colour guide 2008

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  • 5/11/2018 Colour Guide 2008


    ,~.~B ridge of Wei r


    High PerformanceLeather Collection

  • 5/11/2018 Colour Guide 2008


    Skye Organically tanned high performance leather Caledonian

    Skye Organically tannedHigh performance leatherIn its on-going endeavour to reduceenvironmental impact, Bridge of Weir haspioneered organically tanned leatherproduction. Its new range, Skye, is ful lybiodegradable and sustainably made from arenewable resource. it is the latest advance inorganic tanning, reflecting the company'senvironmental awareness and emphasising itsdetermination to work in harmony with thenatural world.This is a natural, full-grain material, benefitingfrom techniques and processes that Bridge ofWeir has pioneered. It is a remarkably soft andsupple, heavy weight, high performance leather,suitable for a number of apllications. This newrange uses the latest technologicaldevelopments, but is grounded on a traditionalskills' base and the experience of a century ofchanging practices and social demand.The leathers in the Skye range aremanufactured to a thickness of 1.3 - 1.5 mm,are referenced by SK codeslnumbers andcomply with the following specifications:BS 6608 Grade SD/L, BS EN 1021 and IgnitionSource (crib) 5. See Technical Specificationsoverleaf for full details of this product.

    SK06 Soft Beige

    SK07 Linen White

    CaledonianHigh performance leatherThis soft but durable leather is a ful l-grmaterial with all the natural characteristigenuine leather. With its protective finisexcellent wear properties and light fastCarefully selected from the finest northEuropean cattle breeds for size and qugrain, the leathers are produced to a htechnical standard and are therefore idwide range of applications. This suppleis particularly suited to luxury applicatiodurability and performance are prerequEach colour in the Caledonian range utesting to ensure that the requirementstarget industries are met. The tanninghas been modified to add additional soand naturalness, while the protective fibeen enhanced.The leathers in the Caledonian range amanufactured to a thickness of 1.2 - 1are referenced by CA and CL codes/nuand comply with the following specificaBS 6608 Grade SD/L, BS EN 1021, IgSource (crib) 5 and MED - Marine EquDirective. See Technical Specificationsfor full details of this product.

  • 5/11/2018 Colour Guide 2008


    Caledonian High performance leather

    CL31 BirchL105 Satin

    The samples shown in this colour guide arerepresentative samples of our stock colours.We understand that due to the size of thesamples it may be diff icult to envisage grainpatterns and surface finishes. Therefore, forlarger samples of any of the colours shown,please telephone our Sales Department quotingthe product code/colour name.Bridge of Weir Leather reserves the right todiscontinue colours without prior notice.

    Bespoke ColoursCustom colours can be matched to suitindividual customer requirements, subject tomanufacturing feasibility. Production lead time isnormally 4 weeks from colour approval.Order samples and hides:Online at to [email protected] +44 (0)1505 690 308Phone +44 (0)1505 615 501

    CLS7 Vanilla Cl35 Soft White

    CL100 Foundation

    men : '; L 1 ~ Magn

    Gree[email protected]:[email protected]://
  • 5/11/2018 Colour Guide 2008


    G rampian H ig h perfo rm ance leather

    GP01 Black

    GP11 Warm Beige GP10 Maple

  • 5/11/2018 Colour Guide 2008



    GP76 Lightstone Beige

    Perforated leatherOrders for perforated leather can be producedsubject to a delivery lead time. The perforatingmachine at Bridge of Weir perforates leather inhalf hides.Our minimum order for this is one full hideavailable as one half perforated and one halfplain or both halves perforated

    ~->~:~~~~::-:~':-~~': - ~ _ ~ I . : . " '"

    ~ . -~ \GP41 Doe

    GrampianHigh performance leatherPrimarily developed to provide high durabGrampian is a cost-effective, high-performleather. It is a versatile, l ightly-textured msuitable for a wide variety of applicat ions.Grampian range delivers high quali ty leatha vast choice of colours.Each colour in the Grampian range undertesting to ensure that the requirements otarget industries are met. The tanning prohas been modified to add addit ional softnand naturalness, while the protect ive f inisbeen enhanced.The leathers in the Grampian range aremanufactured to a thickness of 1.1 to 1.are referenced by GP codes/numbers ancomply with the following specifications:BS 6608 Grade SD/L, BS EN 1021, IgnitSource (crib) 5 and MED - Marine EquipmDirective. See Technical Specifications ovfor full details of this product.

  • 5/11/2018 Colour Guide 2008


    Bridge of Weir Leather CompanyFor over a hundred years Bridge of Weir leather has been used in theproduct ion of internat ionally-renowned, iconic i terns for thetransportat ion, furniture and fashion industries. Constantly chosen bysorne of the world 's rnost prestigious brands, the cornpany has beenresponsible for products for the fashion, furniture, contract design,autornotive, aviation and rnarine industries.The business takes advantage of the pure water and rich pastures ofScotland and its first - rate beef herds, and benefits frorn the skills of theenterprising local people but, although proud of its traditions and craftskills, it has always been cornrnitted to innovation and progress. Thishas resulted in Bridge of Weir developing quali ty leathers with extrernelyhighyerforrnance standards and also being cornrnitted to sorne of theindustry's rnost environrnentally-sound production policies.Bridge of Weir is proud to be associated with rnany of the world'sleading cornpanies. I t is deterrnined to rernain an organisation for whornchallenge is welcorne, for whorn creativity is a constant goal.Fine Scottish LeatherLeather rnay be ordered by the hide or by the square metre, Hidesnorrnally vary in size frorn 4.2 - 5.5 square metres, Minimurn order isone hide.The shape and size of a typical cattlehide is illustrated on the right.This diagram is of a typical hide rneasuring 48 square feet/4,46 squarernetres. 1 Linear Metre of 50" - 54" fabric equals approximately 18square feet or 1.67 square metres of leather.Natural CharacteristicsNo two hides are exactly the same. Characteristic marks of a hide'snatural origin are healed scars, neck growth marks, veins, abrasionsand areas of different fibre density or hair pore structure. In the first fewweeks of use, the leather may acquire perfectly natural creases andwrinkles. However leather will improve with age. Staying soft andsupple, it will develop a rich patina over the years.Availability and SamplingThe shades shown here represent those currently being rnanufactured.As we are constantly striving to update our colour ranges and improveour fin ishes we reserve the right to discontinue colours without notice.Please therefore check the availability of your chosen colour with theSales Office. Larger feeler pieces are available on request. If a colour isno longer available from stock, we will endeavour to find a closealternative or assist in rnatching your exact requirernents.Finally on receipt of your leather, please check its colour and generalsuitabili ty before cutting. No claim can be entertained after the leatherhas been cut.Ordering and DeliveryLeather is sold by quantity in hides or area in square metres and issupplied to the nearest hide over the area ordered. The minimumorder is one hide and a handling charge will be made for returns.Leather prices are subject to alteration at any time due to thepotentially volatile nature of the raw hide commodity market.Leather may be ordered online, by fax or telephone.Payrnent by Mastercard, Visa and Arnerican Express is accepted.For all orders for products shown on this card, a next day deliveryservice is normally available within the UK mainland for ordersplaced before 1400hrs, Monday to Friday. Goods despatched on aFriday shall be delivered on the following Monday.This delivery is subject to status.

    ForeShankor eShank

    Cen tr e L ineof Baskbone 1670mmS'.6"

    : ~~~~2280mm7'6"

    : Flank t l: reaHind HindShank B~tt 2050mm ~ Shank

    ie' ~rail 6'9"

    Care and MaintenanceLeather furniture in a normal contract and dornestic environrequires little maintenance although obviously leather in lighshades will need more attention. Regular care of leather doensure its lasting quality and some general rules for regularcleaning and maintenance are: Clean the leather with a soft damp cloth taking care notthe leather.

    For a rnore thorough treatment, use Bridge of WeirLEATHERCARE, a cleaning and conditioning maintenancefine leather, which is available direct from the Tannery.

    Do not use saddle soap, wax polishes or spray polishes. Do not use any product or any method of cleaning notrecornmended by the manufacturer.

    Avoid letting buckles, studs and zips corne into direct cowith the furniture.

    Avoid drying out the leather by taking extra care where theating or an open fireplace.

    The above cleaning instructions do NOT apply to Nubuck Sany other uncoated leather.

  • 5/11/2018 Colour Guide 2008


    Technical SpecificationsThe Skye, Caledonian and Grampian ranges featured on this card aremanufactured to comply with the requirements of BS 6608 Grade SOIL.Representative samples of Bridge of Weir leather when independentlytested have sat isfied the requirements of BS EN 1021 Part 1 (CigaretteTest) and Part 2 (Match Test); Schedule 4 part 1 Cigaret te Test andSchedule 5 part 1 Match Test (modifications of BS 5852:Part 1) of theFurnishings Fire Safety Regulations 1988 Amended 1989 and 1993.In addition representative samples of the Skye, Caledonian andGrampian ranges when tested by an independent laboratory have beenfound to sat isfy the requirements of Ignit ion Source (crib) 5 when usedin conjunction with the appropriate combustion modified foam.MEO Approval - The Caledonian and Grampian ranges of leather havebeen tested and shown to comply with the recommended criteria in thefollowing methods: IMO Resolution A.652 (16) and IMO ResolutionMSC.61 (67) Annex 1, Part 8.Bridge of Weir Leather Co. Ltd., is a Bri tish Standards Insti tuteregistered firm meet ing the requirements of Qual ity System BS EN ISO9001 , and has been approved by the Civi l Aviation Author ity tomanufacture and certify upholstery leather to meet the requirements ofCM Spec 8, Issue 2.

    Characteristics Minimum Performance StandardsEN ISO 116401 ISO 11641olour fastness to rubbing Staining and colour change:


    The ranges ident ified can be produced to the above CM speci ficationson request.The protective f inishes used on this leather are water based and containno cadmium pigments. The leather is PCP free and can be recycled.The EnvironmentBridge of Weir Leather Company is accredited BS EN ISO 14001 :1996, Environmental Management System.Bridge of Weir Leather operates a zero waste strategy and as amember of the Scottish Leather Group was awarded the Carbon TrustEnergy Efficiency AwardFor more detailed information please contact the Sales Office.

    Order samples and hides:Online at to [email protected] +44 (0)1505 690 308Phone +44 (0)1505 615 501

    Test Method

    1000 cycles, Min 4 grey scale500 cycles, Min 3 grey scale100 cycles, Min 4 grey scale

    Perspiration solution as definedin ISO 11641

    Colour fastness to light Min 6 blue wool scale ISO 105-B061 condo 3Cold crack resistance to finish < -30C (no finish cracks) EN ISO 17233:2002Finish adhesion Min 5 N/10mm ISO 11644

    Min 2 N/10mmDry adhesionWet adhesion

    Burning behaviour Max 75mm/min ISO 3795Flexing endurance 100,000 cycles (No finish cracks) EN ISO 5402:2002Tear strength Min 35N

    Min 25NSTD 1027.2711-3ogging Min 90%BS 3424: Part 11esistance to blocking

    method 6 of BS 3144: 1968EN ISO 3377-1 :2002

    Specimens shall separate without l if ting the weightand there shall be no visible damage to the surfaces

    Tension strength & elongation Min 12 N/mm'Between 35% to 60%

    ISO 3376

    Colour fastness to water spotting Not worse than slight damageISO 5470brasion 2,000 cycles I CS 10 I 500gr

    No rupture of the leather finish.EN ISO 17227eat shrinkage

    EN ISO 15700

    Migration Staining Min 4 grey scale EN ISO 3377-1Max area change 5% @ 168h 0,5 at 93C 2C

    03Mlklng bulln.".ln ..

    ofctimltlct,lnge[email protected]:[email protected]://
  • 5/11/2018 Colour Guide 2008


    . + .+~Bridge of W eir


    Bridge of Weir Leather Company LtdBaltic Works, Kilbarchan Road, Bridge of Weir, Renfrewshire PA11 3RH, Scotland

    Order samples and hides:Online at to [email protected]

    Fax +44 (0)1505 690 308Phone +44 (0)1505 615 501

    The paper in this document is produced using wood fibre fromsustainable forests and is fully recyclable and bio-degradable.It is Elemental Chlorine Free and is produced at a mill which

    holds IS014001 -Environrnental Certification.[email protected]:[email protected]://