college english the making of a surgeon unit 6: 精读

Pre-reading Activiti es Background Informati on Expressions & Patter ns Exercises

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Pre-reading Activities

Background Information

Expressions & Patterns


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Pre-reading Questions

This article is written by Dr. William Nolen, a well-known American Surgeon and author. Dr. Nolen reveals to us in his article that, as a doctor, had gone a long way before he became a surgeon. Then, what quality, according to Dr. Nolen, is essential in the making of a surgeon and at what point of time does a doctor finally became a surgeon?

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Suggestions for pre-reading Qs

Albert Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany in 1879. In his early childhood he was slow to learn to talk and did not seem to be very bright. But by the time he was 14, he had taught himself advanced mathematics from textbooks. After his graduation from a technical school in Switzerland, he went to work first as a teacher, then in a government office.

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Background information

Three types of doctors1)General practitioners A general practitioner cares for patients

with all kinds of illness. He may not have any special training in any field of medicine, but develops a wide knowledge of all kinds of illness. He delivers babies, diagnoses diseases, perform surgery, and sets broken bones. The general practitioner often becomes extremely skillful in the art of medical practice.

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Three types of doctors2) Specialists Certain fields of medicine require advanced training

and skill. One specialist is the surgeon, who treats diseases by means of surgical operations.

Some doctors prefer to treat only certain kinds of illness, thus becoming specialists in their chosen fields. Other doctors often consult them when a patient needs their special skill and knowledge. For example, a general practitioner may refer a pregnant woman to an obstetrician. The obstetrician cares for her and delivers her baby. A pediatrician, who specialize in childhood diseases, then take over the care of the infant.

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Three types of doctors3) Researchers Some doctors do not practise medicine after they c

omplete medical training. They prefer to devote their time to medical research. These doctors often help teach future physicians in medical schools. At the same time, they use the laboratories and hospital facilities of the medical schools to conduct research programs.

Many medical researchers work in large hospital centers, while many physicians conduct research programs in addition to their private practices.

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Careers in medicine in the US To become a medical doctor in the US, one must att

end four years of college and receives a bachelor’s degree, followed by four years of medical school. Then he becomes an intern in a hospital and receives supervised practical training. As an intern, he has to “make rounds” with other doctors, visiting hospital patients. He is supposed to help give special treatment and answer emergency calls in the hospital at any time of day or night. Finally he becomes a resident at a hospital. Like the intern, he learns by observing the work of others.

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Careers in medicine in the US But the resident has much more responsibility than

the intern. He often assist experienced surgeons during operations. In an emergency, he may take over the work of the staff surgeon.

Internship and residency combined take three to five years, depending on one’s area of specialization. Hospitals have several interns and many residents on their staff. A resident who is completing his/her residency period and who has thereby distinguished himself/herself is selected to be chief resident, a position of greater responsibility.

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Expressions and Patterns

the making of a surgeon How a surgeon comes into being.


the process of being made or coming into being

---The making of the English language is an interesting subject.

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Expressions and Patterns

Draw to a close

come to an end

---This semester is drawing to a close.

---The year soon drew to its close.

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Expressions and Patterns

conclude1) Arrives at a belief or opinion by reasoning ---The commander concluded, from the evide

nce, that the enemy fled north. ---The surgeons concluded that the patient wa

s too weak to be operated on.2) Come or bring to an end ---The Olympic Games is scheduled to conclu

de on August 23.

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Expressions and Patterns

conclude ---The professor concluded his lecture by sum

ming up the main points he had previously mentioned.

3) arrange; bring about ---The two countries concluded a peace treaty. ---Jim was all smiles since he had just conclu

ded a large contract with the local builder.

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Expressions and Patterns

surgical of, by, or for surgery

---Surgical masks and gloves prevent infection.

---The surgical patient was attended by two nurses.

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Expressions and Patterns

treat, cure:To treat someone medically is to accept him as a patient,

to diagnose his illness to help relieve it. To cure

someone( of an illness), on the other hand, is to bring him

back to health, stressing the positive result of medical

treatment. We can also say “to cure a disease”

meaning“ to get rid of a disease”.

Compare the following examples:

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Expressions and Patterns

Treat, cure:---Which doctors are treating her for her


---The bone fracture in the truck driver’s left leg was being carefully treated.

---This medicine should cure you of your cold.

--- Doctors and scientists may discover at any moment now how to cure cancer.

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Expressions and Patterns


sudden and dangerous happening needing immediate action

---an emergency exit/ door/ bell/ landing

---The president declared a state of emergency after the earthquake.

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Expressions and Patterns

Encounter, meet:Encounter is a synonym for meet. it is a

more formal word and strongly implies a

casual and unexpected meeting.

Compare the following examples:

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Expressions and Patterns

Encounter, meet:

---He promised to meet her at the airport.

---On the train I encountered ( or: chanced to meet) an old friend of mine who I hadn’t seen for years.

---He encountered many difficulties on his journey around the world.

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Expressions and Patterns

Critical(1) Important at a time of danger or difficulty ---Millions of people watch TV that night to

learn the critical decision. ---Heroes emerge at critical times in history. (2) fault-finding ---She blushed upon hearing those critical

remarks. ---My boss is always critical of me/ my


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Expressions and Patterns

particular (a.) (1) belonging to some person, thing, or

occasion. ---Scientists are now interested in this

particular planet since there seem to be some signs of life on it.

---The bus driver is usually polite, but in this particular case, he lost his temper.

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Expressions and Patterns

(2) Special ---The particular nature of this job keeps him

on guard all the time. ---Particular attention was given to the orphan

girl.(3) Hard to satisfy ---Women are usually particular as to what

they wear. ---British people are said to be very particular

about their food when they travel abroad.

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Expressions and Patterns

particular (n.) detail

---The design of a spaceship must be correct in every particular.

---Time is limited so don’t go into particulars now.

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Expressions and Patterns

Have trouble doing sth.

have difficulty doing sth.

---Such a pleasant girl as she has no trouble making friends with people.

---The boy has a lot of trouble getting up early in winter.

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Expressions and Patterns

Case(1) Instance of disease or injury ---There have been several cases of yellow fe

ver in the past month. ---Emergency cases must be treated first.(2) Actual state of affairs; instance of the occurren

ce of sth. ---That being the case, she has to cancel her


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Expressions and Patterns

Case(3) Question to be decided in a law court

---The jury will hear the case soon.

---The case is still under police investigation.

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Expressions and Patterns

relax become less tense ---His face relaxed in a smile. ---Hot bath helps people relax. ---Slowly he relaxed his grip on his

murderer and fell to the ground.

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Expressions and Patterns

constant (a.)

(1) happening all the time

---The rent is low because of the constant noise from the mill.

---Headache is her constant complaint.

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Expressions and Patterns

Constant (a.)(2) Remaining the same ---Temperature is at a constant 26 degrees in

this hotel. ---I wonder if love is constant.(3) faithful ---a constant friend/ company ---He alone remained constant to the quick-

tempered musician.

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Expressions and Patterns

constant (n.)

number or quantity that does not vary

---”G” is a gravitational constant in physics.

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Expressions and Patterns

resolve (v.)

(1) solve ---The dispute was resolved through

mediation.(2) decide ---He resolved that nothing would hold him


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Expressions and Patterns

resolve (n.) sth. that has been decided; decision

---On New Year’s Day, he made a resolve to go jogging twice a week. By March his resolve was so weakened that he jogged twice a month.

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Expressions and Patterns

live with accept( sth. unpleasant) ---Most of us don’t like the new regulations,

but we have to learn to live with them.

---You must live with the fact that you are no longer as healthy as you were.

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Expressions and Patterns

dwell on think about; speak or write a lot about

---Let bygones be bygones. Don’t dwell so much on the past.

---The speaker dwelt on that point for more than one hour.

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Expressions and Patterns

be bound to be certain to; be sure to

---You are bound to succeed if you keep trying.

---It’s bound to rain. Look! The clouds are gathering quickly.

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Expressions and Patterns

sound (1) correct; based on good judgment ---you can depend on her for a sound

judgment/ choice.(2) healthy; in good condition ---Her heart is as sound as a drum. ---I doubt if he is sound in his mind.

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Expressions and Patterns

confident sure of oneself and one’s abilities

---The applicant felt confident that he would be accepted.

---During the interview, the coach said he was confident of his team’s winning the game.

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Expressions and Patterns

handle (v.) (1) manage; deal with ---A manager must know how to handle

his men.(2) touch; take up ---Glass---handle with care.

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Expressions and Patterns

handle( v.)(3) operate; direct; train ---After two months’ training, the worker

now handles the medicine with ease.

---Napoleon is very good at handling troops

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Expressions and Patterns

handle( n.) Part of a tool, cup, bucket, door, drawer,

etc. by which it may be held in the hand

---the handle of a cup

---the handlebar of a bicycle

---a door handle

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Expressions and Patterns

butterflies in one’s stomach a feeling of fear or anxiety ---When the young man walked into the

office to see the headmaster, he had butterflies in his stomach.

---Whenever he gets up in front of his audience, he has butterflies in his stomach.

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Expressions and Patterns

anticipate see beforehand

---Analysts are anticipating a bull market.

---I anticipate having an enjoyable working relationship with you all.

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Expressions and Patterns

In advance ahead of time; beforehand---You have to pay the rent in advance.---Children with bad hearts must be

studied carefully so that the surgeon will know in advance what type of operation he will have to perform on them.

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Expressions and Patterns

sweat (v.) ( the body) give off moisture through

the skin; perspire---He sweated heavily during the

marathon race.---Let’s eat out. I don’t want to sweat

over the stove.

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Expressions and Patterns

sweat (n.) perspiration

---The sweat broke out on his forehead.

---We were all in a cold sweat over the test.

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Expressions and Patterns

inevitably unavoidably

---Death comes inevitably.

---Any toy the boy takes apart comes inevitably to a bad end.

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Expressions and Patterns

sit on neglect; do nothing about

---I sent in my application in good time, but the secretary sat on it for a month.

---We should not sit on those who need help.

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Expressions and Patterns

responsibility(1) Being responsible---A terrorist group claimed

responsibility for the suicide bomb.---The architect assumes responsibility

for designing the museum.---He shirks all responsibilities for the


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Expressions and Patterns

responsibility(2) duty

---His hair turned grey at the age of 40 as a result of his heavy official responsibilities.

---Every one of us should meet our parent-supporting responsibilities.

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Expressions and Patterns

avoidEscape; keep or get away from

---For fear of kidnappers, parents tell their children to avoid speaking to strangers in the street.

---Nurses speak in a low voice to avoid wakening the patient.

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Expressions and Patterns

chances are/ were( that)It is/ was likely that

---Chances are that he had already heard the news.

---Chances are that we will win the game.

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Expressions and Patterns

conceitedFull of pride in one’s power, abilities, etc.

---The conceited doctor behaved as if he were the greatest man in the world.

---The conceited rabbit was beaten by the turtle in their race.

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Expressions and Patterns

bother(vt.) annoy; trouble---I am sorry for bothering you with so many q

uestions.---Those flies bother me.(vi.) worry---That will be way out. Don’t bother about it.---I don’t see any reason for bothering with su

ch a petty matter.

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Expressions and Patterns

bother(n.) worry; trouble

---Did you have much bother in finding this address?

---What a lot of bother about nothing!

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Exercises Fill the blanks with the words or expressions given below.Change the form where necessary. operate on critical live with emergency constant particular in advance sweat open up avoid relax conclude case

1. In order to _____his creditors, he went into hiding.

avoid2. The doctors decided to ________Tom’s stomach to

remove the tumor. open up

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Exercises 3. The restless young patient _____ after being told there

was really nothing seriously wrong with him.


4. It is advisable to place important telephone numbers next to the phone in case of an ________.


5. From what I’d heard I _____Miss Noble must be very popular with her pupils.


6. I don’t enjoy hot weather in summer, but we have to ____ it, don’t we?

live with

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7. After an X-Ray was taken, I was told by the doctor that I had a _____ of pneumonia.

case8. Help arrived at the ________ moment when the

flood was about to drown the houses. critical9. Shall I just order beer, or is there some _____

drink you prefer? particular10. I could not tell whether he ____from heat or

from fear. was sweating

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11. The doctor _____ the injured man, removed his damaged lung.

operated on12. The unpopular mayor was under _____ attack in the


constant13. We should make our reservations as far _____ as

possible to get the flight we want.

in advance14. In theory, this sounds like a good idea; however, I

doubt that it will work ____. in practice

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Translate the following sentences into English.

1. 只要你不断努力,你迟早会解决这个难题的。 As long as you keep trying, you will be able to r

esolve the difficult problem sooner or later.

2. 我们预料我们的计划会受到抵制。 We anticipate encountering resistance to our pl


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Exercises Translate the following sentences intoEnglish. 3. 吉姆的朋友说他们那个城市的噪音污染十分严重,

但是他们只好忍着。 Jim’s friends said that the noise pollution in their

city was terrible, but they had to live with it.

4. 汤姆起初认为,凭他的知识、技术和经验,一定能找到一份称心如意的工作。

At first Tom thought that with his knowledge, skill and experience he was bound to find a satisfactory job.

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Translate the following sentences into English.

5. 冷静耐心处理这个微妙问题是明智的。 It would be wise to handle this delicate problem

with calmness and patience.

6. 迪克以为,如果他拆不开那台机器,那么很可能厂里别的工人也拆不开。

Dick thought that if he wasn’t able to take the machine apart, chances were that no other in the plant could, either.

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Exercises Translate the following sentences into English. 7. 你是否认为公共汽车司机应该对乘客的安全负完全

的责任? Do you think bus drivers should take full respon

sibilities for the passengers’ safety?

8. 你不必再去多想判断上的那些失误了,重要的是尽量避免再犯。

You needn’t dwell on your mistakes in judgment any more. What’s important is to try your best to avoid repeating them.