coming together - an emerging vision for learning and education

Educational, Social and Health Evolution ! ّ #$% ،!#’()*+ ا،!-./01 !234 Holding a vision of integrated learning in resonance with life’s heart pulse in alignment with life’s essential values in attunement with life’s natural processes in connection with life’s grounded places and abundant possibilities 2013 visits: Kerala,India ~ Glastonbury,UK ~ Ston,Croatia ~ Slovenia~ Beit Meri, Niha & Byblos,Lebanon Hala Makarem Saab December 2013

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holding a vision of integrated learning in resonance with life’s heart pulse, in alignment with life’s essential values, in attunement with life’s natural processes, in connection with life’s grounded places and abundant possibilities


Page 1: Coming Together - an Emerging Vision for Learning and Education

Educational, Social and Health Evolution نهضة تربوية، اجتماعية، صحيّة

Holding a vision of integrated learning

in resonance with life’s heart pulse

in alignment with life’s essential values

in attunement with life’s natural processes

in connection with life’s grounded places and abundant possibilities

2013 visits: Kerala,India ~ Glastonbury,UK ~ Ston,Croatia ~ Slovenia~ Beit Meri, Niha & Byblos,Lebanon

Hala Makarem Saab December 2013

Page 2: Coming Together - an Emerging Vision for Learning and Education

Co-creating cohesive learning educational experiences “We have to go from what is essentially an industrial model of education, a manufacturing model, which is based on linearity and conformity and batching people. We have to move to a model that is based more on principles of agriculture. We have to recognize that human flourishing is not a mechanical process; it's an organic process. And you cannot predict the outcome of human development. All you can do, like a farmer, is create the conditions under which they will begin to flourish.” Ken Robinson

Educational Soil Cultivation صقل التربة التعليميّة

Holding space for the emerging roles of educators, teachers, students, parent learners, community; in conjunction with innovative learning operating systems, responsive integrated curriculum, place-based architectural learning spaces and …

Kerala, India ~ Rifnik,Slovenia ~ Bosnia ~ Dubrovnik, Croatia ~ Afqa, Beirut, Beit Meri, Byblos, Niha & Saida, Lebanon

Where is the source of our learning?

Page 3: Coming Together - an Emerging Vision for Learning and Education

Educational Life Passages التعلم و التربية و مسالك الحياة

“primary adolescence is the ideal time for any child to awaken his or her deep potential while still guided by parents. Adolescence doesn’t have to be a time of confusion and deep pain that limits adulthood. Healthy cultures carefully guide teenagers.” Barbara Hand Clow

“there’s absolutely nothing wrong with (healthy) adolescence, but our cultural resources have been so degraded over the centuries that the majority of humans in “developed” societies now never reach true adulthood. … The opportunity of the Great Turning is to create soulcentric societies – those that are imaginative, ecocentric, cooperation-based, just, compassionate, and sustainable.” Bill Plotkin

Holding the learning thread interconnecting passionate childhood spirit, mental navigational capacities, physical embodied identity and relational diverse understanding

(acknowledging the four pillars of

Adolescence is calling our attention ….

Kerala,India ~ Glastonbury,UK ~ Dubrovnik,Croatia ~ Rifnik,Slovenia ~ Doha,Qatar ~ Afqa, Saida & Beit Meri,Lebanon

How does learning flow through our lives?

Page 4: Coming Together - an Emerging Vision for Learning and Education

Attending with intention to the inner field

Educational Anchors and the Sensory Field و اBيادين الحسيّة اBراسي التربويّة

Holding space for core values, healthy relational communication channels, nurturing family and learning environment dynamics, creative individual gifts and talent discovery, active awareness of the here and now …

Kerala,India ~ Glastonbury,UK ~ Dubrovnik,Croatia ~ Statenberg,Slovenia ~ Bosnia ~ Byblos and Beit Meri,Lebanon

“The causal point of the things that occur in our everyday experience isn't in the actions of others, but within each of us. During our early years, we are imprinted by the emotional condition of those responsible for us. Their emotional state overlays the essence of who we are, so that we learn to behave like them instead of growing up to be ourselves. Our guide to move forth is the heart and the language of felt-perception. This journey is about allowing ourselves to feel life--to be present and awake in each moment, so that we really experience everything. It is the chance to participate actively, responsibly, and creatively in our lives.” Michael Brown

Who is the learner?

Page 5: Coming Together - an Emerging Vision for Learning and Education

Relational Learning Field جمعة، تواصل، فكرة، خبريّة، سوا

Coming together through the Heart space

Holding space for the emergence of co-sensing practices that oscillate heart experiential expressions, spiral co-creative harmonious possibilities, and radiate crystallized heart-felt and embodied actions

“we must learn to raise children in alignment with nature, preserving the innocence of early childhood and refashioning middle childhood as a time of wonder and free play in the natural world. We must assist teenagers to be as authentic and wildly creative as they can be. We must cultivate full societal support for young and middle-aged adults to explore and be transformed by the mysteries of nature and psyche — eventually taking their places as artisans of cultural change” Bill Plotkin

Felt-Perception Learning Journey (Awareness/Self, Listening/Attention, Intention/Vision, , Place/Exchange, Response~ability/Action) April to December 2013 at nSite

What dimensions are touched by learning?

Page 6: Coming Together - an Emerging Vision for Learning and Education

Capacities, Skills, Intelligences, Technologies الطاقات، اBهارات، الذكاءات، العلوم التطبيقيّة Co-designing individual

and collective learning processes “We are all born with extraordinary powers of imagination, intelligence, feeling, intuition, spirituality, and of physical and sensory awareness.” Ken Robinson

“There is no system in the world or any school in the country that is better than its teachers. Teachers are the lifeblood of the success of schools “ Ken Robinson

Holding space for the effective design of essential primary elemental capacities, middle adolescent skills and intelligences, higher youthful physical, social and emotional technologies to be integrated into the collective learning field of adolescence, teens, teachers and parents

Nature speaks in 2013- 12 months, 12 moments captured during Day1 to Day 15 in Lebanon, a new dawn arises

What nurtures healthy learning spaces?

Page 7: Coming Together - an Emerging Vision for Learning and Education

Unifying Education and Life توحيد التربية و الحياة

Life AND Learning coming together in one breath

Holding space for intergenerational learning journeys; the empowerment of the artistic scientist and the scientific artist; as well as the integration of learning in the ordinary and the ordinary in creative learning spaces

“the ‘food court metaphor’ will be on meeting individual preferences and needs, allowing wide choice across traditional academic, professional and vocational ‘subject streams’, together with the design of curricula that incorporate concurrent academic and vocational study by any individual student. The metaphor incorporates the high value that will be placed on academic understanding as well as on concurrent professional and vocational skill development, with preparation for further study, potential employment and life long learning providing an appropriate balance to meet changing demands globally” Mary Hayden and Jeff Thompson

Cairo, Egypt ~ Amsterdam ~ Creative Expression Journaling 2013

Listen. Pause. Listen. What comes to light?

Page 8: Coming Together - an Emerging Vision for Learning and Education

Collective Story Scribing and Harvesting ,Listening to all that is قصص تحصد مستقبل اTن

appreciating the beauty in each moment, gathering innovative individual contribution, blossoming a creative collective community; flourishing

Holding space for the celebration of a co-created intentional learning heart space, alive through life learning interconnected organic systems; thriving

The concept of flourishing has five necessary ingredients: valuable kinds of processes, activities and experiences; appreciation; self-perception; synergy and symbiosis for the strengthening and continuing development of the person in accordance with his or her nature; fullness” Scherto Gill and Garrett Thomson

Nature speaks in 2013- 12 months, 12 moments captured during Day16 to Day 30/31 in Lebanon, blossoming

What emerges through learning in the now?

Page 9: Coming Together - an Emerging Vision for Learning and Education

Educational, Social and Health Evolution نهضة تربوية، اجتماعية، صحيّة


Showing up


Shifting Boundaries

Coming Together

Voicing Authenticity

Shaping Form

Embodying Manifestation

Learning 2013: Spring equinox at Kerala, India ~ Teens bringing Science and Creativity together at nSite, Beirut

Hala Makarem Saab December 2013 – 13 Ahau