columbia association newsletter - january 2014

Learn more about CA programs and activities at Monthly A PUBLICATION OF COLUMBIA ASSOCIATION CA JAN 2014 CA MONTHLY 1 2 CA Releases Second Quarter Finance Report for FY 2014 3 Sign Up This Month for CA Camps 8 Be a Part of Your Community Events with CA! Get Social It’s easier than ever to find us. Columbia Association with get the latest anytime at you can watch the videos online a weekly webcast. on what’s happening at this week @ CA By Aria White Connor Stay Fit & Have Fun with CA in 2014 Group Fitness Programs/Classes As you may already know, CA has three fitness facilities: Columbia Athletic Club, Columbia Gym and Supreme Sports Club. Each offers group fitness classes that give members a chance to socialize while participating in an exercise class taught by certified instructors. Classes range from basic aerobics to hip-hop dancing to kick boxing. And if you prefer something a little more low key, CA also has mind/body classes to relax you and get you in shape. In addition to yoga offerings, there are tai chi and Qigong (a less complex form of tai chi) classes. There are also some boot camp programs, aquatics programs and classes geared toward residents age 55 and over. Wellness Programs CA also offers wellness programs. There’s Columbia Optimal Health, a program focusing on exercise, nutrition and behavioral health; Fit Beginnings, a program focusing on exercise; WINN, an exercise program for mature adults ages 45 and older; and Columbia YouthFit, a program focusing on creating healthy families. Call 410-715-3128 for more information. Community Amenities CA provides several amenities to the Columbia community including pathways, tot lots, parks, picnic pavilions, basketball and tennis courts, and golf courses for residents and members to enjoy. Visit to learn about other amenities and services CA provides. M any of us have resolutions that we want to keep. Instead of dropping your new plans after they’ve barely begun, check out all of the options Columbia Association (CA) offers to help you stick with and reach your fitness and recreational goals. CA’s mission is to enhance the quality of life for people living and working in Columbia, and one of the ways to do that is to provide facilities and programs that help people get in shape and have fun so they can feel and look awesome!

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The Columbia Association's monthly newsletter for January 2014. This month's feature stories include Stay Fit & Have Fun with CA in 2014, CA Releases Second Quarter Finance Report for FY2014, CA 2014 Summer Camps, community events and more. For additional information, visit


Learn more about CA programs and activities



2 CA Releases SecondQuarter FinanceReport for FY 2014

3 Sign Up This Monthfor CA Camps

8 Be a Part of YourCommunity Events

withCA!Get Social

It’s easier than ever to find us.

Columbia Association with

get the latest

anytime at

you can watch thevideos online


on what’shappening at


By Aria White Connor

StayFit&HaveFun with CA in 2014

Group FitnessPrograms/ClassesAs you may already know, CAhas three fitness facilities:Columbia Athletic Club,Columbia Gym and SupremeSports Club. Each offers groupfitness classes that give membersa chance to socialize whileparticipating in an exercise classtaught by certified

instructors. Classes range from basic aerobicsto hip-hop dancing to kick boxing. And if youprefer something a little more low key, CAalso has mind/body classes to relax you andget you in shape. In addition to yogaofferings, there are tai chi and Qigong (a lesscomplex form of tai chi) classes. There arealso some boot camp programs, aquaticsprograms and classes geared toward residentsage 55 and over.

Wellness ProgramsCA also offers wellness programs. There’s ColumbiaOptimal Health, a program focusing on exercise, nutritionand behavioral health; Fit Beginnings, a program focusingon exercise; WINN, an exercise program for mature adults

ages 45 and older; and Columbia YouthFit, aprogram focusing on creating healthy families.Call 410-715-3128 for more information.

Community AmenitiesCA provides several amenities to the Columbiacommunity including pathways, tot lots, parks,picnic pavilions, basketball and tennis courts, andgolf courses for residents and members to enjoy.Visit to learnabout other amenities and services CA provides.

Many of us have resolutions that we want to keep. Instead ofdropping your new plans after they’ve barely begun, check out all

of the options Columbia Association (CA) offers to help you stick withand reach your fitness and recreational goals. CA’s mission is to enhance the quality of life for people livingand working in Columbia, and one of the ways to do that is toprovide facilities and programs that help people get in shapeand have fun so they can feel and look awesome!


Total operating expenses of $30.2million were 4.8 percent less than theamount budgeted, and $476,000, or 1.6percent, higher than the amount spent inthe same period in FY 13. We projectfinishing FY 14 with an increase in netassets of approximately $3.5 million. During the second quarter, the Finance

team restructured and formatted thequarterly Board Report and financialstatements, with the underlying changes inthe chart of accounts and subsidiarysystems, to accurately reflectthe new organizationalstructure. In addition, theFinance team is both leadingand supporting the beginning of the two-year budget process for fiscal years 2015and 2016. The Purchasing team continuesto actively support major projects such asthe new wellness facility construction, theHobbit’s Glen Golf Club Clubhouse,major pond reconstruction projects, etc.,as well as acting as contract administratorsfor projects throughout the organization.

Community Building and Open SpaceThe Community Building and Open SpaceService Bureau consists of Open SpaceManagement and Community Building,and includes the functions and divisions of

Landscape Services, Capital Improvements,Community Planning, WatershedManagement, Open Space ManagementAdministration, Land Maintenance, FleetMaintenance and RV Park.Noteworthy accomplishments during

the second quarter include substantialcompletioan of the Columbia DogPark;implementation of the first pathway signagepilot project in Wilde Lake and TownCenter; an award of $505,000 in grantsfrom the State of Maryland for watershedmanagement projects; completion of therestoration of the Patriot Lane Pond inOakland Mills and Homespun Pond inOwen Brown; completion of numerousAmericans with Disabilities Act (ADA)improvements at CA facility parking lots;development of a maintenance program forplantings in the water quality retrofitfacilities constructed to date; event support;initial training for the Weed Warriorprogram; start-up of the Columbia MarketAnalysis study; and continuation ofmonitoring the planning and developmentinitiatives in Columbia and updating the“Planning and Development Tracker.”The service bureau ended the second

quarter $1.2 million under budget, whichare positive results due to a combinationof greater than budgeted revenue andlower than budgeted spending.

Community ServicesThe Community Services Division finishedthe second quarter $133,000 favorably,with actual results less than what wasbudgeted. The positive variance isprimarily due to savings in operatingsupplies, rentals, repair and maintenanceand smaller savings throughout most ofthe expense lines.Some highlights of the second quarter

include: the Summer Lakefront Festivalattracting crowds of 400-500 people permovie night; School Age Servicescontinuing to develop programs tocombat childhood obesity; theInternational Exchange and Multiculturalprograms having a successful cuisineexchange with 17 participants from Cergy-Pontoise, France; the World LanguagesCafes being held monthly with more than100 participants each time; and the recentGhana Fest activity, held to celebrate CA’snew relationship with Tema, Ghana,attracting more than 700 people.The annual charge amount of

$2,834,000 provides support to villageassociations to fund village elections,covenant enforcement personnel, villageboard activities, community buildingmaintenance and community-buildingprograms and services that residents enjoyin the community centers.

Sales and MarketingCA’s Sales and Marketing team continuesto sell and promote memberships andprograms. Some of the highlights that willbe the focus of winter 2014 efforts include:• In September, the launch of the mobileapp highlighting CA pathways andfacilities was successful. Through the endof the second quarter, we hadapproximately 1,900 downloads.• We are developing ADA signage for allCA facilities and parking lots, as well asupdating interior and exterior signs.• We established a branding work team toexpand CA’s brand beyond Marketing.• We promoted golf and CA membershipsvia ESPN Radio during NFL Kickoff andUS Open and Masters Tournament.• The 6-Class Pass waspromoted in BeaconNewspaper, HowardCounty Senior Resourceguide, The BaltimoreSun’s Special “Social Security Guide” andthe 50+ Expo Program Guide.• CA was awarded “Partner of the Year”

by Howard County Tourism for ourefforts to promote CA facilities, programs,and our golf partner marketing.We partnered with Howard County

Tourism to promote golf clubs andColumbia SportsPark, provided marketingsupport to Get Active Howard Countyand Family Wellness Day and coordinatedour 50+ Expo exposure through theHoward County Office on Aging.

Sport and FitnessA number of new programs andhighlights occurred during the first twoquarters of FY 2014, including theopening of the 23 outdoor pools onMemorial Day weekend; hosting theannual KidsDay at Hopewell Pool;participating in the “World’s LargestSwim Lesson” and “Goggles forGuppies”; offering inexpensive lessonsand safety trainingthrough the “ColumbiaSwims” program, with124 participants; hostingthe summer Kidz Triathlon, with morethan 600 participants; offering theColumbia Neighborhood Swim Leagueto more than 2,400 participants with 14teams; launching the special 6-Class Passfor active adults ages 65 and older;offering group fitness outreach sessionsto various senior centers in Columbia andthe library to offer classes and programs;launching the new group fitnessprograms in the pavilion at StevensForest Pool; Beta testing a new,medically-based “BOOM” program thatallows participants to optimize theirability to increase lean body mass andmethodically burn fat; hosting a newskateboarding competition at theColumbia SkatePark; offering First Teeprograms with more than 700participants; and hosting the return ofthe “Rock Your Jeans” fitness program atSupreme Sports Club.The division completed the period

under budget, due mainly to two items:the timing of the payment of tickets forresale and Package Plan membershipincome. The Package Plan membershipincome is currently expected to end theyear approximately the same as FY 2013,but 3 percent less than what was budgeted.It is expected that the Sport and FitnessDivision will finish the year with financialresults that are lower than what wasbudgeted.


Finance Report

Released by CAfor FY2014

Organization-wide SummaryColumbia Association (CA) finished the second

quarter of FY 2014 with financial results $911,000

(or 5 percent) more than the amount budgeted, but

$211,000 less than the same period in FY 2013.

Total income of $49.3 million was slightly less than

what was budgeted for the period, and essentially

the same as compared to the same period in FY 13.

It’s never too early to get your kidsregistered for summer camp. Earlyregistration for Columbia Association’s (CA)2014 Summer Camps begins on Tuesday,Jan. 21. Pay in full by April 1 and receive

20 percent off your entire camp balance.New camps this year include Mini Discoveries,

for ages 3½ to 5; Best Swishes BasketballCamp, for grades 4-10; and Athletes Edge, for grades 4-12. CA also justadded CAMP EXTRA, fun and exciting activities, programs and trips thatwill be offered year round.For more information on registration or camps being offered for the

2014 camp season, call 410-715-3165.


The 10 villages inColumbia will beparticipating in a week ofservice from Jan. 20-24. Each village will behosting a different eventduring the week inconjunction with theHoward County Office ofHuman Rights MLKHoliday Commission’s“Day of Service” in honorof Martin Luther King Jr.Visit ColumbiaVillages.organd contact your localvillage communityassociation for exact timesand locations.

ColumbiaVillagesHostingWeek ofService


By Mary Weeks


& Save!Camps




PLANdiscussions, an interceptsurvey of older adults inColumbia, benchmarkinginterviews with expertsaround the country and astatistically validtelephone survey of theolder adult community.In addition, CA staffreviewed a number ofrecent studies, surveysand reports that alsoaddress the needs anddesires of the older adultcommunity.For additional

information, please


staff also will prepare acomment sheet to gatherideas and suggestionsfrom participants.Following these

meetings, CA will preparea revised draft that will bereviewed for approval bythe CA Board ofDirectors.Over the course of

this project, CA has useda number of differenttactics to identifyolder adults’ needs inColumbia. Thecommunity input hasincluded public meetingsand small group

first session will be heldfrom 10 a.m. to noon,while the second sessionis scheduled for 5 to 7p.m.; meeting contentwill be the same at bothsessions.An inclement weather

day has been set forTuesday, Jan. 14, at thesame times.These meetings will

review and discuss withthe community the planprocess, findings anddraft recommendations.The presentations will befollowed by a question-and-answer period. CA

FOR MORE THAN Ayear, a ColumbiaAssociation (CA) workteam has been developinga Comprehensive Plan forServing the Older AdultCommunity. Now thework team is gettingready to release its draftplan recommendations —and is seeking thecommunity’s feedback.A pair of public

meetings will be held onMonday, Jan. 13, atSlayton House, which islocated at 10400 CrossFox Lane in the WildeLake Village Center. The


Columbia Association (CA) is

pleased to announce that CA has

recently been selected as a great

workplace by The Baltimore Sun

and a healthy workplace by

Healthy Howard.

The Baltimore Sun placed CA on

its list of the Top 100 workplaces,

which was published on Dec. 8. This

award is based solely on employee

feedback, which was provided

through a survey conducted by

Workplace Dynamics L.L.P.

CA was also recently awarded a

gold certification from Healthy

Howard’s Healthy Workplaces

program. Those honored can

receive bronze, silver and gold


CA has now participated for four

of the program’s five years, also

earning bronze certifications in

2010 and 2011, and a silver

certification in 2012. Healthy

Howard recognized 74 Howard

County businesses this year; a total

of 21 received gold certifications.

CA has “a comprehensive wellness

program that educates, assists and

motivates individuals to engage in

healthier lifestyles,” said Healthy

Howard’s summary for CA.

Relax and Rejuvenatewith Haven on the Lake

CA Awarded Two Workplace Honors

By Mary Weeks

Columbia Association’s (CA) new mind-body wellness

retreat is coming soon to Town Center, overlooking Lake

Kittamaqundi. There have been some new developments

since we first announced this very exciting project to you. We

spoke with Rob Goldman, CA vice president, for an update.

Q. Are there any newdevelopments on the

project? What is the

construction timeline?

A. The project is on schedule.Howard Hughes Corporation

is scheduled to turn the

renovated space over to CA in

March and CA will then build

out and finish the space. A

September 2014 opening is

planned as scheduled.

Q. Has CA picked a name

for the new wellness retreat?

A. The mind-body wellness

retreat has been named

“Haven on the Lake.”

Q. CA has partnered withThe Still Point, a wellness

spa with current locations in

Clarksville and Takoma Park.

What types of services will

The Still Point be offering at

the new facility?

A. The Still Point will bedelivering a variety of

acupuncture sessions,

a number of holistic skin

treatments, a wide variety of

massage therapies, Reiki

and more. The Still Point also

will offer a proprietary line of

essential oils.

Q. How can peoplelearn more about Haven

on the Lake?

A. Currently, there is avideo online that provides

quite a bit of information

about Haven on the Lake.

You can access it at

You will soon see a lot more

communications about CA’s

new wellness retreat in a

variety of media locations. In

February 2014, CA will have

an information/sales trailer in

the parking lot of the American

City Building where you will be

able to get information about

the retreat and purchase

memberships and services.

For more information about

“Haven on the Lake,” email

[email protected].

• Thursday, Jan. 9, from 5 to 6 p.m., at Supreme SportsClub (7080 Deepage Drive, 410-381-7559).• Friday, Jan. 10, from 5 to 6 p.m., at Columbia AthleticClub (5435 Beaverkill Road, 410-730-6755).• Saturday, Jan. 11, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., at ColumbiaGym (6151 Daylong Lane, 410-531-8984).Please join us for this very exciting event that showcases

talented kids in the Howard County area. Contestants willreceive star treatment as they walk the red carpet. There willbe a halftime show, door prizes, giveaways and much more!Tickets can be purchased in advance at the KidSpace

locations or at the door. The cost is $10 for adults, $5 forkids and $25 for a family of four.For more information, contact Melissa Capo at

[email protected] or 410-715-3169.


Caitlin Ely: To stop buying brands that teston animals. Doing research the rest of thismonth so by Jan. 1 I can go cruelty free.Betty Bromwich Crader: To find and keepmy joy.Brandon Baker: To put off having a New Year's Resolution until next year.Elaine Huskies Chang: Get another lady huskies championship banner hung upat the Columbia Ice Rink.Jeanne Martin Lay: Volunteer more and complain less.Matthew Lynch: To have a quotepublished in an issue of CA Monthly.

Be sure to ‘Like’ us

WE LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU.Join us on Facebook for an ongoingconversation. Last month, we askedthe community about their New Year’sresolution. Check out some ofthe responses below.

ColumbiaVillage ElectionsComing Up in AprilBy Aria White Connor

InformationalSessionSISTER CITIES

When: Thursday, Jan


7-9 pmCA Headquart


How to get more info:For more information, or contact Laura Smit at 410-715-3162 or [email protected].

What: ColumbiaAssociation (CA) will be hosting aninformational session for parents and teensinterested in the SisterCities High SchoolExchange Program.

HERE IN COLUMBIA, the village elections arecoming up in a few months. Each of the 10 villages inColumbia has a village board that regulates the village’scovenants, organizes activities for residents anddetermines the architectural guidelines for the villageneighborhoods. In addition, each village also elects oneColumbia Council representative to serve as a member ofthe Columbia Association (CA) Board of Directors.Elections will be held on Saturday, April 26 in each

village. Election times and locations vary; and contact your local villagefor election times.

Columbia VillagesThe village community associations around Columbiaeach play an important role in the community. The villageboards direct the business affairs of the village communityassociation, so if there’s something you’d like to see moreof in your village, or an issue that you want solved, besure to vote or run for a position on the board yourself.

Columbia Council, a.k.aCA Board of DirectorsElections are also being held for the Columbia Council(CA Board), made up of one representative from eachvillage. The board reviews policies and budget matters,develops strategic initiatives for the association, addressescommunity issues and appoints the CA president. Sincethe CA Board is the governing body of CA, it’s essentialthat residents have a say in who sits on the board. to learn about additional volunteer andleadership opportunities with CA.

Does your child dance, sing, play aninstrument or have an amazing special talent?We would love to see him or her perform at ColumbiaAssociation’s (CA) KidSpace second annual StarliciousTalent Show taking place on Friday, Feb. 7, at 6 p.m., atColumbia Gym’s Youth Arena.The talent show is open to kids from Howard County

ages 7 to 13. Auditions are being held at all three of CA’sKidSpace locations; dates and times are listed below. Youmust register to audition:




COLUMBIA ASSOCIATION (CA) HAD A VERY BUSY FIRSTyear as an ENERGY STAR Partner with the U.S. EnvironmentalProtection Agency (EPA). CA worked aggressively to implementenergy efficiency upgrades in numerous facilities and also worked tocommunicate the benefits of ENERGY STAR programs to thecommunity. Effective energy management is an important way tolower utility costs, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improveoverall sustainability.CA is continually looking for opportunities to improve the

energy efficiency of its operations through equipment upgradesand optimizing how existing equipment isused. Efforts undertaken by CA include:• Replacing of metal halide light fixtures withhigh-efficiency fluorescent fixtures in the arenasat Columbia Athletic Club, Columbia Gym andSupreme Sports Club – reducing energy consumption by 50 percentand decreasing annual operating costs by more than $25,000.• Installing more than 1,000 energy-efficient lamps at the fitnessfacilities, Columbia Swim Center and Owen Brown Tennis Bubble– reducing energy consumption for lighting by 22 to 50 percent.• Installing high-efficiency condensing boilers and on-demandwater heaters at several pools and Stonehouse.• Conducting energy audits at Columbia Art Center, Stonehouseand several neighborhood centers.• Improving operating practices to ensure equipment is operatedefficiently and that energy consuming devices and equipment areturned off when not needed.• Designing new facilities, such as the Hobbit’s Glen Golf ClubClubhouse and the downtown mind-body wellness retreat, to beas energy efficient as possible.• Installing a 20kW solar photovoltaic system at Amherst Housethat will generate 23,000 kilowatt-hours of clean energy everyyear – equal to the consumption of two average homes. CA also worked closely with Baltimore Gas and Electric

(BGE) to promote various ENERGY STAR products andprograms that are available to help Columbia residents andbusinesses be more sustainable. CA strongly encourages allmembers of our community to explore these resources and takewhat steps they can to reduce energy consumption, fight climatechange and save money.For more information on BGE’s incentive programs for

residents and businesses, please go to For more information about ENERGY STAR, please go

SplashDownTeen Night Takeover

Looking Back ona Year of EnergyEfficiency andSustainability

Not only has SplashDown been

voted Favorite Place to Have a

Party by Maryland Family

Magazine, and one of the Top 10

Things to Do in the Washington Area

by The Washington Post, it’s also the

perfect place for teens to hang out on

a Friday night!

SplashDown Teen Nights are for

students from 6th grade through 9th

grade to splash around and take

unlimited SplashDown rides while

listening to music or live

entertainment. These events will be

held on the last Friday of each month,

from 7 to 9 p.m. The cost is $4 with a

valid Howard County school ID.

SplashDown consists of two 40-

foot high, 360-foot long slides that

twirl and swirl riders into a large

swimming pool. Meanwhile, those

seeking less splash but equal fun will

enjoy a diving well with a 1-meter

springboard and a jungle rope swing.

Grab a friend, or two, and come have

a splash of a time at Teen Nights!

Columbia Swim Center is located at

10400 Cross Fox Lane in Wilde

Lake. For more information on

SplashDown, call 410-730-7000.

By Jeremy Scharfenberg


Apply Now for CA’sMaggie J. Brown

COLUMBIA ASSOCIATION (CA) PRIDES ITSELF ON RECOGNIZINGTHOSE who give back to the community. For more than 20 years, CA has recognized

high school seniors for outstanding services to their community through its Maggie J.

Brown Spirit of Columbia Scholarship Award.

This year, up to six $2,500 scholarships will be awarded to May/June 2014 graduating high

school seniors who live on CA-assessed property or have a parent who works full time on

CA-assessed property; have a minimum of a “C” average; and have a demonstrated history

of voluntary service to the Columbia community.

Applications can be completed online by visiting Applications and required documents must be submitted by March 15, 2014.

Columbia Association employees, members of the CA Board of Directors or family members

of employees or members of the board are not eligible to receive the award.

For more information about the Maggie J. Brown Spirit of Columbia Scholarship Award,

please call 410-715-3161 or email [email protected].


Brian Dunn, Kings [email protected]

Michael Cornell, River [email protected]

Cynthia A.S.H. Coyle, Harper’s [email protected]

Nancy McCord, Wilde [email protected]

Gregg Schwind, Hickory [email protected]

Russell Swatek, Long [email protected]

Suzanne Waller, Town [email protected]

Andrew Stack, Owen [email protected]

Tom O’Connor, Dorsey’s [email protected]

Alex Hekimian, Oakland [email protected]


Board of Directors 2013-2014ColumbiaAssociation

At the Columbia Association (CA) Board of Directors meeting held onThursday, November 14, these recommendations for action were approved:

• The board approved the appointment of Ann Coren fromOwen Brown to the Watershed Advisory Committee.

• The next scheduled Board of Directors meetings will beheld on Thursdays, Jan. 9 and 23.

• Meetings are held at CA Headquarters, which is located at10221 Wincopin Circle, right across the street from The Mallin Columbia. Meetings begin at 7:30 p.m.

For current CA Board of Directors meeting minutes and agendas, Podcasts from board meetings are is alsoavailable at

CA Headquarters ......................................................410-715-3000CA Membership Service Center ..........................410-730-1801Aquatics Office..........................................................410-312-6332Columbia Art Center................................................410-730-0075Columbia Athletic Club...........................................410-730-6744Columbia Association Camps ..............................410-715-3165Columbia Gym............................................................410-531-0800Columbia Horse Center ..........................................301-776-5850Columbia Ice Rink ....................................................420-730-0322Columbia SportsPark/SkatePark ........................410-715-3054Columbia Swim Center ...........................................410-730-7000Columbia Teen Center ............................................410-992-3726Fairway Hills Golf Club ...........................................410-730-1112Hobbit’s Glen Golf Club ..........................................410-730-5980Inclement Weather Hotline...................................410-715-3154Indoor Tennis, Columbia Athletic Club .............410-720-0149Owen Brown Tennis Bubble..................................410-381-7255Supreme Sports Club ..............................................410-381-5355The Racquet Club at Hobbit’s Glen....................410-715-3080Wilde Lake Tennis Club ..........................................410-730-3767



January Visit to learn about more great events happening in Columbia!COMMUNITY EVENTS

Annual Food DriveNow-Jan 31 • 9am-5pmClaret Hall • 410-531-1749

Howard County PublicSchool System ExhibitionWed, Jan 8 • 5-8:30pm Columbia Art Center 410-730-0075

Starlicious AuditionsThu, Jan 9 • 5-6pm • SupremeSports Club • 410-715-3169

CA Board of DirectorsMeetingThu, Jan 9 • 7:30pmCA Headquarters 410-715-3000

Rainbow Theatre:“Fun with Pam and Rascal”Fri, Jan 10 • 10am • SlaytonHouse Theatre • 410-730-3987

Biggest Winner Kick-offSat, Jan 11 • 10:30am-1pmColumbia Gym Atrium [email protected]

Road Scholar Presentation(Registration required)Mon, Jan 13 • 11am • 6800Cradlerock Way • 410-381-0202

Comprehensive Plan forServing Older AdultsPublic MeetingMon, Jan 13 • 10am-12pmand 5-7pm • Slayton

OMCA Board MeetingTue, Jan 14 • 7:30pmThe Other Barn • 410-730-4610

Snack-n-SlideMon, Jan 20 • 12-4pmColumbia Swim Center 410-730-7000

Book DriveTue, Jan 21 • 10am-2pmClaret Hall • 410-531-1749

Reading with FriendsTue, Jan 21 • Various timesThe Barn • 410-730-4610

Community Day of ServiceTue, Jan 21 • 11am-2pmLong Reach Community Association • 410-730-8113

Blood DriveWed, Jan 22 • 2-7:30pm6800 Cradlerock Way


Cardmaking for SoldiersThu, Jan 23 • 7pm Kahler Hall • 410-730-0770

CA Board of DirectorsMeetingThu, Jan 23 • 7:30pmCA Headquarters • 410-715-3000

Family Fun BingoFri, Jan 24 • 7:30-9pmAmherst House • 410-381-9600

Mommy and Me ArtPlay Drop-InSun, Jan 26 • 1-2:30pmColumbia Art Center 410-730-0075

Camp ExpoSun, Jan 26 • 2:30-5pmKahler Hall • 410-730-0770

Afternoon Tea at Historic OaklandSun, Jan 26 • 3:30-5pmHistoric Oakland Manor 410-730-4744

Community EducationMeetingTue, Jan 28 • 7-8:30pm Slayton House • 410-730-4744

SplashDown Teen NightFri, Jan 31 • 7-9pm Columbia Swim Center 410-730-7000

Family BingoFri, Jan 31 • 7:30-9pmThe Hawthorn Center 410-730-7327

SAVE THE DATE: FreeGardening SeminarThu, Feb 6 • 7:30-9pm �Amherst House • 410-381-9600