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    to reduce in amount, degree, or severity

    Focus on 'ate' part of abate. (eat, ate, eaten). When you eat anything, you reduce it's quantity.

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    Complete List of Terms and Definitions for Combo with Kaplan Revised GRE Top 200 Words

    [Mnemonics+Images] and 1 other

    Terms Definitions


    to reduce in amount, degree, or severity

    Focus on 'ate' part of abate. (eat, ate, eaten). When youeat anything, you reduce it's quantity.


    to run away, to leave secretly

    ab + scond. "Absent in a second." When you will absent in a second? When u HIDE, or when u DEPART secretly.

    Treat it like james bond, hiding from a villain.


    to choose not to do something

    ab (meaning away) + stain : we generally tend to stay

    away from stain (dirt, dust etc)


    an extremely deep hole

    abyss sounds similar to abuse. When you're seriously

    abused, you become depressed and feel like jumpinginto an abyss


    to make impure

    when a child becomes adult he loses his purity and any thing adulterated is contaminated orhas lost its purity.

    advocateto speak in favor of

    advocate: add+ur VOICE


    concerning the appreciation of beauty






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    aes + thetic opposite of "pathetic"..means beauty


    to increase in power, influence, and reputation

    aggrandize ~ ag+grand+eyes = make someone seemgrander/greater in others eyes by raising power etc.


    to make more bearable

    ALL (all)+ EVI (evil)+ ATE (has been eaten up) sohence you are relieved of the pain and you feel relief


    to combine; to mix together

    at+mall+game= There is a game at a mall. Hence

    people come together...Gather for the game!


    doubtful or uncertain; able to be interpreted several


    Ambi (am + bi) means 2 , while guous sounds likeguess. So if 2 people guess on something, then it will

    make the subject doubtful or unclear.


    to make better; to improve

    In movie Amelie, Amelie tries to improve other people'slives.


    something out of place in time

    ana (out of order, negative sense) + chron (time).. sosomething not placed correctly with respect to time.


    similar or alike in some way; equivalent to

    Analogies are given by the lecturers while teachingwhich compares the example with the present subject


    derivation from what is normal

    Anomaly= A(means NO) + Nomaly = A(no) +



    to annoy or provoke to anger

    AUNTY+GONE(goes)+ON+ICE....when an aunty

    goes on ice bare footed,it provokes her hostility...


    extreme dislike

    remember antipathy as anti party. in politics the peopleof anti-party are quite opposite in feeling

    lack of interest or emotion

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    apathya (negative) + pathy : root "pathy" means feeling as insympathy; so apathy means lacking interest insomething.


    to judge a dispute between two opposing parties

    arbitrate= (arbit=arbiter=judge)+(trate = treat= act as)


    ancient, old-fashioned

    Remember with Archive. As we keep very old thing inarchive- Archaic is related something very old.


    intense and passionate feeling

    Example: candidates for citizenship reciting the oath ofallegiance to the United States with all the ardor that

    they could muster.


    able to speak clearly and expressively

    Example: He was very articulate about his feelings on

    the subject.

    assuageto make something unpleasant less severe

    Example: He couldn't assuage his guilt over the divorce.


    to reduce in force or degree; to weaken

    Example: Earplugs will attenuate the loud sounds of the



    fearless and daring

    Example:She made an audacious decision to quit her



    severe or stern in appearance, undecorated, morallystrict

    Example: They lived an austere life in the country.


    predictable, clichd, boring

    Example: He made some banal remarks about the

    weather. It was raining and he said it was raining.

    bolsterto support; to prop up

    Example: She came with me to bolster my confidence.


    pompous in speech and manner

    Example: a bombastic speech intended to impress the

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    voters in his congressional district.cacophony harsh, jarring noise

    candid impartial and honest in speechcapricious changing one's mind quickly and often

    castigate to punish or criticize harshly

    catalyst something that brings about a change in something else

    caustic biting in witchaos great disorder or confusion

    chauvinistsomeone prejudiced in favor of a group to which he or

    she belongschicanery deception by means of craft or guile

    cogent convincing and well reasoned

    condone to overlook, pardon, or disregard

    convoluted intricate and complicatedcorroborate to provide supporting evidence

    credulous too trusting; gullible

    crescendo steadily increasing volume or forcedecorum appropriateness of behavior or conduct; propriety

    deference respect, courtesy

    deride to speak of or treat with contempt; to mock

    desiccate to dry out thoroughlydesultory jumping from one thing to another; disconnected

    diatribe an abusive, condemnatory speech

    diffident lacking self-confidence

    dilate to make larger; to expanddilatory intended to delay

    dilettantesomeone with an amateurish and superficial interest in a

    topicdirge a funeral hymn or mournful speech

    disabuse to set right; to free from error

    discern to perceive; to recognize

    disparate fundamentally different; entirely unlike

    dissembleto present a false appearance; to disguise one's real

    intention or character

    dissonance a harsh and disagreeable combination, often of sounds

    dogma a firmly held opinion, often a religious beliefdogmatic dictatorial in one's opinions

    dupe to deceive; a person who is easily deceived

    eclectic selecting from or made up from a variety of sourcesefficacy effectiveness

    elegy a sorrowful poem or speech

    eloquent persuasive and moving, especially in speech

    emulate to copy; to try to equal or excelenervate to reduce in strength

    engender to produce, cause, or bring about

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    engima a puzzle; a mysteryenumerate to count, list, or itemize

    ephemeral lasting a short time

    equivocateto use expressions of double meaning in order to


    erratic wandering and unpredictableerudite learned, scholarly, bookish

    esoteric known or understood by only a few

    estimable admirable

    eulogy speech in praise of someone

    euphemismuse of an inoffensive word or phrase in place of a more

    distasteful one

    exacerbate to make worse

    exculpate to clear from blame; prove innocentexigent urgent; requiring immediate action

    exonerate to clear of blame

    explicit clearly stated or shown; forthright in expression

    fanaticalacting excessively enthusiastic; filled with extreme,

    unquestioned devotion

    fawn to grovel

    fervid intensely emotional; feverishflorid excessively decorated or embellished

    foment to arouse or incite

    frugality a tendency to be thrifty or cheap

    garrulous tending to talk a lotgregarious outgoing, sociable

    guile deceit or trickery

    gullible easily deceived

    homogenous of a similar kind

    iconoclastone who opposes established beliefs, customs, andinstitutions

    imperturbable not capable of being disturbed

    impervious impossible to penetrate; incapable of being affected

    impetuous quick to act without thinking

    implacable unable to be calmed down or made peaceful

    inchoate not fully formed; disorganized

    ingenuous showing innocence or childlike simplicityinimical hostile, unfriendly

    innocuous harmless

    insipid lacking interest or flavor

    intransigent uncompromising; refusing to be reconciled

    inundate to overwhelm; to cover with water

    irascible easily made angry

    laconic using few words

    lament to express sorrow; to grieve

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    laud to give praise; to glorify

    lavishto give unsparingly; or extremely generous or


    lethargic acting in an indifferent or slow, sluggish manner

    loquacious talkative

    lucid clear and easily understood

    luminous bright, brilliant, glowing

    malinger to evade responsibility by pretending to be illmalleable capable of being shaped

    metaphora figure of speech comparing two different things; a


    meticulous extremely careful about details

    misanthrope a person who dislikes others

    mitigate to soften; to lessen

    mollify to calm or make less severemonotony lack of variation

    nave lacking sophistication or experience

    obdurate hardened in feeling; resistant to persuasion

    obsequious overly submissive and eager to please

    obstinate stubborn, unyielding

    obviate to prevent; to make unnecessary

    occlude to stop up; to prevent the passage of

    onerous troublesome and oppressive; burdensome

    opaqueimpossible to see through; preventing the passage of


    opprobrium public disgrace

    ostentation excessive slowness

    paradox a contradiction or dilemma

    paragon a model of excellence or perfection

    pedant someone who shows off learningperfidious willing to betray one's trust

    perfunctory done in a routine way; indifferent

    permeate to penetrate

    philanthropy charity; a desire or effort to promote goodness

    placate to soothe or pacify

    plastic able to be molded, altered, or bent

    plethora excesspragmatic practical as opposed to idealistic

    precipitateto throw violently or bring about abruptly; lacking


    prevaricate to lie or deviate from the truth

    pristine fresh and clean; uncorrupted

    prodigal lavish, wasteful

    proliferate to increase in number quickly

    propitiate to conciliate; to appease

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    propriety correct behavior; obedience to rules and customsprudence wisdom, caution, or restraint

    pungent sharp and irritating to the senses

    quiescent motionless

    rarefy to make thinner or sparser

    repudiate to reject the validity of

    reticent silent, reserved

    rhetoric effective writing or speakingsatiate to satisfy fully or overindulge

    soporific causing sleep or lethargy

    specious deceptively attractive; seemingly plausible but fallacious

    stigma a mark of shame or discredit

    stolid unemotional; lacking sensitivity

    sublime lofty or grand

    tacit done without using wordstaciturn silent, not talkative

    tirade long, harsh speech or verbal attack

    torpor extreme mental and physical sluggishness

    transitory temporary, lasting a brief time

    vacillate to sway physically; to be indecisive

    venerate to respect deeply

    veracity filled with truth and accuracy

    verbose wordyvex to annoy

    volatile easily aroused or changeable; lively or explosive

    waver to fluctuate between choices

    whimsical acting in a fanciful or capricious manner; unpredictable

    zeal passion, excitement

    abate to decrease; reduce

    abdicate to give up a position, right, or poweraberrant deviating from what is normal

    abeyance temporary suppression or suspension

    abject miserable; pitiful

    abjure to reject; abandon formally

    abscissionthe act of cutting; the natural separation of a leaf or

    other part of a plant

    abscond to depart secretlyabstemious moderate in appetite

    abstinence the giving up of certain pleasures

    abysmal very bad

    accretion growth in size or increase in amount

    accrue to accumulate; grow by additions

    adamant uncompromising; unyielding

    adjunct something added, attached, or joined

    admonish to caution or reprimand

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    adulterate to corrupt or make impureaesthetic relating to beauty or the arts

    affected pretentious; phony

    affinity fondness; liking; similarity

    aggrandize to make larger or greater

    aggregate amounting to a whole; total

    alacrity cheerful willingness; eagerness; speed

    alchemymedieval chemical philosophy based on changing metalinto gold; a seemingly magical power or process of


    allay to lessen; ease; soothe

    alleviate to relieve; improve partially

    alloy a combination; a mixture of two or more metals

    allure the power to entice by charm

    amalgamate to combine into a unified wholeambiguous unclear or doubtful in meaning

    ambivalence the state of having conflicting emotional attitudes

    ambrosia something delicious; the food of the gods

    ameliorate to improve

    amenable agreeable; cooperative; suited

    amenity something that increases comfort

    amulet ornament worn as a charm against evil spiritsanachronism something out of the proper time

    analgesic medication that reduces or eliminates pain

    analogous comparable

    anarchy absence of government; state of disorder

    anodyne something that calms or soothes pain

    anomalous irregular; deviating from the norm

    antecedent something that comes before

    antediluvian prehistoricantipathy dislike; hostility

    apathy indifference

    apex the highest point

    apogeethe point in an orbit most distant from the body being

    orbited; the highest point

    apothegm a terse, witty saying

    appease to calm, pacify, placateappellation name

    apposite strikingly appropriate and relevant

    apprise to inform

    approbation praise, approval

    appropriate to take possession of for one's own use; confiscate

    apropos relevant

    arabesqueornate design featuring intertwined curves; a balletposition in which one leg is extended in back while the

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    other supports the weight of the bodyarcheology the study of material evidence of past human life

    ardor great emotion or passion

    arduous extremely difficult; laborious

    argot a specialized vocabulary used by a group

    arrest to stop; to seize

    artifact item made by human craft

    artless guileless; naturalascetic one who practices self-denial

    asperity severity; harshness; irritability

    aspersion slander; false rumor

    assiduous diligent; hard-working

    assuage to make less severe

    astringent harsh; severe

    asylum place of refuge or shelter


    in biology, the reappearance of a characteristic in an

    organism after several generations of absence; individual

    or a part that exhibits atavism; return of a trait after a

    period of absence

    attenuate to weaken

    audacious bold; daring

    austere stern; unadorned; simpleautonomous self-governing; independent

    avarice greed

    aver to affirm; declare to be true

    avocation secondary occupation

    avuncular like an uncle, benevolent and tolerant

    axiomatic taken for granted; self-evident truth

    bacchanalianpertaining to riotous or drunken festivity; pertaining to

    revelrybanal commonplace; trite

    banter playful conversation

    bard poet

    bawdy obscene

    beatify to sanctify; to bless; to ascribe a virtue to

    bedizen to dress in a vulgar, showy manner

    behemoth huge creature; anything very large and powerfulbelie to contradict; misrepresent; give a false impression

    beneficent kindly; doing good

    bifurcate to divide into two parts

    blandishment flattery

    blase bored because of frequent indulgence; unconcerned

    bolster to give a boost to; prop up; support

    bombastic pompous; using inflated languageboorish rude; insensitive

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    bovine cowlikebrazen bold; shameless

    broach to mention for the first time

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