combat infections regulate body temperature transport nutrients, oxygen and metabolic wastes


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Post on 28-Dec-2015




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Functions of BloodCombat infectionsRegulate body temperatureTransport nutrients, oxygen and metabolic wastes

Blood Cells

Originate in bone marrowCome from parent stem cells which mature into the various types of blood cells

Blood ComponentsPlasma55% of blood is plasma91% water, 7% proteins, 2% other

PlasmaWaterMaintains volume and pressureTransports nutrients and wastesProteinsAlbium, fibrinogen, immunoglobulinsOtherSalts, oxygen, carbon dioxide, fats, glucose, amino acids, nitrogenous wastes, hormones and vitamins

Formed ElementsRed Blood CellsWhite Blood Cells Platelets

Red Blood CellsErythrocytes when mature lose nucleus and become biconcaveHaemoglobin transports oxygen, carbon dioxide and hydrogen ionsAntigens on red blood cells determines blood typesRed Blood Cell ProductionLiver and kidneys are sensitive to low oxygen levelsKidneys release REF and Liver releases globulins when oxygen in blood is lowCauses production of erythropoietinErythropoietin stimulates stem cells in bone marrow to increase production of RBCs

White Blood CellsGranular LeukocytesBasophilsEosinophilsNeutrophils

Agranular LeukocytesLymphocytesMonocytes

White Blood Cells

PlateletsWhen platelets are damaged when impacting a damaged blood vessel it triggers the clotting process

Blood Typing

Blood Type AB -

Blood Type O +

Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn