comenius dodge ball 2,5 5 year

Freinetschool De Vier Tuinen, Belgium Dodge ball preparatory games for kindergarten (age 2,5 - 5) 1

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Page 1: Comenius dodge ball 2,5 5 year

! Freinetschool De Vier Tuinen, Belgium


Dodge ball preparatory games for kindergarten (age 2,5 - 5)



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Page 2: Comenius dodge ball 2,5 5 year

! Freinetschool De Vier Tuinen, Belgium


With playful movement activities we want to let the toddles experience fun through moving. We teach them that exercise is healthy and fund. Because we play in group, the social aspect is also considered. Moving is even more fun when it’s done in a team. Playing together not only teaches the children motor skills but also a lot of social skills such as collaboration, coping with losing showing respect for the other team, and much more. In view of our chosen sport activity "dodge ball" several movement activities were chosen to let children experience skills that they need when playing “dodge ball”.


Rules of the game

➔Listening to the game explanation

➔Remembering the rules of the game

➔Strict compliance with the rules



➔Develop running speed over a short distance

➔Adjusting motion track

➔Movement acceleration and deceleration

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! Freinetschool De Vier Tuinen, Belgium

!Reaction speed

➔Respond quickly to a visual stimulus

➔Respond quickly to a audible signal e.g. whistle

!Field awareness

➔Move to the agreed place

➔stay within designated area

➔estimate distances

!Ball skills

➔detect preferred hand

➔ throwing and catching

➔coordinate the position of the hands to the size of the ball


➔quickly assessing the path of the ball or moving person and respond appropriately

➔Quickly detect the location of the ball and where it needs to go to

➔ throwing: develop required power to throw the ball

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Page 4: Comenius dodge ball 2,5 5 year

! Freinetschool De Vier Tuinen, Belgium

!Movement activities for the smallest toddlers (age 2,5 to 3)

1) Aiming at objects


Setup and equipment

!Goal of the game !Startup !!!Course of the activity !!!!!!!!!!Extension

boxes, cones, balls, hoop, ropes, etc. to make stationary targets. !Aiming at an object !Set up different targets in the available space. Provide each toddler with one or more balls. If needed, demonstrate the throw situation !Each toddler can try everything. Examples of assignments: Throwing a small box of a pole, throwing a big ball from a cone, throwing cones from a vaulting box, throwing the ball through a hanging hoop, hitting a bell that is hanging on a rope, aiming the ball in an inverted cone, hitting a balloon that is hanging on a rope,etc. Remark: for the smallest children, place the targets slightly higher than their own length. Like this you provoke “throwing”. !The activity can also be performed by older toddlers. The level of difficulty can be adjusted by increasing the distance to the target or reducing the size of the target.

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! Freinetschool De Vier Tuinen, Belgium

!2) Bie-ba-ballbeast !


Setup and equipment

!Goal of the game !Startup !!!!!!Course of the activity !!!!!!!Extension

Two benches or an exercise mat, for each toddler a small soft ball (a paper wad is also possible). !Hitting the Bie-ba-ballbeast with a soft ball. !Let the children sit down. Together with the children, place the benches on their side in the shape of a V. Draw a ring or place the exercise matin the wide part of the V. Request that the children place themselves behind the benches. Provide each child with a soft ball. Stand in the ring, or have a child stand in the ring. !Tell the children that there is Bie-ba-ballbeast that is constantly moving. On your command, the children can throw their ball to the Bie-ba-ballbeast. If they hit it, they can yell Bie-ba. The first few times, it is advised to yell together with the children. During the game, the children can go an pick up their ball in the play field. Using the soft balls there is very little chance that they will hurt themsleves. !Changing distances, enlarging the movements of the beast, hiding the beast and every now and then it shows itself,etc.

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! Freinetschool De Vier Tuinen, Belgium

!3) Fopbal!


Setup and equipment

!Goal of the game !!Setup !!Course of the activity !!!!Extension

One ball, tools to mark a line !!Catch a ball that is thrown to you. !!Request that the children stnad next to each other in a row. Stand in front of the row of children. !Throw the ball to one toddler in the row of toddlers. If the toddler drops the ball he/she has to sit down. If the next the toddler can catch the ball while sitting down, the toddler can stand up again. !- catching flies. If the toddler catches the ball then he has a imaginary flies in his/her hands. Each that is caught is an extra fly. The children need to close their hands while waiting for the next ball to be thrown. If they drop the ball then all flies will escape from their hands. - once the children get better at it, you can perform a diversion with the ball to which the children should not react. - change the size of the ball - have the children hold their hands on their back - the ball needs to bounce once before they can catch it

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! Freinetschool De Vier Tuinen, Belgium

!4) Ball rain !


Setup and equipment

!!Goal of the game !!!!Startup !!!!Course of the activity !!!!!!!!Extension

One soft ball for each child. Four benches. !!!As quickly as possible replace the balls that are being thrown out of the square. Comment for the thrower: throw all balls as quickly as possible out of the square !Together with the children, use the benches to construct a square. Place all the balls in the square. All toddlers should stand outside the square. Appoint three toddlers to stand inside the square. !On your command, the three toddlers inside the square throw all balls out of the square into the hall; in the meanwhile all other toddlers standing outside the square have to pick up the balls and place them as quickly as possibe back in the square. The three children inside the square have to try to empty the square while the other children are trying to do the opposite. On your command the game stops. (together with the children you count the number of balls inside the square). !- Draw a line of approximately 3 meters in diameter to replace the benches. In this particular case use soft balls. For safety reasons, encourage the children to throw low instead of high.

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! Freinetschool De Vier Tuinen, Belgium

!Movement activities for older toddlers (age 4 to 5)

!1) When you see it… run, run, run


Setup and equipment

Goal of the game !!Startup !!!!Course of the activity !!!!!Extension

Something to mark the field, e.g. chalk !As soon as the teacher gives a visua signal, run as fast as possible to the next line. !Mark on the ground lines with different distances. Make sure to keep the distance between each line sufficiently large. The children taje their place in the before agreed starting line. !On your mark, the children run as fast possible to the next line. Examples of visual signs: Teacher sits down, waive with a small cloth, raise a sign, drop a ball, etc. !The level of difficulty can be changed by adjusting the distance between the lines. Also, one can make the visual signs more or less obvious.

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! Freinetschool De Vier Tuinen, Belgium


2) Keep your garden empty

Setup and equipment

!!!!!!!!!!!Goal of the game !!Startup !!!!Course of the activity !!!!!!Extension

Soft balls in different sizes (more than the actual number of children). Bences, a whistle, a walled area (to prevent the balls from rolling away too far. !!> > > > > > > > > > B < < < < < < < < < < !!Keep your own garden empty by throwing all balls as quickly as possible to the other garden. !Together with the children, construct a garden wall in the middle of the field (use the benches). Separate the children in two teams. Distribute an equal amount of balls in each garden. !On your mark (use the whistle), each team tries to throw all balls over the benches into the other garden. After one minute whistle to indicate the end of the game. All children will put their hands on their back. Together with the childeren, count the number of balls in each garden. The team with the least balls in their garden wins the game. !/

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! Freinetschool De Vier Tuinen, Belgium

!3) Aiming at objects


Setup and equipment

!!!!!!!Goal of the game !!Startup !!!!Course of the activity !!!Extension

One good bouncing ball for each two children. A piece of chalk. !> < > < > < B > < > < > < > < > < !!Define an object and bounce the ball on the object to the child catching the ball. !Prior to the game, use the chalk to draw several rectangles and divide them in three sections. Draw an object in each section. Ask the children to pair up and stand in ine section: one child on each side. Provide one ball per pair. !One child names an object on which the other child needs to bounce the ball on. The other child tries to catch the ball and if succesful throws it back. !- Use one section for the smallest children - have the children draw the objects themselves - replace the objects by balls

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! Freinetschool De Vier Tuinen, Belgium

!4) Stand in the basket

!Source: speelkriebels voor kleuters (Veerle Florquin en Els Berteands)

Setup and equipment

!!!Goal of the game !!!!Startup !!!Course of the activity !!!!!!!Extension

Chalk, a small foam ball. !!^^^^^B^^^^^^ !When you hear your name, grab the ball and throw it to the nearest child. Flee as quickly as possible and stand still on “stand in the basket” !!Use chalk to mark a line approximately one meter from the wall. Ask the children to stand on the line facing the wall. Stand on the line yourself holding the ball. !Throw the ball against the wall an yell “stand in the basket” for e.g. Jonas who has to catch the ball. When he has the ball, he yells: “stand in the basket!” Immediately all children stop and Jonas takes five steps in the direction of the child to whom he wants to throw. When Jonas hits the child he can throw the ball against the wall and yell the name of another child. !/

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