color explosion front yard landscape design ·...


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Post on 03-Jun-2020




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Page 1: Color Explosion Front Yard Landscape Design · hissampledesignisbasedonatypical1,,butcanbeeasilyadaptedtotheunique dimensionsofyouryard.Thedesign,aspresented,will
Page 2: Color Explosion Front Yard Landscape Design · hissampledesignisbasedonatypical1,,butcanbeeasilyadaptedtotheunique dimensionsofyouryard.Thedesign,aspresented,will

his sample design is based on a typical 1,500 sq. ft. land-scape conversion, but can be easily adapted to the uniquedimensions of your yard. The design, as presented, willresult in a very dense and lush landscape. You may chooseto use fewer trees and plants depending on the size of yourproperty and the requirements of your budget.

The canopy coverage for the Color Explosion design isestimated at 141 percent at maturity. However, only a50 percent canopy coverage is required to qualify for theWater Smart Landscapes rebate program. To apply, submitan application and participate in a site review before makingany landscape changes or removing turf. Also, consult withyour Homeowner’s Association, if applicable, and check toensure your design complies with local drought codes. Formore information, log on to or call 258-SAVE.

This design incorporates a wide variety of plants to providelush, year-round color. Other landscape tips using thisdesign include:

� Allow room for trees in this landscape to attain theirmature size. Properly placed, trees can shade your home,reducing cooling demands in the warmer months.

� The Pink Muhly recommended in this design can growas wide as 3 feet and as tall as 5 feet, so allow room inyour landscape for these plants to mature. They createa striking border along a block wall and are hardyenough to withstand direct sunlight.

� Agaves come in many sizes. Be sure thevariety you choose is suitable for the space.

� Lantana and Verbena are available in widevarieties and make colorful groundcoversthat are excellent for covering sloped orterraced areas in your landscape. Lantanagoes dormant in winter so you may wantto combine them with evergreen plantsfor year-round color.

� Cat’s Claw is best planted as a creepingvine against a wall or trellis.

� Many plant varieties in this landscapedesign also can be planted in pots orcolorful containers that can be rearrangedto create a dynamic and changing land-scape. Consider running an existing dripline up through the bottom of the pot, sothat container plants can be watered usingyour existing drip irrigation system.

� New plants often need more water andcare in the beginning but once established,trees and shrubs respond better to fewerbut deeper drip waterings.

� This design incorporates ungrouted flag-stone to allow water and air to reach thesurrounding plant roots. Boulders anddecorative rocks are also incorporatedas part of this design. Check with localsuppliers or landscape companies to deter-mine the best product for your landscape.

For more information, log on to or call 258-SAVE.Si necesita esta información en español, por favor llame al 258-AGUA.

Page 3: Color Explosion Front Yard Landscape Design · hissampledesignisbasedonatypical1,,butcanbeeasilyadaptedtotheunique dimensionsofyouryard.Thedesign,aspresented,will


CHITALPA(Chitalpa tashkentensis)

CHINESE PISTACHE(Pistacia chinensis)


AUTUMN SAGE(Salvia greggii)

PINK INDIGO BUSH(Dalea pulchra)

DAMIANITA(Chrysactinia mexicana)

ANGELITA DAISY(Tetraneuris acaulis)



s CAT’S CLAW(Macfadyena unguis-cati)

LANTANA(Lantana Hybrid)

DALEA(Dalea capitata)

VERBENA(Verbena rigida)



PINK MUHLY(Muhlenbergia capillaris)

RED YUCCA(Hesperaloe parvif lora)

PENSTEMON(Penstemon species)

VARIEGATED AGAVE(Agave americana Medio-picta)

COW’S TONGUE PRICKLY PEAR(Opuntia linguiformis)


Page 4: Color Explosion Front Yard Landscape Design · hissampledesignisbasedonatypical1,,butcanbeeasilyadaptedtotheunique dimensionsofyouryard.Thedesign,aspresented,will







stone patio


Check the legend for informationon each plant. Look for the symboleither to the right or below the photo.

Design by Cassi Dawes, Southern Nevada American Society of Landscape Architects