commend autolisp surveyor

Free Lisp - Export Easting(X), Northing(Y) and Elevation(Z) This free lisp is useful while working with Land Survey Drawings. Survey Data from Total Station is imported as drawings. Normally total station instrument manufacturers provide solution to convert total station data into the drawing. Similarly there will be required to convert data in drawing as total station data mainly the point co-ordinates X (Easting), Y (Northing) and Z (Elevation) along with the caption of Text. Using this Free lisp it is possible to export data into Comma Separated Value (CSV) File.

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sample autolisp commend surveyor


Free Lisp - Export Easting(X), Northing(Y) and Elevation(Z)

This free lisp is useful while working with Land Survey Drawings. Survey Data from Total Station is imported as drawings. Normally total station instrument manufacturers provide solution to convert total station data into the drawing. Similarly there will be required to convert data in drawing as total station data mainly the point co-ordinates X (Easting), Y (Northing) and Z (Elevation) along with the caption of Text. Using this Free lisp it is possible to export data into Comma Separated Value (CSV) File.

Free Lisp - Import Easting(X), Northing(Y) and Elevation(Z)

This free lisp is useful while working with Land Survey Drawings. Survey Data from Total Station is imported as drawings. Normally total station instrument manufacturers provide solution to convert total station data into the drawing. However, some outputs are very difficult to edit. This lisp will convert total station data specified as X (Easting), Y (Northing), Z(Elevation) and Remark (Caption) format into Drawing with Text Entities having Caption as in 4th Column where as insertion Point of such texts are considered by referring to 1st, 2nd and 3rd Column of the input data.

Free Lisp - Export Polyline Coordinates

This free lisp is useful while working with Land Survey Drawings. If there is a polyline in the drawing, say an alignment line representing road. The coordinates of each vertex of the polyline may be required for many reasons. Using this Free lisp it is possible to Export X (Easting), Y (Northing) and Z (Elevation) Co-ordinates of each of the vertices of a selected polyline into a Comma Separated (CSV) File.

Free Lisp - Measure each Polyline Segment

This free lisp is useful while working with Land Survey Drawings. After creating Survey boundary, it is common practice to measure length of each segment of the boundary and put a text along the segment indicating the length of that side. Doing this using normal AutoCAD techniques will take a lot of time, particularly when there are many segments in the polyline. With this 'Measure Line' free lisp, by giving single command, all the sides of the boundary will be measured.

Free Lisp - Convert arc to Line Segments

This free lisp is useful while working with Land Survey Drawings. Many a lisp programs will fail when arc is present in the polyline segment. When exporting polyline data to other software’s also sometimes if arc is present in the polyline, it will be difficult to export. Using this free lisp arc or circles can be converted into similar shape made of smaller segments of straight lines.

Free Lisp - Find Intersections (Arc, Line)

This free lisp is useful while working with Land Survey Drawings. Finding Intersection points of multiple lines takes time and if arc is present in those lines, it becomes more complex. Using Find intersections lisps it is possible to find the intersection points of multiple lines in a single command. Arc, Line, Polylines are can be selected to find intersections.

Free Lisp - Repeat Measure Command

This free lisp is useful while working with Land Survey Drawings. Measure command is a very useful command. Rarely there will be requirement to use measure command on multiple lines with same block to be inserted. For example in a Water Supply project if all the water supply lines are marked and man hole blocks to be inserted at the 30 M distance, instead of using the repeat command as many times as lines in the city map, this single command alone can do the required block insertion at a given distance on multiple polylines.

Free Lisp - Export Polyline Length

This free lisp is useful while working with Land Survey Drawings. In a city map if you have marked all the road centres in one layer, using this lisp, you can find out the total length of the city road. When you select the plines in the drawing, this free lisp not only gives the length of selected plines, it will also give length of individual plines in a comma separated value file. This file can be opened in Excel for further editing.

Free Lisp - Circle around a Text

This free lisp is useful while working with Land Survey Drawings. Some important Elevations have to be highlighted while representing drawings for better presentation. One of the methods is to put a circle around the text. This can be done manually by putting a circle around the text. Manual method takes time and depending on the length of the text circle . Using this lisp, Texts can be highlighted with a rectangular box.

Free Lisp - Scale Selected Lines

This free lisp is useful while working with Land Survey Drawings. Scaling multiple lines from its midpoint is a rare requirement. However, it can same considerable time when required. If you have Cross Section lines along the alignment and if you want to scale all the lines representing a cross section line, then use this free lisp to scale all those lines in a single command. If you give value more than 1 then the line will get enlarged and if a value is specified less than 1 then the line will get shortened.

Free Lisp - Box around a Text

This free lisp is useful while working with Land Survey Drawings. Some important Elevations have to be highlighted while representing drawings for better presentation. One of the methods is to put a rectangular box around the text. This can be done manually or Blocks can be inserted around text. Manual method takes time and Blocks will be of the same size and hence if text is big it may overlap. Using this lisp, Texts can be highlighted with a rectangular box.

Free Lisp - Elevate Elevation Texts

This free lisp is useful while working with Land Survey Drawings. Many drawings will have texts representing elevation. They may be in Zero Elevation in the drawing, meaning their Z value will be 0. Many software’s read Elevation from Z value of the entity rather than text Caption. In such cases, for each elevation text, Z Value has to be varied. Using this free lisp we can change the Z value of multiple elevations at a time.

Free Lisp - Random Elevation Interpolation

This free lisp is useful while working with Land Survey Drawings. It may be difficult to survey all the points depending on Site condition. In such cases, if you elevations are located far, it may not be acceptable to the client. The surveyor will be able to access the approximate ground situation. Using this lisp more elevation can be created in drawing with reference to one base text. The program also allows you to specify a range. Say if you want to create an elevation text within 1 M with reference to 98.40 (another elevation, which is already in the drawing) then this lisp can create elevations randomly around a reference text whichever point you select in the drawing.

Free Lisp - Convert Meter to Feet

This free lisp is useful while working with Land Survey Drawings. Converting measurements from one unit to another unit is a common requirement. Using this free lisp you can convert text values representing measurement in meters to feet. Since source file is also available, by making some small modifications, you can change it to work with different measurement units also.

Free Lisp - Draw Leader Mark Easily

This free lisp is useful while working with Land Survey Drawings. Dimension command of CAD Allows you to draw the leader line. In Survey drawings, some important points have to be marked with their respective Easting and Northing. Using this free lisp you can mark a leader line for a specific point and at the end of the leader line, this lisp will create 2 texts indicating points X (Easting) and Y (Northing) Value.

Free Lisp - Update 3D Vertex

This free lisp is useful while working with Land Survey Drawings. In cad you can change the elevation of any entity easily, using elevation command. 3d polyline will normally have different z value in each vertex, changing elevation of 3d polyline is not meaningful. If you want to add specific value to all the vertices of 3d Polyline this free lisp can be used.

Free Lisp - Delete Layer Entities

This free lisp is useful while working with Land Survey Drawings. Note that in CAD if you have to delete a layer there should not be any entities in that layer. When you are creating entities in a layer programmatically (using lisp), then it may require that you erase all the entities in that layer and then run the program. Using this free lisp 'Delete Layer' you will be able to delete all the entities in the current drawing.

Free Lisp - Create Centre Line

This free lisp is useful while working with Land Survey Drawings. If you have surveyed either side of the road and if you wish to mark the centre of the road, using this free lisp it can be done quickly. Lisp will prompt you to select a line segment of the polygon on either side, once you select segments, a centre line is drawn. Please note that if both the side of the road is not parallel along the alignment, then offset command will not give the exact centre line and hence this lisp can be used to draw centre line.

Free Lisp - Convert Face to Polyline

This free lisp is useful while working with Land Survey Drawings. In CAD area command will not work on 3D Face. If you want to find out the area of 3d face you have to convert into a polyline. This free lisp will help you to convert 3D Face into 3D Polyline. If you have triangulation of your surface in CAD and want to find out surface area of your survey data, this lisp can be used. Note that 2D area and surface area are different and Surface area will always be more than 3D Area.

Free Lisp - Insert Block at Text InsertionThis free lisp is useful while working with Land Survey Drawings. If you have requirement to insert block at the insertion point of the selected text then use this free lisp. Lisp will find out the insertion point of each selected text and will insert specified block at insertion point.

Free Lisp - Multiple Object Area

This free lisp is useful while working with Land Survey Drawings. AutoCAD gives option to find the area of any Entity. To find the total area of multiple objects, it is less tedious as you have to keep on adding the object areas one by one using the Area command. Using this free lisp, if you select multiple objects, it will straight away given the total area of selected entities in addition it will create text at the centroid of each object, with a text caption indicating the area of that particular object selected.

Free Lisp - Round off Elevation ValuesThis free lisp is useful while working with Land Survey Drawings. When elevations are interpolated in drawing with 3 precision last digit of the elevation can be anything 0 to 9. When the survey is done with instruments having precision 0.005 elevations have to end with either 0 or 5 when precision is 3 digits. In some projects specification will also indicate that all the elevations to be rounded to 0.005. Doing such things in excel is very easy as excel comes with lots of built in functions for rounding off. In AutoCAD if you wish to round off values to nearest 0.005 uses this lisp.

Free Lisp - Find Overlapping Texts

This free lisp is useful while working with Land Survey Drawings. Deleting duplicates are possible in CAD with Lisp in Express tools supplied along with CAD. But that lisp will not find overlapping text. When presenting a drawing, if texts are overlapping, all the overlapping texts will become unreadable. So, doing a quality check to ensure there are no overlapping text is good practice for better representation of the drawing. You can Find overlapping texts using this free lisp.

Free Lisp - Advanced Search textThis free lisp is useful while working with Land Survey Drawings. The current version of CAD comes with very good features to find texts, which was missing for a very long time. Still it does not offer all the search criteria. This specific free lisp will help to search strings with specific behaviour, say you can find all the texts in the drawing starting with Letter N or all the text entities ending with word 'Road'.


Free Lisp - Draw Grid Survey BoundaryThis free lisp is useful while working with Land Survey Drawings. It is very common to mark gird lines in Survey drawings as it helps engineers to read the drawing with grid lines. Using this free lisp you can easily mark grid lines along with grid annotation with the specified grid spacing. All the annotations along the X axis will be marked with Prefix E (Easting) and Prefix N (Northing) along the Y axis.

ree Lisp - Snap Text to Grid PointThis free lisp is useful while working with Land Survey Drawings. Many programs expect elevations values to be exactly on the grid coordinates. If your elevation values are scattered, such programs may not accept your data properly. Using free lisp 'Snap Text to Grid point' you can move all the selected text to nearest grid point in a single command. Let us say a text value is at the insertion point of X = 23.45 and Y = 34.56 then if we specify a grid value of 5, Nearest grid point to this text will be 25,35 and the text will be moved from 23.45, 34.56 to 25,35.

Free Lisp - Copy Same Text in ManyThis free lisp is useful while working with Land Survey Drawings. Multiple Texts having to save caption are common in Survey Drawings. For example in a City Map there will be repeated mention of the same street road. The commonest method is to copy caption from one text entity and paste it on multiple text entity by giving ddedit command. With this free lisp it is possible to copy text content of one text to multiple texts in Single Command. Select the source Text and then remaining texts, for all the remaining text selected this lisp will replace the caption of reference Text.

Free Lisp - Rotate Text EasilyThis free lisp is useful while working with any AutoCAD drawing. In AutoCAD it is possible to rotate any text to any angle. However, in drawings like city map text have to be aligned parallel to the road and plot numbers have to be aligned parallel to parcel boundaries. In such cases, using normal AutoCAD Techniques Rotating text will take time and some operators make the rotation approximately near and not exact. Using this free lisp it is possible to rotate the text or multiple texts parallel to selected 2 points.

Free Lisp - Interchange Text CaptionThis free lisp is useful while working with Land Survey Drawings particularly in a Titling Portion of the drawing. If there are 2 texts and if the captions in the texts have to be interchanged, we have to do a multiple copy paste operation. To avoid this, this simple free lisp will replace captions in the 2 selected texts.

Free Lisp - Quickly Create LayersThis free lisp is useful while working with Drawings in CAD. We can easily create layers in the interface that gets invoked when we give layer command. However, since there is a new interface coming up and we have to do the entry in the grid, it will naturally take few seconds to minute for creating a simple layer. Normally, only property that we change in layer is color. Considering that this process takes time, this lisp is developed, where you can quickly create a layer from command prompts by giving required colour. Note that you have to specify colour number when using this lisp. This will be very handy for those who work regularly in AutoCAD. It will normally take less than 3 seconds to create a new layer with this method.


ree Lisp - Change Layer to CurrentThis free lisp is useful while working with Drawings in CAD. In CAD we can select the entities and easily change their layer by selecting the layer from the pull down menu in the ribbon portion of the editor. For those who are convenient with using the command prompt switching is not preferable option; switching from Character User Interface to Graphical User Interface. By using this free lisp it is possible to change the layer of selected entities to current layer in command mode only.

Free Lisp - Convert Polyline to Power LineThis free lisp is useful while working with Land Survey Drawings. AutoCAD allows to create linetypes also. But applying linetype for power line is not very convenient as the Indication lines have to vary in size depending on Drawing Scale. This free lisp is developed to mark Power Line along a polyline. You will have control over the way the power line indicators get generated as the program will expect you to mention the required parameters.

This free lisp is useful while working with Land Survey Drawings. If you wish to multiply available texts with given multiplication factor, run this lisp, select entities and specify the multiplication factor. The program will multiply all the texts with given multiplication factor. By making very small changes in the lisp it can be modified to work with other operators (+, -, /) in case if you require any changes.

Free Lisp - Update Z Value to ElevationThis free lisp is useful while working with Land Survey Drawings. After the drawing is prepared, if Z Value (Elevation) of the points in the drawing to be changed it will be very difficult. Using this free lisp you can add specified value to all the selected entities. Let us say there are 3 entities with z value 100.23, 106.34, 107.34 when you add value 100 to these entities using this lisp their value will become 200.23, 206.34 and 207.34 respectively.

This free lisp is useful while working with Land Survey Drawings. It is common practice to interpolate elevations in Preparing Survey Drawings. There are various methods to interpolate values also. But most common and simple requirement that comes up is an interpolation of elevation at the midpoint of 2 available elevations. This free lisp can be used for such requirements, select the two elevations and the lisp will calculate the midpoint and mid value and create a new text.


Free Lisp - Display Entity DXF DetailThis free lisp is useful for lisp developers. When developing AutoLisp programs it will be frequently required to know the dxf values of entities. Using this lisp when you select an entity it will list all the dxf value of the selected entity. It is very similar to list command of AutoCAD. List command gives details in user readable format, this free lisp will give the details in the programmable readable format.

Free Lisp - Find Differences in Overlapping TextThis free lisp is useful while working with Land Survey Drawings. One example for application of this lisp is in Earthwork Projects. If we want to find out the difference between initial and final levels in each grid point, this lisp can be used. If a contour map of differences of elevations has to be prepared, first find the difference of levels in each grid point using this lisp and then generate contours based on these elevation values which indicate the differences in overlapping text.


Free Lisp - Road Alignment DesignThis free lisp is useful while working with Road Alignments. Just select any alignment in your drawing, this lisp will update many Road design details for all the curves. Lisp will assign Curve numbers to each curve in the order of alignment. It will find out Deflection Angle, Circular Radius, Transition Length, Starting Chainage, Ending Chainage and Circular Curve Length. It will just mark Transition Length as Zero. When you run the lisp it will ask for default speed, if you enter speed that value will be filled in attribute blocks of the entire curve. Later you may change transition Length and Speed, in case if you have values. This will be useful in Road Design.

Free Lisp – Smoothen Cross Section LineThis free lisp is useful while working with Cross Section Drawings. When Cross Sections generate from any software it will be made out of straight line segments as the software just joins the each value of cross section. When a cross section drawings are seen, it just does not look like natural ground segment. In CAD there are smoothing functions like we can smoother polyline to the spline. But if we spline a cross section line, we get a smooth line but it will deviate heavily from actual line. Using Smoothen Cross Section Line lisp, you will be able to smooth cross section line to represent it as a natural surface. You have to specify the vertex insertion interval depending on your drawing.


Free Lisp - Elevate Blocks using Nearest Elevation TextThis free lisp is useful while working with Land Survey Drawings. After the drawing is prepared, if Z Value (Elevation) of the blocks to be changed to the elevation value represented by a text nearest to that block, this AutoLisp routine can be used. Using this free lisp you Update Z value of all the selected blocks. If drawing is in 2D (Entities without Z Value) it is always easy to edit the drawing, however this requirement of elevating blocks comes up when this drawing is further processed in software’s that handle only 3D entities.

Free Lisp - Create Elevations from 3D LineThis free lisp is useful while working with a 3D polyline. Just select any 3D line or lines, this lisp will create elevation texts at each vertex point of 3D polyline. Elevation texts created will be in separate layers as plain text entities. These elevation texts can be further used for any other process if required. Limitation with 3D polyline is that you have to move vertex to vertex to check the elevation. By converting it to elevation text drawing becomes more readable.


Free Lisp - Interpolate Multiple ElevationsIn one of the earlier Posts related to  Interpolation . we had published a Lisp to interpolate value at

midpoint of selected two texts. Sometimes when elevation texts are far off, more than one elevation might be required to interpolate between 2 elevations. In Such events interpolate “Interpolate multiple Elevations” can be used. Select 2 reference texts and program will interpolate as many texts that you have indicated.There are many more requirements related to interpolation which have come to us. In some of the future posts we will develop more lisps on interpolation and publish. If you have any specific requirement related to Interpolation please let us know.


Free lisp to convert Elevation to Represent Sea LevelThis free lisp is useful in representing sea levels in survey drawing in different style. When land survey is done elevations are represented as numbers as we represent any other number as most of the elevations on ground will be positive. But when sea or pond survey is done normally elevations represent depth of water. Bathymetry is the study of underwater depth of lake or ocean floors. Survey maps which represent details of pond and ocean are called Bathymetric maps.

Originally, bathymetry involved the measurement of ocean depth through depth sounding. So, the elevations representing depth of water is also called sounding and it is represented in a little different style. Integer value is given as a separate number in bold and decimal value is represented with smaller font height as under-script.

This program will convert numbers into different texts which represent sounding.

Free lisp for Setting OutWhile working on Construction related survey Projects, it is a common requirement to setting-out pillar axis, foundations etc., marking these points requires exact easting and northing to be carried back to the total station. Using Pillar Lisp converting pillar corner points along with the centre point of the pillar is very easy. The result is exported as a CSV file, which further can be used to import point data in total station. This lisp is very helpful when you are working out Setting out points in the field. All the entities representing Pillar need to in Pillar Layer. Lisp will mark each corner of pillar and also mark the centre with number. Co-ordinate of such points are exported to CSV file with respective numbers.

Free Lisp - Interpolate Elevations at a given distanceIn one of the earlier Posts related to Interpolation we had published a Lisp to interpolate value at midpoint of selected two texts. In yet another post related to interpolation - Interpolate Multiple Elevations we had published a lisp to interpolate at multiple points between selected texts.

Sometimes when elevation texts are far off, more than one elevation might be required to and may be at a specified distance. Say you may have to interpolate at a distance of 5 meters each when elevations are around 15 Meters. When you have such interpolation requirements “Interpolate Elevations at given distance” can be used. Select 2 reference texts and program will interpolate as many elevations depending on the elevation distance given.


Free Lisps - Convert Smooth Polyline to regular PolylineWhen a regular polyline is converted into a smooth polyline using pedit cad command, the polyline gets converted to a smoother curve shape. Many lisps still consider only the original vertex of the regular polyline while processing such entities. Using this free lisp you can convert a smooth polyline into regular polyline having more segments so that newly formed polyline responds to lisp as a regular polyline.

Free Lisp - Export Cross Section Data from DrawingWhen Survey is done in scattered land Particularly in Mine Survey, you should not interpolate the value and Create Cross Section. Original Survey Data to be used. In Such cases for Creating Cross Section or Longitudinal Section along the Survey Line, you require 2 information a) Distance (Cumulative Distance) and b) Point Elevation. When you use this lisp and pick elevations in the order of Survey Alignment, Program will create a Comma Separated Value (CSV) file and then you can open the output in your spread sheet application like Excel. Further you can import that section data in Section Software’s like ESurvey Section to Create Cross Section or Longitudinal Section.

This lisp can be used for Creating Cross Section of any infrastructure project like Road, Railway, Irrigation, Mining, and Pipeline. This lisp was prepared for a requirement from a customer who was working on a Mining Project.

Free Autolisp to insert block at each vertex of PolylineInserting block at each vertex of polyline will be very handy while editing Survey Drawings. If you want to highlight each change point of polyline or if you wish to insert a boundary stone block at each vertex of the polyline, you can do using this simple autolisp program. You should have your block ready before you use this program. After loading the program type ‘InBlV’ at the command prompt. Program will prompt you to select the polylines for which you want to insert block at each vertex and then program will insert specified block at all vertex point. Note that you cannot use this program to insert attribute blocks. Only Blocks without attribute can be inserted using this program. You can see the full source code of this program and if required you can edit the lisp routine to adjust to your requirements.


Free AutoLisp – Measure Distance between any two points of polylineOne of the visitors of asked for developing a lisp for finding distance between any two points of the polyline. If distance between 2 points of a polyline has to be measured, it become little difficult, as we have to trim the line and measure. Using this AutoLisp Routine distance between any two point of polyline can be measured, even if it has got arc segments or any number of polyline segments between the selected points. It not only gives the total distance between the selected point, it will measure each segment and mark the distance for cross checking.

As long as your requirement is related to survey drawing application, we love to develop further such lisps and publish in our site absolutely free. Please note that like all other lisps in this site, you can download the complete source code of the lisp also. Please don’t hesitate to express your views by posting it in the form of comments. Without so much support from all of you this site would not have come long way. For Survey Drawing requirements now this site is very popular and attracts highest number of visitors per day.


ree Lisp – Insert Blocks at Intersection or End PointsIn CAD, while designing underground drainages or roads for a layout, polylines or lines are used. In such projects the end points and intersection of the polylines are important, and these are referred as nodes or junctions. These junctions will be important while generating report related to design. Naming these nodes is a regular requirement. To mark such junctions either at end points or at intersections ‘IBEI’ command can be used, selectively either at end points or at intersections or both at intersection and end points block representing junctions can be inserted. This program is useful in Road, Railway, Irrigation or a Pipeline project. But finds maximum utility in Urban development project or water way project.


1. Type ‘IBEI’ at the command prompt.

2. Intersections / Endpoints / <Both>:  Specify one among 3 Choices.

3. Select Entities: Select the lines for which blocks are to be inserted to the end / Intersection points.

4. Type the block name to be inserted: Type the name of the block to be inserted.

Free Lisp – Find Intersecting Polyline LayersWhile working with town planning maps drawing will have multiple feature lines. Each feature line will be in different layer. This lisp will find out the distance of each intersecting line from starting point of the polyline and identify the layer of intersecting line and create a CSV file which further can be opened in Excel. Lisp programs like this will save lot of time and also avoid errors while working with bigger maps. Like most of the free lisp in this site, this lisp was developed for one of our customers depending on his custom requirement and published freely to benefit all other users like you.


1. Type ‘Mark_Int’ at the command prompt.2. Select the base polyline.3. Select all other lines or polylines which passing through base polyline.

Program will result one excel sheet containing distance of each layer from the origin point of the base polyline.