cold porcelain recipe instructions with pictures

This post was published to Inspired Creativity at 10:28:24 PM 4/13/2011 Cold Porcelain Recipe Instructions with Pictures Cold Porcelain (CP) can be purchased or made at home .There are several recipes online; it’s just a matter of finding the one that works for you. When making CP it is always good to remember that the recipe you are following works for the artist making it .Meaning they know their microwave power and so forth. Try the recipe and take note of how it came out and how long you cooked the cp. Taking notes is very important to reach the best cp every time you make it. Believe me I know. I have had it turn out to hard or to sticky a lot of times. (I never throw it away. I find I am able to use it in another area in the current form) I find the biggest problem with CP is cracking as it dries. The outside dries faster than the inside causing it to burst the outside layers. I usually am able to fix this .I wait for it to completely dry then takes my Cp and fill in the cracks, making sure it is smooth and as even as I can get it before I blend with my paint (another Tut for another day lol) so here is how I make my CP at home.

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Page 1: Cold Porcelain Recipe Instructions With Pictures

This post was published to Inspired Creativity at 10:28:24 PM 4/13/2011

Cold Porcelain Recipe Instructions with Pictures

Cold Porcelain (CP) can be purchased or made at home .There are several recipes online; it’s just a matter of finding the one that works for you. When making CP it is always good to remember that the recipe you are following works for the artist making it .Meaning they know their microwave power and so forth. Try the recipe and take note of how it came out and how long you cooked the cp. Taking notes is very important to reach the best cp every time you make it. Believe me I know. I have had it turn out to hard or to sticky a lot of times. (I never throw it away. I find I am able to use it in another area in the current form) I find the biggest problem with CP is cracking as it dries. The outside dries faster than the inside causing it to burst the outside layers. I usually am able to fix this .I wait for it to completely dry then takes my Cp and fill in the cracks, making sure it is smooth and as even as I can get it before I blend with my paint (another Tut for another day lol) so here is how I make my CP at home.

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Ingredients and Tools

2 cups cornstarch

2 cups white glue (school glue)

2 tsp baby oil

2 tsp lemon juice

Cold cream (not cooked into the recipe, this is to keep it from sticking to you and the bowl)

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NOTE: In the picture you see vinegar, but in this recipe I use lemon juice. This is a preventer so that your creations do not mold. You can use vinegar in place of lemon juice .I have not noted a difference in the outcome. I Placed it in the picture so you would know you can use in place of the lemon juice.



Measuring cup

Measuring spoon


Mixer with dough hook

Hand held mixer

Ziploc bag

NOTE: if you do not have a mixer with a dough hook you can knead the cp by hand to .It takes longer and is very hot to the hand. If Ii was kneading by hand I would knead it for about 14 minutes.



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Measure 2 cups of cornstarch and place in your bowl.

Then measure 2 cups white glue and pour on top of cornstarch.

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I like to give it a stir at this point to help break up the


I find it is less lumpy and easier to mix if I do this first.

Next add 2 Tbs of baby oil and 2 Tbs of lemon juice.

Now give it another good stir so the oil and juice is incorporated some in the mixture.

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Now using your hand help mixer you want to start at a slow speed and

work your way up to

medium making sure to move the mixer around to get everything blending proper.

Stop and stir so you have all the bottom dry cornstarch blended in .You

want to get is smooth as you can .

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Now place your bowl in microwave on high for 30

seconds. Take out and stir.

Figure 1-1st cook 30 seconds


Place back in microwave for 30 more seconds .Take out and stir.

Figure 2- 2nd time in microwave and stir

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Place back in microwave 30 seconds .Take out and stir.

Figure 3 - 3th cook and stir time

Repeat this process 5 more times .Below are images of what it looks like each time you cook it and stir.

Figure 4 - 4th cook and stir time

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Now some good clumps are starting to form

Figure 5-5th cook and stir time

See how the Cp is coming together to form a solid


Figure 6-6th cook and stir time

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Now it is really getting solid .But it is still to


Figure 73 - 7th cook and stir

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(8 cook time)See how solid it is and coming with the spoon as you stir? This is what you want.

It will be kind of hard to stir and that is just the way we want it.

Figure 8 -8th and final cook and stir

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The Kneading Instructions

Now take your stand mixer bowl and dough

hook and spread

Cold cream on them so the Cp will not stay stuck to them

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Place Cp in mixer bowl and with dough hook mix on speed 2 until it starts forming together away from sides

Figure *9- push down any Cp sticking to the sides

See how it is staying in the middle here ? Now I

knead for about 3 more minutes.

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Now test the Cp by pulling some out and rolling it

between fingers .

( Sorry pictures are blury I got cold cream on lens and didn’t know until I started writing this blog Tut ,lol)

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What you are looking for is a smooth texture that is not sticky. Or is not very sticky. If it sticks to your fingers you need to knead it some more.

If that is the case I usualy Knead it for 1 and half minutes until it reaches the smooth stage

Look here . It streatches with out breaking and is not stringy .That is just what I want. Remember each microwave and mixers are different so it might take longer or less. Take notes. If you record the disasters and sucesses you will be able to perfect your Cp Making .

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Now take a zip bag and place small amount of cold cream inside to keep your CP from sticking .

Take CP out of bowl and just give it a good knead with your hands to give it a bread loaf round shape

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( This is my poor old rusty freezer. But perfect area for Cp making mess. Just make sure my work area is keept covered with the plastic bag)

Now rub a little cold crean on the Cp loaf coating the whole loaf.

Put the Cp loaf in the cold cream coated bag .Remove as much of the air as you can ( Air will dry your CP out) .Tuck in the

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corners and roll till you get to the zip closer. Look and try to remove any remaining air then zip it up.

I use my Cp when it gets cold but some like to let it sit 24 hrs. If the CP gets water dew drops inside the bag ( due to heat of Cp when placed in bag ) just remove and pat water off Cp and out of bag. Replace Cp inside bag again removing as much air as you can.

That’s it! Now go and make something creative with you Cp!

And as always Have fun doing what you Love and Love what you are doing !!