combining speech attributes for speech recognition jeremy morris november 9, 2006

Combining Speech Combining Speech Attributes for Attributes for Speech Recognition Speech Recognition Jeremy Morris Jeremy Morris November 9, 2006 November 9, 2006

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Page 1: Combining Speech Attributes for Speech Recognition Jeremy Morris November 9, 2006

Combining Speech Combining Speech Attributes for Speech Attributes for Speech


Jeremy MorrisJeremy Morris

November 9, 2006November 9, 2006

Page 2: Combining Speech Attributes for Speech Recognition Jeremy Morris November 9, 2006


►Problem Statement (Motivation)Problem Statement (Motivation)►Conditional Random FieldsConditional Random Fields►Experiments & ResultsExperiments & Results►Future WorkFuture Work

Page 3: Combining Speech Attributes for Speech Recognition Jeremy Morris November 9, 2006

Problem StatementProblem Statement

►Developed as part of the ASAT Project Automatic Speech Attribute Transcription Project to build tools to extract and parse

speech attributes from a speech signal

►Goal: Develop a system for bottom-up speech recognition using 'speech attributes'

Page 4: Combining Speech Attributes for Speech Recognition Jeremy Morris November 9, 2006

Speech Attributes?Speech Attributes?

►Any information that could be useful for recognizing the spoken language Phonetic attributes

►Consonants have manner, place of articulation, voicing

►Vowels have height, frontness, roundness, tenseness

►Speaker attributes (gender, age, etc.)

Any other useful attributes that could be used for speech recognition

/d/manner: stop

place of artic: dentalvoicing: voiced

/t/manner: stop

place of artic: dentalvoicing: unvoiced

/iy/height: high

frontness: frontroundness: nonround

tenseness: tense

/ae/height: low

frontness: frontroundness: nonround

tenseness: tense

Page 5: Combining Speech Attributes for Speech Recognition Jeremy Morris November 9, 2006
Page 6: Combining Speech Attributes for Speech Recognition Jeremy Morris November 9, 2006

Feature CombinationFeature Combination

►Our piece of this project is to find ways to combine speech attributes together and use them to recognize language Other groups are working on finding Other groups are working on finding

features to extract and methods of features to extract and methods of extracting themextracting them

Note that there is no guarantee that attributes will be independent of each other

In fact, many attributes will be strongly In fact, many attributes will be strongly correllated or dependent on other attributes correllated or dependent on other attributes ►e.g. voicing for vowelse.g. voicing for vowels

Page 7: Combining Speech Attributes for Speech Recognition Jeremy Morris November 9, 2006

Evidence Combination

►Two basic ways to build hypotheses





Top Down

Generate a hypothesis

See if the data fits the hypothesis

Bottom Up

Examine the data

Search for a hypothesisthat fits

Page 8: Combining Speech Attributes for Speech Recognition Jeremy Morris November 9, 2006

Top DownTop Down

►Traditional Automated Speech Recogintion Systems (ASR) use a top-down approach Hypothesis is the phone we are

predicting Data is some encoding of the

acoustic speech signal A likelihood of the signal given the

phone label is learned from data A prior probability for the phone

label is learned from the data These are combined through Bayes These are combined through Bayes

Rule to give us the posterior Rule to give us the posterior probability P(label | data)probability P(label | data)





Page 9: Combining Speech Attributes for Speech Recognition Jeremy Morris November 9, 2006

Bottom Up

►Bottom-up models have the same high-level goal – determine the label from the observation But instead of a likelihood, the

posterior probability P(label | data) is learned directly from the data

►Neural Networks can be used to learn probabilities in this manner




Page 10: Combining Speech Attributes for Speech Recognition Jeremy Morris November 9, 2006

Speech is a SequenceSpeech is a Sequence

►Speech is not a single, independent event It is a combination of multiple events over time

►A model to recognize spoken language should take into account dependencies across time

/k/ /k/ /iy/ /iy/ /iy/

Page 11: Combining Speech Attributes for Speech Recognition Jeremy Morris November 9, 2006

Speech is a SequenceSpeech is a Sequence

►A top down model can be extended into a time sequence as a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) Now our likelihood of the data is over the

entire sequence instead of a single phone

/k/ /k/ /iy/ /iy/ /iy/


Page 12: Combining Speech Attributes for Speech Recognition Jeremy Morris November 9, 2006

Conditional Random FieldsConditional Random Fields

►A form of discriminative modelling Has been used successfully in various

domains such as part of speech tagging and other Natural Language Processing tasks

►Processes evidence bottom-up Combines multiple features of the data Builds the probability P( sequence | data)

Page 13: Combining Speech Attributes for Speech Recognition Jeremy Morris November 9, 2006

Conditional Random FieldsConditional Random Fields

►Conceptual Overview Each attribute of the data we are trying to model

fits into a feature function that associates the attribute and a possible label►A positive value if the attribute appears in the data►A zero value if the attribute is not in the data

Each feature function carries a weight that gives the strength of that feature function for the proposed label►High positive weights indicate a good association

between the feature and the proposed label►High negative weights indicate a negative association

between the feature and the proposed label►Weights close to zero indicate the feature has little or

no impact on the identity of the label

Page 14: Combining Speech Attributes for Speech Recognition Jeremy Morris November 9, 2006

Conditional Random FieldsConditional Random Fields

►CRFs have transition feature functions and state feature functions Transition functions add associations between

transitions from one label to another State functions help determine the identity of the


/k/ /k/ /iy/ /iy/ /iy/


Page 15: Combining Speech Attributes for Speech Recognition Jeremy Morris November 9, 2006

Conditional Random FieldsConditional Random Fields






xyP t i jttjjtii

State Feature Function

Association of an attribute witha phone label

e.g. f(P(stop), /k/)

State Feature Weight

Indicates the strength of theassociation of this attribute

with this label

Transition Feature Function

Association of an attribute with aphone-to-phone transition

e.g. g(attr, /iy/,/k/)

Transition Feature Weight

Indicates the strength ofthe association of this

attribute with this transition

Page 16: Combining Speech Attributes for Speech Recognition Jeremy Morris November 9, 2006


►Goal: Implement a Conditional Random Field Model on speech attribute data Perform phone recognition Compare results to those obtained via a Tandem


►Experimental Data TIMIT read speech corpus Moderate-sized corpus of clean, prompted speech,

complete with phonetic-level transcriptions

Page 17: Combining Speech Attributes for Speech Recognition Jeremy Morris November 9, 2006

Attribute SelectionAttribute Selection►Attribute Detectors

Built using ICSI QuickNet Neural Network software

►Two different types of attributes Phonological feature detectors

►Place, Manner, Voicing, Vowel Height, Backness, etc.►Features are grouped into eight classes, with each class

having a variable number of possible values based on the IPA phonetic chart

Phone detectors►Neural networks output based on the phone labels –

one output per label Classifiers were trained on 2960 utterances from

the TIMIT training set►Uses extracted 12Uses extracted 12thth order PLP coefficients (i.e. order PLP coefficients (i.e.

frequency coefficients) in a 9 frame window as inputs to frequency coefficients) in a 9 frame window as inputs to the neural networksthe neural networks

Page 18: Combining Speech Attributes for Speech Recognition Jeremy Morris November 9, 2006
Page 19: Combining Speech Attributes for Speech Recognition Jeremy Morris November 9, 2006

Experimental SetupExperimental Setup

►Code built on the Java CRF toolkit on Sourceforge Performs training to maximize the log-

likelihood of the training set with respect to the model►Does this via gradient descent – find the place

where the gradient of the log-likelihood function goes to zero

Page 20: Combining Speech Attributes for Speech Recognition Jeremy Morris November 9, 2006

Experimental SetupExperimental Setup

► Output from the Neural Nets are themselves treated as feature functions for the observed sequence Each attribute/label combination gives us a value for one

feature function►We also use a bias feature for each label

Currently, all combinations of features and labels are used as feature functions► e.g. f(P(stop),/t/), f(P(stop),/ae/), etc.

Phone class features are used in the same mannerPhone class features are used in the same manner► e.g f(P(/t/), /t/), f(P(/t/), /ae/), etc.e.g f(P(/t/), /t/), f(P(/t/), /ae/), etc.

Transition features use only a 0/1 bias featureTransition features use only a 0/1 bias feature► 1 if the transition occurs at that timeframe in the training set1 if the transition occurs at that timeframe in the training set► 0 if the transition does not occur at that timeframe in the training 0 if the transition does not occur at that timeframe in the training


► For comparison purposes, we compare to a baseline For comparison purposes, we compare to a baseline HMM-trained system that uses decorrellated features as HMM-trained system that uses decorrellated features as inputsinputs

Page 21: Combining Speech Attributes for Speech Recognition Jeremy Morris November 9, 2006

Initial ResultsInitial ResultsModelModel Label SpaceLabel Space Phone Phone

Recog Recog AccuracyAccuracy

HMM (phones)HMM (phones) triphonestriphones 67.32%67.32%

CRF (phones)CRF (phones) monophonesmonophones 67.27%67.27%

HMM (features)HMM (features) triphonestriphones 66.69%66.69%

CRF (features)CRF (features) monophonesmonophones 65.25%65.25%

HMM (phones/feas) HMM (phones/feas) (top 39)(top 39)

triphonestriphones 67.96%67.96%

CRF (phones/feas)CRF (phones/feas) monophonesmonophones 68.00%68.00%

Page 22: Combining Speech Attributes for Speech Recognition Jeremy Morris November 9, 2006

Experimental SetupExperimental Setup

► Initial CRF experiments show results Initial CRF experiments show results comparable to triphone HMM results with only comparable to triphone HMM results with only monophone labellingmonophone labelling No decorrellation of features neededNo decorrellation of features needed No assumptions about feature independenceNo assumptions about feature independence

► Comparison to HMM crippled in one way:Comparison to HMM crippled in one way: HMM training allowed for shifting of phone HMM training allowed for shifting of phone

boundaries during trainingboundaries during training CRF training used set phone boundaries for all CRF training used set phone boundaries for all


► Another experiment – train the CRF, realign Another experiment – train the CRF, realign training labels, then retrain on realigned labelstraining labels, then retrain on realigned labels

Page 23: Combining Speech Attributes for Speech Recognition Jeremy Morris November 9, 2006

Realignment ResultsRealignment ResultsModelModel Label SpaceLabel Space Phone Phone

Recog Recog AccuracyAccuracy

HMM (phones)HMM (phones) triphonestriphones 67.32%67.32%

CRF (phones) baseCRF (phones) base monophonesmonophones 67.27%67.27%

CRF (phones) CRF (phones) realignrealign

monophonesmonophones 69.63%69.63%

HMM (features)HMM (features) triphonestriphones 66.69%66.69%

CRF (features) baseCRF (features) base monophonesmonophones 65.25%65.25%

CRF (features) CRF (features) realignrealign

monophonesmonophones 67.52%67.52%

Page 24: Combining Speech Attributes for Speech Recognition Jeremy Morris November 9, 2006

Experimental SetupExperimental Setup

►CRFs can also make use of features on CRFs can also make use of features on the transitionsthe transitions For the initial experiments, transition feature For the initial experiments, transition feature

functions only used bias features (e.g. 1 or 0 functions only used bias features (e.g. 1 or 0 based on label in the training corpus)based on label in the training corpus)

►What if the phone classifications were What if the phone classifications were used as the state features, and the used as the state features, and the feature classes were used as transition feature classes were used as transition features?features? Linguistic observation – feature spreading Linguistic observation – feature spreading

from phone to phonefrom phone to phone

Page 25: Combining Speech Attributes for Speech Recognition Jeremy Morris November 9, 2006

Realignment ResultsRealignment ResultsModelModel Label SpaceLabel Space Phone Phone

Recog Recog AccuracyAccuracy

CRF (phones) baseCRF (phones) base monophonesmonophones 67.27%67.27%

CRF (phones) CRF (phones) realignrealign

monophonesmonophones 69.63%69.63%

CRF (features) baseCRF (features) base monophonesmonophones 65.25%65.25%

CRF (features) CRF (features) realignrealign

monophonesmonophones 67.52%67.52%

CRF (p+f) baseCRF (p+f) base monophonesmonophones 68.00%68.00%

CRF (p + trans f) CRF (p + trans f) basebase

monophonesmonophones 69.49%69.49%

CRF (p + trans f) CRF (p + trans f) alignalign

monophonesmonophones 70.86%70.86%

Page 26: Combining Speech Attributes for Speech Recognition Jeremy Morris November 9, 2006

Discussion & Future WorkDiscussion & Future Work► This seems to be a good model for the type of This seems to be a good model for the type of

feature combination we want to performfeature combination we want to perform Makes use of arbitrary, possibly correllated featuresMakes use of arbitrary, possibly correllated features Results on phone recognition task comparable or superior Results on phone recognition task comparable or superior

to the alternative sequence model (HMM)to the alternative sequence model (HMM)► Future WorkFuture Work

New featuresNew features► What kinds of features can we add to improve our transitions?What kinds of features can we add to improve our transitions?► We hope to get more from the other research groupsWe hope to get more from the other research groups

New training methodsNew training methods► Faster algorithms than the gradient descent method exist and Faster algorithms than the gradient descent method exist and

need to be testedneed to be tested Word recogntionWord recogntion

► We are thinking about how to model word recogntion in this We are thinking about how to model word recogntion in this frameworkframework

Larger corporaLarger corpora► TIMIT is a comparably small corpus – we are looking to move TIMIT is a comparably small corpus – we are looking to move

to something biggerto something bigger