlt.: oftht.:

(.ollt.:~... ">t.:cr... ur\. rt.:pornn~ lhrt.:uh to

rh ... I'nnllp.rI. 1 ht, .lrr.IIl~"'Illt.:m I

""p",ut.:d rll la,r until rh ... forl11.1l d.ltt.:

Ilf tht.: Illt.:r~ ... r.

FinanceI ),1\ id Ball \\ ill cOlHinll ... to

t.: erli,... m er.rll conuo! of rhe 11l1.lflLi.d

'I'peu, of the CCJlk~.... hur the:r... \1 ill

be a cI1I1,eqlle:1H re:-allocltloll of dlltle,

in the Fin.lnce arca. l)tcphe:n

he:clme: \""ralH Direullr of I· 1l1JnLt.:

on I Ikcembe:r. aetll1~ .1' 'I ct.:lHral

rt.:fe:rt.:flct.: POint for all fill.lllll.iI

111.1 rte:r'. Robin ">honfcld h.I' he ... n

,e:lond...d to the i~htin~Jk Imtltutt.:

01 IIr IIlg. to aet ,I'> It (,ent.:r.rI

1.'Cllltl\ e: \I.IIlJgt:r for.1 mllllllllllll of

," IlllllHh,. pending rccrtlltmt.:nr ro

th I po,r.

\ ne:\1 rt.:placemelH hnJl1l1JI

\CCOIlIltJ nr \1 rll bt.: recrlllted to \Iork

for rhe C.hit.:!· \CCOIlIHJIlt. "rr hna

"lrp.1LII1I. Jnd the: \LlI1.lge:lllt.:nt

\lcollntalH functloll IInder Ihi.ln

Old ham \1 ill be 'tre:n~rhened.

I here \1 ill he further ne\\, \ '"

( "1/111/11// in the 1lt.:\1 ~ eJr. \\ hell rhe

(.ollege \\ ill be in a better pO'>lrll,n to

prm Ide fllller merger derail,.

Sun i, al of "'pecic.., - an c"hibirion on \\ orld biodi, er i[~

RolJnd Ihile\

I)i\ "ion of I.ili.: SLienLe,

producc pe:ualuLrr. colourful .lIld

.Ill ur,He m.'I1'> of 1.lIld ,ll1d \\ ... rbnd

un cr. in thl'> l.I'>e of J p,rrrieul'lrI~

dl\ e:r'e .HeJ of I gand". Ir i, onc Ill'

fourte:e:n projeu, fe:JtlIre:d in rhe

nhibiriol1 Jnd highlighr, collaboration

\\irh \I,tke:r..-re: I ni\er,it\ and "ing',

Colkl!e London in falilitarin~ the

'lcqui,irjon of ficld LbtJ.

\fro rhe formal 'pe: ...che: . J bulkt

lunch JflordeJ OppOrtllllItlC' to inlc)(Jll

rhe: <"e:Lret.t~ of ">rate ar fir't h.lIld "hout

rhe I gJI1Ibn wdie' and to lIplL!re I)r

,",cri Clulme:r . Direnor of rhe

\lu,eul11. .tbout de\c\0pfllellt at

\ I.lke:re:re. \1 ht.:re: he hJd ,wdled 'lIld

r.lII~hr lor ,ome 10 'car, In rhe IC)()/),

.!Ild to .'Ihe e,hibirjon .lim, [(J hrin~ rhe:

Importance: of Lon'e:(\ ing rhe \\llrld',

biodl\ er,it\ to rhe Jrtention of rhe lllal1\

'lhool p'lrtle" (;lmilie, and tndi\,

\1 ho \ l'>Ir rhl: fllll'ellm. l.aunLhed 011 2')

,",0\ ember, It remaim open to the

publil in London IImil rhe e:nd of \I.trch

\1 hen a n.ltion-\I ilk lOur ha, been


JpplrLJrl n \\111 onh bt.: lOll I(kr... I

rOIll lolndldJre: 10 1'4) t.: 1m ( l. or

t.: J "'LUIl! ro r...l ... I\ .... J Ir r dJ or

111'1 t:r ... I Il honour d ... _r... t:.

I he: I Lh"ol of rh C ollt:!::e

olkr.l \\ Idt.: r n.:....1' t: p nl ... :

/·.dUlJUon: IlulI1.1l1Itle : 1..1\\.

11.1 Il \ kdllJI..:- IkJlth lI"'llle

\kdlllnt:":- Ikml tr.: 1'11\ Il:ll

L1e:I1l'e .:.: Ln~lIleerIn!:.

\ po r~r.IJUJre pro peuu, .II1J .In

.lpphl.Hlon forl11 lJn il... ohrJlne:d h\

,e:ndifl~.1 pO'>rl.lrd \1 Hh 'our nJI11....lIld

Jddrt: to rhe: ... nior \ I um

Re..:"rr.ll. \l.IJemic randJrd, euion.

h.lnt.·, ( ollege I.ondon. (.orn\\ all

Illlu,<':' \\ Jrerloo ROJd. I.ondoll ,,>1',1

\\ \ I he: ( ollc~... re:gre:h rh.H Ir

l.Inllor .lceept re:kphone enqlllrie, 011

.In' J'pe:l 01 rh ... ,... (lJdem~hip'.

'I he t1O'>ln~ dare for receipr of

\\ ritten re:que: r, for app"cHlIln form, "

11.00 on \ 10ndJ\ I:; J.lllu.,r~ 19')(1.

r... lilt 01'

Lol k!::e:

T'Het.: "Ill":' (.olk.!e: I.ondoll

\ I 1011 "C .1. \llk t.:Jrlh

t km hip ar' J\ JIIJbk to

h' ,lk'l IJ H,m C) wher 1(I'll, lor J

I t.:n .d IIfrhrt.:t.: \t.:Jr. I h......

t I Je:nr hip .lrt.:.I\ JJlJhk a

111 nl IIpporr for the: "Il\~'

1.0ndol1 \l1nllJI I IIlld.

I',ad tlIdellt hip offer .1

LholJr hip of 'ih. - -HI p.1 nd th ...

pJ~ me:nr Ill' tllltllJll fe:e .Ir hOIlle: rJte

pili J bllr'J~ rOUlllll!! 'l.2.(J(J() tor rht.:

dur.nion of rhe J\\ .m!. (h ... r e.l

[fIdent .Ire dl!!ihk li,r con ,d... r,nlol1.

bur \\ III b ... e,pelre:d to lll\ ... r rh ...

,hortfall In fe:t.:, frolll orher ourL'" .

'I he: .1\I.m]., Jre: ilHe:nde:d ro

lIpport our rJndln..: 'l holJr, \\ hll \\ i,h

to Ul1d ... ruke rhe:ir I'hl) ,rlllhe: In .In\

of rhe hroJd ran~e of IIbJeu'.1\ JiLlbk

.1[ "1I1~', .Ind \\ ho hJ\ ....Ipplied li.r.•lIld

h.1\ e been ofte:re:d. J plJce rhrou~h rhe

nornlJI Jdllll Ion proLedure

It hould be flored rh,1t

F01111\\ ing the: RIO '·.:.rrrh ';ummir

in 1'JlI2. rh ... Ikp'lrtlnenr of rh ...

Em ironmt.:1lt LUll1ched rhe

I)J(\lin Initi,ni\e li,rrht: <"u(\I\,II of

'-ipeLi ... , \1 hich IlO\1 prm ide, flll1ding of

!i, million a ~ e.1l for hiodil ... r,it,

re,e"reh in de\ elopin~ eOllnrrie'. ">Il t:H

\:9 million ha, be:t:11 allol.lte:d to HO

proje:Lh. The: Il1itutl\e dra\\'> on ('K

'Lienrillc' ...duearional Jnd ulInmerll.II

'trel1grh, to e,rabh,h coll.IIlorarl\ e

proje:n \1 hlLh \\ ill help "1fL:guard rhe

\\orltl', bllldl\ er Ir\ and nawr.11 habiur .

Imolled III rhe k'lder,hlp of on... proje:u

ill rhe: R\\el1/orI \lounr.lln,..lIld

a, oliJted \1 irh J , ...eond ill <".lIlgo B.I\.

horh III l ~.lIllLI. I)r Rol'lnd Ibll ... ,

(Di\ I,ion of LIfL: ">Llenee,) 'lIld \lr

Iknn Bu Ull\.1 (\ I nor to rhe: 1)1\ I"on

from rhe: I ~and'l 111 t1turt.: of Ecolll~~ )

\1 ere: im Ired ro rhe: op... nlng 1)\ the Rt

11011 John Gumme:r. "> of L,tate

for rhe: Em ironmenr. of.t 1).1(\\ tn

InitlJ[L\e I':,hihirion .It the ,""lwrJI

Ili,to~ \Iu,e:um. '1 he: nllll[L-fJLered

">ango ILl' projeu i, Ix"ed on rhe

nperti,e of rhe I'" In,titllre of

Te:rre:,trial Ecolol!~ III the compure:med

ilHe:rpreration of ,arelllte: imJ.~e, [(J

I I• C .1I,:nn.!

Page 4: Comment 092 December 1995

nev~ on KI

Th" Jnorher of our on,1 lonJI

~efle, urJ\\ in~ J[[ennon (O

\\ h.n· IlJppenlll~ on rhe

hlll~'~ InformJrwn enice 1"1 ) on

rhe \\ orlu \\ lue \Yeb (\\ \n\ l.

()ne goou piece of ne\\, I rh,n rhe

h I ~en ice i~ {O mm e (O ir~ m\ n

dediured I ni'\ mJchine durin~ rhe

ne'\r fe\\ \\ cek . The ne\\ machine i~

e'\pecred [() ,ene 'I rhe ho,r for "I

for rhe fore~eeJblc furure. and ,hould

be able [() aceommodare comforrJbl~

rhe pl.lIlm:d e'\pJn~ion of rhe r.lnge of

informJrion a\ailJble from all ~Irea~ of

rhe College. The C\i~ring bod~ of dar~l

rh,n h.l~ been conrribured m "h b'IIlform,nion prr)\ ider, (I p,) during rhe

p'l,r ~ear \\ ill be rramfcrred inracr. ~o

rhere \\ ill bc no addirionJI effon

re(jlllfed. Thcre \\ ill be J fc\\ change~.

including J fc\\ enhancemenr~: lP, \\ ill

recei\ e fllllcleraih of rhe,e a, and

\\ hen rhc' happen.(h cr rhc ,ummcr ,e\ cral furrher

depJrrmcnr, ha' c made a \\ c!come

appearance: in rhe ~chool of

IlumJniric,. Philo oph, \\crc rhe

pioneer~. no\\ joined b~ Thcolog~. rhc

Language Cenrre. 13, I.anrine and

\Iodern (;reek. and Spani'h. \\ irh

(;erman coming along; rhe I,a\\ School

i~ aho preparing ir, enrr~. PharmaC\

.Ind Pharmacology ,hould nor be f'lr

beh ind. l\r "CSi' ID rhe pioneer, \\ ere

\lcdieal Engineering and PIl\,ie,. nO\\

joined b~ Ifi,mparholog~. \Iolccular

\lcdieine. I',ychological \lcdieine

(joinrl~ \\ irh rhe I Jl'>rirure of

P,ychiarr:. \\ here rhe page arc

aeruall~ ma,nrallledl. Jl1lll'ubhe

llealrh and '-:pidemiolog,. and \\ irh

\lcdieine 'loon ro be added. If~our

depJrrl1lenr i n'r ~er on rhe \\·eb. \\ h'

nor \ i ir rhe e page,. and ger ,ome

ideJ' of \\ har ~ ou can do? .\ recenr

\\ \Y\\' briefing Jr Denmark Ifill

relTU ired IP, from ,ome fu rrher

deparrmenr'. '0 \\ e hope for more

e'\pan~ion rhere before long.

"IS no\\ ha, rhe Lm:,r C'lreer~

Office informarion. rhe currenr

l'o,rgrJduare Pro,pecrll'. and rhe

llealrh and Safcr~ rcgularion,.

including rhe "CS\ID ,upplcmenr. a

Iuge for forrheoming e\ enr, ha, been

'rarred. 'Ind "C[ ,. \ ,hould 'loon be

rhere roo, Ihe off-clmpu eC[lon rJil

,en Ice~ h.1\ e been updJreJ {O rhe

\\ inrer rimcr.lble ..1I1d rhere Ire no\\

link ro rhe \ler Office' tLuh I "

",mman \\ e.nher forecJ,r - \\ e hope

rhl:' m,1\ add region,t1 .1Ild lotal

forecJ,r, 111 rhe furure - Jnd [(I London

cinellla li,ring .

If,ou ~er confu,ed abom \\ here

rhin~, arc ar the "rranu. did ~(HI\\

rh'll rhere \\ ,I'> J plan of rhe CJmpu, on

rhe \\ cb: Or rhar rhere arc ,ome

picrure~ of collegc locarion, - in full

colour. of cour,e. rhough 'ou ma' need

J rop-of-rJnge ,creen m 'cc rhem Jr

rheir he,r l I [J\ e 'I Ilrll\\ 'le rh rough rhe

\ \ <.,1- page, in parricular.

(Im\ e\ er. ,ou ma~ be mo bu'>\

\\ irh ,our re,earch mgo ,ighr,eeing­

bur rhere {oo rhe "I "i nu, be Jble m

help. I ,ook Jr rhe \'irruJI Librar,.

\\ hich ,gi\ e, ~Ol' poinrer, m ,ome of

rhe man~ "aluable informJrion

re~ource, \\ orld\\ ideo a' ailJblc rhrough

rhe \\·eb.. \norher e'\'llllple of ,eriou,

re,c.lfch me of rhe \\'eb i, rhar rhe

C:enrre for "eural "er\\ ork,' ,en er i.,

rhe I)()'>r for'" I·:uro"er. \\ hich e'\i,r, m

,upporr eollaborarion ber\\ een re,careh

\\orker, in ,c\er.t1 EuropeJn counrrie'.

If,ou arc inrere,red in ,eeing

mareri.t1 on rhe Web, or perhJp,

pro\ iding ,OIllC. rh en 'lee your

deparrmenrJIIP.. \nd if~our

depanmenr doe,n'r h'l\ e an IP? \Yell,

\\ h, nor gi\ e ~ our head of deparrmem

a nudge? Or \ olunreer your,elf (or a

colleague!) for rhe IP role. The" I. .

,upporr re,lm ,Ire ah\ .I~' plea,ed m

hear IdeJ'. and ro ralk m porcnnal

informarion prm ider - e,peci,t1I~ from

deparrmenr, rhar don'r 'cr appear on

"I ".France, Blomelc~

([email protected]'.ukor c-\r 1 '17l

Bri:lIl \leek ([email protected] or

e'\r 1601>

ontlnulngducation l nit

upport for ne"our

The (.ominuing Educ:lrion I nir

hJ' pUlllp-priming fund, for

depanmem~ \\ ho \\ ould hh.e ro

de\ clop ne\\ cominuing cducJrion

cour'e,. (:our.,e, l'Cluld be ba,ed on

unir, of po,rgrJduare cour.,e, or free­

,randing cour,e, \\ hich lead. for

e'\.lmple. m prol'c ,ional de\ elopmenr.

\th erri,ing co,r, eJn dercr people

\\ !'>hiJl!~ m wn ne\\ conrinuing

edULllHlIlCOur'e'. To help m erCllme

rhi, problem. rhe (.onrinuin~Educl[ion

I' nir h", ,er up 'l fund for ,ld, eni,ing

ne\\ cour,e, \\ hich \\ ill reduce rhe ri,k

of tinanciJllo'>'> w depanmenr,. Ifcour,e, do n()[ :I[rr,,(;[ ,ufficienr

panicipanr, to make rhem ,iable rhen:

,hould be no 10'>'> w rhe deparrmenr

concerned. Organi,er, of ,ucce",ful

cour,c, \\ ill be :!'>ked m repa~ rhe

'Ich erri,in~ eo,r, pIu, a neg()[i.ned

••eldirional ,um m repleni,h rhe fund.

The (;onrinuing Eduearion I'nir i,

.lble [() arran~e rhe ath eni,ing of

cour,c, prm ided \\ e kno\\ \\ ho ro

r~trger. \\ e can al,o admini,rer rhe

eour,e,: room booking" food

'Hr~lllgemenr,. cour,e fec, erc.

For funher derai]" plea,c conracr

Robi 11 \lu rra~ on () 171- 'n 30:'):').

1u ic plaqueun eiled

011 Tue,cla' U :\'m ember. rhe

\ lu,ic I)eparrmcnr celebrared

rhe naming of Room (lC - rhe

former !'nnup,d', ~uirc rramformed

inro 'l ,plendid ,eminar and reciral

room - .Ifrer rhe \'i,eounr Sr I)a\ id,. ,I

,rudem in rhe Dep,mmenr durin~

19' '-C). in recognirion of hi generol!'>

,uppon. 'wdem, ga' e an informal

concerr. and Profe",or (;urri, Pnee.

former IIc:ld of rhe I)eparrmem and

nO\\ Principal of rhe Ro~ al \cadem~

of \lu,ic. e'\pre., cd rhe Deparrmem·.,

grJriwele [() hi, former pupil.

Page 5: Comment 092 December 1995

\/1 f)1Ii.ld j(/( I: pit INn d r..llh Ihl' ft,md-\'{ IIl'phr/l7ll{/toltwl' P17::'(";,:'/I/I/I'I"

ay prIze ITIYlng forllo\y hipHU111unitie

1e .. I I of Ilununltle ha

.I_JlIl teen reu'glll ed.. n<:

of h<: be t ill th<: COUJl[f\ b\

\llnnlOg \\0 (Jut 1- tell .11 hip J\I Jrd<: I

11\ th<: Ilul11anitte Re cJrch Board 0 .

the Bml h \udem\.

"I hI' I the tir t ~ ear o' the

[n mutlonal I e1lml hip. cheme

c~[Jhli'hed b\ thc IIRH in conjunction

\\ Ith thc I1 EI· (,1-.. Thc aim I to upport

collaborati\ e and interdi~L1plinaf\

re carch In the humanl(te . rhc'l\\ard

\\ III l11e<:t thc co t of a rc'>carch

fcllcm hip lilr up to four \

Th<: ~chemt: attr:lcted flO

appltcatlon''; other ~ucTe~\ful

unl\ er~ltIe \\ ere {hford. (.ambrJ(.J~e.

l (,I .. Ro\ cl! 110110\\.1\ and () \'>. 'I he

onh ne\l unl\ er'lt\ Included \\ a,

"iheftield 11.1!1alll.

The ~ucce,~ful King\ proJcu,

\I ere the I,e lul '>rudle~ In \llddle

Engli~h. led I" Profe"or .I,lne Roherr~.

alld the .\nclent (.ol1lml:mane~on

\ri~totle Project co-ordlllated b\

Prcde,~or Richard ""rabJI .

The \liddle I-.ngli,h project. parr

"f'l larger lutlonal ~rulh. ill\ oh e~ the

production of r\\ 0 I'(Jlullle~ of le'\ical

~rudie~, a~ re~earch wol, .Ind .l~ e"ential

\lork to\\arch ,1 '\fiddle I-:ngli~h

The,auru'·. The book,> propo~ed are an

annotated bibliograpll\ of \\ ord ~tuclte,>

of \liddlc En~li'h. and a ~emantic field

~rud~ for \liddlc '-.ngli h. making lI~e of

the d,,,~iticato~ outline de\ i~ed tiJr the

'1Ii~[()rical The~Juru~of Engli'h'

currentl~ under production at the

l'ni\er~it~ ofGhl\gc)\\.

I'he Re,>earch I- ellO\\ i~ Dr Loul~e

'>\ h e~ter. \I~o \1 orking \oluntarih on

the project i, .Io~eph KJ\ ode-, \Ill.

'I he. \ncient C:ol1lmentaric,> on

\ri~[()rlc. \I rittcn bet\l een .WO and

(lOO. \D, repre,ent a Il1i~~ing link in rhe

hi~[()f\ of \\ e,tern Jlhilmorh~ .lIld ha\ e

not prel I(Jll,>l~ been tran~lated. 'I he~

tran,>formed the picrure of \ri\totlc

pa~~cd on to the \I iddlc i\ge~. Since

1<J <J the IJroject ha~ produced 22

\'olullle\ of tran~larion and [\\0

de,>eripti\e \ olumc'>. atrracted £750,O(JO

of funding and employed [\\(] rc~earch

a~~i\[Jnr~. current" J)r Rob \\'i~no"k\

and \1,> Dolorc\ loriu().

I)r Robin I Joult

Pha rmacolog~

pllJrmacolo!!:\ in relation to other

blo~C1ence di~clpline~ andlt~ central

role in the drug de\t;lopment pfl)ce~ .

lie al~o pOinted out the Intellectual

fle'\lbdjt\ th,lt i~ '0 nece~ ,If\ for the

~ubJect and \1 hich make~ graduate~

~uitable candidate~ for man\ different

t\ pe\ of career.

\\"hile noting that recent merger~

.lnd acqui Ition~ in the pharlllaceutil.ll

bu~ine~~ ha\ e me,lnt that man\ of our

pri/e\ arc n()\\ gi\ en unfamiliar name~.

\\ e hope that the~e ne\\ ~pom(Jr~ \\ ill

continue w take ~uch .In auile and

po~iti\e ill[ere~t in the training \\e

offer. It \la\ e\peeialh nice [(l be able

to \\ e!colllc ~e\ eral of their

repre~entatl\e~w thl~ enjo\:lble and

entertaining e\ enr.


In the artick on the ne\\ molecular

oncolo~ labora[()~ in the la~t

i~,>ue of r:ol//lI/I'1/1 (page 4) lie

Illi~takenl~ called I)r .Ionathan \lorri~

I)r .Ionathan \lonk..\pologie~ w both

Illelllber~ of ~raff concerned for our



T hc .Innuall'harmacolo~\

pri/c-gi\ in~ ccrcmon~ II a~

held on I uc~da\ 21

()\ ember in the (jal In Room at thc

\lalHe'<l Road C.hel\ea (.al11pu~.

.lccomp.lI1ied I" drink~ and .1 much

.lppreLlated buffet.

\\ e II ere .I~ain e\peciall~ fortunate

in bCln~ able w l\l;!come 'I

dl-rll1gul\hed ph'lrmacologi~tand

fm:nd of the College. '>ir I)al id .I.1ck.

[(l pre~eJ1[ the pri/e~. lie i~ ";en abO\ e

gil ing cheque\ from 'en ier

I ,aborawrie\ to ~i:-. of our \econd \ear

H'-ic \tudent\ for their Ilork on a

project concerning drug de\(;!opmenr.

The~ pUt on a mini-\oap opera

e'\plalnln~ the di\coler~ and u\e~ of

indomethacII1. a drug II Ith \Imilar but

more PO\\ erful action w a~pirin. and

no\\ \\ idel~ u\ed w treat arthntt\.

,. urthcr In~talrllent\of the drama arc

all .uted ...

'>Ir I)al Id i~ a P:l\t Rc e:lrdl

I) Ireuor of CI:I'\o and it\ earlier

con tttuent .-\lIen e Ilanbu~ \. and

IllU~t r:lnk a\ onc of the forelllo\t

e'\ponent~ in the t'K of the ration,1!

del elopment of medie:lll~ u eful ne\\

drug\. lie gal e a ~hort talk before

makin~ the pre~ent.ltion~. raking for

hi\ theme ll"hl' is jJhrll"llwroloJ...Fj·


.\\ \\ ell a\ congratulating the

\tudent~. Sir Dal id .lack told them and

their parent~ ahout the importance of


Page 6: Comment 092 December 1995

In thenews

,\ nHied diet of mediaapJ1earance\ lJu (,0\\ I)1\l:<I\e h~1 uomll1Jreu rhe

p'l~e Jnu \cn:en\ of rhe l11euiJ rccenrl~

Jnd Tom Jnuer\, Profc\ or of. urririon

Jnd Diereric\, Jppeareu on BBC ~'\

food "lid 1)17111: .1\ 11 ell .1\ l-buw Fil e

LI\ e [() rail... aboU( IL lie condudcd rhJr

bcef Ila ,If<.: [() car and rhar rhcrc Ila\

no Cl idence [() link B E [() Creuufeld

Jakob di\ca e in hUI11'ln\. fie aho

appcareu on (bdio·r ,I/I/ltiilll' ,\'oze·

di,cu\\ing hc)\\ tlier book\ II ere nor

ail11eu ar helping rhe obc\c bur II ere

rargcrcd ar ~ CHin!!; Ilomcn II ho II'anred [()

bc fa,hionabh rhin. In Ilfll':" !lMIII,l11aga/ine, Fruirarian\ II erc rhc \ubjccr

of an arriclc in 1\ hich he c'\pre\\cd

uoubr\ abour \uch a rc\rricrilc uiet.

\.11 ing rh,I[, ',\11\ dicr 11 hieh rclie\ on

onc food group 11 ill Cl cnruall~ lead [()

l11alnurrition. caring ju\r me'IL jll\[

ccreal\ or ju\r fruir all hal e rheir Oil n

inhercnr problem\.'

All about additions. Functional food\ '. rhat i\. tho'ic food,

\\ hich hal c addcd ingrcdicnt\ [() help

kccp U\ healrhy and lIelllla\ rhe

\ubjcct of an arricle in thc I',t/sfl'm Dt/ily

Press in \\ hich J)r \nthOI1\ I,ccd,.

Lecturcr in the J)eparrmenr of~urririon

allll I)icrcric\. \aid thar 'Wc" c been

auding thing\ [() food\ for a long rimc [()

hclp pcoplc get nutrient\ rhc~ lIoulun'r

orhcrwisc gct. for e\amplc. iodinc is

ofren added [() \,t1t.

Ask the DeanThe Dean. rhe Reld J)r Richard

13urriuge. 11 a\ inrcn iCII cd on rhc naturc

of Cl il by .\"1~·SIl~e:ht in rhc afrermarh of

rhe Ro,cmarl \\'e\r trial. .\frcr hi\

\peech ar rhe General S~ nod in rhe

debare about rhe Turnball Report. he

wa inrcn ielled b~ \ like \ \'ooldriuge.

rhe BBC Religiou\ .\ffair\

corre\pondcnr, and hi remark\ 11 cre

reportcd in rhe (.'/lImh :t"i1ll1~C Ilc also

appeared on rhe I'oia' o/,lllluim.

(,\l1lcrican inrcrnarional radio) Oil a

programme cnritled '\\'ho \\a\ .Je\u\~·

Planning for J1caceDr .JJme\ GO\\, Lcctllrer in rhe

Deparrmenr of\\'ar Srudies. \\ rore a

pieec for rhe Cltt/rdiflll outlining .I 'ii\­

poinr phln \\ hich \\ ould \tarr to build a

nell Bo\niJ \I irh la\rin CT peJCc.

On rhc \.1 me \U bjeer :- Iiehael

Clarkc. Profe\\or of Ikfcnee StlIdic\

,Ind E \eluri\\.~ Director of rhc C.enrre l(lr

Defcnce.: ruuie\. \I,b quored in .I \tor-

In rhc 'C\l ) ork '11111c\ III \I hlch he

\'lId: . Ihe problem 1\ rhat rhc bc\r plan\

on paper hJI e [() be Implemented on

rhe ground Jnd rhcre. rhing nel er

\ecm\ .I lle'lI1. Tr'lining eJn nel er

JnriClpJre rhc unc'\pectcd' Thi

inrcn iC\l Jho JppeJred in rhc

IlIfl nWfillllld Ifl mId '117/1111/1.

.\""c"smenr a'>se". cd

.\ I· ilt" 1)1/ I· 1)111' programmc rceenrh

lookcu Jr rhc Rc\carch .\ \e\\mcnr

E\crci\e \I hieh allunil er,irie'> h,\\ c to

undergo.. \nure\l Porrer. Rhode,

Profes'oor of Imperial 11 i\[()ry. and

member of rhe Ili\ton Panel of rhe

R, \ 1-: \I a\ among a number of academie\

11 ho took parr. lie made rhc poinr rhat

rhc e\erci\c had creared ,>ub\rantial

pre,\urc on aC'ldcmic\ [() publi\h

prematllrcl~ and produce I\"(Jrk (ofren of

an indiffcrenr qllalir\) I en quickh in

oruer [() be counreu in rhe c\erci\e. In

rhe long-rerm. he fearctl rhar rhi\ \lould

hale a tlcrrimenral effecr on all ,ubjecr\.

in p'lrticlllar t1lO\e in rhe humanirie\ like

hi\[()r- .

.\ Iatl,,, m inus calculator"'Int· Fill/I:( lead \I irh an irem abour the

banning of calcuLltor\ in onc of rll 0

marhem<lric\ paper\ \<It by II-~ car-oltl\

hecall\e gO\'ernmenr curricul um

atll i\er, hal e idenrified 'I worrying Iaek

of m'lthelllarical ahiliry in rhe rcsr\ raken

rhi\ \11 miller. Perer Sauntlcrs. Profe\,or

of \Iarhemaric\. saitl of rhe tleci\ion, '1

am plc<l\ed rhe~ are doing rhi\ hec'llI.,e I

feel caleulator., hal e probabl~ eome in ar

toO young an age and 11 irhoU[ enough


Reponing the reportHo{{sillg IIIhl'l7flllll"f' IIlId fhl' COSf ofRI'sidl/lfilll (lilt·. a re\earch report b~

Chri\ Ilamncrt. Profc\\or of Ilulllan

Geograph~. ha, reecil cd \I'idc eOI erage

borh narion'llll antllocall~. Profc\\or

Ilamnerr appeared on a nUlllber of

Radio 4 programlllc\: 1nl' \I'orld fhis

II"I'I',(-md. 'lIie lI"orld (If Olle, and '1nl'

,I/temo/){{ Shift. piu BBC Sourhern

COllnrie\ Radio and HBC Chilrern

Radio and BB(: Sourh Telel i\ion.

Prime locationThe Chapel \l"a\ rhe \rar of rhe .\tll enr

Suntla~ morning 'ocr- ice relel i\cd b~ rhe

BBC on.) Ikc:ember.

Page 7: Comment 092 December 1995

(:ombarting infeuion\IJm: Pool. .1 Re eJrch \ 'I,ram 111 rhe

\ hool of 1..111. 11.1' 1I1refl le\\ cd 1)\ (; LR

on \I herher Ir houkl he a 'pel dic

criminal offcnce [() infecr anorher IlCr,on

Ilirh 111\. Thl follll\\eu rhe COlllil[IClI1

of a II om.1I1 .•tIlet;eu ro bc 111\ p0'lrll c.

for arrcmprint; ro Call\e C;BII ro her c'\­

10\ er bl Injecrint; him 1I nh her 0\1 n


'\-fa) C\:U;l\·uganl.;lIn rhc ua" arounu rhe 100rh

'lIlnil cr,ar~ of rhe di,eO\ e~ of '\-ra~, (X

'\"01 cmber) 1)1'" \Jan \ Iiehcrrc and

Chri, BlIckle~ of rhc Ccnrrc for :'\-Ra~

<'eicnec in rhc I)eparrmcnr of Ph~ ,ie"

Ilcrc inrcfl ic\\cd on 'Cl cr,t1 HHC radio

programmc . 1)1' Bueklel appeared on

rhc \\ orld SCfl ice prot;r,lmme.

Di,eol c~. \I hile Dr \I icherre 11:.1'

inrcfl iell"cu on rhrcc local radio ,rariom:

Cornll all, Cumbria .1I1d Ikrb~. a, 1I c11

.1, .Ippearint; on rhc \\ orld Sefl ice

Prograllllllc. Pos/llll1d... ljrim.

'13king side,>(:Iil e P:.Ige. Profc"or of Pharlllacolot;~.

appcarcd on I/'s ) 'o"r S/UJliI. a Ccnrral

Tclcl i,ion programme. ui,eu"in,g


.\11 about ermineThc Sr'lre Opcning of Parliamcnr

impired an irelll on Radio of\ '101'

.ljil'l1/o(i11 Shiji on rhe 1I caring of crmi nc

and rhe eulrural ,igniticanec and

lingui,ric hi,wfI ofrhc ,roar. \11' Ton~

Thornc. I)irccwr of rhc Engli,h

I_anguage Teaching Cenrrc.

con rri bu rcu.

coml1lune run III a rclit;iou, ecr rhar ha,

.1 Im[OfI of lhtld c, .lbu,e. I le "lid rhar.

'\ loralll rhel need [0 be on proha[lon

IOr J lont; rimc.'

OFTEL debutRll" \\hl,h. !'rofc ,or of ( ..Ill, rook

parr 111 rhe fir,r publll hCJring e.:1 e.:r [() be.:

hclu b~ O( rEI. (rhe.: Officc of

Telecol1lmllnIL.lrion'l. 'Ihe he.:anng,

hclu in rhc (; 11.111 .lr rhe Srranu

Camflll\, 11.1\ Jbour rhc propO'>cd licenec

condirion on ,1Ilri-compemil e flracriee"

Profc"or \\hi,h 11.', pelf[ of a panel

raking que,rion, afrer rhc pre,enrarion.

I)crail, 1I ere rcporrcu in rhc Filltll/("itt!


E'\pert ach ice\nrhea Tinkcr. Profe ,or of C,ocial

Gcronrolog~ and Dr Emill (;rund~,

Reader in Soei,t1 (jeronrolot;I, 1I ere

e:.llleu ro appe.:ar:1'> e'pcrr \I irne"e.:,

before rhc Iloll,e of Common, ,elecr

eommirree on he,llrh ro ralk abour long­

re.:rm care.

Beat thi ...Dr Efraim K:.Ir,h, Rcader in \\'ar

Sruuie,. ,ee.:m, [() halc 1I ell and rruh'

,ma,hed rhe record for rhe nu III he.: I' of

mcdia imcfl iCII' in one.: da~. On a [Our

of rhc l' nircd Sure.:, in I w promore

hi, be,r-,ellin,g polirical biography of

Saddam Ilu"cin hc hcld le) lilc ,arellirc

inren ie.:II' \I irh rclel i,ion ,rarion, all

O\'er rhe l 'nircd Starc, <lnu Canada, a,

Ilcll a, a ,illliJar numbcr ofrauio

inrcn iell'>. Thar i, 01 e.:r 30 inrefl icll" in

a ,ingle dal!!

[hum In!!;" agall1

Harold Baum

Profe"or Ilarold Baum ­

'perhap, rhc 1I orlu"" lead ing

e.:'poncnr of rhe biochemical

ballad', ro quore rhe cc)\'er of hi, larc,r

publicHion - i, in prinr again. Thc

,ccclI1d cdirion of hi bc,r-,elling

l1io(hnlli,(/,(' SOllg/IOO/.' is no\\ alailable.

ine.:luding all rhe ,Ol\g, 1I hie.:h made

(he.: fir'>[ cdirion of 20,000 copies a e.:1I­

our. Profe"or Baulll l\Tire, his ,ung,

1I hile rral elling; on London buse,. and

Ll\ourire, include rhe Kreb, eyelc (()

rhc runc of '\\'alu:ing .\Iarilda'. 'Thc

Barrle II~mn ofrhe Aerobes' and

'\"e're here beeau,e l'rea'. Seriou,h,

rhc ,ong, hal c hclped gcnerarion, of

,ehool ~lI1d unil cr,iry ~tlldenr, ro learn

rhe mc(abolic parh"'ay, and orher

a,pcu, of elelllenrar~ biochemi,rry.

The nCII e.:dirion i, al aiJable from

Tal'lor anu Franei, (rei: 01256 HUOOO)price £6,9t.i,

Building the bumpThc imporrance of caring propcrl\

uurint; pregnane\ 11.1' e'"unine on BBC

2', Food a"d /),7,,1.. progralllme in 1I hieh

I)onald :\ai,mirh. Emcriru, Profc"or of

'\" urri rion rook parr.

Religious abu ...eFolIOlI ing rhc :\ine O'Clock SCfl Ice

,candal. 1)1' ,\ndrell \"alker. C,cnior

Lecwrer in Theological Educarion, ,aid

in rhc (.!1I7.(/itll/ /-Itmld rhar hc belicled

rhar religiOll\ abu,e 1I a, far more

1I ide,pread and" ,remarie in Brirain

rhan Ila 'uppo,ed, Ilc 1I a, al,o quorcd

in rhe /)ailr l't>lt'J!.mph follo\\ ing rhe collrr

ct,c II hich ruled rhar a morher could

Imng lip hcr rhree-Icar old ,on in a

Home from home?

Brian \lce.:k. ofrhe Compuring

Cenrre.:, and hi, \I ife Jo, 1I ere

,ighr,ceing in ,-\achen during

rheir holiual' in Seprember 1I hen rhcI'

camc acro", rhi, bar.

. El en rhe Ic[[ering had a familiar

air ro ir', a~, Brian.

'l·nforrunare.:l~ wc had ju,r had a

rarher good lunch and our rime 11'.1'

limircd, Orhef\l i,e I'd hal e gone in,

nor ju,r for a drink bur ro ask if rhere

1I a, a conne.:crion - or ju,r a

coincidencc '.

Can an~ orhcr ('OIl/IIIt'II/ readcr

,he.:d lighr on rhi,;

Page 8: Comment 092 December 1995

Pro t i1e: L nne !1 elL 0 irector 0 f IJib rary erYICe

nn~ B'II WrtcJ j "1I1~' on I(k IOCr. he h.lJ prcI IOU 1\

pen I ~ \ Ilorklll~.1

LClcc er l nl\cr J Llhra". I ler tir t

po t .I er hcr po t~r.lJu,l[c lmlr e III

hbr.lf\ Jnd III Ofln.ltlOn lIenlC \\J .It

'-JIKJ er I nil er I I ,\.

\I hilI "'"f!. \(J1f fit trlt'lo ,fJ fJflllflrl r/o Iht

Itllfffl) /(({IfIIfI, ({fllf IfJ/frrlIJIt:'

I 11 J Intere ted III 11 orklllg III thc

.ll.ldemll cm Ironmcnt .InJ ICf\ mlllh

Illtcrc'tcJ 111 the ,ef\ IlC oncllt.ltlon of

the hhr.lf\ Jnd information ,eetor. 0 I(

1I 'h J l( ,mbinJtil ,n "I' JUdCml1 Illtcrc t

Jnd thc Cf\ iec Jngk.

Ilau IfJIf jill/llrI rf)/lr/Ifi" ht 11 ~ 1/1'

rld/lfllll/mll/ rf)/lr la 1)0111'

) c I hJI C ()I1\ lou,h therc .Irc J I"t

of ~cner.d pr"bkm, .lfId i, IIC' 11 hllh Jrc

101111111Hl JUO the hbr'lf\ .lI1d hi~hcr

CdllLltIlJIl ,eltor,. But elef\ ilhtltlltlon

h.1 It, 1)\1 11 Illdll IdU'llloneern . "I

lour c. one of the major I 'uc, .It "1I1~'

1', ,llIOl11l11od.ltlon .Illd thc 111111t1-'lte

opcr.ltlon. 11 hllh obl lou,h hJ,.1ll

cnOflll/Hh IInp,llt on ml Job.

1\ in rOil I'll ff</ rI 10 II/al.-I Ihl II/IJ~ I 10


I"m I crI pk",cd W hJI c madc rhc

ill/lie to "In!(, but I don't let IlIe III

(-!lndon and am auualh commurln~on

'I d.1I h bJ,i, ar rhl: momcnr from rhc

\ I idLll1lk Ir ha'I1'r beel1 wo b"d '0 LII.

/)" rOil ~I'! lot, olfmrlill~rlflllt 1111 Iht


I I l:rl dchheratdl took rhc dni,ion

[() Jo ", hCl.llhC I hal e four hour,'

rr"l diIl1~ tlnK J JJ~ 11 hllh I 'cc a, pelf[

of n1\ \lorklng dJI. Prol iJcd ~ Oil ~er "

'CJr 011l: c.ln !!;ct quitc a lot of\\ork donc.

\IhlJfIl 11/((111 (It I/(k, u:hifh }ollll/al,

a IIrllJllfJi". IfJ IJllr"

It' a joint Jctil ir~ be[\\(:<:11 libr:lf\

,raff Jnd al.lJemlc dep,lf[mcnr,. '1 here \

.1 Ie~ hi~ Illput from al'Jdemil'> on thl'.

.Ind qUltc rightl~ ,0. There \ J lot of

di Cll ion Jnd hai,ol1 bcrll CCI1 rhc

.lppropriJtc librJ~ ,ull Jnd

department'. I here arc 11 ell-e,tabiI,hcd

medlJni,m, for journal purcha,in!!;.

11 hlch I'> all e'pel1,i, l: dement of our

e,pendirure. <"imilarl~. in term, of hook

purcha'"l,g. al:adcmic, rl:'1uc,t m'lterial,

to bc pureha,ed for librar~ ,rock, The

libra~ al,o ha, ,oml: in-put particularh

in rl:hltion ro rhe r:llIghr l:OIlr,e,. Thi, i,\(1 dur calh of rhl: Reader,' \dl i,er, can

n: pond Ic~ quilkh If 1(\ dcar from

InternJI dJU dut tudcllt' .Irl:

dc,perJteh rrl Ing ro get hold "f cour,c

l1utcri,l1. 'l'hcI un con'llkr 11 lur .Il tion

[(J tJke. IIhilh 111I!!;ht illlludc .dtenn~ thc

10Jn 't,ltIh of the ho"k. or purdu"n~

JliLhtion.11 COpll:'. or pllrtil1~ itenh into

hoft 10'ln.

In Ih'li fimNlllIs ;;, Ilh IJllrI!.;IIill!? III1r1

l' Ihl/i fill (/(/111 IIl1/fllllll olll/f//ll1al Ihlll 1(,

/IISI Ilfll fios."hk 10 PllllhtlSI!

Rl:\(lurling I' JIII'I~' In I,>,>UC. 0

.ILldcmll libr,l~ l.ln ,mempr [(J bl: ,<:11'­,ufticicnr [{J meet the dil er,ir~ of the

infiJfmJtion need, of it, .ll.ldemlC .Illd

,wJcnt communitil:'. \\'hat 11 c h'lI e to

en ure I' th"r '11lh rc,ourec, .1' 11 e do

h"l e at our dl po"tI arc dcployed J' co,t

effeuil l:1~ a, pO"'lbk. hcnce rhe nel:d

ti,r I ef\ clo\e iI.u,on 'lIld dl cu",ion 11 irh

.Ieadcmic" ">ot onl~ I' rhe I olumc of

publtl.ItIOn, inerl:J,in~ ignilil.lnrll. bllr

al,o rhclr co,t,. 11 hidl tl ple~llI~ c,cccJ

the rJte hI 11 hllh Itbraf\ bud~et'

inlrea,c. The nuteri,,1 Ill: purdla,e i, J

,mJII ekmenr of 11 hat'" al ailahk ,0 \\e

do h"l e ro mJke '>!He our rl:,ourcc, "rc

,penr a effeuil cll" po'>'>ihle

110;;' rlo \'011 IfJfil ;;, ilh .,'om!?I'!

\\ e h:lI e I Jriou, L1o'l:d Jcce,>,>

,rorage 11 here matcrialll hilh i, k",

illllllediJtell reklam ro currenr realhing

"nd re\eareh arl:a, I'> kepr hut if it i,required bl J u'er. it can he returned

from e1med acce'>'> ,rorage and. if

nece,\af\, put back into the main,rreJm

,roek. \ \ e hal e ro reI iell ,wck I ef\

:lr ulll. \\c hJIC J I elI- k1dol cd

co!ll:vlon m na.:cn en poh<.\ or t k­'d tlll': , dn I em doe n't JppeJr ()

IIJffJn bem.: l:pt Oil the: he" I

\\ould O· trJn crrc I to do .J c C

tIlrJge lid \\ mid he rCIle:\H:d J.:am

IJrcronll·th J IIC I w\\lut 'urrhcr

Jltl<lI1 or hCIll tu t~k •

fll/~1 Ihi'thlfll,t fII /I1hl/QltJ.... Ufl'f1 utI'JII ''''' 1111 !fIf71r1 I)/fl"

\lItolll.ltlOn in .:i111t I Jrioll'> lilfln

11 hethl:r In Itbr"f\ hou,e-keepill!.:

JUII inc lIr 111 tcrm of .Ieee , ro

iIlfornutlon. hJ' dlJngcd rhe nJtllrc of

oUf.luil im:, I ef\ l!.:nllilJnrll III c[[hl:

!J,t ~() ~ eJr,. (.crtJlI1h rhe pJl'e of

lh, rhc momcnr in term, of

eleUHlIlIl ,ourcc of IIlli ,fIlU[lon I I Cf\

r'lpid .iIld thcrc Jrl: C'lItln!.: furthcr

dCI e10plllellt on thc hllfl/on. IIlrh l:1 er

morc jOUfll.tI, helOmlll!!; .11 "il.lble

elcl tronlulll

/)11 )'11" /lI/rllfII)' ,,1111111111/ flllIl,II!?,1

,'tlll IfI ,(/ll 1111 luu/(rI f/fA-fllll{ 11/

IIIhlIolfl~ ,

" here I' .111 l:1111rmOU' i,>,>uc III term

of rr.linln!! .Illd people', .111 .1 rl:nl:'>'> of

IIlur' .11 atl"ble .Ind hOIl to go Jhout

.IITe ,ing it. 111 order li,r people ro bc

.Ible ro hl:nelir from the'l:

dl'l c!oplllenr, thel nced thc ,ktll.

hardll.lrl: 'lIld nl:tII ork "cee,>,> ro enable

thcm to do '00. The,c adlJnce, rherl:forc

h'\1 c 'oi~nitil.lnr re,ourcing implic"rion,.

bmh direct al1J indircu.

1\ ·!If/lluJof:.. IIJ l'oU ffflr! :!,fllrmllr. ffl/rI

1.1 11111/ 1I11I1f/(1I !loo!.' )'fJII r,:'IJl/lr/ lilt- 10

Ii'II i~'f liJI (hl7..lIlItl.ll'

I rcnd to rcad prcdominJntl1 liuion

for rccreJtIlll1,tI purpo c,. alrhough

h:I\Ing Jid rhJr. ([hink onc of the

book, I lIould qUI[(: likl: tilr Chn,tnu, i,

">el,on \IJndeb \ .JlItoblOgr.lphl.

\I hf/I rlf' \'fill rill liJl n-!fl\f/I/fJ1I ffl/rI

u.:hf/I flli \filii odllr /(//1 Ii '1..-1'

\ 1I Imin inrcrc't I' probabl~

fllnnill!!;. 11 hllh I lind qlllre r<:lJ"ng. Ithink Ir', pf()bJbl~ morl: Jppropriatc In

Ill~ GI\e tll cdl it Jdl Jnccd jogging. I like

doing h"lf-IllJrathon, Jnd I lind running

lef\ rhl:rapeutie. reiJ,ing "nd.1 good

11 ClI ro 11 ind dl)\\ n. I abo enjol going ro

rhe cincma and rhe thearre, alrhough

untimun"tell 11 ith commuring I hal en'r

~C[ been "hie to tJke full alII anrage of

thl: fJ<..ilirie' in (,ondon.

Page 9: Comment 092 December 1995

\m ljuc"t1on,,?I, then:.1 pJrnndJr Illcmhcr of the

( ,01 kgc \\ ho \ ou \Iould hkc u, to

ilHcn iCII: (.fJlllllIt III II c!L-omc \ our

lI1!J!C non .

ObituaryProfe or le T P ~lo\Yat

Anc\\ edition of liRa".' fl/l- .I

guide [0 puhlil' Cl CIH' .md

keture....1t thc (:ollege - II ill

hc prouuceu In janu.ln, I'kJ'c 'cnd

uc[;]il ofclenr, lip uIHil.lul\ 199(, wI- rJncc, ChJpman in lhc Prc ...... c1'lIhlication, Office. (:orn\\ .111 IlolI c

(e'\t .;202l The uC'ldlinc for eIHril: i, .'i


Thc ne\\ I~ puhli ... hed Collq~c

I'm(ilt h.l ... prmcd ler\ popuLir. If\ou

\\ould likc cOlllC' for \our ucp.trtmcIH

pkJ"'c COlll.ICl I, rancc, ChJpman ,It

the .Ibm e .Iddre ... ,.

Lonc parcnr\ cmplo~mcnrguidc

~I/I If/Ill f!tflr'/I''s 1!/I1r/I III

I",pl(I)'IIIfJ//. a bookkt produceu

b\ thc Chilu .'>upport .\gcnc~. i

.1Idilabk from Per...onncl on c'\t .;·PI.

Librar~ opcning hour,,:Ea'itcr \ acution 1C.)c-)6

The Librar\ i, plcl'cu [0

announce an c,\tcn ... ion wopening hour... uuring the

laltcr part of thc E~"tcr l'lcation. in an

anemfH to imprOl e Elcilitie' for tho,e

prcparin,g for e"lmin.ltion,.

The Ilumanitie ... Libr'l[~. Old

I,ibrar~. EmbankmcIH Librar~ .lIlU

KCJl\ingwn Campu ... I,ibran .md

(:hcl Campu ... I.ihrar~ \\ ill bc open

uIHil 11I.OO on \Iontla~ to Thur...uay ...

from I:") .\pril w 2.'i \pril.

.rhc Co!criugc I,ihrar\. \\ hidl

retlect... the ~chool of I... uucation· ... term

pattcrn, \\ ill operate on I acation hour...

for the \\cck bcginning I:") \pril. but

\\ ill rccommcnee it latc opening unril

20.00 in thc "cck bcginning 22 \pril.

1t i hopcd that thc ... e c'\tcrhion...

\\ ill hc hclpful. II' an~ further

information" required plea,e cOIHact

Campu ... I.ibrarian" \'il ien Robert ...on

(I.)tralllll on (;'\t 23 J.) or I'ctcr \\'al,h

(Kcn...ington/Chcl ... ed) on c'\t 449X.

Further information \\ ill be

a"lilablc during the nC'\t ...cme'ter.

It i \\ Ith gre.1t Jdnc' th.1t Ill'

announcc thc Ilne'\peltl'l1 Jlld

lIIHlmel\ dc.lth of \k'\.lIldcr

I'Jrkcr \ filiI .It. I'mfe'''lr of P.ledlJtric

IlcpJwlog\ Jnd IIe.ld of thc

DcpartmeIH of( .hild Ile,lIth ,It King· ...

Collcge Ilo,pit.llon .lturdJ~ 11

"-01 ember 11)1).'i.

.\Ie'\ \\J born on 'i \pril 1<);:") in

Cullen. R.lIlft.... hire. lie qUJlitied from

the ['nil er,it\ of \berdecn in 1952.

lie "'lll)'l:quenrl~ tr~lined in p.lediatric

ga,trocnrcrolog\ and lil er di,ea ...c in

.\berdeen, Ilong Kong and "ell York.

During period, .It lhe RI)\I elt Re...e,lrch

Ill\titllte in \berdccn 'Ind the

DepanllleIH of \ledicine ,It thc 'Ibert

Ein ... tein Collegc of \ledicine, ) c... hil 01

[ nil er... itl. "-C\\ ) ork. he del clopcu

c'\perti,c in hiochcmi,tr\, en/\ l11ologl'

.1Ild hepawlog\. In 1970 he \\ a,

JppOiIHed Con,ultJIH PJediJtricidn/

I'aediatric Ilepawlogi ... t at King',

(:ollegc Ilo'pital \\ hcre hi, Jim, 11 hieh

hc '0 ... uece, full\ Jchiel eu. \\a ... to

del clop a tir t cLI ...... clinical ...en ice for

children \\ ith lil er di ... ea c omu to

promote re,earch into it COlll,e',

di,ea ...e mcehanl,m ... anu mode ... of

treatment. .\le'\ cncOllr'lged and

fl)\[l:reu collahoration hetll cen .Ill

ui'ciplinc ... and. ~I' a con'equence. thc

u niq lie ... erl ice he had per,onalll

creatcd, receil cd officioll gO\ crnmcnr

rccognition anu fUl1dil1g and \la ...

dc... ignatcd the fir't uprarl:gional

Centrc for I'al:di,mic Lil er Di,ca"'l: in

the [ -K. In )l)I)O \le'\ \\ a, Illotue

Profc"or of I'al:di.llric llep"tolog~.

Radio, 'ocict\- of GreatBritain bur"ar\

Gcmld <:Ie\\ ' . .I ruucnr in thc

Eleetric.ll c Ekl:twniL

Engineering dcpartn1l:nt. \\.1,

a\\arucd thl: lir ... t R.ldio 'ociet\ of

Grc'l[ Hriuin bur,ar, of ,t:")OO at a

eeremon~ in Ouobl:r.

The bllr,ar~ \\ ill hc 01\\ ardeu

annuall~ to a I'rollli ... ing ,tlllknt in the

licld of radio cOllllllunication or

ckctronie... l10minatcd b~ hi, or her

imtirution of ... tl1th.

Othcr ,lppointnll:nt Includcu\ Comulunt In 1'.lediJrrtc to

the Rm OIl \11' I'mcc. \ klllhl:r of the

\ IR(:P I,. ,\allllnatH111 Board ,lIld enior

E'\al11inl:r in 1'.lcdi~lrrtc, for thc

l nil cr... itl of I.ondon.

\\ e ,1ft: fortlllLlte that \ll:'\'

t1inICJIl:'\cellel1cl: \\ ill bl: pl:rpetuolled

in hi, tl:'\tbook f.iL'cI IJisf){yll'l's ill

(''hilr/holJrI. Ik'pitc a hCJ\\ clinical and

rC'l:arch \\orkloJtl. \Ie'\ found tillle to

bc .111 c'\cclknr I k~ld of Ikpartlllent.

'upportil l:. cohc ... il e Jnd nLlnagin/!; to

hring OUl thc I1c,t in ccleh of it ...

1lll:1ll 11l: 1''''. I k 11<1 tirek, in h"

cOllll11itllll:l1l {() hi patil:nr, and hi ...

colle.lglle,. Ili, inrl:gri[y \\.1, re'pec[ed

b~ all. lie kalc, a Illllch Ic)\cd \\ife

.\nn .Inu t\\O ,on,.. \11 of u... \\ ho knc\\

\lc'\ arc thc hcrtl:r for it.

I'rofe"or \1111<.: (jrecnough

Dcpartlllenr of Chilu Ilcalth

~chool of \lcdil'inc c ()cnri ...t~

lemorial fund

T o continllC \lc'\ .... \\ork into

the 11 nder'tand ing of

paeuioltric hl:parolog', cl

IllC Illoria 1 fllnd ha' been c ... tabli'hcd

and \I ill bl: hl:ld b~ thl: King.... \Idical

Rl:\earch Tnl'r.

Contribution' to the 'K\IRT .\le:...

I' \lCl\\Oll \kmorial Fund' ,hould be

,ent to \I r, .loan \\'i,l:. ()epartmcnt of

Chilu I kalth. King', Collcge Ho... pital.

Prof CatherineGei lerProfc"or Catherinl: Gei"ler. I lead of

thl: Dil i ... ion of I kalth Scicncc', ha,

bl:el1 appoinrcd to tl1l: Gm l:rnmcnr',

Food \UI i,or, COllllllirtel:.

Page 10: Comment 092 December 1995




pporr our runncrIf mcmhcr 01 Ih~' I~ CUIlI\ C Jrc

~ lIrrcllll In r.III1I1I~. h \ In ~ hcen

rc~cllll\ .lllCI'ICd III rull Ihc I.on 11111

\IJrarlwlI, I h~ \\ 'I bc rulll1l1l~ (11

rJI~C Il1II1lC\ 1 Ir R 1_ lid (, \\1111111

dOllht h..: apprllolLlll .: mcmhcr of

( llllc~c for I'fll1 or Illl'! I hc\ ,lrC

c pCflcl1l"..:d In Ihc Jrt III II1JrJlhlln

rUI1I1IIl~ dlld ,0 hllllld do \\cll ) IIur

IIppllrt \\,,"ld hc \cr\ IIllllh

.lpl'rcll Ilcd.

I lalf-rcrm pla~ 'lchcmcI hc h,lIl-tcrnl 1'1.1\ 'l hcmc \\ III h.: Ill'

and rllllnill~ J~JIII In I chruolr\. 'I hc

L1lclIlc \\ IllLlI I {lOO" pLII': III

(ktohcr. \\ .1 '1Ill'C' Jlld pLllc' \\crc

hOI" lOIll": Icd If\IIII \IIIlIld Ilkc 1II

hook .1 plllC lor \ollr l hlld In I chrll.lf\.

\ Oil .Irc .Id\ I ..:d III do '" 0" Llrl\ I, \ IIU

~an.1 plJlc' .Ir.: hlllllnl. LllllulI

1.":I!.:h 'I ..:rr\ 1111 ( olk~c C\lCI1,lon


Elccrion..,'1 hc I I1IllI1 hcld .1 1l11111hcr of dCllllll1'

Jnd h~'

_o{ld 1 pon '

Lite I 'n C Jnd JI 0 I Ih •

UcpJr n UH ,hll I \IJ J (mic

UI JpP( n 111': IIJI mOl": llJ Icm

dlUII ~n I( drlo lC ) (HII1~ C.I.I\ clurnJ Ihc

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Do yolt ("i.'('!" //t('r! !till/H)J(J (1' s!(([fdue /0 sid/Il'ss. //f)/id(ll's./ullrhtilllt ('{)['('J" oJ"jlfs/ ///(// o//t'-ojfjo!J!)('.1':" T!tt// 'O:'/ty //0/ //1'( A"(.'I.Sl ':i l 'ltis/t([f Flllp/oylll('/// !Jlflt'rtlf.

• Ser lip (\\ 0 ~ car.., ago (() meer rhe ca lI.d lahollr need of

King' College \\ hil..,r pro\ iding addirional income for King\

..,rudenr , l 'ni..,ratf i no\\ \\ ell e rabli hed,

• O\cr 300 ..,wdenr.., ha\ e alrcady been employed by rhe

Srudenr..,' l nion and College ueparrmenr,> (() do a \arier~ of

\\ork including carering, cleaning, bar, librar~, receprion. lab

a..,,>i..,r~lIH'" and gen<.:ral Llumini'>rrarioll.

So, ne\,r rime \ (HI n<.:ed (emporar~ ..,raff phone ('ni..,raff­

borh ~our deparrmenr and King\ '>rudenr-, \\ ill bend'ir.

For furrher information conracr Eunice \\'ilkim on e\,r .~S6c)

or () 171-HJ6 7J.)2.

Page 11: Comment 092 December 1995


11 JanuaryVisitation of the Archbishop ofCanterburyLunchtime ServicePreacher: The Most Reverend &Right Honourable Dr GeorgeCarey, Archbishop of CanterburyThe Chapel, Strand 13.05

The Lambeth LecturePentecost, the Holy Spirit & thetheology of lifeProfessor Jiirgen Moltmann,University of Tiibingen, Germany,Great Hall, Strand 17.30 Allwelcome. Please telephone theDean's Office on 0171-873 2333 ifyou wish to attend

Education8 JanuaryThe theory of multipleintelligences - reflections after thefirst dozen yearsProfessor Howard Gardner,Harvard University Public LectureCouncil Room, Strand 17.15to18.45Contact Dr Philip Adey 0171-8723189


12 JanuaryWomen in politicsCentre for 20th century CulturalStudies one-day conferenceSpeakers to include: LucianoCheles; David Childs; Hilary Footitt;Julie Gottlieb; Douglas Johnson;Tessa Jowell MPCouncil Room, Strand 10.00 to19.00Contact Professor Richard Griffiths0171-8732404

15 JanuaryVoice and community in 20thcentury Greek and Irish poetsRuth Padel, London Centre forHellenic/Byzantine & ModernGreek Studies

Seminar Room lB22, Strand 17.30Contact 0171-873 2360

17 JanuaryThe Secret Island: Some thoughtstowards a reconsideration ofRachmaninovGerald McBurney, London Instituteof Advanced Musical StudiesColloquiumSt Davids Room, Main Building,Strand 17.00

22 JanuaryThe power behind the throne? Thecase of the Empress EireneLiz James, University of SussexCentre for Hellenic/Byzantine &Modern Greek Studies Seminarwith slides Room 1B22, Strand17.30 Contact 0171-873 2360

24 JanuaryDoing thingsDr Jonathan MillerCentre for Philosophical StudiesEvent, New Theatre, Strand 17.15Please note admission is by ticketonly, available free from the HRCOffice 0171-873 2360

29 JanuaryMemory, martyrdom & witnessing(marturiva): perceptions of militantGreek nationalism in CyprusPaul Sant Cassia, University ofDurham Centre for Hellenic/Byzantine & Modern Greek StudiesSeminar, Room 35B, Strand 17.30Contact 0171-873 2360

30 JanuaryGerhard von Rad OT Theology as aChristian Theological EnterpriseDr Francis Watson Centre forAdvanced Biblical Studies SeminarRoom 5F, Strand 16.00

31 JanuaryModal and mathematicalreasoningProfessor Charles Chihara,University of CaliforniaCentre for Philosophical StudiesPublic LectureCommittee Room, Strand 17.15

"" Page I1

Page 12: Comment 092 December 1995

Page 12

13 and 14 January11 VlOlino Illuminate: Pietro AntonioLocatelli and other italian Violims sin orthern EuropeA eekend of s udy andperformance celebra ing the recentercentenary of Pie ro An onioLocatelll (1695·1764), Italian violinvirtuosoProfessor Reinhard Strohm, KCL,will chair he Study Session on 13January Blackheath Concert Halls23 Lee Road, London SE3 9RGBookings can be made throughBlackheath Concert Halls BoxOffice tel 0181-4630100

Life Ba IC


Clence29 JanuaryDavid Hobman Annual LectureProfessor Tom Arie, University ofNottinghamGreat Hall, Strand 18.00 to 20.00Invitations can be obtained fromThe Age Concern Institute ofGerontology on 0171-872 3035

Cenue of \kllil'.ll L:l\\ andE(hic (hree lIJ~ u.liningl'our e

The ethics of research on humansMrs Elalne Foster Course DirectorResearch Fellow Cen re of MedicalLaw and E hics

3-5 January15-17 April

17-19 JuneSite: Strand, Council Room09.00 until 17.00 each day.£350 plus VATTelephone: 0171-872 3055Continuing Education Unit

In (iw(c of P,>\chi:l(f\(l-ni\'cr,>i (\ of Lonllon). -eufOlIegencra(i\'c Di ea e"Re'>carch Croup

5 & 8 February 1996The Cellular & MolecularPathology of NeurodegenerativeDiseaseDay 1: Introduction toNeurodegenerationDay 2: Alzheimer's DiseaseDay 3: Cell Biology ofNeurodegenerationDay 4: Motor Neurone Disease,Parkinson's Disease, Aids andPrion Diseases

Fees: Commercial Rate: £550 for 4days, £160 per day:Academic Rate: £320 for 4 days,£100 per day:Student Rate: £200 for 4 days, £60per day:Contact: Mrs L Wilding,Short Courses Offices, Institute ofPsychiatry, De Crespigny Park,London SE5 8AF. Tel: 0171-9193170, Fax: 0171-703 5796

mall adf I:H \\ ameliI. nd H tlac (r mall hou" r I I Ill.!\mcn n Pr le If I1lld-JJnIlJf' (0

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FI:H to !e(\ C\l 0 bcdrool1l. Up'CJIf . unfllrlll hedthc I' JI Jllablc co rem lon~-cerm In

I',ar! tlcld. 'omh \lC CLondon Llo,c cOBR nwinllne ,c,mon.

'I he ,1I:t:tHlll1lod,mon I1lu.,c be !cc codlO,e lIorl-.ln~ IIllh che C.hllrch or ((J

rheolo~llalor I heologl ,clJLlcnc,.(.on"dera!ion \I ill .11'0 be gl\ en ((J

.Inl onc 1\ ho i, .1 l1lember of che\nghun l hllrch. Rem £hO-£711 per

11 eek pili 11IIk

I'or funher information. plea.,e UIIH.IU

RCI (;olllll'rmhard on 01 '1-94h4214.

COIllJIIm/(oll/II/ml i, che (.oll<.:ge\ regularnell ,I<.:([er, I.,.,ll\:d b~ [he Pre.,., (:"

1'lIblilJlion Offile e'llh momhdUring ,eme,cer,. \\ e I\ekomeanide., Jnu/or phowgraph., (colour orhlack and \I hice prmc plca,c) fromall c((Ion of che C.ollege. I f po ihlccon({Jbucion, hould bc ,cm III on a3.5 di k In lInform,mcd cc"c.

Plc" c nocc chJC ch.: ediwr r.:,efl e,che righl (0 ([I( or Jmend Jfcide., .1.,nece"Jr; .

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Prc,>,> cf PLlhlicarion~OfficeExc 3202FJ:I (JIII-Xl2 0214E-mail j.Llamp
