colonial america lesson 2 the new england settlements

COLONIAL AMERICA Lesson Two: The New England Settlements

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Lesson Two: The New England Settlements

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RAP: The New England Settlements

1. Why were Roanoke Island and Jamestown set up?

2. In which area of the country was the Plymouth colony located? (think football team)

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RAP: The New England Settlements

1. Why were Roanoke Island and Jamestown set up?

For and economic venture

2. In which area of the country was the Plymouth colony located? (think football team)

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RAP: The New England Settlements

1. Why were Roanoke Island and Jamestown set up?

For and economic venture

2. In which area of the country was the Plymouth colony located? (think football team)

New England – Massachusetts, East Coast, Northeast

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Colonial AmericaNew England Colonies

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England wanted to be a world power and compete with France and Spain.

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Queen Elizabeth gave Sir Walter Raleigh permission to set up England’s first Colony in North America.

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The Colony on Roanoke Island was established to make money for England. It was an economic venture.

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The colony failed. The colonists also disappeared. This was called the “Lost Colony”.

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The Virginia Company of London was a group of English businessmen who were given permission by King James the First to build a settlement in North America to make money.

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The first permanent English settlement in North America (1607), Jamestown was an economic venture by the Virginia Company.

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John Smith took command of Jamestown so it would not fail.

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The English colonies were very different from each other.

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The 13 colonies that were settled were located up and down the east coast.

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The southern colonies, the middle colonies and the New England colonies had different geography, climates and economies.

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The social and political lives were also very different in each of the regions of the colonies.

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In England, people were being punished by the government because they didn’t follow the country’s religion which was controlled by The Church of England.

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These people wanted to separate from the Church of England. They were called separatists.

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Plymouth colony was settled by separatists from the Church of England who wanted to avoid religious persecution.

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William Bradford was governor of the Plymouth Colony. The colonists really liked him as their leader.

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Another group called the Puritans also wanted religious freedom. They wanted a place where they could follow their own religion.

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Puritans were very strict with their religious beliefs and they wanted to make changes in the Church of England.

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Massachusetts Bay Colony was settled by the Puritans for the same reasons as the Plymouth Colony. They wanted to avoid religious persecution.

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New England Geography is made up of the Appalachian Mountains, Boston Harbor, hilly terrain, rocky soil, and a jagged coastline.

United Streaming

United Streaming

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The New England Colonies had moderate summers and cold winters.

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The New England Colonies’ economy was supported by fishing, shipbuilding, trade, port cities, skilled craftsmen, and shopkeepers.


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The social life of the New England colonists was centered around the village and church. They were very religious.

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Town meetings were the center of political life in the New England Colonies.

United Streaming

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Plymouth, MA Pilgrims Plymouth Rock Church of

England Settled for

religious reasons 1620 Mayflower Mayflower


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Thirteen Colonies Map

Find the New England Colonies Massachusett

s Rhode Island New

Hampshire Connecticut

Color them blue

Label the key

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Massachusetts Bay, MA

Boston Puritans Settled for

religious reasons Eventually took

over the Plymouth Colony

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Summary: New England Settlements Take out 3 colors Highlight important terms (right hand side) –

make sure to highlight only the words Read the questions – label the questions as

directed Read passage Once done highlight vocabulary words in the

passage Find the answer to the question and label as

directed Answer the questions in your own words on the

back or underneath.

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Write a journal entry from the perspective of a Puritan settling in the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Include the motivations for leaving

England and the conditions they found when they arrived.